Predictions of the Soviet schoolboy Lev Fedotov. Fedotov Lev


(b. 1923 - d. 1943)

A Moscow schoolboy who predicted the Nazi attack on the USSR, the course of World War II, and the American landing on the moon in 1969.

At all times and among all peoples there were soothsayers. There are, for example, professional predictors of the future who put themselves into a trance state “before the session” with the help of narcotic drugs. So, the priests of the American Mayan tribe drank the juice of the peyote cactus, northern shamans used fly agaric infusion, the ancient Greek oracles and Pythia intoxicated themselves with certain types of mineral waters or tectonic gases. But the Moscow schoolboy, who, perhaps, could become the second Nostradamus, made great predictions, not even suspecting what gift he was endowed with.

Leva Fedotov was born on January 10, 1923 in Moscow into a family of well-known communists and lived in the “House on the Embankment”, which was designed and built by the architect B. M. Iofan. Decades will pass, and the famous writer Yuri Trifonov will write the story "The House on the Embankment". The house on Bersenevskaya embankment, or Government House (popularly abbreviated as DOPR), was dressed in gray concrete. Up to 140 people lived in his 505 apartments of some people's commissars and deputy people's commissars. Most of of them will die during the years of repressions, and many of those who directly carried out the repressions and occupied the apartments of their victims in the house will also be destroyed later. Yagoda, Yezhov, Vyshinsky, Beria regularly visited here, and Stalin came occasionally. There lived Fotieva, Dimitrov, Poskrebyshev, Zemlyachka, Alliluyevs (there is a photograph where Svetlana Alliluyeva, Lyova Fedotov and Yura Trifonov with their sister Tanya are standing from left to right), who were constantly arrested; Milyptein, Kobulov, Chubar, Stasova, Kosarev, Lysenko, Stakhanov, Khrushchev, Mikoyans, Marshal Tukhachevsky, Marshal Zhukov, Stalin's children, adopted son of Voroshilov, prince and princess from Laos. In safe houses, "cuckoos", various foreign spies who worked for the USSR were hiding. Some apartments on the highest floors had access to the attic from the kitchens. The heroes of Spain, Yakov Smushkevich and Mikhail Koltsov, also lived in this House. In addition to their heroic qualities, they also became famous for the fact that they brought the first radiograms from Spain, and all the guys ran to dance to Roza Smushkevich. They played basketball in the yards and, of course, fought with “non-locals”. In fights, Levka caused terrible fear in his opponents - he simply “fell into a rage”, like the legendary berserkers.

Lyova Fedotov (whom Trifonov and Olga Kuchkina later wrote about) was the "genius of this place", and later became the prototype of one of the heroes of "House on the Embankment". He was a childhood friend of Trifonov. In general, there were four friends of them - Lyova Fedotov (aka Levikus, or Fedotik), Oleg Salkovsky (Salik, or Big Guy), Mikhail Korshunov (Mihikus, Mistihus, Stichius or even Himius) and Yura Trifonov (Juriskaus). They lived in the same house, studied at the same school and in the same class. The four of them, led by Leva, the guys stubbornly searched for an underground passage to the Kremlin. The initiator, as usual, was Levka. He, the smallest and most frail, fearlessly walked first along the narrow underground corridors, halls, together with his friends examined the terrible chambers with hooks and rings on the ceiling. Mikhail Korshunov recalled how “stubborn Levicus, this evolutionist Precambrian or Decombrian (Levin’s next nicknames in the class), this chronicler of the Earth, resting on the floor with galoshes, crawled and crawled, getting stuck and again moving forward, touching the bricks not only with his ears, but and nose. That's for sure. Oleg and I completely lost sight of Levka. Not even the light of his candle. And Levka got stuck completely, as it was supposed to be. And here Oleg and I began to pull our scientist by the rope, pull him out. The short coat was wrapped around his head, and Levka managed to pull it out with difficulty. Even the imperturbable Oleg got nervous while we were dragging Levka. What if the rope breaks? Or untie? Neither I nor even Oleg will reach Levka.

- He was suffocating! Oleg was worried even now.

“His candle is out,” I reminded my friend.

Of course, we pulled Leva out. Well, he had a video camera: all the dust of the Paleolithic, the entire geological calendar was on Levka - on his face, hair, on clothes.

“Probably, we moved in the wrong direction,” Lyova said, catching his breath.

More than six months after our secret event, Lyova wrote: “On the very first suitable evening, I decided to climb into the dungeon alone in order to fulfill all the same what I had planned back in the summer.” Here is Levka and his character. I went to the church, but, going down the crooked steps, I found a huge forged lock on the doors. What ended Fedotov's individual attempts to get into the Kremlin is unknown. There are no continuations of Levin's records. Notebook number VI is among the missing.

“He was so different from everyone! From his boyhood, he rapidly, passionately developed his personality in all directions, hastily absorbed all the sciences, all the arts, all books, all music, the whole world, as if he was afraid of being late somewhere. At the age of twelve, he lived with the feeling that he had very little time, and that he had to do an incredibly lot, ”his childhood friend Yuri Trifonov wrote about Fedotov. - He was especially fond of mineralogy, paleontology, oceanography, he painted beautifully, his watercolors were at the exhibition, he was in love with symphonic music, wrote novels in thick notebooks in calico bindings. I became addicted to writing novels thanks to Levka ... He was known at school as a local Humboldt, like Leonardo from the 7th "B".

His stories, fantasy novels and scientific treatises in the spirit of the encyclopedists XVIII century Levicus decorated with numerous drawings. Little of what was written in childhood has been preserved, but one of the stories tells about the "green cave" and the world of dinosaurs that exists deep underground. Arranged by Fedotik and literary competitions, competing in mastery of the word with the young Trifonov. Moreover, he established a yard Secret society test of will (TOIV), which could be entered only by walking along the railing of the balcony of the tenth floor. There were other crazy ideas too. In addition to walking along the railing, he tempered his will also by walking in short breeches in winter. One of the few, Leva pored over encyclopedias and kept diaries, which glorified him. Now it sounds almost unbelievable, but in the 30s of the XX century, in almost all apartments of the House, where there were teenagers, “feathers creaked”, from under which adventure stories, love stories or fantasy stories. The boys compose, competing with each other. And the whole company young geniuses"Leva was the leader - a talented boy who instilled in his comrades respect for books.

Fedotov's diaries came to light after the war. This is a total of 15 common numbered notebooks in which the boy wrote down interesting facts from his life and the lives of friends. And in them, among the described turbulent yard and school events on December 27, 1940, an interesting entry appears, which, perhaps, should be called the first prediction. Note that this was written by a young man who had yet to receive his Abitur.

"27th of December. Today we gathered again after school in the Komsomol little room to make a newspaper...

“We have played such a bagpipe here,” I said, looking at the newspaper, “that we could just as well promise the guys that we would organize a flight to Mars by the New Year!”

- What's a bad idea? Borka said. - If there was room, we could write about it ...

- ... Only then add, - I continued, - that due to the lack of flyovers and explosive powder, this flight is cancelled. And expected in 1969 in America!”

So, jokingly, Leva predicted the launch in 1969 of an American manned spaceship Apollo 11. He made a mistake only in the definition of the planet: Neil Armstrong stepped on the surface of the moon for the first time in the history of mankind. Of course, one can refer to a banal coincidence, and even with such an error, but subsequent records indicate that the prophet wrote. It is impossible to talk about coincidences here. After all, when the majority of Soviet citizens believed in the inviolability of the Soviet-German non-aggression pact, and the government urged “not to succumb to provocations,” Fedotov made an entry in his diary that “smelled” of espionage, anti-Sovietism and threatened, at least, with a camp.

“Although Germany is now on friendly terms with us, I am firmly convinced that all this is only an appearance. In this way, she thinks to lull our vigilance so that at the right moment she will stab us with a poisoned knife in the back ... Since the Germans landed in Finland in May, I have been firmly convinced that there is a secret preparation for an attack on our country only the former Poland, but also from Romania, Bulgaria and Finland ...

Thinking that, having stationed her troops near our border, Germany would not wait long, I gained confidence that the summer of this year in our country would be turbulent. I think that the war will begin either in the second half of this month, or at the beginning of July, but not later, because Germany will strive to end the war before frost. I am personally firmly convinced that this will be the last brazen step of the German despots, since they will not defeat us before winter. Victory is victory, but what we can lose in the first half of the war is a lot of territory, it is possible.

