Essay on the theme of "Dubrovsky": assignment options. The work "Dubrovsky" A

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Research work dedicated to the 210th anniversary of his birth:

“The role of letters in the novel “Dubrovsky.”

Completed the job:

Municipal educational institution Barsovskaya secondary school

Frolov Vladislav

teacher: Demicheva

Tatyana Vasilievna

Barsovo village

Kirzhachsky district

“Epistolary literature is a means of communication as correspondence, originally conceived or later comprehended, like fiction and journalistic prose, suggests wide circle readers. Such correspondence easily loses its two-way character, turning into a series of letters to a conditional or nominal addressee,”1 - this is how this genre of literature is defined in the encyclopedic dictionary.

The essay-documentary “Letters of a Russian Traveler”, messages, marked the beginning of the development of the tradition of epistolary literature in Russia.

Correspondence in the 19th century was the main means of communication between people located at a great distance from each other. Many events of that era are reflected in surviving letters. Since the correspondence played important role in the life of society, many works of Russian literature contain examples of the epistolary genre. What is the significance of the letters in the novel “Dubrovsky”?

To a 21st century reader, the letter from one character to another may at first seem boring and irrelevant. But in the novel “Dubrovsky” letters play an important role, helping to convey the feelings of the characters. The reader encounters letters from Vladimir's nanny and it is interesting to compare them.

« My gracious sir,

I don’t intend to go to Pokrovskoye until you send me the huntsman Paramoshka to confess; but it will be my will to punish him or have mercy, but I do not intend to tolerate jokes from your servants, and I will not tolerate them from you either, because I am not a jester, but an old nobleman. For this reason I remain obedient to your services

Andrey Dubrovsky"2.

And Egorovna’s letter:

« Our sovereign, Vladimir Andreevich, I, your old nanny, decided to report to you about papa’s health. He is very bad, sometimes he talks and sits all day like a stupid child, but in the stomach and in death God is free. Come to us, my bright falcon, we will send you horses to Pesochnoe. I hear that the zemstvo court is coming to us to hand us over to Kirill Petrovich Troekurov, because we, they say, are theirs, and we have been yours since time immemorial, and have never heard of that.


1Literary encyclopedic dictionary, edited by

2 “Dubrovsky” Golden volume .

You could, living in St. Petersburg, report this to the Tsar-Father, and he

would not give us offense. I remain your faithful slave, nanny

Orina Egorovna Buzyreva.

I send my maternal blessing to Grisha, is he serving you well? It’s been raining here for almost a week now, and the shepherd Rodya died around Mikolin Day.”1

We see that these are completely different letters, and the tone of these letters is different. In the first letter the syllable is fast, clear and strict. “Until then I don’t intend to go to Pokrovskoye...” In this way he defends his honor. Dubrovsky begins with the appeal “My gracious Sovereign...”. This formula had a strict, cool undertone. Acquaintances also began to turn this way when there was a sudden cooling or aggravation of relations. Official documents also began with this appeal. The dictionary indicates that the lower rank was addressed with the words “my lord.” In common parlance, the address formula was simplified everywhere and sounded like “sovereign”2. This is exactly how the heroes of the novel “Dubrovsky” address each other in letters. The language of the nanny’s letter is colloquial “we, they say, theirs.” Dubrovsky's writing language is language educated person. In O. Buzyreva’s letter, the tone is affectionate, since Egorovna loves her pupil very much and, left alone with the sick person, asks Vladimir for help. In addition, in the nanny’s letter we learn about the simplicity (“does he serve YOU well”) and trust in the relationship between the peasant woman and the master, about the content of ordinary conversations (“it’s raining here... the shepherd Rodya died around Mikolin’s day”). Orina calls herself a “nanny.” “The word nanny was synonymous with the word “nurse” in the meaning of “nurse”3. That is why Orina has the right to contact Vladimir so freely. The entire letter breathes love: “my clear falcon,” “your faithful slave.” The endings of the letters are almost the same. The ending is the stamp that was used for the signature. By signing, people showed their attitude towards the addressee (“therefore I remain obedient to your services”, “I remain your faithful slave, nanny”).

This means that the letters differ not only in content, but also reflect the originality of the characters’ characters, their social status. writes a letter more competently than Orina Buzyreva.

It is the correspondence of the characters that helps develop the plot in the novel.

1 "Dubrovsky" Golden volume .

2 Fedosyuk is not clear from the classics, or the Encyclopedia of Russian life of the 19th century.

"Dubrovsky". For example, the correspondence between Vladimir and Maria Kirilovna in the novel gives an idea of ​​their feelings for each other, and if there were no letters, the plot of the novel would probably have developed differently. It turns out that in the novel “Dubrovsky” letters play an important role. Masha’s message that did not reach Vladimir led to the fact that the heroes did not connect their lives with each other.

So, the role of letters in the novel is very important. They complement and build the plot. As a private person, he left many letters; he wrote them since childhood: letters from the Lyceum, St. Petersburg, Chisinau, Odessa, Mikhailovsky, Moscow. They are just as interesting to read as the messages of the characters in the novel.

“For four months now I have been in a remote village - it’s boring, there’s nothing to do... My solitude is complete, my idleness is solemn. There are few neighbors around me, I know only one family, and then I see it quite rarely, I ride all day long, in the evening I listen to the fairy tales of my nanny, the original nanny Tatyana, she is my only friend, and only with her I am not bored”1, - wrote. The tone of this letter is sad, a quiet, calm voice is heard. Pushkin had few friends in Mikhailovsky, and letters were the only means of communication.

This means that for people of the 19th century correspondence was a very important phenomenon of life. He loved to write letters, so in many of his works he uses the epistolary genre.


1 Veresaev in life


1. Veresaev in life. M.: Pravda, 1999.

2. Literary encyclopedic dictionary, edited by. – M.: Soviet encyclopedia, 1987

3. Pushkin volume - M.: Image, 1993.

4. Fedosyuk is unclear from the classics, or the Encyclopedia of Russian life of the 19th/10th century. – M.: Nauka, - 2006.

One of the most famous works Pushkin - "Dubrovsky". Reviews note that this is perhaps the most famous Russian “robber” novel. It tells about the love between Vladimir Dubrovsky and Maria Troekurova. Both are descendants of two wealthy but feuding families. Pushkin wrote this novel in 1833, several years before his death. He did not process it for printing and never finished it.

Roman "Dubrovsky"

The novel "Dubrovsky", according to reviews, allows you to fully appreciate Pushkin's skill as a prose writer. The story begins in an estate called Pokrovskoye. A well-known and quite wealthy gentleman, Kirill Troekurov, lives in it. He has a tough temper, which is why all his neighbors dislike him. There is one exception: the poor landowner living next door, Andrei Dubrovsky. They previously served in the army together. Both became widowers.

Dubrovsky's son serves in St. Petersburg, and Troekurov has a daughter, Masha, who still lives with her father.

Troekurov often thinks about marrying his children, but everything changes after a sudden quarrel between two friends. At the same time, Dubrovsky behaves proudly and independently, which leaves no chance for reconciliation.

Troekurov, in order to take revenge, organizes a trial, the purpose of which is to deprive Dubrovsky of the estate.


About Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky" short review is about how unfair the trial is. Troekurov openly orders the assessor to find a “legal” path in this lawlessness.

