Mayan last prediction. Mayan predictions about the future of the world, a great flood and a bright star

The theme of the end of the world is perhaps one of the most popular in any religion. Indeed, this question has been worrying people for many centuries - fortunately, there are more than enough reasons for concern. After all, not only the Bible and other religious books talk about the Apocalypse - this is a favorite topic of many soothsayers and scientists. What are the most popular doomsday predictions?
. Mayan predictions about the end of the world

According to the Mayan calendar, humanity at this stage is experiencing Fifth Age of Creation in other words, the Fifth Sun. The Mayan priests claimed that each such cycle (the Sun) ended with a cataclysm (earthquake, hurricane, fiery rain and flood, respectively), as a result of which a small number of people remained alive, thanks to which the legends about what happened were transmitted from generation to generation.

The fifth Sun must end 5126 years after its beginning, i.e. December 21, 2012, "giving way" to the next cycle. It was these Mayan predictions about the end of the world that made so much noise around the topic of the end of the world in 2012, alarming many people around the world.

The more options for the outcome of the Fifth Sun appear, the closer the date of the alleged cataclysm. The most popular version is the collision of the Earth with another planet or an asteroid. Also, according to the calculations of astronomers, it is on December 21, 2012, on the day of the winter solstice, that the Sun will cross the plane of the Milky Way - but no one knows what may follow this.

Isaac Newton's predictions about the end of the world

It turns out that the great scientist devoted part of his time exact calculation dates of the end of the world, using the Book of the Prophet Daniel. In manuscripts from 1700, Newton predicts the Apocalypse in 2060, predicting the fall of many "wicked" countries and the prosperity of the Jewish nation.

Nostradamus predictions about the end of the world

Nostradamus, without knowing it, in his predictions of the end of the world turned out to be more merciful to humanity of the XXI century, having calculated the Apocalypse in 3797 - this particular date is the last in his predictions. According to Nostradamus, the Earth's axis will change its position in space.

However, in fairness it should be noted that Nostradamus had several versions about the end of the world, one of which did not come true - the great predictor promised the Apocalypse in 1999.

Vanga's predictions about the end of the world

The Apocalypse was also predicted by the blind clairvoyant Vanga. She, however, never mentioned exact dates, referring to the Bible for details - and there, as you know, there is not a word about specific dates either.

Vanga predicts a war between all peoples, which will end in the complete fall of civilization. After that, peace and grace will come everywhere, which will last exactly a thousand years.

In general, if we consider all the existing this moment predictions about the end of the world in the aggregate, it turns out that over the next 20 years, mankind is expecting various kinds of cataclysms. Here are the already mentioned asteroids, and the Third World War, and the violation of cosmic cycles, and cosmic dust, sweeping away everything in its path, and the flood, and nuclear war. One thing unites all the predictions: the theme of the irresponsible attitude of humanity to its existence on Earth runs like a red thread through them.

Whether to take all this to heart and prepare for the end of the world, engage in self-improvement in the hope of being saved during the Apocalypse, or simply ignore all predictions about the end of the world - you choose.

One hundred and fifty years of archaeological research do not fully unravel the mystery of the emergence, rise and fall of the Maya culture - a civilization that lived on the Yucatan Peninsula in Central America, and is known for its writing, art, architecture, mathematics and astronomy.

According to scientists, by the beginning of a new era, the Maya created a developed civilization covering the territories of modern Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras. The Mayan state consisted of at least 100 major cities, the most famous of which are: Palenque, Chichen Itza, Uxmal in Mexico, Tikal and Quirigua in Guatemala, Copan in Honduras.

The descendants of the ancient Maya are not only modern peoples Maya, who retained the language of their ancestors, but also part of the Hispanic population of the southern states of Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras.

The most famous of all the Mayan rulers was the "solar lord Pacal", who lived in the city of Palenque, whose burial was discovered in the Temple of the Inscriptions, in 1952 by the Mexican archaeologist Alberto Rus Luller. The 69 stairs of the Temple of the Inscriptions, one for each year of his reign, were carved in homage to Pakal's eminent reign.

By the 9th century AD, almost all of these cities had died, and with them the Maya empire. In their place, in the 11th century, the Toltec state arose, which existed until the conquest of Central America by the Spaniards in the 16th century.

Where did the Mayans come to Mesoamerica?

According to Mayan lore, they came to America in two stages. The first group - from the east, from the side of the Atlantic Ocean, and Itzamna led them. Another group came from outside Pacific Ocean, and Kukulkan, the builder of the pyramids and the city of Chichen Itza, led them.

Information about this exists in the traditions of all the Indian tribes of Central and South America. Their God, Kon-Tiki Viracocha, was depicted as a white-skinned man with long beard. According to the legends of the Indians, “Viracocha arrived in America on a boat that moved without the help of oars, with him were light-skinned giants, bearded and red-haired, they stayed in the Yucatan for 10 years, taught the Indians crafts, construction, arable farming, built pyramids and sailed away towards the ascending Sun, promising to return.

