Life is short - art is eternal. Ancient aphorism

About the dead it’s either good or nothing

“About the dead, either good or nothing but the truth,” is a saying of the ancient Greek politician and poet Chilon from Sparta (VI century BC), cited by the historian Diogenes Laertius (III century AD) in his work “ Life, teaching and opinions of famous philosophers."

A quote from “Eugene Onegin”, which is often used to explain the passionate feelings of people aged or with a large age difference. However, once you read the entire stanza, it becomes clear that Alexander Sergeevich did not mean that at all:

But to young, virgin hearts
Her impulses are beneficial,
Like spring storms across the fields:

In the rain of passions they become fresh,
And they renew themselves and mature -
And the mighty life gives
And lush color and sweet fruit.

But at a late and barren age,
At the turn of our years,
Sad is the passion of the dead trace:
So the storms of autumn are cold

A meadow is turned into a swamp
And they expose the forest around.

Live forever and learn

Very famous phrase, which can be heard from literally every teacher and which they like to cite as an argument to justify the importance of studying a particular subject, is in fact incomplete and is often mistakenly attributed to Lenin.

The famous “the people are silent” is considered to be an image of the silent submission of the Russian people, ready to accept any decision of the authorities and any power in general. However, with Pushkin it is exactly the opposite. The poem ends with the fact that after the bloody massacre of the Godunovs, a new king is introduced to the people.

"MOSALSKY: People! Maria Godunova and her son Theodore poisoned themselves. We saw their dead bodies.

The people are silent in horror.

MOSALSKY: Why are you silent? shout: long live Tsar Dimitri Ivanovich!

End justifies the means

The truth is in the wine

The famous saying of Pliny the Elder: “Truth is in wine.” In fact, the phrase has a continuation “and health is in the water.” The original is “In vino veritas, in aqua sanitas.”

Life is short, art is forever

The phrase “Ars longa, vita brevis” in Russian has moved even further from the original than in the Latin translation, and is now understood as something like “manuscripts do not burn.” In fact, this is originally a quote from Hippocrates: “life is short, the path of the arts is long, opportunity is fleeting, experience is deceptive, judgment is difficult.” That is, simply a discussion about the complexity of medicine, for the study of which a whole life is not enough. In the original, instead of the word Ars (“art”) there is the Greek word τέχνη, which is not necessarily “art,” but just as well “craft” or “skill.”

Religion is the opium of the people

The phrase, popular among atheists, is also taken out of context. Karl Marx wrote in the introduction to the work “A Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right” (1843): “Religion is the air of an oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, as well as the soul of a soulless situation. Just as it is the spirit of soulless orders, religion is opium for people!” That is, religion reduces the pain of social existence in an inhuman society.

Exception proves the rule

This phrase, which is obviously illogical, is used completely incorrectly. This expression was formed as a paraphrase from Cicero’s speech in defense of Lucius Cornelius Balbus the Elder. They accused him of having received Roman citizenship illegally. The case was heard in 56 BC. e.

Balbus was a native of Gades (modern name Cadiz), served under Pompey, with whom he became friends and became friends; Pompey was the sponsor of his citizenship. The background to the accusation was, as in most high-profile cases of that time, political. Although Balbus himself was politically active, the blow was certainly directed at the triumvirs of the First Triumvirate (Caesar, Crassus and Pompey).

Not only Cicero, but also Pompey and Crassus spoke in defense of Balbus. The case was won. In his speech, Cicero makes the following argument. In some interstate agreements on mutual recognition of Rome with neighboring countries there was a clause that clearly excluded dual citizenship: residents of those countries could not become Roman citizens without first renouncing theirs. Balbus' citizenship was dual; this was the formal side of the accusation. Cicero says that since some agreements have such an exception, those agreements that do not have it are subject to the opposite rule, namely, dual citizenship is allowed. In other words, if there is an exception, then there must be a rule from which this exception is made, even if this rule is never explicitly stated. Thus, the existence of exceptions confirms the existence of the rule from which these exceptions are made.

It is not the exceptions that confirm the rule, but the existence of exceptions that confirms the existence of the rule!

In life, in nature and in culture, there are two differently directed forces, centrifugal and centripetal.
Centrifugal force ( centrifugal force) – force running from the center

centripetal force ( centripetal force) – force tending to the center

Fratricidal wars are going on all over the world, and people dream of universal brotherhood.

There are about seven thousand languages ​​in the world, and people are still trying to create a single language that everyone would understand, or to find the remains of a proto-language.

And among the many forms of art they want to find at least one, universal ( music, for example).

Psychologists like to ask their patients these questions when testing their mental abilities:
“Which are you more inclined to believe that all people are different or that everyone is the same?”

In Marcel Proust's novels, the hero cannot be with a woman under the same roof for a long time. She sees this and leaves.
After some time, the man realizes that he misses her. He calls her, she comes. Through short time everything repeats itself. They both see everything, but they can’t do anything.
What is holding them back?

And both of these forces: to run away ( centrifugal force) and stay ( centripetal force).

And the center, naturally, is his favorite.

This is life inside a vicious circle ( circulus vituosus).