As a result, a decision is announced at the trial, full of legal incidents, but awarding Dubrovsky’s estate to Troekurov. The poor landowner's health is deteriorating. His serf Egorovna writes to Vladimir in St. Petersburg so that he comes to support his father.

Vladimir finds his father already on his deathbed. Troekurov is tormented by his conscience. He comes to apologize, but Dubrovsky is paralyzed at the sight of his former friend. Vladimir kicks out a rich landowner. At this moment, Dubrovsky Sr. dies.

New owner of the estate

A review of Pushkin's story "Dubrovsky" should be devoted to the fact that this is a work about incredible lawlessness, which cannot always be defeated with the help of law and even force.

After the funeral, the bailiffs come to Dubrovsky's estate to enforce the court's decision. The peasants refuse to obey them, only Vladimir saves the officials from popular reprisals.

"Dubrovsky", according to reviews, is a novel in which Pushkin describes the ideal romantic hero. He is Vladimir. He is handsome, strong, but at the same time does not accept injustice and lawlessness. At night, he dissuades the blacksmith Arkhip from killing the clerks. Instead, he decides to leave the estate forever and finally burn the house so that no one gets it. He orders the blacksmith to open all the doors so that the clerks can escape without difficulty. But Arkhip does not listen to him. As a result, Vladimir sets the house on fire and quickly leaves. He doesn’t even suspect that all the clerks are dying in the fire.

Under suspicion

In Pushkin's "Dubrovsky", according to reviews, the law enforcement and judicial system plays a big role. Officials from these departments come to the fore again when it turns out that Vladimir is the main suspect in murder and arson.

Soon a gang of robbers appears in the province and rob everyone. Only Troekurov's people are not touched. Many suspect that Dubrovsky, who went on the run, is leading the dashing people. The reviews note that many are simply convinced of this.

At this time, the teacher Monsieur Deforge appears at the Troyekurov estate to little Sasha. The Frenchman falls in love with Maria, but she does not reciprocate his feelings.

Reviews of the novel "Dubrovsky" note that the girl changes her attitude towards him after the Frenchman kills a bear, being locked in the same room with him. This is how people traditionally liked to play tricks on guests in Troekurov’s house.

Everyone is talking about Dubrovsky

Guests gather at Troyekurov's house for the holiday. We are talking about Dubrovsky. It turns out that he is a noble robber. One lady reports that her clerk first reported the robbery by Vladimir. However, it later turned out that when Dubrovsky read the letter and found out that the mother was sending money to her son, he did not rob anyone. The clerk himself wanted to hide 2,000 rubles.

At the end of the holiday at the ball, Deforge dances with Masha. One of the guests stays overnight in Troyekurov’s house, asks to go to Deforge’s room, because he has heard about his bravery, and counts on protection in the event of a robbery.

In the middle of the night, Deforge with a pistol takes all the money from the landowner. It turns out that he is Dubrovsky. The latter bribed the teacher at the post station for 10,000 rubles. With the Frenchman’s documents, he arrived at the Troyekurovs’ house.

It was not by chance that he robbed the landowner Spitsyn. The day before, he admitted that he had perjured himself in court against his father. The next morning Spitsyn leaves without saying a word to anyone.

Maria and Deforge

Reviews of the work "Dubrovsky" note that Masha soon begins to experience love for the Frenchman. One day she receives a note from him asking for a date. At the appointed place, he informs her of his imminent departure. Finally he admits who he really is.

Dubrovsky calms the frightened girl, assuring him that he forgave her father a long time ago. Returning to the house, she learns that Dubrovsky was also exposed by Troekurov. And the teacher’s escape only confirmed his suspicions.

A year later

Reviews of Pushkin’s work “Dubrovsky” note that the author makes a temporary retreat of a year. The next chapter tells how Prince Vereisky comes from abroad to the neighboring Arbatovo estate for the summer. Masha amazes him with her beauty.

A few days later, Masha secretly receives a letter from a stranger. Before she can read it, she finds herself in her father’s office, where she finds out that Vereisky is wooing her. She is crying, but Troekurov does not pay attention to it. She is horrified by the upcoming marriage, and in the letter she sees only one phrase: “In the evening at 10 o’clock in the same place.”

Date night

In reviews of the book “Dubrovsky,” readers note the accuracy and scrupulousness with which Pushkin describes the relationships of young people. On a date, Dubrovsky persuades Masha to accept his protection.

The girl hopes to avoid marriage by reaching out to her father's heart through requests. As a last resort, she asks Dubrovsky to come for her and promises to become his wife. Before parting, Vladimir gives the girl a ring. It's theirs symbol. In case of trouble, it will be enough for her to leave the ring in the hollow, then he will appear again.

Meanwhile, at Troekurov’s estate they are preparing for the wedding in full swing. Masha writes a letter to Vereisky, persuading him to refuse her hand, because she does not love him and will never be happy with him. But everything happens exactly the opposite.

Kirill Petrovich finds out about the letter. He becomes furious and decides to speed up the preparations and have the wedding the very next day. Finally, Masha threatens to turn to Dubrovsky for help. Hearing this, her father locks her up.

Masha is locked up

Her younger brother comes to Masha’s aid and agrees to take the ring to the hollow. Sasha does everything exactly. But how he hides something in a tree is seen by some ragamuffin. A fight breaks out between the boys, and only the gardener saves Sasha. The ragamuffin is caught and taken to trial.

They meet Kirill Petrovich, to whom Sasha, under threats, tells about the assignment that his sister gave him. Troekurov sends for the police officer.

The wedding day is coming. Masha is taken to church, where the groom is already waiting for her. The wedding begins, the girl's last hopes for miraculous salvation disappear. On the road from the church to Arbatovo, the carriage with the young people is surrounded by armed people. Chief among them is a man in a half mask. He opens the carriage door and announces to Masha that she is free. Recognizing Dubrovsky, the prince shoots him with a pistol and wounds him. Armed people intend to kill the prince; Vereisky is saved only by the intercession of Vladimir.

Dubrovsky persuades Masha to go with him, but the girl announces that it is too late. Dubrovsky loses consciousness, his accomplices take him away.

At the end of the novel, a robber camp is described, consisting of several huts. In one of them, the old woman asks the guard, who is bawling songs about bandits, to keep quiet because the master is sleeping. In the hut itself there is a wounded Dubrovsky.

At this time, an alarm is declared in the camp. Everyone goes to their original positions and arm themselves. The guards report that soldiers have entered the forest. A bloody battle begins. The robbers win it.

A few days later, Dubrovsky, having escaped Troyekurov’s retribution, gathers all his associates and announces that he intends to leave them. He disappears in an unknown direction. Rumor has it that he is going abroad.

This is where Pushkin's novel ends.

29.06.2017 @ 09:17

You need to write an essay-letter to one of the heroes of the novel by A S Pushkin Dubrovsky It must begin like this: Dear Vladimir Dubrovsky, although we don’t know each other, I know you from the novel by A S Pushkin, etc.

