What is Petrosyan's nationality? Evgeny Petrosyan: biography, personal life, family, children

Evgeny Vaganovich Petrosyan (Petrosyants). Born on September 16, 1945 in Baku. Soviet and Russian artist variety singer, humorist and TV presenter. People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Evgeny Petrosyan was born on September 16, 1945 in Baku in the family of Armenian mathematician Vagan Mironovich Petrosyants (1903-1962) and his Jewish wife Bella Grigorievna (1910-1967).

This is what Evgeny Petrosyan himself said about his parents: “Vagan Mironovich, or rather, Mezhlumovich Petrosyan, was a teacher at the Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute. Even to this day, even in Moscow, I meet his students, themselves already elderly professors. Colleagues called my father a walking encyclopedia. He was truly learned man. Academic friends often called him to move to Yerevan, and he answered: I can’t, my ancestors are here, I can’t leave their graves. That's how he stayed there. Mom Bella Grigorievna was mainly involved in housework, although she was a chemical engineer by education, she was also her father’s student. My ancestors - my grandparents - fled from Karkanja to Baku in 1915".

Petrosyan's parents had nothing to do with art. Dad, according to the artist, even said: “If you become a mathematician, I will help you write your dissertation.”

However, Evgeniy wanted to be a comedian since childhood.

“As a child, when I was 7-8 years old, my older cousin took me to a comedy concert, where I, a post-war boy, saw people laughing. I haven’t seen such faces for a long time. Everyone was serious after the war, everyone had problems. And I when I saw the changed faces, I realized that I also wanted to be like that, and this dream, born in a child, led me along,” says Petrosyan.

Evgeny Petrosyan in childhood with his mother Bella Grigorievna

The parents did not want to see their son as an artist, but did not interfere with him.

From the age of 12, Petrosyan took part in amateur performances: he played scenes from operettas, read monologues and feuilletons, and hosted a solo entertainer. "I took part in folk theater, V puppet theater, in the propaganda team. I played everything. Now I’m surprised how I managed to do it, it’s crazy. By the way, Muslim Magomayev was also with me in amateur performances. Only he was 15 and I was 12", - said Evgeny Vaganovich.

At the age of 15, he already went on tour with the sailors' club. As Petrosyan recalled, "all the relatives came to see off. All of them. About twenty".

After graduation high school in 1961 he came to Moscow, dreaming of becoming an actor. He graduated from VTMEI, where his teachers and mentors were A. Alekseev.

Since 1962 he began performing on the professional stage.

Petrosyan worked in the entertainer genre from 1964 to 1969: he worked as an entertainer in the State Orchestra of the RSFSR under the direction of.

In 1964 he led to live"Blue Lights"

From 1969 to 1989 he served in the Mosconcert.

In 1970 he was awarded the title of Laureate at the IV All-Union Competition of Variety Artists.

Together with the famous television journalist T. Korshilova, Petrosyan invented and hosted the “Evenings of Humor” programs in the Ostankino concert hall, which were the forerunner of the “Around Laughter” television program.

In 1973, Evgeny Petrosyan, together with L. Shimelov and A. Pisarenko, prepared the program “Three came to the stage.”

From 1973 to 1976 he was the host of the popular TV show “Artloto”.

In 1975-1985 he participated in the program “Morning Mail”.

At the Moscow Variety Theater, Evgeny Petrosyan staged such performances as: “Monologues” (1975, authors G. Minnikov, L. Izmailov, A. Khait); " Good word and it’s nice for the cat” (1980, author A. Hight); "How are you doing?" (1986, authors M. Zadornov, A. Khait, A. Levin); “Inventory-89” (1988, authors M. Zadornov, A. Khait, S. Kondratyev, L. Frantsuzov, etc.); “We are all fools” (1991, authors A. Khait, G. Terikov, V. Koklyushkin and others); “Benefit performance”, “30 years on the stage”, “Country of Limonia, village of Petrosyaniya” (1995, authors M. Zadornov, S. Kondratyev, L. Frantsuzov); “When finance sings romances” (1997, authors M. Zadornov, L. Frantsuzov, L. Izmailov, G. Terikov, N. Korosteleva, A. Novichenko and others).

In 1999, the premiere of the new play “ Family joys”, which continues on the stage of the Variety Theater to this day (authors M. Zadornov, N. Korosteleva, L. Natapov, A. Tsapik, L. Frantsuzov, G. Terikov, G. Bugaev, etc.).

In these performances the artist acts not only as chief executive monologues, but also as a stage director. The performances were a great success with audiences and were highly praised by the press. Petrosyan manages to expand the genre boundaries traditional theater miniatures, where, as a rule, only monologues, feuilletons, sketches and mono-scenes were used. The artist used musical parodies, funny genre songs, pop clownery, synchronized buffoonery, and all kinds of interludes, where the actors acted from own person, often making fun of the main artist.