Is there a way out of it?
A quick question.

And we will return to the language.
Centrifugal force = Centri+fugal

fuga– fugo āvī, ātum, āre – put to flight (f. hostes); drive away (aliquem a Cumis; ira pietatem fugat, iramque pietas)

fugaciousquickly disappearing, fleeting, short-lived, transient, fleeting

the fugacious nature of life and time - transience of life and time

Musicians know how fluid a fugue is.
So, centrifugal force centrifugal force(remember the word ‘fugue’).

centripetal force = centri+petal(imagine a flower with petals)

If you read everything carefully and put it through yourself, and even told it to someone in English, then you will never forget it.

And this is a gift:
Fugue Dancer-J.S.Bach
“Fugue-plyasovaya” to the fugue BWV 953 by J.S.Bach

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Today – May 12, 2011 – official start
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The main focus of the video program is on replenishing your phrase stock:

    - using an example modern colloquial speech
    – simple and faithful phrases
    alive, uncontrived speech of passionate people

    – we continue to intensify all our passive speech reserves
    – with the help detailed assignments and samples
    – we will organize your speech using the right rhythm and intonation

    – base material – video files,
    in which native speakers speak
    – detailed accompanying tasks will help understand the material completely

    three weeks basic classes (21 days of regular practice)
    plus valuable bonuses, enhancing the effectiveness of the program.

The program will be interesting and useful to everyone
who is partial to both the English language and its speakers,
because without paying attention to people there is no need to master the language.
And of course, the program will be very useful
as auxiliary material for the Speaking section
for anyone preparing to take international language tests or exams.

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Take action! See you on the pages of the new video program"The art of English", friends!
And remember main secret success -
a lot, a lot, a lot of work,
treating life like a game
and the ability to “keep your mouth shut” (that is, not try to explain to everyone how great it is, in essence, to treat life like a game :)

See you soon!
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Life is short, art is forever
From Latin: Vita brevis, ars longa (Vita brevis, are longa).
From famous saying, which belongs to the great ancient Greek thinker, natural scientist, great doctor, founder of modern medical ethics Hippocrates (460-370 BC).
When he spoke of “art,” he did not mean artistic creativity, but the art of healing. And the meaning of this comparison is that the art of healing is so complex, it requires so much knowledge that it would not be enough to comprehend it throughout a human life. “Hence,” explained the Roman Stoic philosopher Lucius Annaeus Seneca in his essay “On the Brevity of Life,” “the famous exclamation of the greatest of doctors that life is short, but art is long.”
In the original, Hippocrates’ thought goes like this: Life is short, the path of art is long (another translation: science is vast), chance is fleeting, experience is deceptive, judgment is difficult. Therefore, not only the doctor himself must use everything that is necessary, but also the patient, those around him, and all external circumstances must contribute to the doctor in his activities.
The expression became popular after J. V. Goethe repeated it in his tragedy “Faust” in the following form: “Art is durable, but our life is short.”
Usually used in the sense: the artist, the creator dies, but the fruits of his hands, the creations of his spirit, mind, art live forever, and thereby they preserve the memory (remind) of the person who created them; the master lives in his creations.

Encyclopedic dictionary of popular words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

See what “Life is short, art is eternal” in other dictionaries:

    Life is short, art is (long) forever” (lat. Ars longa, vita brevis) an aphorism of the Greek thinker, doctor and naturalist Hippocrates. Often quoted in Latin form. Meaning It is worth noting that the meaning of Hippocrates’ saying is not that... ... Wikipedia

    ETERNAL LIFE- a term denoting participation in the eternal Divine existence; endless existence, life as an endless duration; concept expressing religion. and religious and philosophical ideas about the highest goal of human existence, about its ultimate... ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

    Hippocrates- and the Hippocratic Corpus So, Hippocrates is the hero and founder of scientific medicine. Unfortunately, we know very little about his life. He lived in the second half of the 5th century. and the first decades of the 4th century. BC (460-370 years, approximate dating). Hippocrates was... Western philosophy from its origins to the present day

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    The art of summarizing life experience and organizing it in the form of aphorisms. It appears as a didactic genre, in the form of teachings intended for youth. The most ancient monuments of aphorism are ancient Egyptian and ancient Hebrew. Widely distributed in... Literary encyclopedia

    Khariton Platonovich Platonov Khariton Platonovich Platonov ... Wikipedia

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with this surname, see Pechnikov. Gennady Pechnikov Birth name: Gennady Mikhailovich Pechnikov Date of birth: September 8, 1926 (1926 09 08) (86 years old) ... Wikipedia

    This page is proposed to be combined with Life is short, art is long lasting... Wikipedia

    Greek Ἱπποκράτης ... Wikipedia

    Penis brevis - vita longa- Iron: whoever has a short penis has long life. Redistribution lat. proverb Panis brevis ars longa life (literally: bread) is short art is forever (literally: long, long) ... Dictionary of Russian argot


  • Such is life, Avanesova Gayane Ashotovna. Gayane Ashotovna Avanesova, 67 years old. Born in Moscow. Parents from Nagorno-Karabakh. Gayane Avanesova draws this magical city of Tbilisi, houses and people, and consider the characters in her drawings...

