Yarmolnik and Fomenko refused to comment on the scandalous radio broadcast about “vulgar people. Yarmolnik and Fomenko apologized for Crimea and “Russian cattle”

Russian artists Leonid Yarmolnik and Nikolai Fomenko, who on the air of the Latvian radio Baltkom called Russians “vulgar people” who do not know who Stalin, Lenin are and where Crimea is, refused the request of the newspaper VZGLYAD to comment on their statements. “You are already the 25th person today who has asked me this question. I want to say that everything in this article was distorted, all our words were taken out of context, we were talking about something completely different,” Leonid Yarmolnik told the newspaper VZGLYAD.

In response to the journalist’s remark that a video recording of the broadcast where these statements were made was published on the Internet, Yarmolnik said: “Well, we must understand that our words were distorted, I don’t know why media representatives always present our words in the wrong way, as they were said."

When asked whether Yarmolnik could be asked a question not on behalf of a journalist, but on behalf of a citizen, the artist replied: “No, you certainly can’t.”

In turn, Nikolai Fomenko also refused to explain his words. "Sorry, I'm with strangers“I don’t talk to journalists, especially on the phone,” he said.

Let us recall that, as it became known the day before, Yarmolnik and Fomenko, on the air of the Latvian radio Baltkom, discussing censorship in Russia, said that Russians are “vulgar people.” The recording of the program was published on YouTube.

Thus, Fomenko said that modern Russians do not know who Lenin, Stalin and Gorbachev are. At the same time, he declares that Russia has matured huge amount talented youth.

“I can say with confidence that no commands have ever been received from the very top,” says Fomenko. “No performance excites people the way social networks excite them.”

At the same time, he believes that it is “very difficult” for Russians. “Over the past ten years, world civilization has fallen upon them. He can buy a car, he can go, he can get a license, he can go abroad. Cars, electronics, new TVs - he never had this, he doesn’t know anything about it. He is slowly going crazy, and therefore he runs, lays down pigs, spits, throws something - this is their opinion and understanding. There are more crazy people,” said Nikolai Fomenko.

Yarmolnik supported him in relation to Russians, whom he called “vulgar people who pull the blanket over themselves and want to be noticed in any way.”

“I assure you, if the questions concern Crimea, I think that 90% of them will not explain to you in geography where Crimea is located. I guarantee it,” Yarmolnik said.

It is worth noting that both artists respond throughout the broadcast in a joking tone, and one can assume that they were counting on an ironic perception of these remarks.

Actors and showmen Leonid Yarmolnik and Nikolai Fomenko made a splash in the Runet space. True, we are not talking about a new play or concert, but about their participation in the broadcast of the Russian-language Latvian Radio Baltcom.

The program in which Yarmolnik and Fomenko took part is called “We Met and Talked.” In Latvia, the artists presented their play “And again with the coming one,” but the audience’s greatest interest was aroused not by the story about it, but by Yarmolnik and Fomenko’s answers to journalists’ questions about political and cultural life Russia.

Go to complex issues the journalist addressed the topic of KVN, asking Yarmolnik, who had been on the jury of this program for a long time: “Is KVN alive?” At the same time, the presenter compared KVN with Gorky, who “before returning to the USSR argued with Lenin" and then became part of the Soviet propaganda machine.

“We are all getting old, including Alexander Vasilyevich”

“I think that KVN has become the same program as all the others,” Yarmolnik answered. “They joke the way it’s needed, they joke when it’s needed, and from the perspective in which it’s taken... I left KVN three years ago, and that’s it.”

“Maybe this is due to the fact that we are all aging, including Alexander Vasilievich“Yarmolnik continued. “And the desire, let’s say, to please the authorities is very great, and it was because of this that we parted.”

Fomenko, speaking about those who play in KVN today, suggested that young people think differently: “Lenin ruled our state, us and you for 70 years, and now ask: “Who is this?” And no one knows this. No one at all. Even in the Kremlin they ask: who is this? I'm not even talking about Lenin. Yeltsin, Gorbachev It’s already yesterday.”

“It’s difficult for Russians. World civilization has fallen on them."

But, as they say in KVN, this was just a warm-up. Further on the air it became hotter and hotter.

A conversation about censorship and protests against some exhibitions allowed Nikolai Fomenko to express his attitude towards cultural level modern Russians.

“It’s very difficult for Russians. They have been hit over the past ten years world civilization, said the showman. — The Germans have been together with Mercedes for 110 years, they grew up with it... And here it’s only 10 years since this happened to a person: he can buy a car, he can go abroad. Cars, TVs, electronics... He never had this, he doesn’t know anything about it. Of course, he is slowly going crazy. That's why he runs, lays down pigs, spits, throws something... This is their opinion and understanding. There are more crazy people. And sometimes there are these crazy people in those places that are trying to manage culture.”