Evgeniy Petrosyan - Idiot

In 1979, the Petrosyan Theater of Variety Miniatures was founded. At his Theatre, Evgeniy Petrosyan created the Center for Variety Humor, which collected unique materials on the history of the 19th-20th centuries: magazines, posters, photos, etc.

In 1985 he graduated from the department of stage directors of GITIS. In the same year he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

In 1991 he was awarded the title "People's Artist of the RSFSR". August 5, 1995, by presidential decree Russian Federation awarded the Order of Honor - for services to the state and many years fruitful activity in the field of art and culture.

In 1987-2000 - in the “Full House” program.

Since 1988 he has been a leading artist and artistic director"Moscow Concert Ensemble of Pop Miniatures".

“In the 70s in Moscow, the plenipotentiary representative of Armenia was Suren Avakovich... I don’t remember his last name. He told me: “Son, do you know who you are? You are a symbol of friendship between Russian and Armenian peoples. Because you are a Russian artist Armenian origin" , - says Evgeny Petrosyan about himself.

Evgeniy Petrosyan - I don’t understand

“I’m different. In life, I’m like everyone else: I can be sad, I can be happy, I can joke with friends, I can, on the contrary, be serious - depending on what’s happening around me. That is, I’m not a sparkling funny guy who jokes every second It’s very cool to be able to joke in a company with friends, but in our profession this is not the main thing. Often famous comedians (both authors and artists) were serious and even boring people in life.", - admits Evgeny Petrosyan.

Personal life of Evgeny Petrosyan:

Evgeny Petrosyan was married four times.

The first wife is the younger sister of the ballerina Victorina Krieger.

In 1968, the couple had a daughter, who was named after the ballerina Victorina. Victorina Petrosyants is an art critic, film and television producer. She gave Petrosyan two grandchildren: Andreas and Mark.

Evgeny Petrosyan with his daughter Victorina

Second wife - Anna Ivanovna Kozlovskaya (1938-2007), daughter opera singer Ivan Kozlovsky. She was 7 years older than Petrosyan. The marriage lasted a year and a half.

The third wife is Lyudmila, an art critic from Leningrad.

As Nina Dorda talked about her, Lyudmila is “an intelligent, charming woman... such a St. Petersburg lady, an aristocrat... at one time Lyudmila performed on stage with her husband. She seemed to be annoyed by Petrosyan’s workload.”

In 1979, Evgeniy Vaganovich opened his Theater of Variety Miniatures and announced a casting call for artists. A graduate of GITIS came to the audition. Then Petrosyan met his future fourth wife (they got married in 1985).

“We were somehow simultaneously drawn to each other. There, at the test site, nuclear tests were carried out, and so our love bomb exploded,” Stepanenko recalled.

Evgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko

The media have repeatedly written about the divorce of Petrosyan and Stepanenko, citing unofficial sources. In the summer of 2018, it was reported that divorce proceedings had begun. As it turned out, by that time the couple had not lived together for 15 years.

It also became known that Petrosyan was having an affair with his young assistant, whom he had appointed director of his theater two years before.

With the appearance of Elena Stepanenko in Petrosyan’s life, his relationship with his only daughter went wrong. She eventually decided to emigrate to the United States. They didn't speak for about ten years. In America, Victorina met an Arab, married him and stayed to live in New York. Then she got married a second time.

Victorina had first one son in the USA, then a second, but Petrosyan for a long time I haven't seen it. Only relatively recently did they reconcile and Evgeniy Vaganovich saw his grandchildren.

Evgeny Petrosyan with his family - Elena Stepanenko, daughter Victorina, grandchildren Mark and Andreas

Petrosyan’s daughter has her own business in America. She produces exclusive glass toys (blown by hand) based on drawings famous artist Lev Bakst. Victorina opened her studio, Mark Andreas Collection, named after her sons, Mark and Andreas.

Concert programs of Evgeny Petrosyan:

1977 - “A kind word is nice for a cat”
1986 - “How are you?”
1988 - “Don’t cry, Fedya!”
1988 (1990) - “Inventory”
1991 - “We are all fools”
1995 - “Country of Limonia, village of Petrosyaniya”
1997 - “When finance sings romances”
1999 - “Family Joys”
2001 - “Passion-face”
2011 - “Jokes aside.”

Evgeniy Petrosyan - Traffic Inspector

Bibliography of Evgeny Petrosyan:

1994 - “I want to become an artist!”
1994 - “Evgeny Petrosyan in the land of jokes”
1995 - “From funny to great”
1998 - “Petrosmeshki”
2000 - “The Great Mosaic”
2000 - “What Petrosyan laughs at”
2001 - “Recorded giggles and giggles”
2007 - “Doctor Laughter, or Noteworthy giggles and giggles-2”

Evgeny Vaganovich Petrosyan (Petrosyants) - pop artist, comedian, TV presenter, writer, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1991). Author of many humorous programs, including the shows “Laughing Panorama” and “ Crooked mirror" Throughout its entire acting Evgeny Petrosyan collected and continues to collect real sold-out houses. He feels comfortable in different genres, ranging from small skits to satirical monologues.


