Family character traits of the Bolkonsky family. Essay “The Bolkonsky Family”

The role of the Bolkonsky family in the work

The Bolkonsky family plays an important role in the novel War and Peace. The main problems of the great writer’s work are inextricably linked with them. The text traces the stories of several families. The main attention is paid to the Bolkonskys, Rostovs and Kuragins. The author's sympathies are with the Rostovs and Bolkonskys. Between them big difference The relationship between the Rostovs is sensual and emotional. The Bolkonskys are guided by reason and expediency. But it is in these families that Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy’s favorite heroes are brought up. Members of the Bolkonsky family are prominent representatives people of “peace and light”. Their destinies are closely intertwined with life paths other characters in the work. They take an active part in the development storyline narratives. Psychological problems, issues of morality, morality, and family foundations are reflected in the depiction of these characters.

Characteristics of relationships

The Bolkonskys belong to an ancient princely family and live on the Bald Mountains estate, located not far from the capital. Each family member is an extraordinary personality, endowed with strong character and remarkable abilities.

Head of the family

Old Prince Nikolai Andreevich, his son Andrei Nikolaevich and Princess Marya Nikolaevna are members of the Bolkonsky family in the novel “War and Peace”.

The head of the family is the old Prince Bolkonsky. This is a person with a strong character and an established worldview. Successful career military man, honors and respect remained a thing of the distant past for him. On the pages of the book we see an old man who has withdrawn from military service and government affairs, secluded himself on his estate. Despite the blows of fate, he is full of strength and energy. An old man's day is scheduled minute by minute. His routine includes both mental and physical labor. Nikolai Andreevich draws up plans for military campaigns, works in a carpentry workshop, and is engaged in arranging the estate. He is of sound mind and good physical fitness, does not recognize idleness for himself and forces all household members to live by his rules. It is especially difficult for my daughter, who is forced to study natural sciences and endure his father’s difficult temper.

The proud and unyielding character of the old prince causes a lot of trouble for those around him, and his integrity, honesty and intelligence inspire respect.

Prince Andrey

We meet Andrei Bolkonsky in the first chapter of the work. He appears among the guests of Anna Pavlovna Scherer's social salon and immediately attracts everyone's attention. The young man stands out from the general background not only with his appearance, but also with his behavior. We understand that the people around him cause irritation and even anger. He dislikes false masks, lies, hypocrisy and empty talk of secular society. A sincere, kind smile appears on the hero’s face only when he sees Pierre Bezukhov. Andrei Bolkonsky is young, handsome, educated, but dissatisfied with his existence on this earth. He doesn't love his beautiful wife, dissatisfied with his career. Throughout the development of the storyline, the image of the hero is revealed to the reader in all its depth.

At the beginning of the novel, Andrei is a man who dreams of becoming like Napoleon. Therefore, he decides to leave his pregnant wife, his bored way of life, and goes to military service. He dreams of heroic deeds, glory and popular love. The high sky of Austerlitz changes his worldview and adjusts his plans for life. He is constantly searching for himself. Feats and serious wounds, love and betrayal, disappointments and victories fill the life of one of Tolstoy’s favorite heroes. As a result, the young prince finds true meaning life in service to the Fatherland, defense of one’s Motherland. The hero's fate is tragic. He dies from a serious wound without realizing his dream.

Princess Marya

Andrei Bolkonsky's sister, Princess Marya, is one of the brightest and touching images narratives. Living next to her father, she is patient and submissive. Thoughts about her husband, her family and children seem like pipe dreams to her. Marya is unattractive: “an ugly, weak body and a thin face,” insecure and lonely. The only remarkable thing about her appearance was her “large, deep, radiant” eyes: “She sees her purpose in serving the Lord. Deep faith gives strength, is an outlet in its difficult life situation. “I don’t wish for another life, and I can’t wish for it, because I don’t know another life,” the heroine says about herself.

The timid and soft Princess Marya is equally kind to everyone, sincere and spiritually rich. For the sake of her loved ones, the girl is ready to make sacrifices and take decisive actions. At the end of the novel we see the heroine happy wife Nikolai Rostov and a caring mother. Fate rewards her for her devotion, love and patience.