  • Honor and dishonor, meanness and nobility, courage and cowardice, we encounter all this in the story by A. S. Pushkin Dubrovsky.
    Vladimir Dubrovsky, having witnessed arbitrariness, decides to defend his honor and dignity. Maybe he is not choosing the right path, the path of revenge, but his courage evokes respect: Vladimir was not afraid to challenge the all-powerful Troekurov, before whom the entire district was in awe. Even though he did not emerge victorious, his courage, nobility, and determination cannot but arouse sympathy. Troekurov’s actions speak of his heartlessness and cruelty. He coldly deprives his closest friend roof over your head. He does not care about the fate of his son A.G. Dubrovsky, who was left without any means of subsistence. He humiliates everyone who depends on him in one way or another. Next to him, the noble Dubrovsky looks even prettier. Once in Troyekurov's house, having fallen in love with Masha, Vladimir refuses to take revenge on the one who destroyed his life, only because this man is Masha's father. Dubrovsky the robber, according to many, is distinguished by some kind of generosity; they said that he attacked only famous rich people, and even then he did not take away the latter. Having met a French teacher, Dubrovsky could have taken his documents without any explanation, but his honor did not allow him to do this to a defenseless person.
    Vladimir is extremely honest in his relationship with Masha.. He is not thrown out of society, like Vladimir Dubrovsky, but he cannot be called decent. I would not like to have such a friend; Having received a letter from Masha, he immediately told Troekurov about it, exposing the poor girl to attack. Knowing that Masha does not love him, the prince still marries her, and when he meets Dubrovsky on the way from the church, he shoots him. And again Vladimir rose to the occasion.
    Yes, you can be rich, noble, all-powerful, but no amount of money can buy honor, dignity, generosity of soul and nobility. They are given to a person from birth and in any situation help him preserve the Human within himself.

Municipal budget educational institution“Secondary school No. 63 with in-depth study of individual subjects”

Writing is the best way to penetrate a person.”

(Guy de Maupassant.)

(The artistic role of letters in the structure of A.S. Pushkin’s novels “Dubrovsky”, “ Captain's daughter».)


Savelyeva Ekaterina

7th grade student.


Bubnova Olga Ivanovna .

Nizhny Novgorod



1 . Introduction. The purpose of the abstract is 2 pages.

2. RThe role of letters and notes of characters in the plot of A.S. Pushkin’s novel “Dubrovsky” - 5 pages.

3. The use of the epistolary genre in a novel

A.S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter” - 10 pages.

4. Conclusion - 20 pages.

5. Literature used - 21 pages.

6. Note - 22 pages.

7. Appendix - 23 pages.

I. Introduction. Purpose of the abstract

Epistolary literature (from the Greek - epistole) is an epistle, letter, correspondence, initially conceived or later interpreted as fiction or journalistic prose, intended for a wide range of readers. (1)

The epistolary form has the properties of lyricism, allowing the author, according to Aristotle’s definition, to “remain himself.” These are letters of confession and letters of message, real letters, which have become popular, becoming a compositional principle epic form, “a novel in letters.” The exchange of correspondence, as it were, eliminates the factors of the factual, but for the sake of the same impression of the “presence” of the natural “I”, a relaxed conversation between correspondents. “Letters” can also be classified as documentary literature or using the element of “documentary” as direct evidence, messages, reports and, due to this, possessing special persuasiveness.

"Letter" as literary genre has spread since antiquity in Greek and especially in Roman literature. The letters of Horace Flavius ​​to the brothers Piso about the science of poetry and the writings of Theophilus of Antioch are known. The genre of writing in Rus' took shape in the 16th century. Private letters with everyday and business matters, economic issues and those addressed to the government, school records and funny texts. The laws of writing writing begin to form. The letter formula identifies the author and addressee. Gostyata’s letter is the first example of a private letter Ancient Rus'. The correspondence of Ivan the Terrible with A.M. Kurbsky in 1564, and the messages of Archpriest Avvakum in the 17th century became widespread.

The epistolary genre became widespread in the 18th century. At this time, collections of samples “How different compliments are written” and “Writer’s Book” by N.G. Kurganov appeared. The epistolary genre was used by Fonvizin, Kapnist, Novikov, and Derzhavin.

At the time of formation new literature, which took place in an atmosphere of increasingly solemn “renaissance” and enlightenment ideals, and writing began to develop as an everyday document. Writing became a need for people. A person felt the need to determine his beliefs and express his views on private and general issues. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the form of the epistolary genre was used as a way to impart immediacy to intellectual communication.

Such letters are not the same in theme and genre. There are differences between a friendly letter and a business letter, a letter to relatives and a petition to the Senate, letters to high-ranking officials or addressed to a “highest” name.

Everyday tradition determines the difference between such letters in terms of vocabulary and style. With the advent secular literature This genre does not lose its relevance. And it not only serves as a means of communication between people, but is also introduced into the pages of a literary work. Stories and novels appear in letters, but this was most likely caused by the desire to imitate French literature. “Every letter, no matter who wrote it, depicts moral character writer, the mental measure of his education and knowledge, so to speak, of secular formality" (Sazonov, Belsky "Complete Letter Book")

The letter is included in some literary works, sending or receiving a letter is an event, a plot element. The text of the letter, if it is not a short note with a request or order to do something or come somewhere, is an extra-plot episode. This is an independent, alien text, different from the author’s narrative, created by one of the heroes.

The content of the letter is a semantic whole that interacts with the content of the work. The letter always conveys the individual style of its author; helps both in general characteristics character, and in revealing the author’s attitude to everything that happens; as well as the development of action in the general concept.

A.S. Pushkin also introduces the genre of writing onto the pages of his works. But in his works, writing - the expression of thoughts and feelings on paper - becomes a kind of test for the hero. “Mind” and “heart,” “feelings” and “reason” necessarily coexist in the letters of Pushkin’s heroes.

Purpose of the abstract – based on the analysis of characters’ letters, identify them artistic role in the structure of novels by A.S. Pushkin's "Dubrovsky" and "The Captain's Daughter".

II. RThe role of letters and notes from characters in the plot of A.S. Pushkin’s novel “Dubrovsky”

Let's consider the role of the characters' letters and notes in the plot of A.S. Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky". Letters and notes from the heroes play a significant role in the development of the action, as well as in revealing the images of the heroes and characters of the novel, their characters.

1. Letters from Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky and Vladimir’s nanny as a way of revealing their characters. Their place in the plot of the novel

Andrei Gavrilovich's independent disposition, pride in his noble title, commitment to the old style of speech and way of thinking are manifested in his letter to Troekurov. It also contributed to the beginning of the plot: it began the enmity of former friends, which led to tragic consequences.

« My gracious sir,
I don’t intend to go to Pokrovskoye until you send me the huntsman Paramoshka to confess; but it will be my will to punish him or have mercy, but I do not intend to tolerate jokes from your servants, and I will not tolerate them from you either, because I am not a jester, but an old nobleman. For this reason I remain obedient to your services

Andrey Dubrovs cue."

The style is fast, clear and strict, the tone is demanding and impatient.“Until then I don’t intend to go to Pokrovskoye...” . In this way he defends his honor. A.G. Dubrovsky’s letter begins with an appeal“My gracious sir...” This formula had a strict, cool undertone. Acquaintances also began to turn this way when there was a sudden cooling or aggravation of relations. Official documents also began with this appeal. The dictionary of V.I. Dahl indicates that the lower rank was addressed with the words“my lord.” In common parlance, the conversion formula was simplified everywhere and sounded like"sovereign" . This is exactly how the heroes of A.S. Pushkin’s novel “Dubrovsky” address each other in letters.The next letter, dictated by nanny Egorovna to the cook, informed Vladimir about his father’s serious illness and the threat of the estate transferring to Troekurov. It immediately forced him to take a vacation and come to Kistenevka, and this circumstance aggravated the conflict of the novel, led to further development actions.

