Strange traditions from around the world. The most unusual traditions in the world

Every culture in the world has traditions that seem strange, unusual and even unacceptable to representatives of other cultures. For your consideration, a list of the most bizarre traditions observed in different countries ah peace.

Teeth filing, Bali, Indonesia

This Hindu religious ceremony is important process during the transition from puberty to adulthood. The ritual for both men and women must be performed before marriage, and is sometimes included in the marriage ceremony. The tradition is to file down the fangs. It is believed that by this a person is freed from all invisible evil forces, because teeth are a symbol of lust, greed, anger, confusion and jealousy.

Wedding procession of the Tidong tribe, Indonesia

The wedding procession of the Tidong people is unique. Perhaps the most charming thing is that the groom is not allowed to see the bride's face until he sings her a few love songs. But the strangest thing is that the bride and groom are not allowed to bathe for three days and nights after the wedding. Tidongs believe that in this way good luck will come to the young family, and they will not face quarrels, infidelity and the death of newborn children. You won’t be able to lie and run to wash yourself: the couple is watched by several people, who, moreover, only allow certain amounts of food and drinks.

Finger cutting, Dani tribes, Western New Guinea

The Dani (or Ndani) people are an indigenous tribe inhabiting fertile lands Baliem Valley in the western part of the island New Guinea. Members of this tribe, in order to emphasize the depth of grief at funeral ceremonies, smear their faces with ashes and clay. But that's nothing. The second tradition is more terrible: when a person from the tribe dies, his relative cuts off his finger and buries the phalanx along with the corpse of his husband or wife, as a symbol of love. The finger represents the body and soul, which will always live together with his/her spouse or relative. Some cut off their fingers until they are unable to perform household chores effectively.

Mourning Muharram, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and several other countries

This tradition plays important role among the Shiites and it is held in the first month of the Muslim calendar, one of the four forbidden months. The event marks the anniversary of the Battle of Karbala, Iraq, when Imam Hussein ibn Ali, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, and the Shia Imam, the prophet's successor, were killed by Yazid I. The event reaches its climax on the morning of the tenth day - Ashura. Groups of Shia Muslims beat themselves with special chains with razors and knives attached. This tradition is practiced among all age groups; in some regions, parents force their children to take part in the blood ceremony.

Gloves with ants, Mawe people, Brazil

This is a very painful ritual practiced by the Mawé tribe of the Amazon, but without it the young man would not be considered an adult. When a boy reaches a certain age, he goes out into the jungle with the local medicine man and other boys his age to find and collect the so-called bullet ants, which have a very strong sting and poison. This name is no coincidence: the bite of this ant can be compared in degree of pain to a bullet wound! The ants are placed in a large wicker mitten, and the boy must put it on and hold his hand there for about ten minutes. To take their mind off the pain, the boys start dancing ritual dance. However, in order to prove that the sufferer - a real man, he is ready to endure this pain 20 times longer.

Funeral rites of the Yanomamo people, Brazil and Venezuela

Ritual ceremonies are very important for this tribe. When a tribe member dies, his body is burned and the ashes are mixed into plantain soup, which is eaten by the deceased's family. It is believed that by eating the ashes dear person, relatives help the spirit move to a new body. The body of the deceased must be completely burned, because among the Yanomamo representatives the process of decay seems terrifying. Moreover, the body must be burned as soon as possible, otherwise the soul may fly out of the body and haunt the living.

Famadihana ritual, Madagascar

The traditional festival is celebrated in urban and rural areas of the country and is especially popular among tribal communities. This funerary tradition, known as "bone turning", involves people bringing the bodies of their ancestors from family crypts, wrap them in fresh cloth and then dance with the corpses around the tomb under live music. The ritual is usually held once every seven years, and the whole family gathers for it. For Madagascans, this is an occasion to pay tribute to the dead. During the ceremony, the relatives of the deceased dress very smartly, sing traditional songs and dance.

Baby Jumping, Spain

In a small community in northern Spain, residents participate in the El Colacho ceremony, which literally translates to "the devil's leap." Babies are placed on mattresses on the ground, and people dressed in devil costumes run and jump over the babies, thus protecting them from any future harm. This tradition is at least 4 centuries old.

