Scenario for an evening of Russian romance dedicated to the year of literature “Russian poetry in music.” Romance evening script

Scenario for an evening of Russian romance

Slide 1. Title.

Date: January 2016

Time: 15.00

Venue: block foyer.

Tables covered with tablecloths, candles in candlesticks on the tables, flowers in a vase. Multimedia projector, computer, drawings.

Progress of the evening

Waltz to music Nikolai Shishkin to the romance "The Night is Bright". Performed by Baida Vladislav and Buryak Yulia. 9-B

Slide 2.

Student. (read by Sofia Krylyshkina, 11-B)

Do you remember when in solitude

So many times I am silent with care

I was waiting for you, seeing you in the distance

How did your chest beat with the joy of being alive?

Do you remember how, in involuntary timidity

Did I give you the ring from my hand?

How happy was I with your happiness?

I remember everything...But you - do you remember?

The romance “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” sounds.

Words Alexandra Pushkina, music Mikhail Glinka.

(Performed by Alexey Senchenko and Alexander Nemshilov)

1 led. Good evening, dear guests!

2 ved. Hello friends!

1 led. Today I opened the doors for you musical evening. Evening of Russian romance. And you and I have gathered to plunge into his enchanting world.

2 ved. Russian romance... What is its attractive power and enchanting charm? Romance is a song-sigh, a song-revelation, expressing everything that hurts in the heart, that worries and does not allow you to sleep.

Slide 3.

Leading. Russian romance... It is full of charm and light sadness. Meeting him is always pleasant and welcome. Tonight we will hear “quivering sounds of romance.”

Leading. Welcome to our evening dedicated to Russian romance!

Leading. Words And music Nikolai Zubov. The romance “Don’t Go” will be performed by Larisa Mironova.

Sounds like romance "Don't go." Mironova L.G.

Slide 4.

Leading. The romance has only one theme - love. Everything else - life and death, fate and its blows, loneliness and disappointment, faith and disbelief - only to the extent that it is connected with this main and only theme.

Leading. Incomprehensible, beautiful and amazing, captivating and passionate, enchanting and inspiring, exciting and fragile... You can talk a lot about romance. Or you can silently listen to it, because in silence and silence its mysterious meaning and power are comprehended.

Waltz “Two Eternal Friends” 9-B

Slide 5. Spain 13-14 centuries.

Leading. The birthplace of romance is Spain. It was here, in the 13th and 14th centuries, that troubadour singers traveled the roads, performing songs in their native “Romanesque” language. This is where the name “romance” comes from. Later, any solo song performed accompanied by a musical instrument, most often a guitar, began to be called a romance.

Leading. The founders of the Russian romance genre are considered to be composers N.S. Titov, A. Alyabyev, M. Yakovlev, A. Varlamov, A. Gumilyov, whose work dates back to the first half of the 19th century. They wrote romances based on poems by A.S. Pushkina, A.A. Delviga, M.Yu. Lermontov, A. Koltsova.

Slide 6.

Leading. Music for the romance based on the poems of Fyodor Tyutchev “I Met You...” The poem is read by Dmitry Kostiv.

(The poem is read by Dmitry Kostiv, 11-A)

Music for the romance “I Met You...”

I met you - and everything is gone

In the obsolete heart came to life;

I remembered the golden time -

And my heart felt so warm...

Like late autumn sometimes

There are days, there are times.

When suddenly it starts to feel like spring

And something will stir within us, -

So, all covered in a breeze

Those years of spiritual fullness,

With a long-forgotten rapture

I look at the cute features...

Like after a century of separation,

I look at you as if in a dream, -

And now the sounds became louder,

Not silent in me...

There is more than one memory here,

Here life spoke again, -

And you have the same charm,

And that love is in my soul!..

Leading. Russian romance is of particular importance in films that tell about the past of Russia. Not long ago the feature film “Admiral” was released.telling about the life of a military officer navy, subsequently , manager , Supreme Commander . To history great love This film fits perfectly with an unusually beautiful romance.Words by Vladimir Chuevsky, music by Pyotr Bulakhov. "Shine, burn, my star."

(Video from the film “Admiral”).

Leading. Romance does not allow anyone to remain indifferent: neither those who listen, nor the creators of romance, who feel its invisible call and go to it, conveying to its grateful listeners all the charm and beauty of the human soul in its suffering, its struggle, in its victory.

Romance “I was on my way home.” Music and lyrics by Marie Poiret. Performed by Elena Alekseevna Rovnaya.

Romance “I was on my way home.” Performed by Elena Alekseevna Rovnaya.

Slide 7.

Leading. The irresistible power of romanceRussian poets Ivan Turgenev, Afanasy Fet, Fyodor Tyutchev, Ivan Koltsov and many others felt very subtly. Beautiful and smooth melodies, soulful words of romances are easy to remember. These are words about what touches the soul of every person.

Slide 6. Music for the composer’s romance sounds based on poems by Ivan Turgenev "Foggy Morning" (Poems read by Anastasia Revva 11-B)

Foggy morning, gray morning,

The fields are sad, covered with snow...

Reluctantly you remember the past time,

You will also remember faces long forgotten.

Do you remember the abundant, passionate speeches,

The glances so greedily and tenderly caught,

First meeting, last meeting,

Will you remember the separation with a strange smile,

You will remember a lot of things dear and distant,

Listening to the incessant chatter of the wheels,

Looking thoughtfully into the wide sky.

Leading. Thislove itself speaks and cries out in the wonderful voice of romance. It is love itself that is inexpressible and completely incomprehensible, and therefore romance itself, a wonderful genre, or not even a genre, but the language of performing art, is also incomprehensible and endless.

Leading. Composer's RomanceBoris Fomin to the poems of the poet Pavel German “A meeting only happens once in life” is performed by Karina Shulga.

Romance “There is only once a meeting in life” Karina Shulga (10-A)

Leading. The love for romance is enduring. It sounded many years ago and still sounds today. Let's listen to the romance from Eldar Ryazanov's film " Cruel romance” performed by the amazing singer Valentina Ponamareva.

Slide 7.

Video from the film “Cruel Romance. And finally I will say"

Leading. Russian romance... How many secrets of broken destinies and trampled feelings does it keep! But how much tenderness and touching love he sings!

The poem is read by Ekaterina Garmash.10-B

Dance to music by Mikhail Zvezdinsky for a romance with verses Nikolai Zabolotsky “Enchanted, Bewitched” . (9-B)

Leading. Late 19th and early 20th centuriesromance in Russia was very popular. Now we will perform a romance from the film “Days of the Turbins,” based on the play of the same name by Mikhail Bulgakov.WordsMikhail Matusovsky,musicVeniamin Basner. "White acacia clusters are fragrant." Performed by Violetta Buzovkina and Anastasia Demyanenko.

The romance “The fragrant bunches of white acacia” sounds.

Slide 18.

Leading. Many romances, having become popular and beloved by the people, lost their authorship and were considered folk songs. The romance song “Oh, it’s not evening” is performed by a vocal group.

( Romance song “Oh, it’s not evening.” Vocal group 10-A class).


Cruel romance, I laugh at you

Because you are beautiful and bright,

For everything that happened to fate

You answered simply and clearly.

Because your old sadness is smart,

And I am speechless in front of her.

Romance “Love is a deceitful country” Performed by Larisa Mironova.

Leading. Many of our favorite modern films have given new meaning to ancient romances and songs. You just heard a romance from the movie “Cruel Romance”, directed by famous composer Eldar Ryazanov based on the play “Dowry” by Russian playwright Alexander Ostrovsky. Let's enjoy another romance from this movie.

Andrei Petrov's romance “The Shaggy Bumblebee” to the poems of Rudyard Kipling will be performed by Alexey Senchenko and Alexander Nemshilov 11-B

Leading. Romance never ceases to be popular and loved. The names of the great performers of romances are well known: Varvara Panina, Isabella Yuryeva, Ivan Kozlovsky, Sergei Lemeshev, Vadim Kozin, Alexander Vertinsky.

Slide 20. Slice of romances

Leading. Many twentieth-century composers turned to the romance genre. The romances “There is only once in a life a meeting”, “On a long road”, “Your eyes are green”, “Hey, friend, guitar” became very popular.

Presenter. In the era Silver Age Russian poetry includes romances based on poems by B. Pasternak, A. Blok, N. Gumilyov, M. Tsvetaeva, S. Yesenin and others.

S. Mikhailov’s poem “Candle” is read by Yulia Glushko 11-B

And the snow returned, the ice returned, the ashes -

The eternal combination of winter,

In which the house is neither dark nor light.

There are no shadows here - we wander as shadows.

Fragile shadows, devoid of peace.

Separated from the sky by glass -

Among clothes, hopes and interruptions

In the blood supply from the heart muscle, we wait

The miracle of the rebirth of freedom

(Without the rhythmic knocking of the clock)

From the dimensionless sound of the word “years”,

From the words “it’s time to get up”, from other words,

In which something toiled and crumbled,

Until it rotted into nothing:

“The candle stood on the table, the candle was burning...”

It was not the candle that was burning, but the soul.

Slide 22.

Video. Romance by V. Evzerov “The Candle Was Burning” based on poems by B. Pasternak.

Dance “The candle was burning” (9-B)


The romance is sad, alarming and bright,

And to you it is incomprehensible in every word

The revelation itself comes

How you once entered my destiny.

