Rare Italian surnames. Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

List of famous Italian surnames with meaning. Beautiful Italian surnames for women and men with translation. Origin of Italian surnames.

Below is a list of the most common Italian surnames. It should be noted that only one of the possible dialectical Italian variants is indicated.

The list of the most famous Italian surnames includes:

Surname Amati- Nicolo is one of the most famous masters of the Amati family.

Surname Armani - Armani, Italian fashion designer.

Surname Antonelli - Antonelli is a surname of Italian origin.

Surname Albinoni is an Italian composer.

Surname Balotelli - has a famous football player.

The surname Villani is an Italian artist.

Surname Dolce - fashion designer, founder of the Dolce Gabbana brand.

Surname Versace is a fashion designer and designer.

Surname Garavani is a famous Italian designer.

Surname Galilei is a famous astronomer, mathematician, physicist and philosopher.

The surname Marconi is the inventor of the radio.

Surname Stradivari - famous master violins.

Surname Celentano is an Italian actor, pop singer.

The surname Puccini is a famous opera composer.

Surname Rodari is an Italian writer and journalist.

Surname Rossellini - actress and model

Surname Ramazzotti is an Italian singer.

Surname Pavarotti Luciano Italian singer.

The surname Mastroianni is a famous Italian actor.

Surname Placido - actor

Last name Prada is a female fashion designer.

Surname Pasolini - Italian director

Surname Cavalli is a fashion designer.

Fellini's surname is an Italian director.

Most Italian surnames historically derived from the name of the place of residence and birth of a person bearing a surname. For example, from the city of Vinci came famous family artist Leonardo da Vinci.

Find Italian last names currently quite easy. The most famous women's and men's italian surnames are described in our list of surnames with meaning and meaning!

Italian Surnames
Known Italian surnames. List of Italian surnames are beautiful. Italian surname origin.

Italian surnames

Italian surnames were formed from the name of the place where the person was born and lived. As an example: Leonardo da Vinci's family was from the city of Vinci in eastern Tuscany, hence his surname was formed "from Vinci". Surnames derived from given names. Most of them originated from the baptismal name, and personal names can also be based on the origin of the Italian surname: Latin (Adriani, Cesari, Martini), Greek (Alessandra, Cristofori, Giorgi), Germanic (Bernardi, Carli, Federici), Jewish (Adami, Baldassarri, Gaspari), medieval times (Сentanni, Abbondante, Bonaventura, Benvenuti, Bencivenga, Diodato, Nascimbene, Accetto) and names of historical figures from Latin (Ottaviani, Virgili, Ercoli,) from Greek (Achilli, Ippoliti, Tolomei) from

French (Rinaldi, Paladini, Lancellotti).

There are religious surnames like: Maria, Giuseppi, Giovanni, etc.

There are those that emphasize the external or internal sign of a person: Rossi (red), Neri (black), Allegro (cheerful).

The surnames of many Italians come from the names of flowers, trees: Foresta (forest), Uva (grapes), Grano (grain).

Another criterion for assigning surnames was the positions held, social status: Giudice (judge), Medici (medics), Cardinali (cardinals).

There are surnames derived from the names of animals: Gatto (cat), Leoni (lions), Lupi (wolves), Cavalli (horses).

In the Middle Ages, surnames could also come from nicknames: Barbarossa (red beard), Cuore di leone ( Lion Heart), Bevilacqua (drink water).

Below is a list of the 100 most common Italian surnames.

Italian surnames
Italian surnames were formed from the name of the place where the person was born and lived. As an example: Leonardo da Vinci's family was from the city

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List of famous Italian surnames.

Surnames in Italy appeared around the 14th century, when it became necessary to distinguish between many citizens with the same names. The first surnames appeared in Venice and were originally given only to nobles, then they became further widespread. As surnames, Italians, like other peoples, used personal names, nicknames and derivatives of names and nicknames. There are also surnames based on geographical, professional, and external features.

