HOMIE - Rapper biography, personal life, photos, songs, download. Homie: biography

Anton Tabala, better known as the rap artist Homie, whose biography is of interest to many fans today, came to conquer the Russian listener from friendly Belarus.

Sports and music

Most likely, the parents of the future singer Homie did not even dare to think about such a career. The singer’s biography began in a completely different direction from music. Anton s early childhood He was involved in sports, particularly hockey. The guy took part in various competitions, including those held in an international format. While playing hockey, Anton Tabala visited many countries. In general, the guy served big hopes, but everything suddenly turned upside down. As the rapper himself later explained, he left the sport due to the lack of further prospects. Whether this is true or not, no one will know for sure.

Having finished with sports, Anton decided to study music during his second year at university. She was also one of his favorite hobbies. Since childhood, Anton loved to listen good performers, and try to sing myself. With the end of my sports career, I have more time for music.

Musical activity

Anton presented his debut album entitled “Cocaine” in Ukraine, arriving there on a concert tour. It should be noted that this first work of the young Belarusian rapper turned out to be quite viable, Furthermore, competitive. According to himself rapper Homie, the start of his career owes something indirectly to another rap artist, Legalize. Thanks to the popular hit of this musician, which was called “Future Mothers,” Anton Tabala wrote his first song. It all happened somehow spontaneously. Hearing a familiar tune, Homie began to compose his own words to it. From this idea he succeeded own song, he later put his own music too. And so things went further. One by one, songs were composed, recorded, and sound was added to them. This is how the album came about. The first album was published quite easily, Tabala later admitted.

During the songwriting process, Homie, whose biography has now become very interesting to many journalists, takes the bulk of ideas and information from own life, as well as from the lives of their relatives, friends and acquaintances.

Stage and concerts

In an interview with one of Russian TV channels singer Homie admitted that he is very afraid of the stage and the public. Fear literally torments him before every exit. This fear is strong to such an extent that everything inside Anton is shaking, shrinking, which makes him not want to eat or drink. However, the rapper found the key to this problem. According to him, you just need to overcome this fear and do your job efficiently, and then everything will definitely work out.

Anton Tabala constantly draws a lot of positivity from the concerts that Homie gives in various cities of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. He is delighted by his fans, who often give him some gifts. Once the rapper was even given a pie with his name on it. A concert is where you, while working, rest and relax, this is how the young rapper expressed his position when asked how he likes to relax.

Present tense

Now Homie, whose biography in the field of music is just beginning, is still actively working on creating new texts and compositions. He also manages to travel on tours to nearby countries. Last year Anton Tabala spent his birthday in northern capital Russia, where he gave festive concert. He traveled to many other Russian cities, even visiting small ones.

Homie, whose albums are wildly popular today, is a singer with a promising future; his songs will delight many rap fans, according to Anton himself, for a very long time.

Homie who is this?

Real name— Anton Tabala

Hometown- Minsk, Belarus

Nickname— HOMIE

Activity— Rapper

Family status— Married

Height — 176



Anton Tabala, better known under the pseudonym HOMIE, is popular rapper from Belarus.

Anton Tabala, who would later appear before the Russian-speaking rap crowd under the stage name Homie, was born in the capital of the Republic of Belarus on December 26, 1989. There is no publicly available information about the musician’s early childhood. However, it is known for certain that the rapper has Native sister, named Lydia.

As the rap artist himself admits, in his childhood he was very interested in various sports disciplines, in particular he played a lot of football and hockey. At the same time, the student begins to be interested in music. But his passion for sports was stronger, and after graduating from school, the young man entered the Belarusian University of Physical Education to study. But fate prepared a different future for the young man. Due to the serious grass received, Anton Tabal had to forget about sports career and leave higher education educational institution.

Since the young man’s second most passionate hobby was music, it was music that he decided to switch to. But, unfortunately, the parents of the future rapper did not particularly welcome such a hobby. According to the singer, he was forced to go against the wishes of his family. But if Anton had submitted to his father and mother, he would never have become a famous and successful rap artist.

Anton recorded his first works on a dictaphone, but, unfortunately, they were not preserved. The musician himself is not particularly upset about this. At the same time, friends of the future rapper from an international university came up with an idea for him stage name- “Homie”, which translates as “friend”.

Homie rapper

According to Anton Tabal, he became seriously interested in music starting in 2011. He didn't get anything serious music education. But his friends taught him to play the violin and piano quite well. The first grateful listeners of the rapper, with his exotic sound, were Internet users. The debut song, which was recorded on professional recording equipment, was “Crazy You Can Be First.” It was this track that became business card Homie. A little later, the first studio album was released, with the same name, which included 8 music tracks, including popular songs such as “Mists” and “Let’s Forget Summer,” which were recorded together with the performers Mainstream One and Dramma.