1. In Africa, members of the Masai tribe jump when they meet - the higher the jump, the more respect is shown.

2. In Norway, it is considered tactless to give up your seat on public transport to older people. There it is interpreted as a demonstration of physical advantage.

3. In China, loud “slurping” is encouraged. If guests eat silently, they insult the hosts and the cook. It is believed that quiet eating is eating without pleasure.

Express information on the country

The Earth is in third place in terms of distance from the Sun and in fifth place among all planets solar system by size.

Age– 4.54 billion years

Average radius – 6,378.2 km

Average circumference – 40,030.2 km

Square– 510,072 million km² (29.1% land and 70.9% water)

Number of continents– 6: Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia and Antarctica

Number of oceans– 4: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic

Population– 7.3 billion people. (50.4% men and 49.6% women)

Most populous states: Monaco (18,678 people/km2), Singapore (7607 people/km2) and Vatican City (1914 people/km2)

Number of countries: total 252, independent 195

Number of languages ​​in the world– about 6,000

Quantity official languages – 95; the most common: English (56 countries), French (29 countries) and Arabic (24 countries)

Number of nationalities– about 2,000

Climate zones: equatorial, tropical, temperate and arctic (main) + subequatorial, subtropical and subarctic (transitional)

4. Also among the Chinese there is no custom of bringing flowers to the mistress of the house. Here this raises suspicions that the guest considers the house so unattractive that he brought flowers with him in order to somehow decorate it.

5. Norwegians don't give compliments in public. Even at school they don’t praise students in front of other children and don’t share grades with the whole class.

6. In Greece, when you come to visit, you cannot admire a painting or a vase. Otherwise, the owner will be forced to give it to you.

7. In Mongolia, guests are fed until they burp loudly. Therefore, it is not customary to restrain it - this is a sign that the guest is hungry.

8. Unlike our tradition, in Japan and Norway they only give even number flowers. It is believed that a flower without a mate feels lonely. Odd number flowers are only suitable for mourning ceremonies.

9. In Japan, it is not customary to blow your nose in public.

10. Indians do not use the word “thank you” within the family. Here they believe that loved ones do not need gratitude.

11. In China, the number 4 is a symbol of death. Even in the numbering of floors the 4th is missing.

12.V Arab countries ah, it is considered impolite to pass the mouthpiece of a hookah into your hands. This is considered coercion.

13. In Japan, etiquette dictates leaving work only after your boss has done so.

14. The laws of Georgian hospitality require that the guest’s glass is always filled. Therefore, by emptying the glass, the guest forces the host to fill it again and again.

15. In one Indian state, a young wife has the right to leave her husband after 3 days if she doesn’t like something. After this, the girl can freely choose her partners.

16. In Kenya, after the wedding, the husband is obliged to wear women's clothes and do women's work for a month. This is done so that the husband better understands what it means to be a woman.

17. In Denmark, a flag hung in the window indicates that there is a birthday person in the house.

18. In Northern Kamchatka in the past it was customary for a guest to have an intimate relationship with the hostess of the house. It was believed that by doing this he paid tribute to the owner. If a child appeared after this night, the entire village celebrated his birth.

19. At every meeting in Latin America It is customary to hug and exchange kisses.

20. There is no tradition of shaking hands in Japan. There it is customary to greet each other with a polite bow.

Although for many years politicians and sociologists have been talking about inevitable globalization and the unity of cultures and civilizations, states globe still retain their bright individuality, originality and historical flavor. The customs of the peoples of the world are an integral part of this individuality, because in every country people look at the same phenomena through the prism of their own culture. A traveler will certainly benefit from basic knowledge about the peculiarities of life abroad.