Honestly, the Nazis will never do. They will certainly not declare war on us, but will attack unexpectedly in order to seize more of our lands by a surprise invasion. No matter how hard it is, we will leave to the Germans such centers as Zhitomir, Vinnitsa, Pskov, Gomel and some others. Of course, we will surrender Minsk, the Germans can also capture Klev, but with exorbitant difficulties ... I am afraid to talk about the fate of Leningrad, Novgorod, Kalinin, Smolensk, Bryansk, Krivoy Rog, Nikolaev and Odessa. True, the Germans are so strong that the possibility of losing even these cities, with the exception of only Leningrad, is not ruled out. I am firmly convinced that the Germans will not see Leningrad. If the enemy takes him too, it will be only when the last Leningrader falls. As long as the people of Leningrad are on their feet, the city of Lenin will be ours!..

For Odessa as a major port, we must, in my opinion, fight more intensively than even for Klev. And I think that the Odessa sailors will adequately pour out the Germans for the invasion of the region of their city. If, however, we surrender Odessa by force, it will be much later than Kleva, since the sea will greatly help Odessa. It is clear that the Germans will dream of encircling Moscow and Leningrad, but I think that they will not cope with this.

The Nazis will still be able to surround Leningrad, but they won’t be able to take it! They will not be able to surround Moscow at all, because they will not have time to close the ring by winter. In winter, for them, the regions of Moscow and its environs will be just a grave ...

True, I am not going to be a prophet, but all these thoughts arose in me in connection with the international situation, and reasoning and conjectures helped me put them in a logical series and supplement them. In short, the future will tell."

“Now I am already waiting for trouble for our entire country - war. According to my calculations, if I was really right in my reasoning, that is, if Germany is preparing to attack us, the war should break out in the next days of this month or in the first days of July ... Frankly, now, in last days, waking up in the morning, I ask myself: maybe at that moment the first volleys were already fired at the border? Now we can expect the start of the war any day ...

... I feel an alarming heartbeat when I think that the news of the outbreak of a new Hitlerite adventure is about to come ... We will lose a lot of territories! But then it will still be taken away from the Germans by us ... How could we get stronger if we paid as much attention to the military industry as the Germans did.

It is easy to see that these lines of a high school student outline not only Hitler's top-secret Barbarossa plan, but also all the stages of its real failure. Not only that: young Fedotov predicted which countries would enter the anti-Hitler coalition! Leva also wrote in his Diary when the Red Army would launch a counteroffensive. The young man listed all the allies of Germany, indicated the length of the front from Black to northern seas, predicted the conspiracy of fascist generals in 1944, the reasons for the US entry into the war, the inevitable collapse of the Nazi Reich, the behavior of Hitler's "twelve apostles" during the collapse of Germany, and even the subsequent cold war. He foresaw that the USSR would have to fight with Japan.

According to most specialists in parapsychology, Fedotov was either a clairvoyant or wrote his diary (especially his part concerning the Great Patriotic War) in automatic writing mode. Last option more likely. The fact is that Leva answered his aunt, who called him on the morning of June 22, 1941 and informed him about the German attack: “War?! Why is this all of a sudden?!” As if it were not him who wrote his amazing prophecies in small handwriting! On the same day, the young man wrote: “... I was amazed at the coincidence of my thoughts with reality! Everything just flew out of my head! After all, only last night I wrote in my Diary again about the war I was predicting, and now it has happened. This is the monstrous truth. But the justice of my predictions is clearly not to my liking. I'd rather be wrong!" The phenomenon of forgetting is inherent in many people who have experienced this kind of insight. Later, they describe this state as if someone or something “forces” them to take up a pen and write a certain text, as if dictated from “above”. Often they only vaguely remember how they did it, and sometimes the period of time when the “dictation” was made completely disappears from memory. Some of them at the same time see vivid images, hear voices. At first glance, this looks like a symptom of some kind mental illness. However, in such cases, almost all people are completely healthy, they do not need medical attention. And the state of "prophecy", which some doctors are quick to call "suddenly occurring spontaneous insanity", is in fact something else for which science is not yet ready to explain.

It is necessary to dwell on the entry dated July 11, 1941: “Yesterday I learned the original news from the newspapers. Members of the SS made arrests in the assault squads. I think that when the Nazis will suffocate in the fight against us, in the end it will reach the commanding staff of the army. The dumb-headed ones, of course, will still yell about the victory over the USSR, but the more sensible ones will start talking about this war as a fatal mistake by Germany. I think that in the end, only the psychopath Hitler will remain for the continuation of the war, who is not able both now and in the future to understand with his corporal mind the futility of the war with Soviet Union. Solidarity with him, obviously, will be Himmler, who drowned his mind in the blood of the peoples of Germany, and the monkey Goebbels, who, like a crazy slave, will still bawl servilely about the conquest of Russia even when our troops, suppose, will storm Berlin.

In the early 1990s, a member of the German Bundestag disparagingly stated: “The Russians made up a legend that a certain schoolboy in his diary before the war outlined the Barbarossa plan in detail and predicted Hitler’s defeat!” A Russian journalist present at the conversation objected that it was not a legend, that the schoolboy Lev Fedotov had indeed predicted many facts of the Second World War and that his diary had been preserved.

After the war began, the number of entries dropped sharply, but on July 12, 1941, the Diary notes that America will enter the war only when it is forced, because "Americans are more fond of making weapons, spending time considering laws, than fight".

He stopped working on Lev's Diary on July 27, 1941. He did it deliberately - the truth that he prophesied turned out to be too terrible. About the post-war period, Fedotov wrote the following in his Diary: "We will repent of overestimating our strength and underestimating the capitalist encirclement." How accurate last prediction, we found out only after 1991 ...

Sick of tuberculosis, with poor eyesight, Fedotov volunteered to go to the front and did not live to see the Victory he predicted. July 25, 1943 he died in battle near Tula. Haven't we lost the new Nostradamus? Or maybe someone “more serious”, because now many doubt the wonderful gift of the French soothsayer. His “Centuries” are already very dark and confusing, they can be interpreted in different ways. Fedotov, on the other hand, says everything very clearly ...

The diaries of Leva Fedotov, as well as his personality - a man of mystery - are still waiting for their researcher. Of course, we do not know, and perhaps we will never know, the mechanism for turning on his phenomenon of prophecy. In the explanations of Leva himself, given earlier, there is one keyword- "guesses". (Interestingly, did Lev also “guess” about the pace of development of space technologies?) It was with the word “guesses” that he designated the phenomenon of obtaining inexplicable knowledge. In other words, Leva received knowledge that no one at that time possessed (with the exception of the German generals and several intelligence officers). If Leva's arguments were indeed made on the basis of an analysis of the situation, then for this he would need a lot of military-political information, to which he did not have access. According to friends, he, like everyone else, listened to the radio and read newspapers, and, as you know, at that time they were not distinguished by truthfulness.

From where Fedotov drew this knowledge, he himself could not understand, and therefore introduced the concept of "guess". The following fact is interesting and incomprehensible: why did this schoolboy receive such revelations?! After all, he, by virtue of his position, could neither apply them in practice nor take them into account in the military-political situation. He could not even report his “guesses” “upstairs”, because he would immediately be recognized as an enemy of the people, an alarmist and shot. This means that the realization of the prophecies was not supposed even initially. Why? There is no answer ... In the book of Yuri Roscius, a very conscientious researcher of various prophetic paranormal phenomena, he points out the special state in which the boy was when he wrote. Indeed, try to fill 100 pages in small handwriting in one night! It is only clear that this Moscow schoolboy became a conductor of the Higher Mind (for others, the Providence of God) and rightfully took an honorable place among the most famous soothsayers of the world.

The phenomenon of Lev Fedotov was dedicated to the full-length film released in 1986 documentary"Trumpet solo", which became a sensation (director Alexander Ivankin). It is based on the diaries that Leva's mother Agrippina Nikolaevna gave to Lev Moiseevich Roshal. When Levin's mother saw this film, she said bitterly: “This film is not about Lev. This is a movie about me." She died the following year, before her death verbally bequeathed to hand over her son's diaries to his best friend Mikhail Korshunov-Mihikus, the same one with whom he sat at the same desk. Unfortunately, it did not happen. But these diaries were published in the journal Friendship of Peoples. Historians, physicians, psychologists became interested in them. Perhaps scientists will make more than one attempt to explain what happened to Leva Fedotov.