The second studio album was released in 2014 and was called “Cocaine”. The title song of the collection was “Fool”, which received 13 million views on the Internet.

Fans of Homie's work had to wait a little longer for the third album. The collection “Summer” was recorded only two years later. A little later, Anton Tabala launched own channel on YouTube video hosting, where video clips for songs are published, as well as latest videos from tours.

Homie and his personal life

In the fall of 2016, fans of Anton Tabal’s work learned that he tied the knot with Darina Chizhik. She first appeared together with the rapper when the video clip for the song “Crazy You Can Be First” was filmed. The future wife of the musician moved to the capital of the Republic of Belarus from the capital of Ukraine. Together with the girl in new country Mom and sister moved in. Darina immediately tried to arrange her future by enrolling to study as a fashion designer at a technological college. A little later, Chizhik was transferred to one of the Minsk universities to the Faculty of Journalism, and then to the Faculty of Philosophy. But, without graduating from a higher educational institution, he decides to get a diploma in education at the European Humanities University, a designer by profession.

It is worth saying that Darina Chizhik successfully made her choice future profession, since on this moment she holds the post of head of the division of the company Diva.by, which is responsible for collecting information in the fashion world. But Homie’s wife didn’t stop there and founded her own clothing brand, called CHIZHIK.

How can we conclude from latest interviews rapper Homie, Darina greatly influenced her husband. After all, the eminent musician admits that he dreams of creating his own successful business, associated with fashionable clothes, thereby being inspired by the example of his beloved woman.

In his free time from creative endeavors, Anton Tabala spends his time in the company of his young wife in his favorite Belarusian restaurants, where he often watches English Football League matches on wide television screens.

Young children married couple not yet, but as the rapper admits, he dreams of having at least one child. Darina Chizhik is ready to give birth to her beloved man at least two children.

Homie now

2017 can rightfully be called one of the most fruitful in creative life rapper. After all, in the Republic of Belarus he was nominated for the title “Best Artist of the Year”. At the same time, Anton Tabala states that he is trying to keep his distance from national show business, since it does not exist in Belarus. But, despite this, the rapper does not want to leave his homeland. Under pressure from national musical functionaries, he is not going to transfer his creativity to Belarusian language, fearing that the songs would then turn into one-day tracks.

At the beginning of 2017, the singer recorded the song “Different”, together with rapper Andrei Lenitsky. Half a year later, the premiere of the track “12 weeks” took place, as well as the video clip for it. At the beginning of autumn 2017, fans of Homie's work learned about the appearance of the fourth studio album, entitled “In a city where you are not.” The video clip, shot for the title song of the collection of the same name, collected more than 1 million views in less than half a year. Two compositions, “School” and “Ideal World,” included in the album, were recorded together with rappers such as Alexey Svik and Denis Ryder.

Tabala Anton Aleksandrovich, a talented rap artist with interesting nickname Homie, born December 26, 1989 and grew up in Minsk. From early childhood, Anton was fond of hockey, graduated from the Belarusian State University physical culture In Minsk.

Homie: biography

After graduating primary school, first became interested in music and dreamed of becoming a rap artist in the future. Adolescence Anton was associated with music and sports.

The artist Homie, whose biography is quite varied and vibrant, is becoming increasingly popular. While still in his second year of study, the future rap artist left the sport due to a serious knee injury and began to actively engage in music. He made his first recordings on the voice recorder of an old telephone; alas, they have not survived to this day. The primary image of the “old Homie” is not at all the same as what we see and know now. Music, style, presentation - all this is completely different from what was originally planned. But this is why we fell in love with the young talented artist, who pleases with regular new releases and videos for his tracks.


On musical field V last years the artist attracted great attention from music lovers. And all thanks to the fact that Anton’s compositions stand out clearly from others modern songs due to the non-standard style of execution.

His style is on the verge of two musical styles- rap and lyrics, and all this is harmoniously combined into songs that have captivated millions of fans. Homie is a rap artist. He achieved his first popularity in 2013 with the track “It’s Crazy to Be First.” This song opened the door for the artist to music industry. In just a couple of days, a simple video was shot for this track, which to date has received more than 5 million views on YouTube.

Homie: recognition on social networks

Anton Tabala received a huge part of his fans thanks to social network. It was through the means of information exchange that most people were able to learn about Anton’s songs. Free access to new products in the Homie music store, whose biography is discussed in this article, makes it possible to get acquainted with his work, and also bring together everyone who wants to attend a concert in your city. There is no doubt that the artist’s popularity is continuously growing in musical world. Just look at the dense concert tour in Russia and the CIS countries to understand: Anton Tabala is welcome in many places and is always welcome.