Perhaps that is why the Indians warmly welcomed the Spaniards, in whom they saw the second coming of Viracocha, and the Spaniards managed to easily conquer Central America. The Aztecs and Toltecs of Mexico called the white God Quetzalcoatl, the Incas - Kon-Tiki Viracocha, the Maya - Kukulkan.

There is a theory about the origin of the Maya from the inhabitants of the legendary Atlantis. According to the texts of the Maya - "Books of Advice", the Maya came to America from the continent of Mu, it was a huge continent with major cities and a population of 60 million people. The continent sank to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean about 11.5 thousand years ago.

In the 30s of the XX century, the American researcher James Churchward put forward the theory of the existence of the disappeared continent of MU. These were sketches made from ancient stone tablets given to Churchward by an Indian priest.

The tablets were named after the legendary educators, Naakal. Churchward believed that the inhabitants of the continent of Mu used technologies far superior to modern ones, including anti-gravity, which allowed them to move huge objects and build colossal buildings. He was sure that the higher knowledge, which allowed building pyramids in Egypt and Mexico, came from Atlantis, and earlier from the continent of Mu, about 25 thousand years ago.

Some scientists believe that ancient Egypt, India and Babylon were the "fading coals" of the disappeared civilization of the continent of Mu.

A American archaeologist and historian Auguste Le Plongeon, who studied Maya writings found in South America, came to the conclusion that they "exported" their religious rites not only to the banks of the Nile, but also to the banks of the Euphrates and the Indian Ocean 11.5 thousand years ago.

As Peter James and Nick Thorpe write in Secrets of Ancient Civilizations: “The ancient Maya reached intellectual and cultural heights that no one else in the New World could match. Particularly impressive were the achievements in astronomy and mathematics. An observatory was built at Chichen Itza on the Yucatan Peninsula to observe the movement of the Sun and the planet Venus.

The Maya tracked the Sun, Moon, Venus, and Jupiter and calculated their relative positions with such precision that they could predict eclipses of the Moon and Sun. They calculated with absolute accuracy the magnitude of the revolution of the Earth around the Sun, established a very exact time revolution of the moon around the earth.

Like the Egyptians, the Maya were most interested in Venus. They knew the planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, which supports the hypothesis that the Maya received astronomical information from space aliens, or a more advanced civilization that preceded them.

The complex astrological calculations of the Maya required a developed mathematical system. The invention of the zero symbol gave their vigesimal system such flexibility that millionths could be represented with just three symbols: a dash for 5, a dot for 1, and a stylized shell for 0.

Maya could make the most accurate calendars for thousands of years ahead. Modern scientists argue that the compilation of such calendars would take at least 10 thousand years.

The Maya, like the Sumerians, considered time to be the soul of the universe. The Universe "breathes" - makes "breaths and exhalations". In these cycles life arises, develops, dies and arises again. The inhale-exhale cycle was called the "Great Cycle" by the Maya.

According to the Maya, the next cycle of life on Earth began on August 13, 3113 BC and was supposed to end on December 21, 2012. The Maya believed that at the end of the current cycle, a new cycle would begin - the cycle of the Fifth Sun and the beginning new era- era of the White Jaguar.

Mayan calendars are a chronology and a system the most accurate predictions. The Maya used several calendars: the first calendar - "Long Count", the second - "Tzolkin", or "Sacred Calendar". The first calendar consisted of 360 days and reflected the astrophysics of the Cosmos, the second, based on a 260-day cycle, was intended for earthly life and marked the times of sowing and harvesting. The calendars were calculated with such accuracy that they were only one day behind in 6,000 years. Both calendars complement each other and contain a complete cycle of 52 years.

The Maya civilization disappeared as suddenly as it appeared, leaving in Central America many cities, as if people had left them for a while. Legends say that this ancient people possessed extraordinary abilities and for some reason went to the "parallel world".

Modern science claims that only 10 percent of its gene potential is realized in a person, scientists consider the remaining 90 percent "gene garbage". The ancients believed that in these 90 percent our extraordinary abilities to clairvoyance, levitation, teleportation around the worlds.

Perhaps, December 21, 2012 was for humanity not only the beginning of a new era of the White Jaguar, but also the beginning of new knowledge of the Laws of the Universe, received from a meeting with those who left us, having gone to " Parallel Worlds"and taking with him extraordinary knowledge and abilities.

City of Palenque

This ancient city was accidentally found by a military patrol that got lost in the jungle of the Mexican state of Chiapas. The soldiers discovered in the forest the village of Santo Domingo de Palenque, the existence of which the colonial authorities did not even suspect, and at the same time the ruins of a magnificent temple center. But only 25 years later, in 1784, the colonial administration sent for study ancient city the first expedition with brilliant results.

Palenque is superbly located on a ridge of hills overgrown with high tropical forest. In ancient times, its buildings were decorated with stucco friezes and paintings. Only a little has survived to our time, so you have to rely on the drawings made by early researchers, especially Catherwood.

Working in very difficult conditions, sick with malaria. suffering from ticks and other blood-sucking insects, Stephens and Catherwood produced the first accurate description of the city, accompanying the text with many excellent illustrations.