From the book Pilots, Aircraft, Tests author Shcherbakov Alexey Alexandrovich

A. V. Fedotov, V. S. Ilyushin For more than twenty years, A. V. Fedotov and V. S. Ilyushin were the chief pilots of the Mikoyan and Sukhoi firms. OKB Mikoyan and Sukhoi have traditionally specialized in the creation of fighters. I think Sasha and Volodya can be called the best test pilots

From the book Great Tyumen Encyclopedia (About Tyumen and its people from Tyumen) author Nemirov Miroslav Maratovich

Fedotov, Evgeny One of the most prominent Tyumen workers of the last fifteen years. Prominent - including in the literal sense, in the sense - prominent from afar, because this thinking reed is a monstrous Schwarzenegger size due to many years of bodybuilding.

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FEDOTOV Petr Vasilyevich Born in 1900 in St. Petersburg in the family of a horse-drawn conductor. In 1915 he graduated from the Petrograd School named after D.I. Mendeleev. Until 1919 he worked in the expedition of the Main Post Office of Petrograd. In 1919-1921 he served in the Red Army. Since 1921, in the bodies

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Pavel Fedotov. False zakordon Instead of Kubatkin on September 7, 1946, intelligence was headed by Lieutenant General Pavel Fedotov. The day before, he was approved as Deputy Minister of State Security. Pavel Vasilyevich Fedotov was born in St. Petersburg in December 1901 in a family

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Chapter 5 Pavel Andreevich Fedotov Pavel Andreevich Fedotov (born July 4, 1815 in Moscow, died November 26, 1852 in St. Petersburg) is a Russian painter. He was a Guards officer by profession and served in St. Petersburg. As an amateur artist, he attended as

From the author's book


Many probably watched documentaries about him and his predictions about the Great Patriotic War .. but what he saw about our time:

As a child, Lev Fedotov and his friends often explored the dungeons of Moscow, either in search of the mystical library of Ivan the Terrible, or in search of a secret passage to the Kremlin.

Be that as it may, young Fedotov knew the dungeons more than well. It was in one of the caves that he hid his work "History of the Future". Why he hid it - yes, because in the notebook he predicted a far from communist future for Russia and bitter results in miscalculations in governing the country.

In his work, Lev Fedotov predicts the appearance of a nuclear bomb, flights into space, the creation of a machine capable of thinking.

As a rule, the “Moscow prophet,” as Fedotov is often called, did not mark his predictions with dates. The exception is the year 2009. It is he who is given a large share descriptions of Fedotov.

Leva Fedotov marked 2009 with a strange epithet - "the year of a breakthrough into the abyss." It means the negative or positive meaning of the expression is difficult to understand. One thing is clearly stated - this year humanity is waiting for serious trials, which, on the one hand, can lead humanity to an unprecedented breakthrough in its development, or they can provoke Armageddon.

According to Fedotov, the first signs of coming changes will appear in the sky on the eve of 2009, when people will be able to contemplate the "Black Sun".
Since the prediction clearly points to astronomical signs, it is not difficult to calculate the "black sun" - with a high degree of probability, Fedotov points to a solar eclipse on August 1, 2009 (it was best to observe the eclipse in Novosibirsk). Extremely remarkable is the connection with the earlier eclipse of 1999, during which, according to Nostradamus, the "king of horror" will come to earth. Looking ahead, it should be noted that Nostradamus predicted both the birth of the "prince" in 1999 and his first manifestation 9 years later, that is, in 2008.
Astronomers provide interesting data in this regard. According to them, 2008 will mark the beginning of a period of low solar activity, despite the fact that such periods occur every 11 years, the current lowest in almost the entire history of the Earth. And, this has always been accompanied by a crisis in politics, economics and other spheres of life.

Leva also predicted more specific data for 2009, namely the presidency of Barack Obama.
From the manuscript "History of the Future"

"I know that blacks who are oppressed in America will get the same rights as whites, and a black American will become president of the United States.
Unfortunately, the fate of this president will be tragic, he will have the same story as Abraham Lincoln, he will be mortally wounded during the assassination attempt. After the death of this president, chaos and anarchy await America ... "

In his "Istria of the Future" Lev Fedotov describes a very powerful research laboratory that will be built at the beginning of the 21st century in the mountains of Switzerland. According to the "Moscow prophet", scientists from all over the world will work in this laboratory trying to unravel the mysteries of the universe and significantly advance scientific research. But scientists will become just pawns in the game of a secret corporation of bankers and military men who use scientific discoveries to create superweapons.

Fedotov makes a more than clear prediction that this laboratory will be launched at the beginning of the 21st century, but soon its work will be suspended due to an accident. After that, a decision will be made to move the laboratory to the territory of Russia.

From "History of the Future"
"... the construction of a laboratory near Moscow may begin as early as 2009, but this landmark construction will go unnoticed, so humanity will be busy fighting a new scourge. An epidemic will engulf the entire planet."

According to Fedotov, the epidemic will exceed the scale of the Spanish flu in 1918, which is considered the most destructive in the history of mankind.
But this is not what the "Moscow prophet" considered the most terrible test for people. The most terrible prophecy, in his opinion, was this:

"On the eve of 2009, scientists will discover a way to control human memory. The public will gladly accept this message, because with the help of a special tablet it will be possible to erase bad memories. But in fact, the purpose of these experiments is one, to turn a person into an obedient robot. With the help of such a tablet, you can invest in human brain any task, and the man will do it in favor of his master."

Sick of tuberculosis, with poor eyesight, Fedotov volunteered to go to the front and did not live to see the Victory he predicted. On July 25, 1943, he died in a battle near Tula. Whether Leva knew about his imminent death is unknown. The diaries of Leva Fedotov, as well as his personality - a man of mystery - are still waiting for their researcher. In Leva's own explanations given earlier, there is one key word - "guesses". It was the word "guesses" that he designated the phenomenon of obtaining inexplicable knowledge. In other words. Leva received knowledge that no one possessed at that time (with the exception of the German generals and several intelligence officers). If Leva's arguments were indeed made on the basis of an analysis of the situation, then for this he would need a lot of military-political information, to which he did not have access. According to friends, he, like everyone else, listened to the radio and read newspapers, and, as you know, at that time they were not distinguished by truthfulness.

From where Fedotov drew this knowledge, he himself could not understand, and therefore introduced the concept of "guess". The following fact is interesting and incomprehensible: why did this schoolboy receive such revelations?! After all, he, by virtue of his position, could neither apply them in practice nor take them into account in the military-political situation. He could not even report his "guesses" "upstairs", because he would immediately be recognized as an enemy of the people, an alarmist and shot. This means that the realization of the prophecies was not supposed to be even, initially. Why? There is no answer... In the book of Yuri Roscius, a researcher of various prophetic paranormal phenomena, he points out a special state in which the boy was when he wrote. He was able to fill 100 pages in small handwriting in one night!

BUT! Unfortunately, it was not possible to see with my own eyes the texts of the diaries and the "history of the future", it is not entirely clear where on this moment they are.

It is believed that Leva's mother, before her death, orally bequeathed to transfer her son's diaries to his best friend Mikhail Korshunov, the same one with whom he sat at the same desk.

According to another more likely version, the diaries were handed over to Lev Moiseevich Roshal.

At the moment, there are rumors and assumptions on the Internet that the diaries were bought by a special person who wished to remain anonymous, other people claim that they saw with their own eyes "on some site" photocopies of the diaries, there are also suggestions that the diaries are currently in the museum " House on the Embankment", there are many suggestions that the data on the visionary talent of Lev Fedotov is nothing more than a post-war falsification.

As for the manuscript of the "History of the Future" about which, says the author of the film "Breakthrough into the Abyss" Mikhail Kolodinsky, this work not only could not be found, but it was also not possible to find any sources of this information. Unfortunately, the location of the original sources was not disclosed in the film.

However, there is an explicit reference to original text diaries that were published in the journal "Friendship of Peoples" somewhere in the 70s. So if you rummage through the archives, the primary sources can still be found or not found.

The author of the diary, with which the reader will get acquainted, Lev Fedotov lived only twenty years, which fit nine classes of the school, being evacuated, being drafted into the army in April 1943, having a short military training near Tula and dying under enemy bombing on June 25, 1943 city ​​in the same area. Neither implemented life plans, no feats in the war. There just wasn't enough time for that...

And yet, despite all the objective circumstances, his name was widely known. First of all, due to the memory that the circle of his friends at school, home, and extracurricular activities has preserved.

