Sofia Rotaru how old when was she born where. Sofia Rotaru - biography, personal life, family, husband: I will sing until my last breath! Sincere confession


Sofia Rotaru’s homeland was Ukraine; the girl was born in the village of Marshintsy in the summer of 1947. The girl's parents were ordinary villagers. His father held the position of foreman, his mother worked in the market. The singer’s sonorous surname speaks of her Moldavian roots. It’s interesting that at first the baby’s birth was mistakenly recorded on August 9, instead of 7. So, the artist now has two birthdays instead of the required one, and she continues to celebrate both of these happy days.

Not forgetting their roots, the parents spoke Moldovan, urging their children to remember their origins. In addition to Sofia, the family had four more children: three brothers and two sisters. The talented girl inherited her talents; the singer’s father and older sister had excellent hearing and voice. Having lost her sight at a young age, her sister began to teach the future star to perform songs in Russian. This is exactly how Sofia Rotaru started her musical path, in whose excellent future her father believed.

Due to her sister’s illness, Sofia was considered the eldest in the family, which naturally forced her to perform large number housework and helping relatives. An atmosphere of love and help to each other reigned in the family.

Being extremely active and inquisitive, the girl has been interested in many things since childhood. various activities. Achieving success in all her endeavors, Rotaru received the title of school champion in all-around. Except sporting success she studied theater and learned to play musical instruments. She mastered playing the domra and accordion.

Having good vocal abilities, Sofia I sang many songs with my family during home gatherings. The young lady owed her nickname “nightingale” to her beautiful contralto voice, which did not go unnoticed by listeners during her tours around the region.


  • Fame came to the young performer at the age of fifteen with her victory in a regional amateur competition. The victory gave the young girl the opportunity to test herself in the championship at the regional level. Having won a year later at the regional level, Rotaru at the age of seventeen becomes a participant in the Republican Festival of Performers and wins there. Having gained great fame, the young singer successfully performs at the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. Having received all-Union recognition, the artist appears on the cover of the magazine “Ukraine”.
  • At twenty-one, young Sofia Rotaru becomes the winner international festival, held in Bulgaria and appears on the pages of all publications in the country.
  • After another three years, the film “Chervona Ruta” comes out to listeners, songs performed by Ukrainian singer for this musical tape, bring Sofia national success. Yes, star music scene becomes a member of a pop ensemble belonging to Chernivtsi Philharmonic.
  • The artist begins her annual participation in the “Song of the Year” at the age of twenty-six after winning the “Golden Orpheus” competition. Only once will she not take part in a performance; the reason for this will be the premature death of the singer’s husband in 2002. Along with her participation in the final of “Song of the Year,” Rotaru is given the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine.
  • A year later, the first song album was released, and at twenty-eight years old the singer moved to live in beautiful Yalta. A change of residence brings work at the Crimean Philharmonic and the well-deserved title of People's Artist.
  • From 1976 to 1983, the singer released a number of albums recorded on foreign languages, which provokes a ban on traveling abroad, while continuing to work in the Crimean region. At thirty-six years old, Rotaru receives the title of People's Artist of Moldova.
  • My solo career Sofia Mikhailovna begins in 1986, the next fifteen years of collaboration with composer Matetsky brings a large number of hits to her work famous singer. Just two years after the start of her solo career, Sofia Rotaru became People's Artist of the USSR.

During the period of her creativity, Rotaru collaborated with the ballet “Todes”, celebrated the twentieth anniversary of her creative activity in the “Russia” concert hall and, without losing popularity after the collapse Soviet Union, continued her singing career. In addition to success in creativity, the artist became the owner of many awards and titles.


Along with the conferment of one of the most significant titles - Hero of Ukraine, a tragedy comes to the artist's family - her husband dies.

Sofia met her future husband after the release of a magazine issue in 1964 with her face on the cover. Having seen the young singer on the front side of the publication, Anatoly decided that the girl was perfect for the role of a soloist in his musical group. Four years later, the couple got married, maintaining their relationship until the death of their husband. Sofia Rotaru experienced the loss of her beloved husband hard, interrupting his time for a while creative activity.

IN family life Sofia Mikhailovna was happy; the couple had a son, who today is engaged in music production. Ruslan is married and has two children.

The actress still looks young today, always remaining in good shape. A star's personal life musical Olympus does not advertise, fans take information about the artist’s life from social networks her relatives. Continuing her creative activity, she releases beautiful compositions that are sure to become hits.