Romance “I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry” to the poems of Sergei Yesenin. Composer Grigory Ponomarenko. Execute Alexey Senchenko and Alexander Nemshilov 11-B

Leading. Romance has no age boundaries or restrictions; it cannot be called either youth culture or the culture of older generations. And the numerous lovers of romance are those in whom romance finds its lively response, its shelter and in whom it bears its fruits - the fruits of love, the fruits of patience, the fruits of purification and rebirth.

Romance based on the poems of Marina Tsvetaeva “I like that it is not me who is sick with you.” Composer Mikael Tariverdiev. Performed by Elena Rovnaya.

Leading. Our meeting has come to an end. There is a popular belief that a burning candle cleanses a person from everything bad and heavy, and that as long as it burns, a person has hope. I would like to believe that the romances performed today gave your soul something extraordinary, kind and gentle.

Leading. As long as our soul strives for the beautiful, for the poetic, as long as it is alive, love will live in it!New romances will be born along with new lovers. But the old ones will never fade away lyrical romances– a priceless gift for all times!


I'm happy that I met you,

Unique and wonderful!

And that means I didn’t live in vain...

Thank you, my magical ROMANCE!

Dance to the romance by Mark Minkov based on the poems by Veronica Tushnova “Loving Do Not Renounce”


To acquaint modern schoolchildren with the history of the emergence and development of the romance genre. Involve in the national and cultural heritage. Expand the forms of creative cooperation between the Center’s teams.


Introduce the history of the emergence and development of the romance genre; with the works of Russian composers and poets;
with a gypsy romance;
With modern romance in cinema;
with the Russians national traditions;
with the leisure activities of the Russian nobility of the 19th century using the example of a music room, with a culture of behavior and communication;
with stories of relationships between great people.
development of the concept of the romance genre;
expanding knowledge of musical literature and poetry of the 19th century;
expanding connections between literature and other areas of art - music, theater;
development of a culture of behavior and communication;
developing communication skills and improving the ability to behave in public like performers;
preparation for successful socialization in society.
nurturing love for Russian national culture and traditions; influence on the formation and development of the personality of the modern younger generation, through Russian music and literature of the 19th century;
education, through the discovery of a new layer of Russian, little known to modern schoolchildren national culture;
development of organizational skills and work in a team of different ages; - strengthening connections between children and teachers; creating conditions for creative self-realization of the child’s personality.

Preliminary work:

  1. Scenario development.
  2. Selection of musical material.
  3. Preparing the presentation.
  4. Rehearsal and production work.
  5. Design and distribution of invitation cards.
  6. Preparation of costumes and props of the 19th century.
  7. Decoration of the hall.

Materials and equipment used:

  • video and audio equipment;
  • phonogram for presentation;
  • tables;
  • candlesticks;
  • flowers;
  • still lifes, portraits;
  • easels;
  • antique inkwell with feather;
  • 19th century costumes and fans;
  • guitar with stand.

Romance evening repertoire:

Music A. Obukhova, sl.A. Budishchev's romance "Wicket".
Music V. Basner, lyrics. M. Matusovsky romance “White acacia fragrant clusters” from the film “The White Guard”.
Music P. Bulakhova, lyrics. A. Tolstoy's romance “My little bells, steppe flowers.”
Music P. Tchaikovsky, lyrics. A. Tolstoy. romance "Among the noisy ball." Music B. Fomina, lyrics. P. Herman's romance “Only once in a life does a meeting happen.”
Music P. Bulakhova, lyrics. N.N. romance "Don't awaken memories."
Music etc. N. Listov's romance “I remember the lovely sound of the waltz.”
Music Yu. Abazy, lyrics. I. Turgenev romance “Foggy Morning”.
Music unknown author, words F. Tyutchev's romance “I Met You.”
Music M.I. Glinka, lyrics. A.S. Pushkin's romance “I Remember a Wonderful Moment.”
Music M. Shishkina, sl.N. Yazykova romance “The Night is Bright”.
Music D. Shostakovich romance from the film “The Gadfly”.
Music A. Petrova, lyrics. B. Akhmadulina’s romance “And in the end I will say” from the film “Cruel Romance”.
Music Tariverdieva, lyrics. M. Tsvetaeva's romance “I like that you are sick not with me”... from the film “The Irony of Fate”.


1. Bogat E.M. What moves the sun and luminaries: Love in the letters of outstanding people / Artist. L. Zusman. – M.: Det. lit., 1978.–383 pp., ill. (People. Time. Ideas).
2. My friends. Poems by Russian poets about friendship. – Blagoveshchensk, Khabarovsk. book ed., 1989. – 448 p.
3. Golden collection of Russian romance. – M.: Let’s lie. music, 2000. – 240s.
4. Kozhinov V.V. Tyutchev – M.: Mol. Guard, 1988.– 495 pp.: ill. (Life of wonderful people)
5. Kolosova M.P. “I met you...” – M.: Mosk. worker, 1983. – 207 p.
6. Lebedev Yu.V. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. – M.: Education, 1989. – 207 p.: ill. (Biography of the writer).
7. Markasev L. Serenade for all times. – L.: Sov. composer, 1988. – 220 p.
8. “...Our union is wonderful...” – M.: Mol. Guard, 1979. – 238 p.
9. Soboleva G. Russian romance. - M.: Knowledge, 1980. – 112 p.
10. Tolstoy A.K. Poems. – M.: Det. lit., 1985. – 127 p.
11. Tyutchev F.I. Poems. – M.: Sov. Russia, 1986. – 286 p.
12. Tyrkova - William A.V. Life of Pushkin. In 2 volumes - M.: Three centuries of history, 2000. - 520 p. (Pushkin Library).
13. Chachin G.V. Tyutchev F.I. – M.: Education, 1990. – 175 p. (Biography of the writer).
14. A wonderful moment. Love lyrics of Russian poets. – M.: Khud. lit., 1988. – 488 p.
15. Tsvetaeva M. Poems. Poems. – M.: Khud. lit.1990.–348 p.

Scenario of the evening

Script by I.N. Uleva
Staged by I.N. Uleva, I.V. Salova and I.Yu. Kostina.
The romance evening is held in the music room. The soft light of the lamps, the piano, the guitar on the stand, the entire living room environment is imbued with an atmosphere of poetry and music. Tables with candlesticks, flowers, an antique inkwell with a feather. On easels there are landscapes, still lifes, portraits. Participants of the evening dressed in 19th century costumes. Before the start, a presentation is shown on the screen - the History of romantic meetings, accompanied by a soundtrack, where romances are played by folk instruments.
Presenter I.V. Salova appears. and the leader of the piano group, I.N. Uleva.
The waltz of A. Griboyedov sounds - performed by teacher I. N. Uleva.
Couples enter and sit at tables with candlesticks and flowers.

As soon as the evening turns blue,
As soon as the stars light up the skies
And bird cherry silver frost
The dew will be removed with pearls.
Open the gate slowly,
And enter the quiet garden like a shadow,
Don't forget a darker cape,
Put lace on your head.
The romance “Wicket” sounds. Music A. Obukhova, piano arrangement by I.N. Ulyeva Piano ensemble Performed by Anya Bronnikova and I.N. Ulyeva
You, of course, recognized these lines and this melody. We dedicate this evening to Russian romance
I dreamed of a garden in a wedding dress,
In this garden, you and I are alone.
Stars in the sky, stars on the sea,
The stars are in my heart too.
This amazing phenomenon is romance. You will hear, and everything in you will turn upside down, embrace you with inexpressible tenderness, sadness, love. It is full of charm and light sadness. Meeting him is always pleasant and welcome.
Today we will take a closer look at the history of romance. Spain is considered the birthplace of romance. It was here in the XIII - XIV centuries. wandering poet-singers created a new musical genre. The songs were sung in the native Romance language. This is where the name “romance” comes from. The romance is performed accompanied by a musical instrument, most often a guitar or piano.
The romance “White acacia fragrant clusters” by Muses sounds. V. Basner, lyrics. M. Matusovsky. Performed by Salova I.V. – vocals. Accompanied by Kolesnikova Nastya - piano, Uleva I.N. - guitar.
Today I'm not at all afraid
To part with the twentieth century temporarily,
Let me explain my love to you
In the high syllable of Russian romance.
Leading: In Russia, this genre appeared in early XIX centuries and immediately conquered universal love. The first Russian romances were composed in French. Over time, composers began to create romances based on poems by Russian poets. Of course, everyone has heard the wonderful romances of Tchaikovsky, Glinka, Dargomyzhsky, Bulakhov,
The romance “My bells, steppe flowers” ​​sounds.
Music P. Bulakhova. Piano ensemble. Performed by Anya Bronnikova and I.N. Uleva.
Many romances are based on true stories great love. Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy and Sofya Andreevna Miller. Their romantic and beautiful meeting gave rise to the lines of a wonderful poem:
In the midst of a noisy ball, by chance,
In the anxiety of worldly vanity,
I saw you, but it's a mystery
Your veils are features
Only the eyes looked sadly,
And the voice sounded so wonderful,
Like the sound of a distant pipe,
Like a playing shaft of the sea.
I liked your thin figure
And your whole thoughtful look,
And your laughter is both sad and sonorous
Since then it has been ringing in my heart.
In the lonely hours of the night
When I’m tired, I like to lie down -
I see sad eyes
I hear a cheerful speech.
And sadly I fall asleep like that
And I sleep in unknown dreams...
Do I love you - I don’t know
But it seems to me that I love it!

Poet, novelist, playwright A.K. Tolstoy wrote to his wife Sophia from Dresden:

Scene of A. Tolstoy’s letter to Sophia.

