Nikolay Kasatkin. Russian artist, best paintings, masterpieces

Yakov Danilovich Minchenkov

Kasatkin Nikolay Alekseevich


Notes compiled by G. K. Burova

Kasatkin Nikolay Alekseevich

Kasatkin Nikolai Alekseevich (1859--1930) -- outstanding painter-realist. He studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture with V. G. Perov. From 1890 to 1922 he participated in traveling exhibitions (member of the Partnership since 1891). Since 1898 - academician of painting. From 1894, for twenty-four years, he taught at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Belonging to the so-called younger generation of the Itinerants, who continued late XIX- beginning of the 20th century best traditions democratic Russian art, deeply reflected in his works the life and work of the working class of Russia, its revolutionary struggle (“Collecting coal by the poor in a mined-out mine”, “Coal Miners. Shift”, “Miner”, “Miner-Drawer”, “Heavy”, “ Weaver" and others). In a number of works he reflected the events of the 1905 revolution ("Attack of the Factory by Female Workers", "Militant Worker", etc.). After the Great October Socialist Revolution, I worked a lot on the image of the new, Soviet man(“Selkor”, “Pioneer-counselor”, etc.). Having made a trip to England in 1924, he completed a number of works there dedicated to the life of English miners. He was a member of the AHRR, took an active part in public and artistic life Soviet country. In 1923, Kasatkin was one of the first to be awarded the title of People's Artist of the Republic. Pryanishnikov Illarion Mikhailovich(1840--1894) - painter, genre painter and landscape painter. He studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. He taught there from 1873 until his death. He was one of the founding members of the Association of Itinerants, at whose exhibitions his works were exhibited from 1871 to 1895. In his work he developed the tradition of realistic everyday genre, imbued with a socially critical tendency (“Jokers”, “Empty”, etc.). Also contacted historical topics("Episode from the War of 1812"). Korovin Sergey Alekseevich(1858--1908) - genre painter. Brother of the artist K. A. Korovin. He studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, where he was a student of V. G. Perov. Later, from 1888, he taught there. The author of the painting "On the World" (for the first time in Russian painting, reflecting an important social issue- stratification and class struggle in the capitalist countryside) and a number of other works devoted to themes from folk life. Participated in exhibitions: Mobile Associations art exhibitions(in 1885-1893 as an exhibitor), “Union of Russian Artists”, “World of Art”, etc. Pasternak Leonid Osipovich(1862--1945) - artist of the realistic direction. He studied at the Odessa Drawing School and the Munich Academy. Known for his illustrations to L.N. Tolstoy, portraits, and works of the everyday genre. Participated in exhibitions: traveling (in 1888-1901 as an exhibitor), "36 Artists", "Union of Russian Artists". Since 1905 - academician. In 1894-1918. taught at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Since 1921 he lived abroad. Volnukhin Sergey Mikhailovich(1859--1921) - sculptor. He studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. In 1899--1902. participated in traveling exhibitions as an exhibitor. His most famous monument is the pioneer printer Ivan Fedorov in Moscow. From 1895 to 1918 he taught sculpture at the Moscow School; among his students are N. A. Andreev, V. N. Domogatsky, S. T. Konenkov, I. S. Efimov, A. T. Matveev and others. Korovin Konstantin Alekseevich(1861--1939) - an outstanding painter. Brother of the artist S. A. Korovin. He studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture with A.K. Savrasov and V.D. Polenov. In 1901--1918. I also taught there. Since 1905 - academician. A brilliant colorist, he created works marked by high pictorial merit (landscapes, portraits, decorative panels), and worked a lot for the theater. The influence of impressionism, affecting the later works of K. A. Korovin, limits their significance. Participated in exhibitions: traveling (in 1889-1899 as an exhibitor), “World of Art”, “Union of Russian Artists”, etc. Died in exile. Trubetskoy Pavel (Paolo) Petrovich(1867?--1938) - sculptor. Born and died in Italy. In the late 1890s - early 1900s. taught sculpture at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. He is best known for his works in the field of portraiture (figurines of I. I. Levitan, S. S. Botkin, “L. N. Tolstoy on a horse”, etc.). The equestrian monument to Alexander III created by him (unveiled in 1909) was objectively of an accusatory nature. He took part in a traveling exhibition in 1899 as an exhibitor. Lviv Alexey Evgenievich, prince - since 1892 he was secretary of the Moscow Council art society, from 1894 - inspector of the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, from 1896 to 1917 - director of the School. Yuon Konstantin Fedorovich(1875--1958) - painter, theater artist, graphic artist, author of numerous theoretical and critical works in art, teacher. He studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Before the revolution, he participated in exhibitions: traveling (in 1900 as an exhibitor), “36 Artists”, “Union of Russian Artists”, etc. Regular Topics his paintings, combining precision of drawing and sonority of color with decorative expressiveness of color - pictures of Russian nature, scenes of folk life, portraits and especially often architectural landscapes, glorifying the beauty of the monuments of old Russian architecture. After the Great October Socialist Revolution, he entered soviet art as a master of great pictorial culture, a successor to the realistic traditions of Russian painting. Was a member of the AHRR. State Prize Laureate, folk artist USSR, full member of the USSR Academy of Arts. He was the first secretary of the Union of Artists of the USSR. Ge Nikolay Nikolaevich(1831--1894) - an outstanding historical painter and portrait painter. Graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. He was one of the active organizers of the Association of Itinerants, its founding member and participant in exhibitions from 1871 to 1894. Author of paintings from Russian history ("Peter I interrogating Tsarevich Alexei" and others), portraits (A.I. Herzen, L.N. . Tolstoy, etc.). Later creativity Ge, who was influenced by the ideas of L.N. Tolstoy, is characterized by his appeal to dramatic gospel stories; based on religious legend the artist tried to solve large general philosophical and moral issues. In 1892, the painting "Calvary" was created, in 1894 - "The Crucifixion" (in several versions), banned and removed tsarist censorship from the 22nd traveling exhibition. Painting by N. A. Kasatkin "Shakhtarka"(1894) is located in the State Tretyakov Gallery, "Coal collection by the poor in a mined-out mine"(1894) - in the State Russian Museum. Sytin's drawing school.-- Sytin Ivan Dmitrievich (1851--1934) - publisher and bookseller, organizer and owner of the largest printing and publishing enterprise in pre-revolutionary Russia. At the Sytin publishing house there was an art and graphic school to train printers and book designers, which the publishing house needed. Children of workers were admitted to the school. Fortuny Mariano (1838--1874) -- spanish artist. His painting, masterly and effective in color, although often shallow in content, was successful in its time and influenced many artists of the XIX V. Tenisheva Maria Klavdievna, Princess (1867--1928) - philanthropist of art, amateur artist. She took lessons from I.E. Repin. Founded private art schools in Smolensk and St. Petersburg (the latter was at one time headed by I. E. Repin). Artists and musicians gathered on her estate Talashkino; arts and crafts workshops were organized here. At the end of the 1890s. was close to the circle of artists grouped around the magazine "World of Art" and subsidized its publications. In 1896--1897 I. E. Repin painted a number of portraits of M. K. Tenisheva. The portrait-charcoal drawing mentioned by Ya. D. Minchenkov was exhibited at the 28th traveling exhibition in 1900. Nilus Petr Alexandrovich(1869--1943) - genre and landscape painter. Studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. Participated in traveling exhibitions from 1891 to 1917 (since 1899 - member of the Partnership). The painting “Habit” mentioned by Ya. D. Minchenkov was exhibited at the 28th traveling exhibition in 1900. Rubinstein Anton Grigorievich(1829--1894) - great Russian pianist, outstanding composer, conductor and musical and public figure. Painting by N. A. Kasatkin " Coal miners. Change"(1895) is in the State Tretyakov Gallery. Painting by K. A. Savitsky " Repair work on the railway"(1874) and N. A. Yaroshenko "Fireman"(1878) are in the State Tretyakov Gallery. Menzel Adolf (1815-1905) - an outstanding German realist artist. His painting "Iron Rolling Plant" (1875) is mentioned. Painting by N. A. Kasatkin "Joke"(1892) is in the State Tretyakov Gallery, "The tram has arrived"(1894) - in the Ivanovo regional local history museum, "Dahomey women in the Zoological Garden"(1903) - in a private collection in Kyiv. Fiedler School- a real school in Moscow, located in the house of I. I. Fidler (director of the school). In 1905, it was one of the centers of mass propaganda work of the RSDLP, it was a place for conversations, rallies, meetings of the Moscow Bolshevik Committee, and the council of fighting squads was located here. The destruction of the school by tsarist troops served as one of the episodes that gave impetus to the beginning of the December armed uprising of 1905 in Moscow. The version about the role of provocation in the “Fiedler case” given by Ya. D. Minchenkov is not confirmed by historical documents. In his paintings, ladies appeared in crinolines, like Somov’s. -- Somov Konstantin Andreevich (1869--1939) - one of the leading artists of the "World of Art" circle, he drew the motives for many of his works from the court life XVIII century. Painting by N. A. Kasatkin "The Factory Worker's Wife"(1901) is in the Odessa Art Gallery. Segantini Giovanni (1858--1899) -- Italian artist, genre and landscape painter.

