Vinca culture. new finds

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The ancestors of Russians lived in Europe 7 thousand years ago
Why are the Hittites, Pelasgians, Thracians, and Veneti our ancestors?

What surprise did the archaeological “Vinca culture” discovered in Bulgaria present to scientists? Who was the first to create urban civilization in Europe - 7,000 years ago? When was distinct alphabetic writing first noted in Europe? Where did the first civilization arose - in the Nile Valley, in the Indus Valley, in Mesopotamia or in the Danube River basin? What is the writing of the Vinca civilization like? Where did the settlement of the inhabitants of the “Vinča culture” go? Who created Venice? What people founded Troy? Who were the ancestors of the Etruscans? Why did the Romans erase the memory of the Etruscans? How did the Slavens and Rasens appear? How did the Veneti settle throughout Europe - from France to the Baltic states? When did the first one appear? independent state Slavs (in their modern form)? Why did several Rus arose in Europe? Why are the Veneti Aryans? How did the Russian people arise? ©


Ceramics of the Vinca culture

Writer-historian Vyacheslav Manyagin expresses his point of view on the history of the Slavs and other peoples of the western part of Eurasia.
Vyacheslav Manyagin:- Why are we talking about the Thracians? The fact is that the Thracians occupied the territory that was occupied by a certain culture before them, which, by the way, was also discovered quite recently, in the 20th century, by archaeologists, these were Bulgarian, Serbian archaeologists, because this culture occupied a huge territory from the mouth of the Danube to Adriatic Sea, it is called after the first excavation site, the Vinca culture. There is such a place called Vincha somewhere in Bulgaria, and it is from this place that it is called the Vinca culture. And it turned out that this culture was absolutely unique for Europe at that time, and it dates back to approximately the 5th millennium BC, that is, it is now 7 thousand years old, this culture.

How was she unique? This was the first culture in Europe, which was characterized by urban civilization, that is, they built really real cities, very large in area, and this was the first culture in Europe in which there was writing, and it was precisely writing in letters and writing, not hieroglyphs , not runes, they were just alphabetic signs. And so I just want to quote another, let’s say, authoritative scientist, Dr. historical sciences, Academician Vladimir Aleksandrovich Safronov, who dealt with this issue. He writes in his book on the Vinca culture: “The Vinca culture can be called one of the most ancient centers of civilization, more ancient than the civilizations of Mesopotamia, the Nile and Indus valleys.” That is, in fact, civilization began from this place. Who lived there?

The ancestors of the Slavs and Russians lived there. And then this writing, which is characteristic of this culture, is also surprisingly similar to both the Pelasgian writing and the Etruscan writing, that is, there are coincidences that exclude chance, right? Here, in my book, I provide tables that show both writing systems in parallel. And this writing of the Vinca culture, it then began to spread to the Aegean Sea and to the Balkan Peninsula, to the north. And the carriers of this writing, they then moved in two streams, one bypassing the Adriatic Sea, along Balkan Peninsula, along the northwestern coast of the Adriatic, they came to where the glorious city of Venice is now located, descended from the Veneti tribe, who created a cultural region in northwestern Italy, yes, Veneta is like that.

And the other part of the carriers of this writing, she lived, as I already said, on the coast of the Aegean Sea, and as a result of the fact that the Trojan War was lost, the surviving representatives of this culture fled from there, they already arrived by sea through Sicily, through the islands northwestern Italy and became the founders of the Etruscan culture. That is, we have 2 cultures in northern Italy. To the north these are the Veneti, who then created Venice, right? And south of northern Italy these were the Etruscans. Two closely related peoples who came to Italy in slightly different ways, but they had a closely related writing system, and they carried this writing through the centuries.

What happens next in the story? Then the following happens: Rome arises, Rome begins severe aggression towards the surrounding people. Initially, they acted as allies with the Etruscans and Veneti against, say, the Celts who attacked them. But then, very soon after this, Rome simply absorbs both the Etruscans and the Veneti. And after that, yes, the worst thing begins, cultural genocide begins. The Romans destroy all monuments of Etruscan writing. Everything that they could reach, even to the extent that there was a history of the Etruscans written by one of the first Roman kings, was also destroyed, not to mention the monuments of the Etruscans themselves. So what's left for us? We are left with inscriptions on some household items, on tombs, on funeral urns, on steles.