Homie's first album "Cocaine"

The album “Cocaine” made a difficult impression on listeners, some liked the music, and some decided that its tracks were not worth attention, but one thing remains clear: every day Homie’s popularity is expanding more and more. The song “Fool” was recognized as the central and one of the artist’s best tracks in the album. She is adored not so much for her unusual storytelling style as for her eccentric text and message. In addition, Anton is seriously involved in the solo development of his career and strives for fruitful collaboration with other performers. His arsenal already contains joint tracks with promising young artists such as Andrei Lenitsky and Dima Kartashov.

Homie: personal life

There are a lot of rumors and gossip about Anton’s personal life, according to some of them he is credited with having affairs with many girls.

According to others, the heart of a talented rap artist has belonged to the one and only for a long time. In fact, you need to leave the ridiculous gossip and boldly declare that the rapper Homie is officially a single young man until he finds himself in the “married” status. In the meantime, the artist enjoys freedom, the love of fans and constant tours.

Stage and concerts

In one interview Russian channel the singer admitted that he was terribly afraid of the public and the stage. The fear of performing in front of a large audience appears before every concert, and this fear is so strong that Anton shakes and trembles all over. Despite panic attacks, the rapper was still able to find a solution to this problem. According to him, the main thing is to overcome fears, create things that are truly interesting to the public, and then everything planned will definitely work out.

Anton Tabala gives numerous concerts in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. There he draws a lot of energy, positivity and inspiration. Fans also do not ignore him, regularly presenting him with various gifts. Once they even brought a pie with his name right onto the stage. The young performer believes that concerts are the same as work. But you can, while working, relax, relax and enjoy giving people your music.

What is happening now in the life of the young singer?

At this stage, Homie, whose biography is described in our article, is actively working on creating new poems and compositions. He manages to go on tour around different countries, where fans await his performances. Homie is the record holder among artists from Belarus for the number of concerts. Except musical activity, Anton actively participates in charitable foundations, helping orphans with money, toys, sweets and your attention.

Homie is a very young project, launched in 2013, but during this time it has managed to attract close attention large quantities listeners and spectators. Under the pseudonym is the Belarusian lyrical rapper Anton Tabala, who, however, does not consider himself a musician working in the rap style.

Childhood and youth

Anton Tabala was born on December 26, 1989 in Minsk. ABOUT early years There is no information about the singer's biography. According to fan sites, Anton has a sister, Lydia.

As a child, Anton had three hobbies - music, football and hockey. The latter brought the future musician to the Belarusian University of Physical Education, where Tabala played for the Minsk clubs “Dynamo-Keramin”, “Yunost”, “Metallurg (Zhlobin)”. Perhaps Tabala would have made a hockey coach if not for the injury (according to another version, the rapper dropped out of school because he saw no further prospects).

From professional sports Anton left and switched to music, which he had been passionate about since school. But the parents did not welcome their son’s musical preferences. Tabala admitted that he went against their will, but if he had not done so, he would not have achieved success and recognition.

At first, Anton recorded songs on a dictaphone. mobile phone, but the records were not preserved. No one was particularly upset about this, since what Homie is doing now is strikingly different from its first experiments. The nickname Homie, which means “friend,” was coined for the musician by acquaintances from an international university where teaching is conducted in English.


By the rapper’s own admission, he took up music seriously in 2011. He has no special musical education, but can play the violin and piano a little.

For the first time, users of social networks became acquainted with a musician with an exotic style of performing rap. Anton's style combines seemingly opposite things - rap and lyrics, melodic compositions bear the imprint of sadness and loneliness. The themes raised in the lyrics also break out of the generally accepted rapper framework. In addition, Homie uses the Auto Tune effect and R&B vocals.

Countdown musical biography Homie starts with the track “It’s Crazy to Be First,” which has become the rapper’s calling card. The video for the song has currently collected almost 16.5 million views. The first collection with the same name included 8 songs, including “Mists” (ft Mainstream One), “Let’s Forget Summer” (ft Dramma), “Graduation”, “Fool”.

In 2014, an album called “Cocaine” was released, which included the partially autobiographical “Fool” (this time it’s main composition, with 13 million views), as well as hits “Barnaya” and “Lanterns”. The presentation of the album took place on a tour of Ukraine.

Fans had to wait a little longer for the next album - “Summer” appeared only in 2016. The premiere of the video on YouTube collected 3 million views. Later on the hosting it opened new channel Homie, where all the clips and tracks are organized, videos from trips and performances are posted.

According to the rapper, the plots of the songs are a reflection of his own life, friends, close people, and some of them are invented and embellished. The personification of fans own creativity the musician considers the girl to be 20 years old. Anton also does not refuse to collaborate with colleagues: Adamant, Ai-Q, G-Nise participated in the recording of the tracks.