Kasatkin Nikolai Alekseevich (1859-1930)

N. A. Kasatkin for the first time in Russian history traditional painting created, back in the early 1900s, a unique gallery of images and types of workers, revolutionary proletarians, for which he was valued and protected by the young Soviet power, elevated to patriarch of the picturesque socialist realism, one of the first to receive the title (1923) of “People’s Artist of the Republic”.

The son of a prominent Moscow engraver A. A. Kasatkin, he studied at the Moscow School of Painting and Painting (from 1873) with V. G. Perov and I. M. Pryanishnikov.
Received in 1883 highest award School - a large silver medal and the title of artist for the painting "Beggars on the Church Porch".

After graduating from college, Kasatkina was invited to work at his publishing house by the largest Russian book publisher I. D. Sytin, where the artist worked for about thirty years, participating in the creation of “Russian History in Pictures,” the first desk calendar, etc.

The artist, of course, was greatly influenced by L.N. Tolstoy, whom he met in the early 1880s. Warm friendly relations were cemented by mutual interest and attention to each other’s creativity and to the social aspects of society. This can probably explain the indispensable literary nature of the plots of Kasatkin’s works.

Since 1891, the artist became a member of the TPHV and a permanent participant in exhibitions of this association. It is during this period that it is determined main topic in Kasatkin’s work - the life of workers and the urban poor. He paints the paintings "Worker's Family" (1891), "Heavy (Petrel)" (1892), "In the Corridor of the District Court" (1897, awarded a silver medal at World's Fair in Paris 1900), “Prisoners on a Date” (1899), etc.

In 1894, Kasatkin began his teaching career at the Moscow School of Painting and Painting, which lasted more than twenty years (until 1917). The artist enjoyed the love and respect of students. Among his students were such subsequently famous masters as B.V. Ioganson, V.V. Meshkov and others. In 1892-97, after several trips to the Donbass and the Urals, Kasatkin created the famous "miner's" series of paintings: "Miner" "(1894), "Coal Miners. Shift" (1895), "Tyagolytsik Miner" (1896), "Forge" (1897), "Ural Worker" (1899), "In the Family of a Worker" (1890s), etc. .

The artist responds to the events of the 1905 revolution by writing a number of revolutionary romantic works: "Anxious", "Militant Worker", " The last journey spy", "Selfless Victim of the Revolution", "Student", "After the Search" (all 1905). These and other works of Kasatkin became popular for a long time models for artists who are adherents of socialist realism.

In 1906, Kasatkin visited Finland, Norway, and Sweden. In 1908-10 traveled throughout Italy and Turkey, working a lot and fruitfully. After October Revolution Kasatkin was actively involved in social and cultural activities: he designed mass celebrations, was an artist-instructor for the department of public education of the Sokolniki District Council (since 1918), created a regional art studio for workers, taught.