“Those who yell vulgar things at Makarevich go to drink in the evening to his songs”

From this topic the conversation moved to Andrey Makarevich, whose position on the annexation of Crimea and the war in Ukraine caused, to put it mildly, mixed assessments in Russia.

“You can scold Makarevich, call him whatever you want, but those who yell and say vulgar things about Andrei (who has the right to any opinion, since this is freedom of speech), those who lash out, then put down the phone, go drinking in the evening, take a guitar and start singing “I drink to the bottom for those who are at sea,” Fomenko said.

The journalist suggested that perhaps Makarevich had offended some fans with his position, but Fomenko dismissed this possibility out of hand: “Don’t take this seriously. There is no position. If there was a position, everyone would be standing in the square.”

“These are vulgar people who pull the blanket, want to be noticed,” Yarmolnik supported his colleague. — I think if the question concerns Crimea, 90 percent of them will not explain to you in geography where Crimea is. I guarantee you."

“We came to civilization recently and by accident”

“We got into civilization recently and by accident,” Fomenko complained, noting that “in England they watch TV from generation to generation, but in Russia young people don’t know what’s on it.”

At the end of the program, the intensity of passions decreased somewhat, the conversation returned to the topic of creativity, however, as they say, the train had already left.

The statements of Fomenko and Yarmolnik spread across the RuNet, causing directly opposite emotions.

Some praised the artists for their bold statement own position, others considered their words a demonstration of disrespect for the citizens of their own country.

“All our words were taken out of context”

The artists themselves do not want to comment on what happened.

“You are already the twenty-fifth person today who has asked me this question. I want to say that everything in this article was distorted, all our words were taken out of context, we were talking about something completely different,” Yarmolnik told the Vzglyad portal.

Fomenko was even less talkative: “Sorry, I don’t talk to strangers, especially journalists, on the phone.”

It should be noted that Leonid Yarmolnik’s position regarding Crimea, at least judging by his statements in the public space, is categorically at odds with the opinion of his friend Andrei Makarevich.

“I think that Eastern Ukraine is ready and wants to be with Russia”

In March 2014, on the Dozhd TV channel, Yarmolnik said: “I think that Eastern Ukraine ready and wants to be with Russia. Crimea... I would be happy, I would correct the mistake Khrushchev, because it was some kind of lordly, stupid game when Crimea was given to Ukraine. These are, after all, originally Russian lands. And they will be better, and we will be calmer.” Talking about Western Ukraine, Yarmolnik said: “Special people live there, whom, no matter what we do - I mean Russia and Moscow - we will never be able to appease them and will never be able to explain to them the equal treatment of them as to others who lives next to us. These are special people, a special character, a special tradition of passing this gene from generation to generation. I don’t know where it came from, but I definitely remember that when I was studying, I was already an adult, I did not understand this hatred and hostility, I did not understand its nature.” It should be noted here that childhood and school years artist were held in Lvov. “I fought many times, and one of the first broken noses was also related to this, there in Ukraine, since there are Muscovites, Jews, and blacks. In my presence, a black guy who studied at the Polytechnic Institute (he was courting a local girl) was torn to pieces on birch trees on a high castle, like in the Middle Ages,” the artist recalled about his Lviv youth.

In the same March 2014, together with others, he signed an appeal in defense Russian musician Andrei Makarevich, who criticized the policy Russian authorities in Ukraine.

Who has the right to an opinion?

If we talk about the statements of Yarmolnik and Fomenko on the air of Radio Baltcom, then they certainly have the right to own opinion. Something else may cause surprise: the actors’ confidence in their opinion creative intelligentsia a priori higher than views ordinary people. And why aggressive Orthodox activist Is a man pouring urine on an exhibition piece different from an artist nailing his scrotum to the paving stones of Red Square? At the same time, the first is declared by the creative elite to be a hooligan and obscurantist, and the second is a progressive artist.

It was also interesting that the bold statements of Yarmolnik and Fomenko were aired on a Russian-language, but still foreign, radio station. To these most important and hot topics It was more logical to speak out in the Russian media. However, as mentioned above, the artists show no desire to communicate with Russian journalists.

So that you, dear readers, do not get the wrong impression, you can familiarize yourself with the full version of the program, the video of which is available on Youtube. Get acquainted and draw your own conclusions without relying on the opinions of others.

Why, by the way, are nationalities contrasted in the play? This is right?