Life is short, art is eternal.

Table of contents


    Main part

2.1.The concept of art.

2.2.Types of art

2.3.Functions of art

2.4.The role of art in human life

2.5.Life is short, art is eternal.



1. Introduction.

I chose to work on the topic “The Role of Art in Human Life” because I was interested in broadening my horizons and finding out what functions art performs, what the role of art is in human life, in order to further discuss this from the point of view of a knowledgeable person.

I consider the chosen topic of work to be relevant, since certain aspects of the topic have not been fully studied and the research conducted is aimed at bridging this gap. She encourages me to demonstrate intellectual abilities, moral and communication qualities.

Before starting work, I conducted a survey among students at our school. By asking them a few questions in order to identify their attitude towards art. The following results were obtained.

Total people surveyed.

    What role do you think art plays in modern human life?

Greater %

No %

Helps to live %

    What does art teach us and does it teach us at all?

Beauty %

Understanding life %

Doing the right thing %

Expands horizons %

Doesn't teach anything

    What types of art do you know?

Theater %

Movie %

Music %

Painting %

Architecture %

Sculpture %

Other types of art %

    What type of art do you practice or are passionate about?

Passionate %

Not passionate %

    Have there been times when art has played a role in your life?

Yes %

No %

The survey showed that the work will help people understand the significance of art and, I think, will attract many, if not to engage in art, then to arouse interest in the problem.

This work also has practical significance, because the materials can be used to prepare for an essay on literature, for oral presentations in classes in fine art, art and art, and in the future to prepare for exams.

Target work : prove the importance of various types of art in human life; show how art influences the formation of the spiritual culture of a person’s personality; arouse people's interest in the world of art.

Tasks- reveal the essence of art, consider the relationship between man and art in society, consider the main functions of art in society, their meaning and role for humans.

Problematic issues: How does art express human feelings and the world around us?

Why do they say “life is short, but art is eternal”?

What is art? When, how and why did art arise?

What role does art play in a person’s life and in my life?

Expected result

After familiarizing yourself with my work, it is expected that more high level development of an emotional and value-based attitude to the world, phenomena of life and art; understanding the place and role of art in people's lives.

2. Main part

2.1.The concept of art

“Art gives wings and carries you far, far!” -
the writer said

How nice it would be if someone created a device that would show the degree of influence of art on a person, society as a whole, and even on nature. How do painting, music, literature, theater, cinema affect human health and the quality of his life? Is it possible to measure and predict such an impact? Of course, culture as a whole, as a combination of science, art and education, is capable of beneficially influencing both the individual and society as a whole when choosing the right direction and priorities in life.

Art is a creative understanding of the world around us talented person. The fruits of this understanding belong not only to its creators, but to all humanity living on planet Earth.

The beautiful creations of ancient Greek sculptors and architects, Florentine mosaic masters, Raphael and Michelangelo... Dante, Petrarch, Mozart, Bach, Tchaikovsky are immortal. It takes your breath away when you try to grasp with your mind everything created by geniuses, preserved and continued by their descendants and followers.

In primitive society it originates with the appearance as a way human activity to solve practical problems. Originating in the era , reached its peak about 40 thousand years ago, and was a social product of society, embodying a new stage in the development of reality. Ancient works arts such as the shell necklace found in South Africa, date back to 75 millennium BC. e. and more. In the Stone Age art was introduced primitive rites, music, dancing, all kinds of body decorations, geoglyphs - images on the ground, dendrographs - images on the bark of trees, images on animal skins, cave painting, rock paintings, and sculpture.

The appearance of art is associated with, and, including conditioned ideas.

Now the word “art” is often used in its original, very broad meaning. This is any skill in carrying out any tasks that requires some kind of perfection of its results. In a narrower sense of the word, this is creativity"according to the laws of beauty." Works of artistic creativity, as well as works applied arts, are created according to the “laws of beauty”. A work of art, like all other types public consciousness, is always the unity of the object cognized in it and the subject cognizing this object.

In primitive, pre-class society, art as a special variety of social consciousness did not yet exist independently. It was then in unity with mythology, magic, religion, with legends about a past life, with primitive geographical ideas, with moral requirements.

And then art stood out among them as a special, specific variety. It has become one of the forms of development of social consciousness various peoples. That is how it should be viewed.

Thus, art is a type of consciousness of society, it is artistic content, not scientific. L. Tolstoy, for example, defined art as a means of exchanging feelings, contrasting it with science as a means of exchanging thoughts.

Art is often compared to a reflective mirror, reflecting reality through the thoughts and feelings of the creator. Through it, this mirror reflects those phenomena of life that attracted the artist’s attention and excited him.

Here one can rightfully discern one of the most important specific features of art as a type of human activity.

Any product of labor - be it a tool, a tool, a machine or a means of supporting life - is created for some special need. Even spiritual products such as scientific research, may well remain accessible and important to a narrow group of specialists, without losing anything in their social significance.