In the 1920s painted character portraits: “For Studying” (1925), “Hero of the Defense of the USSR”, “Komsomol Young Pioneer Leader”, “Komsomol Young Worker's Faculty” (all from the late 1920s). In 1930, giving explanations to his new picture"Carian tragedy", Kasatkin died suddenly. In the history of Soviet art there remains a legend about an artist who created “as it should”, an artist who is a symbol of socialist realism.

The meaning of KASATKIN NIKOLAY ALEXEEVICH in the Brief Biographical Encyclopedia


Kasatkin, Nikolai Alekseevich - genre artist (born in 1859), teacher at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, regular participant in traveling exhibitions. The Tretyakov Gallery contains his works: “Rivals” (1890), “Jokes” (1892), “Slander” (1893), “Girl at the Hedge” (1893), “The Tram Came” (1894), “Miner” (1894 ), "Coal Miners" (1895), "Who?" (1897); in the Alexander III Museum - "The Spinner" (1904).

Brief biographical encyclopedia. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what KASATKIN NIKOLAI ALEXEEVICH is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • KASATKIN NIKOLAY ALEXEEVICH in Bolshoi Soviet encyclopedia, TSB:
    Nikolai Alekseevich, Russian painter, People's Artist of the Republic (1923). Studied at the Moscow School of Painting and Sculpture...
    (1859-1930) Russian painter. Wanderer. Member of the Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia (since 1922), People's Artist of the Republic (1923). One of the first Russian artists...
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    In Tambov, killer whale or killer whale is a swallow with a red craw and a fluffy tail. Orca, orca, orca - an affectionate address to a loved one, ...
  • NICHOLAY in the Bible Encyclopedia of Nikephoros:
    (victory of the people; Acts 6:5) - originally from Antioch, probably converted from paganism to Christian faith, one of the deacons of the Apostolic Church, ...
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    Ivan Mikhailovich - modern writer. R. in a poor peasant family. “In childhood and adolescence I went through a lot of specialties,” was...
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    Nikolai Veniaminovich (1866 - ?), labor training methodologist, doctor of science. Russian Technical Society. Teacher manual labor at the Moscow Teachers' Institute. ...
  • NICHOLAY in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (4th century) Archbishop of Myra (city of Myra in Lycia, M. Asia), Christian saint-miracle worker, widely revered in the Eastern and Western Churches. IN …
    name 5 dads N. I (858-867), Roman noble family, was elected under the influence of Emperor Louis II. Characterized by a strong will and...
  • NICHOLAY BISHOP OF NOVOMYRGOROD V Encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Ivan Grigorievich Zarkevich) - Bishop of Novomirgorod, spiritual writer(1827—885). Studied in St. Petersburg. Theological Academy; before becoming a monk he was a priest...
  • NICHOLAS BISHOP OF ALEUTIAN AND ALASKA in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    I (in the world Mikhail Zakharovich Ziorov, born in 1850) - Bishop of the Aleutian and Alaskan (since 1891); received education...
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    (in the world Pyotr Stepanovich Adoratsky) - spiritual writer (1849-96). A student of the Kazan Theological Academy, N., after accepting monasticism, spent 4 years...
  • NIKOLAY GRECH. RHETORICIAN in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Nikolaos) - Greek. rhetorician from Myra-Lycia, lived at the end of the 5th century. according to R. Chr., author of "Progymnasmata" - an introduction to stylistic ...
  • NIKOLAY NALIMOV in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (in the world Nikolai Aleksandrovich Nalimov, born in 1852) - Exarch of Georgia, Archbishop of Kartalin and Kakheti, a graduate of St. Petersburg. Theological Academy. ...
  • NICHOLAY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Nicholas - Archbishop of Myra (the city of Myra in Lycia), a great Christian saint, famous for working miracles during his life and after death, “the rule of faith and image ...
  • NICHOLAY in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • NICHOLAY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    I (1796 - 1855), Russian Emperor (from 1825), third son of Emperor Paul I. Accessed the throne after sudden death Emperor...
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  • NICHOLAY in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NIKOLAI NIKOLAEVICH (Senior) (1831-1891), leader. prince, third son of the emperor. Nicholas I, general-feldm. (1878), rev. Part Petersburg AN (1855). WITH …
  • NICHOLAY in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NIKOLAI NIKOLAEVICH (Junior) (1856-1929), leader. Prince, son of Nikolai Nikolaevich (the Elder), cavalry general (1901). In 1895-1905, inspector general of the cavalry, with ...