That's right, because this topic is still present in our lives. This is a reason for discussions, confrontations, jokes, anecdotes... in this case this makes the piece more meaty, juicy.

Leonid Yarmolnik and Nikolai Fomenko in the play “And again, Happy New Year.” The Ministry of Health and HELLO! warn: excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health

Nikolay, are you probably unfamiliar with the life circumstances of your character, the failed actor? You are a successful person.

Successful is too blunt a formulation. The conversation in the play is about two talented people, who simply had different fates. One was lucky, the other not so much. But what is luck and how is it expressed? My hero ultimately comes to the conclusion that children and family are more important positions. And in this my hero is lucky.

Leonid, the main characters of the play, no matter how different they may be, are united by one quality: they love vodka and are immoderate in this love.

One thing can be said here. If you remember, in Soviet times there was such a thing as a developer - a solution with which you could develop the film. In our performance, the developer is vodka. The more the characters drink, the brighter, shorter and clearer their dialogues become. All their qualities are revealed: sentimentality, hot temper, naivety... They fight, then kiss, and in one scene, lying on the table and under the table, as in a compartment, they say to each other: “You are my brother!” - “No, you are my brother.” In this, it seems to me, the touchingness is incredible, and every viewer can recognize himself, and in the hall they either cry or laugh.

Ministry of Health and HELLO! Warn: Smoking is harmful to your health


Leonid Yarmolnik and Nikolai Fomenko about the premiere of the play "And again, Happy New Year"

Leonid Yarmolnik and Nikolai Fomenko, in theory, could compete for the title of the most popular TV presenter, but now they are sorting things out in the play “And Again, Happy New Year,” which recently premiered on the stage of the Russian Song Theater. On the eve of the upcoming performances, which can be watched 25 and March 31, we present HELLO! interviews with the actors.

Leonid Yarmolnik and Nikolai Fomenko

The production takes place in New Year's Eve. Famous TV presenter Kirill Tsander (Leonid Yarmolnik) meets Father Frost from the Good Services Bureau (Nikolai Fomenko) at the threshold of his apartment. Moroz turns out to be Zander’s former classmate in the acting department, Mikhail Gromov, professional life which did not develop so “openwork” and smoothly. Friends start celebrating New Year right there, near the elevator, they generously pour a drink for everyone whom fate brings them, and endlessly sort things out to the approving and sympathetic laughter of the audience.

The theater audience remembers this performance, created on the initiative of Leonid Yarmolnik, at the Sovremennik Theater - it was the flagship of the repertoire for four years. Then the actor’s partner was Sergei Garmash, but the tandem broke up. Now Nikolai Fomenko is playing together with Yarmolnik, and this is a kind of sensation: for the first time two popular actor and the showman met on the same stage.

Leonid, you can’t step into the same river twice, but you’ve made up your mind. Why?

Since I left Sovremennik in 2013, I kept hearing: “What a wonderful performance it was, why don’t you recreate it in another theater?” I was convinced, persuaded and finally persuaded. And then we once met Kolya Fomenko in France, at the ski resort of Val d'Isere, and over a glass of hot grog the idea arose to do something together. We have known each other for many years, we are friends, but really never in our lives have we worked together.

Nikolai, you haven’t appeared on the theater stage for quite a long time...

Yes, I had a break of five years. Since the death of Roma Kozak, my great friend and beloved director, with whom I worked for ten years, since the death of Andryusha Panin, with whom we appeared on stage together in Roma Kozak’s plays, I have had nothing in the theater. Playing in a team is very important to me. The skill is there, but I want this acting to bring joy and not turn into routine work.

When Lenya invited me to do this performance, I had no reason to doubt. This - good company, and I knew for sure that there would be no stupidity or primitiveness. Lenya is not only a wonderful artist, he is also a professional producer. Alexander Borovsky created stunning scenery, Oksana Yarmolnik - magnificent costumes. We have been looking for artists for a long time so that they would be on the same wavelength with us in a professional sense. And the performance, it seems to me, turned out to be very integral and at the same time light. We try to make it not pop, but very dramatic - cheerful, sad, subtle and romantic. This is such a modern commedia dell'arte.

Leonid, your hero is a successful showman from the “box”, familiar to everyone. Are you playing yourself?

My hero Zander is collective image. This is Urgant, and Nagiyev, and Fomenko, and a little bit Yarmolnik... A successful showman who does not leave the screens and whom everyone knows. He is rich, popular, he has everything that is a formal indicator of luck in life. He's a wonderful guy. Jew, which is important in this story...