But a work of art can be recognized as such only if its content is universal, “of general interest.” The artist is called upon to express something that is equally important for both the driver and the scientist, which is applicable to their life not only to the extent of the specificity of their profession, but also to the extent of their involvement in the life of the people, their ability to be a person, to be a person.

2.2. Types of art

Depending on the material means with which they are constructed works of art, three groups of art forms objectively arise:

1) spatial, or plastic (painting, sculpture, graphics, art photography, architecture, arts and crafts and design), i.e. those that deploy their images in space;

2) temporary (verbal and musical), i.e. those where images are built in time, and not in real space;

3) spatiotemporal (dance; acting art and all based on it; synthetic - theater, cinema, television, variety and circus, etc.), i.e. those whose images have both extension and duration, physicality and dynamism.

Each type of art is directly characterized by the method of material existence of its works and the type of figurative signs used. Within these limits, all its types have varieties, determined by the characteristics of a particular material and the resulting originality of the artistic language.

Yes, varieties verbal art are oral creativity And written literature;

types of music - vocal and different types of instrumental music;

varieties of performing arts - dramatic, musical, puppetry, shadow theater, as well as stage and circus; varieties of dance - everyday dance, classical, acrobatic, gymnastic, ice dance, etc.

On the other hand, each type of art has generic and genre divisions. The criteria for these divisions are defined in different ways, but the very existence of such types of literature as epic, lyric poetry, drama is obvious. fine arts, such as easel, monumental-decorative, miniature, such genres of painting as portrait, landscape, still life...

Thus, art, taken as a whole, is a historically established system of various specific methods of artistic exploration of the world,

each of which has features that are common to all and individually unique.

2.3. Functions of art

Art has similarities and differences with other forms of social consciousness. Just like science, it objectively reflects reality and cognizes its important and essential aspects. But unlike science, which masters the world through abstract theoretical thinking, art understands the world through imaginative thinking. Reality appears in art holistically, in the richness of its sensory manifestations.

Unlike science, artistic consciousness does not set itself the goal of providing any special information about private branches of social practice and identifying their patterns, such as physical, economic, etc. The subject of art is everything that is interesting for a person in life.

Those goals that the author or creator intentionally and consciously sets for himself while working on a work have a direction. This could be some kind of political purpose, comment social status, creating a certain mood or emotion, psychological impact, illustrating something, promoting a product (in the case of advertising) or simply conveying a message.

    Means of communication. In his simplest form art is a means of communication. Like most other forms of communication, it carries with it the intention of conveying information to an audience. For example, scientific illustration is also an art form that exists to convey information. Another example of this kind is geographical maps. However, the content of the message is not necessarily scientific. Art allows you to convey not only objective information, but also emotions, mood, and feelings.

    Art as entertainment. The purpose of art may be to create a mood or emotion that helps one relax or have fun. Very often, cartoons or video games are created for this very purpose.

    , art for political change. One of the defining goals of early 20th-century art was to create works that provoked political change. The directions that emerged for this purpose - , , Russian - are collectively called.

    Art for psychotherapy. Psychologists and psychotherapists can use art to medicinal purposes. A special technique based on the analysis of the patient’s drawings is used to diagnose the state of personality and emotional status. In this case, the ultimate goal is not diagnosis, but mental health.

    Art for social protest, subversion existing order and/or anarchy. As a form of protest, art may not have any specific political purpose, but may be limited to criticism of the existing regime or some aspect of it.

2.4. The role of art in human life

All types of arts serve the greatest of arts - the art of living on earth. Bertolt Brecht

Now it is impossible to imagine that ours would not be accompanied by art. Wherever and whenever he lived, even at the dawn of his development, he tried to comprehend the world around him, which means he strove to understand and figuratively, intelligibly pass on the acquired knowledge to subsequent generations. This is how they appeared wall paintings in caves - ancient human camps. And this is born not only from the desire to protect one’s descendants from the mistakes already made by one’s ancestors, but from the transfer of the beauty and harmony of the world, admiration for the perfect creations of nature.

Humanity did not mark time, it progressively moved forward and higher, and art also developed, accompanying man at all stages of this long and painful path. If you look at the Renaissance, you admire the heights that artists and poets, musicians and architects reached. The immortal creations of Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci still fascinate with their perfection and deep awareness of the role of man in the world, where he is destined to walk his short but beautiful, sometimes tragic path.

Art is one of the most important stages in human evolution. Art helps a person look at the world from different points of view. With each era, with each century, it is improved more and more by man. At all times, art has helped people develop their abilities and improve abstract thinking. Over the centuries, man has tried more and more to change art, improve it, and deepen his knowledge. Art is the great mystery of the world, in which the secrets of the history of our lives are hidden. Art is our history. Sometimes you can find answers to questions that even the most ancient manuscripts cannot answer.
Today, a person can no longer imagine life without reading a novel, without a new movie, without a theater premiere, without a fashionable hit and a favorite musical group, without art exhibitions... In art, a person finds new knowledge, answers to vital questions, calm from everyday bustle, and pleasure. A real work of art is always in tune with the thoughts of readers, viewers, and listeners. A novel can tell about a distant historical era, about people who seem to have a completely different way and style of life, but the feelings with which people at all times were imbued are understandable to the current reader, consonant with him, if the novel was written by a real master. Let Romeo and Juliet live in Verona in ancient times. It is not the time or place of action that determines my perception of the great love and true friendship described by the brilliant Shakespeare.