At first, his childhood friend Yuri Trifonov told about an outstanding teenager, once nicknamed "Humboldt" at school, "Leonardo from 7" B ": in the novel "House on the Embankment" he brought him in the form of Anton Ovchinnikov. And in an interview with Literaturnaya Gazeta dated October 5, 1977, the writer said: “... As a child, one boy struck me ... He was so unlike everyone else! From his boyhood years, he rapidly and passionately developed his personality in all directions, he hastily absorbed all the sciences, all the arts, all books, all music, the whole world, as if he was afraid of being late somewhere. At the age of twelve, he lived with the feeling that he had very little time, and there was an incredible amount to be done. Further, the writer listed all those various hobbies and activities of Leva, in which he achieved considerable success. These are mineralogy, paleontology, oceanography, drawing, music, physical training according to his own system, and finally, writing novels - an occupation to which he attracted some of his friends, in particular, Yuri Trifonov and Mikhail Korshunov, who later became famous writers. According to Trifonov, Leva Fedotov was a comprehensively developed personality, while shaping himself completely independently. 1
Cit. Quoted from: Trifonova O. R. About time and fate. // Trifonov Y. Reflection of a fire. Old man. Disappearance. M., 1988. S. 550.

However, these ideas about the long-gone youth turned out to be incomplete. Some time later, while preparing for the premiere of the play based on his novel The House on the Embankment at the Taganka Theatre, Y. Trifonov asked Lyova's mother for some remaining notebooks of his diary. Expecting only to find some bright details from the life of the inhabitants of the house, the writer unexpectedly came across a prognostic description of the Great Patriotic War, amazing in its accuracy, made at least two and a half weeks before its real start. This discovery amazed him and even changed the script of the performance: Lyova's diary and some of its characters, in particular the author's mother and aunt, became its full-fledged characters.

And then ... the name of Lyova Fedotov, known in narrow circles of the inhabitants of the House on the Embankment, spread throughout the country. This boy reappeared in the work of Trifonov - this time as Lenya Krastyn (Karas) - the character of the latter, unfinished novel"Disappearance". Well-known journalists O. Kuchkina, A. Adzhubey dedicated lengthy essays to him; full of admiration and reverence - memoir sketches of former school comrades. 2
Kuchkina O. The guys from the house on the embankment.// Komsomolskaya Pravda. 1987, January 17 S. 4; Adjubey A. The Boy from the House on the Embankment. // Moscow news. 1986, October 26. P. 12. The most interesting of the memoirs are: Korshunov M., Terekhova V. Secrets and Legends of the House on the Embankment. M., 2002.

In 1986, a talented documentary film by A. Ivankin and L. Roshal was filmed - “Trumpet Solo” about married couple revolutionaries Fedotovs and their versatile gifted son, which caused a huge surge of interest in his diary and personality. But even in this tape, the plot knot was a prediction of the course of the war. And in 1990, J. Roscius, an author specializing in the study of anomalous phenomena, published a brochure under the characteristic title "Diary of a Prophet", where those very famous pages of the diary were reproduced. This publication laid the foundation for the interpretation of the author's personality as a conductor of some transcendental forces, who wrote his visionary notes about the future in automatic writing mode. Assigned to the office of Nostradamus, Leva became a defendant in numerous Internet resources of a futurological orientation and took an honorable place in the nomination "great soothsayers of the future", his name was overgrown with fictions and legends. In the wake of this "glory", frisky TV journalists filmed the film "Breakthrough into the Abyss", in which Fedotov's notebook "The History of the Future" found by nameless diggers in the dungeons of Bersenevka appeared. According to the authors of the film, it contained predictions related to beginning of XXI in .: launch of the hadron collider, election and subsequent assassination of the first black president in the United States. True, the actual evidence of such sensational confessions was never presented, but the fried facts remain on the conscience of the filmmakers.

We argue that the phenomenon of Lev Fedotov does not fit into the oracle format that the authors of a number of publications have tried to give him.


He was born into a family that not only accepted and supported the Russian revolution, but generally took place thanks to it.

The head of the family, Fyodor Kallistratovich, was born in 1897 in the village of Glubokiy Rov, Suwalki province, into a large peasant family. True, as he himself stated in his autobiographical note, in 1900, due to lack of land, his father broke with peasant labor and moved to the city, where he made his living by various menial jobs. This man was destined for a lifetime of homelessness and need. It is this image that emerges from the same testimony of Fedor from 1931, where he mentioned that his father worked until the age of 76, in Lately watchman on Turksib, and only recently moved to permanent residence to the Lenin commune. We do not know why none of the seven children took over the care of the elderly father. Perhaps they could not afford this due to material and housing conditions, and, even more likely, the old man, out of pride, did not want to become a dependent. A deaf indication of the last break in this difficult fate is contained in the grandson's diary entry under the date October 19, 1940, briefly reporting on the forced separation of the old people - the parents of Fyodor Kallistratovich: the grandmother left Moscow to live out her life with her daughter in Western Belarus and my grandfather moved into a nursing home. “So their friendly friendship ended forever living together”, - so almost impassively Leva recorded this human tragedy.

Be that as it may, but the son of Callistratus also had a nomadic life full of trials. He got on the road early political struggle, and after the failure of some unnamed organization in his autobiography, in which he was (Socialist-Revolutionaries, anarchists?), Fled abroad. Already in the USA in 1914 he joined the RSDLP (Bolsheviks). In 1915–1916 as head of the Union of Port Workers, he organized strikes of longshoremen on the Great Lakes, participated in the creation of the American communist party. For revolutionary activities, Fedor Kallistratovich was arrested several times, and according to the last sentence, he was sentenced to 10 years in hard labor Trenton prison. After making a daring, Hollywood Western-style escape from there, he headed for Soviet Russia. Here he was awaited by recognition, a career and literary pursuits. According to him own words, since 1920 he was engaged in responsible party work in turn in the Moscow province, Semirechye, in Kuzbass and in Central Asia. In addition, he wrote essays and notes for Pravda, was the executive editor printed edition"Red Ray", as well as a member of the editorial board of the journal "New World" 3
GARF. F. 9577 (collection of documents of personal origin), op. 1. Unit ridge 856. Ll. 1–1 vol.

Apparently, he was strongly attracted by literature: after all, while performing the very troublesome duties of a party worker, he contrived to carve out time for creativity. He wrote and published two essay novels: The Yellow Plague, dedicated to Mongolia, and Buttermilk. In the short 36 years of his life, Fedor Fedotov managed to see the light, temper his will, acquire organizational skills, develop writing abilities and work for the benefit of Soviet modernization. He died at a military post: in August 1933, while driving around agricultural land in Altai, where he served as head of the political department of a grain farm, he was either killed or drowned himself in a shallow river during an epileptic seizure. There were no witnesses, and the true circumstances of death remained unclear.

Father and son, according to the mother, were like water, although they did not have much time to spend together due to the frequent absences of Fedotov Sr. Of the material wealth from his father, Lev received little. These are a gold watch presented by an American friend as a token of admiration for the escape from prison, a drawing of the rings of Saturn made for his son and, of course, a service apartment, albeit the most modest one, in the Government House on Bersenevskaya Embankment. But the intangible part of the father's inheritance was immeasurably larger. First of all, Fedor Kallistratovich passed on to his son fighting qualities, a passion for understanding the world, a penchant for literature and ... personal originality. Modern psychologists and geneticists say: a child with the makings of a genius is most often born from the union of an ordinary person with an unusual one, moreover, weighed down by some kind of mental pathology. 4
Kolupaev G. P., Klyuzhev V. M., Lakosina N. D., Zhuravlev G. P. Expedition to genius. Psychobiological descriptions of the life and work of great people. M., 1999. S. 13–14, 66.

If we recall the epilepsy of Fyodor Kallistratovich, then, from this point of view, one should recognize the high predisposition of his son to be marked by natural gifts.

Did Leo pass on his father's illness? Based on the artistic elaboration of his personality in Trifonov's latest novel, where he is portrayed as Lenya Krastyn, the answer will be positive. If on memories closest friend M. Korshunov and fellow practitioner V. Terekhova, then - negative. However, neither in the diaries nor in Leo's surviving personal documents does this fact find confirmation. Weighty circumstantial arguments can also be cited: it is unlikely that such a serious diagnosis allowed military service, and in this case, Leo’s mother would certainly have launched this argument in the military registration and enlistment office. Meanwhile, in her timid maternal attempt to protect him from being drafted into the army during the war, she referred only to his poor eyesight and impaired hearing. In addition, with such an illness, long departures from home would be contraindicated for him. Meanwhile, Leva traveled to Zvenigorod, and to Odessa, and to Nikolaev. He traveled alone at the beginning of 1941 to Leningrad, just as he intended to move there on foot in the summer of 1941, unless the war prevented this.