    It’s funny what people say: she was born on the territory of Ukraine, which means she is Ukrainian by nationality. It turns out that if all those who wrote this were born from the same parents, but, for example, in China, then they would be Chinese?

    Even funnier:

    Nationality is belonging to a particular ethnic group.

    And finally: she was born Romanian, but later her nationality did not change, and she became Ukrainian. You cannot change your nationality, you can change the nationality entry in your passport and that’s it.

    Sofia Rotaru was born on the territory that shortly before her birth belonged to Romania, has a Romanian (Moldavian) surname and is Moldavian by nationality (or Romanian, this is, in principle, practically the same thing).

    And if she really changed the nationality in her passport to Ukrainian, then this does not characterize her very well.

    Sofia Rotaru's nationality is who she considers herself to be. There is a lot of information on the Internet that attributes this or that nationality to her, but there are no interviews where she calls herself this or that nationality. Of course, her surname is not Romanian and most likely she is a gypsy.

    The question seems clear, but it’s difficult to answer correctly. The singer was born in Ukraine in the Chernivtsi region, the surname Rotaru (according to the Internet) is a typical Romanian surname; as a child, the singer spoke Moldavian. This is where the whole difficulty lies. In general, nationality is determined by the person himself; we do not know what the singer has decided for herself and what nationality she considers herself to be.

    Sofia Rotaru was born in 1947 in the Chernivtsi region in the Ukrainian SSR. Until 1940, it was the territory of Northern Bukovina, which was part of Romania. That is, the singer has ethnic Romanian roots, but her nationality is Ukrainian.

    The nationality of Sofia Rotaru is not as easy to determine as it seems at first glance. The fact that she was born on the territory of Ukraine essentially does not solve anything in this matter. Nowadays, it is much more important who one or another person feels by nationality. Most likely, Rotatu is Moldovan by nationality, because the singer was born in Bukovina, which is now divided into two parts - a smaller Romanian one and a larger Ukrainian one. The indigenous population of this territory are Moldovans, and during the heyday of the Moldavian Principality, the capital of the country was located in Bukovina. However, for Ukrainians - Rotaru is Ukrainian, and for Romanians - Romanian. One can only envy a person whose nationality is disputed by three states at once.

    By the way, Sofia Rotaru has been my favorite singer since childhood. I always liked the way she sings and the way she dresses. And in general, pleasant beautiful woman! And since she was a fan of Sofia Rotaru, she asked her mother a lot about her favorite singer. My mother often went to her concerts, but, alas, I did not have the chance. So, returning to the question, I will say that my mother said that Sofia Rotaru is Moldavian.

    Sofia Rotaru, and this is real and originally Romanian surname, was born on August 7, 1947 - Romanian, and later, her nationality changed officially and she became Ukrainian. When in one of the interviews Sofia Rotaru was asked who came up with her surname Rotaru, since her father bears the surname Rotar. And the singer responded like this:

    Sofia Rotaru was born in the Chernivtsi region. Chernivtsi is located in the southwestern part of Ukraine, 40 kilometers from the Romanian border and 63.5 kilometers from Moldova. So she is Ukrainian by nationality, just like her parents.

    Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru was born in a place where the borders of 3 states converge: Moldova, Ukraine and Hungary. I remember when interviews with her friends in her homeland were shown on TV in the 70s. They were picking apples on a collective farm. This place was called Marshintsy, Novoselovsky district, Chernivtsi region, Ukraine. The proximity of the borders of Moldova and Hungary allowed people to communicate in 3 languages. That’s why Rotaru easily sang songs in Ukrainian and Moldavian. I think she is Ukrainian.

The world-famous artist and singer Sofia Rotaru was born in the Ukrainian village of Marshintsy on August 7, 1947. The Rotaru family was multinational, because it had Ukrainian and Moldovan roots. Her family respected all traditions and cultures. Sofia’s parents were simple, far from the world of art: her father worked in the vineyards, while her mother traded at the local market. The family was large, the parents had six children, and they needed help. Sofia, as the second oldest, successfully coped with raising her brothers and sisters. A multicultural atmosphere reigned in the family; the Moldovan language was used for communication. Sofia received her first singing lessons from her sister, who became blind as a child. But having lost her sight, her sister gained fine hearing. My father also had excellent hearing and voice. Father with early age I realized that Sofia was destined for fame and success

Since childhood, the girl was distinguished by an inquisitive mind, curiosity and mobility. In addition to high achievements in art, singing and music future star She also had achievements in sports. While studying at school, Sofia took an active part in all school theater performances, mastered playing various instruments and went to the drama club. Sofia was called the “Bukovinian nightingale” for her beautiful voice and artistry. Sofia delighted not only her fellow villagers with her talent, but also residents of neighboring villages, organizing tours.