Much has changed in Palenque since then. But the tropical heat and mosquitoes remained unchanged. The heavy hot air of the jungle still scares away many tourists. It is amazing how this city was built at all, despite the terrible heat and humidity.

The palace complex in Palenque is a magnificent example of Mayan architectural taste. It is a real labyrinth, about 300 meters long and 240 meters wide, consisting of rooms and covered galleries located around courtyards. A four-story tower rises above the complex. There are no analogues of such a structure in any Mayan settlement.

In most cases, the temples that the Maya built on top of the pyramids did not survive because they were made of wood. Palenque is a rare case, even several such temples have been preserved here - the temple of the Skulls, the temple of the Count, the so-called Cross group, which includes the temple of the Cross, the temple of the Leafy Cross, the temple of the Sun.

All these temples are located on pyramidal bases. They got their names according to the main motives of the relief on the slabs inside the temples. In the temple of the Sun, the sun is depicted pierced by two crossing spears. In the center of the composition of the temple of the Cross is a cross. In the Temple of the Leaf Cross, the center of the composition is the cross, from the crossbars of which leaves (or flames?) protrude. The Temple of the Skulls is famous for its skull ornaments, and the Temple of the Count got its name because the explorer of the ruins, Count de Waldeck, lived there for two years.

One of the most perfect works of monumental Mayan architecture is the Temple of the Sun (erected in the middle of the 7th century). It is located on a stepped platform and topped with a roof with a decorative ridge.

The peculiarity of Palenque manifested itself in decorative details architectural style. Unlike other cities, steles with altars are almost completely absent here. But on the columns and walls of its buildings, the artists created an incredible abundance of wonderful stucco and carvings - the slabs of the temples are richly decorated with reliefs, covered with thousands of hieroglyphs.

Today, only part of the ancient city has been fully excavated, and the rest is covered with high rainforest, in which parrots and macaws flutter, and on rainy days, the surrounding area ancient settlement resound with unusual sounds - this is howler monkeys begin their concert.


During four years archaeologist Alberto Ruz, guided by his own intuition and scientific experience, went to the secret kept under the Temple of the Inscriptions in Palenque. Finally, he managed to snatch the secret from the pyramid, which hid a giant crypt, where the hierarch rested with his funeral retinue ...

The Temple of the Inscriptions stands on a nine-stage 20-meter pyramid, the back of which rests on a steep slope. high mountain. In clear weather, the white-stone pyramid crowned with a temple is visible from the plain for many kilometers. Along the facade of the pyramid stretches magnificent staircase. More than 70 high steps must be overcome to reach the upper platform on which the temple rests.

Its walls were once decorated with huge slabs, completely covered with numerous bas-reliefs of extraordinary expressiveness and 620 hieroglyphic inscriptions in the form of people and mythical creatures (hence the name of the temple).

What these inscriptions were talking about is still unknown, because the combination of picture words and phonetic symbols has not yet been fully deciphered. However, it is obvious that a number of hieroglyphs refer to eras that are thousands of years away from us in the past, and tell about people and gods - participants in prehistoric events.

The floor of the Temple of the Inscriptions is covered with large well-polished stone slabs. One of them was of particular interest to the Mexican archaeologist Alberto Ruza, because it had two rows of holes with removable stone plugs. Moreover, massive walls temples did not lie on the floor, but went deeper. This suggested that there might be some kind of structure under the stone flooring.

When Roose managed to move this slab, a secret chamber was found under it with steps going down into the depths of the pyramid. The limestone steps were narrow, wet, and terribly slippery. It was incredibly difficult to put my foot down on each lower step - the ladder seemed to fall almost vertically down. Finally, a platform appears below. Movements become more confident, but... this is not the end of the descent, but only a turn to the right, and again the same wet huge stone ledges-monoliths.
This secret, damp staircase has been hidden from view since it was walled up in 683. It took archaeologists four field seasons to get to the end of the stairs, as the ancient builders deliberately filled it with tons of rocks and earth. Having cleared the passage, archaeologists discovered a narrow vaulted chamber located at the level of the base of the pyramid and also covered with stones. After the chamber was cleared, the skeletons of six young people (probably sacrificed) were found on its floor, as well as objects stacked in boxes: earrings and other jasper jewelry, earthenware, shells filled with red paint.

There seemed to be no way forward. But after carefully examining the walls, the scientists saw a clearly drawn outline of a small triangular slab. If this was the entrance, but where did it lead? On June 15, 1952, this plate was moved. What was discovered behind her amazed the entire scientific world, engaged in the study of ancient American cultures.

Behind the triangular slab was a wonderful tomb, or rather, a crypt of very impressive size; 9 meters long, 4 meters wide and 7 meters high.

According to Roose's description, it was "a huge room, as if carved in ice, a kind of grotto, the walls and ceiling of which looked like they were polished." The walls of the crypt were decorated with plaster bas-reliefs: nine richly dressed figures, apparently, symbolized the Lords of the Night (in Mayan theology, deities from underworlds). Below lay a giant slab (length - 3.8 m, width - 2.2 m, thickness - 0.25 m).