Since 1933, Leva's only support was her mother. True, until the age of majority, he was allocated a small pension for his father from the state. And colleagues and comrades in the party work of Fyodor Fedotov tried to help further. In 1940, on the eve of Lyova's eighteenth birthday, they supported the widow's petition to the People's Commissariat for Social Security for a lifetime pension for her deceased husband so that she could support her son and give him higher education as Fedor Kallistratovich himself dreamed 5
GARF. F. 9577, op. 1. Unit ridge 851 (collective application to the NCSO). L. 1.

This money and the small salary of Roza Lazarevna herself constituted the entire source of the family's livelihood. Of course, her way of life on the verge of need was very different from the habits and standards of consumption that were characteristic of many residents of a prestigious house. Leva's childhood friend Artem Yaroslav recalled: The Fedotovs lived in a cramped, one-room apartment on the ground floor, intended for a janitor. The only valuable thing in this dwelling was a piano, purchased with the money saved. With all the difficulties, Rosa Lazarevna tried to create conditions for the development of her son's inclinations. In addition to the piano, on which he learned music lessons and picked up his favorite tunes by ear, the house always had a certain supply of albums, brushes, paints, pencils, Whatman paper, which served his passion for painting. 6
Memoirs of Yaroslav A. Ya. About the soldier of the Red Army Fedotov L. F. // GMOM ( State Museum defense of Moscow). Archival Fund. Unit ridge 3076. L. 1.

Did Leva pay tribute to the ascetic efforts that his mother made to provide for their life and give him an education? Of course, yes - this is indicated, albeit not numerous, by comments on different occasions in a diary showing affection and respect for her. Was the son as close to his mother as he once was to his father? Certainly not. Mikhail Korshunov testified: the only thing that Leva did not succeed in the field of drawing was a portrait of her mother. Paper treacherously began to "squeak" from the first attempt to make a sketch 7
Korshunov M. P., Terekhova V. R. Decree. op. S. 167.

And the somewhat alienated definition of “mother”, “parent”, by which he most often denoted his mother behind his back and in his diary, emphasized their distance from each other. Indeed, for all their interconnectedness, their interests and life unfolded on different planes. For my son - in the plane of intense mental work, thinking over breakthrough ideas in the field of natural science, persistent self-preparation for the upcoming mission of a scientist. The mother's world was limited by worries about daily bread, deeds and events in her extensive family circle.

Rosa Lazarevna was born in 1895 in Sevastopol. She was the youngest daughter in a large Jewish family belonging to the bourgeois class. According to his autobiography, after primary school, at the age of 12, at the behest of her mother, she entered an apprenticeship in a hat workshop. Perhaps this decision was caused by the insecurity of the family, perhaps the elderly parents wanted to put the girl on her feet early, giving her a reliable profession. According to the same autobiography, at the time October revolution Rosa's parents were no longer alive. In part, they were replaced by her older sisters and brothers. In 1911, following her older sister, she left first for Paris and then for New York, where she worked in her specialty. In America, she became a member of the trade union of hatters and milliners, and in April 1917 joined the Bolshevik Party. Here, at one of the party meetings, there was a meeting with Fedor Fedotov, which turned her fate around. In September 1920, they returned together to Russia, where they received a residence permit at the address: Moscow, Tverskaya, house 11/17, apartment 425. This is the address of the parents' residence that was indicated on the birth certificate on January 10, 1923 of their son Leo. Interestingly, this marriage was not officially registered: such information is listed in a special note to the registry office certificate 8
GARF. F.9577, op. 1. Unit ridge 858. L. 1.

However, this fact in itself did not reflect the temporality or frivolity of the relationship. In the same way, neglecting the traditions of the past, many young couples then lived quite happily in a civil marriage, including representatives of the Soviet party and state elite, like the Khrushchevs or Mikoyans.

In Moscow, Rosa Markus first worked in a kindergarten, then in the propaganda department of the Moscow Party Committee, and from 1935 until the end of her labor activity costume designer at the Moscow Theater for Young Spectators 9
GARF. F.9577, op.1. Unit ridge 850. Ll. 10–10 vol.

Disappearing all day at work, and due to employment, and due to a small cultural baggage, she could not only direct the education of her son, but even comprehend his searches and hobbies.

However, a person to whom it is quite applicable famous definition self-made man, and did not need guidance. In terms of organizing his development and education, Leva could give odds to venerable adult mentors. It is no coincidence that the dominant motive for the recollection of him by matured and even aged peers and decades later was surprise mixed with admiration for the widest repertoire of his capabilities. In addition to his erudition in all the branches of knowledge listed by Yu. Trifonov, literary writing, the children's company was captured by his unusual skills and habits. They brought him closer to the strong-willed heroes of Jack London, or at least to N. G. Chernyshevsky's Rakhmetov.

First of all, it was training and strengthening of one's own body. Weak from birth, often ill in childhood, and even remaining in the second year due to pulmonary tuberculosis, by the age of fifteen or sixteen, Lyova significantly improved his health, mainly due to severe hardening. Until late autumn, he wore short trousers, and until the onset of severe winter frosts he did not wear a headdress and coat, despite the protests of his mother. Several times, by an effort of will, he managed to remove the acute phase of malaria, diphtheria and streptococcal tonsillitis in a day. (And if desired, as it was at the turn of the spring-winter of 1941, when it took a break from school lessons, the external symptoms of the disease could stretch for a month and a half for the sake of a medical certificate).

A frail and undersized boy, when necessary, could stand up for himself and for his comrade. One of these episodes is described in the novel "Disappearance". Rescuing a friend, he dispersed the inveterate hooligans who attacked him, nicknamed "rotten" in the district. In this and similar cases, Lev was rescued not only by his mastery of jiu-jitsu techniques and the author's training of the edge of the palm, which provided a devastating blow in a fight. An even more important factor in victory, which always had an irresistible effect on the enemy, was his "trademark" ability to fall into a rage. A sudden change of appearance, demonstrating the full mobilization and frenzy of the attack, as a rule, put the attackers to flight before they had time to experience the power of tricks or the edges of the palm. IN modern concepts this ability to control extreme situation comparable to the non-contact combat techniques that are the lot of selected warriors. However, as is typical of the latter, Lev Fedotov never used these skills without extreme need.

Just as stubbornly as physical endurance, he cultivated composure and fearlessness in himself. "The Secret Society for the Test of Will" - a courtyard organization of teenagers from the House on the Embankment, did not do without his participation. Membership was granted only to those who were ready to risk a little health and even life, walking from edge to edge along the railing of the balcony of the ninth floor or along the parapet of the fence of the Moskva River embankment! Perhaps these exercises pale in comparison to the extreme sports common among today's teenagers, however, for more "vegetarian" times in this regard, they represented an out-of-this-world experience. To this should be added the exploration of the caves of Zvenigorod, where he visited in the summer of 1938, and diving into the underground passages dug under the Church of St. Nicholas on Bersenevka. He - the thinnest of the three members of this expedition - had the role of center in the operation of penetrating into the deep compartments of underground utilities. In the course of the journey, a critical situation arose when, having reached an extreme narrowing in the passage, Leva got completely stuck. He was saved by his personal composure and the help of his comrades, who with a sharp effort pulled him out of a dangerous impasse.

But the above qualities did not exhaust the phenomenon of Lev Fedotov. He was musically gifted, and an important part of his life was classes with the composer and teacher M. N. Robert, who taught him musical literacy and piano playing at a professional level. Leva owned the classical repertoire of a pianist, knew the history of music, and was especially well versed in the work of G. Verdi. His favorite opera was Aida, which he, having no sheet music and score, restored by ear for himself from the first to last act. Moreover, he knew how to play it stereophonically in his brain as if he were listening to it from the first row of the stalls. While enjoying the music, he could simultaneously hold a conversation and remain involved in the current situation, forcing his consciousness to work in several registers at the same time.

Lev Fedotov drew beautifully, visited the studio for several years central house artistic education(colloquially: "Tsedekhod"). However, having no intention of dedicating his life fine arts, he interrupted these classes, despite all the persuasion of relatives and friends. At the same time, as can be understood from the conversation recorded in the diary with the mother of a friend in Tsedekhod, Yevgeny Gurov, Leva did not even think about giving up further experiments in painting. However, he gave them a subordinate place in his future professional activities.

Zhenya's mother kept persuading me to become an artist and to study the sciences as if I were an amateur; to this I replied that being an artist by profession, additionally dealing with the sciences, is many times more difficult and inconvenient than being basically a scientist and an additional artist ... every scientist can get paints, but not every artist is able to acquire a whole laboratory.

So, through all the years of childhood and youth of Lev Fedotov, in addition to studying natural sciences, physical training, there were serious hobbies for music and painting, with which he was not going to leave in the future. How did all these activities fit in with the main purpose that he envisaged for himself? However, before turning to this issue, one should dwell on certain behavioral norms that he steadily followed at a conscious age.