It only took three years for Rotaru to soar to the peak of fame. While still very young, Rotaru participates and wins in a regional-scale amateur art show. After this, a series of new awards and recognition began in the Soviet Union. Sofia’s photo was published on the main page of the Ukraine publication after receiving first place at the All-Union Talent Festival.

World fame came to Rotaru after winning the World creative competition, held in Bulgaria in the late 1960s. And in the film “Chervona Ruta”, shot in the early 1970s, Sofia’s songs were used. Newspapers and magazines published articles about the successes and life of the young star.

Sofia Rotaru: personal life, biography

Young Sofia was taken into a pop ensemble operating at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic. A series of performances began not only across the territory of the USSR, but also the performance of songs by pop stars in Europe. The star’s list of achievements was replenished with victories at the “Song of the Year” and “Golden Orpheus” competitions.

Rotaru published her debut album in 1974, and it was then that the decision was made to move to Crimea to start a solo career. She received the deserved title of People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR in 1976. Until the end of the 1970s, a couple of significant albums were recorded, thanks to which the singer’s talent was promoted outside the country. Foreign producers paid attention to Rotaru and bombarded the singer with their proposals. By 1983, an English-language album was recorded, and Sofia visited Canada and gave concerts throughout Europe. But soon the USSR government decided to ban artists from traveling outside the country for a period of five years. Undeterred, the ensemble goes on successful tours throughout the entire Crimean region.

Solo performances

After the collapse of VIA “Chervona Ruta” in the mid-80s, Sofia had the opportunity to establish a solo career. Despite her experience and knowledge of how to work in the current situation, the singer encountered many experiences and difficulties along her way. After meeting with Vladimir Matetsky, Rotaru made changes in the direction of her work. After working with this for 15 years wonderful person, Sofia received the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

During “perestroika”, a mutually beneficial cooperation contract was concluded with Alla Dukhova’s dance group “Todes”. Together with the People's Artist, the dance group performed throughout the USSR. Adapting to the changed realities after the collapse of the USSR was quite difficult for the singer, but she coped with this obstacle. Sofia gave tours in Russian and Ukrainian in the newly formed independent republics.

Cinema with Sofia Rotaru

It should be noted that Sofia had talent not only as a singer, but also as an actress. She easily gets key roles in many Soviet and Russian films. “Sorochinskaya Fair”, “Soul”, “Where are you, love?” only a few films from the singer’s list of roles.

Sofia Rotaru: new photos, n new husband

Sofia met Anatoly Evdokimenko while working with Chervona Ruta. Anatoly was the artistic director of VIA. They were connected not only by working in the same team, but also deep feeling love. For the first time future wife Anatoly noticed on the pages of the publication “Ukraine”. The wedding took place in 1968, and after some time they had a son, Ruslan.

According to Sofia, she and her husband experienced both joyful moments and various troubles. They were not left alone for a moment, spending time together both at work and on vacation. After the sudden death of her husband as a result of a stroke in the early 2000s, the actress canceled tours, filming, and meetings. However, the singer was able to cope with the bereavement and get back on track. An army of millions of fans admires not only the star’s creativity, but also her human qualities.

Sofia Rotaru has the title of People's Artist of the USSR and Hero of Ukraine. Recently, singer and actress Sofia Rotaru celebrated her 70th birthday, and her musical career remains at its highest peak, the performer is welcomed to concerts and loved everywhere.


Sofia Rotaru was born in Ukraine (former Ukrainian SSR) near Chernivtsi, in a village called Marshintsy. This joyful event happened on August 7, 1947. Moldovan family in which she appeared future singer, was very large and had many children. Besides her, her parents had five more children. Sofia was the second oldest. The girl's father worked as a winegrower.