Surnames in northern and southern Italy differ from each other: the first in most cases ends in “i”, and the second in “o”.

Many Italian surnames have the same roots., the only difference is various consoles and suffixes. Variants ending in a vowel preceded by a double consonant are especially common: -etti, -illo. Italians often use diminutive suffixes: -ini, -ino, etti, etto, -ello, -illo - they mean "small".

Male and female Italian surnames have the same shape.

Path of Light
Italian surnames. Surnames in Italy appeared around the 14th century, when it became necessary to distinguish between many citizens with the same names. The first surnames appeared in Venice ...

List of Italian male and female surnames

The similarity of the surname arose in ancient Rome, when a person was given 3 names: birth name, family designation, and characteristic assigned by society.

As a rule, surnames occurred in the place of birth or residence of the family. So, it is known that the inventor, engineer and artist Leonardo da Vinci was born in Vinci in the east of Tuscany. Surnames could also be given by the name of rivers, lakes, mountain ranges.

In many countries, surnames were given by the names of the parents. Italy is no exception. So, Aldo di Alberto means "Aldo, son of Albert." It was not uncommon to compile the abbreviated names of the father and grandfather: for example, the surname Kolayani is a combination of the names of the father Nikola (Cola) and grandfather Giovanni (Ianni).

Surnames could also be assigned according to the occupation of the family, because it was often a hereditary affair, especially among workers and artisans. So, Contadino means "peasant".

Descriptive surnames are a relic of the third name in ancient Rome. They were given on the basis of nicknames reflecting physical or individual characteristics carrier, unique properties personality or habits. For example, the surname Basso is translated as "short".

There were also characteristic designations of some phenomena. Eg, orphans and foundlings were called religious names: Esposito, Casadio, Trovato.

List of Italian male and female surnames alphabetically

You can find out the meaning and features of popular Italian female names in another material on our website.

You can find out the most interesting about beautiful male Italian names by clicking on this link.

Would you like to buy goods from Italy without visiting the country? Here you will find a list of Italian online stores with delivery to Russia.

The most common Italian surnames are: Bruno, Bianchi, Colombo, Marino, Moretti, Ricci, Romano, Squarchalupi, Ferrari, Esposito. The most popular of them is Rousseau. In modern times, many surnames disappeared, but they survived in America.

All Italian surnames always end in a vowel. There are also regional differences between them. The surnames of Rossi and Russo are the same, but the last option more common in southern regions Italy. In general, surnames ending in -i come from regions in northern Italy (more about them), and those ending in -o come from the south.

The famous sculptor Andrea Pisano went down in history under this name, although it was awarded to him later. He was born under the name Andrea da Pontedra. In the wake of his popularity, he moved to Pisa. The artist Alessandro Botticelli received such a pseudonym thanks to his merchant brother. His real name is Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi.

By the way, the prefix "di" before indicating the surname means "belonging to someone, something" (for example, someone's son), a variation of the same prefix "yes" indicates a geographical affiliation(remember L. da Vinci).

The suffix -accio means "big" or "bad", and -ucci indicates a descendant. Basically, diminutive morphemes are used in Italian surnames.

Double surnames usually separated by the words "detto", "vulgo", "dit".

The names of Italians are characterized by a peculiar manner, emotions that are overflowing with special charm, luxury and originality. You can learn all the most interesting about the names of Italians from this article.

30.08.2016 / 14:27 | Varvara Pokrovskaya

Italy, like its inhabitants, is known to the world for its craving for beauty. The state has its own unique cultural heritage, whose traditions are strictly observed by many Italians. Among cultural rules proper names stand out.

Features of Italian names

The nicknames of Italians are rooted in history ancient rome. At the first stage of the birth of nicknames, they were the names given to people for certain external features, character, professional quality. To this day, parents prefer old names popular for several centuries. Nicknames with Roman roots include the following: Cesare, Pietro, Luciano. Depending on the locality the sound of the words can have significant differences. For example, in the northern regions, instead of the standard "G", "Z" is pronounced. Also, the nicknames of Italians contain elements taken from the German tribes, which over time began to be used as surnames.