At first, the slab was mistaken for a floor decorated with carved ornaments, however, between the slab and the walls of the crypt was quite large space. Looking there, the archaeologists were convinced that in front of them was not the floor, but really a slab - a five-ton cover of the sarcophagus. It took a lot of work to get it up. And then the Mexican scientists saw the most important thing: at the bottom of the sarcophagus lay the skeleton of a man of forty or fifty years old.

The sarcophagus itself is made of a monolithic block with a volume of 7 cubic meters. m and is installed on six stone supports. From the inside it was painted with red paint, the same paint lay on the bones and decorations. The deceased was wearing a diadem and many other jasper jewelry: earrings, several necklaces, bracelets, rings on all fingers. In the tomb there were attributes of the power of the ancient Maya: a scepter and a shield.

In each of the hands was invested in a large piece of jade. One jade bead lay in the mouth of the deceased. The face of the deceased was covered by a superbly made life-size jade mosaic mask with mother-of-pearl shell eyes and obsidian pupils. The jade mask is the finest such item found so far.

There is no doubt that the person buried in this tomb occupied a high position in society. Who was he? The ruler of ancient Palenque, to whom belongs the merit of building a magnificent city? Archaeologists believe that it was Lord Pacal who was buried in the Temple of the Inscriptions.


The central figure is dressed in a tight-fitting suit, the sleeves and legs of which end in cuffs at the wrists and ankles. complex shape. The person is reclining on a seat that serves as a support for his lower back and hips. The neck rests comfortably on the headrest. He peers ahead. His hands are as if in motion, as if moving control levers. Bare feet are bent. With all the panels, rivets, tubes, and other details, the device in which the person is housed resembles something technical.

American aircraft designer J. Sanderson went even further. He put the reproduction of the drawing into a computer and gave it a "command" to convert a flat image into a three-dimensional one. Cabin turned out aircraft with instrument panel and propulsion system. Sanderson supplemented computer printouts with a few strokes, depicting the outer skin of the aircraft, and presented the resulting image to the scientific community.

The most famous is the interpretation of the Swiss writer Erich von Däniken. His hypothesis (expressed in the book "Chariots of the Gods") that the mysterious figure in the center of the lid is an Atlantean (representative of a lost civilization) sitting in the cockpit of an aircraft of that time.

“In the middle of the picture,” writes Daniken, “there is a seated man leaning forward. He has a helmet on his head, from which wires or hoses extend back. In front of his face is a device resembling an oxygen machine. His hands manipulate the controls. With his right hand, he presses on a button or key, and with the left - compresses the lever (this is confirmed by the fact that the figure is not visible thumb). The heel of the left foot rests on the pedal. It also draws attention to the fact that the "Indian" is dressed in a very modern way. He has a sweater collar around his neck. The sleeves end with knitted cuffs. At the waist is a safety belt with a buckle. Trousers fit the legs like leggings. But this is approximately how modern pilots dress."

Describes Daniken and the device of the aircraft itself:

"In front of the pilot fastened to the seat, there are breathing equipment, a control panel for the power plant and communication devices, manual control levers and external observation devices. Further ahead are two electromagnets, which, most likely, create a magnetic field around the head of the device. Behind pilot - power point. Next to it, the nuclei of hydrogen and helium atoms, as well as their synthesis, are schematically depicted. Finally, a reactive flame emanates from the aft part of the apparatus.

Mayan astrology

In II - X centuries. AD in the southern part of Mexico and in the territory of present-day Guatemala, Honduras and Belize, there was a very high and extremely peculiar culture of the Maya Indians. The Mayan civilization was a network of city-states, most of which were destroyed at the end of the 9th century. In the XVI century. Maya culture was destroyed by the Spanish colonialists, who, eradicating the local religion, burned almost all the manuscripts containing both knowledge and the very history of the people. When in the 19th century the ruins of Mayan cities began to be discovered, and the remains of colossal observatory temples were also discovered. One of the most famous Mayan cities, founded in the 8th century, Chichen Itza (in the north of Yucatan) was already ruins by the time of the Spaniards. But the remains of its grandiose religious and astronomical structures (including the Karakol observatory) still amaze researchers.

In only four manuscripts (the so-called codices) found so far, the Maya were also found dating back to different eras BC. information about astronomical, cosmogonic and cosmological knowledge and ideas of this people. Some confusion of the surviving astronomical and astrological information can be explained by the fact that the surviving manuscripts are incomplete, and most importantly, these are mostly simplified rural priestly "reference books". A number of texts were also found on stone slabs-steles.

The worship of the Maya, Incas, Aztecs to the Sun and the Moon dates back to ancient times. Priests on their observatories - platforms located on the flat tops of grandiose, tens of meters high, stepped pyramids, systematically monitored the sky, believing that all phenomena on Earth and in the state are determined by its laws.

Why didn't the Mayan prophecy come true in 2012?