Fortunately, more monuments remained from the Veneti, because they were conquered later, and, moreover, their culture, it expanded and expanded, the Veneti had such an interesting habit, they, for example, could write on rocks in the mountains. For example, lead cannonballs that were used by catapults have been preserved and have Venetian inscriptions on them. Inscriptions on the pots have been preserved. And what’s most interesting is that educational tables for schools have been preserved, which completely contain the Ventian alphabet, with teaching declensions, a table of declensions, and so on. It was also deciphered by Slovenian and Serbian scientists, thanks to which we can see that the Venetian language and the Russian language are brother languages, they are simply dialects of the same language. And now the Venetian writing has been preserved, already currently More than three hundred examples of Venetian writing have been found, precisely from these Venets, yes, which are perfectly translated into the Slovenian language.

It is clear that since they are translated into Slovenian perfectly, they are understandable to the Slavs in general. After all, Russian is Russian, their very name is “Slovenians” and “Russians”, yes, this is connected very simply. When the Roman Empire collapsed, the first independent Slavic state became a state that arose on the territory of the former Roman province of Noricum, which was part of the area of ​​these Veneti, who lived on the shores of the Adriatic and created Venice. In this province of Norik, a huge number of inscriptions, again, have been preserved, yes, in this alphabet, which comes from the Balkans. And the Balkans, as we know, even from the chronicles were written by Nestor, yes, Danube Bulgaria, yes, the Danube, Danube Rus', this is the place where, in fact, all the Slavs came from, if you believe the chronicles.

How did the Veneti settle from Norik in general, right? When I say “Veneti”, you must understand that I am saying “Slavs”. Now I will explain why, in general, how you can connect the Slavs with the Veneti. This is how the Veneti settled throughout Europe, yes, almost to France, in Britain, the Southern Baltic states? The same Arkona we talked about. And all those Rus’ that were listed by Doctor of Historical Sciences Kuzmin, yes, all these countless Rus’ throughout Europe, where did they come from? Under pressure from various enemies who marched on Norik, both from the West and from the East, the Slavs had to retreat to different sides. They gradually settled throughout the territory in this way. of Eastern Europe and Central Europe.

They began to be called Veneti, in one place Veneti, in another place Veneda. There was such a famous researcher Hilferding, who wrote the history of the Baltic Slavs. He wrote that the Veneti are the same Aryans, because “Veneti” and “Aryans” are words of the same meaning, meaning praiseworthy or glorious. And to this day, writes Hilferding, the Hindus have the word “vend”, meaning to praise or glorify. That is, Venda in Russian will be Slavs, right? That is, we glorify, praised people. Therefore, when we say “Vendi”, yes, “Veneti”, we must understand that we are saying “Slavs”. Also, when we, say, talk, I mentioned the Hittites, the Hittite state arose on the territory of the Aloson River in Asia Minor, which flows into the Black Sea, and they themselves were called Alosons, yes, that is, this is also translated into Russian as “glorified ", "glorious". Therefore, everything is interconnected in fact, the Russian people, they did not arise from empty space how they try to convince us at school that, until, probably, until the 7-8th century, there were no Russians or Slavs at all, there were some proto-Slavs, yes, who lived somewhere here under the yoke of the Huns, Avars there and other conquerors, and then suddenly the Russian state arose.

No, any people has its own ancestors, has its own culture, which remains unchanged for very long centuries and millennia, so we, the Russians who now live in Eastern Europe, also had our own ancestors, and these ancestors are just the Hittites, Pelasgians , Thracians, Etruscans, Veneti and Wends, yes, that is, these are the same people who in different eras was called a little differently, with some changes, but this name always had the same meaning: glorious, Slavs, praised, glorified. It doesn’t matter where we lived, in Asia Minor we lived, in the Caucasus, in the Balkans, in the Southern Baltic, yes, or now in Eastern Europe, on the Central Russian Plain, it doesn’t matter at all. It is important that we are one and the same people. And this writing, yes, we carried throughout all these not even centuries, but millennia.

And here is the one that has been preserved for, well, at least two and a half thousand years, a huge number of examples of Slavic, Venetian writing, yes, such as the Lemnos plates, Kyrgyz plates, yes, Aztec tables, these are just tables, which the Veneti learned when they taught their children at school in their own, and these tables are two and a half thousand years old. This is all, as it were, writing, which, perhaps, is slightly different, but is, as the famous historian, Professor Pesic writes, dialects of the same thing Slavic language, that is, all languages.