Yarmolnik and Fomenko about Russians, pigs and Crimea. Fragment from an interview... THEY ARE ABOUT US RUSSIANS, CONSIDERING THAT OUR RUSSIA IS THE MOST LITERATE STATE... AND WHAT DO PEOPLE WRITE TO THEM IN THE COMMENTS UNDER THIS VIDEO...*****"Yarmolnik and Fomenko talked about “Russian cattle” on Latvian radio I’ll meet. Russian actors Leonid Yarmolnik and Nikolai Fomenko were highlighted on Latvian radio by blogger Russian Boy. Then Yarmolnik and Fomenko came to Latvia, went on the radio and talked about how terrible and terrible life is in Russia. stupid redneck. Calmly and, apparently, out of habit, they signed for all of us in savagery and barbarism before the civilized Balts. And it's not even that most what was said about the 30th minute, when the conversation turned to politics and art, simply sounds delusional and has nothing to do with reality - the tone itself and the undisguised contempt for Russia and Russian citizens are important. For example, Yarmolnik on blue eye claims that 90% of “Krymnash” supporters, that is, the majority of the Russian people, will not be able to find Crimea on geographical map. And all the supporters traditional values, criticizing contemporary art, they won’t name 3-4 paintings by Vasnetsov, Repin, Perov... It’s good that at least he didn’t mention Serov - he would have been completely in a puddle, given the recent queues for his exhibition at the Tretyakov Gallery. There is no need to refute such statements - we are talking about undisguised contempt and disrespect for the majority of one’s compatriots. The once good humorist Fomenko went even further, declaring that “we got into civilization recently and by accident,” which means we shouldn’t give a damn about the opinion of the barbaric majority regarding the behavior of the enlightened minority. From his semi-delusional logic it follows that Makarevich has the right to a free opinion, and everyone else should shut up. He literally says: we need to take away their phones, where they write statements to the police (sitting on the toilet, adds Yarmolnik), and let them sit in the stinking line “near the homeless person” and try to write complaints by hand, as cattle should. When asked by the presenters that most people have this position, Fomenko replies that we have no position - otherwise we would already be standing in the squares or destroying half of Paris like French students. The reasoning of representatives of our bohemia is highly indicative, taking into account Yampolskaya’s previously proposed conclusion of an agreement between cultural figures and society on the coordination of each other’s interests under the supervision of the state. What and how can one negotiate with this kind of mankurts who despise their compatriots and consider us all undeveloped savages in the form of a swearing daun from “our Russia” sitting on the sofa? How to achieve a compromise between a narcissistic minority without conscience and honor, who despises the people, with those very people? What kind of true art can there be without love for the work and the viewer, for one’s homeland? Is it possible to talk about the revival of Russian culture or at least an end to degradation? popular culture, when its leaders openly hate those with whom they were born in the same country? "*******Once again, the "intellectuals" have caught the wrong people. And none of them wants to leave this "cattle" country. Two Jews are being hindered ROC: But the synagogue doesn’t bother them. Money for churches irritates them, but I’m irritated by state funding for theaters and cinema, where these shitty actors play. Use this money for something necessary, why don’t you refuse this money? Yarmolnik does not know where Crimea is, this does not mean that other Russians do not know this. Most of them normally attended geography and history lessons at school, and did not skip them, like Yarmolnik ****** and about “they” and. , apparently, “we”, which are not “they” at all, but in themselves, are also good, yes. You need a position - they send the makara in unison. Well, what did he want when he went to consult with the Pendos ambassador, and entertaining the “warriors of light”? Since this is his position, then let him be responsible for his position, otherwise it turns out to be some kind of selective freedom of speech - he can, but about him he can’t.

Leonid Yarmolnik has enough achievements and deeds. But, summing up the personal results of the year, he called the appearance of Pasha’s second grandson the most important event. Grandfather explained twice why he so rarely appears on TV, spoke about his main projects and explained why people now congratulate him all year round, “And again, “Happy New Year!”

“We live with our grandchildren in the country”

- What important events Will 2017 be remembered?

The main thing is the birth of a second grandson. Grandchildren are my greatest happiness. With their appearance, I again look at the world through the eyes of children, discovering it anew - this is very interesting. You begin to notice things that you didn’t notice before; understand something that you did not understand before, and so on.

- Do you often see your grandchildren?

All free time I spend time with them: walking, playing. While the children are small, we all live together at the dacha, so we see each other almost every day.