« Our sovereign, Vladimir Andreevich, I, your old nanny, decided to report to you about papa’s health. He is very bad, sometimes he talks and sits all day like a stupid child, but in the stomach and in death God is free. Come to us, my bright falcon, we will send you horses to Pesochnoe. I hear that the zemstvo court is coming to us to hand us over to Kirill Petrovich Troekurov, because we, they say, are theirs, and we have been yours since time immemorial, and have never heard of that.”

The language of the nanny's letter is colloquial:“We, they say, are theirs.” Dubrovsky's writing language is the language of an educated person. In the letter to O. Buzyreva, the tone is affectionate, since Egorovna loves her pupil very much and, left alone with the sick A.G. Dubrovsky, asks Vladimir for help. In addition, in the nanny's letter we learn about the simplicity("is he good for YOU serves") and trust in the relationship between the peasant woman and the master, about the content of ordinary conversations(“it’s raining here... the shepherd Rodya died around Mikolin’s day”) . Orina calls herself"nanny". “The word nanny was synonymous with the word"nurse" in meaning"nurse" . That is why Orina has the right to contact Vladimir so freely. The whole letter breathes love:“my clear falcon”, “your faithful slave”.

The letter characterizes Egorovna as kind woman, sincerely attached to her masters. He also contains a naive hope, characteristic of a simple Russian person, for the justice of the Tsar-Father, for the fact that the young gentleman living in St. Petersburg will be able to reach him with a complaint against Troekurov.
Thus, the letters of the nobleman A.G. Dubrovsky and the serf nanny differ not only in content, but also reflect the originality of the characters’ characters and their social status. A.G. Dubrovsky writes a letter more competently than Orina Buzyreva, which also helps develop the plot in the novel.

2. Comparative analysis of letters from the heroine of the novel, the serf nanny Orina Egorovna Buzyreva and the famous nanny A.S. Pushkin by Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva.

Literary historian and Pushkin scholar N.O. Lerner compared Egorovna’s letter to young Dubrovsky and Arina Rodionovna’s letter to Pushkin, showing the similarities between them: cordial tone, “surprisingly folk and lively” language, the wisdom of “folk sayings” (Arina Rodionovna -“Live well, you’ll fall in love yourself” ; Egorovna –“God is free in life and death” ), tender addresses (Arina Rodionovna -“my angel”, “buddy”; Egorovna –"My clear falcon"), impatient desire"to meet" (Egorovna -“Come to us... we and horses for you we’ll send you to Pesochnoe”; Arina Rodionovna –“ us in Mikhailovskoye, I’ll put all the horses on the road...” ). The similarity of the letters is obvious. According to N.O. Lerner, Pushkin “put the warm, gentle words of his “decrepit nanny” into the mouth of Dubrovsky’s nanny.”(2)

However, not only the coincidences are interesting, but also the differences. Arina Rodionovna's letter is more poetic compared to Orina Buzyreva's letter. The pronoun “you” in relation to Pushkin testifies to the spiritual closeness of the nanny and the poet; in the letter of Dubrovsky’s nanny it is “patriarchal, habitual address.” (3) Moreover, Arina Rodionovna’s letter reflects her awareness of her inner dignity. She signs herself not as “slave, nanny,” but as a much-loving nanny.” However, in Arina Rodionovna’s letter, along with concern for the fate of her pupil, there is a call for reconciliation with life (“Live well, you’ll fall in love yourself”). Egorovna, for all her humiliation in addressing the master (“you are our sovereign,” and not a dear friend”), persistently demands not humility, but action. In it one can hear a protest against Troekurov’s arbitrariness.

However, despite the differences between these letters, it is impossible not to agree with N.O. Lerner is that “in Pushkin’s mind, when he wrote the words of Arina Egorovna, Arina Rodionovna’s letter, her warm, affectionate lines, was floating around.” (4)

3. The role of Vladimir Dubrovsky’s mother’s letters in the novel.

The letters from Vladimir Dubrovsky’s late mother, once addressed to her husband in the army and carefully kept by him, are also important. The contents of Pushkin's letters are deliberately not given. Probably, the writer considers it impossible to penetrate the secret of two loving hearts. Letters play a certain role in the development of the plot of the novel: reading these letters was the last straw in Vladimir’s decision to set fire to the “sad house” of his parents. Immersion “in the world of family happiness” further aggravated the feeling of loneliness and sense of loss. The thought that Troyekurov’s despicable servants could violate the bright memory of his mother pushed Dubrovsky to take a decisive step. The only thing he took with him and saved from the fire were letters - the most valuable to him.

So, reading the letters dear to him reveals and internal state a hero who lost everything: his father, his home, his serene, happy life.

4. Compositional role letters and notes from Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha Troekurova

Big role Notes play in the development of the relationship between Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha. Not wanting to be branded a scoundrel, Vladimir decides to explain himself to Masha and reveal to her the truth about himself.The dates that the notes led to are presented as terrible discoveries that separate the lovers. On their first date, Masha learns that her lover is a robber wanted by her father. On the second, he realizes that the boundaries defined by life stronger than feelings. The notes were finally prepared tragic ending in the development of lovers' relationships.

The explanation that took place clarified a lot in their relationship, and above all, that love caused the renunciation of revenge, in the name of which the development of the plot began. Now Vladimir has another goal - achieving happiness with his beloved girl. Second note( “In the evening at 10 o’clock. In the same place") led to a new date, on which Masha agreed to marry Dubrovsky.

Masha’s sincere letter to Vereisky is not given verbatim. We have an idea about it through the author’s retelling with his comments:“she tried to arouse a feeling of generosity in his heart” etc. Masha is frank and simple-minded here, she counts on the nobility of the prince. However, this letter stimulates the manifestation of Vereisky’s by no means noble qualities: he is indifferent to the feelings of the young girl, he only wants to speed up the wedding. At the same time, the prince commits a dishonest act - he shows the letter to Kirila Petrovich, who is interested in becoming related to a rich and noble neighbor. Marya Kirilovna's letter brought the wedding day closer, and, consequently, the denouement of the plot.

Thus, the role of letters in the novel is very important. They complement and build the plot, help to understand psychological state heroes.

III. The use of the epistolary genre in a novel

A.S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”

1. The originality of the genre of the novel by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

The novel is written in the form of a large letter from Grinev addressed to descendants, and this, as critics note, is Pushkin’s great find. The author of the novel depicts the story through the eyes of a young nobleman who unexpectedly found himself in the thick of historical events. Thanks to this, Pushkin manages to emphasize the authenticity of what is described; the publisher’s afterword, which provides evidence of the existence of the author, also serves the same purpose.“family notes”: “The notes of Pyotr Andreevich Grinev stop here. From family legends it is known What...". In addition, the narrative itself includes letters from characters who play an important artistic role in the structure of the novel.