The childhood of the future comedian was post-war years– he was born three months after the Victory, on September 16, 1945, in sunny Baku, where he spent his childhood. His parents had nothing to do with art. Father Vagan Mironovich was a mathematician, and mother Bella Grigorievna was a housewife who devoted herself to raising her son.

In 1953, Zhenya attended a comedy concert and realized that he wanted to make people laugh. When Evgeniy told his parents that he would be an artist, they did not take this news very well, but did not interfere. The young man took small steps, but confidently walked towards his cherished goal: he participated in all amateur events, performed on the school stage, acquired acting skills in puppet and folk shows. theatrical performances. In 1956, he went on tour with the city sailors' club.

At the age of 16, Petrosyan decided to make drastic changes: he moved to Moscow to be closer to his dream of the stage. He became a student at VTMEI (All-Russian Creative Workshop pop art them. L. Maslyukova), where Rina Zelenaya became his mentor. Its first programs on big stage Evgeniy Vaganovich spent a year already.

Variety career

From 1964, for the next five years, Petrosyan held the position of compere in the State Orchestra under the direction of Leonid Utesov, then worked at the Mosconcert for 20 years. In 1970, the authority he earned brought him the title of Laureate of the Fourth All-Union Competition of Variety Artists.

Yevgeny Petrosyan’s career on television also began in 1964 - the artist was entrusted with hosting “Blue Light” live.

In 1973, Petrosyan released the first personal project– trio “Three went on stage.” In this program he was assisted by entertainers Lev Shimelov and Albert Pisarenkov.

Evgeniy moved on. In 1977 he presented to the public concert hall The Moscow City Council launched its first program “A kind word pleases the cat.” “A performance about human kindness and its deficiency,” read the annotation to the disc with her recording.

In 1979, Petrosyan became the founder of the Theater of Variety Miniatures, which included Vyacheslav Voinarovsky, Evgeny Grushin and other associates of Evgeny Vaganovich.

Evgeny Petrosyan in the play “Passion-Faces” (2001)

In the 80s, Petrosyan released 2 concert programs(“How are you?”, “Don’t cry, Fedya”), in the 90s - 5 (“Inventory”, “We are all fools”, “Limonia Country, Petrosyaniya Village”, “When Finance Sings Romances”, “Family Joys” "). The year 2001 was marked by the release of the play “Passion-Faces”, and 10 years later the artist pleased the audience with the program “Jokes Aside”.

Evgeniy prepared each performance so carefully that his colleague Viktor Koklyushkin joked that even spaceships are not prepared for launch with less responsibility.

In the 80s, the artist received a second higher education - directing - within the walls of GITIS. Petrosyan became a certified director in 1985, at the same time he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the USSR for outstanding services in the field of acting.

Evgeny Petrosyan participated in the Full House program for 13 years, starting in 1987. In 1994, the comedian began hosting his own program “Funny Panorama,” which lasted 10 years. TO famous projects Petrosyan includes the TV show “Crooked Mirror”, where the comedian often played the main roles and was the direct leader. This show was broadcast from 2003 to 2014. Friendly and cheerful team The project consisted of many famous comedians.

Evgeny Petrosyan in the program “Crooked Mirror” (monologue in the image of “Moonshine”)

Alas, for young people Yevgeny Petrosyan has become a symbol of outdated and flat humor - this is where the expression “Petrosian” comes from, that is, making banal jokes, while positioning himself as the king of laughter. However, Petrosyan himself does not pay the slightest attention to criticism and laughs off attacks. In life he is simple and very sensitive person, and people who get to know him personally are amazed at how much deeper the real Petrosyan is than his on-screen image.

Personal life of Evgeny Petrosyan

The comedian's first wife was the younger sister of ballerina Victorina Krieger, whose name is unknown to the public. In 1968, the marriage gave birth to a daughter, Victorina Petrosyants, whom the young father doted on: he took her to his performances, and one day the girl read from the stage her poem dedicated to her dad - the audience was moved.

The second wife of Yevgeny Petrosyan was the daughter of the famous opera singer Ivan Kozlovsky, Anna. The marriage with her lasted only a year and a half. In 2007, the woman passed away.

In 2008, there were rumors that Yevgeny Vaganovich became interested in the administrator of his theater, 26-year-old Tatyana, but their romance turned out to be fleeting. In 2016, he was often seen in the company of a 30-year-old actress from his theater, whom the comedian almost made his own right hand. The woman was also called Tatyana. In 2018, it became known about the divorce of Petrosyan and Stepanenko, and Elena Grigorievna intended to sue her ex-husband for more than 80% of the property with a total value of 1.5 billion rubles.

Evgeny Petrosyan’s daughter graduated from the history department of Moscow State University. On at the moment she is general producer and the founder of the company “Vi-Ko Production”, which produces multi-part documentaries. She has two sons, Andreas and Mark.

Evgeny Petrosyan now

Evgeniy is not afraid of age - he does not stop his acting and humorous career, and has also acquired his own account in social network Instagram, where she pleases subscribers with new jokes and shots from life.