  • NICHOLAY in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NIKOLAI MIKHAILOVICH (1859-1919), leader. prince, grandson of the imp. Nicholas I, infantry general (1913), historian, honorary. Part Petersburg AN (1898). Monographs…
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  • NICHOLAY in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NICHOLAS OF DAMASCUS (64 BC - early 1st century AD), ancient Greek. historian. From op. reached in fragments: “History” (in 144 books), ...
  • NICHOLAY in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NICHOLAY II (1868-1918), the last one grew up. Emperor (1894-1917), eldest son of the Emperor. Alexander III, hon. Part Petersburg AN (1876). His reign coincided...
  • NICHOLAY in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NICHOLAY I (1796-1855), grew up. Emperor since 1825, third son of the Emperor. Paul I, rev. Part Petersburg AN (1826). He ascended the throne...
  • NICHOLAY in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NICHOLAS I (?-867), Pope from 858; under him there was a break with the East. ...
  • NICHOLAY in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NICHOLAS of Autrecourt (c. 1300 - after 1350), French philosopher, representative of nominalism. Taught in Paris. Criticized scholastic Aristotelianism, ...
  • NICHOLAY in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NIKOLAY (in the world Bor. Dorofeevich Yarushevich) (1892-1961), church. activist In 1922-24 in exile. In 1942-43 he replaced the locum tenens of the patriarchal throne, metropolitan...
  • NICHOLAY in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NIKOLAY (in the world Iv. Dm. Kasatkin) (1836-1912), church. activist, since 1870 head of Russia. Orthodox missions in Japan, founder of Japan. ...
  • NICHOLAY in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NICHOLAY (4th century), Archbishop of Myra (city of Myra in Lycia, M. Asia), Christ. saint, widely revered in the East. and Zap. ...
  • KASATKIN in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    KASATKIN Nick. Al. (1859-1930), painter, people. thin Republic (1923). Wanderer. One of the first among Russian artists to turn to the life of workers, ...
  • KASATKIN in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    KASATKIN Iv. Mich. (1880-1938), Russian. writer. Stories about pre-rev. (book "Forest Story", 1916) and owls. village (collection "Before Dawn", ed. ...
  • KASATKIN in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    KASATKIN Vikt. Iv. (1831-1867), participant in the revolution. movements of the 1860s Co-publisher "Bibliographical notes", corr. Free Russian printing house in London. ...
    Basque, Rybnikov, ...
  • NICHOLAY in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords:
    The last king...
  • NICHOLAY in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    Name, …
  • NICHOLAY in Full spelling dictionary Russian language:
    Nikolai, (Nikolaevich, ...
    (4th century), Archbishop of Myra (city of Myra in Lycia, M. Asia), Christian saint-miracle worker, widely revered in the Eastern and Western Churches. IN …
  • KASATKIN in Modern explanatory dictionary, TSB:
    Andrey Georgievich (1903-63), Russian chemist, one of the organizers chemical industry USSR. Developed methods for calculating absorption, rectification and extraction columns, ...
  • NICHOLAY in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    m. Men's...
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    Data: 2008-09-05 Time: 04:38:30 * A beautiful woman should occupy the second level; The first one belongs to a nice woman. This is what becomes the mistress of our heart: ...
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "THREE". Yurkov Petr Alekseevich (1880 - 1937), priest, martyr. Memory of September 10, at...
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    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "THREE". Chernov Ivan Alekseevich (1880 - 1939), psalm-reader, martyr. Memory of March 28 and...
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    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "THREE". Studnitsyn Vasily Alekseevich (1890 - 1937), archpriest, dean of the parishes of the Serpukhov district, holy martyr. ...
  • SPASSKY ANATOLY ALEKSEEVICH in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "THREE". Spassky Anatoly Alekseevich (1866 - 1916), professor at the Moscow Theological Academy in the Department of Ancient History ...
  • SMIRNOV IVAN ALEXEEVICH in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "THREE". Smirnov Ivan Alekseevich (1873 - 1937), archpriest, martyr. Memory August 27,...
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    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "THREE". Nicholas (Kasatkin) (1836 - 1912), Archbishop of Tokyo, prelate, saint equal to the apostles. Memory …