Family traits

In the novel War and Peace, the Bolkonsky house is an example of truly aristocratic foundations. Restraint reigns in relationships, although all family members sincerely love each other. The Spartan way of existence does not allow you to express your feelings and experiences, whine, or complain about life. No one is allowed to break the strict rules of conduct.

The Bolkonskys in the novel “War and Peace” personify the best features of the noble class that is fading into history. Once upon a time, representatives of this class were the basis of the state; they devoted their lives to serving the Fatherland, just like the representatives of this noble family.

Each of the Bolkonsky family has its own unique character traits. But there is something in common that unites these people. They are distinguished by family pride, honesty, patriotism, nobility, and a high intellectual level of development. Betrayal, meanness, cowardice have no place in the souls of these heroes. The characteristics of the Bolkonsky family develop gradually throughout the narrative.

The concept of a classic

Testing the strength of family ties, the writer takes his characters through a series of tests: love, war and social life. Representatives of the Bolkonsky family successfully cope with difficulties thanks to the support of their relatives.

According to the great writer, the chapters devoted to describing the life of the Bolkonsky family play a huge role in ideological content novel "War and Peace". They are people of “light”, worthy of deep respect. Image family life favorite characters helps the classic to reflect the “family thought”, to build his work in the genre of a family chronicle.

Work test

Bolkonsky - ancient princely family, Rurikovichs, aristocrats who are proud of their ancient family and services to the Fatherland. The Bolkonskys are extremely active people. Each family member is constantly busy with something; their active work was always directed to the people, the Motherland. Prince Nikolai Andreevich is certainly an extraordinary person. The old prince, who believes that in the world “there are only two virtues - activity and intelligence,” tirelessly tries to follow his conviction. General Bolkonsky occupied a prominent position precisely because of his talents, and not because of his desire to make a career.

He is one of those who served the Fatherland and was never served, as evidenced by his resignation and even exile under Emperor Paul. He himself, honest and educated person, wants to “develop virtues in his daughter” by giving her lessons in algebra and geometry and distributing her life in continuous studies. Prince Nikolai was never idle: he either wrote memoirs, or worked on a table or in the garden, or worked with his daughter. He believed in the progress and future greatness of Russia, which he served with all his might. All his humane qualities passed on to his son, Prince Andrei. Prince Andrei, who received a very strict upbringing, already stood out among his noble youth.

By his tired appearance and bored look, described by the author, one can judge him as a person who is disillusioned with life. He is proud, dry and cold with everyone who is unpleasant to him, but unusually kind, sincere, simple with people who are pleasant to him, devoid of lies and falsehood. Andrei Bolkonsky is a purposeful person, not devoid of ambition. The main thing for him is to find a field of activity and be useful to society.

If the old prince lives in Russia, then his son feels like a citizen, or better yet, a part of the Universe. His ideas are the idea of ​​serving the world, the unity of all people, the idea universal love and uniting humanity with nature. But its basic principles too often conflict with generally accepted norms of behavior and service to national duty.

That is why he perceives his decision to join the active army as a deliverance from the worthlessness of his own life. “I’m going to war,” he said, “because the life I’m leading here is not for me.” It seems to Prince Andrei that on the battlefield, fighting for his Motherland, he will finally be able to be useful. Here we see all the patriotism of Prince Andrei, which he inherited from his father. Prince Andrei has love for the Motherland and own life merged together, he does not share these two feelings and wants to accomplish a feat in the name of Russia.

The old prince, having learned about Napoleon’s campaign against Moscow, wants to help his homeland in at least something; he becomes commander-in-chief, although he is too old, but “did not consider it within himself to refuse at such a time.” Prince Andrei leaves to fight, realizing that he should be where his homeland needs him, whereas he could have remained with the person of the sovereign.”

All Bolkonsky’s actions are guided by a sense of duty, which is very strong in him. Disappointment overtakes Prince Andrey in the army.

He realized that true meaning life a little higher and more beautiful than he had previously imagined. For Prince Andrei it is coming spiritual crisis: everything old is rejected, and the new is not discovered. The impetus for renewal was his meeting with Natasha Rostova, whose love of life influenced everyone who came across her.