According to ancient calendar Maya, who calculates epochs in approximately 394-year periods known as baktuns, the end of the 13th baktun falls on December 21, 2012. The number 13 is sacred to the Indians of this tribe. The calendar shows that time is "expiring" on that day.
In addition, in Mexico in the 1960s, the so-called "Monument Six" was found - Mayan stone tablets with inscriptions, according to which something should happen in 2012 with the participation of the god of war and creation, Bolon Yokte. Due to erosion and cracks, the end of the text of the prophecy is almost unreadable. One of the archaeologists suggested that it says something like the following: Bolon Yokte "will descend from heaven."
According to the elder, the apocalyptic interpretation of these records comes from the Western Christian worldview, and not from Mayan mythology. He said that he was already tired of this hysteria and of annoying people who drive him crazy with their questions.
On this day, December 21, 2012, a significant period of time for the Mayan people simply ends, Picstun explained. “This is a special creation anniversary,” said Elder David Stewart, a Mayan epigrapher at the University of Texas at Austin. “The Maya never said that the world is coming towards the end, they never said something bad was bound to happen, they just celebrated the coming anniversary at the Monument of Six."

The frequency with which doomsday predictions appear throughout history is astonishing for such a cataclysmic event.

Each time, people who believed in the apocalypse found themselves puzzled by the absence of mass deaths and destruction.

If they took the warnings seriously, they should have sold their homes, abandoned the material temptations of earthly civilization, and prepared for the dawn of a new era.

The alarm before December 21 was due to the fact that on this day the Maya Indians' "long count" calendar, intended for large periods of time and numbering 5 thousand 125 days, ends.

Precautions have been taken in many parts of the world.

In China, by December 21, they were building protective capsules in which one could wait out the catastrophe.

In the Chinese province of Sichuan, people panicked to buy candles. In Russia, where sales of canned goods and matches have soared, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev urged fellow citizens to calm down.The authorities of the French department of Languedoc-Roussillon were preparing for the influx of believers in the apocalypse to the Bugarache Peak in the Pyrenees. According to a rumor that has spread, the people gathered on the mountain will be saved by aliens.

Apocalypse as pop culture

Geoffrey Braswell, UC San Diego.

The 2012 phenomenon is essentially an accounting problem, a misinterpretation ancient system time accounting.

This phenomenon is based on the Mayan calendar, which counts days after a date in the mythical past. The countdown resets after the date last creation(the fourth creation took place on August 11, 3114 BC). On December 21, we reach the same number of days again, and many are worried that the calendar update will mean the end of the world the next day.

However, it is not even clear whether the Maya themselves agreed with this interpretation of the problem. Two ancient inscriptions emphasize the importance of this date. But in the third we are talking o October 13, 4472 - the end of an even larger cycle that cannot happen if the renewal happens in 2012.

An even more detailed text predicts that in the case of an even later date, the great king K "inich Hanaab Pakal will return to rule in Palenque.

If this Mayan prophecy comes true, the end of the world will not happen in 2012 or even 4772, regardless of how the ancient calendar functioned.

It is not at all necessary to be a member of a sect to find these predictions convincing. Mankind's longstanding interest in the apocalypse is evident in popular culture.

The image of global catastrophes in the films "2012", "Armageddon" and "The Day After Tomorrow" collected full cinemas. In the world, according to some reports, more than 70 million copies of the novels from the post-apocalyptic series "The Leftovers" have been sold.

Since the beginning of civilization, people have often been seized with the certainty that the end of the world is about to happen.

The Romans panicked at the prediction that their city would be destroyed in 634 BC. The fears associated with the end of the millennium were widespread in Europe in the run-up to 1000 AD. During the 17th century English Revolution, religious groups such as the "People of the Fifth Monarchy" believed that the end of the world was near.

People were also preparing for the subsequent "apocalypses". The followers of Nostaradamus expected the arrival of the "king of terror" in "1999 and 7 months". American televangelist Pat Robertson predicted that "something like" a nuclear strike would occur in late 2007.

Surprisingly, however, doomsday-predicting groups often thrive after the "apocalypse," says Lorne Dawson, an expert in the sociology of religion at the University of Waterloo.

“The vast majority seem to be quite successful in ignoring the prophecy failure,” Dawson said.

According to him, the failed catastrophe had no effect on 69 of the 75 groups that predicted the coming end of the world.

Indeed, many continued to prosper. Jehovah's Witnesses have allegedly predicted the end of the world in some form on several occasions and still maintain over 7 million followers.

The "Seventh-day Adventist Church," with an estimated 17 million followers, grew out of the Millerites, whose failed prediction of the second coming of Jesus Christ in 1844 has gone down in history as the "Great Disappointment."