Kachalin Ivan (A. Tolstoy) reads: “Here I am again, and my heart is heavy when I see this street, this hotel and this room, without you.” Airapetyan Satenik (Sofia) continues to read the letter: I just arrived, and at three o’clock in the morning I cannot lie down without telling you what I have been saying for twenty years, that I cannot live without you, that you are my only treasure on earth “I’m crying over this letter, like I cried twenty years ago...”
Presenter: The music for this poem was written by P.I. Tchaikovsky three years after the death of A.K. Tolstoy.

The romance “Among the Noisy Ball” sounds. Music P.I. Tchaikovsky.
Performed by Golikov S.V. - violin, accompanied by Hayrapetyan Satenik - piano.

Ball scene - fashion theater "Style".

Presenter: Beautiful and smooth melodies, soulful words of romances touch the soul of every person.

They take your breath away - powerful sounds!
They contain the rapture of painful passions,
There is a voice of crying separation in them,
They are the joy of my youth!
The excited heart skips a beat,
But I have no power to quench my longing.
The mad soul languishes and desires -
And sing, and cry, and love.

The romance “Only once in a life does a meeting happen” sounds. sl. P. Herman, music. B. Fomina. Performed by I.N. Uleva – vocals, accompanied by Olesya Mashkova – piano.

Presenter: From the moment it appeared in Russia, romance began to develop in two directions - classical and everyday. The classical direction was based on fiction, and the everyday direction on Russian folk and urban songs. Household - means associated with everyday life. Let's now take a look into the living room of a Russian nobleman at the beginning of the 19th century and remember the evenings of home music playing.

Scene in the living room. Performed by Kachalin Ivan

The romance “Do not awaken memories” sounds. Music P. Bulakhova, lyrics. N.N Performed by Kolesnikov A.A. and Uleva I.N. – vocals, accompanied by Nastya Kolesnikova – piano.

Presenter: Incomprehensible, beautiful and amazing, captivating and passionate, enchanting and inspiring, exciting and fragile... You can talk a lot about romance. Or you can silently listen to it, because in silence and silence its mysterious meaning and power are comprehended.

The romance “I remember the waltz’s lovely sound” sounds. Music N. Listova Performed by Golikov S.V. – violin, accompanied by Anya Larina – piano.

Girls and cadets dance a waltz.
Presenter: Some authors of the second half of the 19th century centuries remained in history thanks to one or two works - brilliant insights. This is the thoughtfully sad elegiac romance of V. Abaza to the poems of I.S. Turgenev “Foggy Morning”.
Foggy morning, gray morning,
The fields are sad, covered with snow.
Reluctantly you remember the past time,
You will also remember faces long forgotten.

We owe these wonderful lines to the meeting of Ivan Turgenev with Polina Viardot. In 1843, Turgenev met Polina, she performed in St. Petersburg with Italian opera. Remembering this, Viardot said: Anya Larina (P. Viardot) is reading: “They introduced him to me that he was a young Russian landowner, a glorious hunter and a bad poet.” Presenter: Turgenev's letters to P. Viardot are an amazing love affair that lasted forty years. In Turgenev’s story “Asya” we find the following lines: “Happiness has no tomorrow; he doesn’t even have yesterday; it does not remember the past, does not think about the future; he has not a day, but a moment.”
The love that Turgenev felt for Pauline Viardot was unusual, romantic.

The romance “Foggy Morning” sounds. Music Yu. Abazy, lyrics. I. Turgenev. Performed by Salova I.V. – vocals, accompanied by Ivan Kachalin – piano.

Presenter: Here's another love story. 1823 Munich. Russian diplomatic mission. It was here that 20-year-old diplomat Fyodor Tyutchev met Countess Amalia Lerchenfeld, the half-sister of the Russian Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. The young diplomat decided to marry her. But the Russian nobleman did not seem to be a very profitable match for Amalia’s parents, and preference was given to Baron Krudener.
But Amalia and Tyutchev carried their affection throughout their lives. One of their meetings took place in 1870 in German resort town, where the poet wrote his confession poem:
I met you and everything is gone
In the obsolete heart came to life;
I remembered the golden time -
And my heart felt so warm...
The last meeting was in March 1873, when Amalia Maximilianovna appeared at the bed where the paralyzed poet lay. Tyutchev's face brightened, tears appeared in his eyes. He looked at her for a long time, without uttering a word out of excitement...
The romance “I Met You” sounds. Music unknown author, lyrics. F. Tyutcheva, Performed by Golikov S.V. vocals, accompanied by Anton Kachalin - piano.

Presenter: A real pearl that unites the geniuses of the poet and composer is the romance “I Remember a Wonderful Moment.” This romance has an amazing story.
Imagine St. Petersburg, 1819. One of the noisy social evenings. Pushkin followed with his eyes a very young, charming woman. There is hidden sadness in her huge eyes. This is how the poet Anna Kern was remembered.
Six years have passed. Pushkin was in exile in the village of Mikhailovskoye. How great was the poet’s joy when he unexpectedly met Anna Kern at his neighbors’ estate. She stopped at her relative's place while passing through. Every evening Alexander Sergeevich could listen to her sing... The last day has come. Anna Petrovna was leaving for Pskov to visit her husband. Saying goodbye, Pushkin gave her the recently published second chapter of the novel “Eugene Onegin.” A small sheet of poetry fell out of the book; they were dedicated to her:
I remember a wonderful moment
You appeared before me...
And in 1838, at a family party with his sister, Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka met Ekaterina, the daughter of Anna Petrovna Kern.
Dating scene. Performed by Demchenko Masha
(Ekaterina) and Kachalin Anton (M. Glinka).

Presenter: He listened to her voice, followed the movements of her hands, and something unusually bright, not yet conscious, was born in his soul. For the first time in many years, Glinka felt that he was young, strong and happy no matter what. And soon Ekaterina Kern had the notes of Glinka’s romance based on Pushkin’s poems “I remember wonderful moment" And again, like fifteen years ago, they sounded like recognition.

The romance “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” sounds. Music M.I. Glinka. Performed by Golikov S.V. – violin, accompanied by Demchenko Masha – piano.

Presenter: In the second half of the 19th century, the large gypsy musical family of the Shishkins was known. The representative of this dynasty, Mikhail Shishkin, wrote a romance based on poems by N. Yazykov. "The night is bright."

Tune the strings on your guitar,
Tune the strings in the old way,
In which everything is in bloom and in full swing.
The night was shining, the garden was full of moonlight.

The romance “The Night is Bright” sounds. Music M. Shishkina, lyrics. N. Yazykova. Performed by I.N. Uleva – vocals, accompanied by Nastya Kolesnikova – piano.

Presenter: The love for romance is enduring. Even now, as many years ago, it excites souls. In the 20th century, many romances appeared in cinema. Let's listen to some of them.
The instrumental romance by D. Shostakovich from the film “The Gadfly” is playing. Performed by Olesya Mashkova - piano.

Presenter: The romance is sad, alarming and bright,
And to you it is incomprehensible in every word.
The revelation itself comes
How you once entered my destiny.

The romance “I like that you are sick not with me” sounds...
Music Tariverdieva. Performed by Masha Demchenko - piano.

Presenter: Cruel romance, I laugh at you
Because you are beautiful and bright,
For everything that happened to fate
You answered simply and clearly.
Because your old sadness is smart,
And I am speechless in front of her.

The romance “And finally I will say” sounds. Music A. Petrova, lyrics. B. Akhmadulina. Performed by Salova I.V. - vocals, accompanied by Airapetyan Satenik - piano.

Presenter: So our evening has come to an end. For some of you, it was a meeting with good old friends. For others, it’s a immersion into a new, almost unknown world of Russian romance. I would like to hope that this evening will leave you with pleasant memories and attract new fans of the genre.
The romance “Wicket” sounds. Music A. Obukhov, processed by I. N. Uleva Performed by I.N. Uleva - piano.
The presenter reads poetry against the background of music.
Presenter: Don’t forget the old songs,
They'll tell you a lot
They were sung with an accordion and a guitar,
And just like that, and just like that.
They were blown around the world by the wind,
But in our years, in our days,
For bright joy and sadness,
They will come to us as friends.
Presentation of participants.
The “Piano” team is headed by I.N. Uleva.
Presenter: Salova I.V., director of the theater group.
The team of the Fashion Theater "Style" is headed by Gavrilenkova A.A.
“Young Sailor” team, leader M. A. Guskova
Vocal, violin and guitar parts are performed by teachers of the center: Salova I.V., Golikov S.V., Uleva I.N.
Dance production by Vashishina N.D.
Costume preparation: Uleva I.N., Rogova I.Yu., Guskova M.A., Gavrilenkova A.A., Salova I.V.
Hairstyles: Vashishina N.D., Rogova I.Yu., Salova I.V.
Preparation of the hall and technical equipment: Kostina I. Yu., Rogova I. Yu., Afanasyev A. Yu.
Filming: Rogova I. Yu.
Photography: Guskova M. A., Vashishina N. D.

The participants, their friends, and parents of students continued the evening drinking tea. The informal atmosphere and emotional upsurge after the evening inspired the guys for further creative communication. Many expressed a desire to play their favorite works on the piano, the teachers supported them - they sang a few more romances, the guests also expressed a desire to participate in an impromptu concert - they read their poems.
A general wish was expressed to hold such music salons in the future. All those present confirmed their willingness to help implement a new creative project.
The class teacher of the 8th grade of school No. 1640 attended the romance evening. She brought several people from her class at the invitation of one of the concert participants. After the event, the teacher expressed gratitude and proposed to notify secondary schools in the future, because, in our difficult times, it is necessary to introduce children to the national and cultural heritage.
As an organizer, I would also like to expand the audience of listeners.