Russia has not become a distant province of art. Even at the dawn of its emergence, it declared loudly and boldly about its right to stand next to greatest creators Europe: “The Tale of Igor’s Host”, icons and paintings by Andrei Rublev and Theophanes the Greek, cathedrals of Vladimir, Kyiv and Moscow. We are not only proud of the amazing proportions of the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl and the Moscow Intercession Cathedral, better known as St. Basil's Cathedral, but also sacredly honor the names of the creators.

It is not only ancient creations that attract our attention. We constantly encounter works of art in everyday life. Visiting museums and exhibition halls, we want to join that wonderful world, which is accessible first only to geniuses, and then to others, we learn to understand, see, absorb the beauty that has already become a part of our ordinary life.

Pictures, music, theater, books, films give a person incomparable joy and satisfaction, make him sympathize. Eliminate all this from the life of a civilized person, and he will turn, if not into an animal, then into a robot or zombie. The riches of art are inexhaustible. It is impossible to visit all the museums in the world, you cannot listen to all the symphonies, sonatas, operas, you cannot review all the masterpieces of architecture, you cannot re-read all the novels, poems, poems. And there's no point. Know-it-alls actually turn out to be superficial people. From all the diversity, a person chooses for his soul what is closest to him, what gives the basis to his mind and feelings.

The possibilities of art are multifaceted. Art shapes intellectual and moral qualities, stimulates creativity, promotes successful socialization. IN Ancient Greece Fine art was considered as an effective means of influencing a person. Sculptures representing noble people were exhibited in the galleries. human qualities(“Mercy”, “Justice”, etc.). It was believed that, contemplating beautiful sculptures, a person absorbs all the best that they reflect. The same applies to paintings by great masters.

A group of researchers led by Professor Marina de Tommaso from the University of Bari, Italy, has found that beautiful paintings can reduce pain, the Daily Telegraph writes today. Scientists hope that the new results will convince hospitals to take more care in decorating the rooms in which patients are kept.

In the study, a group of people, consisting of both men and women, were asked to look at 300 paintings by masters such as Leonardo da Vinci and Sandro Botticelli, and also select 20 paintings from them that they found the most beautiful and the ugliest. In the next stage, subjects were shown these pictures or nothing at all, leaving a large black wall free for pictures, and at the same time they hit the participants with a short laser pulse, comparable in strength to touching a hot frying pan. It was found that when people look at pictures that they like, pain is felt three times less intensely than when they are forced to look at ugly pictures or a black wall.

Not only children, but often adults too are unable to cope with their emotions. We live by the rules, forcing ourselves with constant “We need, we need, we need...”, forgetting about our desires. Because of this, internal discontent arises, which a person, being a social being, tries to keep to himself. As a result, the body suffers, because negative emotional state often leads to various diseases. Creativity in this case helps relieve emotional stress, harmonize inner world and achieve mutual understanding with others. Of course, this can be not only drawing, but also appliqué, embroidery, photography, modeling from matches, prose, poetry and much more, one way or another related to art.

The question is how literature affects a person, his behavior and psyche, what mechanisms lead to unique experiences and, as a consequence, to changes in a person’s personal characteristics when reading literary work, occupied the minds of many scientists and researchers from ancient times to the present. Fiction, giving knowledge of reality, expands the mental horizons of readers of all ages, gives emotional experience that goes beyond what a person could acquire in his life, forms artistic taste, and provides aesthetic pleasure, which in life modern man takes up a lot of space and is one of his needs. But most importantly, the main function fiction- this is the formation in people of deep and lasting feelings that encourage them to think through, determine their worldview, and direct their behavior personality.

Literature is for people a school of feelings and knowledge of reality and forms an idea of ​​the ideal actions of people, of the beauty of the world and relationships. The Word is a great mystery. Its magical power lies in its ability to evoke vivid images and transport the reader to another world. Without literature, we would never have known that once upon a time there lived wonderful person and the writer Victor Hugo or, for example, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. We would know nothing about the time in which they lived. Thanks to literature, we become more educated and learn the history of our ancestors.

The influence of music on a person is great. A person hears sound not only with his ears; he hears the sound from every pore of his body. Sound permeates his entire being, and according to a certain influence slows down or speeds up the rhythm of blood circulation; either excites the nervous system or calms it; awakens stronger passions in a person or pacifies him, bringing him peace. A certain effect is produced according to the sound. Therefore, knowledge of sound can give a person a magical tool to manage, tune, control and use life, as well as help other people with the greatest benefit. It's no secret that art can heal.

Isotherapy, dance therapy, music treatment - these are already common truths.