On the one hand, the genre historical novel determined the objectives of the work - to fully reveal the era, but on the other hand, the very name “The Captain's Daughter” reveals another plan for the work: to show simple human life, to understand a person in his time, his intimate, spiritual and social aspirations. Moreover, “ fictional characters Pushkin joined the big historical movement, which determined their destinies, forced them to make choices. They unwittingly find themselves involved in history, listen to it, directly learning moral lessons.”(5) Therefore, both “planes” are interconnected, and we can talk about several conflicts in the novel: historical, personal, social, psychological and everyday. When revealing them, the letters of the heroes play a huge role, introducing a “living” current into the novel.

2. Letters revealing everyday and moral conflicts

At the center of the novel - life path main character. From letter to letter, the stages of formation of the personality of Pyotr Grinev are traced: from a slacker underage (almost a match for Fonvizin’s Mitrofan), for whom everything had already been decided for many years to come, to a man who went through the harsh school of life, retained and developed the best in himself moral qualities ingrained in him since childhood. According to the famous Pushkin scholar Yu.M. Lotman, the “simple” way of life of the Grinevs did not remove their connection with the best traditions noble XVIII culture V. and their generation - a sense of duty, honor and human dignity.”(6)The son will understand the instructions of Father Grinev: “Take care of your honor from a young age.” Further fate The hero represents the fulfillment of his father’s parting words and especially the covenant to preserve honor, despite all the difficulties, obstacles and mistakes on the hero’s path.

At first, Petrusha is a carefree and frivolous son of a landowner, dreaming of an easy life full of all sorts of pleasures as a metropolitan guards officer. But all his dreams collapse when his father writes a letter to an old friend, which is the plot of the work:

“Dear sir, Andrei Karlovich, I hope that Your Excellency has not forgotten... and when the late Field Marshal Min... campaign... also... Karolinka...

Now about the matter.. I’ll bring my rake to you... keep a tight rein.. At the same time, his passport... Send it to Semyonovsky... Allow yourself to be embraced by an old comrade and friend without ranks...”

The letter is addressed to the general to whom his son is going to serve. Andrey Petrovich maintains subordination, addressing a friend of his youth. He uses formal expressions"Dear Sir", "Your Excellency."

All “brilliant” hopes are crushed, for the father is writing a letter not to Prince B., but to his old comrade. The text of the letter appears on the pages of the novel when Petrusha arrives in Orenburg. The father asks his “comrade” to keep his son under control, that is, he imposes his will. Pushkin raises eternal question Russian literature - the problem of “fathers” and “children”, “wisdom” and “inexperience”. When reading this letter, the general constantly makes corrections on his own:“What kind of ceremony? Ugh, how shameful! Of course: discipline comes first, but is that what they write to the old comrade?... Ehe, brooder! So he still remembers our old pranks? What are Yeshova Mittens? This must be a Russian proverb...”, which creates an image of the unity of the written and the real; the motif of the truth of life enters the pages of the novel, which corresponds to the ideas of a realistic work.

First independent step the lord's child - losing a hundred rubles to a guards officer, officer Zurin.Young, inexperienced and naive, Peter passionately wants to grow up, but to do this he chose unworthy methods: playing billiards, drinking.

Zurin's letter to Grinev is a unique exposition of the character of Pyotr Andreevich: “Dearest Pyotr Andreevich, please send me and my boy the hundred rubles that you lost to me yesterday. I am in dire need of money. Ivan Zurin, ready to serve.”

The note is short, but very clear. She forces Grinev to take decisive measures “now” or “never.” Paying off a debt is a matter of honor for him.

IN Belogorsk fortress Pyotr Grinev stood up for the girl’s honor, as his duty as a nobleman and knight told him to do.

The next stage in the development of the hero is his determination to marry his beloved Masha Mironova. And the letter to the parents is a direct confirmation of this. Here Peter acts as a fully grown, fully formed person. There is no text of the letter in the novel. It is only known that he "“I decided, however, to write to my father as eloquently as possible, asking for his parent’s blessing.”

Father Grinev’s angry letter to Peter and Savelich is an impetus for the development of love and psychological conflicts, they again change the usual course of events, turn the plot (the impossibility of Masha and Grinev to be together is revealed; the characters of father Pyotr Andreevich, Masha, Pyotr and Shvabrin are revealed).

“My son Peter! We received your letter, in which you ask us for our parental blessing and consent to marry Marya Ivanova, Mironova’s daughter, on the 15th of this month, and not only do I not intend to give you either my blessing or my consent, but I also intend to to get to you and teach you a lesson for your pranks like a boy, despite your officer rank; for you have proven that you are not yet worthy to carry a sword, which was granted to you for the defense of the fatherland, and not for duels with the same tomboys as he himself. I will immediately write to Andrei Karlovich, asking him to transfer you from the Belogorsk fortress somewhere further away, where your nonsense will go away. Your mother, having learned about your fight and that you were wounded, fell ill with grief and is now lying down. What will you become? I pray to God that you will improve, although I do not dare hope for his great mercy,

Your father A.G.”

The father is angry with his son for wanting to get married and for the duel, considering these to be childish pranks, for which he is going to “teach a lesson like a boy.”

With the help of alliteration - sounds [s], [t], [p] and intonation - an abundance of exclamatory and interrogative sentences:“My son Peter! What will you become? ... an old dog!.. position and master's will? Pushkin conveys his father's indignation.“My son Peter!” - begins the letter addressed to Grinev, and this phrase, thanks to the exclamation mark and the entire phonetic composition, sounds like a sentence, and it becomes clear why Pyotr Andreevich saw from the very first lines that the matter did not take place.

Andrei Petrovich is angry with his son. But still, Pushkin portrays him as a father who cares for both physical“Has the wound been healed well?” (in a letter to Savelyech), and about the spiritual health of his son (“What will you become?”).

Masha taught Peter Grinev a moral lesson, which played a significant role in spiritual formation young man.In the reaction to the letter from the elder Grinev, who does not give his son permission to marry an unknown, rootless girl, the strength of character of Peter’s bride is revealed. He invites Masha to get married without her father’s blessing, buther pure, open soul cannot accept marriage without the blessing of the groom's parents.

The sensible and prudent Marya Ivanovna turns out to be smarter and more mature than her betrothed:“Without their blessing we will not be able to happiness.” These words show both the intelligence and nobility of the girl, as well as her loyalty to popular morality.

Andrei Petrovich’s address to Savelich is extremely harsh:

“Shame on you, old dog, that you, despite my strict orders, did not inform me about my son Pyotr Andreevich and that strangers are forced to notify me of his mischief. Is this how you will fulfill your position and the will of your master? I love you, old dog! I will send pigs to graze for hiding the truth and conniving with the young man. Having received this, I order you to immediately write to me, what is his health now, about which they write to me that he has recovered; and exactly where he was wounded and whether he was well treated.”

The letter to Savelich is a letter from an angry master to his serf, who was supposed to “report on his son and his pranks, keep an eye on him, but he did not justify the “trust placed”, so the master “threatens to send him to graze pigs for hiding the truth.” The letter characterizes old Grinev as a true feudal landowner.

Savelich answers his master and writes a letter in the form of a petition:

“Sovereign Andrei Petrovich,

Our merciful Father!