That is, all languages, starting from a thousand years ago, two thousand years ago, three thousand years ago, and in our time are simply dialects of one and the same Slavic and Russian language, which was widespread, again, as Professor Pesic says, from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean, and from Baltic states to the Carpathians and to the island of Crete. Again, he, the professor writes, is a Serbian historian, undeservedly, by the way, hushed up, as much of what we say today, he said that it is definitely possible to equate the Etruscans, Veneti and Slavs.

Archaeological cultures of the V-IV millennium BC. in the zone of formation of the Indo-European proto-language, outlined in accordance with the characteristics of flora, fauna, landscape and hydronymy, must be checked for compliance with the cultural and economic type of the Indo-European proto-culture, characterized according to the vocabulary of the proto-language. Chronologically, the existence of a single proto-language of the Indo-Europeans before its collapse is currently determined as IV thousand BC e.

In the area south of the Western Carpathians, Sudetes, Rudnye God, northeast of Sumava, eastern slopes of the Alps, in the Danube region (in the meridional flow of the Danube), the Middle Danube lowlands to the Southern Carpathians in the 4th millennium BC. e. Several archaeological cultures are known.

The culture of linear-band ceramics is widespread in Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary, and these territories correspond to the area of ​​the ancestral home according to flora, fauna, and hydronymy. At the same time, the culture of linear band ceramics (LRC) expands in a later phase from France to Romania, Moldova, being forced out of its original habitat by the Lengyel culture and its derivatives, and thus leaves the boundaries of the PIE area in the western border, since the LRC passes Rhine.

Occupying mainly the 5th millennium BC, KLLC is represented in the 4th millennium BC. e. its derivatives - the Želiz group in Northern Hungary, the Železovtsy group in Western Slovakia, the Bükk culture in Eastern Slovakia, the Alfeld linear ceramics in Potisje to Maros, the culture of pincer-band ceramics in the Czech Republic, Germany, and Poland.

However, the culture of linear-band ceramics does not have derivatives that would survive until the middle of the 3rd millennium BC. e. and would have spread in Eastern Europe, corresponding to the area of ​​PIE according to flora and fauna, and would have reached the area of ​​the Kartvelian language and Kartvelian-speaking cultures.

Other aspects of the Linear Band Ware culture also contradict the idea of ​​Proto-Indo-European culture. The local origin of the KLLC and the lack of visible connections with the Ancient East do not provide an archaeological basis for the implementation of linguists’ assumptions about the contacts of Proto-Indo-European and Proto-Semitic in the 5th millennium BC. e.

In the second half of the 6th and 5th millennia BC. e. on the territory of Macedonia, Serbia, Western Wallachia, Moldova, Moldova, Transylvania, Bulgarian Thrace, the culture of Starčevo - Keresh - Krish - Karanovo I (the name of the culture consists of the regional names of one culture in Yugoslavia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria) spread in Banat. The area of ​​this culture coincides only in the southern part with the area of ​​PIE. Chronological framework of culture: second half of the 6th - first half of the 5th millennium BC.

The area of ​​these crops, weak migration, the absence of derivative crops that would have entered the 2nd millennium BC. e., economic structure and social characteristic societies do not allow Starčevo to be considered the equivalent of Proto-Indo-European culture.

In the PIE area at the end of the 5th - beginning of the 4th millennium BC. e. The Tisza culture is located. Its distribution area is limited to Potisie (North-Eastern Hungary, Eastern Slovakia). The origin of the Tisa culture is associated with the monuments of Sakalhat-Lebe, Tisadob with the basis in the culture of Alfeld linear-band ceramics with a strong influence of Vinci.

The locality of the Tisza culture is both areal and temporary (the Potis culture did not exist in the zone of Indo-European hydronomy on the territory of Poland and Germany; in time it occupies the 1st half of the 4th millennium BC), the absence of derivatives in the 3rd-2nd millennium BC n. e., the multi-component nature of the Tisza culture, which was not melted into a single whole, also does not allow us to consider it an equivalent of PIE, but only one of the phases of disintegration of the KLLC massif.