P.S. Starting from 2008 and until 2020, at least 12 apocalypses are "planned" on Earth:

- 2008: an asteroid with a diameter of more than 800 m will fall to Earth;
- 2009: based on the decoding of the centuries of Nostradamus by Peter Laurie, Armageddon will come;
- 2010: oil will run out and the world will be swallowed up by a war for resources;
- 2011: end of the Mayan calendar cycle. A fairly common date on which, according to various beliefs, the end of the world will take place. Perhaps there will be a collision with an asteroid;
- 2012: also the end of the world according to the Mayan calendar. Indigo children are advised to prepare, 0.5% of the population has a chance to survive;
- 2013: Ragnarok, aka Doomsday. Start and end day. Hyperspace transition to the fourth dimension. For mortals it will be death, but for the gods it will be birth;
- 2014: astrophysicists say that a cloud of cosmic dust will reach our solar system, which will sweep away everything in its path. Boring end of the world;
- 2015: the end of the 9576-year cycle, which leads to the death of civilization;
- 2016: James Hansen, climate researcher on Earth, claims that glaciers will melt this year and most of sushi will be flooded;
- 2017: doomsday according to the theory of hierarchical catastrophes;
- 2018: nuclear war predicted by Nostradamus;
- 2019: asteroid impact 2002 NT7;
- 2020: Based on the predictions of John the Theologian, Isaac Newton calculated that the end of the world would be exactly this year.

To believe or not to believe is everyone's business :)

But do not forget to Love and Appreciate life and enjoy every pleasant moment!

Do not forget that you came into this world with a mission!

We hope that the article has become useful for you!

Best Regards Quest Tim Team

Mayan predictions are the prophecies of the ancient tribal Indians. They described what would happen after many millennia.

There are many sources with their predictions. Some of them are fiction, but some are very truthful and accurate.

About the Maya

Maya Indians are a special people that inhabited Mexico. They built pyramids that look like Egyptian ones. Interested in astronomical phenomena. They could also predict changes in the weather.

The Maya calculated with great precision the length of the solar year. The decimal number system was used. It was a calendar that took into account the days of the winter and summer solstices. They even built an observatory whose windows overlook the rising sun for the convenience of calculations.

After the arrival of the Spaniards on the territory of Mesoamerica, civilization fell into decay. The era of prosperity fell on the 9th century.

Stages of development:

  1. Preclassic period (2000 BC - 250 AD).
  2. Classic period (250-900 AD).
  3. Postclassic (900-1400 AD).

When the land was conquered, the development of Indian society ceased. Partially managed to preserve the culture and achievements. The tribes had their own written language, highly developed medicine, as well as books on astronomy.

History of the calendar

On the very high mountain calendar was drawn up.

It was based on two numbers - 13 and 20. They are located on the stone and indicate the date of its beginning. Hieroglyphs describe the history of the entire people of the tribe and all stages of development.

Segments of time (baktuns) lasted 394 years and 190 days.

Mayan predictions for years were time periods of 13 cycles (20, 400, 5200 years). From the transcript of the records, it became known that the last baktun falls on 2012. But the end of an era does not always mean the end of the world, perhaps it indicates a new stage in the life of society.

There must be a renewal of the nation. The priests celebrated this event, waiting for the arrival of the gods of war and fertility.

The Indians also assumed that history would repeat itself. Each period should end with a peaceful event or calamity: The coming of a deity to Earth is expected. It will be foretold difficult year in the fifth sun, compared to the past - calm and peaceful.

Predictions for 2019

The calendar of prophecies is of interest to people in our time.

But the predictions of the Mayan Indians are presented in a special language, so it is impossible to decipher exactly. But one thing is clear for sure - they have a figurative meaning.

One of them describes the fall of heaven to earth. This could be a prophecy natural disaster or an unexpected epiphany of mankind.

According to the prophecies, 2019 is the time important discoveries for the whole world. God will come and bring knowledge and power with him and pass them on to people.

Humanity will accept new knowledge with gratitude and understanding. There will be new tests for people.

It also says that earthquakes and floods are coming in 2019. Volcanoes in the USA will wake up.

But Russia expects a great development and worldwide respect. The United States of America will influence historical development other states.

The death of the great Mayan civilization is still one of the most mysterious pages in the history of mankind.

The knowledge of the Maya in mathematics and astronomy was great. Their calendar is the most accurate of all calendars. ancient world. On large structures, the date of construction was certainly indicated in hieroglyphs. Deciphering the signs carved in stone made it possible to trace the history of this civilization. spiritual and material culture developed in ascending order.

Maya did not prophesy the end of the world

It has not yet been forgotten how everyone expected the apocalypse in December 2012, as the Mayan calendar seemed to predict. But the German Sven Gronemeyer, a historian from La Trobe University, believes that this date has a completely different meaning, and the end of the world should not be expected. He announced this back in 2011. The found stone slab, on which the mentioned calendar is carved, has been seriously damaged for 13 centuries. Some of the symbols are completely lost, which makes it difficult to decipher the information contained on it.

Time periods in the Mayan calendar are called baktuns, their duration is 394 years and 190 days. There are 13 of them in total and they follow each other cyclically. The last of the baktuns, mentioned on the same plate, ends just on December 21, 2012. But this does not mean at all that the end of the world awaits us on this day. It was then, according to the Maya priests, that one era ended and another began. In other words, a rebirth of the nation was to take place. This was revered by the Indians as a holiday, the coming of the deity of fertility and war, Bolon Yokte.