Family traditions

Italians have a number of traditions. One of them is to give female babies the nicknames of the eldest women in the family. Moreover, it did not depend on whether the relative was alive or not. The eldest daughter in the family was given the name of the grandmother, the second child - the mother, the next child - aunts and great aunts. In some parts of Italy, girls are still given the names of recently departed family women. Thus, the Italians adhere to traditions, show a good attitude towards the family.

Names for baptism

Italians adhere to the Catholic faith, and the baptism procedure is of great importance. Catholic Church advises giving a Christian nickname to the baby. That is, the one that is in the holy calendar. If a young family wishes to name a child with a name that is not in the Catholic calendar, then the name of a saint can be added to it, for example, Giada Macdalena, Aida Maria. Unlike the laws in force in the country, church rules allow you to name the child any number of names - each of them will be indicated in the certificate that is issued after baptism. However, a maximum of 3 names are allowed on the birth document. In this regard, a situation is common when in the family circle a person is called not by the nickname indicated in the passport, but by the name given at baptism.

How is the naming of the child

About four centuries ago in Italy there was a interesting tradition children's names. The first-born male was given the nickname of the grandfather of the male line. When a representative of the weaker half was born first in the family, she was named after her grandmother on her father's side. The second children were given the nicknames of the older generation after the mother's family. The following kids were honored to bear the titles of their parents.

Many names in Italy that girls are called today are derived from the nicknames of saints. Words may be original or modified. Some of the nicknames arose during the period of the conquest of Italy by the Normans, others - by changing the names of men, others came from the titles of royal persons, for example, Marquis, Regina, etc.
Some of the nicknames are given because of the features of appearance, character and other qualities: Bianca (light), Allegra (cheerful), Elettra (brilliant).

Also in Italy, nicknames borrowed from other nations are popular. This is easily explained by the large number of emigrants, the fame of the heroes of world literature, music, films, politicians, representatives of show business.

Male Italian names

The demand for male nicknames depends on many factors:

  • The area where the baby was born;
  • Family fantasies;
  • fashion trends.

It is fashion that has a great influence on the names of men. For example, many parents give kids the nicknames of athletes, movie stars, in other areas, children are named after saints.

The institute of statistics, established at the beginning of the 20th century, operates in the state. One of the main tasks of the institution is to collect information about the names of babies. According to the collected data, the most popular names for men are: Francesco, Alessandro, Andrea Matteo, Lorenzo Gabriel, Mattia, Ricardo, David, Luca, Leonardo Federico, Marco, Giuseppe, Tommaso, Antonio Giovanni Alessio, Filippo, Diego, Daniel, Peter , Eduardo, Emmanuel Michel.

Often parents have an enviable imagination, trying to give the baby an original, rare nickname. But not always a young man with such a name easily passes the tests given by life. Fortunately, the authorities can refuse the desire of the family to give the baby an unusual name if they decide that this nickname can play with a person. bad joke. Therefore, inventive moms and dads should think carefully before giving a child a particular name.

Italian names and surnames

Surnames first appeared in Venice at the turn of the 10th century. The first documented case is recorded with the mention of the name Orseolo. Its ancestors were the brothers Dominicus and Petrus. The descendants of these people are also named. This a prime example family name that is passed down every generation.

But there were differences between the strata of society. Permanent surnames had the right to bear only families from higher strata society. A person without privileges was the bearer of only a nickname. If identification was required, the phrases “daughter of such and such”, “from such and such a kind”, “from the city” were added to the name. Similar situation observed until the 16th century. By the way, most of famous people of that time, for example, artists, did not have surnames.

Italian names for little women are varied. Girls are named after relatives, saints and give them fashionable nicknames. Among all, it is worth paying attention to names that end in vowels - they have a certain meaning.