This is an absolute disregard for the aesthetics of clothing. She was always neat, but "below average" even against the background of the ascetic dress code of the 1930s. According to a friend of Artem Yaroslav, he always “walked around in some kind of turned jackets, short pants, from under which bare thin knees were visible” 10
Yaroslav A. Decree. op. L. 1.

Of course, behind this appearance the desperate struggle for existence that Rosa Lazarevna waged, trying to feed her son and provide for his needs in various activities, was hiding. However, it seems that this was not the only issue. So, before going on a winter vacation to Leningrad at the very end of 1940, his mother and aunt urged him to take with him the best wardrobe items, which, presumably, were nevertheless stocked up by caring relatives. The answer to these exhortations was categorical disagreement, which he explained in his diary as follows.

Lev Fedotov is known to all lovers of secrets and mysteries as a Soviet boy-fortune teller. In his diary, he almost completely predicted the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Thanks to this, he became famous, but much later, in the 1980s. The cult of Fedotov and his diaries was promoted by Yuri Trifonov, the famous master of "urban prose" and Fedotov's classmate. Now programs are being filmed about Fedotov and written to become, in them he appears as a psychic and "Moscow Nostradamus". Is it fair?

Lev Fedotov was born in 1923 to a professional revolutionary and party worker, Fyodor Fedotov, and a costume designer at the Moscow theater, Rosa Markus. Until 1932, the Fedotov family lived in the National Hotel, then in the famous House on the Embankment in apartment No. 262. Lev studied at high school No. 19 im. Belinsky on Sofiyskaya embankment. According to the recollections of classmates, Leo was an unusual boy, he was interested in absolutely everything, absorbed a huge pile of information every day. At the same time, despite poor health, he tempered himself and went in for physical education - he prepared himself for travel. In general, he made a rather strange impression, since he was not like anyone else. However, we can judge this from the descriptions of the same Trifonov, who probably somewhat romanticized his friend. Or maybe Lev Fedotov really was unusual from childhood.

Be that as it may, Leo from the most early years kept a diary. Sometimes in a day he could fill out just an incredible number of pages. This diary brought him fame thanks to, in fact, just a few entries. Leo himself died at the age of 20 during the Great Patriotic War. In 1980, Yuri Trifonov asked Lev's mother for his diary entries to use them for staging a play. There were 15 notebooks in total. The diary was kept from 1935 (notebook No. 1) to July 23, 1941 (notebook No. 15).

Here are three predictions that made Leo famous.

Forecast of the landing of Americans in 1969 on an extraterrestrial object. December 27, 1940.

Today we gathered again after school in the Komsomol little room, and while I was doing the headline of the second issue of the newspaper, Sukhareva wrote a short text of I. We fussed until five o'clock. Azarov was doing something sacred at the table, while Borka was loafing and inspiring us with verses.

- Exactly! Exactly! - agreed Azarov, - you're right! We just "twisted"!

- What's a bad idea? - said Borka, - if there was space left, we could write about it ...

- ... Only then add, - I continued, - that due to the lack of overpasses and explosive powder, this flight is canceled and is expected in 1969 in America!

So, Leo really "hit" the date. But it is already in the back of what is called the mind that people connected Mars with the Moon, and considered this a correct prediction. Of course, if we assume that Leo basically meant any extraterrestrial object, then yes - this is a cool and accurate prediction.

Discourses on the events of the summer and autumn campaigns of 1941 of the war between the USSR and Germany. June 5, 1941.

Although Germany is now on friendly terms with us, I am firmly convinced that all this is only an appearance. Thus, she thinks to lull our vigilance, so that at the right moment she will stab us with a poisoned knife in the back ...

Thinking that, having stationed her troops near our border, Germany would not wait long, I gained confidence that the summer of this year in our country would be turbulent. I think that the war will begin either in the second half of this month, or at the beginning of July, but not later, because Germany will strive to end the war before frost. I am personally firmly convinced that this will be the last brazen step of the German despots, since they will not defeat us before winter. Victory is victory, but what we can lose in the first half of the war is a lot of territory, it is possible.

Honestly, the Nazis will never do. They certainly won't declare war on us. And they will attack suddenly and unexpectedly, in order to seize more of our lands through a sudden invasion. No matter how hard it is, we will leave to the Germans such centers as Zhitomir, Vinnitsa, Pskov, Gomel and some others. Of course, we will surrender Minsk, the Germans can also capture Kyiv, but with exorbitant difficulties ...

I am afraid to talk about the fate of Leningrad, Novgorod, Kalinin, Smolensk, Bryansk, Krivoy Rog, Nikolaev and Odessa. True, the Germans are so strong that the possibility of losing even these cities, with the exception of only Leningrad, is not ruled out. I am firmly convinced that the Germans will not see Leningrad. If the enemy takes him too, it will be only when the last Leningrader falls. As long as the people of Leningrad are on their feet, the city of Lenin will be ours!

Surround Leningrad, but the Nazis still can not take it. They will not be able to surround Moscow in the realm of time, because they will not have time to close the ring by winter. In winter, for them, the districts of Moscow will continue to be just a grave ...

Indeed, Leo predicted everything very accurately. However, many already in the spring of 1941 understood that war was inevitable. And the point here is not at all in extrasensory perception, but in logical conclusions. But the accuracy of forecasts about cities, and especially Leningrad and Moscow, is amazing. If Leo was not a psychic, then he was an excellent military strategist - for sure.

Forecast of a change in the attitude of the German generals towards the war as a fatal mistake. July 11, 1941.

I think that in the end, only the psychopath Hitler will remain for the continuation of the war, who is clearly not capable now and is not capable in the future with his limited corporal mind to understand the futility of a war with the Soviet Union; with him, obviously, will be Himmler, who drowned the minds in the blood of the peoples of Germany and all countries enslaved by the Nazis, and the monkey Goebbels, who, like a half-witted slave, will still bawl like a servile in the newspapers about the conquest of Russia even when our troops, let's say, will be storm Berlin.

Everything is accurate here, but again, many people made such predictions before the start of the war. Hitler's campaign against the vast Union and the war on several fronts seemed crazy not only to Leo.

Actually, thanks to these three forecasts, Lev Fedotov became famous. Probably, calling him a psychic is not entirely correct. Still, there were few predictions. On the other hand, he died very early. Maybe he would open up much more with age. Lev himself did not consider himself a prophet, here is what he wrote in his diary on June 5, 1941:

True, I am not going to be a prophet, but all these thoughts arose in me in connection with the international situation, and logical reasoning and conjectures helped me to connect them, supplement them. In short, the future will show.

So all the same, Lev Fedotov is more of a logician, and not a psychic.



Predictions of Lev Fedotov - diary History of the future.

Lev Fedotov was born on January 10, 1923 in Moscow into a family of well-known communists and lived in the “House on the Embankment”, which was designed and built by the architect B. M. Iofan.

The place is famous not only for Leva Fedotov. In 505 flats of the house on Bersenevskaya Embankment, or Government House, the people reduced the DOPR, some people's commissars and deputy people's commissars lived up to 140 people. Most of them will die during the years of repressions, and many of those who directly carried out the repressions and occupied the apartments of their victims in the house will also be destroyed later.

Yagoda, Yezhov, Vyshinsky, Beria regularly visited here, and Stalin came occasionally. There lived Fotieva, Dimitrov, Poskrebyshev, Zemlyachka, Alliluyevs (there is a photograph where Svetlana Alliluyeva, Lyova Fedotov and Yura Trifonov with their sister Tanya are standing from left to right), who were constantly arrested; Milyptein, Kobulov, Chubar, Stasova, Kosarev, Lysenko, Stakhanov, Khrushchev, Mikoyans, Marshal Tukhachevsky, Marshal Zhukov, Stalin's children, adopted son of Voroshilov, prince and princess from Laos. In safe houses, "cuckoos", various foreign spies who worked for the USSR were hiding. Some apartments on the highest floors had access to the attic from the kitchens. The heroes of Spain, Yakov Smushkevich and Mikhail Koltsov, also lived in this House. In addition to their heroic qualities, they also became famous for the fact that they brought the first radiograms from Spain, and all the guys ran to dance to Roza Smushkevich. They played basketball in the yards and, of course, fought with “non-locals”. In fights, Levka caused terrible fear in his opponents - he simply “fell into a rage”, like the legendary berserkers.