However, the old man Bolkonsky, having instilled in his son moral purity and serious attitude to the family, does not take into account the feelings of Andrei and Natasha at all, trying in every possible way to prevent his son’s new marriage. And Prince Andrei’s feelings about the lack of understanding on Liza’s part are keenly noticed by the father, and he immediately consoles his son with the fact that “they are all like that.” In a word, from the point of view of the old prince, there is no love, there is only strict execution of the house. And, indeed, Andrei Bolkonsky also finds disappointment in love.

The war of 1812 saves him from severe torment and experiences of her - Natasha Rostova - betrayal. As a true patriot and son of his Motherland, Prince Andrei could not stand aside. We see that the Bolkonskys are undoubtedly driven by feelings of duty. A high concept of honor, pride, independence, nobility and sharpness of mind are inherited. Both Bolkonskys despise upstarts, careerists, like Kuragin, although Bolkonsky made the only exception for the old Count Bezukhov. Friendship with Pierre, the son of old Bezukhov, was also inherited by Prince Andrei, from the friendship of his father with Pierre’s father.

Another member of the Bolkonsky family is Princess Marya. Quiet and modest, she completely obeyed her father in everything. She both admired him and feared his old temper. The father treated his children very harshly, but, despite their devotion, he felt spiritual independence in the children. Bolkonsky the father does not want to marry his daughter off at all, because he will miss her, and he is unable to part with her. Princess Marya knew that her father’s peasants were wealthy, that the needs of the men were primarily taken into account by her father, which prompted her to take care of the peasants when leaving the estate due to an enemy invasion. It was strange to think...

That the rich could not help the poor. The third generation of Bolkonskys is Nikolenka, the son of Andrei. We see him as a little boy in the epilogue of the novel, but even then he listens carefully to Pierre. There is some special, independent, complex and strong work feelings and thoughts. He loves his father and Pierre very much, and, making sure that his father would approve of Pierre’s revolutionary views, he said to himself: “Father,” Yes, I will do something that would make even him happy...” The Bolkonskys are versatile, educated, gifted people who the ideas of humanism and enlightenment are close.

All family members are connected to each other, they represent a single whole. The Bolkonsky family is opposed to the whole world, as it pursues completely different ideas. In the images of members of the Bolkonsky family, Tolstoy showed thoughts, quests the best people of that time.

At the center of the novel are three families: the Kuragins, the Rostovs, the Bolkonskys. The Bolkonsky family is described with undoubted sympathy. It shows three generations: the eldest prince Nikolai Andreevich, his children Andrei and Marya, his grandson Nikolenka. All the best are passed down from generation to generation in this family. spiritual qualities and character traits: patriotism, closeness to the people, sense of duty, nobility of soul. The Bolkonskys are extremely active people.

Each of the family members is constantly busy with something; there is not a drop of laziness and idleness in them, which are typical for families high society. The old prince, who believes that in the world “there are only two virtues - activity and intelligence,” tirelessly tries to follow his conviction. He himself, an honest and educated man, wants to “develop both virtues in his daughter,” giving her lessons in algebra and geometry and distributing her life in continuous studies.” He was never idle: either he wrote his memoirs, or he worked at the machine or in the garden, or he worked with his daughter. In Prince Andrey we also see this trait inherited from his father: he is a searching and active nature. He's doing social work with Speransky, makes life easier for the peasants on his estate and is constantly looking for his place in life. Active activities family has always been directed to the people, the Motherland.

Bolkonsky - true patriots. Prince Andrei's love for the Motherland and his own life are merged together; he does not share these two feelings and wants to accomplish a feat in the name of Russia. The senior prince, having learned about Napoleon's campaign against Moscow, wants to help the Motherland in some way, he becomes the commander-in-chief of the militia and devotes himself to this position with all his soul.

The thought of the patronage of General Rameau “terrified Princess Marya, made her shudder, blush and feel a feeling of anger and pride that had not yet been experienced.” She kept repeating to herself: “Leave quickly!

Go quickly! “In all their actions, the Bolkonskys are guided by a sense of duty, which is very strong in all of them. Prince Nikolai Andreevich could not accept the position of commander-in-chief, he was old, but “he did not consider himself entitled to refuse at such a time,” and this “newly revealed activity to him excited and strengthened him.” Prince Andrei leaves to fight, realizing that he must be where the Motherland needs him, whereas he could have remained with the “person of the sovereign.” In all his favorite heroes, Tolstoy emphasizes his closeness to the people. All members of the Bolkonsky family have this character trait. The old prince managed the farm very well and did not oppress the peasants.