Consideration of archaeological cultures in the 5th millennium BC. e. in the PIE area, according to geography, flora and fauna, shows that none of the cultures considered: KLLC, KNK, Starčevo - Keresh, and Tisza - satisfies the conditions for the archaeological equivalent of the proto-culture of the Indo-Europeans. One of these requirements-conditions is that the emerging proto-culture must first occupy a small territory in the PIE area, and then expand so as to cover the area of ​​Indo-European hydronymy, and also have contacts with Kartvelian-speaking and Semitic cultures, as well as native cultures of the North. Caucasian languages. The last contacts could have occurred in the Mediterranean, in the Ancient East, in the North Caucasus, therefore the cultures equivalent to the proto-culture of the Indo-Europeans either must themselves have contacts with the indicated regions, or give derivatives that reach the regions where the carrier cultures of all these languages ​​\u200b\u200bare widespread (Kartvelian, Semitic and North Caucasian).

Archaeological cultures V, IV, III millennium BC. e. Vinca, Lengyel and KVK, which satisfy this condition, successively replace each other in time, and the emergence of a new archaeological culture takes place on the border with the mother culture and with advancement beyond its borders. Daughter cultures do not absorb the mother one; on the contrary, the latter continues to exist, and their development phases mutually enrich each other. The speed of movement is significant: the same monuments are located in the territory from Moravia to Scandinavia and it is difficult to establish their priority. Daughter cultures IV-III millennium BC e. occupy the territory of almost all of Central Europe for 1.5 millennia, and the cultures of the 3rd-2nd millennium BC. e. occupy all the steppe and forest-steppe spaces of Eastern Europe, Ciscaucasia, as well as the steppe part from the Black Sea to the Minusinsk Basin, reaching the places of localization of historical Indo-Europeans and regions where connections with the Kartvelian-speaking, Semitic and North Caucasian peoples could be realized.

The model of the development of these three cultures most of all corresponds to linguistic data and the concept based on these data of the existence of a late Indo-European ancestral home - the cradle of almost all modern European peoples - and is the only hypothesis that reconciles arguments in favor of the European and Asian ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans, through an intermediate link of Asia Minor origin - the Vinca culture .

6. Vinca culture is the oldest civilization of the Old World. Forms of influence of the Vinca culture on Central Europe. The origin of the cultural and historical community of Sopot - Biczke - Luzhanki - Lengyel. (Proto-Indo-Europeans in the Balkans)

With the advent of the Vinca culture in Europe, in the Northern Balkans, the collapse of one culture or cultural-historical community of linear-band ceramics and the disappearance of another - Starčevo-Kriš.

Due to the fact that Vinca in the north is part of the ecological niche of the PIE, and from the south it has access to the Mediterranean, chronologically it occupies part of the 5th and part of the 4th millennium BC. e. and has many parallels with the cultures of Central Europe of the 4th millennium BC. e., it is extremely important to establish its place in the formation of Proto-Indo-European cultures and its role in the destinies of the Late Indo-European community.

In the light of sensational archaeological discoveries at the monuments of the Danube region and the Central Balkan Neolithic - in Romania, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria, South-Eastern Europe in the area of ​​distribution of the Vinca culture can be called one of the oldest centers of civilization, more ancient than the civilizations of Mesopotamia, the Nile and Indus Valleys. A diagnostic sign of civilization is the level of development of the producing economy when a surplus product appears, freeing up part of society for technical and cultural progress. This is accompanied by significant changes in social structure: a hierarchy of classes is drawn up; The power of the leader (king) and the institution of priests becomes regulating the life of society. All these phenomena leave a mark on material culture and, therefore, can be recorded in archaeological sites. Thus, a characteristic external expression of the transition to civilization is the appearance of a city, and in it - palaces or temples; a variety of buildings associated with their different functions, specialized workshops, indicating the identification of certain crafts, and, finally, writing, without which there is no civilization. Let us consider how these signs of civilization are refracted in archaeological sites Vinci culture and how specific (i.e. culturally differentiating) they are to this culture.

Early Vinca appears in the area of ​​distribution of the Starchevo - Krish - Koresh - Karanovo I-II culture, and the nature of the interaction between the incoming Vinca culture and the substratum culture was peaceful.

At the early stage of Vinci's existence, there is no need to talk about the possibility of the city emerging as a fortified cultural center. In the late period of development of Vinci - Vinca - Pločnik I-II, according to Garasanin, the situation changes dramatically.

Multi-layer Vinča settlements are replaced by fortified villages located on inaccessible hills and rocks. Fortifications appear in the Balkan region at the end of the 5th millennium BC. e. not only in the Vinca culture, but also in a number of cultural groups and cultures associated with the advancement of the Vinca culture to the west and north (Sopot culture, Bickeu-Luzhanki group, Lengyel culture).