If you are in search original name, if you want to avoid a boring and too popular nickname, pay attention to:

  • Alba - dawn;
  • Arabella - prayer;
  • Gabriela - divine, strong;
  • Bonfiliya - kind daughter;
  • Giuditta - praised;
  • Leah - dependent;
  • Allegra - happiness;
  • Domitilla is responsible.

Italian boy names

The names of Italian citizens, according to tradition, are given by the nicknames of the ancestors on the paternal line. Studies in this area show that moms and dads today prefer fashionable, beautiful names. Many nicknames for the stronger sex are of Roman origin. The oldest can be found in myths.

To popular Italian names for boys include:

  • Valentino - strong, bursting with health;
  • Valerio - strong;
  • Wenceslas - famous;
  • Dorieno - originally from the Doric tribe;
  • Drago - dragon;
  • Duilayo - war;
  • Damien - majestic.

In Italy, as in other countries, they use a large number of names, and many of them are beautiful and concise, harmoniously combined with surnames. In many states, Italian nicknames are rightfully considered a model of charm.

Some of the most popular Italian names are:

  • Adrian;
  • Isabel;
  • Angelica;
  • Vittoria;
  • Gabriella
  • Letitia;
  • Dolphin;
  • Marcella;
  • Paola;
  • Francesca.

To the beautiful male names can be counted:

  • Adolfo;
  • Gasparo;
  • Gino;
  • Giuliano;
  • Oscar;
  • Sandro;
  • Ernesto.

Names for girls are very melodic, easy to pronounce. Men's nicknames are no less attractive, for example, the notorious name Leonardo, which means "like a lion." Valentino - "all-powerful, possessing limitless power." The inhabitants of Italy themselves prefer such nicknames as Antonio - "priceless", Luciano - "light". The last name has been fashionable in the country for several decades. Less commonly, a boy may be nicknamed Pascal, which translates as "born for Easter." They call the kids and the name Romeo - "traveling to Rome."

Whatever name the Italians prefer, any of them is melodious, wears hidden meaning, which is believed to help its owner achieve success both in family life as well as in the professional field. When giving names to their children, parents often name their babies with a word that denotes character traits and enhances the best of them. The name for an Italian is a kind of talisman that accompanies him throughout his life and protects him from all sorts of troubles.

As statistics show, Italy has a huge list of names - there are about 17,000 of them. Their appearance was especially active in the years when cinema began to develop rapidly. Then dads and moms were happy to name the kids with the names of their favorite characters. Nicknames changed over time, became longer or, conversely, shorter, other names or their parts were added to the words. As an example, we can use reliable information that at the beginning of the 20th century, many newborn girls received the nickname Fedora (the heroine of the then famous performance). In the 30s, Italians were attracted by the nicknames Selvadzha (rebel), Liberia (free and self-sufficient).

IN last years a list of names has been formed that are called baby boys:

  • Alessandro and Andrea
  • Francesco and Matteo;
  • Gabriele and Lorenzo.

The above names come from ancient Rome, and today are considered native Italian.

With names for girls, things are different. Demanded are those that are borrowed in other cultures. Families choose the following nicknames: George, Julie, Chiara. There are also Roman nicknames: Aurora, Paolo, Martina.

It is worth mentioning that in recent years there has been an increase in the trend of changing nicknames. Often young people realize that the names given by their parents do not suit them, so they choose new ones that are among the fashionable, beautiful and harmonious.

The familiar surname appeared in Italy only in the 17th century. It was at this time that the first problems with distinguishing people by name formed. Initially, surnames originated in Venice and were given exclusively to nobles, then they became further widespread.

Where did Italian surnames come from?

There are the following main sources of origin of Italian surnames:

  • derivatives on behalf of the father or founder of the clan; much less often, surnames can be a reference to the name of the mother;
  • geographical feature: surnames derived from the names of their native city or village;
  • surnames that are a description of the internal or external qualities of a person;
  • surnames related to the profession.