This publication is dedicated to the biography and personal life of Evgeny Petrosyan - famous TV presenter, writer-humorist, pop artist of Russia and the USSR. IN lately people show childish curiosity about the humorist’s personality, and the whole reason is his divorce from the equally popular TV presenter Elena Stepanenko. There is an opinion that the separation of the spouses occurred due to new love Evgeniy Vaganovich, and this only makes it more intriguing. People have everything more questions. One of the main ones is how old is Evgeniy Vaganovich Petrosyan, is it true that he new lover almost three times younger than the artist? We will answer all these questions in this article, but let’s start from the very beginning - from the childhood of a comedian.

Early years

Evgeniy Vaganovich Petrosyan - real name Petrosyants was born in Baku immediately after the end of the war - in 1945, on September 16. The boy's parents were atheists: his mother, Bella Grigorievna, was a chemical engineer by training, a housewife, his father, Vagan Mironovich (Mezhlumovich), was a mathematics teacher. The parents hoped that son will go in the footsteps of some of them, but the child was always attracted by the scene, and it eventually became his life.

The nationality of Yevgeny Vaganovich Petrosyan remains in question, because his mother is Jewish and his father is Armenian. The boy first appeared on stage at the age of 12. From that time on, he became a permanent member and activist of the amateur performance circle, and not a single performance took place without his participation.

Immediately after school, Evgeniy Vaganovich entered VTMEI, and one of his teachers was the great Rina Zelenaya!

Creative path

Already in 1962, the young artist entered the professional stage. Since 1964, he was lucky enough to be an entertainer under the direction of Leonid Utesov in the state orchestra. Then, from 1969, there was the Mosconcert, and Petrosyan worked there until 1989! And during this period the artist was able to achieve a lot.

In 1985, Evgeniy Vaganovich graduated from GITIS and became an Honored Artist of the RSFSR. After another six years, Petrosyan was awarded another title - People's Artist.

The comedian became popular by the end of the 70s of the last century. Full houses attended his concerts. And he broadcast monologues from the stage, showed miniatures, performed interludes, and so on.

At the end of 1979, Evgeniy Vaganovich Petrosyan, whose biography the article is devoted to, created the Petrosyan Theater of Variety Miniatures, or “TEMP” for short. Since the late 80s, the comedian’s popularity has begun to gain momentum on television, where he first began to appear with his numbers in Full House. Since 1994, “Smehopanorama” has been launched, headed by Petrosyan. And this program has remained popular for ten long years. It is being replaced by the show “Curves Mirror”, where the main artist was Evgeniy Vaganovich.

People love the artist very much, but until recently little was known about his personal life, since he does not like to talk about his family. But we still managed to scrape together some information, and from these crumbs, create a more or less understandable picture of the artist’s personal life. In total, the artist was married four times. And all the wives of Yevgeny Vaganovich Petrosyan are extraordinary personalities.

Related to Krieger

The first wife appeared in the artist’s life as quickly as his career took off. Having arrived in Moscow from Baku, the guy tried to grab pieces of everything everywhere: craftsmanship, manners, skills, and so on. At the Moscow Art Theater young man they didn’t take him, citing the fact that at that time he was already a ready-made artist, and it was impossible to mold anything from him. So, Petrosyanu ended up at VTMEI, where he began to amaze not only his fellow students with his talent, but also his teachers. Everyone was amazed at how accurately the young student could reproduce a long text after reading it just once! Training was easy for Yevgeny Petrosyan, and it is not surprising that soon he was already working as an entertainer.

It was at one of the concerts, where Evgeniy Vaganovich was in the role of entertainer, that he was introduced beautiful girl which accounted for sister already at that moment famous ballerina Krieger quizzes. The young lady was immediately captivated by the gallant young man who knew how to attract attention. The sympathy turned out to be mutual, and soon the lovers got married.

The couple had a daughter - the artist’s first child. And it was decided to name the girl in honor of the famous aunt - Victorina. According to rumors, it was Petrosyan who wanted to give his daughter this name, because he loved his newly-made relatives very much and was proud of his relationship with them. The artist treated his child tenderly, but neither the baby nor his relatives could resist Evgeniy Vaganovich’s feelings that flared up for another woman. This is how the first family broke up.

Anna Ivanovna Kozlovskaya

Anna Ivanovna was 7 years older than her chosen one, but this fact did not stop anyone. Daughter of the famous opera singer a real beauty, and Evgeniy Vaganovich could not resist her. The future spouses met at work: Anna Ivanovna announced the performances of the artists, and Petrosyan performed his monologues and jokes. But you can’t assume that a comedian is a clown! Evgeniy Vaganovich is very educated, gallant, smart person, and off the stage he was able to win the favor of the beautiful Kozlovskaya.