The fortifications of the Late Vinca settlements are quite complex fortifications, consisting of ditches, ramparts, palisades, and stone walls. Naturally fortified places were strengthened by artificial structures.

To assess the legitimacy of the term “city” in relation to the Vinča settlements, one should turn to the house-building and architecture of the Vinča culture.

At the early stage of the development of the Vinca culture, the buildings in the settlements were represented by both dugouts and above-ground structures. In the late phase of development of Vinci - Vinča - Pločnik - houses are often multi-room and large in size. The architecture of the late Vinča culture is characterized primarily by the appearance of buildings with clearly defined functions. Groups of objects have been recorded that can be defined as “palaces”, “temples”, “sanctuaries” and simply as “residential building”.

Palaces can include large buildings that have an unusual, non-standard layout, which is noted, as a rule, once in one settlement for one building horizon. Megaron-type houses appear.

Megaron is an architectural complex consisting of a rectangular hall with a fireplace in the center, the entrance to which is through a portico (propylaea) and another portico (vestibule).

Abseed houses also appear, i.e. houses with a rounded end wall. The dimensions of this type of house are not inferior to the size of megarons (the house in Vinča had dimensions of about 100 sq. m), and also have a special ceremonial function.

This architectural tradition is characteristic of Greece, where it occurs at the end of the 4th and 3rd millennia BC. e. in house-building architecture up to the turn of the 3rd/2nd millennium BC. e., and for the 2nd millennium BC. e. preserved only in funerary architecture. The inventors of this architectural style are also carriers of the Vinca culture.

Residential buildings should include houses of a pillar structure with a gable roof, with one or more rooms. The evolution of the Vinci residential building is in the direction of increasing the area to 50 square meters. m and increasing the number of rooms. The houses were of pillar construction, above ground; with fireplaces in the central room, the walls were made of wickerwork coated with clay. Above the entrance to the house they strengthened the head of an animal - a bull, a deer, etc.

Several types of ovens have been traced in Vinča, some of which were used in pottery production, some for smelting ore, and some for baking bread and cooking. The stove was also decorated, like the hearths and altars, with plastic ornaments. -

The house-building architecture of the Vinča culture serves as a culturally differentiating feature, distinguishing the Vinci monuments from a number of synchronous and neighboring cultures, such as the culture of linear-ribbon ceramics, Starčevo - Krish - Keresh - Karanovo I -II, the Early Cycladic culture, Cucuteni - Tripoli, and cultural -an integrating feature, uniting the monuments of the Vinca culture with the cultures of the Lengyel circle and the Funnel Beaker culture of Central Europe, with the late Neolithic culture of Thessaly - Dimini, with the cultures replacing Vinca in the diachrony - Krivodol - Selkutsa - Bubani - Khum.

Religious buildings had a specific layout and were rebuilt several times. These buildings had a three-part structure with a total area of ​​about 30 square meters. m, or two-part. In the northern part, a monumental altar was built, above which sacred symbols - bucrania - were hung on pillars. The altar was decorated with stucco decoration and metopes. Ornamental motifs - curvilinear, spiral, angular and rectangular. The general ornamental scheme is the same as that used in ceramic ornamentation. In addition to the altar, such buildings also contained ovens.

Anthropomorphic plastic art stands out - clay male and female figurines, as well as clay figurines of animals. A large number of idols, found both in one place (Terteria) and in different places, varied in form and details of the image and at the same time distinguished by a high standard, may indicate an established pantheon in the Vincan religion with the isolation of the function of each god. M. Facial features on anthropomorphic plastic are conveyed both by the protrusion of the nose and by incised lines. The eye line in the form of segments, which can be coarsened into triangles, continuously turns into two parallel lines- continuation of the nose line. Plastic art is characterized by the standardization of image techniques. This high standard serves as a culturally differentiating feature of the Vinca culture. Anthropomorphic plastic is complemented by lids from anthropomorphic vessels: The line of evolution of these vessels reaches the ancient era (Greece) and even the first centuries AD.

The funeral rites of the Vinca culture also testify to the developed religious beliefs of its population. Features of the Vinchan ritual are the position of those buried on their sides, crouched; the existence of grave goods - ceramics, shell beads; and axes made of stone - in the culture of the late Neolithic of Central Europe, Lengyel, are not accidental and arose in the direct continuity of Vinci's ideology.

Priests, as guardians of tradition, undoubtedly existed in Vinca society. This follows from the fact that the Vinca culture is very stable in its manifestations and influenced the surrounding peoples and cultures, but did not experience the opposite effect.