By nature he had an ideal musical ear and voice, which is why he became the first teacher who instilled in Sofia a love of music. Already during her studies, the girl began to actively participate in musical life schools. She sang in the choir and performed at amateur art evenings. Also at home they arranged with the whole family musical evenings with the performances that Sofia loved so much. All six children sang in chorus harmoniously and beautifully. Sofia's older sister named Zinaida taught her Russian folk songs, which she herself learned by listening to the radio.

Music appeared in Sofia Rotaru’s life almost from birth. According to her, music was everywhere - at wedding celebrations, at evening gatherings, and at dances. In addition to singing, young Sofia Rotaru went to theater club, dreaming of the stage. She also played the accordion.

It should be noted that in her youth Sofia Rotaru was a talented athlete. She devoted many hours to athletics, and also won the school all-around championship. Once, having gone to participate in the sports competitions, which took place in Chernivtsi, it was Sofia who took first place, running the 100 and 800 meters the fastest. Thanks to her sportive childhood, Sofia Rotaru, being an actress, performed complex scenes that required the involvement of stuntmen on her own. For example, she overcame a narrow embankment on a motorcycle in the film “Where Are You, Love?”, and also rode a surfboard on the waves in a film called “Monologue about Love.”

Start musical career Sofia Rotaru can be dated back to 1962. At her young age - 15 years old - she became the winner of one of the regional amateur art competitions. The winner was sent to Chernivtsi - to the next stage of the competition, where she also won.

This was followed by a trip to the capital of Ukraine - here, at the republican festival of folk talents, talented singer was able to loudly declare herself and again took first place. Thanks to this, young talent appeared on the cover of a magazine called “Ukraine”. All these victories in her youth gave Sofia Rotaru faith in her strength and determined her life choice- become a singer. Therefore, after graduating from school, she became a student at the music school in Chernivtsi, enrolling in the conducting and choral department.

After graduating from the Sofia College of Music, Rotaru was lucky enough to go with musical ensemble to Bulgaria, where it took place World Festival youth. Here she performed several songs, including a composition in Ukrainian. She also performed a Moldovan song about spring and a composition dedicated to the first woman to fly into space. The performance of the young artist was highly appreciated by the festival jury and gave her first place.

Returning to Chernivtsi, the singer began teaching in her music school theory and solfeggio. A few years later, in 1971, Sofia Rotaru performed main role in the musical "Chervona Ruta". The picture became popular and made the singer a real star. As a result, she was invited to become a member of the Chernivtsi Philharmonic. Here Rotaru performed with her own ensemble “Chervona Ruta”. She sang pop-folk songs, which only added to her popularity. A special feature of the work of Sofia Rotaru and her ensemble was that in their songs they harmoniously combined folklore works with modern rhythmic music.

Gradually, Sofia Rotaru’s popularity brought her to the stage of the central concert hall"Russia", and then to the Kremlin Palace. The author of Sofia Rotaru's songs was Vladimir Ivasyuk, famous composer. With the program “Chervona Ruta” Sofia Rotaru became a frequent guest in Germany, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, where the public loved her very much.

The work of Sofia Rotaru was promoted and Soviet authorities, presenting her as an example of a singer who popularizes international Soviet culture. Millions of people fell in love with Rotaru, its concerts were very popular. Also, Sofia Mikhailovna’s performances were shown on television, her songs were played on the radio.

1973 became a landmark year for Sofia Mikhailovna. The young singer took part in the Golden Orpheus competition! in Bulgaria, where she became the winner, after which she was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. Of course, the honored artist was expected and invited everywhere. She regularly participated in “Song of the Year” concerts, and her hits became laureates of music awards.

Being a popular artist from her youth, Sofia Rotaru, however, did not give up her studies and completed her studies at state institute Arts named after G. Muzichescu in Chisinau, specializing in choral conductor.

Sofia Rotaru’s legendary songs were “Swan Fidelity” and “Ballad of Mother,” written by greatest composer Evgeny Martynov. In addition to her amazing songs, which often show a dramatic plot, the presence of characters, the development of their relationships, as well as morality, the singer was known for her ability to establish contact with the public at concerts. It was Sofia Rotaru who went into the hall during the concert and sang among the audience. According to her, the most important thing for an artist is the recognition of the public, and not prizes and awards.

In 1974, the singer’s first disc was released under the simple and succinct title “Sofia Rotaru”. The singer also starred in the musical film “The Song is Always with Us.” This was followed by a move to Yalta, where Rotaru got a job singing in the city philharmonic. A year later, the singer already had the title of People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. The reason for the artist’s move to Yalta was considered to be that Sofia Mikhailovna’s family began having problems with the Communist Party.