Kasatkin Nikolai Alekseevich (1859-1930)

N. A. Kasatkin, for the first time in the history of Russian traditional painting, created, back in the early 1900s, a unique gallery of images-types of workers, revolutionary proletarians, for which he was valued and protected by the young Soviet government, elevated to the patriarch of pictorial socialist realism, one of the first to receive the title (1923) “People's Artist of the Republic”.

The son of a prominent Moscow engraver A. A. Kasatkin, he studied at the Moscow School of Painting and Painting (from 1873) with V. G. Perov and I. M. Pryanishnikov. In 1883 he received the school's highest award - a large silver medal and the title of artist for the painting "Beggars on the Church Porch".

After graduating from college, Kasatkina was invited to work at his publishing house by the largest Russian book publisher I. D. Sytin, where the artist worked for about thirty years, participating in the creation of “Russian History in Pictures,” the first desk calendar, etc.

The artist, of course, was greatly influenced by L.N. Tolstoy, whom he met in the early 1880s. Warm friendly relations were cemented by mutual interest and attention to each other’s creativity and to the social aspects of society. This can probably explain the indispensable literary nature of the plots of Kasatkin’s works.

Since 1891, the artist became a member of the TPHV and a permanent participant in exhibitions of this association. It was during this period that the main theme in Kasatkin’s work was determined - the life of workers and the urban poor. He paints the paintings "Worker's Family" (1891), "Heavy (Petrel)" (1892), "In the Corridor of the District Court" (1897, awarded a silver medal at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1900), "Prisoners on a date" (1899 ), etc.

Started in 1894 teaching activity Kasatkina in MUZHVZ, which lasted more than twenty years (until 1917). The artist enjoyed the love and respect of students. Among his students were such subsequently famous masters as B.V. Ioganson, V.V. Meshkov and others. In 1892-97, after several trips to the Donbass and the Urals, Kasatkin created the famous “miner’s” series of paintings: “Miner Woman” "(1894), "Coal Miners. Shift" (1895), "Tyagolytsik Miner" (1896), "Forge" (1897), "Ural Worker" (1899), "In the Family of a Worker" (1890s), etc. .

The artist responds to the events of the 1905 revolution by writing a number of revolutionary romantic works: “Anxious”, “Militant Worker”, “The Last Journey of a Spy”, “Selfless Victim of the Revolution”, “Student”, “After the Search” (all 1905) . These and other works by Kasatkin became models for artists who were adherents of socialist realism for a long time.

In 1906, Kasatkin visited Finland, Norway, and Sweden. In 1908-10 traveled throughout Italy and Turkey, working a lot and fruitfully. After the October Revolution, Kasatkin was actively involved in social and cultural activities: he designed mass celebrations, was an artist-instructor for the public education department of the Sokolniki District Council (since 1918), created a regional art studio for workers, and taught.

In the 1920s painted character portraits: “For Studying” (1925), “Hero of the Defense of the USSR”, “Komsomolskaya Pravda Pioneer Leader”, “Komsomolskaya Pravda Workers’ Faculty” (all late 1920s). In 1930, while giving explanations at the Museum of the Revolution for his new painting “The Carian Tragedy,” Kasatkin died suddenly. In the history of Soviet art there remains a legend about an artist who created “as it should”, an artist who is a symbol of socialist realism.