Lyova Fedotov (whom Trifonov and Olga Kuchkina later wrote about) was the "genius of this place", and later became the prototype of one of the heroes of "House on the Embankment". He was a childhood friend of Trifonov. There were four friends of them - Lyova Fedotov (aka Levikus, or Fedotik), Oleg Salkovsky (Salik, or Big Guy), Mikhail Korshunov (Mihikus, Mistihus, Sti-chius or even Khimius) and Yura Trifonov (Juriskaus).

Yuri Trifonov wrote about Fedotov:“He was so different from everyone! From his boyhood, he rapidly, passionately developed his personality in all directions, hastily absorbed all the sciences, all the arts, all books, all music, the whole world, as if he was afraid of being late somewhere. At the age of twelve, he lived with the feeling that he had very little time, and there was an incredible amount to be done. He was especially fond of mineralogy, paleontology, oceanography, he drew beautifully, his watercolors were at the exhibition, he was in love with symphonic music, he wrote novels in thick notebooks in calico bindings. I became addicted to writing novels thanks to Leva ... He was known at school as a local Humboldt, like Leonardo from the 7th B.

Leva decorated his stories, fantasy novels and scientific treatises in the spirit of the encyclopedists of the 18th century with numerous drawings. Little of what was written in childhood has survived, but one of the stories tells of a "green cave" and a world of dinosaurs that exists deep underground. Fedotov also arranged literary competitions, competing in mastery of the word with the young Trifonov. Moreover, he established the courtyard Secret Society for the Test of Will (TOIV), which could be entered only by walking along the railing of the balcony of the tenth floor. There were other crazy ideas too. In addition to walking along the railing, he tempered his will also by walking in short breeches in winter. One of many. Leva pored over encyclopedias and kept diaries, which glorified him. Now it sounds almost unbelievable, but in the 30s of the XX century, in almost all the apartments of the House, where there were teenagers, “feathers creaked”, from under which adventure stories, love stories or fantastic stories came out. The boys compose, competing with each other. And the whole company of "young geniuses" was led by Leva - a talented boy who instilled in his comrades respect for books.

Leva Fedotov became famous thanks to his diaries, which were discovered after the war. This is a total of 15 common numbered notebooks in which the boy wrote down interesting facts from his life and the lives of friends. And in them, among the described turbulent yard and school events on December 27, 1940, an interesting entry appears, which, perhaps, should be called the first prediction. It was made by a young man who had not even received a matriculation certificate.

“Today we gathered again after lessons in the Komsomol room to make a newspaper ... We wound up such a bagpipe here,” I said, looking at the newspaper, “that we could just as well promise the guys that we would organize a flight to Mars by the New Year! What's a bad idea? Borka said. - If there was space left, we could write about it ... Only then add, - I continued, - that due to the lack of overpasses and explosive powder, this flight is cancelled. And expected in 1969 in America!”

So, jokingly, Leva predicted the launch in 1969 of the American manned spacecraft Apollo 11. He made a mistake only in the definition of the planet: Of course, one can refer to a banal coincidence, and even with such an error, but subsequent records indicate that what Fedotov wrote has the ability to come true. It is impossible to talk about coincidences here. After all, when the majority of Soviet citizens believed in the inviolability of the Soviet-German non-aggression pact, and the government urged “not to succumb to provocations,” Fedotov made an entry in his diary that “smelled” of espionage, anti-Sovietism and threatened, at least, with a camp.

“Although Germany is now on friendly terms with us, I am firmly convinced that all this is only an appearance. In this way, she thinks to lull our vigilance so that at the right moment she will plunge a poisoned knife into our backs ... Since the Germans landed in Finland in May, I have been firmly convinced that there is a secret preparation for an attack on our country from from the side not only of the former Poland, but also from the side of Romania, Bulgaria and Finland ...

Thinking that, having stationed her troops near our border, Germany would not wait long, I gained confidence that the summer of this year in our country would be turbulent. I think that the war will begin either in the second half of this month, or at the beginning of July, but not later, because Germany will strive to end the war before frost. I am personally firmly convinced that this will be the last impudent step of the German despots, since they will not defeat us before winter. Victory is victory, but what we can lose in the first half of the war is a lot of territory, it is possible.

Honestly, the Nazis will never do. They will certainly not declare war on us, but will attack unexpectedly in order to seize more of our lands by a surprise invasion. No matter how hard it is, we will leave to the Germans such centers as Zhitomir, Vinnitsa, Pskov, Gomel and some others. Of course, we will surrender Minsk, the Germans can also capture Kyiv, but with prohibitive difficulties. I am afraid to talk about the fate of Leningrad, Novgorod, Kalinin, Smolensk, Bryansk, Krivoy Rog, Nikolaev and Odessa. True, the Germans are so strong that the possibility of losing even these cities, with the exception of only Leningrad, is not ruled out. I am firmly convinced that the Germans will not see Leningrad. If the enemy takes him too, then it will be only when the last Leningrader falls. As long as the people of Leningrad are on their feet, the city of Lenin will be ours!..

For Odessa as a major port, we must, in my opinion, fight more intensively than even for Kyiv*. And I think that the Odessa sailors will adequately pour out the Germans for the invasion of the region of their city. If, however, we surrender Odessa by force, then much later than Kyiv, since the sea will greatly help Odessa. It is clear that the Germans will dream of encircling Moscow and Leningrad, but I think that they will not cope with this.

The Nazis will still be able to surround Leningrad, but they won’t be able to take it! They will not be able to surround Moscow at all, because they will not have time to close the ring by winter. In winter, for them, the regions of Moscow and its environs will be just a grave ...

True, I am not going to be a prophet, but all these thoughts arose in me in connection with the international situation, and reasoning and conjectures helped me put them in a logical series and supplement them. In short, the future will tell."

But what entry did Leva make in his diary in the evening

“Now I am already waiting for trouble for our entire country - war. According to my calculations, if I was really right in my reasoning, that is, if Germany is preparing to attack us, the war should break out in the next days of this month or in the first days of July ... Frankly, now, in the last days, waking up in the mornings, I ask myself: maybe at that moment the first volleys were already fired at the border? Now we can expect the start of the war any day ...

... I feel an alarming heartbeat when I think that the news about the outbreak of a new Hitlerite adventure is about to come. ...We will lose a lot of territory! But then it will still be taken away from the Germans by us ... How could we get stronger if we paid as much attention to the military industry as the Germans did.

It is easy to see that these lines of a high school student outline not only Hitler's top-secret Barbarossa plan, but also all the stages of its real failure. Not only that: young Fedotov predicted which countries would enter the anti-Hitler coalition! Leva also wrote in his Diary when the Red Army would launch a counteroffensive. The young man listed all the allies of Germany, indicated the length of the front from the Black Sea to the northern seas, predicted the conspiracy of fascist generals in 1944, the reasons for the US entry into the war, the inevitable collapse of the Nazi Reich, the behavior of Hitler's "twelve apostles" during the collapse of Germany and even the subsequent cold war. He foresaw that the USSR would have to fight with Japan.

According to most experts on Fedotov, he was either clairvoyant or wrote his diary (especially his part relating to the Great Patriotic War) in automatic writing mode. The latter option is more likely. The fact is that Leva answered his aunt, who called him on the morning of June 22, 1941 and informed him about the German attack: “War?! Why is this all of a sudden?!” As if it were not him who wrote his amazing prophecies in small handwriting! On the same day, the young man wrote: “... I was amazed at the coincidence of my thoughts with reality! Everything just flew out of my head! After all, only last night I wrote in my Diary again about the war I was predicting, and now it has happened. It's monstrous, really. But the justice of my predictions is clearly not to my liking. I'd rather be wrong!" The phenomenon of forgetting is inherent in many people who have experienced this kind of insight. Later, they describe this state as if someone or something “forces” them to take up a pen and write a certain text, as if dictated from “above”. Often they only vaguely remember how they did it, and sometimes the period of time when the “dictation” was made completely disappears from memory. Some of them at the same time see vivid images, hear voices. At first glance, it looks like symptoms of some kind of mental illness. However, in such cases, almost all people are completely healthy, they do not need medical attention. And the state of "prophecy", which some doctors are quick to call "suddenly occurring spontaneous insanity", is actually something else.

Most likely, Lev Fedotov had very good analytical skills, which, as a rule, people with the gift of foresight of the future are deprived of. This explains why Leva himself was surprised by his extremely accurate predictions.