I received your gracious writing, in which you deign to be angry with me, your servant, that it is a shame for me not to carry out my master’s orders; and I, not an old dog, but your faithful servant, obey the master’s orders and have always served you diligently and lived to see gray hair. I didn’t write anything to you about Pyotr Andreevich’s wound, so as not to scare you in vain, and, I hear, the lady, our mother Avdotya Vasilyevna, already fell ill with fright, and I will pray to God for her health. And Pyotr Andreevich was wounded under the right shoulder, in the chest right under the bone, an inch and a half deep, and he lay in the commandant’s house, where we brought him from the shore, and was treated by the local barber Stepan Paramonov; and now Pyotr Andreevich, thank God, is healthy, and there is nothing but good things to write about him. The commanders are heard to be pleased with him; and to Vasilisa Yegorovna he is like his own son. And that such an accident happened to him, it’s not a reproach for the fellow: the horse has four legs, but it stumbles. And you deign to write that you will send me to herd pigs, and that is your boyar will. For this I bow slavishly.

Your faithful servant Arkhip Savelyev.”

This is a respectful letter from the offended, but with feeling self-esteem a man who faithfully served the Grinev family. Savelich obediently accepts the punishment that threatens him, but agrees with any decision, since “this is the boyar’s will”

His “letter” has a circular composition: the narrative begins and ends with a retelling of Andrei Petrovich’s letter. This perhaps symbolizes Savelich’s attempt to reconcile father and son, to “restore” the course of events in life.

The culmination of both personal and psychological conflicts is Masha’s letter to Grinev, which prompts him to take decisive action. The fight for love, for the liberation of the beloved even at the cost own lifeimportant stage in the development of the character of Pyotr Grinev.

“God was pleased to suddenly deprive me of my father and mother: I have neither relatives nor patrons on earth. I come running to you, knowing that you always wished me well and that you are ready to help every person. I pray to God that this letter somehow reaches you! Maksimych promised to deliver it to you. Broadsword also heard from Maksimych that he often sees you from afar on forays and that you don’t take care of yourself at all and don’t think about those who pray to God for you with tears. I was sick for a long time; and when I recovered, Alexey Ivanovich, who commands us in place of the late priest, forced Father Gerasim to hand me over to him, intimidating me with Pugachev. I live in our house under guard. Alexey Ivanovich is forcing me to marry him. He says that he saved my life because he covered up the deception of Akulina Pamfilovna, who told the villains that I was her niece. But it would be easier for me to die than to become the wife of such a man as Alexey Ivanovich. He treats me very cruelly and threatens that if I don’t come to my senses and agree, he will bring me to the camp of the villain, and the same thing will happen to you as to Liza Kharlova. I asked Alexey Ivanovich to let me think. He agreed to wait three more days; and if I don’t marry him in three days, there will be no mercy. Father Pyotr Andreevich! you are my only patron; intercede for me, poor thing. Ask the general and all the commanders to send the sikurs to me as soon as possible, and come yourself if you can. I remain your humble, poor orphan Marya Mironova.”

The role of this letter in revealing the image of Masha is important. Humility before God“It was God’s will”, “I pray to God” and girlish pride“It’s easier to die than to marry such a person” are combined in it. Great value The letter plays a role in developing the plot and revealing the character traits of the characters: the generosity of Pugachev and the meanness of Shvabrin. Marya Ivanovna's letter encourages Pyotr Grinev to take decisive action. The struggle for love, for the liberation of his beloved even at the cost of his own life, is an important stage in the development of his character.

The denouement of the work is a letter from Marya Ivanovna to Catherine II. This is a petition to the Empress. The nobility and honesty of Grinev, who was put on trial for his relationship with Pugachev and was awaiting sentencing, does not allow him to interfere with Masha. And now his bride is fighting to free her lover.

“Marya Ivanovna took a folded paper out of her pocket and handed it to her unfamiliar patron, who began to read it to herself. At first she read with an attentive and supportive look; but suddenly her face changed..."

"The Empress cannot forgive him" - says Catherine II to Masha Mironova, but,“along with the empress, there lives a middle-aged lady walking in the park with a dog, which allowed her to show her humanity "(7) This is what saves the hero.

The text also mentions a letter from Catherine II to Grinev’s father.“I’m glad,” she says to Masha, “that I could keep my word to you and fulfill your request. Our business is over. I am convinced of your fiance's innocence. Here is a letter that you yourself will take the trouble to take to your future father-in-law.”

Now this letter, personally written by Catherine II,“located in one of the master's outbuildings behind glass and in a frame. It was written to the father of Pyotr Andreevich and contains justification for his son and praise for the mind and heart of Captain Mironov’s daughter.” This is where Grinev's notes end.

In his novel “The Captain's Daughter,” Pushkin showed how the personality of his hero gradually transformed. By nature, he has many worthy qualities, but they achieve true revelation only in life’s trials, and we see how a frivolous young man, almost a boy, becomes a man, a mature person, capable for real love and be responsible for your actions. The stages of his spiritual maturation can be traced, in particular, in the letters of the characters in the novel.

3. Documents from the era of the 70s of the 18th century.

Klyuchevsky wrote that in “The Captain’s Daughter” “ more history than in “The History of the Pugachev Rebellion,” which seems like a long explanatory note to the novel” (8). Skillfully combining history with fiction, depicting the most typical representatives of that time, “Pushkin was able to look at events through the eyes of Pugachev’s contemporaries, penetrate their feelings and describe the features of the era in great detail” (9).Not only private letters, but also documents help the reader understand the atmosphere of the era of the 70s of the 18th century and become, as it were, a witness to the Pugachev uprising. historical information, decrees, which is also due to the epistolary genre of the work.

Tie-up historical conflict is a letter from the general addressed to the commandant of the fortress Mironov with a warning about Pugachev and his offensive.

“To Mr. Commandant of the Belogorsk Fortress, Captain Mironov.

In secret.

Hereby I inform you that the one who escaped from the guard Don Cossack and the schismatic, Emelyan Pugachev, committed unforgivable insolence by taking on the name of the late emperor Peter III, gathered a villainous gang, caused outrage in the Yaik villages, and had already taken and destroyed several fortresses, carrying out robberies and capital murders everywhere. For this reason, having received this, you have, Mr. Captain, to immediately take appropriate measures to repel the languishing villain and impostor, and, if possible, to completely destroy him if he turns to the fortress entrusted to your care.”

The letter is structured as a complete work: first, the exposition (the image of Pugachev is introduced:“schismatic”, “villain”, “impostor” "), then a dynamic picture of his actions is introduced, created with the help of an abundance of verb forms (“collected”, “produced”, “ruined”, “created”. "having produced") and conclusion (order to repel, or even destroy"said villain" ) But this letter raises not only historical, but also everyday and philosophical questions.

Thus, the postscript “in secret” is played out by Pushkin in a kind and slightly ironic episode of Ivan Kuzmich’s attempt to hide the state of affairs from Vasilisa Yegorovna; use singular in relation to all of Pugachev’s actions, it seems to create an image of his loneliness; and it is precisely this letter that is followed by the question posed by Grinev, which can be regarded as rhetorical: “How do you think this will end?”

There is also a mention in the work of another letter with historical context(Pugachev’s appeal):“Ivan Kuzmich, in the presence of his wife, read to us Pugachev’s appeal, written by some semi-literate Cossack. The robber announced his intention to immediately march on our fortress, invited Cossacks and soldiers to join his gang, and exhorted the commanders not to resist, threatening execution otherwise. The appeal was written in rude but strong terms and was intended to make a dangerous impression on the minds of ordinary people.”