Artist's paintings

IN working family

Girl at the hedge

Portrait of a woman

Which is worn social character, turns to the life of the people, dedicates his first works to the peasants and connects creativity with the destinies of the working people. It shows people who are able to protect their interests.

An artist calling for fight

Nikolai Kasatkin was born in 1859. A gifted boy enters a painting school in Moscow and learns from famous artists V. Perov and I. Pryanishnikov. A young author who graduates from the institution with a silver medal is invited to work at a large book publishing house.

In the 90s years XIX century, the painter addresses the theme of labor and life of the working class. Under the influence of the proletarian movement, which is beginning to gain strength, Nikolai Kasatkin paints pictures hard work ordinary people, sees their poverty and reveals the beauty of unbroken workers. For example, in the miners, whom the author often depicts, his ideas about new strength, growing stronger day by day. He believes that it is not worth creating beautiful canvases that caress the eyes of ordinary people, but that it is necessary to pay attention to the hard labor of workers and call for a fight against the exploiters.

Real scenes from the life of working people

Nikolai Kasatkin is the artist who was the first to tell about the plight of miners. His canvases, striking with the significance of their images, are painted in a gloomy range of colors, and this coloring is justified by realistic subjects. The author, who travels extensively throughout the country, sees poverty, but does not try to portray his characters in such a way as to arouse public sympathy. He writes highly social works from the life of workers and peasants, chooses dramatic plots, but is not limited to everyday realism.

There is no excessive sentimentality in the paintings, and people engaged in hard labor do not look crushed and broken. A single human tragedy is perceived by the audience as typical.

The image of a new man

The artist, who received the title of academician of painting, welcomes revolutionary events and paints canvases depicting workers fighting the authorities. According to the author, works of art must agitate and ring the bell, pointing out existing problems.

After 1917, Nikolai Kasatkin combined Russian realism and Soviet art in his work. He paints paintings dedicated to the life and struggle of the proletariat, and takes an active part in the work of the Russian Academy of Arts. During the Soviet period, the painter worked on the image of a new person and created a whole series of portraits of Komsomol members - young fighters for communism, since he sees the future of the country in young faces.

Public mission

Works Soviet artist are shown in traveling exhibitions, which are eagerly awaited by illiterate peasants. Downtrodden people who cannot read, see injustice, misfortune and grief of the working people on the canvases, and a protest against the exploiters rises in their souls. Thus, Nikolai Kasatkin, whose paintings open new world images and feelings, fulfills not only a cultural, but also a social mission.

A whole gallery of portraits of female images

The artist creates amazing beautiful images Soviet women, exhausted, but not losing feeling self-esteem and do not evoke compassion from the viewer. His works admire the expressiveness, precise lines and inner charm of the characters depicted.


A charming sketch filled with special light, recognized as a Russian treasure pictorial art. A smiling young girl, confident in her abilities, proudly looks at the viewer. Her image is full of inner warmth, and need has not yet had time to leave its mark on her, and this canvas stands out among other gloomy paintings by a supporter of realistic art. The artist conveys the complex spiritual world girls drawing close attention on the plasticity of the face and hands, and the viewer does not even notice the poverty of the miner’s outfit.

Watercolor sketch

Another wonderful sketch that came out of Kasatkin’s hand is called “Woman’s Head”. The light watercolor painting, painted in 1908, attracts the viewers' eyes. Nobody knows where the artist met this girl, whose image echoes “Shakhtyorka”, only there the character of the worker is expressed more sharply. Charming dark-haired beauty from a working environment with inner strength, does not look into the eyes, but it is impossible to take your eyes off her.

"Girl at the Hedge"

A work that depicts a poor dressed girl, who recently moved to the city from the village, makes the viewer worry about the fate of a pure and bright soul. It is clear that nothing good awaits her here except slave labor, rudeness and ruthlessness of people. But while the sweet girl, who knows nothing about the cruelty of society, is captured against the backdrop of green leaves, we can only guess what her fate will be.

The singer of the proletariat Nikolai Kasatkin, who left a valuable legacy, understood the trends social development Russia and saw in the proletariat a powerful force that could change the usual course of history.