Romance has been one of the most popular genres in our country for more than two centuries. The history of romance in Russia in the context of a concert-conversation.

Municipal budgetary institution of additional education

"Novgorod Children's music school No. 1 named after S.V. Rachmaninov"

Instead of a preface.

The proposed scenario for a school evening allows us to once again encounter such a situation in a new form. popular genre what romance is. This text contains a large amount of information; it undoubtedly involves adjustments depending on the composition of the concert numbers, the number of participants and the age of the listeners. We found it interesting to trace the history of the development of romance in our country outside the framework of the subject “Musical Literature,” but more broadly.

“When the old tune sounds,

It's like he's calling us
Follow him on a long road
Where romance will meet us.

He will tire and enchant,
Will make you believe and love,
Where the heart yearns again,
And don’t forget the wonderful evening...”

Dear friends!

I). Introduction

Imagine a person you have known well for many years. Imagine that every time you learn something new about him, and your meetings become more and more exciting. The same can be said about romance.

No musical genre has been as popular in Russia as romance, and interest in it has not waned to this day.

II). A little history.

Term « romance » arose in Spain in the Middle Ages and originally denoted a poem in the local “Romanesque” dialect, and not in Latin, adopted in church hymns. Romance was also called folk song lyrical or heroic content, describing, for example, historical events, exploits of legendary national heroes, disasters of war, battles with the Moors, etc. Collections of such songs, sometimes united by a common plot, were called “romancero” ».

Romance developed thanks to a large number wandering poet-singers in the 13th-14th centuries, performing their works to the accompaniment of a violin, flute, guitar or harp.

Having spread in other countries, the term “romance” began to mean, on the one hand, a particularly melodious lyric poem, and on the other, a genre vocal music.

Starting from the 18th century in France, then in Germany and other European countries, the word “romance” began to be used to describe a small musical and poetic composition for a soloist and an accompanying instrument, most often a guitar, harpsichord and, finally, piano. Sometimes the singer was accompanied by instrumental ensemble and even an orchestra. The content of romances has also expanded: along with love lyrics poems of a sentimental nature were used, causing tears and the delight of tenderness in listeners, scenes from a shepherd's life appeared, and comic situations were played out.

In the 19th century, vibrant national schools of romance emerged: German, Austrian, French. True, abroad these works were called the word “lied” - song. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the most famous composer, who created more than 600 vocal compositions, is the Austrian Franz Schubert. Unrecognized during his lifetime, the composer gained worldwide fame after his death.

We will listen to a piano arrangement of a fragment of the vocal cycle “The Beautiful Miller's Wife”. And although we will not hear a single word, the music will tell us how the young apprentice told the stream the story of his unhappy love.

Listening: Schubert “The Miller and the Stream”, Spanish. Maksimov Alexander

III). Russia

In Russia, romance appeared later than in Europe, in the second half of the 18th century, after the reforms of Tsar Peter I, which affected all aspects of life. Russian state and music as well. Music was divided into spiritual and secular (entertainment). The predecessor of the romance was the lyrical cant - special kind three-part choral singing. The first romances were written exclusively in French, and works with Russian text were called “Russian songs.”

Since the end of the 18th century, the creativity of amateur composers has flourished in Russia. Who composed romances in Russia? Surprisingly, among them are senator, active privy councilor, full member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts Grigory Teplov, Major General Alexey Titov, banker Fyodor Dubyansky, lawyer Mikhail Yakovlev, official Alexey Verstovsky. The texts of romances most often became popular lyric poems by contemporary poets.

Romances gradually became more complex, and later they were divided into several types: urban, classical, cruel, gypsy, Cossack, etc. Romances were intended for home music playing, and duets were especially loved. Imagine the scene: evening, cozy living room, candles are burning, two young ladies are singing a duet to the accompaniment of a piano. What could be more poetic?

Listening: G. Gladkov “Diana’s Romance” from the film “Dog in the Manger”,

Spanish Daria Volnova and Daria Bezruchko.

Curious historical fact: the development of the urban romance genre was greatly influenced by three Alexanders: the singing teacher Varlamov, the serf Gurilev, and the officer Alyabyev. The popularity of the romances of these authors is explained by the simplicity of the content, a well-remembered melody, and a simple accompaniment suitable for playing music at home.

A. Varlamov graduated from the court singing choir in St. Petersburg, sang beautifully himself, published the first vocal textbook in Russia, “School of Singing,” and held the position of “composer of Moscow music.” imperial theaters" His romances are melodic, easily recognizable and enjoyed great success among listeners.

We will listen to an arrangement for flute of Varlamov’s romance “At dawn, don’t wake her up.” It is about a girl who dreamed of love all night under the moon and fell asleep only in the morning.

Listen: A. Varlamov “Don’t wake her up at dawn”, Spanish. Ksenia Senina

A. Gurilev was the son of the famous composer Lev Gurilev, a serf musician of Count V. Orlov. From the age of six he began studying music under the guidance of his father. Then he studied with famous Moscow teachers - J. Field and I. Genishta. WITH youth Gurilev played violin and viola in the count's orchestra, one of the best serf orchestras of that time. Throughout his childhood, adolescence and youth, the composer remained a serf. After the death of Count Orlov, the Gurilev family received freedom and settled in Moscow. Gurilev was then 28 years old.

From this time on, intensive composing and pedagogical activity Gurilev. Soon his works become popular, many of his romances literally “go to the people.” Gurilev also gained fame as a prominent piano teacher. However, popularity did not save the composer from the cruel need that oppressed him throughout his life. Difficult living conditions broke the musician and led him to severe mental illness.

Gurilev's romances have their own, special features: hopeless sadness, a desperate rush to happiness, the theme of loneliness, sad reflections on women's lot.

Listen: A. Gurilev, lyrics. Polezhaeva “Sarafanchik”, author of the words unknown “You will not understand my sadness”, Spanish. Galina Ivanova

The fate of A. Alyabyev, the hero, is tragic Patriotic War 1812. He was wounded, decorated for bravery, and retired with the rank of lieutenant colonel. At the age of 38, he was arrested on suspicion of murder and, despite the lack of proof of the accusation, was sentenced to exile in Siberia with deprivation of all rights and the title of nobility. The exile lasted 18 years.

All sources adhere to the version that the most famous romance “The Nightingale” based on the words of Delvig was written by Alyabyev in prison. And the piano was delivered to him as a prisoner directly to his cell. In the dampness of the dungeon, the composer fell ill with rheumatism and began to go blind; the only salvation was a musical instrument. According to some reports, the composer dedicated this romance to Ekaterina Rimskaya-Korsakova, with whom he fell in love at first sight at a New Year's ball and with whom he did not have time to explain. Many years later they met again and got married.

The image of the nightingale is those invisible ties that bind those forcibly separated - whether lovers, relatives, friends - it doesn’t matter. This is separation from those who are dear to a person.

Listen: Alyabyev “Nightingale”, arrangement for piano, Spanish. Karina Kun

IV). M.I. Glinka

A new page in the history of romance opens with the work of Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka. Friends called Glinka a “lazy gentleman” because, in their opinion, he composed few songs, but the composer had 80 romances! Mikhail Ivanovich was one of the first to turn to the works of Pushkin, with whom he was personally familiar. Two geniuses gave the world such masterpieces as the romances “Adele”, “Mary”, “I Remember a Wonderful Moment”.

Glinka traveled a lot. Before his next trip abroad, Mikhail Ivanovich wrote the vocal cycle “Farewell to St. Petersburg” based on the words of his friend Nestor Kukolnik. One of the most famous romances of this cycle is “The Lark”.

Listen: M. Glinka, lyrics. Puppeteer "Lark", Spanish. Alexander Sipailo.

“Do not tempt me unnecessarily”, arrangement for clarinet, Spanish. Ivan Pushkin and Nikolai Zanin

What new did Glinka bring to the romance genre? This is, first of all, an attentive attitude to the word, a desire for beauty, magnificent melodicism, and a more complex level of accompaniment. Mikhail Ivanovich himself was a vocal teacher, he knew the possibilities singing voices, therefore, despite their apparent simplicity, his romances are difficult to perform. One of the most prestigious vocal competitions is the Glinka Competition. Among its laureates are such names as Elena Obraztsova, Evgeny Nesterenko, Dmitry Hvorostovsky, Anna Netrebko.

V). There are many mysteries in the history of romances. One of them is associated with the very popular romance “I Met You.” The poems were written by Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev, but many questions arose regarding the authorship of the music.

S. Donaurov was the first to write music based on Tyutchev’s poems. Then these poems were set to music by A. Spiro and Yu. Shaporin. But none of them is the author of the now extremely popular version of the romance “I Met You,” which was performed by the outstanding singer Ivan Semenovich Kozlovsky. Kozlovsky heard the melody of this version from the wonderful Moscow Art Theater actor I.M. Moskvina himself arranged the tune. Until recently, records were released with a recording of a romance performed by Kozlovsky, and the labels read: “The author of the music is unknown.” But thanks to the research of musicologist G. Pavlova, it was possible to prove that the composer who wrote the music very close to what Kozlovsky sings is Leonid Dmitrievich Malashkin.

I met you - and everything is gone
In the obsolete heart came to life;
I remembered the golden time -
And my heart felt so warm...

Like after a century of separation,
I look at you as if in a dream, -
And now the sounds became louder,
Not silent in me...