As for work, I continue to play in the play “And again, Happy New Year!”, which I love very much. I don’t really like the word “enterprise”, so when we worked on this project, we tried to do everything to make it a full-fledged theatrical production. I am a Shchukinite, a Vakhtangovite, and our performance is Vakhtangovian in every way. Put modern play so that it makes you laugh and think about what is happening in life, very difficult. It worked here. The production team is one of the best: artists - Alexander Borovsky, Oksana Yarmolnik, Damir Ismagilov, as musical arrangement Butman, Bashmet and Matsuev, my partner Kolya Fomenko, sound. We can already be proud of one poster! Spectators come to our performance for the second and third time.

- What new projects are planned for 2018?

There is a big idea that my co-producer and friend Valery Todorovsky and I hope to implement in 2018 - the film “Odessa”. We were supposed to make this movie in 2017, but, unfortunately, we couldn’t work in Odessa. We are looking for options on how to make this movie this year.

"I'm disappointed in television"

- What new films from your Russian colleagues did you like in the past year? Everyone praises “Arrhythmia”.

I watched both “Arrhythmia” and “Lovelessness”. The films are very high quality. Certainly gloomy. A good movie about harsh reality. If we speak unpretentiously about today’s time, then we have more problems than joys. Scary story with Ukraine is unnatural from the point of view of everything: politics, geography, and family relations between Russian and Ukrainian peoples. It even affected me. Because of my interview on “Silver Rain”, in which I said that it doesn’t matter whose Crimea is, but what is important is that people live better, I became banned from entering Ukraine.

- You find yourself in reputable company.

More than that. They don’t need Mikhalkov, Govorukhin, Raikin, Bashmet. Only crazy people can introduce these bans. Who are they making worse? To your people. I don’t dare to comment on something I don’t understand, but I think that this whole situation will not be resolved quickly. And it's very frustrating.

- You appear on TV rarely and selectively. Are you sick of television or are they offering nothing worthwhile?

The question exposes rather not me, but today’s television. Seriously though Hamburg account, then I'm relatively disappointed in today's television. Regardless of whether the program belongs to a particular channel. All programs are replicated, identical, politicized, and ideologically oriented. I don't know how to deal with this. I’m not interested in television and I’m not interested in ratings that are based on cheap, morally dubious things (who owes whom and how much, who lives with whom, etc.). The viewer has been so spoiled over the past 20 years that he does not perceive anything else. This is not my wardrobe, not my aesthetic. I myself most often watch the “Culture” channel, they speak a language that I understand, and I want my grandchildren to speak this language. I am often offered to lead various projects, but they are not suitable for me. If an idea for a program that was interesting to me came up, I would be happy to run it. There is no such idea yet.

Killing a dog is a step towards killing a person

You were actively involved in the preparation of the Responsible Animal Care Act. Has the matter moved forward?

For the last six months I have been at all the meetings in the government, the State Duma, and the Federation Council, where work on this law was going on. It concerns all areas of relationships with animals, from animal husbandry to hunting. I worked on that part of the law that concerns stray animals, mainly dogs and cats (Leonid Yarmolnik - Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the International charitable foundation helping animals "Giving Hope", his daughter Alexandra is a co-founder of the fund). I have been dealing with this issue for 20 years. The law is ready. The prospects for adoption are good, since we are now in a busy pre-election period. There are many supporters and opponents. The state spends a lot of money on resolving the issues of homeless animals - microchipping, sterilization, dog registration. Spending this money for smart, enterprising people becomes a form of business and profit: they launder money, transfer it from one pocket to another, steal. These people don’t want to change anything, so they make stuff on the Internet, trying to turn public opinion against the adoption of the law. A lot has been invented, I only advocate for the adoption of this law. Today, if a person kills a dog on the street, he cannot even be taken to the police. I believe that killing a dog is a kind of step towards killing a person. Therefore, according to the law, they will have to pay large fines for this, so that it is discouraging. Otherwise, we will not educate the younger generation. I believe that this law should also be passed so that the majority of people who treat animals the way I do will go to the polls with gratitude.


“My daughter never trumped her last name”

- In raising children main role family plays. Do you agree?

Undoubtedly. I have been asked many times in my life: how did you raise such a wonderful, kind daughter? I answered: “In my opinion, I never taught her anything... Saying what is good and what is bad is not very effective. You need to see life. Sasha saw how we live, who comes to us, heard what we were talking about. And she grew up to be an honest, decent, mentally sensitive person. She never trumped her surname, did not want special treatment for herself. Starting from childhood, when meeting people, I introduced myself simply: “Sasha.”

- Are you choosing which cartoons to show your grandson?

There are cartoons and films that I will show him. But today there is no escape from technology. Petya, already at the age of one and a half years, could press the necessary button on his iPad to select and turn on a cartoon. I always worry when he is busy with electronic devices longer than allowed. I explain that vision can deteriorate and show my glasses. We try to read more books.