The creator of musical pharmacology, scientist Robert Shofler, prescribes listening to all the symphonies of Tchaikovsky, “The King of the Forest” by Schubert, and the ode “To Joy” by Beethoven for therapeutic purposes. He claims that these works promote faster recovery. And researchers at the University of California experimentally proved that after listening to Mozart’s music for 10 minutes, tests showed an increase in students’ IQ by 8-9 units.

But not all art heals.

For example: Rock music causes the release of stress hormones, which erase some information in the brain, causing aggression or depression. Russian psychologist D. Azarov notes that there is a special combination of notes, he called them killer music. After listening to such musical phrases several times, a person develops a gloomy mood and thoughts.

The ringing of bells kills quickly:

    typhoid bacteria


Classical music (Mozart, etc.) promotes:

    general calm

    increased milk secretion (by 20%) in nursing mothers.

The rhythmic sounds of some performers, due to their direct effect on the brain, contribute to:

    release of stress hormones

    memory impairment

    weakening (after 1-2 years) of the general condition (especially when listening to music on headphones).

Mantra, or meditative sounds “om”, “aum”, etc., have a vibrating nature.
Vibrations initially contribute to the activation of certain organs and brain structures. At the same time, many different hormones are released into the blood. (This probably helps to do monotonous work with less energy consumption).

Vibrating sounds cause

    pleasure - for some people, for others - the same sounds cause

    stress response with the release of hormones and a sharp increase in oxidative metabolism.

    • contributes to a sharp rise in blood pressure,

      often leading to heart spasms.

IN literary sources In ancient times we find many examples of the purposeful influence of music on the mental state of people. Plutarch says that Alexander the Great’s fits of furious anger were usually pacified by playing the lyre. The mighty Achilles, according to Homer, tried, by playing the lyre, to cool his “famous” anger, with which the action in the Iliad begins.

There was an opinion that music saves people from imminent death from the bites of poisonous snakes and scorpions. Music was widely recommended as an antidote in these cases by one of the most famous doctors of Ancient Rome, Galen. Nirkus, a companion of Alexander the Great on his campaigns, having visited India, said that in this country, which abounds in poisonous snakes, singing is considered the only remedy for their bites. How can we explain the miraculous effect of music? Research of our time has shown that music in such cases acts not as an antidote, but as a means of eliminating mental trauma; it helps the victim to suppress the feeling of horror. This is just one example when a person’s health and even life largely depend on his state of mind. But this one too separate example allows us to judge how great the role of the nervous system is in the body. It must be taken into account when explaining the mechanism of the impact of art on people's health.

Even more striking is the effect of music on emotions. The influence of music on emotions has been known since ancient times. Music was used for medicinal purposes and in war. Music acts both as a means of distraction from thoughts that disturb a person, and as a means of calming and even healing. Great value music plays as a means of combating overwork. Music can set a certain rhythm before starting work, or set the mood for deep rest during a break.

Art makes the world of people more beautiful, alive and vibrant. For example, painting: how many ancient paintings have survived to our time, from which we can determine how people lived two, three, four or more centuries ago. Now there are many paintings written by our contemporaries, and whatever it is: abstraction, realism, still life or landscape - painting is beautiful art, with the help of which a person learned to see the world as bright and colorful.
Architecture- another one of the most important species art. Scattered all over the world huge amount the most beautiful monuments, and they are not just called “monuments” - they contain greatest secrets stories and memories of them. Sometimes these mysteries cannot be solved by scientists around the world.
Of course, to perceive beauty opera art, for example, it is necessary to know its features, to understand the language of music and vocals, with the help of which the composer and singers convey all shades of life and feelings and influence the thoughts and emotions of listeners. The perception of poetry and fine art also requires certain preparation and appropriate understanding. Even an interesting story will not captivate the reader if he has not developed the technique. expressive reading, if he spends all his energy on composing words from spoken sounds and does not experience their artistic and aesthetic influence.

The effect of art on a person can be long-term or long-term. This emphasizes the great opportunities for using art to obtain a lasting and long-lasting effect, using it for educational purposes, as well as for general health improvement and prevention. Art acts not on any one human ability and strength, be it emotion or intellect, but on the person as a whole. It forms, sometimes unconsciously, the very system of human attitudes.

The artistic genius of D. Moore's famous poster “Have you signed up as a volunteer?”, which was so widely promoted during the Second World War, lies in the fact that it appeals to the human conscience through all the spiritual abilities of man. Those. The power of art lies in appealing to human conscience and awakening its spiritual abilities. And in this regard one can cite famous words Pushkin:

Burn the hearts of people with the verb.

I think this true purpose art.

2.5.Life is short, art is forever.

Art is eternal and beautiful because it brings beauty and goodness to the world.

A person is presented with very strict requirements and art must reflect these requirements. The artists of classicism looked up to classic designs. They believed that the eternal is unchangeable - therefore it is necessary to learn from Greek and Roman authors. Knights, kings, and dukes very often become heroes. They were convinced that beauty in art is created by truth - therefore a writer should imitate nature and depict life believably. Rigid canons of the theory of classicism appear. Art expert Boileau writes: “The incredible cannot move you, let the truth always look believable.” The writers of classicism approached life from the position of reason; they did not trust feelings, considering them changeable and deceitful. Accurate, reasonable, truthful and beautiful. “You need to think about the idea and only then write.”