On the other hand, there were rumors that the singer had asthma or suffered from tuberculosis. She lost too much weight and sometimes her voice caught a cold and she couldn’t sing. Therefore, she supposedly needed sea air and lived on the coast. Since 1976, Sofia Rotaru began to regularly take part in the filming of the New Year's “Blue Lights”.

In 1976, Sofia Mikhailovna was invited to Germany to record German songs, and then tours around Europe followed. With her concerts, Sofia Rotaru traveled to Romania, Germany, and Yugoslavia. Later she was offered to release a disc with songs in Italian and French. The 80th year in the biography of Sofia Rotaru was remembered for the victory at international competition in Tokyo. The singer even received an award in the form of the Order of the Badge of Honor.

Sofia Rotaru also became the first Soviet artist to appear on stage in trousers. Fulfilling your dream of acting, Sofia Rotaru starred in the film “Where are you, love?” She performed a song there and performed a stunt on a motorcycle. The film became very popular - more than 20 million people watched it, which ensured the growth of the artist’s popularity as an actress. A disc was also released, which today would be called the soundtrack to the film. It was a recording of songs from the film.

In the eighties, rock and metal became popular, which also affected the work of Sofia Rotaru. She took part in the filming of the film “Soul” with the group “Time Machine,” although it was at that moment that the singer lost her voice and rumors about tuberculosis began to circulate again. In 1983, Sofia Rotaru toured Canada and released a disc dedicated to this tour. A year later, the singer’s lyrical album entitled “Tender Melody” was released.

At the end of the eighties, the singer turned to the Euro-pop style in which her famous songs“Moon”, “Only this is not enough”, “It was, but it’s gone.”

In 1988, Sofia Rotaru became People's Artist of the USSR. Since then, mainly Russian-language compositions began to appear in her repertoire. Her discography has been replenished with two new albums - “Golden Heart” and “Caravan of Love”.

After the collapse of the USSR, the singer was able to stay on the wave of success and took her place in the show business of the new generation. She released collections best compositions and sang a song with the super popular group at that time “ Ivanushki International" In the late nineties, Sofia Rotaru’s disc entitled “Love Me” was released. The singer again receives awards and becomes the owner of the Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Now singer Sofia Rotaru still remains famous, popular and in demand.

Personal life

The love of Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru’s life was her only husband Anatoly Evdokomenko. He also studied music. It was Anatoly who first organized a pop orchestra for Sofia and created the Chervona Ruta group, and then was the director of Rotaru concerts. The couple married in 1968. Two years later their son, Ruslan, was born.

Sofia and Anatoly lived in marriage for 30 years. In 2002, Sofia Rotaru’s husband died, after which she temporarily canceled all concerts and tours. Until now, the singer, who celebrated her 70th birthday, lives alone. Now free time she spends with her son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren.

Sofia Rotaru – famous singer, talented actress, People's Artist USSR, darling of Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, who became one of the legendary personalities Soviet stage, born in difficult post-war times on 08/07/1947.


Born future celebrity from a small village in the Chernivtsi region in the family of Moldovan winegrower Mikhail Rotar, in which she became the second daughter. But in total there were six children in this family, so little Sofia was constantly surrounded by a noisy environment of many brothers and sisters.

Elder sister Zina was left blind as a child after suffering from typhus. However, it was she who taught the rest of the children a lot.

All ears turned, Zina adored music and folk songs and sat for hours at a small radio, listening and memorizing the words and melody. Her hearing was impeccable and the other children picked up Russian and Ukrainian songs, not yet knowing the language itself - after all, big family They spoke only Moldovan.

Little Sonya had to work a lot - she had to raise the younger children. One of her duties was to help her mother trade in the market, and she had to get up around six in the morning. That's why for a long time The girl’s dream was simply to get a good night’s sleep.

But on the other hand, Sofia loved these trips, because there she could meet new people, especially since her kind and smiling mother was loved by customers and looked forward to her.

But in her free time, which was very little, Sofia loved to sing, and later play school theater. Later, recalling her childhood, she will say that she does not remember herself without music. And learn to play musical instruments she also started very early.

But the girl also grew up to be a big fidget and was actively involved in sports. She even became the school's all-around champion.