There was in Italy its own principle of endowing the surname of foundlings. In each region, a special list of Italian surnames was created for them, with a religious focus. The surnames of northerners and southerners also differed: the former in most cases ended in “i”, and the latter in “o”. With regard to gender differences, male and female Italian surnames have the same form.

Famous Italian surnames, their meaning and history

Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most famous Italians of all times. Your last name great artist received from the name of the town in which he was born and grew up. No less famous Italian architect and sculptor Andrea Pisano acquired such rare surname thanks to the city of Pisa where he lived. However, his real name is Pontedera, and it also comes from the name of the village in which he was born.

Vivid examples of surnames derived from the profession belong to the Florentine artists Domenico Ghirlandaio and Andrea Sarto. The ancestors of the first, most likely, were gardeners, and the father of the second was a tailor.

In addition to world-famous Italian surnames, there are also those that are most popular among the population, such as Ivanov and Petrov among Russians. These include, first of all, Rossi (Rossi) and Bianchi (Bianchi), which in translation mean “red” and “white”. These surnames, obviously, are descriptive and express the shade of a person's skin.

The most common Italian surnames

  • Bruno (Bruno) - translated means "brown", derived from the color of the skin;
  • Ferrari (Ferrari) - translated as “blacksmith”, which means that the ancestors of the founders of the automobile corporation were engaged in just such a craft;
  • Esposito (Esposito) - a surname for foundlings, translated meaning "abandoned", etc.

TOP 5 funniest Italian surnames

Italian surnames sound very beautiful, but among them there are also very funny ones. Here are 5 of the funniest ones in our opinion:

  • Saltaformaggio. The translation is “jumping cheese”, and pronouncing “Saltaformaggio” is not given to everyone!
  • Finocchio. At first glance, Finocchio is a very harmless surname, but this is what the Italian people call gays.
  • Pelagatti. Beautiful-sounding surname Pelagatti in translation means "to deprive the hair of cats."
  • maniaco. Probably not very lucky for the Italians with speaking surname Maniaco.
  • Puzzolente. Pazzolente, which translates as "stinky", is also not the most attractive surname.

Surnames of Italian mafiosi

Because Italian mafia originated almost at the same time when the surnames began their origin, the history of criminal clans stretches from there and the names are corresponding:

  • Profaci - can be translated as “desecrate” or if you take the English transcription, you get the word “profession”;
  • Colombo - translated means dove, most likely, the ancestor bred pigeons;
  • Orena - can be translated as arena, a surname with Turkish roots;
  • Persico is Persian.

Thus, it is safe to say that Italian surnames are distinguished by their sonority of pronunciation and the beauty of sound. There are both elegant and funny among them, but all of them are interesting and unique in their own way.

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What does an Italian surname sound like? Many examples could be given. Alessandro Botticelli, Piero della Francesca, Domenico Ghirlandaio… These are the names of the great Renaissance artists living in Italy. Not only their paintings, but also their names are distinguished by their extraordinary beauty.

Italian Surnames - Origins of Italian Surnames

Most Italian surnames are historically derived from the name of the place of residence and birth of the person bearing the surname. From Vinci came the famous family of the artist Leonardo da Vinci. This city is located in eastern Tuscany, which attracts with its unique landscapes. But during the life of the artist, oddly enough, only his name was mainly used. The sculptor Andrea Pisano was also very popular. Great fame enjoys his work associated with the design of the bronze southern door of the unique Florentine Baptistery. Initially, the sculptor was given the name Andrea da Pontedra. This happened because he was born in beautiful village Pontedra, which was located next to famous city Pisa. Later this sculptor was called "Pisano". This city is famous for its Leaning Tower. There is one famous spain man, which actually bears the name of the city. This is Perugino or Perugia. The most common Italian surname is Lombardi. It comes from the name of the locality, the name of which coincides with the given surname. Ask any person the name of any creation of Alessandro di Mariano Filipepi. You are unlikely to hear an intelligible answer. People know little about the creations of this man. And if you recall famous works such as the Adoration of the Magi or the Birth of Venus, which are located in the Uffizi, then this will bring to mind Botticelli. So, Botticelli is Alessandro di Mariano Filipepi. He got his surname from his older brother Giovane, who was a moneylender. The brother's name was Il Botticcello.