Art never gets old. In the book of academician philosopher I.T. Frolov wrote: “The reason for this is the unique originality of works of art, their deeply individualized character, ultimately determined by their constant appeal to man. The unique unity of man and the world in a work of art, “human reality.” The famous Danish physicist Niels Bohr wrote: “The reason why art can enrich us is its ability to remind us of harmonies that are inaccessible to us.” systematic analysis" Art often highlights universal, “eternal” problems: what is good and evil, freedom, human dignity. The changing conditions of each era force us to solve these issues anew.

Art has many faces, is eternal, but, unfortunately, it cannot influence people without their will, mental effort, and a certain work of thought. A person must want to learn to see and understand beauty, then art will have a beneficial effect on him and society as a whole. This will probably happen in the future. In the meantime, talented creators should not forget that their works have the power to influence millions, and this can be beneficial or detrimental.

Let me give you a simple example.

For example, an artist painted a picture. The picture depicts negative scenes of murder, there is blood and dirt everywhere, the most chaotic, harsh tones are used, in short, the whole picture has a depressing effect on the viewer, causing negative emotions in a person. The energy emanating from the picture is extremely depressing. So much for the complete relationship between the artist’s thinking and the physical creation of the painting and, accordingly, the viewer or viewers looking at it... Imagine thousands, tens of thousands of such depressing paintings. The same can be said about our cinema. What cartoons do our children watch, not to mention films for adults? And in general, now there is not even such a ban “Under 16” as in the 70s. Complete “negativism”... Imagine how much negative energy there is in the country, in the world, on the whole Earth!.. The same can be said about all types of our art!
“Thoughts combined with actions lead to change. If they are noble, then they liberate, save, promote flourishing. enrich. If they are base, then they enslave, impoverish, weaken, and destroy. If the propaganda of violence, the cult of power, and evil steps onto our screens, we will die after the hapless heroes of these one-day action films.

True art must be beautiful, have a good, humane beginning with centuries-old traditions.

3. Conclusion.

Art plays vital role in our lives, helping future generations to grow morally. Each generation makes its contribution to the development of humanity, culturally enriching it. Without art, we would hardly be able to look at the world from different points of view, differently, look beyond the ordinary, feel a little more keenly. Art, like a person, has many small veins, blood vessels, and organs.

Passions, aspirations, dreams, images, fears - everything that every person lives by - acquires a special coloring and strength.

It is impossible for everyone to be creators, but it is within our power to try to penetrate into the essence of the creation of a genius, to come closer to understanding the beautiful. And the more often we become contemplators of paintings, architectural masterpieces, listeners of beautiful music, the better for us and those around us.

Art helps us master science and gradually deepen our knowledge. And as mentioned above, it is the most important part human development:

- forms in a person the ability to perceive, feel, correctly understand and appreciate the beauty in the surrounding reality and art,

- develops skills in using art to understand people’s lives and nature itself;

- develops a deep understanding of the beauty of nature and the surrounding world. the ability to take care of this beauty;

Arms people with knowledge, and also instills skills in the field of accessible arts - music, painting, theater, literary expression, architecture;

Develops creativity, skills and abilities to feel and create beauty in the surrounding life, at home, in everyday life;

- develops an understanding of beauty in human relationships, the desire and ability to bring beauty into everyday life.

So, art influences our life from all sides, makes it diverse and bright, lively and interesting, rich, helping a person better and better understand his purpose in this world. Our earthly world is woven from perfection and imperfection. And it depends only on the person himself how he will make his future, what he will read, what he will listen to, how to speak.

« The best remedy for the education of feelings in general, for awakening feelings of beauty, for the development creative imagination, is art itself",– pointed out the scientist-psychologist N.E. Rumyantseva.

My favorite works:

My works:

4. Literature

1. Nazarenko-Krivosheina E.P. Are you beautiful, man? - M.: Like. Guard, 1987.

2. Nezhnov G.G. Art in our lives. - M., “Knowledge”, 1975

3. Pospelov G.N. Art and aesthetics. - M.: Art, 1984.

4. Solntsev N.V. Heritage and time. M., 1996.

5. To prepare this work, materials from Internet sites were used.

In Ars longa, vita brevis. Hippocrates

Common Latin saying Ars longa, vita brevis or Vita brevis, ars longa most often translated as Life is short, art is forever.

Sun. Anthology philosopher's stones(? - how to translate correctly?). Approximately second half of the 16th century / Collectanea de Lapide Philosophiae. C. 2nd half of the 16th century. Origin: England. Language: Latin, English, Greek. Dimensions in mm: 150 x 100 (140 x 75). Paper codex. The British Library. Sloane 1171, f. 100v. Sun.

There are options:
Art is long, life is short.
Art is long lasting, life is short.
Art is long lasting, life is short.
Art is long - life is short.
Life is short, science is vast.
Life is short, art is vast.
Art is long lasting, but (human) life is short.

But this is a misunderstanding of the phrase, at least not entirely correct.