Path to success

It is not surprising that the future legend dreamed of big stage. Even her father constantly talked about how his talented daughter would become a great artist. And although everyone in the Rotaru family sang, it was little Sonya who persistently strove to the very top of the pop Olympus.

The first step on the path to conquering it was the usual regional amateur art competition, which Sophia won with ease. And in 1962 she went to the regional show, where she won her first prize, “Bukovinian Nightingale.” This success inspires the girl, and she begins to believe that her dream will come true.

In 1964, she first appeared on the big Kyiv stage as a participant in the republican festival, where she confidently won again. There she was noticed by a man who had already become popular singer Nikolay Gnatyuk. And Anatoly Evdokimenko, who later became her husband and faithful partner for life, falls in love with the photo on the cover of the magazine with her first interview.

With Anatoly Evdokimenko

By this time, Sofia can no longer imagine her life without price, so she goes to study music professionally at the Chernivtsi Music College. There were practically no vocal departments then, and after graduation the girl received a diploma as a choral conductor.

While studying at the school, Sofia nevertheless met personally with Anatoly Evdokimenko, who at that time played in variety ensemble and dreamed of creating his own team. It was he who introduced young singer to the world pop song, which she will later be able to conquer. Since that time, folk songs in modern pop arrangements have also appeared in her repertoire.


In 1968, Sofia went on her first foreign trip to a song festival in Bulgaria. Her flying beautiful voice and the special sincere and simple manner of performing songs brought thousands of fans to the feet of the young singer. Her debut was accompanied by complete triumph. From this competition she brought first prize and audience recognition.

After graduating from college, Sofia remained to work there as a teacher, and realized her desire to perform in an ordinary factory club. But this did not last long, since such talent could not go unnoticed.

And in 1971, they remembered her again, when Ukrtelefilm was preparing to film the musical film “Chervona Ruta”, in which Sofia was offered the main role and many songs. In order to popularize Ukrainian folk songs talented composers reworked them, and they sounded new in a modern pop arrangement.

This was exactly the style that the singer always liked and she worked on the film with great pleasure.

The release of the film brought her fame and popular love among Ukrainians. It was he who made her popular and recognizable. But the very top was still far away. The next step was the creation of our own ensemble with the same name, which for many years would become business card singers. First concert new group took place in Star City, where they were received with great love by the astronauts.


In 1973 already from own team and with a completely new full-fledged repertoire, Sofia again goes to Bulgaria for the popular singing competition Golden Orpheus. The performer, quite experienced and confident in herself and her talent, again brings back the first prize from Bulgaria. And in the same year she becomes an Honored Artist of Ukraine.

A year later, the singer becomes a laureate of the popular and prestigious song festival in Sopot, where she receives second place. And from this year she constantly receives invitations to annual festivals Song of the Year, which brings her increasing popularity and audience recognition.


Performing a lot and carefully working on her repertoire, Sofia Rotaru, who has already become famous, also finds time to participate in the filming of several films, in which she also performs her favorite songs.

Its brightest acting work became dramatic musical film“Soul,” which was largely autobiographical. The point is that it's dense tour schedule undermined the artist’s health, and she was on the verge of losing her voice. At first, the film was conceived as a story about the life and rise of the now famous singer. It was attended by popular actors and the fashion group “Time Machine”.

Still from the film “Soul”

After reading the script, Sofia refused to film because she considered it banal. But having learned about dramatic situation in the artist’s life, the film’s authors rewrote the script to suit her, revealing the subtleties of the singer’s soul. Sofia Rotaru accepted the offer and the film brought her even more popularity.

Sofia Rotaru now

Soviet legend, later and Russian stage Sofia Mikhailovna remained for many years. Today she practically does not perform, raising her grandchildren. Having lost her beloved husband, Anatoly Evdokimenko, with whom she lived happily all her life and raised her son, Sofia Rotaru was never able to fully recover from the blow and devoted herself to her family.

And popularly loved songs performed by her are still heard on TV and computer screens, giving listeners the love and talent of a great performer.

Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru has many awards for her services in the world of music - People's Artist of the USSR, Knight of the Order of the Moldavian Republic, Hero of Ukraine. She performs songs in many languages ​​of the world - Russian, Moldavian, Ukrainian, Spanish, English, Italian, French, Serbian and others.

Thanks to this, she received an international vocation, and her records sold millions of copies in different countries. To this day, Rotaru takes part in corporate events.