There is more than one memory here,
Here life spoke again, -
And we have the same charm,
And that love is in my soul!..

Listen to: “I Met You”, arrangement for flute, Spanish. Anastasia Yakovleva and Nikita Vikhrov

VI). Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Rimsky-Korsakov

IN late XIX century, classical romance undergoes significant changes, the role of accompaniment has increased significantly. This is especially clear in the works of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Pyotr Ilyich created romances himself of different nature throughout its entire creative life. Tchaikovsky found sources of texts mainly from Russian poets of the 19th century, his contemporaries; even the Tsar’s brother was among the authors Grand Duke Konstantin Romanov, some of the romances were written using his own poems. He hid his name behind the pseudonym N.N. Music critics wrote that the composer was not picky about his choice of text. But Tchaikovsky emphasized: “The main thing in vocal music is the truthfulness of the reproduction of feelings and moods.”

Now the romance “Serenade” will be performed. A serenade is an evening song in someone's honor; serenades are often found in romance lyrics, this is not surprising, because we're talking about about love.

Listen: P. Tchaikovsky, lyrics. Turchetti "Serenade", Spanish. Galina Ivanova

Among Tchaikovsky's romances, romances of a lyrical nature predominate, with the theme of love in all the richness of feelings and moods. His romances, of which there are more than 100, often approach opera aria. The singers reproached the composer for the fact that the attention of the listeners was directed not only to the singing, but also to the accompaniment.

This type of romance is also characteristic of Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninov. By the way, Rachmaninov first presented the romance in the form musical piece, the famous “Vocalise”, written for the singer Antonina Nezhdanova. Romance gradually goes beyond the chamber genre and approaches the vocal-symphonic direction. But this form is more difficult both to perform and to perceive; these romances resonate with a prepared, not a mass audience. So, gradually the classic romance becomes intellectual, elite, while losing its lightness and simplicity.

Listen: S. Rachmaninov, lyrics. Beketova “Lilac”, Spanish. girls choir vocal ensemble

In 1862, the first Russian conservatory was opened in St. Petersburg, and 4 years later a conservatory was opened in Moscow. There is still an unspoken rivalry between them.

Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov - representatives of the Moscow composer school. And now we will hear the music of the composer of the St. Petersburg school - Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov. Rimsky-Korsakov is known mainly as the author of symphonic and opera music, but he also turned to the romance genre. The romance “Not the Wind, Blowing from Heights” is recognized as the composer’s vocal masterpiece.

Listen: lyrics Tolstoy “Not the wind, blowing from above”, Spanish. girls choir vocal ensemble

VII). Movie

The twentieth century gave the world the great invention of the Lumiere brothers - cinema. In the thirties, sound appeared in cinema, the heroes of films began to speak and sing. Through songs and romances they expressed their feelings, experiences, and dreams. Composers became full-fledged filmmakers along with screenwriters, directors, cameramen and artists. Outstanding film music was created by Dunaevsky, Shostakovich, Sviridov, and among modern authors - Rybnikov, Krylatov, Gladkov. The famous film by Eldar Ryazanov “Cruel Romance” is literally filled with beautiful music, both the main characters and the gypsy choir sing in it.

Listen: A. Petrov, words by M. Tsvetaeva “Under the caress of a plush blanket”, Spanish. Anna Galvas

VIII). Conclusion

Over the 3 centuries of its development, romance has gone beyond the chamber vocal genre. We will meet romances in operas, in dramatic performances, in symphonic suites. Romances are often called plays of a lyrical nature. There are no words in them, but we will feel the poetic content in the music. Composers of the 19th and 20th centuries created many similar instrumental works for piano, strings and wind instruments.

Listen: R. Glier “Romance”, Spanish. Nikita Vikhrov

-The “Golden Age” of Russian romance on the stage occurred at the beginning of the 20th century, when such large and original performers as Alexander Vertinsky, Varvara Panina, Anastasia Vyaltseva worked. Later, the traditions of romance were continued by Pyotr Leshchenko, Isabella Yuryeva, Vadim Kozin.

IN Soviet era, especially since the late 1930s, romance was persecuted as a relic of the tsarist era. Leading performers fell silent or were repressed. However, a variation of urban romance continued to exist, becoming widespread during the Great Patriotic War, and later gave rise to the activities of bards, performers of original songs by Bulat Okudzhava, Yuri Vizbor, Veronika Dolina, Novella Matveeva.

The revival of the Russian school of romance occurred in the 1970s, when romances began to be performed by Nikolai Slichenko, Valentina Ponomareva, Nani Bregvadze and other prominent stage artists.

Nowadays, interest in romances has increased incredibly. Every Saturday on the Kultura TV channel there is a program called “Romance of Romance” - a series of concerts dedicated to the world of songs and romances. Each program is an introduction to new or well-forgotten old romances and songs performed by both seasoned and young artists. In addition to the traditional classical romance performed by academic vocal singers, bard songs, jazz improvisations, art songs and rock compositions are performed.

At the end of our meeting, one of the most famous instrumental romances will be performed.

Listen: D. Shostakovich, romance from the film “The Gadfly”, Spanish. violin ensemble.

How I treasure this wonderful moment!

Music suddenly fills your ears.

The sounds rush with some kind of aspiration

Sounds are pouring around from somewhere,

The heart anxiously strives for them,

He wants to fly somewhere after them...

In these moments you could melt

It's easy to die at these moments...

It sounds like romance.

1 led. Good evening, dear listeners!

2 ved. Hello, dear friends!

1 led. Today we have gathered to plunge into the enchanting world of romance.

2 ved. Russian romance... What is its attractive power and enchanting charm? Romance is a song-sigh, a song-revelation, expressing everything that aches in the heart, that worries and does not allow you to sleep.

1 led. Romances are often short in length, their voice is quiet and addressed to a small audience of listeners.

2 ved . They are distinguished by rare expressiveness, high poetic language, bright melody, and the merging of the poetic idea with the musical idea.

1 led. The romance has only one theme - love. Everything else - life and death, fate and its blows, loneliness and disappointment, faith and disbelief - only to the extent that it is connected with this main and only theme.

2 ved. Incomprehensible, beautiful and amazing, captivating and passionate, enchanting and inspiring, exciting and fragile... You can talk a lot about romance. Or you can silently listen to it, because in silence and silence one can comprehend its mysterious meaning and power

It sounds like romance.

1 ved . The birthplace of romance is Spain. It was here, in the 13th-14th centuries, that troubadour singers traveled the roads, performing songs in their native “Romanesque” language. This is where the name “romance” comes from. Later, any solo song performed accompanied by a musical instrument, most often a guitar, began to be called a romance.

2nd Lyrical songs about love have existed in all countries at all times. They were sung by both city young ladies and village girls. Aristocrats of the 17th century treated common folk songs with contempt. Even the word “song” itself seemed plebeian to them. It was then that works with love content and a sensitive melody and began to be called throughout Europe by the beautiful Spanish word “romance” in contrast to common folk songs.

1st. This genre appeared in Russia at the beginning of the 19th century and immediately won universal love. The first Russian romances were composed in French, not only by composers, but also by amateur singers. Their names often remained unknown.

2 ved. Since its appearance in Russia, romance began to develop in two directions - classical and everyday. The classical direction was given the basis by fiction, and the everyday direction was given by Russian folk and urban songs. Household means connected with everyday life, with everyday life. Romance similar to Russian folk song, - like a kind of lyrical statement. The melody of such a romance is similar to a Russian folk song. Every sound, every word sings here, sincere feelings are simply and naturally expressed here. Let's now take a look into the living room of a Russian nobleman at the beginning of the 19th century and remember the evenings of home music playing.

The romance “Do not awaken memories” is performed.

1 led. Many composers turned to the romance genre, for whom this form of vocal music became a kind of lyrical diary, an album of musical watercolors, and sometimes the result of philosophical reflection, life observations, and the result of personal experiences.

2 ved. No matter how the composer’s work developed, there was always a place for romance in it, there always remained a secluded corner of aching melancholy, anxious insecurity, bright surprise, which became fertile soil for the shoots of romance lyrics, the meeting with which gives rise to a whole world of memories and wonderful feelings.

1 led. But the names of those who are known throughout the world: Alexander Sergeevich Dargomyzhsky, Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky, Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov, Alexander Alexandrovich Alyabyev, Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich, Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka and others. How many amazing romances were created by great composers! Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky alone wrote more than 100 romances. They are close and understandable to us today, just as they were close and understandable people XIX and XX centuries.

2 ved. If you ask which romance is one of the most popular, the unanimous answer will be: “I remember a wonderful moment” by M.I. Glinka to the poems of A.S. Pushkin. The history of this romance began back in 1819.

1 led. Imagine St. Petersburg. One of the noisy social evenings in the house of Alexei Nikolaevich Olenin, director public library. Pushkin saw Olenin’s nineteen-year-old niece Anna Kern. He followed with his eyes a very young, charming woman. “It was as if a heavy load was pressing on her, and there was hidden sadness in her huge eyes.” This is how the poet Anna Kern was remembered. As a 16-year-old girl, she was married to a rude man who was a complete stranger to her. “When I was leaving, Pushkin stood on the porch and followed me with his eyes,” recalled Anna Kern.

I remember a wonderful moment

You appeared before me,

Like a fleeting vision

Like a genius of pure beauty.