He would never refuse “the needs of the men.” The princess is also always ready to help the peasants, “it was strange for her to think... that the rich could not help the poor.” And during the war, Prince Andrei takes care of the soldiers and officers of his regiment.

He was affectionate with them, and in response to this, “in the regiment they called him our prince, they were proud of him and loved him.” The third generation of Bolkonskys is Nikolenka, Andrei’s son; We see him as a little boy in the epilogue of the novel, but even then he listens attentively to Pierre, some special, independent, complex and strong work of feeling and thought takes place in him. He loved his father and Pierre very much and, convinced that his father would approve of Pierre’s revolutionary views, he said to himself: “Father!

Yes, I will do something that even he would be pleased with...” In the images of members of the Bolkonsky family, especially in the image of Prince Andrei, Tolstoy showed the thoughts and quests of the best people of that time. The nobility moves from views opposed to the government, similar to the views of the old prince, to more progressive views on the reorganization of society, to which Prince Andrei came.

Bolkonsky family:

To draw conclusions about the Bolkonsky family from Leo Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace,” you need to get to know each of its members separately, find out their character and habits. So let's begin.

Prince Nikolai Bolkonsky

Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky is the father of the Bolkonsky family, a retired general. Judging by the author's description, this is already old man, although his exact age is not specified in the novel.

Throughout the work, the hero makes an unpleasant impression, because, although he is very smart and rich, he is very stingy, and some oddities are noticeable in his behavior.

Nikolai Andreevich often takes out his anger on his daughter Marya. Prince Bolkonsky is also unpleasant because he reinforces his waywardness of character, bordering on madness, with disbelief in God. Life position The hero is visible from this quote: “He said that there are only two sources of human vices: idleness and superstition, and that there are only two virtues: activity and intelligence.” But where will a mind driven by malice and hatred lead? However, although Prince Bolkonsky seems rude, before his death he realizes the mistakes he made towards his daughter and asks for her forgiveness.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with Helen Kuragina in Leo Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”.

The hero of the novel has two children: daughter Maria and son Andrei, as well as a grandson named Nikolenka. The reader will become acquainted with their images in this article.

Andrei Bolkonsky - son of Prince Nikolai

Unlike his stern father, Andrei has positive qualities, gradually, throughout his life, turning into a mature man. At first proud and tough, over the years he becomes softer and more restrained. In addition, this character has not only willpower, but also a tendency to self-criticism.

It would not be superfluous to mention Andrei Bolkonsky’s attitude towards the peasants, of whom he replaces corvée with quitrent for some, and releases others to become “free cultivators.”

A serious reason for changes in character young man served in military service. If at the beginning the hero of the novel, going to war with Napoleon, longed to gain recognition and glory, then gradually his attitude towards this issue changes.

He was disappointed in former idol Napoleone, and decided, upon returning home, to devote himself to his family. However, Bolkonsky is not in last time I had to go through similar trials. The year 1812 became fatal for young Andrei, because in the Battle of Borodino he was mortally wounded. Only before leaving for eternity did the hero “experience a consciousness of alienation from everything earthly and a joyful and strange lightness of being.”

Maria Bolkonskaya - daughter of Nikolai

This is a very rich and noble noblewoman. The author describes her as very ugly in face, with a heavy gait, weak in body, however, with beautiful eyes, in which love and sadness shone: “the princess’s eyes, large, deep and radiant (as if rays warm light sometimes they came out of them in sheaves), they were so good that very often, despite the ugliness of the whole face, these eyes became more attractive than beauty ... "

As for the character of Princess Maria, she was a pure, innocent girl, kind, calm and meek, moreover, smart and educated. Another quality distinguishes the girl: faith in God. She herself admits that religion alone can explain to us what a person cannot understand without its help...”

Marya Bolkonskaya is a woman who is ready to sacrifice personal happiness for the good of another. So, having learned that Mademoiselle Burien (discussed below) is secretly meeting with Anatol Kuragin, she decides to arrange their marriage. Naturally, nothing comes of this, however, such an act only emphasizes positive qualities heroines.