Characterizing Pugachev's appeal, read by Captain Mironov, Pushkin, probably for censorship reasons, did not have the opportunity to quote it even partially. But Vasilisa Yegorovna’s remark gave a fairly accurate idea of ​​its content:“What a swindler! - exclaimed the commandant. - What else does he dare offer us? Come out to meet him and lay the banners at his feet!” The captain’s words are directly related to the document, a copy of which was preserved in Pushkin’s papers. This is Pugachev’s appeal to the Orenburg provincial chancellery, proposing“to all lords and people of every rank”: “Get out of the city, take out your banners and weapons, bow your banners and weapons before your sovereign” (10). In special “Notes” presented by Pushkin to the Tsar in addition to the printed text of “The History of Pugachev,” he wrote on January 26, 1835:“Pugachev’s first outrageous appeal to the Yaitsky Cossacks is an amazing example of folk eloquence, albeit illiterate. It was all the more effective because Reinsdorp’s announcements or publications were written as sluggishly as they were correctly written, in long, roundabout words, with verbs at the end of the periods.” (11). The same assessment of Pugachev’s proclamations determined their characterization in The Captain’s Daughter.

The letters are kept in the spirit of that time, which helps convey the flavor of the era and contributes to a more complete disclosure of the characters' characters.

IV. Conclusion

Thus, all the letters that we see in the novels of A.S. Pushkin

“Dubrovsky” and “The Captain’s Daughter” are a means that serves to develop the plot and help resolve the conflict. But this is not the only role in the work. They are also of great importance in composition. Each letter overturns the intention or assumption made before and, quite unexpectedly, takes events in a different direction.

Letters from heroes not only help develop the plot and composition, but also reveal the characters’ characters, their thoughts and feelings. Letters, in a way, create, shape character, or, in any case, polish it. After all, in letters, as in a diary, a person concentrates, sort of systematizes and summarizes himself, gets to know himself, explaining himself to another. The speech of the heroes is individualized even in letters, which creates a living characteristic of their images and helps to better understand their actions.

In addition, the language in which these letters are written makes it possible to understand the actions of the characters in the story, as well as to imagine the images more vividly and vividly characters. And finally, the epistolary genre is an indicator of the level of culture and self-awareness of the heroes of novels.

Therefore, “through writing you best penetrate a person.” A.S. Pushkin, as the founder of Russian literary language, did a lot to ensure that “our proud language” became the language of the epistolary genre.

V. Literature used

1. Library of Literary Studies Gumer - Lotman Yu. Pushkin. Ideological...

gumer. infoMobi›Pushkin›11.php

2. Historical work A. S. Pushkina - Knowledge Hypermarket

3. N. O. Lerner - Electronic publications - Pushkin House

4. Lotman. The ideological structure of "The Captain's Daughter". - 1995

feb- web. rufeb/ pushkin/ critics/ lot/ LOT-212-. htm

5. V.G. Marantsman. Roman A.S. Pushkin Dubrovsky in school study.

6. Internet materials on the role of letters in the works of A.S. Pushkin.

7. Pushkin A.S.: Gillelson M.I., Mushina I.B.: The Tale of A.S. Pushkin...

8. Pushkin A.S. Dubrovsky. Novel. Moscow "Children's Literature", 1976

9. Pushkin A.S. The captain's daughter. Moscow "Children's Literature", 1982

10. Epistolary genre (Genre of writing) in Russian literature Theory...

11. Epistolary literature - Great Soviet Encyclopedia...

VI. Note

(1) Epistolary literature - Great Soviet Encyclopedia...›Great Soviet Encyclopedia›…-literatura-103397

(2) N. O. Lerner - Electronic publications - Pushkin House › Internet projects › Classics of Pushkin studies

St. Petersburg, 1905 // Journal of the Ministry of Public Education. ... Lerner N. O. Notes about Pushkin: I. Arina Rodionovna and the nanny... St. Petersburg, 1910.

(3) V.G. Marantsman. Roman A.S. Pushkin Dubrovsky in school study.

Leningrad. Publishing house "prosveshchenie", 1974

(4) N. O. Lerner - Electronic publications - Pushkin House › Internet projects › Classics of Pushkin studies

St. Petersburg, 1905 // Journal of the Ministry of Public Education. ... Lerner N. O. Notes about Pushkin: I. Arina Rodionovna and the nanny... St. Petersburg, 1910.

(5) Historical work of A. S. Pushkin - Knowledge Hypermarket›index.php?…Historical…Pushkin

(6) Lotman. The ideological structure of "The Captain's Daughter". - 1995›feb/pushkin/critics/lot/LOT-212-.htm

(7) Library of Literary Studies Gumer - Lotman Yu. Pushkin. Ideological...

gumer. infoMobi›Pushkin›11.php

(8) Historical work of A. S. Pushkin - Knowledge Hypermarket›index.php?…Historical…Pushkin

(9) Historical work of A. S. Pushkin - Knowledge Hypermarket›index.php?…Historical…Pushkin

(10) Pushkin A.S.: Gillelson M.I., Mushina I.B.: The Tale of A.S. Pushkin...›pushkin/articles…kapitanskaya…6.htm

(11) Pushkin A.S.: Gillelson M.I., Mushina I.B.: Tale of A.S. Pushkin...›pushkin/articles…kapitanskaya…6.htm

VII. Application

Table No. 1 “The role of letters in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky"



Letter from A.G. Dubrovsky K.P. Troekurov

contributed to the beginning of the plot: it began the enmity of former friends, which led to tragic consequences; reveals the character of the hero - wayward, proud

Letter from Egorovna to Vladimir Dubrovsky

characterizes Egorovna as a kind woman, sincerely attached to her masters.

Letters from V. Dubrovsky's mother

reading the letters dear to him also reveals the inner state of the hero, who has lost everything: his father, his home, a serene, happy life.

Notes from Vladimir Masha

contributed to the development of relations between Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha

Letter from Masha to Vereisky

brought the wedding day closer and contributed to the resolution of the plot

Table No. 2 “The role of letters in the novel by A.S. Pushkin

"The Captain's Daughter"



Letter from Father Pyotr Grinev to an old friend, General

is the beginning of the novel

Note from Zurin to Peter Grinev

Exposition of Grinev's character

Letter from senior Grinev to Savelich

is an impetus for the development of love and psychological conflicts, they again change the usual course of events; portrays him as caring

Letter from Savelich

this is a letter from an offended, but self-respecting person who served his masters with faith and truth

Letter from Masha to Grinev

culmination of both personal and psychological conflicts

Letter from Marya Ivanovna to EkaterinaII.

testifies to the girl’s courage, her willingness to fight for her love

A letter personally written by Catherine II to the father of Peter Grinev

is the denouement of the work

Letter from the General to Captain Mironov

is the beginning of a historical conflict

Mention of Pugachev's appeal

helps create the flavor of the era

Conclusion: Lettersare a means that serves to develop the plot, helps reveal the conflict, and create images of characters.

Illustrations for novels by A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky" and "The Captain's Daughter"

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin


Nanny A.S. Pushkin –

Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva

Illustrations for the novel by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

“The day of my departure was set. The day before, the priest announced that he intended to write with me to my future boss, and demanded a pen and paper.”