  • Canadians adhere to strict rules of formal politeness even when we're talking about about minor mistakes. If you step on someone's foot or push another person, you should immediately apologize briefly. Although such behavior is expected in Russia, in Canada even the “victim” apologizes. Therefore, if someone accidentally steps on your foot, do not neglect the polite formula “I beg your pardon” - this will show that you intelligent person, not wanting to cause trouble for others (for example, standing in someone else's way and "forcing" others to push you aside).
  • Smoking is prohibited in public places, including restaurants. Smoking at a party is allowed only if the owner has given express permission.
  • Many customs of the peoples of the world dictate specific rules of behavior when meeting. In Quebec, for example, shaking a woman's hand (even if it's another woman doing so) means establishing a certain distance and showing that you are in a purely formal relationship. As a sign of friendliness, you should hug each other when you meet and lightly kiss each other on both cheeks.
  • In Canada, you must take off your shoes when visiting someone else's home.
  • If you are offered coffee late at night at a party, it means that the hosts expect you to go home soon.

United States of America

  • When talking to another person, it is advisable to look him in the eye - otherwise you will be considered secretive and unworthy of trust. This rule stands in stark contrast to most other countries, where eye contact is considered rude.
  • Modern customs of the peoples of the world dictate respect for service personnel. So, in an American restaurant you should always tip the waiter - if you don’t, your guests will feel extremely uncomfortable. Waiters' salaries in to a greater extent consists of tips, so your guests will also feel awkward if you leave too little money on the table. Traditionally, visitors leave waiters 15 percent of the order amount; 10 percent is considered a complaint for poor service, and 20 percent is considered a reward for satisfactory or excellent service. Tipping over 20 percent is considered ostentatious generosity, but the waiter will no doubt be pleased.
  • You need to leave tips not only in restaurants - additional money is given to taxi drivers, hairdressers and stylists, and delivery couriers. ready meals, as well as an occasional handyman (even if you hired the neighborhood teenagers to mow your lawn). So, for pizza delivery they pay from two to five dollars, regardless of the order amount.
  • National - countries with the greatest diversity of cultures and peoples - provide due respect to all categories of the population. When meeting a new person, you should not ask him about marital status or availability romantic relationships, as well as about his political views. It is impolite to ask a woman her age or weight.
  • Most traditions in America are based on the principle of mutual respect. You cannot violate a person’s personal space, that is, be closer to him than at a distance arm's length. Exceptions to the rule are being in a crowd or crush, as well as friendly relations.
  • If you are invited to visit, take a bottle of wine with you. You can also buy a cake or other sweets, but in this case it is advisable to find out in advance whether the owners prepared the special dessert themselves.


  • If you are interested European customs, you can take a closer look at the traditions of Italy. An interesting fact: in this country it is not customary to take off coats and other outer clothing immediately upon entering a room. You need to wait for a special invitation or ask if you can leave your raincoat or jacket.
  • You should not put hats on the bed, as there is an ominous superstition on this topic.
  • When visiting stores, you should always greet the sellers, even if you just came to look at the product and do not intend to talk to the consultants.
  • It is not advisable to ask for a check immediately after finishing dinner at a restaurant. Better spend a couple of minutes relaxing and enjoying the atmosphere and a cup of cappuccino.
  • Men shouldn't wear socks white in public, because, according to popular belief, only “mama’s boys” do this.
  • It is not recommended to bite bread with your teeth. It is customary for Italians to tear off small pieces with their hands and place them on them. butter or pate, served in special segments in a separate dish, and in this form immediately put into the mouth. Knives and other cutlery should not be used. Such specific traditions of Italy originate in the Middle Ages, when peasants exhausted by hunger, having barely received bread for food from their masters, devoured it right on the spot, stuffing their cheeks. The noble, intelligent townspeople were always well-fed, and therefore appropriate calm behavior was expected from them.


  • Unlike the customs of many European countries, traditions of Spain mostly based on the supremacy of local culture. Arguments about whose country and which language is better should always be avoided, especially when comparing Spanish with English. Residents of this state speak English relatively poorly and often require tourists to know their language. If you do not speak Spanish, it is better to try to communicate with gestures - local townspeople will perceive such communication more favorably than the persistent use of English expressions.
  • Some traditional themes It's better not to discuss it at all. These include fighting bulls (toro), religion, fascism and nationalism. Regarding the latter, even the Spaniards themselves still cannot come to an agreement.
  • Always try to appear calm and casual. You can talk loudly, make emotional gestures, joke with owners and use forms of physical contact without any embarrassment.
  • It is customary to say hello to all your neighbors, even if you don’t know them.
  • When greeting, men shake hands, and women expect kisses on both cheeks.
  • Many Spanish traditions are associated with active sports. So, for example, even practically stranger can invite you to watch together football match. If you receive such an invitation, do not under any circumstances criticize the team that the host of the house supports.