Lisa Bolkonskaya, little princess

Liza Bolkonskaya was the wife of Andrei Bolkonsky, and also the niece of General Kutuzov. She has a pretty face, a very sweet, cheerful, smiling woman, however, Prince Andrei is unhappy with her, although in public he calls her beautiful. Maybe the reason lies in the fact that Lisa loves “stupid secular society", to which Bolkonsky feels antipathy, or maybe his feelings for his young wife have not awakened in him, but one thing is clear: his wife is irritating Andrei more and more.

Unfortunately, Princess Lisa never had the chance to experience the happiness of motherhood: during her first birth, to her husband’s despair, she died. Nikolenka's son was left half orphaned.

Nikolenka Bolkonsky

He was born in 1806. Unfortunately, his mother died during childbirth, so the boy “lived with his nurse and nanny Savishna on the half of the late princess, and Princess Marya most of I spent days in the nursery, replacing, as best I could, the mother of my little nephew...”

Princess Marya raises the child as her own, becoming attached to him with all her soul. She herself teaches the boy music and the Russian language, and in other subjects they hire a tutor for him named Monsieur Desalles from Switzerland. The poor boy survived at the age of seven ordeal, because his father died before his eyes.

After a break in the description, you can meet Nikolenka again on the pages of the novel. Now he is already a fifteen-year-old teenager, “...A curly-haired, sickly boy, with his sparkling eyes, sat unnoticed by anyone in the corner, and, only turning his curly head on a thin neck emerging from his turn-down collars...”

Although Nikolai eventually forgets the image of his own father, but always remembers him with sadness and delight. His best friend is Pierre Bezukhov, to whom he is especially attached.

Princess Marya is still worried about her grown-up nephew, because he is very fearful and timid, still sleeps with a lamp and shies away from society.

Mademoiselle Bourrien

Mademoiselle Burien, a French orphan, who was picked up out of pity by Nikolai Bolkonsky, was the companion of Andrei Bolkonsky's wife, Lisa. She loved the little princess, slept in the same room with her, and listened when she poured out her soul. But that was the case for the time being.
More than once throughout the novel, Mademoiselle Burien showed her negative qualities. Firstly, when she began to brazenly flirt with Anatole, who, although he showed her signs of attention, was still Maria Bolkonskaya’s fiancé. Secondly, when during the war with Napoleon she went over to the side of the enemy, which aroused the wrath of the little princess, who no longer allowed her former companion to approach her.

Relationships between members of the Bolkonsky family

The complex and sometimes confusing relationships of the Bolkonsky family members occupy their place in Leo Tolstoy's story special place. The life of three generations is reflected here: the senior prince Nikolai Andreevich, his son Andrei and daughter Maria, as well as grandson Nikolenka. Each has their own character, habits, and outlook on life, but these people are united by an ardent love for the Motherland, closeness to the people, patriotism, and a sense of duty. Even Prince Nikolai Bolkonsky, who at first glance seems to be a rude person, before moving on to another world, begins to ask for forgiveness from his daughter Marya, whom he put pressure on during his life.

The Bolkonsky family is characterized by activity and activity, and isn’t this character trait that became key in the creation of their images? The thoughtful reader himself will try to explore such a difficult, but interesting question. And, of course, draw the appropriate conclusions for yourself.

The Bolkonsky family in the novel “War and Peace”: characteristics and image of the heroes

4.5 (90.91%) 11 votes

Most of the novel “War and Peace” by L. N. Tolstoy is dedicated to the Russian nobility early XIX century. The reader is presented a whole series families that are essentially close to each other - in the sense of regularity of life, calmness, subordination general rules, existed in upper strata society of that time. All their members go to balls, visit Anna Pavlovna Scherer’s living room, dance, have fun, and engage in small talk.

However, there is one family whose unique morals and traditions and homely atmosphere are immediately noticeable. This is how the Bolkonsky family is represented. She lives her own closed life, which sets her apart from others. Why did this happen? In fact, the Bolkonsky family is a hereditary military, and military affairs implies subordination, rigor, precision and toughness. Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky is such a “purebred” military man. It defines the spirit of the family. Life experience tempered not only his body, but also his soul, and put strict military rules into him. The entire routine of his day is planned out minute by minute and is carried out with amazing precision: “... the main condition for activity is order, but order in his life is brought to the utmost degree of accuracy. His appearances at the table took place under the same unchanging conditions, and not only in one hour, but also in a minute.” And God forbid anyone to break this routine, which is the main law of Nikolai Andreevich’s existence. For example, during the arrival of Prince Andrei and his wife, the son does not immediately go to his father, but waits until his time of rest is over, because he is already accustomed to this.

The old prince is constantly engaged in physical and mental labor: “He himself was constantly busy either writing his memoirs, or doing calculations from higher mathematics, or turning snuff boxes on a machine, or working in the garden and observing buildings that did not stop...” The reader practically does not see Nikolai Andreevich idle. Even when his son leaves for military service, he continues to work, although he worries that Prince Andrei may die: “When Prince Andrei entered the office, the old prince, wearing old man’s glasses and in his white robe, in which he did not receive anyone except son, sat at the table and wrote.”

The elder Bolkonsky is not a tyrant, he is simply demanding not only of himself, but also of everyone around him. It can also be said that he led an ascetic lifestyle and, by his example, forced his loved ones to do the same. The prince aroused fear and respect in people who communicated with him in one way or another. Although he was retired and no longer had any significance in government affairs, every head of the province where the Bolkonsky estate was located considered it his duty to come to him and express his respect.

It would probably be wrong to think that the old prince is insensitive and hard-hearted, no, he’s just not used to showing his feelings and weaknesses even to his family. Firstly, he himself was raised this way from childhood, and secondly, serving in the army taught him another lesson: he saw how weak-willed people with high morals lost to those who were firm and focused.

Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky has two children in his family - Marya and Andrey. Their mother died early. All the main upbringing of the children fell on the father. Since the father has always been an ideal for children, many of his traits passed from him to the children. They grew up in an environment that was not conducive to laughter, fun, or jokes. Their father interacted with them as if they were adults, kept a tight rein on them, and did not particularly dote on them or cherish them.

Princess Marya adopted more masculine traits character than it should have been, because Nikolai Andreevich did not stand on ceremony with her and raised her on an equal basis with his son. It has the same rigidity, although expressed in a weaker form, along with deep moral principles, Marya Nikolaevna is not like other secular women. It contains real human values, which do not depend on time and environment, fashion and popular theories. Marya Nikolaevna did not appear at balls and in A.P. Sherer’s drawing room, because her father considered all this nonsense and stupidity, a useless waste of time.

Instead of balls and celebrations, Princess Marya studied mathematical sciences with her father: “...I don’t want you to be like our stupid ladies...”.

She is not beautiful, but she is not ugly either - she is a girl who is almost unnoticed by men, and because of this she is married to the eccentric Anatol Kuragin. She has only one friend - Julie, and she is only by correspondence. Princess Marya seems to live in her own little world, lonely and understood by almost no one.

Why is this heroine so obsessed with faith, why does she host beggars and wanderers? Perhaps she simply does not find a person in her life who is able to understand her, to advise her something practical... It seems to me that it is out of loneliness that she turns to God. Wanderers, in her mind, are approaching the image of Christ. Sometimes it seems that these strangers are closer to Princess Marya than her father and brother.

Andrei Nikolaevich Bolkonsky is the son of the old prince, almost identical to him in character. The same set of qualities of a military man: firmness, courage, determination; the same coldness and aloofness in his actions and thoughts. Most of all, in my opinion, Prince Andrei’s wife, Little Princess Lisa, suffers from all these traits. What did she do to deserve such an attitude from her husband? Only because she normal woman who goes to balls and loves entertainment, laughter and joy?

Another trait that Andrei Nikolaevich inherited from his father is isolation, closedness from people, isolation from what is happening in the outside world. He is taciturn with his father, as well as with other people in his circle. It would seem that Natasha is the angel who will save Prince Andrei by bestowing love, but we do not see this hero opening his soul to his beloved. Andrei Bolkonsky does not tell anyone about his past or future at all, he lives in the present. Lives an inner life.

So vintage noble family Bolkonskikh preserves his traditions and passes them on to the new generation.

- If they kill you, I, an old man,

it will hurt... What if I find out that you

did not behave like Nikolai's son

Bolkonsky, I will be... ashamed!