« Pugachev’s first outrageous appeal to the Yaik Cossacks is an amazing example of folk eloquence, albeit illiterate.”

(A.S. Pushkin.)

Catherine II on a walk in Tsarskoye Selo park,

V. L. Borovikovsky

How to write good essay on the theme of "Dubrovsky"? What is important to include in your reasoning to get the maximum score for your creation? Together we will look for answers to the questions posed.

Options for essay topics

In order to write an essay on the topic of “Dubrovsky”, you can choose different options topics

Let's consider the most interesting options with arguments that should be given by graduates of educational schools.

The topics of essays based on Pushkin’s novel “Dubrovsky” may be related to different heroes, because everyone has their own distinctive features, defined personal qualities.

Image of Vladimir Dubrovsky

Vladimir Dubrovsky - main character novel by Pushkin. The essay is dedicated to the image of the young master shown to readers. Many events from his life help to understand the main personality traits of the hero, the features of his character, and the specifics of his behavior.

Acquaintance with Vladimir begins in the third chapter. Readers will learn that he is early age was left without a mother and practically did not know his own father. From the age of eight, Volodya was brought up in a closed military school for children of nobles ( Cadet Corps). The father does not spare material resources for his son and tries to provide for his comfortable maintenance. In St. Petersburg, Vladimir leads a very comfortable life. He indulges in extravagance, plays cards, and gets into debt. Vladimir does not think at all about his future; his main dream is to find a rich bride in order to continue a luxurious and wealthy life at her expense.

After he received a letter from home with disturbing news, the protagonist's life changed greatly. Vladimir practically did not know his father, but he was very attached to him, and for his sake he could well have resigned. Upon arrival home, Dubrovsky finds his father in a very deplorable state and realizes how neglected everything is. After the deadline for filing an appeal passes, the Dubrovsky estate becomes the property of Troekurov. Pushkin shows in his novel disrespectful attitude from the side of the “judges” to the young Dubrovsky.

The main character's experiences

The courtyards come to Vladimir's defense, and a serious rebellion is brewing. Young Dubrovsky is seething with indignation, but given his youth, he had enough prudence. He managed to extinguish the wave of indignation that manifested itself among the peasants, but subsequently he himself commits such actions that will make him a defender of the oppressed class, a real people's avenger. The experiences that the young master experiences after the death of his father, the loss of property, monstrous injustice, change the character of the protagonist. Dubrovsky gains authority in the eyes of the peasants, breaks ties with his class and begins active rebellious activity against injustice through humanity and education. The peasants are hungry for active action, so their interest in Vladimir is quickly fading. Dubrovsky is educated, young, decisive, and is characterized by courage and dexterity. He is capable of serious and deep feelings. After Vladimir falls in love with Mashenka Troekurova, the daughter of his worst enemy, he abandons any thoughts of revenge. The author endowed the main character with adventurer and knightly traits. He is not always realistic, but this is characteristic of the heroes of all works of authors of the Pushkin period.

Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha Troekurova in Pushkin’s work

We offer one more short essay on the theme of "Dubrovsky". Pushkin in his novel paid significant attention to authenticity and honor, hatred and love, baseness and nobility. An essay on literature based on Pushkin’s novel “Dubrovsky” can be devoted to the relationship between Vladimir and Mashenka Troekurova. Their destinies have a lot in common. Both lost their mother’s love at a fairly early age and did not receive warmth and parental affection. If Vladimir was brought up away from his father, dreaming of seeing him, then Mashenka avoided her father’s harsh disposition in every possible way. Dubrovsky knew Masha from childhood, but he never thought of her as a beautiful young woman, his future chosen one. When visiting his sick father, Vladimir meets Masha and falls in love with her. Love triumphs over hatred for Troekurov, Masha's father. Noble robber refuses to attack Pokrovskoye, after which he loses respect in the eyes of the peasants. Vladimir ends up in Troekurov's house as a teacher, gradually falling in love with a young girl. Reading French novels, she dreamed that someday a real hero would appear in her life, and Vladimir Dubrovsky appeared in the eyes of Mashenka Troekurova.

Romantic love story in Pushkin's work

An essay based on Pushkin’s work “Dubrovsky” can be dedicated to the romantic relationship that arose between the main character of the novel and Mashenka Troekurova, the daughter of his worst enemy. Such an essay on the topic of “Dubrovsky” can begin with a characterization of Pushkin himself, a description of his work.

Pushkin was the inspirer of the liberation movement, and he endowed the main character of the novel with the same qualities. Trying to take revenge for the injustice associated with the loss of his estate after the death of his father, Dubrovsky becomes a people's robber. Fate gives Vladimir a surprise. Despite the quarrel that arose between his father and master Troekurov, Dubrovsky truly falls in love with Mashenka, the daughter of his worst enemy. Pushkin shows the power of true love, the ability to forgive and accept current events with amazing humility. The rebellious qualities of the main character disappear after love appears in his heart. Masha's father is against his daughter's relationship with Dubrovsky and is trying to marry her off to Prince Vereisky. The young people try to go through many trials, but Vladimir is late, and Mashenka becomes the prince’s wife. It ends so sadly romantic relationship between young Dubrovsky and Masha Troekurova.

The role of Shabashkin in the fate of the Dubrovskys

What did Pushkin want to tell about Shabashkin? “Dubrovsky” is an essay-discussion about the significance of Shabashkin in the fate of the Dubrovskys, can be associated with the revenge that followed through this man from Troekurov.

Particular attention can be paid to Shabashkin’s appearance and manner of behavior. He constantly curries favor with Troekurov, tries to please him in everything. Pushkin demonstrates to readers the “venality of the soul,” an attempt to find benefit for oneself from communicating with Troekurov.

Features of Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky"

What can be included in an essay? Vladimir Dubrovsky, Pushkin’s hero, is an excellent example for developing a sense of true patriotism in the younger generation. Pushkin tries in his novel to glorify freedom, honesty, decency, to show those people who were able to resist the oppression of the autocracy, to rebel against the tsarist regime. In the novel “Dubrovsky” he discusses the fate of the Russian people, their present and future. With merciless force, Pushkin tries to demonstrate to readers the arbitrariness, baseness and meanness of his hangers-on, showing them in the person of Anton Spitsyn.

Features of the novel

The novel "Dubrovsky" is integral part school curriculum according to literature. This work contains many bright literary images, for each of which you can write a full-fledged essay-reasoning. Pushkin’s important merit was demonstrating how great the anger of the Russian people was towards their oppressors. basis storyline The novel is the fate of Dubrovsky, a young nobleman who, due to various circumstances, was forced from his usual environment into an atmosphere that was alien and unfamiliar to him.


Options for essays written based on Pushkin’s work “Dubrovsky” can become the basis for writing the final school essay for the 11th grade course. This work contains many directions, including love themes, and the manifestation of a sense of duty and fatherly love. Pushkin shows Vladimir Dubrovsky as a man who was deprived of his home, family, material well-being, position in society. The protagonist's rebellion against injustice and despotism was characteristic of the author himself. The main idea that Pushkin carries through the entire work is that it is necessary to actively fight against humiliation and injustice. This work helps a literature teacher to form personal qualities in his students: tolerance, understanding, love, gratitude, good manners.