Anna Ivanovna’s father was not against his daughter’s relationship with Petrosyan. The groom's family was intelligent, educated, Evgeniy Vaganovich himself beautifully looked after the bride, and simply could not help but please her parents. The young people performed together, but their happiness was not destined to last longer than two years. The young wife became interested in prose, and was soon admitted to the Writers' Union. Then she met a handsome Greek writer, Kostas Varnalis. The woman fell madly in love and decided to divorce. Nothing could prevent this: neither a suffering husband, nor an angry father (according to Kozlovsky, his daughter must devote her entire life to one man). She packed her things and ran away with her beloved to his homeland.

Anna Ivanovna did not live with Kostas until the end of her days; at one point she decided to return to her homeland, the reasons for this are not specified. But Kozlovskaya had no intention of returning her husband, and they never maintained a relationship again.

Anna Ivanovna, like the artist’s first wife, is no longer alive. Evgeniy Vaganovich came to the funeral of his first wife, but at the farewell last path No one saw him at Kozlovskaya.

Evil tongues said that Petrosyan was able to achieve his success only thanks to the connections of his former father-in-law, Kozlovsky. Allegedly, their friendship lasted much longer than the marriage of Eugene and Anna. But Petrosyan’s friends say (and Anna Kozlovskaya confirmed this in one of the interviews) that many were not even aware of the relationship between the singer and the comedian, and Yevgeny Vaganovich achieved everything only with his talent.

Art critic Lyudmila

The artist's third wife was lovely girl named Lyudmila (that’s how Petrosyan’s friends talk about her). She was an art critic whose manners a born aristocrat could envy! Sweet, kind, very beautiful, just like the artist’s first two wives.

At first, Lyudmila even accompanied her chosen one to concerts; they say she even performed with him. But still the woman could not get used to such tight schedule a husband who spent more time at the theater than at home. Apparently, this is not how Lyudmila imagined it family relationships, and at one point she decided to end the marriage. Evgeniy Vaganovich Petrosyan divorced her calmly, the spouses remained good friends and made no claims against each other.

In 1979, as we wrote earlier, Petrosyan acquired his own miniature theater. At a casting audition, he meets a sweet, talented GITIS graduate, Elena Stepanenko.

The actress was born in 1953 in Stalingrad. Elena's mother worked as a hairdresser, and her father was a cook. Stepanenko has always been distinguished by her lively character, and already from school she was predicted to become an actress.

After school future star became a student at GITIS, and after graduating, she ended up at the Theater of Miniatures with Petrosyan. The girl was equally successful in monologues, solo and musical numbers. Everyone today knows Stepanenko from “Kyshkin’s House,” “Curved Mirror,” and “The Elena Stepanenko Show.”

Legendary family of comedians

At the time when Elena Grigorievna arrived to audition for the Theater of Miniatures, Evgeniy Vaganovich was still married to Lyudmila. Yes, and Elena Stepanenko was married, and it was her husband, Alexander Vasiliev, who brought his wife to get a job with Petrosyan.

For several years, Elena and Evgeniy were just colleagues. The artists arrived in Semipalatinsk for one of the performances. At that time, real nuclear tests were being conducted at one of the test sites, and as Stepanenko later put it in an interview, she and Petrosyan also had an internal love bomb explode. They were drawn to each other with such force that upon returning to Moscow, both were ready to get a divorce and start a joint relationship. happy life.

Children of Evgeny Vaganovich Petrosyan

The comedian's biography is rich and replete with high-profile novels and successes. But the artist is not so rich in one thing - he has only one child, despite four marriages behind him.

Victorina is the artist’s first and only child, a daughter born from the sister of ballerina Krieger. In the first years of her life, Victorina was very close to her father; Evgeniy Vaganovich doted on the child. But his whirlwind romance with Kozlovskaya, leaving the family - all this began to undermine ties with the only relative and close person besides her parents. Soon, father and daughter stopped communicating altogether.

Victorina did not follow in the footsteps of her famous aunt and did not become an artist or ballerina. The girl devoted herself to studying history. There was no place for the young historian in her homeland, and she went to live in the United States, marrying an American. In the States, Victorina started a business selling Russian souvenirs, and now makes successful documentary-historical films.

In the recent past, Evgeniy Vaganovich again began to communicate with his only daughter, who already has two children of her own. Evgeny Vaganovich Petrosyan dotes on his grandchildren Andrei and Mark. Victorina and Elena Stepanenko communicated, the families often met at joint gatherings.

Loud divorce

2018 was the last year family life Petrosyan and Stepanenko. Many people still don’t believe in the divorce of this pair of satirists, considering it a simple “duck” to attract attention. But the fact remains that the couple broke up.

What is the reason? Many are sure that the divorce occurred because of the new passion of Yevgeny Vaganovich, who is now no less than 73 years old. And according to reports, his lover is only 30.

There are rumors that Elena Grigorievna has been living separately for about 10 years, but only this year the couple decided to put an end to it.

What do ex-spouses share?

For for many years life together The couple have amassed incredible wealth - by our standards! So, they have six apartments in the center of Moscow, country houses. According to some reports, the total acquired property is estimated at several billion rubles.