I prefer the translation:
The path of art is long, but life is short - it conveys the meaning more accurately.

You can also:
The path of science is long, life is short.
Life is short, science is vast.
The field of science is limitless, and life is short.


Sun and dragon. Anthology of philosopher's stones (?). Approximately second half of the 16th century / Collectanea de Lapide Philosophiae. B. L. Sloane 1171, ff. 100v-101. Sun and dragon. Ink drawing with washes of the sun and a dragon, in the Collectanea de Lapide Philosophiae. C. 2nd half of the 16th century. Origin: England.

Vita brevis, ars longa - the Latin form of the beginning of the “Aphorisms” of Hippocrates (c.460-c.370 BC) - the “father of medicine”, the great ancient Greek thinker, naturalist, doctor, founder of modern medical ethics. [Hippocrates. Aphorisms, I, 1]. Hippocrates talked about the art of healing.


Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640). Hippoctatus. Engraving, 1638 / Hippocrates, engraving by Peter Paul Rubens, 1638. Courtesy of the National Library of Medicine. tes_rubens.jpg

In antiquity, science and art were combined into one concept. Ancient Greek word techne /τέχνη /techne corresponds to the Latin ars. IN Latin there was no difference between the concepts of “art” and “science”: their meaning was conveyed by the word “ars” - an integral doctrine that formulates and codifies practical rules.

Speaking about “art,” Hippocrates naturally meant not artistic creativity, but medicine. The meaning of this comparison is that the art of healing is so complex and requires so much knowledge that it would not be enough to comprehend it throughout a human life.

“Hence,” explained the Roman Stoic philosopher Lucius Annaeus Seneca in his work “On the Brevity of Life,” “the famous exclamation of the greatest of doctors that life is short, but art is long.” [Seneca “On the Transience of Life”, I, 1 ]. Thanks to Seneca, the saying was fixed in its Latin form.


Asclepius on a trip to the island of Kos. Hippocrates on the left. Antique mosaic. Asklepion. Island of Kos / Kos, Asclepeion. "Kos, Asclepeion: Asclepius (in the center) visits Kos, left Hippocrates, right some person from Kos." via.

In the original, Hippocrates’ thought sounds like this: Life is short, the path of art is long (another translation: science is vast), chance is fleeting, experience is deceptive, judgment is difficult / lat. Vita brevis, ars vero longa, occasio autem praeceps, experientia fallax, judicium difficile / Greek. Ὁ βίος βραχύς, ἡ δὲ τέχνη μακρή, ὁ δὲ καιρὸς ὀξύς, ἡ δὲ πεῖρα σφαλερή , ἡ δὲ κρίσις χαλεπή..

The expression became popular after Johann Wolfgang Goethe repeated it in his tragedy “Faust” in the form: “Art is long-lasting, but our lives are short”:

But I want to!

I understand this;
I am afraid for one thing, my protest is only one:
Ars longa, vita brevis est.

And I can handle everything.

But life, unfortunately, is short,
And the path to perfection is long,
Need a helping hand.

[Goethe, Faust. Part I, scene 1.]


Johann Heinrich Fussli (1741-1825). An artist driven to despair by the grandeur of the ruins of antiquity, 1778-1779 / Henry Fuseli (1741-1825). The Artist Moved by the Grandeur of Antique Fragments. 1778-1779. Red chalk on sepia wash. 415x355 mm. Kunsthaus Zürich. via

The words of the ancient Greek doctor are about the brevity of an individual life; Only scientific knowledge passed on from generation to generation prolongs this life. Behind Hippocrates there were more than ten generations of Asclepiads, professional priests of medicine. And after Hippocrates, 2.5 thousand years have passed.

Be that as it may, in all possible options translation Vita brevis, ars longa questions about what life is short does not arise. For life is short, science and art are limitless, chance is uncertain, experience is deceptive, judgment is difficult.

Sources, literature, notes:

Hippocrates. Aphorisms, I, 1; translation from Greek by prof. V.I.Rudneva, p. 696 //Hippocrates. Selected books. M., 1936 / Quote from “Laws” - ibid., p.94.
Rudnev Vladimir Ivanovich (1870-1951) - the first and only translator of Hippocrates into Russian. Although, maybe new translations have appeared now.
Latin-Russian dictionary. Compiled by A.M. Malinin. Executive editor A.N. Popov. State publishing house of foreign and national dictionaries. Moscow, 1952. Pp. 760.
Russian thought and speech. Yours and someone else's. Experience of Russian phraseology. A collection of figurative words and allegories. T.T. 1-2. Walking and apt words. A collection of Russian and foreign quotes, proverbs, sayings, proverbial expressions and individual words. St. Petersburg, type. Ak. Sciences.. M. I. Mikhelson. 1896-1912. - Art is long - life is short.
Explanatory dictionary of foreign words by L. P. Krysin. - M: Russian language, 1998. - Art is durable, but life (of a person) is short.
Encyclopedic dictionary of popular words and expressions // Author-compiler Vadim Serov // Letter Z // Life is short, art is eternal. The same content is copied on a variety of sites, including: