The script for the concert of the ensemble “Russian Song. Scenario of the themed holiday “Russian folk song”

Progress of the event

The stage design is a stylization of fragments of the interior of a Russian hut.

- Good afternoon, dear friends! We are glad to see you again in this hall! Our concert is dedicated to Russian folk song - the treasury of Russian music, from which the people drew strength in difficult times, to which they trusted their thoughts and feelings, with which they grieved and celebrated.


Where are you from, Russian?
Is music born?
Either in an open field,
Or in a hazy forest?
Are you happy? In pain?
Or in a bird whistle?
Tell me where from
Do you have sadness and daring?
Whose are you in? heart was beating
From the very beginning?
How did you come?
How did you sound?
Ducks flew by -
The pipes were dropped.
Geese flew by -
The harp was dropped.
Sometimes they are in the spring
We found it and were not surprised.
Well, what about the song? With a song
Born in Rus'.

The song is the most ancient look musical art and one might say the same age as human speech. A very long time ago, at the dawn of the existence of human society, when people learned to use sound speech as a means of communication, the first primitive songs arose, closely related to the life and way of life of primitive tribes. In general, they cannot be called songs. These were shepherd calls, hunting or war cries, as well as exclamations that united the efforts of people in joint work. From these exclamations, ancient work songs subsequently arose.

Since those times, the song has become a faithful companion of a person throughout his life. The ancient Slavs had songs for all occasions and for all seasons. When a person was born, they sang homeland songs, when spring came, the children sang chants - they called out to spring, went out onto the hills and threw clay birds up, because they believed that Spring was somewhere nearby - it would see that the birds had already arrived and would hurry up. When the time came to harvest the harvest, they sang harvest and mowing songs. And a wedding in Rus' is a whole performance that lasted a week (and in some places more) and was scripted. Some episodes of the wedding ceremony have survived to this day, it’s a pity that only some...

All nations have their own fortune-telling, but fortune-telling songs are the priority of the Slavs. They are called podoblyudnye. The girls gathered in the evening, filled a dish with water, dipped a ring or a comb into it, and while singing fortune-telling songs, they predicted fate. And the Slavs also mourned the death of their loved ones in songs called lamentations. The tradition of inviting mourners has been preserved in the Russian village to this day.

Russian folk songs reflect the entire history of our people. They were put together during the years of difficult battles between the Russian principalities and the steppe nomads, during the terrible times of the Mongol invasion. Epics about the exploits of Russian heroes, songs about the Tatar full have reached us as the people's memory of those ancient times. Many songs were composed about the peasant uprisings of Stepan Razin and Emelyan Pugachev, about the conquest of Siberia by the brave Ermak Timofeich, about the capture of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible and much, much more.

From the very early childhood each of you has heard from your mother Russian songs about a cat—a kitten, a cat, for example. Who guessed what these songs are? Of course, lullabies are the most ancient songs, simple, sometimes consisting of only 3 sounds, but in which all magical power music, well known to our ancestors.

But you have probably heard drawn-out drinking songs, and swashbuckling dance songs, and ditties, and while listening to them, you had no idea how strongly, deeply Russian songs influenced and continue to influence our national character. After all, a song is the living voice of the people, a reflection of its entire millennia-old culture. The people expressed their deepest thoughts and hopes in their songs. It’s not for nothing that the proverb was invented: “Whose mind you live by, you sing a song by.” But does it sound so often now, Russian? folk song from TV screens and on the radio? Much less often than I could. Much less than we all need in order not to get lost and dissolve in this world. And today at our concert you will hear a tiny part of the wealth that our ancestors left us. After all, Russian songs are the salt of the Russian land, they contain a particle of the soul of the Russian people.

Our concert begins with the Russian folk song “The girl was walking in the garden” performed by Dasha Izbennikova.

Now you will hear the song “Chernozem Earthling”. This is the oldest surviving work song; it was sung back in the 11th century. Since ancient times, a song has helped a person in his difficult peasant work. With a song, as they say, things go better. Unfortunately huge amount the songs were lost irretrievably: after all, no one had ever written them down, all the songs were passed on, as they say, by word of mouth, from performer to performer. And as soon as a link fell out in this long chain of generations, the songs died too. Only in the 18th century did lovers of Russian songs, and later composers and performers, make the first attempts to collect and record folk art. In the 19th century, many connoisseurs of Russian songs went on trips along the great Russian rivers, collecting folk songs.

The Russian folk song “I planted cabbage” will be performed by Katya Epishkina.

Russian peasants were hardworking, but they also knew how to relax - they really loved play, dance, and comic songs. The Russian folk song “At the Gates of the Gates” will be performed by Kuryakov Kolya.

About wedding ceremony In Rus' you can tell a lot. The wedding game (they still say “play a wedding”) consisted of 15-20 ritual episodes with special magical actions - all accompanied by songs. Yulia Efimenko will perform the wedding song “White-faced-round-faced”.

The pinnacle of Russian song creativity and probably the entire melodic culture is the drawn-out song. It glorifies the beauty and grandeur of Russian nature - its wide fields, mighty rivers (especially the Mother Volga). Very often, drawn-out songs sing about the difficult lot of peasants, about the hard slave labor of barge haulers. I remember Nekrasov’s lines:

“Go out to the Volga - whose groan is heard
Over the great Russian river?
We call this groan a song -
Then the barge haulers are walking along the towline"

Very often, drawn-out songs contained stories about the difficult destinies of women, one of which we will now hear performed by Katya Davydova - “On the Murom Path”.

Among Russian folk songs there are genres that not only live, but are constantly updated. These are ditties and so-called suffering. Vl. Kuznetsov “Saratov busts” will be performed by Zhenya Rastorguev.

Now you will hear a Russian dance song, which many of you probably know - Levkodimov “Semyonovna”. Performed by Vasin Sasha.

Russian folk song “Barynya”, arranged by Shalaev.

Folk music formed the basis of Russian composer school, brought into it her wonderful melody, her original style, breathed the poetry of “gray old times”, the air of fields and forests, the spontaneity of the naive sincere feeling. Currently performed by two young pianists you will hear the 3rd part of the piano concerto by composer Silvansky. Let me remind you that the concert genre is based on the competition of two performers - in in this case these are Ira Krysanova and Klim Matenchuk.

Folk song is the source national identity not only in Russian music, but also in the music of other peoples and countries. The Russian composer S. Rachmaninov once said this well - “between the music of the greatest European masters and folk music there is a close and intimate connection between their home countries. Not that composers take folk themes and transplanted them into their compositions (although this does not happen rarely), but they were so imbued with the spirit of these melodies characteristic of their native people that all their compositions received an appearance as different and characteristic of a given nationality as the taste of national wine or fruit.” .

Our concert ends with “Multi Years” by composer Derbenko, and we, together with Dasha Krasovskaya, wish everyone many years to come.

Old songs live on. These are not the pages of a reader, not the archives of a museum - this is the key to the heart of the people, a people who were not born yesterday and will not leave tomorrow. See you again at our music school.

Venue: Green Grove

Time: 11.00h.

From 09.00 In the morning, the broadcast of the holiday begins over sound reinforcement equipment and loudspeakers, where announcers invite everyone to relax in the lap of nature and have fun with live music.

From 10.00 a.m. installation of parking lots, courtyards and yurts of each rural club and rural House of Culture of the region begins.

From 11.00 a.m. official opening begins national holiday"With a song through life." Speech by officials.

Upon completion of the girls’ official speech, national costumes They present bread, salt and honey to officials.

Welcome to the folk song festival!

We welcome everyone, we meet everyone.

According to Russian customs

I bow to you from the bottom of my heart.

WITH kind words and with love,

And with bread and salt.

A Bashkir dance is performed by the choreographic ensemble “Mischievous Youth” (director R. Deinichenko)

Two presenters in Russian national costumes appear on stage to the accompaniment of a cheerful Russian folk song.

Presenter 1:

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!

Presenter 2:

Good afternoon, sir! We are glad to see us at our holiday! And we have gathered here to listen to songs, sing, dance, and learn about the song!

Presenter 1:

In the old days they said: “Whoever lives with a song is sickened by grief.”
“As one lives, so one sings”
“Where there are songs, there is youth”
“Song is the soul of the people.”

Presenter 2:

From time immemorial, the song has always been with a person both in joy and in sorrow. From
from birth until death.

A young girl comes out, with a wreath on her head and in a national costume.

Presenter 2:

Where did Russian music come from?
Either in an open field,
Or in a hazy forest.
Whether in joy or pain,
Or in a bird whistle?
Tell me where from
There is sadness and daring in you,
How did you appear
From the very beginning
In whose heart did you beat,
Who did you sound like?

Girl /in Russian costume/:

Ducks flew by - they dropped their pipes,
The geese flew by and dropped the harp,
Their spring

I found it, I wasn’t surprised...

Presenter 1: Well, what about the song?

Young woman:I was born with a song in Rus' .

A girl comes out with a doll in her arms. "Lullaby" sounds.

Presenter 1:

The Russian song is open spaces,
Which we will have to follow for the rest of our lives,
This is Father Don near Rostov.
This is Mother Volga on the way.
The Russian song is a shepherd's song,
Dewy, joyful, early horn,
Just sit down for a minute and listen -
You will be heard, my friend. .

Presenter 2:

No matter what a person did - reaping bread, mowing hay, floating timber or pulling a barge - song helped him everywhere. Our dear viewers and guests! On the stage of the festive program folk ensemble Russian and Ukrainian songs “Kuderushki” with the folk song “Under the wide window”.

Presenter 1:

I am for a soulful song
Took the forests green whisper,
And the Volga has a mid-day heat
The dark jets were heard to rumble.
Took from autumn - bad weather,

Spring has a fragrance,
I took the people's happiness
And immeasurable suffering .

Presenter 2:

They sang while doing handicrafts, sang about heavy female share. The people pitied the woman and in songs affectionately called her swan, duckling, baby bird, mountain ash. We meet the folk ensemble of Ukrainian songs “Khutorok”. (with needlework in hands)

Presenter 1:

Why are you touching my heart?
A song of soulful old times?
Is there a lofty soul living in you,
Is it a reflection of unsteady silence?
Then you let the falcon fly behind the cloud,
Throwing up my hands bitter smoke,
Then you emerge as a widow, lonely,
Give flowers to the young.
All folk songs are about love. About love and native land, and therefore to the people who live on it, to their relatives and friends. On the stage of the festive program is the Bashkir folk ensemble "Amanat".

Presenter 2:

Then you lead the round dances into the field,

You burn yourself while dancing!

You are forever in tune with the Russian lot,

My spring song!

Remember: a coachman dies in the steppe, or a wounded soldier in an open field in last minute- their thoughts are turned to home, to father and mother. Russian people sing about life, about their lot in songs. Russian folk song "Oh Kalina on the Hill." The folk ensemble "Kuderushki" is on stage.

Presenter 1:

The song appeared a long time ago. Back then there was no actual division between stories and songs. Slowly, the singers solemnly told about the heroes and their exploits for the glory of the Russian land. And these song-stories were called epics.

Presenter 2:

And there were also buffoons wandering around the world - jacks of all trades: they could sing, dance, and tell a fairy tale. People still remember their comic songs about how “a mosquito married a fly” and about how “a lady flea lived in a green forest.” That's what those songs are called - buffoons.

Presenter 1:

Well, in those rare times, cheerful dance songs were played on holidays, accompanied by an accordion and with choruses! We meet the Tatar folk ensemble “Anzheler”.
(Dance song, ditties.)

Presenter 2:

How it will tighten, how it will flood
Our Orthodox people,
After all, where does everything come from?
It goes straight to the heart!
Sing about the tempo of the night
Or about white snow.
About a merchant's daughter,
About silk meadows.
Sing about the blue sea
Or about Mother River
About sadness and grief, About heartbreak.

Presenter 1:

And now we will sing, but not about melancholy, but about something fun. Russian folk song "Chicken". On stage festive program folk ensemble of Russian songs “Sudarushka”.

Presenter 2:

In Rus' they always loved to sing in chorus, together. This worked out great in round dances led by girls and boys. Not a single holiday, not a single gathering was complete without round dances. We knew a lot of round dance songs, and we will now hear one of them performed by the Kuderushki folk ensemble. And we ask all guests and spectators to join our wonderful round dance!!!

(A round dance song sounds)

Presenter 1:

In addition to round dance songs, there were also round dance games, in which they sang and played.

(Round dance game.)

Presenter 2:

One of the songs contains the following words: “What is a song without a button accordion.” What else? What's a song without...?

/accordions, balalaikas/.

Presenter 1:

I haven't heard from you for a long time,
Three flowing strings.
They say they're out of fashion
Songs of Russian antiquity.
Well, maple, give it to me,
Ring all over
Balalaika, balalaika,
Golden bells.
You’re not shy even now,
You are alone in the whole country,
You can do it brilliantly
Touch the Russian string.
With a daring people's heart
You've become close forever
In the golden hands of craftsmen
You will never be silent!

Presenter 2:

A Russian song is not naked,
Not rowdy, not hysterical sadness.
This is a silent resolution
Sit next to him and look into his eyes.
She embraces everything with her heart,
She is both 20 and 1000 years old.
Russian song, Russian land
I love you so much that there are no more words !

Presenter 1:

The song was part of a person’s spiritual life, a support in his hard work and worries. The song still makes us happy and sad, love and be disappointed, live and die. The song unites us, singing the song - blood relatives, close in soul. Only with a song do you understand that we are children of the same Motherland, that we have
one common house- Russia.

Presenter 2:

Rus' is mighty even in song,
Wide and deep
Both free and thunderous,
And free, and call.
Oh yes songs, what kind of songs,
Our people are singing!
Golden, daring,
Russian songs, live -
Well done!
“Song about Russia” - performed by the folk ensemble “Kuderushki”.

Presenter 1::

And now the guests are your turn,
Who will sing ditties here?
(Competition "Merry ditties")

Presenter 2:

Our happy holiday let's continue together.
Our competition "Are you weak?"
Let's announce it together!

Competition "Are you weak?" for men.
1.Who will split the board with his fist?
2. Who will drink milk from a bottle first, etc.
At the end, the men swear, “After the holiday it’s easy, we’ll only drink milk.”

Presenter 1:

Well done to our men, you did your best! And now we move on, we choose dancers!

Presenter 2:

All dancers are welcome!

Presenter 1:

Hey harmonicas, play it

Presenter 2:

Choose the best dancers of our holiday!

There is a competition of dancers to Tatar music.

Presenter 1:

And now for all of you

There will be a Russian dance.

Who will dance more fun?

Come here quickly.

The presenters read in turn:

Quadrille - an ancient dance,

Favorite in Rus'.

Through centuries, centuries

Now we are dancing.

Our grandfathers knew how

Rest your soul:

And work in the field

And have fun hanging out.

Play, merry accordion,

And sing the balalaika,

Take a walk, my dear,

I'm following you.

“What a nice couple!” -

All the people marvel.

“What a brave fellow!

Leads with his beauty!”

With a smooth gait

Mannered and easy

A girl dances with a guy

To spite the rivals...

Years and centuries have passed.

The people are no longer the same

But he remembers his ancestors

Protects with love.

And here is the old dance,

Famous in Rus',

Through centuries, centuries

Now we're dancing...

Dance "Quadrille". Performed by the choreographic ensemble "Mischievous Youth". We invite everyone to dance in the clearing.

Presenter 2:

Among the people, song is inseparable from life, like the soul from the body.

Russian song in the birches,

Russian song in bread -

In the mowing, in the frost,

On a sleigh and in the meadows.

Rowan trees rustle in the wind.

Everyone is ready to listen to them!

How many songs does Russia have -

There are so many flowers in the field.

I don’t know who put it together.

Only that song is good.

A song dear to me from childhood

Both a friend and a sister!

And her words are simple

It touches your soul to tears.

How many songs does Russia have -

There are so many birch trees in the groves.

Russian songs are like this

What a desire to sing along,

How many songs does Russia have -

Presenter 1:

Low bow to you, good people!

Happiness, health and long life...

Who can judge us for our songs?

If there are no songs, there is no life.

Clear sky above

We would like to wish you

Glory, feasts, plenty of bread,

Live with songs and don’t lose heart.

Presenter 2:

The Russian proverb says: “There is time for work, an hour for fun!”

Now the moment of farewell has come.

Our speech will be short,

We say to you: “Goodbye!

See you happy next time!”

The main action on stage is over. Next comes concert program solo vocalists. The jury evaluates parking lots and courtyards. The results are being summed up. End of the holiday.

Preparation plan for the national holiday

"With a song through life"


Job title

Completion deadlines


Installation of sound reinforcement equipment


Safin I.M.

Preparing a holiday script


Ganiev N.R.

Khomyakova M.A.

Preparing a script for a theatrical performance


Arslanova A.T.

Rehearsal of a musical block and theatrical performance


Lomanets V.A.

Khomyakova M.A.

Ganiev N.R.

Lynnik I.P.

Arslanova A.T.

Deinichenko R.Kh.

Installation/dismantling of stage structures


Osmanov M.A.

Preparation, sewing and repair of costumes


Karpova N.F.

Transportation of amateur art participants


Sharafutdinov R.Z.

Artistic director– S. Tupitso

Elena Astakhova
Scenario theme holiday"Russian folk song"

Music sounds, children enter the hall.

Presenter: Russia... How from song word,

Birch tender foliage,

There are forests, fields and rivers all around,

Razdolye – Russian soul.

Presenter: Russia... What beautiful word! And dew, and strength, and blue expanses... All this is our Motherland. U Russian people have their own customs, music, songs, dancing. And how they love it in Rus' folk festivals ! In ancient times, boys and girls gathered outside the outskirts and sang songs, danced.

Ensemble dance "Zadorinka"

Presenter: They loved and love Russia deeply Russian people. They composed many songs about her and bravely defended their Motherland from enemies.

Listen a song about defenders - Russian soldiers?

Song“Soldiers, bravo, guys”.

Presenter (says proverbs):

"Good the song invigorates the spirit»

"Where the song is being sung, life is fun there"

"With good song and work proceeds»

Presenter: And now it will sound good song.

Song"And I'm in the meadow".

Presenter: Funny and mischievous, sad and sincere songs accompany a person throughout his life. There are lullabies. Mothers sing them when they put their children to bed.

Russian folk lullaby"It's raining outside"

Presenter: As the children grew up in the family, they were taught to work. The boys helped their father in the field, in the workshop and in the forge. Blacksmiths forge iron with a hammer and make horseshoes for horses. The boys are working and song helps them in their work.

Song"In the Forge"

Presenter: Skilled Russian people work hard. No wonder it says: “Time for business, time for fun”. Mothers taught their daughters to perform homework. Listen song"In the Upper Room".

Song"In the Upper Room".

Presenter: Finished work, time to relax. Come out of the gate and get up in a round dance.

Ensemble dance "Zadorinka".

Presenter: Where one lives happily, there the song is being sung. None holiday couldn’t do without a mischievous ditty. They were performed to a fiery melody with re-dancing. Ditties are small funny stories, teasers.


Presenter: Chatushki were also performed at the fair. Was going to people in the shopping area - show yourself, look at people, buy, sell, play daredevil games.

Acrobatic number.

Presenter: In many folk songs beauty was sung Russian nature: endless fields, green oak groves, deep rivers, beautiful quiet evenings.

Song"The moon is shining"

Presenter: Those who dance with handkerchiefs and play the balalaika are never bored.

Matryoshka dolls lined up in a row

Their eyes sparkle with joy.

Flowers on sundresses

Unprecedented beauty.

Round dance of nesting dolls.

Presenter: Known everywhere:

Go all over the world,

Russia is song,

There is no end!

Song"Oh, my meadow duck".

Presenter: Russia, Russia is a dear land,

Been here for a long time Russian people live,

They glorify their native expanses,

Razdolnye Russian songs are sung.

Medley Russian folk songs.

Presenter: So our meeting with the wonderful Russians folk songs , but we don’t say goodbye to them. May they be with us all our lives.

Music sounds, everyone leaves the hall.

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Presenter: Good afternoon, dear friends, colleagues, students, guests. We are glad new meeting with you. We called today's program " Musical pictures about Russian folk instruments"
The Russian people have always surrounded their lives with songs and music flowing from the Russians folk instruments….. then everything sings in the soul, and nothing is as close to a person as the sound of a native instrument, familiar from childhood. This extraordinary palette of sounds will flow in the hall today, performed by the Laureate of international and interregional competitions, the folk instrument orchestra of the Krasnoyarsk College of Arts. P.I. Ivanov-Radkevich. Artistic director – Olga Grinberg

1). Presenter: We all know that music heals. And, no matter how well our life goes, we sometimes have to feel anxiety. To get rid of this feeling, we are advised to listen to the music of Chopin, Strauss Waltzes and specific work Anton Rubinstein - “Melody” If anyone in the audience has even the slightest anxiety right now, it will go away as soon as we hear these enchanting sounds performed by Victoria Fedorova
Class of teacher Liliya Vladimirovna Tsvetkova, accompanist - diploma student international competition Maria Ivanovna Morozova

2). Presenter: Megul “Sonata” 1st part. Performed by Stud,__ Course Galina Kulak. Class of teacher Alexey Nikolaevich Nepomnyashchikh

3). Presenter: Guitarist John Richards expressed his love for the instrument through poetry.

The strings are shaking
Fingers rush along the fingerboard,
In search of a harmonious harmony,
Legato flows
Hitting the reefs
Stately chords of the major series.
The performer is hidden by consonant unity,
With your sweet-voiced guitar,
The heart is spinning like a vast wave,
Music tango of Orpheus's hymns.
Improvisation, wind, freedom,
The artist's fingers awaken delight,
Hiding the ear with the chime of harmonies,
Sowing by word of mouth appendages, like God.

Germal. "Baden Jazz Suite" 1st part. Spanish Student_________ course Elizaveta Lavrentieva, Class of teacher Natalya Yuryevna Zamyatina

4). Rossini. Cavatina Figaro from the opera " Barber of Seville". Performed by Stud,__ Course Ivan Ekimenko, Class of teacher Yuri Vasilyevich Dunaev

5). Presenter:

Domra, like a forgotten queen,
that she once lived in Rus'.
Balalaika big sister,
a good sound in the blue heights.
Spread it around for the amusement of the world,
in buffoonish mischievous hands
Folding songs ringing satire,
in old fairy tales, fables and poems.
But the slander is insidious and malicious,
I wanted to get rid of the sounds of the domra,
Like a pitiful and cowardly thief,
that he wants to forget his shame.
He silences those cherished strings,
prophesied with a daring hand,
So that their songs flow like a bright stream,
timelessness has flowed away like a river.
But Domra’s slander is no barrier,
through the centuries its wonderful sound,
Like fate a worthy reward,
again flows with a joyful song.

On stage - Domra Trio: 4th year student Alena Cherkova, 2nd year students - Anastasia Solomatina, Shonchalai Mizhit-Dorzhu. Class of teacher Oksana Igorevna Strelchenko, accompanist – Olga Chernoyarova. Artemyev, "Romance"

6). Presenter: It’s no secret that “Rumba” is a dance, a dance of LOVE. Rumba appeared in Havana in the 19th century in combination with European Counterdance. In Spain, the word “rumbo” means “path”; in Russian, the maritime equivalent of “rumba” is direction.
Lucio "Rumba". Performed by Stud,_2_ Course Nachin Biche-ool, class of teacher Elena Vladimirovna Moderova

7). Presenter:
Neither storms nor reefs are afraid of me,
If you can hear in the string sound
Near the pier of the guitar riff,
The cries of seagulls and the rustling of waves.
I want the guitar to sound
Touching my soul with every string,
Like life without end and beginning,
And nothing will happen to me.

Vinitsky "Mercy". Performed by Stud,_2_ Course Mikhail Popov, Class of teacher Ivan Nikolaevich Afanasyev

8). Presenter:

The balalaika shook:
So it pours - rubbed - rubbed...
Come on, honey, play along,
Yes, speak Russian!
Balalaika simple sounds,
Maybe not right away, and not all of a sudden,
The memory of blood will be revealed to the grandchildren,
To bring them out into the circle.
The balalaika player played out,
Have fun and dance people!
Burn, darling, let's try,
and the Orchestra will not let you down!

Ermochenkov. Concerto for balalaika and orchestra, 1st movement. Performed by Stud,_4_ Course, Nikita Krasnov. Teacher – Diploma winner of the international competition – Andrey Nikolaevich Shakorin. Concertmaster – Laureate of the All-Russian and International competition winner – Yulia Balabanova

9). Bogoslovsky, lyrics. Rodionov "Song of the Old Cabby".
Performed by Elena Moderova. Accompanied by Galina Sharavina. Concertmaster class of Vladimir Viktorovich Shakhov.

10). Tsintsadze "Sachidao". Performed by Domra Duet: Students,_2_ Course Elena Zhukova and Anna Katryuk. Class of teacher Liliya Vladimirovna Tsvetkova, Concertmaster - international competition winner, Maria Ivanovna Morozova
(The full orchestra gets ready and, following the text of the presenter, goes on stage)

2nd part of the concert

11). Presenter: K end of the 19th century century, for the wide masses art was not available. This situation could not be tolerated advanced people of that time. Among these people was Vasily Vasilyevich Andreev. One day, he heard the peasant Antipas playing an old balalaika. The sound of this instrument delighted Vasily Vasilyevich so much that he decided to create an ensemble of balalaika players and developed designs various types tools. A little later, Andreev decided to create an orchestra. Master Nalimov made musical instruments that made everything sound new: bright, colorful.
The orchestra of Russian folk instruments has become a unique phenomenon not only in our country, but also throughout the world. musical culture. Today, it represents a special synthesis of Russian folklore and European academic art... at the same time it has a unique characteristic timbre, which has become to a certain extent a musical symbol of Russian national culture.

The fog shrouded itself in a gray veil,
The earth is a fertile bed,
What are you singing about, bright-eyed Bayan?
Your voice worries my heart.
The song flows like a stream, the motive is so tender,
The harp plays so sweetly,
What seems to be your thin fingers
The strings caress my soul.
And, as if waking up from a long sleep,
They stand in line in front of me
Those distant, glorious times
Where everyone lived in peace with the Earth.

Russian folk song "At the dawn, at the dawn" arranged by Vera Gorodovskaya. Conducting by 4th year student - Victoria Fedorova, class of teacher Oksana Igorevna Strelchenko

12). Presenter: Grieg’s music for Ibsen’s drama “Peer Gynt” has acquired the meaning of independent, works of art. The complete score of Peer Gynt includes twenty-three numbers. Now one of them will be performed - a bright and colorful dynamic piece.
At the conductor's stand - Artistic Director of the Orchestra
– Olga Grinberg.

Edvard Grieg. "In the Cave of the Mountain King"

13). Presenter: Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov said:
Sow what is reasonable, good, and eternal. Sow!
The Russian people will say a heartfelt thank you to you.............

Sergei Rachmaninov. "Russian song"

14). Presenter: Argentine musician and composer of the second half of the twentieth century, whose compositions radically revolutionized traditional tango, presenting it in a modern key, incorporating elements of jazz and classical music, is already known and recognized by many.

Astor Piazzolla Tango "Mietro del Angel" soloist Anastasia Paramonova,

15). Presenter: Felt boots, also known as valenki, wavelets, tricks, pimas, wire rods and combs, are a relatively recent invention, they are only about two hundred years old. Figuratively speaking, people were already drinking champagne, but they didn’t know felt boots yet. The birthplace of real felt boots is considered to be the city of Myshkin, Yaroslavl province, whose craftsmen in the 18th century were the first to felt felt boots entirely, with the boot top. From time immemorial, they are an integral part of the Russian costume, the Russian way of life, the Russian winter and even the Russian character. “Simple as a felt boot”, “Vanka is lying”, “Don’t wash like that” - these sayings have forever entered our language. And you don’t need to explain to anyone what they mean: the felt boots are simple, like a Russian peasant, but they are also strong, thorough and reliable, like him, they won’t let you down. difficult moment!

At the end of the concert, Alexander Shirokov’s variations on the theme of R.N.P. will be performed. "Felt boots"
Encore number: (non-stop)
Presenter: (if necessary, say, after the performance) The Kuban fantasy of Yuri Zatsarny “Brynkovsky Cossack” was performed
Presenter: Thank you for your attention.
Our concert is over.

Sl. 1. Hello dear viewers! Today our meeting is dedicated to getting to know Russian folk instruments.

Sl.2. On February 16, 2017, a meeting between students of the college’s music department and the orchestra of Russian folk instruments of the Khabarovsk Institute of Culture took place. For many, this meeting was a revelation, and some heard the sound of a folk orchestra for the first time.

Sl.3. What is an orchestra of Russian folk instruments? What tools are included in it? String group – orchestral domras, balalaikas and keyboard harp. A group of button accordions (sometimes accordions or harmonicas are played). Group percussion instruments. Included in the orchestra and wind instruments of Russian origin, for example, zhaleikas and pipes, and European ones - flutes, oboes.

Sl. 4.The Russian people have always surrounded their lives with songs and music flowing from Russian folk instruments... when everything sings in the soul, and nothing is as close to a person as the sound of a native instrument, familiar from childhood.

Sl. 5. Domra is one of the most ancient Russian folk instruments.Associated with it is the barbaric history of the extermination of musical instruments, which cannot but be told about. Sl. 6. First professional performers– musicians in Rus', one might say, were buffoons. They played domras, zhaleikas, gudki and other folk instruments, earning their living. To the accompaniment of domras, buffoons sang songs in which they ridiculed priests, boyars and royal power. Sl. 7. In 1648, by order of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich the Quiet, all domras and other musical instruments of buffoons were ordered to be collected and burned. “And where domras, and surnas, and whistles, and harps, and haris, and all sorts of buzzing demonic vessels appear, you would order those demonic ones to be taken out and, having broken those demonic games, you would order them to be burned. And those people who will not give up on this whole godly deed and will henceforth learn to adhere to such godly deeds, and according to our decree, those people were ordered to do punishment... they were ordered to beat the batogs... and they will appear in such guilt on the third and fourth, and those Our decree ordered exile to Ukrainian cities for disgrace.”

Sl. 8. Like this tragic fate no one seemed to know musical instrument in the world. As a result of such measures to destroy the domra after the 17th century, researchers do not find any significant references to the ancient domra. It seems that the history of the ancient Russian instrument ended here. But the domra was destined to be reborn from the ashes. Domra was remembered and found only at the end of the 19th century by the creators of the first Russian folk orchestra.

Today, the domra is a solo instrument on which you can play any music: folk, classical, pop... lyrics. 9. Anna Sennikova will perform the work of the 20th century Argentine composer Astor Piazzola - “Verano Porteno”.

Sl. 10. Another stringed musical instrument that can be heard in a folk instrument orchestra is the Balalaika. She both cries and laughs... knows how to sing plaintive songs and whip with satire....

Balalaika is a symbol of Russia. She went through a difficult journey to national and worldwide recognition. Many researchers consider the destroyed domra to be the ancestor of the balalaika. There is an opinion that after the burning of the domra, the balalaika appeared - with a triangular body, so as not to resemble a rounded domra. The first mention of the balalaika dates back to the 17th century.

Sl.11. A fresh stream has entered the 18th century and is gradually being revived from time immemorial. Russian art. The voice of folk instruments is sounding louder.

Sl.12. Vasily Vasilievich Andreev. A Russian nobleman once heard a peasant saying 13. Arkhip plays the balalaika. Andreev, a self-taught musician who plays the violin, spent a year mastering the balalaika. In 1887, he first performed at a concert as a soloist to the accompaniment of a piano, thus making the balalaika a concert stage instrument.

Sl. 14. Andreev first created the “Circle of Balalaika Lovers”, and later transformed it into the Great Russian Orchestra. Sl. 15. On March 20, 1888, the “Circle of Balalaika Lovers” held its first public performance. This date is considered the birthday of the Russian folk orchestra. Three years after his first performance, Andreev and the orchestra travel to Paris. Sl.16. Vasily Andreev popularized the Russian balalaika and improved the instrument. He worked closely with the master Semyon Nalimov, who created the orchestral instruments Sl.17 - balalaikas: treble, piccolo, prima, tenor, alto, bass and the largest - double bass balalaika. And also, based on the surviving sketches, the master managed to restore the domra and create orchestral domras.

Russian orchestras conquered France, England and America. The balalaika became fashionable and in demand, it appeared in foreign stores, and those who wanted to learn how to play it did not dry out.

Sl.18. The balalaika has become a symbol of Russia.
sl. 19. Yan Artyushenko. Kalinka.

Sl. 20. Guitar.

Sl.21. In the Middle Ages, the guitar was brought to Spain from Rome. It had 5 double strings. This type of guitar was called the “Spanish guitar” and was very common in the 15th century. In the 18th century spanish guitar the sixth string appears. In Europe, the guitar has been known for five centuries. But she came to Russia relatively late.

Sl.22. At the beginning of the 18th century western music began to spread widely in Russia. Thanks to the composers of Italy, the guitar received a solid place in Russia. Nikolai Makarov was one of the first guitarists in Russia. But at the beginning of the 19th century, with the help of the work of the talented guitarist Andrei Sikhra, 7i became popular string guitar. He wrote more than a thousand works for the 7-string so-called “Russian” guitar.

Sl. 23. Currently, the guitar is quite often used in Russian folk orchestras as a solo instrument.

DC24. Teacher at the Institute of Culture Anatoly Egorov will perform Tommy Emanuel’s work “Angelina”.

Sl.25. Accordion. Harmonic. Accordion.

During the time of Andreev's management of the Russian folk orchestra, the orchestra consisted of string instruments- balalaikas, domras, gusli. In the 50s of the 20th century, first harmonicas and then button accordions were included in the orchestra as an experiment. Since then, introduce Russian folk orchestra Without the button accordion it is almost impossible; the instrument has received its function in the orchestra.

Sl.26. In 1821, the hereditary German master Friedrich Buschmann created the first harmonica, in order to simplify tuning the organ and piano. And in 1822, he attached a leather reservoir to the harmonica - similar to the modern bellows of an accordion. He called his instrument a manual aeolina, and also used it to tune the organ. Only a melody could be performed on such an instrument.

Few people know that the accordion is almost the only musical instrument whose birth is recorded exactly to one day. Sl.27. This happened significant event May 6, 1829 in Austria. Russian by birth, organ master Kirill Demian, who lives in Vienna, perfected Bushman's aeolina. HE added chord accompaniment - when you can play an entire chord with one button. After a while, he filed a patent for the manufacture of a new instrument, which he called an accordion, since the presence of chord sounds was a striking feature.

Accordions began to be produced in Italy, Germany, Austria and France.

Sl.28. How did this instrument appear here in Russia? They say that this happened at the Nizhny Novgorod fair. Gunsmith from Tula Ivan Sizov heard the sounds of an unusual instrument. He was so delighted with the sound that he bargained for a wonderful instrument from an overseas merchant. When the master came home, he disassembled the instrument and, in its likeness, made several more for his friends. People loved the instrument so much that its production became widespread.

IN different corners They began to produce a huge number of varieties of accordions, which were adapted for playing local melodies and tunes. This is how the following appeared: Saratov, Tula, Livenskaya, Siberian.

Sl.29. It will probably be interesting to know who the creator of the button accordion was and why the instrument was called that? This happened in 1907. The Russian master Pyotr Sterligov created harmonicas of extraordinary beauty and sound quality. Sl.30. And one day, harmonica player Yakov Fedorovich Orlandsky-Titorenko ordered the master to make an instrument with a chromatic tuning. This instrument was manufactured and exceeded all expectations, it technical features and timbre coloring exceeded all expectations. It was decided to name the instrument a button accordion, in honor of the musician - storyteller Boyan. Unfortunately, this very first button accordion has not survived, as it was lost during the siege in Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War.

Sl.31. A large segment of Russian culture is associated with the accordion, button accordion, and accordion. These instruments raised the spirit of people during the war years, united and supported them in difficult times. YES, holidays in the villages did not take place without them.

Sl.32. Every year on the third Saturday of March, the All-Russian Bayan, Accordion and Harmonium Day is celebrated.

Sl. 33 Kotelevsky “Scherzo” Bannikova K.V.

Sl. 34 The orchestra of Russian folk instruments has become a unique phenomenon not only in our country, but also in the entire world musical culture. Today, it represents a special synthesis of Russian folklore and European academic art... at the same time it has a unique characteristic timbre, which has become to a certain extent a musical symbol of Russian national culture.