1 led. And she? Has she forgotten Pushkin? No, she became an enthusiastic fan of his poems. Six years have passed. Pushkin was in exile in the village of Mikhailovskoye. How great was the poet’s joy when he unexpectedly met Anna Kern at his friends Osipov’s, neighbors on the estate. She stopped while passing through with her relative, the mistress of the estate. Every evening Alexander Sergeevich listened to Kern’s singing, and each time the poet’s passion grew. The last day has arrived. Anna Petrovna was leaving for Pskov to visit her husband. Pushkin came to see her off.

2 ved. A.P. Kern recalls: “He came in the morning and, as a farewell, brought me a copy of the second chapter of Onegin, in the uncut sheets of which I found a four-fold sheet of paper with the verses “I remember a wonderful moment.” When I was about to hide the poetic gift in the box, he looked at me for a long time, then frantically snatched it away and did not want to return it; I forcibly begged them again.”

2 ved. But when and how did Glinka find Pushkin’s verse?

1st part: In March 1839, at one of his sister’s family parties, Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka met Ekaterina, the daughter of Anna Petrovna Kern. That evening Glinka was not in a good mood. Quarrels with his wife deprived him of sleep and appetite. He could not create selflessly and enthusiastically, as before. For several years now, a quarrelsome, stupid, pompous woman had lived nearby - his wife, whose interests did not go beyond balls, cards and horses. He knew that this couldn't go on any longer. The composer was distracted from his gloomy thoughts by the sounds of a waltz, and then he saw Ekaterina Ermolaevna. M.I. Glinka was struck by her sad thoughtfulness, in tune with his mood. He listened to her voice, followed the movements of her hands, and something unusually bright, not yet conscious, was born in his soul. For the first time in many years, Glinka felt that he was young, strong and happy no matter what. And soon Ekaterina Kern had the notes of Glinka’s romance based on Pushkin’s poems “I Remember a Wonderful Moment.” And again, like fifteen years ago, when Pushkin presented the poems to Anna Kern, they sounded like recognition.

2 ved. In the music of the romance there is the tenderness and passion of the blossoming of love, the delight of young hope. In one romance, in a few lines, is the whole love story, which is repeated from century to century. But no one will ever be able to express it the way Pushkin and Glinka did.

The romance “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” is performed.

The troubadour and the biographer-host come out.

Troubadour: How is the hall still empty? I still have 5 minutes before the ball starts. Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am a traveling singer and poet, in my home country of Spain people call me troubadour. It was we, wandering singers, who in the 13th century created a new musical genre - romance. Isn’t that right, an expert biographer?

Biographer: Yes, yes. The word romance comes from the Spanish “romance”, which means Romanesque, that is, performed in the Romanesque (Spanish) language. The romances contain beautiful flowing melodies, lyrical heartfelt words about friendship, love, separation, jealousy, the beauty of the soul and nature.

Troubadour: And now - the ball.

Biographer: Music will burst out, sounds will flow, and couples will spin in a magical waltz. (They leave.)

A waltz is being performed.

(At the end, the couple appears, waltzing.)

Biographer: A couple stands out among the guests. She is wearing a mask.

Tolstoy: Let me introduce myself, Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy.

S. A. Bakhmetyeva : And I am a magic mask.

He: For pity’s sake, it’s January 1851, and you and I are in St. Petersburg. What kind of magic could there be?

She : You will regret that you accidentally met me.

He: Never! I will be grateful to fate.

She: Okay, I'm Sofya Andreevna Bakhmetyeva.

He: You had it bad marriage with Colonel Miller?

She: Yes, and also an affair with Prince Vyazemsky.

He: Was there a duel between him and your brother?

She: Yes, the prince killed my brother, and everyone considers me to be the culprit of his death.

He: (Kneel in front of her) “It hurt me a lot, I reproached you for a lot of things; but I don’t want to forget your mistakes or your suffering.” (Kisses the hand).

She: Fate brought us together at a masquerade by chance.

He: And for life. (Waltzing away, they leave).

Biographer: In the same year, 1851, Tolstoy wrote the poem “Among the Noisy Ball...”, which he dedicated to his future wife Sofya Andreevna. Later, after 27 years, P.I. Tchaikovsky wrote a romance, surprisingly musical and melodious.

The romance “In the midst of a noisy ball by chance” sounds. (A.K. Tolstoy – P.I. Tchaikovsky).

Biographer: Here is another pair of equally famous people invited to our ball. He is an official of the Russian diplomatic mission in Munich, 20-year-old Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev. She is 15-year-old Amalia, the daughter of Count Lerchenfeld, a Munich diplomat.

Amalia: How shy you are, Theodore! Can I call you that?

Tyutchev: Yes, of course.

She: Do you like the old streets of Munich?

Him: Yes, of course.

She: Are you impressed by old German manors?

Him: Yes, of course.

She: You are amazingly well-mannered. Do you want me to tell you a little secret? In fact, my father is the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm III. And your Empress Alexandra Feodorovna is my half-sister.

He: Oh, you... You are a dazzling beauty, Amalia!

She: And don’t even think about fighting a duel because of me.

He: (Abstractly, looking at her all the time) Yes... I mean, no. I’m leaving Munich on vacation... But you... You are gifted with rare, unique beauty. (Saying goodbye, he leaves.)

She: Goodbye Theodore. (Leaves).

Biographer: During Tyutchev's absence, Amalia married his colleague, Baron Krudener, who later became the Russian ambassador to Sweden. However, her friendship with Tyutchev changed no more than her appearance.

(At this time Tyutchev is writing something on paper.)

He: (Reads the letter). “Tell her not to forget me, my person, of course, only my person, she can forget everything else... Tell her that if she forgets me, misfortune will befall her... A wrinkle will appear on the forehead or on the cheek, or a strand of gray hair, for this would be an apostasy to the memories of her youth.”

Biographer: In 1833, Tyutchev, who had been married to someone else for a long time, wrote a poem, which apparently marked the tenth anniversary of their meeting.

Tyutchev: I remember the golden time

I remember the dear land to my heart.

The day was getting dark, we were two,

Below, in the shadows, the Danube rustled.

And on the hill, where, turning white,

The ruins of the castle look into the distance,

There you stood, young fairy,

Leaning on mossy granite,

Touching baby's foot

A century-old pile of rubble.

And the sun hesitated, saying goodbye,

With the hill, and with the castle, and with you.

And the quiet wind passes by

Played with your clothes

And from the wild apple trees, color after color

There was light on the young shoulders.


Biographer: Everyone said that Amalia does not age and is still as beautiful. Tsar Nicholas 1 courted her.

Amalia: (Walks with an umbrella). What a hot July! It's so noisy and crowded here in Carlsbad.

Tyutchev: The doctors advised me to treat my health and breathe the air of Karslbad. (Suddenly seeing her) Amalia!

She: Theodore! You! God, what happiness!

He: You are still just as beautiful!

She: What are you talking about, Theodore!

He: This speaks my heart, which has admired you for almost 50 years.

She: Indeed, I have known you for almost half a century and appreciate your love and friendship.

He: Remember how we walked along the green streets of Munich?

She: Come along, Theodor, Carlsbad is a town no less picturesque than Munich. Remember... (Leave).

Biographer: On the same day, July 26, returning to the hotel after a walk, in one breath he wrote immortal poems, dedicated to love, stretching throughout life. “I met you - and everything that happened before...”

The romance “I met you...” sounds. (F.I.Tyutchev – L.Malashkin)

Biographer: Their last meeting took place three years later, when the poet, already overwhelmed by paralysis, suddenly saw Amalia at his bedside. His face immediately brightened, tears appeared in his eyes. He looked at her silently for a long time. And the next day he dictated a few words in a letter to his daughter Daria.

She: (Reads the letter). “Yesterday I experienced a moment of burning excitement as a result of my meeting with Countess Aulerberg, my good Amalie Krüdener, who wished to see me for the last time in this world and came to say goodbye to me. In her face is the past of my best years.

Music is playing.


The night was shining.

The garden was full of moonlight; were lying

Rays at our feet in the living room

no lights.

The piano was all open

And the strings in it trembled,

Just like our hearts follow your song.

You sang until dawn

Exhausted in tears,

That you are alone - love,

That there is no other love,

And I wanted to live so much so that

Without making a sound,

Love you, hug you

And cry over you.

And many years have passed

Wearisome and boring

I hear again

And it blows like it did then,

In these sonorous sighs,

That you are alone - your whole life,

That you are alone - love.

These poems were written by the Russian poet Afanasy Fet under the impression of the amazing singing of T.A. Kuzminskaya, relative of L.N. Tolstoy. The soft lyrics of the romance performed by T.A. excited subtle soul poet, made him worry. It is not for nothing that his poems are distinguished by their musicality, which is why many of them became wonderful romances.

Ved. Usually the romance was performed to the accompaniment of a piano. But it became especially popular with the advent of the seven-string guitar, which most subtly conveyed the intimate experiences of the author. Romance and seven-string guitar have become one. Now we will listen to a romance written to the poems of A.A. Feta, performed by guitar.

The romance “At dawn, don’t wake her up” (A.A. Fet) sounds

Couples spin in a waltz.

Presenter 1:

And to you it is incomprehensible in every word

Revelation comes on its own.

Presenter 2:

In a crazy heart, like a leaf, the candle fire trembles.

Let him extinguish the pain of the soul, do not scare away the excitement.

There is life in him, and loyalty and love - preserve their holiness,

Presenter 1:

Don't tell me anything, don't say anything, keep quiet.

Let the candle fire burn in the evening silence......

The romance “Wicket” sounds

Presenter 2:

They take your breath away - powerful sounds!

They contain the rapture of painful passions,

They are the joy of my youth!

The excited heart skips a beat,

But I have no power to quench my longing.