Only the existence of the institution of priesthood can explain the formation of a writing system, which is not entirely accurately called the “ancient Balkan writing system.” The Vinča script is represented by characters of a geometric linear type and is interpreted as the oldest inscriptions known to us of a writing system that has not yet been solved (Ivanov). Signs were applied to the bottom and bottom of the vessels, and to their shoulder part. They decorated both cult plastic and household ceramics. Clay tablets are also known (Terteria, Gradeshnitsa).

Thus, fortifications, palaces, temples, as well as the differentiation of society corresponding to these indirect attributes - the separation of classes of warriors and priests, and, consequently, military leaders - leaders - appear only in the late phase of the existence of the Vinca culture (Vinca-Pločnik I, II) . This means that, being of non-local origin, the Vinca culture appears in the regions of South-Eastern Europe in a complex of signs indicating that the social organization and economic structure of the Vinca society do not yet meet the requirements for civilization, although writing already exists. As a result of internal changes, the Vinca society already in Europe enters the phase of the formation of civilization, all the signs of which take shape in the second half of the existence of the Vinca culture. It should not be forgotten that the economic well-being of Vinča society, like any other, was based on the labor of farmers, cattle breeders and artisans.

Specialization of pottery production had to take place in Vinča society, since this was required by complex production technology, standardization of products, and a large assortment of products, as evidenced by pottery kilns and warehouses for ceramic products. Vinca culture ceramics are gray and black-polished; restoration firing, thin-stepped, ornamented with flutes - gives, on the one hand, a high standard of forms, and on the other, variability in the execution of individual details: molded handles, places where the ornament is applied, and much more.

Bone carving also undoubtedly took place in Vinča.

The specialized nature of copper smelting production is reconstructed by the discovery of copper smelting furnaces in the Vinča settlement, in which slags from the smelting of Vinča cynobarite were found - this is the first metal-bearing culture in Europe.

Thus, according to all archaeological data, it is possible to state the process of development of settlements into cities, and societies into civilization, at the beginning of the 4th millennium BC. e. in the Northern Balkans and Transdanubia.

The chronology of the Vinca culture is still the subject of heated debate among archaeologists.

The dating of the early chronological stage of the Vinča culture (Vinča A-B) is, judging by the radiocarbon dates of the Vinča monuments themselves, within the entire second half of the 5th millennium BC. e.:

The dating of the late chronological period of Vinci (Vinca S-D; Vinca-Pločnik, according to Garasanin) is more problematic. Most of the radiocarbon dates of the Vinča monuments of this chronological period fit into the first half of the 4th millennium BC. e; Based on this, it can be argued that the Vinca culture at a late stage existed throughout the first half of the 4th millennium BC. e. The last date given for Gornaya Tuzla may either be erroneous, or may indicate the survival of the Vinca culture in the mountainous areas until the first quarter of the 3rd millennium BC. e.

The development in time and space of the Vinca culture in the Central European Neolithic system can be represented as the following diagram. The Vinča complex in the form of proto-Vinci appeared for the first time in the settlements of the Starčevo-Kriš-Keresh culture. Further development Vinci culture is associated with the disappearance of the cultural and historical community of Starčevo - Krish - Keresh. The interaction with the culture of linear-band ceramics was different: in some settlements the materials of these two cultures are not found, but their connection is directly established, expressed in the re-formation of the KLLC in the later phase of development - the younger KLLC and its regional manifestation in the form of the Zeliz-Zhelezovce culture in Hungary and Slovakia. The movement of the Vinca culture to the northwest and west was expressed in the formation of the Sopot culture, which goes through three phases in its development (Sopot I, Sopot II - Biczke, Sopot III - Zengevarkony) and is synchronous with Vinca throughout the entire path of its evolution. The Sopot settlements are overlain by Vinci and Sopot-Lendyel materials, and on the indigenous Vinča settlements, the Vinci D materials are overlain by the Lengyel culture materials. Bruckner called the Sopot culture “the ambassador of Vinča ideas.” Kalitz showed the co-culture of Sopot II in Croatia and Bicske in Hungary, as well as the co-culture of Sopot III with the red-painted Lengyel of the Zengevar-horse type. A typological analysis of the Sopot ceramic complex and the Bieschke and Lengyel cultures shows the coincidence of Bieschke and Sopot II in 8 forms.