  • Ireland is a very distinctive state, in which even Christian holidays are observed in their own way - such as Easter and Palm Sunday. The customs of this country, however, partly reflect the practices adopted in Great Britain (although Ireland is a sovereign republic). However, you should not publicly attribute this state to the United Kingdom - the indigenous people will instantly be offended, since only part of Great Britain remains. Avoid conversations on topics related to the country's sovereignty.
  • In bars and pubs, do not speak to the bartender until he has served the customer who arrived before you.
  • If you have a guest, you should definitely offer him coffee or tea.
  • It is not recommended to ask other people about their income and business success. Colleagues are not asked about their salaries. In some companies, such questions are officially prohibited.
  • If people celebrate Easter or Palm Sunday, it is better to observe customs and religious rituals from the outside. Under no circumstances ask people what religion they adhere to - Catholicism or Protestantism.

Arab countries

  • It is customary to perform personal hygiene rituals on the left hand - that is why it is considered dirty. Shaking hands with the left hand is considered an insult. It is also accepted to eat only the right one.
  • You should not expose the soles of your feet or touch anyone with your booted foot.
  • In Iraq the gesture " thumb up" is taken as a serious insult.
  • The customs of the peoples of the world living in Arab countries dictate honor and respect for elders. This means standing up as soon as elders enter the room and greeting them first if they are already in the room.
  • In most Arab countries, holding hands while walking is a sign of politeness and a symbol of friendship. Unlike Western states, here such a gesture does not carry any hints of romance.
  • If a person puts all five fingers of his hand together and points his fingertips upward, this means that he needs to think for five minutes. This sign should not be confused with a fist and threatening gestures.
  • Greetings from the peoples of Africa are always associated with a demonstration of sincerity of emotions. In Morocco, for example, after shaking hands, the right hand is placed on the heart. It is impossible to shake hands (for example, if acquaintances are separated by a highway), it is enough to simply put your right hand to your heart.
  • Strangers you meet for the first time may invite you to lunch or dinner at their home. If such an invitation bothers you, do not refuse - refusal will be considered rude. Instead, ask to postpone the visit until an unspecified time in the near future.
  • The traditions of the peoples of Arab countries require abundant food, so do not be surprised if you are offered food endlessly, over and over again. You can constantly refuse, but the main thing is not to mistake the owner’s insistence for tactlessness. It is better to eat little by little and take a little from the dishes offered in the first rounds, and only then refuse with a clear conscience.

China and Taiwan

  • Eastern culture is very original and diverse, so you should not mention in a conversation with Asians that for you the Chinese, Koreans, Thais and Japanese are “all the same.” It's just rude.
  • You only need to eat right hand.
  • Avoid using the American "thumbs up" gesture - here it is considered indecent.
  • If you were invited to visit, and the hosts prepared lunch or dinner themselves, they will certainly report that there is something wrong with the food - for example, that it is too salty. The answer to this remark is that all the dishes are excellent and not at all oversalted.
  • Interesting traditions are associated with holidays. If you are given a gift, refuse it. It is customary for the Chinese to offer gifts several times. They should not be opened in the presence of the donor.
  • Can't give married men hats. The Chinese expression "wearing a green hat" means that a wife is cheating on her husband. Such a gift will be regarded as an insult to the spouses.
  • You should also not give another person a watch - an ancient superstition that people adhere to even in modern world, says: such a donor counts down the moments until the death of the recipient. You should also not give umbrellas (a sign of separation) or white flowers (a ritual symbol of funerals).
  • Traditions suggest that others will look after you when you are visiting. Therefore, you, in turn, will have to pour drinks into your neighbors’ glasses.
  • Pregnant women should not attend funerals - this is a sign that promises misfortune.


  • Eastern culture differs from Western culture in the priority of modesty over external beauties. Both men and women in India wear covered clothing. Shorts are highly undesirable for both sexes; women should not wear bikinis, short skirts and dresses with bare shoulders. One should also avoid wearing simple white dresses and saris, as these clothes are considered a symbol of widow's mourning.
  • In most Indian homes, it is customary to remove shoes in the hallway. Although hosts may be sympathetic to the lack of knowledge of foreign guests, it is better to ask in advance whether it is possible to enter the house without taking off your shoes.
  • Unusual ones are associated with spiritual beliefs. If you accidentally touched another person with your feet or stepped on objects of veneration (coins, bills, books, paper, etc.), you will be expected to apologize. A common form of apology in in this case- This is touching a person or object with your right hand, which you then need to place on your forehead.
  • While you are a guest in an Indian house, you will be offered food several times - you can safely refuse if you are already full.

The strangest national customs

  • In Greece, it is customary to throw a child's lost baby tooth onto the roof - according to a widespread superstition, this action brings good luck.
  • One of the peoples of Iran has a calendar consisting of nineteen months, each of which has only nineteen days.
  • In Sweden, inside the bride's elegant shoes wedding ceremony put gold and silver coins.
  • In a traditional wedding in Norway, the bride wears a silver crown from which dangles long amulets designed to ward off evil spirits.

For the New Year

  • In Brazil on New Year Be sure to prepare a bowl of lentil soup, as lentils are considered a symbol of prosperity.
  • Traditional life and customs of Latvia at Christmas necessarily involve the preparation of stewed brown beans with pork and cabbage sauce.
  • In the Netherlands, Santa Claus has a helper named Black Pete.
  • In Austria, Krampus Night is celebrated on December 5th. This event is dedicated to Santa's evil twin brother.
Many rituals are very harmless and there are traditions that are popular throughout the world, but there are also those that may shock you. Very strange rituals, sometimes painful and violent, can be found in different parts planets. We will tell you some of them in this article and remind you that when traveling you need to be very vigilant and careful.

Sun Dance

As you know, the indigenous people of America performed many rituals in honor of the spirits of the earth. All these rituals are needed in order to contact great spirits; they also often sacrifice themselves in order to maintain direct contact with the Tree of Life. Direct contact with the Tree occurs in this way: a skewer attached to a post pierces the skin on the chest. All participants begin to move forward and backward and try to break free, while at this time their skin is still connected to the pole. This dance can last for several hours.


In India, in the city of Varanasi, there live Aghori Babas who are known for eating dead people. Many of them think that most of all in life a person is afraid of his death, and that this fear prevents him from becoming spiritually enlightened. Aghori Babas believe that if they eat dead person, then this fear disappears and they begin to become enlightened. According to Hindu laws, 5 types of people cannot be cremated: pregnant women, children, saints, unmarried women and people who died due to snakebite or leprosy. These people are first given to the Ganges River, and then the Aghori take them out from there and begin to consume them.

Vine Jumping

Gkol is a ritual that is performed in the village of Bunlap. This ritual is reminiscent of bungee jumping. At that moment, when the men are preparing to jump, all the other residents sing and dance. The jumpers tie a vine around their ankles and then jump from wooden towers that are made especially for this ritual. Apparently, the men are not worried about what this might mean for them, they simply believe that the higher the jump point, the greater the blessing of the gods.


During the holy month of Muharram, every year followers of Shia Islam carry out mass self-flagellation. Thus, they commemorate the death of Hussein, as well as the grandson of Muhammad. During the ritual, men torture their bodies with blades attached to chains. Men do not feel pain as they are all in a trance state.

Sky Burials

There is a sacred ritual called sky burial in Tibet. Buddhists believe that there is no need to preserve the body after death, since there is a circle of rebirth. Bodies dead people transmitted to aerial predators. In order for the body to disappear as quickly as possible, it is cut into pieces and given to the surrounding area for consumption.

Voodoo and Spiritual Domains

West Africa is popular with Voodoo followers. One of the rituals is famous for the fact that a person takes a spirit or a friend’s soul into himself, as if into a vessel. Although the person is conscious, it is believed that the spirit takes complete possession of the body, and at the end of the ritual the spirit remains in the person for another 3 days.

Dancing with the Dead

Madagascar hosts the "Twist the Dice" festival. Residents believe that in order for the spirit to reach the afterlife faster, the body must decompose as quickly as possible. Therefore, once every 2 years for 7 years they dig up their loved ones, dance with them around the grave and then they need to be reburied in another place.