Italian Surnames - List of Italian Surnames

Another Florentine artist of the fifteenth century bears the striking surname Giuliano Bugiardini. It translates to "little liar". It can be assumed that his family had the gift of beautiful speech. You can list many other beautiful Italian surnames. This is Torregrossa, which means "big tower", and Quattrochi - "four eyes", and Bella - "beautiful", and Bonmarito, which means "good husband". Most Italian surnames are closely related to the type of activity that a person was engaged in, trade. For example, Domenico Ghirlandaio, who was a Renaissance painter, was famous for his frescoes, when his ancestor was probably a gardener or a man selling all kinds of flowers. This conclusion can be drawn because the word ghirlanda in the name of the painter is translated as a garland or wreath.
Real name Andrea del Sarto, a Florentine painter famous for his frescoes, had the name Andrea d "Agnolo di Francesco. The nickname del sarto means tailor. It comes from the profession of the painter's father. Other examples of Italian surnames can be given, the origin of which is associated with the type of activity of the person wearing them. This is Contadino, which means "farmer", and Tagliabue - "butcher", and Auditore - "listener". Very often, painters left their last name. For example, Piero di Cosimo. He belonged to the Renaissance. The painter did not change his last name, as it belonged to his father. In translation, the surname means "the son of Piero Cosimo. Pier dela Francesco had a surname that was formed from the beautiful name of his mother. Piero della Francesca means "son of Francesca." The painter is famous for his fresco, repeating the legend of the crucifixion of Christ She appeared in Arezzo in the thirteenth century.

Italian Surnames - Meaning of Italian Surnames

Usually italian surnames originated from the geographic location of the person. They served as a description of human activity. You can focus your attention on another point: on the prevalence of a particular Italian surname. In the modern world, the surname Esposito is very common. The surname is translated as "exposed" with Latin. It means "put outside". This Italian surname means an orphan. It is known from the history of Italy that abandoned children were mostly left in the nearest church. The name comes from here. There are several more examples of such surnames. These are Orfanelli, which means "little orphans", and Poverelli, which means "little poor people", and Trovato / Trovatelli - "found little foundling".
the best Italian surnames Rossi, Ferrari and Russo are considered. Then follow the names Esposito, Romano and Bianchi.
But among Italian surnames there are strange, completely atypical surnames. For example, one of the heads of state with the surname Aznar lives in Como. One Blair lives in Rome. In the Veneto region, one can often find the surname Putin, and Schroder filled all of Italy. 27 Italian municipalities have citizens with the surname Mann. One Hemingway resides in Milan and the other is registered in Perugia. Most often in Genoa and Milan, the surname Bush is found. Lewinsky lives in Riva del Garda. One citizen with the surname Washington lives in ten municipalities of modern Italy. The Italian surname Freud occurs in Brescia. Forty-five Italian citizens have the surname Jung. The surname Milano can be easily found in Milan, while in Genoa the surname Firenze is most common.
The 578 municipalities in Italy include Italian citizens who have the surname Paris. 322 municipalities of this country contain the surname Sofia, 84 - Malta, and 22 - Vienna. You may notice that in modern Italy there are many surnames atypical for this country, but it is most interesting to meet a person who is the bearer of an ancient Italian surname. Italian surnames are distinguished by their beauty. extraordinary pronunciation and rich history. Therefore, it is considered prestigious to wear just such a surname of Italian origin.