Personal life

In the fall of 2016, Anton Tabala married Darina Chizhik, who starred in the video “It’s Crazy to Be First.” The girl came to Minsk from Kyiv with her mother and sister, studied at a technological college to become a fashion designer, at a philosophical university, and then at the faculty of journalism, but eventually graduated from design courses at the European Humanities University. Now Darina heads the fashion department on the Diva.by portal, founded her own clothing brand CHIZHIK, and works as a model. Photos of Homie's husband are generously shared on the page in "Instagram".

In an interview, Anton admitted that he was also considering the possibility of producing clothes under his own brand. In addition, I would like to open a hookah bar, because I love this type of relaxation. Free time the rapper prefers to spend time with his family in a restaurant serving Belarusian cuisine or watching English Football League matches.

As a child, he even received the nickname Bowlegs, as he often missed the goal. Homie is not a fan of battles and has no plans to join any label, as he believes that “a free bird is better.” From his colleagues in the shop, he stands out.

The couple does not have their own children yet, but in one of the interviews Anton said that he dreams of one child, and Darina - of two. In the meantime, since both love small dogs, they got a Spitz named Chuck.

Despite the dense tour schedule, Anton still worries before every appearance on stage, overcomes his inner fear of public speaking. The musician posts his travel schedule on his personal page.

Anton Tabala and his sister Lydia were raised in a simple family. As a child, the future rapper attended several sports clubs, but paid more attention to football and hockey. IN school years Tabala became interested in music, which helped him relax and unwind.

Significant or fatal injury?

After graduating from school, the guy entered the Belarusian University of Physical Culture. The promising athlete defended the colors of the following hockey clubs: Yunost, Dynamo-Keramin, as well as Zhlobin Metallurg. In one of the matches he received a serious injury, which put an end to his sports career.

The guy didn’t see himself as a coach, so he decided to leave the university. So, Anton returned to his school passion for music and began to build solo career. Although the parents were categorically against their son’s new hobby, but Tabala had already decided everything, believed in his own success.

The aspiring musician recorded the first tracks on a mobile phone voice recorder, but unfortunately they were not preserved.

Musical debut

Like most rappers Anton took creative pseudonym, in his case it was Homie, which means "friend". Under a new name, the Belarusian performer began creating unusual tracks. Anton posted his works on his personal page on the Vkontakte social network.

His songs are not like the usual compositions Russian rappers, as they are filled with spiritual lyrics and inner experiences. The highlight of Tabala was the use of R&B vocals and the auto-tune effect.

The first track that brought Homie popularity was “Crazy You Can Be First.” Later, the rapper presented a video of the same name, which collected more than 16 million views on the YouTube video hosting site. A few months later, Anton presented his debut album “It’s Crazy to Be First.” Several tracks from it were recorded together with Mainstream One, Dramma.

In 2014, Homie delights its fans with its second album entitled “Cocaine”. The most striking and popular compositions were: “Fool”, “Lanterns”, “Barnaya”. To support the new record, Anton went on a tour of the cities of Ukraine. It took Tabala about two years to create his third album.

In 2016, Homie presented the album “Summer” and a video of the same name. In the same year, the rapper launched his own YouTube channel, where he posted live concerts, blogs about performances and trips abroad, and clips. The new album “Summer” contains several tracks with such famous performers, as: Lesha Svik, Dmitry Kartoshov, Chayan Famali, Ai-Q, G-Nise.

Interesting notes:

2017 turned out to be more productive for Homie. In his homeland, the young rapper received the honorary award “Best Artist of the Year in Belarus.” Then Anton recorded a track together with rapper Andrei Lenitsky, called “Different”. Six months later, Tabala uploaded the video “In a city where you are not” to his own YouTube channel.

Later, the rapper informed his fans about the imminent presentation of his fourth album. In September 2017, the premiere of the album “In the City Where You Are Not” took place, which included 9 compositions. Two tracks were recorded together with such performers as: Denis Ryder and Alexey Svik.

Later, the rapper released several singles, among which the track “Egoist” is worth highlighting, for which Homey shot a bright video.

Creative family with grandiose plans

In 2016, Homie proposed marriage to Darina Chizhik. The girl is originally from Ukraine, but most lived her life with her mother and sister in Belarus. Here she entered the College of Technology, choosing to specialize in fashion design.

Then she continued her studies at the Belarusian University at the Faculty of Journalism. After completing several courses, she transferred to the European Humanities University, where she received a degree in design.

Now Homie's wife occupies leadership position in the company Diva.by, and also promotes her own clothing line under the CHIZHIK brand. Anton and Darina spend their free time from work in restaurants that serve Belarusian cuisine, watching football matches English Premier League.

In the future, the couple dreams of having a child, although they have different views on the number of children. Homie believes that one child will be enough, but Chizhik dreams of a daughter and a son.