- You might not have said that.

me, father.

L. N. Tolstoy

L.N. Tolstoy wrote that in “Anna Karenina” he loved “family thought”, and in “War and Peace” - “people's thought”. Nevertheless, the “family thought” is very convincing in War and Peace. Throughout the entire epic, we closely follow the fates different generations noble families Rostov, Bolkonsky, Bezukhov, Kuragin. Tolstoy, in his own way, solves the problems of “fathers and sons”, the family resemblance of people of the “same breed”, despite their individual differences.

In my opinion, the Bolkonskys are especially good, significant and spiritually close, although many believe that the Rostovs are closer to the writer himself. One thing is indisputable: both of them embody the norms of life that Tolstoy considers natural, excluding the falsehood and hypocrisy inherent in court circles.

Wherever the young Bolkonskys appear, an atmosphere of moral purity, high morality and decency reigns. This is how their father raised them. Who is he, the man nicknamed “the Prussian king”, who lives on his estate without leaving a break? The old Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky, Catherine's nobleman, general, was dismissed by the Empress's son Paul and settled on his family estate. After Paul's death, his son, Alexander I, allowed the exiles to return to the capital, but the proud Prince Bolkonsky did not respond to the call of the new tsar. Later, his son, Andrei Nikolaevich, would abandon his court career, forever losing himself in the eyes of the world.

The life of the old prince in Bald Mountains is in no way similar to the life of rich nobles. “He said that there are only two sources of human vices: idleness and superstition, and that there are only two virtues: activity and intelligence.

The daughter and son have different attitudes towards despotism and the whims of their father: Princess Marya meekly submits to him, and Prince Andrei allows himself irony, but internally his father is very close to him. It is amazing that the younger Bolkonsky writes to his father every day from the army, he so needs communication with this harsh, despotic, but understanding, dearest person in the world.

The old prince is the son of his century. His actions are contradictory, but always sincere, there is no pretense or falsehood in him. They are different, a father, his son and daughter. But there are common family traits, traits of people of the “same breed” that bring them very close and allow them to understand each other at a glance, and sometimes even at a glance. This is first of all permanent job thoughts, “mind of the mind”, according to Tolstoy’s definition; high demands on oneself and others; serious spiritual interests; decency in everything; inability and unwillingness to make moral compromises. It is impossible to explain the scene of the old prince's farewell to his son, who is leaving for the front. You can only re-read it and be proud of the people who know how to feel this way and love so much. And the word “buddy” (or “darling”), uttered by already numb lips and addressed to the daughter in her dying moments! How much it told her, how much it helped!

The Bolkonskys don't talk about love - they love. And once the words are spoken, then they are forever. If they are friends, they do not betray their friendship. The concept of family honor is very important to them. Prince Andrey constantly remembers his responsibility for his family. But he is a man, a warrior... But Princess Marya’s courage and sense of responsibility are truly amazing: “So that she, the daughter of Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky, asks Mr. General Rameau to provide her with patronage and enjoy his benefits!” - this thought alone horrified her! And she leaves Bald Mountains.

The princess is sure that her father and brother would approve of her, and this gives her strength. The war treated the Bolkonsky family cruelly, but Princess Marya bears her suffering with dignity and does not betray herself in anything. Probably for this Tolstoy gives her love and family happiness.

1820... Eight years have passed since Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky died and Prince Andrei died. Much has changed in Bald Mountains: the house, the garden, and the estate; New voices began to sound, it became noisy and crowded. But the high spirituality, special nobility, and “eternal spiritual tension” of Countess Marya remained unchanged. Her “sublime moral world” has a beneficial effect on all family members, and we, readers, close great book, with gratitude and admiration we think about the ugly beautiful woman, in which her unbending, proud father and selfless brother continue to live - the Bolkonsky family lives.

And in one more person the life of this family will continue. Nikolenka Bolkonsky is 15 years old at the end of the novel. He is honest and knows how to think. Without knowing it, he lives in the high spirit of his loved ones. The memory of his father is sacred to him. "Father! Father! Yes, I will do something that would make even him happy.” This is what Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky thinks... His path is predetermined - this is the honorable path of an honest Russian nobleman-patriot, a member of a wonderful, noble family.

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