The new wife of Yevgeny Vaganovich Petrosyan

The artist’s beloved for several years now (according to rumors) is Tatyana Brukhunova, a thirty-year-old native of Tula. Today she personal assistant Petrosyan and his closest person.

As Tatyana herself assures, she is really in love with Petrosyan, but Stepanenko publicly called Brukhunova a young careerist who needs Yevgeny Vaganovich only for profit and fame. This is exactly what happened latest scandal between star couple, which put an end to their family life.

Who is Tatyana?

Brukhunova came to the Petrosyan Theater 10 years ago, and two years ago she became its director. Acquaintances and friends of Evgeny Vaganovich and Elena Grigorievna are inclined to claim that Tatyana passed long haul in the fight for the artist. She tries to look like the young Stepanenko, dresses similarly, even styles her hair the same way as in old photos ex-wife humorist.

Be that as it may, Petrosyan is in love again, happy again. What are true feelings and the impulses of young Tatiana are certainly not for the people to decide.

The biography and personal life of Evgeny Petrosyan is filled with interesting and significant events. And this is not surprising. For many years this famous comedian has been pleasing his fans witty jokes. We will tell about his fate and career in our article.


The biography of Yevgeny Petrosyan says that he was born in 1945. The future satirist was born on September 16 in one of the maternity hospitals in sunny Baku. His father, Petrosyants Vagan Mironovich, was a mathematician, and his mother, Bella Grigorievna, was a housewife. The boy's parents never had anything to do with art. His father was busy teaching; his colleagues and students nicknamed him a walking encyclopedia for his extensive knowledge. Bella Grigorievna was always immersed in everyday worries, but she had a good education: at one time she received a diploma in chemical engineering. One of her teachers at the institute was Vagan Mironovich.


Evgeny Petrosyan's biography indicates that he was a cheerful and cheerful child. But post-war devastation reigned all around, so there were very few reasons for joy. The satirist recalls that at the age of seven his cousin took him to a comedy performance. The boy was amazed by the atmosphere at the concert. He decided that he also wanted to give people joy. Zhenya told his parents that he intended to become an artist and began to systematically make his dream come true. From the age of twelve, he performed in Baku clubs and cultural centers, read poetry, led concerts, and played in the folk theater. Three years later, he already went on tour with the Baku sailors’ club. At the same time, he changed his last name somewhat, making it simpler and more sonorous - Petrosyan.

Moving to the capital

The biography of Yevgeny Petrosyan could have developed differently, but the move to Moscow determined a lot in his fate. In an effort to become an artist, a sixteen-year-old boy found himself in a huge city. He quickly got used to the new place, entered the All-Russian Creative Workshop of Pop Art and began studying under the guidance of A. Alekseev and R. Zelenaya.

In 1962, he already took his first steps on the professional stage. Then the young comedian was hired by the State Orchestra of the RSFSR and worked as an entertainer for four years. Its leader was Leonid Utesov himself.

In 1969, Evgeny Vaganovich joined the Mosconcert. Here his career reached dizzying heights. From 1969 to 1989 he never tired of delighting, amaze and entertain his loyal viewers and listeners.

Career development

The biography of Yevgeny Petrosyan tells that the most great success artist's birth occurred in the 70s of the last century. In 1973, he and his colleagues created original program“Three came to the stage” and successfully performed with it throughout the country. Three years later, Evgeny began staging his programs at the Moscow Variety Theater. The public warmly greeted his brilliant productions “A Kind Word is Good for a Cat”, “We Are All Fools”, “How Are You?”, “Family Joys”, “When Finance Sings Romances” and others. He often played the main roles in them.

Cultural contribution

Creative biography Evgeny Petrosyan impresses with its richness. Feuilletons, small humorous scenes from life, musical parodies, pop clowneries, brilliant interludes have always resonated with listeners. Critics were also delighted. On the wave of success in 1979, the comedian created the Theater of Variety Miniatures. At the same time, the Center for Variety Humor was organized. As part of his activities, valuable materials about the history of the stage were collected: rare editions of magazines, old posters, photographs yellowed by time, etc.

TV boom

Some milestones in the biography of Evgeny Vaganovich Petrosyan are captured on film. Of course, because programs with performances by the satirist were published almost every day. From 1987 - 2000 he shone in the Full House program.

In 1988, he was appointed to the position of artistic director of the Moscow Concert Ensemble of Pop Miniatures. He became the face Russian stage and its leading artist.

From 1994 to 2004 the comedian hosted the famous “Laughter Panorama”. The symbol of the program was a clay clown, which was purchased by our hero in Europe in 1995.

Then Evgeny Vaganovich headed the Crooked Mirror theater, where he was the organizer and inspirer of the project. Often he had the opportunity to play leading roles on stage. Theater productions from 2003 to 2014. were constantly broadcast on television. The following took part in them: famous actors, like Alexander Morozov, Karen Avanesyan, Mikhail Smirnov, Igor Khristenko and others.