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Colosseum in Rome

State in southern Europe. The capital is Rome. The population is about 61 million (2011). 93.52% are Italians. Other ethnic groups- French (2%); Romanians (1.32%), Germans (0.5%), Slovenes (0.12%), Greeks (0.03%), Albanians (0.17%), Turks, Azerbaijanis. Official language- Italian. Regional status are: German (in Bolzano and South Tyrol), Slovenian (in Gorizia and Trieste), French (in the Aosta Valley).

Approximately 98% of the population professes Catholicism. The center of the Catholic world, the city-state of the Vatican, is located on the territory of Rome. In 1929–1976 Catholicism was considered state religion. Followers of Islam - 1 million 293 thousand 704 people. The third most widespread religion is Orthodoxy (1 million 187 thousand 130 followers, their number has grown due to the Romanians). The number of Protestants is 547,825 people.

Identification official statistics Names in Italy are handled by the National Institute of Statistics (Italian: Istituto Nazionale di Statistica, ISTAT). It was created in 1926 to collect information about the population. This institute organizes population censuses in Italy, collects operational statistics. including the most common names newborns. On the website of the institute, you can find data on the 30 most popular names newborn Italian citizens - separately for boys and girls. For each name, the absolute frequency and the relative frequency (percentage of named) are given. In a separate column (third in a row), cumulative statistics are given (in %). On the website of the institute, the earliest statistics by name refers to 2007.

I will show the 30 most common names of boys and girls born in the families of Italian citizens in 2011-2013. Data for several years is given to show the dynamics of preferences in the sphere of personal names. More up-to-date data is not yet available.

Boys names

Place 2013 2012 2011
1 FrancescoFrancescoFrancesco
2 AlessandroAlessandroAlessandro
3 AndreaAndreaAndrea
4 LorenzoLorenzoLorenzo
5 MattiaMatteoMatteo
6 MatteoMattiaGabrielle
7 GabrielleGabrielleMattia
8 LeonardoLeonardoLeonardo
9 RiccardoRiccardoDavide
10 TommasoDavideRiccardo
11 DavideTommasoFederico
12 GiuseppeGiuseppeLuca
13 AntonioMarcoGiuseppe
14 FedericoLucaMarco
15 MarcoFedericoTommaso
16 SamueleAntonioAntonio
17 LucaSimoneSimone
18 GiovanniSamueleSamuele
19 PietroPietroGiovanni
20 DiegoGiovanniPietro
21 SimoneFilippoChristian
22 EdoardoAlessioNicolo"
23 ChristianEdoardoAlessio
24 Nicolo"DiegoEdoardo
25 FilippoChristianDiego
26 AlessioNicolo"Filippo
27 EmanueleGabrielEmanuele
28 MicheleEmanueleDanielle
29 GabrielChristianMichele
30 DanielleMicheleChristian

Girls names

Place 2013 2012 2011
1 SofiaSofiaSofia
2 GiuliaGiuliaGiulia
3 AuroraGeorgeMartina
4 EmmaMartinaGeorge
5 GeorgeEmmaSara
6 MartinaAuroraEmma
7 ChiaraSaraAurora
8 SaraChiaraChiara
9 AliceGaiaAlice
10 GaiaAliceAlessia
11 GretaAnnaGaia
12 FrancescaAlessiaAnna
13 AnnaViolaFrancesca
14 GinevraNoemiNoemi
15 AlessiaGretaViola
16 ViolaFrancescaGreta
17 NoemiGinevraElisa
18 MatildeMatildeMatilde
19 VittoriaElisaGiada
20 BeatriceVittoriaElena
21 ElisaGiadaGinevra
22 GiadaBeatriceBeatrice
23 NicoleElenaVittoria
24 ElenaRebeccaNicole
25 AriannaNicoleArianna
26 RebeccaAriannaRebecca
27 MartaMelissaMarta
28 MelissaLudovicaAngelica
29 MariaMartaAsia
30 LudovicaAngelicaLudovica