The mad soul languishes and desires -

And sing, and cry, and love.

(V.I. Krasov “Sounds”, 1835)

Sounds like romance

Leading: Some authors of the second half of the 19th century remained in history thanks to one or two works - brilliant insights. This is the thoughtfully sad elegiac romance of V. Abaza to the poems of I.S. Turgenev “Foggy Morning”. The birth of this romance is associated with the names of the women whom I.S. loved. Turgenev. This is Tatyana Bakunina, Polina Viardot...

Presenter : Turgenev often said that his biography lies in works of art. He told about this story in the novel “The Noble Nest”.

Leading: Among the servants in her mother’s house there was one girl - seamstress Avdotya Ermolaevna Ivanova. From the first time, Ivan Sergeevich liked her with her clear and gentle eyes, delicate facial features, and modesty.

Presenter: The news of this love reached Varvara Petrovna herself, who had long held a grudge against her son. She rejoiced at the opportunity to shame the “Berlin sage.” There was a lot of noise in the house. They locked Avdotya in a closet, and demanded the young master to see his mother.

Leading: She flew at her son like a hawk, reproaching him for immorality and godlessness. Ivan Sergeevich announced his intention to marry Avdotya. Last words caused real hysteria. She kicked her son out of the house and promised to deprive him of his inheritance. Avdotya was sent to Moscow.

Presenter: There, Avdotya Ermolaevna gave birth to a girl, Pelageya, very similar to her father. The girl was taken from her mother, and Varvara Petrovna settled her in Spassky. Here the girl grew up as a servant, pushed around by everyone and loved by no one. She did the dirtiest work.

Leading: There were no jokes with my mother: she promised to send her around the world - she would keep her word. Turgenev left Spasskoye with sad, heavy thoughts. A burning pain fell on my heart latest events. The road was covered with the first snow powder, scanty fields with sparse stubble stretched to the very sky, elegiac poems formed by themselves...

The vocal group performs the romance “Foggy Morning”

Presenter1: In the second half of the 19th century, performances by gypsy artists - soloists, singers and choirs - became widespread, first in restaurants, and then often in concert halls. Many of the gypsy musicians were excellent arrangers, in particular, of Russian romances and songs, and also composed themselves.

Presenter 2: The gypsy romance arose like this. The gypsies, not having beautiful lyrics, began to perform works by Russian authors so masterfully that listeners perceived them as gypsy romances. The romance “Shine, Shine, My Star” became gypsy. The life of its author, the talented Russian composer Pyotr Petrovich Bulakhov, was spent in dire need. Out of mercy, the composer was sheltered by Count Sheremetyev in his Moscow estate Kuskovo. More than 100 years have passed since then, and the melodies of P.P. Bulakhova sound, helping people survive adversity.

The romance “Shine, Shine, My Star” sounds
(lyrics by V. Chuevsky, music by P. Bulakhov)

Presenter 1: A whole large gypsy musical family, the Shishkins, was famous. Probably, the representative of this dynasty, Andrei Shishkin, wrote a brilliant concert romance based on the poems of M.Yu. Lermontov “No, it’s not you that I love so passionately.” Singer and guitarist Nikolai Shishkin is the author of romantically sublime romances with a noble melody “Listen if you want” (poems by him) and “The Night is Bright” based on poems by Nikolai Yazykov.

Leader 2 : Tune the strings on your guitar,

Tune the strings in the old way,

In which everything is in bloom and in full swing.

The night was shining, the garden was full of moonlight.

The romance “The Night is Bright” sounds. Music M. Shishkina, lyrics. N. Yazykova.


Cruel romance, I laugh at you

Because you are beautiful and bright,

For everything that happened to fate

You answered simply and clearly.

Because your old sadness is smart,

And I am speechless in front of her.

Sounds like romance

Leading. In the twentieth century, romance never ceased to be popular and loved. The names of the great performers of romances are well known: Varvara Panina, Isabella Yuryeva, Ivan Kozlovsky, Sergei Lemeshev, Vadim Kozin and, of course, Alexander Vetinsky. Many twentieth-century composers turned to the romance genre. One of them was Boris Ivanovich Fomin.

Leading. B. I. Fomin was a musically gifted person, he is a descendant of M. V. Lomonosov. Born into a doctor's family. In view of historical events in those days (first world war, civil war), he was unable to obtain music education, but his talent and perseverance in self-education helped him. Returning to Moscow after the end of the civil war in 1921, he became interested in theater, composed children's ballets, and was successful. But critics label him an amateur, a singer of philistinism. He begins to study the romance genre. His 1924 romance “A Meeting Only Happens Once in a Lifetime” brought him great fame. And a little later, his romances were published in large editions and instantly sold out: “Dear Long,” “Your Eyes Are Green,” “Hey, Friend, Guitar.” But by the end of the 20s in our country old romances were prohibited. B.I. Fomin experienced this painfully. The composer did a lot to develop the romance. For more than 20 years, his apartment was a vocal workshop for famous singers T. Tsereteli, K. Shulzhenko, L. Chernoy and many others. During the Great Patriotic War, B.I. Fomin’s songs were very popular; the composer believed that the criticism and persecution to which his work was constantly subjected was only a temporary delusion, that his romances would still sound and live. He was right.

The romance “Only Once” sounds.


The romance is sad, alarming and bright,

And to you it is incomprehensible in every word.

The revelation itself comes

How you once entered my destiny.

The romance “The fragrant clusters of white acacia…” from the film “Days of the Turbins” sounds.

Leading The twenty-first century also does not want to part with romance. Romance is changing. It either becomes more complicated, becoming an extended monologue or confession, or returns to its old form. But always - and in our days, as in the past - romance cannot go a day without love. Lyrical confessions in romances will never disappear as long as there is love on earth for a mother, a friend, for children, for loved ones. New romances will be born along with new lovers. But the old lyrical romances will never fade away - a priceless gift for all times!

A romance performed by E. Dyatlov sounds.


Our meeting has come to an end. There is a popular belief that a burning candle cleanses a person from everything bad and heavy, and that as long as it burns, a person has hope. I would like to believe that the romances performed today gave your soul something extraordinary, kind and gentle.

If you listen, think about it, feel the Russian romance, it will become clear that in trying to be like the West with its emancipations, feminism, chauvinism and so on, we are losing something that is immeasurably more important. That our Russian soul strives for the beautiful, for the poetic... for Russian romances in which love lives... After all, while the soul is alive, something must be beautiful for it too.

Leading: “This amazing phenomenon is romance. You will hear, and everything in you will turn upside down, embrace you with inexpressible tenderness, sadness, love. It is full of charm and light sadness. Meeting him is always pleasant and welcome.

Today we will take a closer look at the history of romance. Spain is considered the birthplace of romance. It was here in the XIII - XIV centuries. wandering poet-singers created a new musical genre. The songs were sung in the native Romance language. This genre appeared in Russia at the beginning of the 19th century and immediately won universal love. The first Russian romances were composed in French. Over time, composers began to create romances based on poems by Russian poets.

The fate of the romance, which even in the last century was for some reason called “ancient,” largely depended on the performer, on his talent and culture.

Ancient romances! There is so much warmth and charm, melody and emotional excitement in them! They always found a way to human hearts. These works were the direct heirs of the romances of the 19th century, when masterpieces of romance lyrics were created by composers Alyabyev, Bulakhov, Gurilev, Varlamov, and the authors of the texts of the most famous romances were Pushkin, Lermontov, Tyutchev, Fet, Apukhtin, Turgenev, Polonsky, Pleshcheev...

By the middle of the 19th century, two types of romance crystallized - “professional” and everyday.

The first one was created professional composers for poetry famous poets. The romances of Franz Schubert are based on the poetry of Johann Goethe, the work of Robert Schumann is associated with the works of Heinrich Heine, Mikhail Glinka wrote romances based on the poems of Alexander Pushkin, Pyotr Tchaikovsky - on the poems of Alexei Tolstoy, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov - on the poems of Apollo Maikov.

The second type of romance was born among the people. However, even among everyday romances, works of high artistic value appeared.

These two types of romance - professional and everyday - were not isolated, but, on the contrary, enriched each other.

"IN musical environment They are called half-contemptuously amateurs, but in fact they are great talents and true masters who have created amazing examples of art that still live in the hearts of thousands and thousands of people. “The bell rattles monotonously,” “Here comes the postal troika,” “My nightingale, nightingale,” “Don’t sew me, mother, a red sarafan”... I love the Russian romance of the pre-Glinka era...”, wrote G. Sviridov in the book “Music as fate".

Among the composers of the “pre-Glinka era” who wrote romances, Alexander Lvovich Gurilev, whose works were mentioned by Sviridov, occupies a prominent place. Alexander Lvovich Gurilev is the author of wonderful lyrical romances.”

Gurilev A. Sl. Makarova I. “Bell”

Performed by Katya Medunitsyna, accompanist T. G. Yakubovich.

Leading : “Many of Gurilev’s romances are written in the rhythm of the waltz, which was widespread in urban life at that time. At the same time, the smooth three-beat waltz movement is harmoniously combined with purely Russian poetic meter, so-called five-syllable, very characteristic of poems in the “Russian song” genre. These are the romances “The Sadness of a Girl.”

Gurilev A. Poems by Koltsov A. “The Sadness of a Girl”

Performed by Anya Sidorova, accompanist T. G. Yakubovich.