Gronemeyer not in vain focused on the fact that the inscriptions in the Mayan calendar contain many allegories and metaphors. To perceive its content as direct instructions is at least stupidity. Information about this was expressed earlier by Mexican scientists. They claimed that the Mayan predictions did not say anything about the end of the world. The fact that the calculations in the calendar end on December 21, 2012 does not mean that there will be nothing after this date.

It is known that the Mayan calendar is cyclical, and they themselves believed that all history repeats itself. The new era brings with it a new countdown.

Based on different beliefs and scientific assumptions, at least 12 apocalypses are predicted on Earth until 2020. An impressive list promises that cataclysms will begin in 2008, and, with luck, the Earth will last until 2020. Let's skip the previous years and continue from 2016.

2016 - James Hansen, climate researcher on Earth, claims that this year the glaciers will melt and most of the land will be flooded.

2017 is the end of the world according to the theory of hierarchical catastrophes.

2018 is a nuclear war from the same Nostradamus.

2019 is a banal collision with asteroid NT7.

2020 - Isaac Newton, based on the predictions of John the Theologian, calculated that the end of the world would be exactly this year.

Based on materials from the site:


The Maya were not only astronomers, but also astrologers. All celestial bodies, wandering against the background of the stars, should, in their opinion, influence their fate. And first of all - the Sun ...

Like other peoples of Mesoamerica, the Maya believed that the universe existed within the framework of great cycles. The priests said that since the creation of the human race, four such cycles, or "Suns", had already passed. Humanity is now living in the era of the Fifth Sun.

IN Anthropological Museum in Mexico, the famous Aztec calendar “Stone of the Sun” is stored - a huge basalt monolith with a diameter of 3.5 meters and a weight of 24.5 tons. It used to be colored. It reflects the ideas of the ancients about the distant past. In the center of the stone is depicted Tonatiu Maya - the Sun god of the present era. On the sides are the symbols of the four previous eras.

The sun stone in the language of symbols tells us that each era had its own god, that in the four previous eras four human races were replaced before they appeared modern people. All previous cultures died during the great cataclysms, and only a few people survived and told about what happened.

Symbols of the gods of previous eras

The first Sun lasted 4008 years and was destroyed by earthquakes and eaten by jaguars.

The second Sun lasted 4010 years and was destroyed by the wind and its violent


The Third Sun lasted 4081 years and was destroyed by a fiery rain that poured from the craters of huge volcanoes.

The fourth Sun lasted 5026 years and fell from the water that flooded everything around in a giant flood.

The Fifth Sun - which shines on us today. It is known as the "Sun of Movement" because, according to the ideas of the Indians, in this era there will be a movement of the Earth, from which everyone will perish.

Analyzing the myths about the death of four Suns, scientists find direct analogies with some natural disasters. When, then, should we expect the great shift of the earth, which will serve as the end of the Fifth Sun?

The priests believed that soon, since the Fifth Sun is already very old and is approaching the end of its cycle...

"year 2012. Mayan Prophecy"

Scientists have recalculated Mayan calendars in accordance with the modern system of chronology and extracted curious information from mysterious inscriptions...

It turns out that on December 23, 2012, some events will take place on planet Earth. After all, on this day the Fifth Sun must end!

According to Mayan chronology, modern era began on August 12, 3114 BC. and is due to end on December 23, 2012 AD. No one has yet explained where the Maya took these dates from, and what reasons prompted them to create such dates. complex systems countdown.

However, now that the Mayan “alarm clock” is about to ring, we begin to understand that they possessed the kind of knowledge on which the survival of the human race today depends!

In 2012, during the December solstice, the Sun will be in the Milky Way zone. This simple calculation can be done by any astronomer. The phenomenon lies in the fact that when the Sun is in this zone, the renewal of the world, its new birth, must take place.

In a word, the Mayan prophecy concerns some event that should change the course of history. Some suggest that the Earth will come new era- an era of spiritual enlightenment. Others tend to believe that the Maya predicted the end of the world.

In the rational-intellectual climate of the 21st century, it is not at all fashionable to take doomsday prophecies seriously. It is customary to consider them the product of superstitious minds and ignore them. But learning more and more about the achievements of the greatest ancient civilization, some inner voice whispers: why not listen to ancient legends?

What if there is some infinitesimal chance that the authors of this prophecy are not superstitious savages at all? What if they knew something that we don't? What if their prediction of the date the Fifth Sun will end turns out to be accurate? Perhaps, somewhere in the depths of the earth, a terrible geological catastrophe, predicted by the Mayan sages, is already ripening ...

Even by modern standards, the Maya determined certain astronomical events with amazing accuracy. What do their predictions about the events of 2012 mean? We'll find out soon...


The topic of the end of the world is now often exaggerated in the domestic and world press and literature. They refer to various prophecies, information from contactees, decoding of ancient texts. One way or another, many have already heard that in 2012 it is planned global catastrophe, or the end of the world ... Today, of course, few people believe in these tales, but it became interesting to figure out where they all come from.