July 1941:

“Yesterday I learned the original news from the newspapers. Members of the SS made arrests in the assault squads. I think that when the Nazis will suffocate in the fight against us, in the end, it will reach the commanding staff of the army. The dumb-headed ones, of course, will still yell about the victory over the USSR, but the more sensible ones will start talking about this war as a fatal mistake by Germany. I think that, in the end, only the psychopath Hitler will remain for the continuation of the war, who is not able both now and in the future to understand with his corporal mind the futility of the war with the Soviet Union. Solidarity with him, obviously, will be Himmler, who drowned his mind in the blood of the peoples of Germany, and the monkey Goebbels, who, like a crazy slave, will still bawl servilely about the conquest of Russia even when our troops, suppose, will storm Berlin.

In the early 90s of the XX century, one of the deputies of the German Bundestag tried to ridicule the predictions of Lev Fedotov, and the very fact of his existence.

In particular, he said: “You invented a legend that an ordinary Moscow schoolboy in his diary outlined the Barbarossa plan in detail and predicted Hitler’s defeat!” A Russian journalist present at the conversation objected and gave convincing arguments that this was not a legend - Lev Fedotov really predicted many facts of the Second World War and his Diary was preserved.

After the war began, the number of entries dropped sharply.

“... America will enter the war only when it is forced, because “Americans love to make weapons, spend time considering laws, than to fight.”

He stopped working on Lev's Diary on July 27, 1941. He did it deliberately - the truth that he prophesied turned out to be too terrible.

About the post-war period, Fedotov wrote the following in his Diary:

"We will regret overestimating our strength and underestimating the capitalist encirclement."

How accurate the last prediction was, we learned only after 1991...

Journalists of the Ren-TV channel, within the framework of the Secret Stories project, prepared for the air the release of a program in which they considered some new facts related to the name of Lev Fedotov. This project was called "Year 2009. Breakthrough into the abyss." The creators of the series claim that in the autumn of 2008, a pair of diggers, while exploring the dungeons of the "house on the embankment", found a leather briefcase with a thick notebook entitled "Lev Fedotov - History of the Future." The found manuscript was the legacy of a previously unknown work by Lev Fedotov, in which he predicted many interesting things about our era.

As a child, Lev Fedotov and his friends often explored the dungeons of Moscow, either in search of the mystical library of Ivan the Terrible, or in search of a secret passage to the Kremlin.

Be that as it may, young Fedotov knew the dungeons more than well. It was in one of the caves that he hid his work The History of the Future. Why he hid it - yes, because in the notebook he predicted a far from communist future for Russia and bitter results in miscalculations in governing the country.

In his work, Lev Fedotov predicts the appearance of a nuclear bomb, flights into space, the creation of a machine capable of thinking.

As a rule, the “Moscow prophet”, as Fedotov is often called, did not mark his predictions with dates. The exception is the year 2009. It is he who is given a large share of Fedotov's descriptions.

Lyova Fedotov marked 2009 with a strange epithet - "the year of a breakthrough into the abyss." It means the negative or positive meaning of the expression is difficult to understand. One thing is clearly stated - this year humanity is waiting for serious trials, which, on the one hand, can lead humanity to an unprecedented breakthrough in its development, or they can provoke Armageddon.

According to Fedotov, the first signs of coming changes will appear in the sky on the eve of 2009, when people will be able to contemplate the "Black Sun".

Since the prediction clearly points to astronomical signs, it is not difficult to calculate the "black sun" - with a high degree of probability, Fedotov points to a solar eclipse on August 1, 2009 (it was best to observe the eclipse in Novosibirsk). The connection with the earlier eclipse of 1999 is extremely remarkable, during which, according to Nostradamus, the "king of horror" will come to earth. Looking ahead, it should be noted that Nostradamus predicted both the birth of the “prince” in 1999 and his first manifestation 9 years later, that is, in 2008.

Astronomers provide interesting data in this regard. According to them, 2008 will mark the beginning of a period of low solar activity, despite the fact that such periods occur every 11 years, the current lowest in almost the entire history of the Earth. And, this has always been accompanied by a crisis in politics, economics and other spheres of life.

Leva also predicted more specific data for 2009, namely the presidency of Barack Obama.

“I know that blacks who are oppressed in America will get the same rights as whites, and a black American will become president of the United States.

Unfortunately, the fate of this president will be tragic, he will have the same story as Abraham Lincoln, he will be mortally wounded during the assassination attempt. After the death of this president, chaos and anarchy await America ... "

In his Istria of the Future, Lev Fedotov describes a very powerful research laboratory that will be built at the beginning of the 21st century in the mountains of Switzerland. According to the “Moscow Prophet”, scientists from all over the world will work in this laboratory trying to unravel the mysteries of the universe and significantly advance scientific research. But scientists will become just pawns in the game of a secret corporation of bankers and military men who use scientific discoveries to create superweapons.

Fedotov makes a more than clear prediction that this laboratory will be launched at the beginning of the 21st century, but soon its work will be suspended due to an accident. After that, a decision will be made to move the laboratory to the territory of Russia.

From "History of the Future"

“... the construction of a laboratory near Moscow may begin as early as 2009, but this landmark construction will go unnoticed, so humanity will be busy fighting a new disaster. The epidemic will cover the entire planet."

According to Fedotov, the epidemic will surpass the scale of the Spanish flu in 1918, which is considered the most destructive in the history of mankind.

But this was not what the “Moscow prophet” considered the most terrible test for people. The most terrible prophecy, in his opinion, was this:“On the eve of 2009, scientists will discover a way to manage human memory. The public will gladly accept this message, because with the help of a special pill it will be possible to erase bad memories. But in fact, the purpose of these experiments is one, to turn a person into an obedient robot. With the help of such a tablet, any task can be put into the human brain, and the person will complete it in favor of his master.

And here is what is remarkable: always open to friends, Leva did not say a word to them about his diaries. Apparently, he understood that what was written was a clear sedition, for which one could suffer, because his visions ran counter to the general line of the party for a quick and victorious war. But the question is: seeing the future of the country, did Lev Fedotov know about his future? Then his deed is doubly great: for, having a legal white ticket (he was ill with tuberculosis, he was very short-sighted and even hard of hearing), Lev Fedotov volunteered for the war. However, he did not have to fight: a bomb hit the truck that was taking him to the front near Tula. Lev Fedotov died on June 25, 1943. However, there are other versions...

Modern researchers admit that the NKVD found out about the diaries and the young soothsayer was arrested as soon as he left Moscow. He did not return from the dungeons. Well, the car bombing is staged. The usual scenario of those terrible years.

Well, the law of survival was simple: you know less, you sleep better. Or rather: you live until you know. Lev Fedotov KNEW. So, he was not destined to live long. After all, knowledge is deadly...

Whether Leva knew about his imminent death is unknown. The diaries of Leva Fedotov, as well as his personality - a man of mystery - are still waiting for their researcher. In the explanations of Leva himself, given earlier, there is one key word - “guesses”. It was the word "guesses" that he designated the phenomenon of obtaining inexplicable knowledge. In other words. Leva received knowledge that no one possessed at that time (with the exception of the German generals and several intelligence officers). If Leva's arguments were indeed made on the basis of an analysis of the situation, then for this he would need a lot of military-political information, to which he did not have access. According to friends, he, like everyone else, listened to the radio and read newspapers, and, as you know, at that time they were not distinguished by truthfulness.

From where Fedotov drew this knowledge, he himself could not understand, and therefore introduced the concept of "guess". The following fact is interesting and incomprehensible: why did this schoolboy receive such revelations?! After all, he, by virtue of his position, could neither apply them in practice nor take them into account in the military-political situation. He could not even report his “guesses” “upstairs”, because he would immediately be recognized as an enemy of the people, an alarmist and shot. This means that the realization of the prophecies was not supposed to be even, initially. Why? There is no answer... In the book of Yuri Roscius, a researcher of various prophetic paranormal phenomena, he points out a special state in which the boy was when he wrote. He was able to fill 100 pages in small handwriting in one night!

From the manuscript "History of the Future"

At the moment, there are rumors and assumptions on the Internet that the diaries were bought by a special person who wished to remain anonymous, other people claim that they saw photocopies of the diaries “on some site” with their own eyes, there are also suggestions that the diaries are currently in the museum " House on the Embankment”, there are many suggestions that the data on the visionary talent of Lev Fedotov is nothing more than a post-war falsification.

As for the manuscript of "History of the Future" about which, says the author of the film "Breakthrough into the Abyss" Mikhail Kolodinsky, this work not only could not be found, but it was also not possible to find any sources of this information. Unfortunately, the location of the original sources was not disclosed in the film.

# Project of channel "TV Center" - documentary film "The Prophet from the House on the Embankment".

# Mentioned in 1990 in a brochure by Yu.V. Roscius in the Question Mark series.