Leading: “Romance of Bulakhov P.P. “My bells”, lyrics. A. Tolstoy. Poems and melody in the romance are perceived in semantic and figurative continuity. In a single impulse, the melody, the measured “clatter” of the accompaniment with whirlwind passages of acting, the rider rushing, not knowing where, and the wind, under which the grasses and flowers bend, merge ... "

“My bells, steppe flowers,

Why are you looking at me, dark blue.

And what are you ringing about on the merry day of May,

Among the uncut grass, shaking your head?

The horse carries me like an arrow into the open field;

He tramples you under him, hits you with his hoof.

My bells, steppe flowers,

Don’t curse me, dark blue ones!”

Bulakhov P. Poems by Tolstoy A. “My bells, steppe flowers”

Performed by Zenina Vika, accompanist T. G. Yakubovich.

Leading: “Chamber vocal lyrics also occupied an important place in the work of A. Alyabyev. The romance “Beggar Woman” was written in the 40s of the 19th century.

During this period, the composer turns to subjects of social significance. He creates images of the disadvantaged, similar to the images of Russian literature of that time - the St. Petersburg stories of N. Gogol, the early stories of F. Dostoevsky and M. Turgenev. Alyabyev's songs from this period were prepared innovative works A. Dargomyzhsky and M. Mussorgsky. These works include the romance “Beggar Woman”. This romance marks Alyabyev's transition from creating songs of a purely lyrical nature to dramatic works.

In Beranger's interpretation of the text, Alyabyev managed to find a generalizing musical image and reveal the tragedy of a humiliated and disadvantaged person. The image of hopeless human grief, in subtle association with the atmosphere winter nature, aptly and succinctly conveyed in music. The initial melodic intonation, which forms the basis of the piano accompaniment, is further developed in vocal part as a “leitmotif of grief.”

"Winter, blizzard, and in large flakes

When there is a strong wind, snow falls.

At the entrance to the temple, alone, in rags,

The old beggar woman is standing...

And waiting for alms,

She's still here with her stick,

Both in summer and in winter, blind!..

Give her alms!”

Alyabyev A. “Beggar”

Performed by Gunina Valya, accompanist T. G. Yakubovich.

Leading : “What I mysteriously dream about in the silence of the night,

What I think about all the time in the light of day,

It will be a secret to everyone, and even you, my verse,

You, my windy friend, are the delight of my days,

I will not convey to you the soul of my dreams,

Otherwise you will tell me whose voice is in the silence of the night

I hear whose face I find everywhere,

Whose eyes shine for me, whose name I repeat.”

I read Apollo Maykov’s poem “What in the silence of the night...”

Maykov's poetry is contemplative, idyllic and distinguished by a touch of rationality, but at the same time it reflects Pushkin's poetic principles: accuracy and specificity of descriptions, logical clarity in the development of the theme, simplicity of images and comparisons. Maikov's artistic method is characterized by the allegorical application of landscapes, anthological paintings, and subjects to the poet's thoughts and feelings. This feature makes him similar to the classic poets.

Many of Maykov’s poems were set to music (Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov and others).”

Rimsky - Korsakov N. A. Poems by Maykov A. “What in the silence of the night...”

Performed by Anya Karpina, accompanist T. G. Yakubovich.

Leading: “On November 9, 1918, in Kuban, an absurd tragic incident cut short the life of a talented composer and poet, author of world-famous famous romance“The chrysanthemums have bloomed” by Nikolai Ivanovich Kharito.

According to legend, at that second when the shot was fired and Nikolai Kharito fell dead, struck by a bullet from the jealous officer Baron Bongarden, in the next hall of one of the restaurants in the city of Tikhoretsk, where the wedding was celebrated, someone sang quietly: “The chrysanthemums have long since faded in the garden". The author of this romance lay bleeding, and a smile forever froze on his beautiful face...

Nikolai Kharito was unusually handsome, courteous and talented. According to contemporaries, it was simply impossible not to fall in love with him. He was adored by regulars of fashionable noble salons and fashionable living rooms. It was there that romances were performed by outstanding masters of this genre.

Nikolai Kharito was a favorite of the public visiting concert halls, where the then pop stars performed: Varya Panina, Anastasia Vyaltseva, Nadezhda Plevitskaya, Iza Kremer, Alexander Vertinsky. Their work was a striking phenomenon of Russian musical culture. Their voices contained pain and joy, sadness and... hope.

…Nikolai Kharito’s romance “The chrysanthemums in the garden have long since faded” has been heard for almost 100 years. It has stood the test of time. With an immense feeling of melancholy and nostalgic anguish, it was performed by Alla Bayanova and Valery Agafonov, Vadim Kozin and Pyotr Leshchenko. It sounds in one of the episodes of the movie “Lyubov Yarovaya”. Today they sing it opera singers and pop singers, pop stars and rock musicians. This romance occupies a worthy place in the repertoire of People’s Artist of the USSR Joseph Kobzon.”

"In that garden,

where we met,

Your favorite bush

chrysanthemums bloomed.

And in my chest

blossomed then

The feeling is bright

tender love..."

Kharito N. “The chrysanthemums in the garden have long since faded”

Performed by Julia Morozova, accompanist T. G. Yakubovich.


“Not the wind, blowing from above,

The sheets touched the moonlit night;

You touched my soul -

She's as restless as the leaves

It is like a harp and has many strings.

The whirlwind of life tormented her

And a crushing raid,

Whistling and howling, he tore the strings

And it was covered in cold snow.

Your speech pleases the ear,

Your light touch

Like fluff flying from flowers,

Like a breath of May night..."

A poem by Alexei Tolstoy was read, based on the text of which Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov wrote a romance of the same name.

The romantic longing that sounds in the lines of the poem has its source not only in Tolstoy’s abstract philosophical views, but also in his social well-being, in particular, the understanding that the life of the socially close layers of Russian society is empty and meaningless.

The poem “It is not the wind that blows from above” was written in 1851.

In the same winter of 1850-1851, Tolstoy met the wife of the Horse Guards Colonel Sofya Andreevna Miller and fell in love with her. They got together, but their marriage was hindered, on the one hand, by Sofia Andreevna’s husband, who would not give her a divorce, and on the other, by Tolstoy’s mother, who treated her unkindly. Only in 1863 their marriage was officially formalized. Sofya Andreevna was an educated woman, she knew a lot foreign languages and apparently possessed an extraordinary aesthetic taste. Tolstoy more than once called her his best and most severe critic and listened to her advice. All his love lyrics, starting in 1851, are addressed to Sofya Andreevna.

Rimsky Korsakov N. A. Poems by A. Tolstoy “It is not the wind that blows from above”

Performed by: Vocal ensemble, accompanist Volkova I.A.

Leading: “Continuing the theme of love and romance, let’s talk a little about the creators of this magnificent music.

The 20th century showed the world a completely unique composer - Mikael Tariverdiev (1931-1996). He is loved for his films: “The Irony of Fate”, “Seventeen Moments of Spring”. But this is only part of the music that he left behind.

Tariverdiev's music is special; his vocal works cannot be strictly divided according to genre. This is “confession of the heart.”

And when the hearts of two geniuses unite in one work, the music of their souls begins to sound in unison.

Brodsky considered Bella Akhmadulina “the undoubted heir of the Lermontov-Pasternak line in Russian poetry,” a poet whose “verse reflects, meditates, deviates from the topic; the syntax is viscous and hypnotic and is largely a product of her authentic voice.”

"It's been a year on my street

Footsteps sound - my friends are leaving.

My friends are slowly leaving

I like that darkness outside the windows.

My friends' affairs have been neglected,

There is no music or singing in their houses,

And only, as before, the Degas girls

The little blue ones straighten their feathers.

Well, well, well, let fear not wake you up

You, defenseless, in the middle of this night.

There is a mysterious passion for betrayal,

My friends, your eyes are clouded.

Oh, loneliness, how cool your character is!

Shining with an iron compass,

How coldly you close the circle,

Not heeding useless assurances.

So call me and reward me!

Your darling, caressed by you,

I will console myself by leaning against your chest,

I will wash myself with your blue cold.

Let me stand on tiptoe in your forest,

On the other end of a slow gesture

Find foliage and bring it to your face,

And feel orphanhood as bliss.

Grant me the silence of your libraries,

Your concerts have strict motives,

And - wise one - I will forget those

Who died or are still alive.

And I will know wisdom and sorrow,

Mine secret meaning they will trust me with items.

Nature leaning on my shoulders

He will reveal his childhood secrets.

And then - out of tears, out of darkness,

From the poor ignorance of the past

My friends have beautiful features

They will appear and disappear again.”

Tariverdiev M. Poems by Akhmadulina B. “It’s been a year on my street”

Performed by Onuchina Galya, accompanist T. G. Yakubovich.

Leading : “And one more romance based on the poems of Bella Akhmadulina, the music for which was composed by Andrei Petrov “And finally, I’ll say...”

“And finally I will say:

Goodbye love is not obligatory.

I'm going crazy. Or I rise

To a high degree of madness.

How you loved you sipped

Death. That's not the point.

How did you love? You ruined it.

But he ruined it so clumsily

Small temple work

Still doing it, but his hands have fallen,

And in a flock, diagonally

Smells and sounds go away.

And finally I will say:

Goodbye love is not obligatory.

I'm going crazy. Or I rise

To a high degree of madness"

Petrov A. Poems by Akhmadulina B. “And lastly, I’ll say...”

Performed by Natasha Goryainova, accompanist T. G. Yakubovich.

Leading : “Dear friends! Our evening has come to an end. I hope you enjoyed the captivating sounds of the ageless Russian romance.

I hope that our guys will be happy to include Russian romances in their repertoire. See you again."