In addition to all the general sources, that is, those that talk about the upcoming global changes, but do not indicate the exact dates, there was finally one in which everything was explained clearly and accessible. The American New Age researcher, artist and writer, historian and art critic José Argüelles wrote in his book The Maya Factor that, it turns out, all this has long been calculated. Studying culture, and in particular, mathematics and calendar systems ancient tribe Maya, who lived on the territory of modern Mexico between the 5th and 10th centuries of our era, that is, a thousand and a half thousand years ago, this American scientist made amazing discoveries.
The ancient Mayan priests, he argues, were masters of time. Using the laws of time, they were able to penetrate our Earth in the guise of ordinary people, as if embodied here. And they did it not out of empty interest, but to fulfill a special galactic mission. This mission was to accurately calculate the position of the Earth in time and, accordingly, calculate when the transition points come here, at which the inhabitants of the planet can move from one stream of time to another along with their entire planet.
The Mayans settled in the calmest of the most comfortable corners of our planet at that time. They did not have to look for clothes, except for thick and long strips of cloth, with which they wrapped their bodies in a special manner. They ate mainly corn and various fruits of the jungle - cocoa, fruits, game. They did not keep domestic animals either for transportation or for food. The wheel was not used. According to our concepts, it was the most primitive of the civilizations of the Stone Age, these guys were far from Greece and Rome.
However, the fact remains, archaeologists have confirmed that during the period mentioned, this people managed to build several dozen cities on a fairly large territory, far from each other. The basis of these cities is usually a complex of pyramids and powerful stone buildings, completely covered with strange mask-like icons and various dashes.
The highest of the Mayan pyramids are not lower than the Egyptian ones. However, there is not one such complex, as it remains in Africa, but dozens. For scientists, it still remains a mystery how these structures were built, all versions in this regard have one strange drawback, they do not explain the main thing - why the cities of the Stone Age civilization, so amazing in beauty and sophistication, were suddenly suddenly left, as if on command, on at the turn of 830 AD.

At this very time, life in this region of the Earth suddenly suddenly dissolved. The center of civilization went out, the tribes of peasants who lived around these cities scattered in the jungle, and all the priestly traditions suddenly degenerated sharply. All subsequent surges in the centers of life in this region were distinguished by sharp forms of power, including sacrifices, which by the time the Portuguese and Spaniards arrived, led by Columbus. When Cortes moved with a gang of thugs to the capital of the Aztec Empire, whose army many times exceeded the "combined forces" of Europe, he was amazed at the beauty and brilliance, but also at the rites and customs of the peoples. At the sight of this, any orthodox Christian would come out in defense of his religion: the Aztecs tore out the hearts of their victims with enviable regularity ...
However, back to the topic of our article. The same Maya who left the Earth in an unknown direction around 830 AD, the Classical Maya, were excellent at mathematics, or rather a special form of mathematics, which was based on the vigesimal system, and not on the decimal system, as we have now. They used this mathematics not only in the construction of their pyramids, but also to perform calendar "research" - it is known that the Maya followed at least 17 different calendars. And they did it in order to calculate the most space-literate calendar for the inhabitants of this planet. They skillfully traveled through time, which allowed them to accurately verify the results of their research. They climbed the time of the Earth and thanks to this they were able to calculate where our Earth is in time, or rather, even say when?
For their calculations, they used a special method, or rather a table, which they did not call the Tzolkin - "The Sacred Account of the Kins."
With it, they determined every day, every year, every twenty years, and so on. Here 260 elements = 13?20. Twenty lines contain twenty totems - special signs, each of which has its own name and image. The score is kept from the bottom to the top of the column, then the transition to the next column on the right. Moreover, the account is spun in numbers from one to thirteen. In the Mayan number system, there are only three elements: a dot, which stands for 1, a dash, equal to 5, and a zero in the form of a seashell, which stands for 0. It turns out that 13 is two dashes and three points.
Through their research, the Maya determined that the current cycle of the Earth in its orbit around the Sun began in 3113 BC, here we return again to The Mayan Factor. From the point of view of their galactic module Tzolkin, it turns out that this cycle should end in 260 times 360 days, i.e. December 21, 2012!
The history of the last 5200 years of life on our planet is organized here in a very interesting way. Each column is about 400 years old. 20 years each cell. According to these same calculations, our year 2003 falls in the very middle of the very last green rectangle in the lower right corner - kin 260. Its end will be experienced by everyone without exception, so the treacherous Mayan seers say.
We will not now go into the details of all these calculations - anyone interested in the details will always find a source. But let's try to reflect on what the end of the cycle of time can actually mean for us, what can characterize the transition from one cycle to another?
After all, it would be quite appropriate to object here - why on earth would I believe in all this. And this is an undoubted argument that tightly fences me off from all problems. However, one point still cannot be ignored. It is possible that there is absolutely no chance that this actually has anything to do with me, but if there is even one such chance, it could be properly used! Why not be prepared in advance, if such a thing could happen in principle. And most importantly - what, in fact, you need to be prepared for ...