Fire Walks

In Malaysia, it is believed that in order to repel evil influences from oneself or to strengthen masculine power and get rid of bad thoughts, one must undergo a cleansing ritual and walk barefoot over burning coals. Hundreds of people believe in this and therefore take part in this festival.

Death rites

The Yanomami tribe is considered one of the most primitive in the world. According to residents, death is not a natural phenomenon. After death, the body is cremated and mixed with bananas and consumed. In their opinion, in this way, a member of the tribe does not leave them, but continues to live with them.


A very dangerous ritual is performed annually in Phuket, Thailand. Participants pierce their cheeks with swords, spears, knives or even weapons. All this is carried out because the residents believe that the gods put them into a trance during this action, and this helps protect themselves from evil and brings good luck in the future.


The spiritual connection between the tribe is very important in Paula (New Guinea), which is why they have unusual ritual. One of the ceremonies is held in the “House of the Spirit”. The ritual consists of teenagers living alone in the House of the Spirit for two months. At the end of the isolation, everyone prepares for initiation, after which their transition to maturity is recognized. During the ritual, punctures are made using bamboo shards. All these serrations are very similar to crocodile skin. Tribal people believe that humans are descended from crocodiles. According to legend, the crocodile swallowed the boy and left an adult man in his place, and because of this, all the marks on the body resemble marks from the teeth of a crocodile.

From time immemorial, every people surrounded their lives with regulated rules, hoping some to protect themselves from evil spirits, and others to come to an agreement with the forces of nature in their favor. As a rule, they were associated with religious views, economic and social restrictions accepted in a given society. It seemed to people that only by performing ancient rituals would they be able to achieve all sorts of benefits from fate, the favor of the gods, and ensure the health of all descendants of their family up to the tenth generation. Therefore, most of these rituals are associated with the most important episodes life: with the position and status of a member of a family or tribe among relatives, with the stages of puberty, with childbirth and funerals, with calls for a rich hunt or catch, a large harvest...

Many of these traditions seem today to be devoid of elementary meaning and monstrously cruel, not to say misanthropic! However, they still exist in the world, they are studied by ethnographers and, surprisingly, they are found logical explanations even the strangest and most dangerous rituals.

The most unusual traditions, rituals and customs. Top 5

1. Here Africa, and the Maasai tribe from Kenya and Tanzania. In the life of the hunting community the most important qualities Every mature man's endurance and stamina are considered. Boys remain there until they are almost 30 years old. To become a recognized man, you must undergo a special initiation rite called “emuratare”. It occurs every 10-15 years and ten- to twenty-year-old teenagers take part in it.

To carry it out, the entire population of the world is erecting an entire village. On the appointed day, ceremonial dancing and ceremonial singing and a feast take place, and the boys must drink a “cocktail” of bull’s blood, milk and alcohol, after which the elders subject them to circumcision. This is the most crucial moment in men's life this tribe. After circumcision, the boy is considered a man and a warrior who has proven his fearlessness, willpower and contempt for mortal pain.

The wound takes three months to heal, and all this time the circumcised wear black clothes and live separately, in huts built for them by women. It is believed that this is how women express their respect for new warriors. But the ritual does not end there: for ten years the young men live in village camps, where they study the military wisdom accepted in their tribe and the traditions of their ancestors, learn to hunt and defend their village, and also raise livestock. Then comes the second part of the initiation: “eunoto”. This great holiday, during which the mother young man shaves his head. From now on he is considered a senior warrior and only after that he is allowed to marry.

3. But in Japan women are cared for differently. A girl's first menstruation is celebrated as a great day in the life of both herself and her family. Among the treats there must be red rice - not because of the color, but because it is the most expensive type of rice. Agree, wise and beautiful tradition glorify a woman and her power of procreation!

4. The same cannot be said about some European countries. Here is an unexpected example - a rich and respectable Switzerland. Cleanest air, wonderful ecology, famous ski resorts, the most reputable banks... Well, who would have thought that in this most civilized country there is such a wild tradition of rolling the bride in the mud? Yes, yes, in the literal sense.