Our days

Now Evgeny Petrosyan is still in great demand as a good artist and talented organizer. He is actively mastering latest technologies. For example, he opened his own account on Instagram and collected more than 40,000 subscribers. True, among modern youth he has acquired a reputation as a person who uses unfunny and outdated witticisms. A corresponding meme appeared on the Internet, and people began to call the manner of letting go stupid jokes the words “Petrosian” and “Petrosianism”. This, of course, does no credit to our contemporaries.

However, Evgeniy Vaganovich still remains in good shape. He is often accused of borrowing his jokes from the World Wide Web, but the comedian only laughs it off. He claims that his jokes are so popular that they instantly go viral, so people get the impression that the jokes are borrowed from other sources.


The biography of Evgeny Petrosyan makes everyone who strives for universal recognition and unconditional success think. He made it through hard work. His services to national culture are undeniable, for which he received many awards and prizes. Back in 1970, the young satirist became a laureate of the prestigious All-Union Variety Artists Competition. In 1985, Evgeny Vaganovich was awarded the title “Honored Artist of the RSFSR”, and in 1991 - “People’s Artist of the RSFSR”. In 1995, the artist received another important award - the Order of Honor for services to the country and fruitful activities in the field of culture and art.

Personal life

In the biography of Yevgeny Petrosyan, personal life occupies a significant place. The satirist's first wife was the sister of the famous ballerina Victorina Krieger. An elegant and personable guy met a girl at one of the performances and immediately won her heart. The marriage was hasty. The couple had a daughter. She was named Victorina, in honor of a famous relative. Evgeniy Vaganovich still speaks very warmly of the Krieger family. At first he tenderly cared for his daughter, but soon fell passionately in love with another woman and his previous marriage broke up.

Appeared very quickly new family from Evgeny Petrosyan. The artist’s biography is an example of how fickle a restless creative nature can be in youth. The comedian's second wife was Anna, daughter famous singer Kozlovsky. She was distinguished by rare beauty. Conducted concerts, announced variety numbers, captivated the audience with natural grace and fiery humor. However, the marriage with this chosen one did not last long. This time the satirist was left by his beloved wife. The woman was seven years older than the satirist, was passionate about literature, and constantly communicated with interesting people. One day she met the Greek Kostas Varnalis, married him and left the Soviet Union.

Third wife famous artist became an art critic from St. Petersburg - lovely and charming woman with artistic manners and natural artistry. The marriage promised to be harmonious, but Evgeni Vaganovich’s eternal workload irritated his wife. In the end, this relationship came to naught.

Fourth and last wife Elena Stepanenko became a comedian. A young graduate of GITIS came to audition for the Theater of Variety Miniatures. She was very thin and incredibly sweet. While on tour in Semipalatinsk, the famous comedian and a recent debutante had an affair. This served as the basis for a long-term and lasting relationship. Perhaps this best moment in the biography of Yevgeny Petrosyan. Family and children are the dream of any sane person, but our hero and Elena did not have any heirs. But the fourth wife made him truly happy man.

At Elena Stepanenko's wonderful character and a great sense of humor. She is always at her best: she cooks well and supports her husband in all his endeavors. According to the comedian, over the many years of family life, he and his wife never quarreled. True, Elena’s relationship with the satirist’s daughter did not work out. She moved away from her famous father, and then completely left for the USA.

IN on a personal level The biography of Evgeny Petrosyan turned out well. And children, or rather the absence of them, are not a problem for spouses. Stepanenko answers all questions from journalists the same way - her husband and himself big baby. They were connected by a common cause, and this is a good basis for a strong marriage.

In conclusion

Evgeny Petrosyan knows how to give a worthy answer to his opponents. For example, in 2009 he collected round table popular bloggers at the time. Many were impressed by this meeting. The subtle, intelligent and witty satirist managed to convince others of his competence. He proved that his real nature is very different from his television image. The work of the satirist is still successfully ridiculed in currently popular humorous programs like Comedy Club and "KVN". But let's be honest, ridiculing the work of your colleagues is not the noblest thing to do. Perhaps the fact is that for many years Yevgeny Vaganovich was considered the recognized king of the Soviet and then Russian stage. His monologues were the best, but the public became pretty bored. However, Petrosyan’s work is a real phenomenon in our culture. And, of course, they will still be able to appreciate it. I would like to wish the famous satirist health, prosperity and longevity.

Evgeny Petrosyan was brought up in an intelligent family, in which his father Vagan Mironovich worked at the Pedagogical Institute of Azerbaijan and held the position of a teacher of the highest category. Behind his back, Petrosyants Sr. was called a “living encyclopedia.” The future comedian’s mother graduated from the university where her husband worked, but after marriage she devoted herself to her family.

The desire to give smiles

A huge role in Petrosyan’s life was played by his cousin, who brought him to one of the humorous concerts. When people were just beginning to recover after the war, being in a state of prolonged depression, little boy was so impressed by the unusual event that he decided to become the same kind, merry fellow.