At the next stage - Vinca C - in the Danube region, Western Slovakia, Moravia, a new culture is formed - red-painted Lengyel as a result of Vinci's influence on the substrate Binya - Bichke and the direct influence of Vinci on Želiz - Železovce. The direct influence of Vinci is proven by the coincidence of 8 forms in the Lengyel and Vinca cultures.

The Vinca culture existed from the middle of the 5th millennium BC. e. to IV/III millennium BC e. and for a thousand years synchronously with its derivatives - the Lengyel culture in the north of its range, the Gumelnitsa culture east of Vinci, the Dimini culture in Thessaly. Thus, for the Chalcolithic cultures of Central Europe, the Lengyel culture and the KVK proto-culture derived from it existed as a basis, while for the Chalcolithic of more southern regions such a basis was to a greater extent the Vinca culture, with which the first migrations to the South of the Balkan Peninsula and Asia Minor are associated .

The ethnic attribution of the Vinca culture is determined based on its genetic connection with the culture of the Proto-Indo-European state of Lengyel, on the one hand, and also the connection with the Early Indo-European proto-culture of Çatal Höyük, on the other hand. The intermediate position allows us to speak of it as the proto-culture of the Middle Indo-European state, or rather the final SIEP, due to its chronological proximity to the beginning of the Late Indo-European era - the turn of the 4th/5th millennium BC. e.

HISTORY OF RUSSIA from ancient times to 1618. Textbook for universities. In two books. Book one. Kuzmin Apollon Grigorievich

The Vinca culture is the oldest civilization of the Old World. Forms of influence of the Vinca culture on Central Europe... (Proto-Indo-Europeans in the Balkans).

In the history of Europe, the Vinča culture had a significance comparable only to the role of Greece and its impact on the “barbarian” world. The similarities of the two cultural phenomena lies in the pattern of space development (colonization, trade, travel, but not conquest), as well as in the duration and depth of impact.

With the advent of the Vinca culture in Europe, in the Northern Balkans, the collapse of one culture, or the cultural-historical community of linear-band ceramics, and the disappearance of another - Starčevo - Krish. At the same time, Vincha itself has existed since the middle of Utys. BC. until the middle of the 4th millennium BC. (according to some sources) or until the first quarter of the 3rd millennium BC. (according to other sources...), in parallel with its existence, a new post-Vinča Europe emerges as a result of its impact on the cultures of the substrate. Moreover, over the almost one and a half thousand year history of its existence, Vinca has not ceased its influence, experiencing weak influences from newly formed cultures and substrate cultures. This shows unique property its culture is sustainability. Vinca finally disappears, determining the consolidation of Central European cultures under the Baden veil. The forms of Vinci's influence on Central Europe are manifold; in archaeological terminology, they look like variants of Vinca itself, as cultures based on the dominant Vinca complex (daughter cultures), and as cultures in which Vinca was a component (like Lengyel), etc.

Sensational archaeological discoveries of the last 20 years at the monuments of the Danube region and the Central Balkan Neolithic - in Romania, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria... as well as clarification of the dates of these monuments within the V-IV millennium BC. based on the created column of radiocarbon dates for the European Neolithic, they force us to change the idea of ​​the region under consideration as the periphery of ancient Eastern civilizations. In the light of these discoveries, South-Eastern Europe, in the area where the Vinca culture spread, can be called one of the oldest centers of civilization, more ancient than the civilizations of Mesopotamia, the Nile and Indus Valleys.

A diagnostic sign of civilization is a level of producing economy when a surplus product appears, freeing up part of society for technical and cultural progress... This is accompanied by significant changes in the social structure: a hierarchy of classes is formed; The power of the leader (king) and the institution of priests becomes regulating the life of society... A characteristic external expression of the transition to civilization is the appearance of a city... and in it - palaces or temples; various buildings, with their different functions, specialized workshops, indicating the identification of certain crafts, and, finally, writing, without which there is no civilization.

Ancient civilization is culture class society who mastered writing...

The Vinchan colonists carried along with their forms of economy, management, and handicraft products, their views on the world, human existence, that is, they were conductors of their ideology... Probably, all the achievements of the Vinca culture, its production and economic, craft, engineering “secrets” were enshrined in a cult-religious form, in a certain rite and ritual...

Only the existence of the institution of priesthood can explain the formation of a writing system, which is not entirely accurately called the “Old Balkan writing system”... Moreover, the spread of this writing system in the Neolithic and Chalcolithic cultures of Central and South-Eastern Europe of different origins... says and about the introduction of Vinca culture and its traditions into environment in the form of direct ideological influence through the institution of priesthood...