Evgeniy dreamed of becoming a comedian; he wanted to give people happiness and charge them with positivity. The strict father did not share his son’s desire to become an artist, but did not want to dissuade him either.

To develop in this direction, Evgeniy actively participated in all school events: read poems, played theatrical productions, acted out sketches. At the age of fifteen, Petrosyan Jr. went on his first tour, where he was sent from the local young sailors club.

After graduating from school, Evgeny Petrosyan informed his parents that he was leaving for Moscow, where he intended to enter a specialized university. So in 1961, the future artist was enrolled in the All-Russian Creative Workshop of Pop Art. Here he learned the basics acting under the leadership of A. Alekseev and Rina Zelenaya.

A talented student began performing solo on the big stage a year later., where he was evaluated not only by the audience, but also by comedy professionals.

In 1964, Petrosyan was hired by the state orchestra of the Soviet republic, where the eminent comedian Leonid Utesov became his mentor. Under the leadership of the legend, the extraordinary guy from Azerbaijan worked for the next five years, and then moved to Mosconcert. Here Petrosyan stayed for 20 years.

In 1985, Evgeny Petrosyan graduated from GITIS, having mastered the basics of pop directing. In the same year, the sought-after comedian was awarded the honorary title “Honored Artist of the RSFSR.” In 1991, Evgeniy added to his collection of awards with the title of “People’s Artist of the RSFSR,” and four years later he was awarded the Order of Honor for services to the fatherland.

Enchanting career on stage

Evgeniy's creative activity began in the mid-70s. The comedian, in the company of Pisarenko and Shimelov, went on air entertainment program entitled “Three took to the stage.” Having a GITIS diploma behind me, Evgeny Petrosyan decided to move forward and began to engage in productions at the capital's variety theater. The following sketches became the most popular and loved by TV viewers:

  • "How are you doing?";
  • "Monologues";
  • “When finance sings romances”;
  • “A kind word also pleases the cat.”

Feuilletons, musical parodies, and pop clownery performed by Petrosyan enjoyed great success with the audience different ages. Talent young artist was highly appreciated by strict critics who wrote laudatory odes to him in the press. In 1979, Evgeny Petrosyan opened his own theater of pop miniatures, where the Center for Pop Humor began its work.

The peak of popularity in Petrosyan’s career occurred in the period 1987-2000, when the artist worked in humorous program"Full house". In 1994, the premiere of the author’s program “Funny Panorama” took place, in which Evgeniy took the place of the presenter. The project lasted ten years, and all these years the symbol of the program was a clay clown.

In 2003, another humorous program appeared on television screens - “Curves Mirror”. Here Evgeniy was not only a famous, sought-after artist, but also an artistic director. The project involved such artists as: Igor Khristenko, Karen Avanesyan, Alexander Morozov, Elena Vorobey, Yuri Galtsev.

Despite his age and high competition in the world of humor, Petrosyan continues to delight his fans fresh jokes and sketches, which he posts on his own Instagram page.

Favorite women of a talented comedian

Evgeny Petrosyan is rich not only in humorous numbers, but also love stories. The artist was officially married four times and each of them was created out of great love. Petrosyan's wives are completely different personalities, you can read more about his personal life of Evgeniy Vaganovich.

The maestro's first wife's name was Victorina Krieger, the girl was younger sister outstanding ballerina. In 1968, there was an addition to the creative family; a daughter was born.

Now Victorina lives with her husband and two sons: Andreas and Mark in America. The woman is an art critic by profession, but has also mastered the specialty of film and television producer.

Petrosyan's next marriage was short-lived, lasting only a year and a half. His wife was the daughter of opera singer Ivan Kozlovsky, Anna. Age difference and frequency the artist's travels became the reason for the separation. Petrosyan's third wife was art critic Lyudmila. For some time they performed on stage together, but she, too, could not withstand the frantic rhythm of her popular husband.

Interesting notes:

The acquaintance with his fourth wife took place during a casting for the theater of variety miniatures, which Yevgeny Petrosyan had just opened. According to the comedian, when he saw a girl with a piercing gaze, he realized that this was the one with whom he wanted to meet old age. She turned out to be a graduate of GITIS.

Only six years after they met, Evgeniy and Elena got married. The couple repeatedly performed on the same stage and performed joint comic sketches on current topics.

In the summer of 2018, information appeared in many media about one of the brightest couples of the Russian humorous stage. The artists could not calmly divide the property, so Stepanenko filed statement of claim, so that the couple would be helped to divide the acquired capital, estimated at $1 billion.

Later it turned out that Evgeniy and Elena have not lived together for more than 15 years. According to Petrosyan’s lawyer, the artist wanted a peaceful division of his acquired property 50/50, but the comedian was against such a decision. Stepanenko agreed to 80% of the total capital.

Some sources reported that reason for separation creative family Evgeniy cheated with his assistant Tatyana Brukhunova. They were seen having dinner in a restaurant in the capital, as well as on a walk in a boarding house.