The Vinča script is represented by signs of a geometric linear type and is interpreted as the oldest known inscriptions of a writing system that has not yet been solved... The signs were applied to the bottom and bottom part of the vessels, and to their shoulder part. They decorated both cult plastic and household ceramics...

Researchers had no doubt about the existence of writing in Vinca even before the discovery of clay tablets in Terteria. Dating of the settlement in Terteria early stage Vinča culture - Vinča-Tordoš - and the discovery of written tablets in this layer indicates that the Vinča script developed in the priestly circle even before all the signs of culture and economy took shape, which allow us to assert the existence of a civilization archaeologically represented by the Vinča culture. ..

Based on all the archaeological data obtained through the study of numerous settlements of the Vinča culture, it is possible to state the process of development of settlements in the city, and society - into civilization at the beginning of the 4th millennium. BC. in the Northern Balkans and Transdanubia.

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Vinca culture(Turdash, Gradeshnitsa) - North Balkan archaeological culture era Neolithic (Old Europe, VI-V millennium BC e.).

The settlements are represented by dugouts with clay ovens. At a later stage, fortified settlements are found, which is associated either with wars or with increased social differentiation. Appear megarons 3900-3600 BC e. Mud houses with gable roofs had up to 5 rooms, the floors were wooden. A bull's head was placed above the entrance to the house.

The basis of the economy was agriculture and cattle breeding ( cattle , goats , pigs). The oldest metal mining mine in Europe has been preserved from the Vinča culture - Rudna-Glava.

According to the archaeologist V. A. Safronova"coincidence of a number of features culture of Catal Huyuk and the Vinca culture is so striking that, given the uniqueness of the compared characteristics from the field of spiritual culture, which exclude convergence, we can speak of a genetic connection between Catal Huyuk and Vinca.”

see also

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Excerpt characterizing Vinca (culture)

- Well, I’ll break your face, don’t joke! – Anatole suddenly shouted, rolling his eyes.
“Why joke,” the coachman said, chuckling. - Will I be sorry for my masters? As long as the horses can gallop, we will ride.
- A! - said Anatole. - Well, sit down.
- Well, sit down! - said Dolokhov.
- I’ll wait, Fyodor Ivanovich.
“Sit down, lie, drink,” said Anatole and poured him a large glass of Madeira. The coachman's eyes lit up at the wine. Refusing for the sake of decency, he drank and wiped himself with a red silk handkerchief that lay in his hat.
- Well, when to go, Your Excellency?
- Well... (Anatole looked at his watch) let’s go now. Look, Balaga. A? Will you be in time?
- Yes, how about departure - will he be happy, otherwise why not be in time? - Balaga said. “They delivered it to Tver and arrived at seven o’clock.” You probably remember, Your Excellency.
“You know, I once went from Tver for Christmas,” said Anatole with a smile of memory, turning to Makarin, who looked at Kuragin with all his eyes. – Do you believe, Makarka, that it was breathtaking how we flew. We drove into the convoy and jumped over two carts. A?
- There were horses! - Balaga continued the story. “I then locked the young ones attached to the Kaurom,” he turned to Dolokhov, “so would you believe it, Fyodor Ivanovich, the animals flew 60 miles; I couldn’t hold it, my hands were numb, it was freezing. He threw down the reins, holding it, Your Excellency, himself, and fell into the sleigh. So it’s not like you can’t just drive it, you can’t keep it there. At three o'clock the devils reported. Only the left one died.

Anatole left the room and a few minutes later returned in a fur coat belted with a silver belt and a sable hat, smartly put on his side and suiting him very well. beautiful face. Looking in the mirror and in the same position that he took in front of the mirror, standing in front of Dolokhov, he took a glass of wine.
“Well, Fedya, goodbye, thank you for everything, goodbye,” said Anatole. “Well, comrades, friends... he thought about... - my youth... goodbye,” he turned to Makarin and the others.
Despite the fact that they were all traveling with him, Anatole apparently wanted to make something touching and solemn out of this address to his comrades. He spoke in a slow, loud voice and with his chest out, he swayed with one leg. - Everyone take glasses; and you, Balaga. Well, comrades, friends of my youth, we had a blast, we lived, we had a blast. A? Now, when will we meet? I'll go abroad. Long lived, goodbye guys. For health! Hurray!.. - he said, drank his glass and slammed it on the ground.