All school essays on literature. Essay on the topic The role of personality in history based on the novel by A.N. Tolstoy "Peter the Great"

Open lesson in literature in grade 11A on the topic: “Problem historical figure in literature."( Reading a novel

A.N. Tolstoy "Peter the First").

Lesson type – lesson-seminar.

View lesson - lesson-study.

Researcher - A.N. Tolstoy, teacher, student.

The subject of teacher research is the effectiveness of various methodological techniques for the formation and development of key competencies.

Subject of student research - text work of art in order to answer questions that arose during the study.

Self group product research activities students - complex projects.

Lesson objectives: 1) to reveal the reasons that prompted A.N. Tolstoy to write a novel about Peter the Great; to identify the ideological and artistic task of the writer - to show Peter the Great as an outstanding statesman; 2) learn to use in research work creative method writer; 3) help students comprehend the patriotic pathos of the novel, promote the process spiritual development through thoughtful and attentive reading of fiction.

Progress of the lesson.

    Setting goals and objectives for the lesson.

Epigraph: “To understand the secret of the Russian people, their greatness, you need to know their past well and deeply...”

“I was looking for clues to the Russian people and Russian statehood in this topic.”

A.N. Tolstoy.

2. A) The teacher’s word.

The theme of Peter runs through the entire work of the writer. He dedicated his youthful poetic sketches to it, addressed it during the days of the revolution, and made important fateful decisions with the name of Peter. This theme was widely developed by Tolstoy in the 30s: three versions of the play “On the Rack” and the novel “Peter the Great” were created. The writer himself explained his commitment to this era this way ( reference to the epigraph).

B) Implementation of student projects.

The specificity of a historical work is such that it is based on facts separated from the moment of creation by a significant time distance. In order to understand what and who became the subject of Tolstoy’s depiction, you need to remember what you know about the era of the reign of Peter the Great? Our historians were involved in preparing this project.

(Student presentation.)

The ideological and artistic task of the writer is to show the scale of the personality of Peter the Great. To solve this problem, it is necessary to find out what the writer’s creative method is, what creative concept he adheres to. It is known that Tolstoy was not the first to turn to the personality of Peter. Let's listen to literary scholars. They should tell us how the image of this historical figure developed in Russian literature, and also whose concept Alexei Tolstoy accepted and why.

(Student message).

B) - According to the tradition established in literature, “big history” serves as a background for the history of private human destinies. Let us recall Leo Tolstoy's epic novel War and Peace, where events are conveyed through the perception of fictional persons, and historical figures are relegated to the background.

A.N. Tolstoy brings to the fore precisely big story and outstanding historical personality - Petra. The figure of the reformer king becomes the core of the novel, and fictional characters fill the historical background around it.

How do you explain such a plot decision by the writer, his promotion to the center of the narrative?

(Student's answer.)

3.Analysis of the image of Peter in the novel.

For analytical work above the image we use the thesis of Tolstoy himself: “The era needed Human, his searched and He I myself was looking for applications for my strength. There was interaction here.” Reading the book, you see that Peter’s character is developing before the reader’s eyes. With your research, using the text of the novel you read, confirm this idea of ​​the writer. Word to a group of researchers: “Stages of development of Peter’s personality.”

A) Proclamation of a still unintelligent boy as king;

B) the life of Peter during the reign of Sophia;

IN) struggle for the throne, flight to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra;

D) the battle for Azov;

D) trip abroad;

E) war with the Swedes;

G) the birth of St. Petersburg.

(For relief, let’s look at a fragment of the film adaptation of the novel.)

For a long time wise people it has been proven that best teacher human life is life. What episodes from the novel depict Peter as a “man of his time”?

(These are the episodes that illustrate the necessary transformations for the country.) Again, the word to the group of researchers.

-The decision to build a shipyard in Astrakhan was made after the defeat in the Azov campaign.

- Azov campaign.

-Building a fleet and taking Azov.

Often when creating historical image the author seeks to compare the main character with others actors to highlight his originality, versatility, energy and strength. Tolstoy also uses this technique in comparing Peter with Charles the 12th. Word to a group of researchers.

4.Work in a notebook.

- You are familiar with concepts that are new to you: point of view, external gesture.

“Point of view” – showing events not from the point of view of the author, but from the point of view of one of the heroes, participants in the events.

“External gesture” - posture, movement, gaze, facial expression through which the state of mind hero, his unspoken thoughts.

Apply these concepts to the analysis of any episode of the novel. Take a closer look at how Tolstoy depicts the character’s state of mind. Word to the group literary scholars.

5. Conclusion.

The role of a historical figure is that he is more specifically aware of the tasks of his time, serving not himself, but the country, the Motherland. What, according to Tolstoy, did Tsar Peter mean by serving Russia? How did the author reflect in the image of Peter the feeling of the Motherland, the understanding of the needs of the era? Word to a group of researchers.

6.Conclusion from the lesson.

So, the image of Peter as a statesman, as a person, is shown by Tolstoy historically accurately, in a tense struggle, all his actions are aimed at the good of the country. According to the author, Peter does not disrupt the course of the historical process, but only directs it.

Homework: prepare for a workshop on a novel

"Peter the Great".

Open lesson on literature in grade 11A on the topic

"The problem of historical personality in literature."

(We read A.N. Tolstoy’s novel “Peter the First.”)

The role of personality in history based on A.N. Tolstoy’s novel “Peter the Great”.
He is an all-encompassing soul
There was a worker on the eternal throne
A.S. Pushkin
I Ideological plan novel.
II The formation of the personality of Peter I.
1) The formation of the character of Peter I under the influence of historical events.
2) Intervention of Peter I in historical process.
3) The era that formed historical figure.
III Historical and cultural value novel.
The creation of the novel "Peter the Great" was preceded by A.N. Tolstoy's long work on a number of works about the Peter the Great era. In 1917 - 1918 the stories "Obsession" and "The Day of Peter" were written, in 1928 - 1929 he wrote the historical play "On the Rack". In 1929, Tolstoy began work on the novel Peter the Great; the third book, unfinished due to the writer’s death, was dated 1945.
The ideological concept of the novel is expressed in the construction of the work. When creating the novel, the last thing A.N. Tolstoy wanted was for it to turn into historical chronicle reign of the progressive king. Tolstoy wrote: " Historical novel cannot be written in the form of a chronicle, in the form of history. What is needed first of all is composition, the establishment of a center of vision. In my novel, the center is the figure of Peter I."
The writer considered one of the tasks of the novel to be an attempt to depict the formation of personality in history, in an era. The entire course of the narrative was supposed to prove the mutual influence of personality and era, to emphasize the progressive significance of Peter's transformations, their regularity and necessity. He considered another task to be “identifying the driving forces of the era” - solving the problem of the people.
At the center of the novel's narrative is Peter. Tolstoy shows the process of formation of Peter's personality, the formation of his character under the influence of historical circumstances. Tolstoy wrote: “Personality is a function of the era, it grows on fertile soil, but, in turn, a large, great personality begins to move the events of the era.” The image of Peter in Tolstoy’s depiction is very multifaceted and complex, shown in constant dynamics and development. At the beginning of the novel, Peter is a lanky and angular boy, fiercely defending his right to the throne. Then we see how the youth grows statesman, an astute diplomat, an experienced, fearless commander. Life becomes Peter's teacher. The Azov campaign leads him to the idea of ​​​​the need to create a fleet, the “Narva embarrassment” leads to the reorganization of the army. On the pages of the novel, Tolstoy depicts major events in the life of the country: the uprising of the Streltsy, the reign of Sophia, the Crimean campaigns of Golitsyn, the Azov campaigns of Peter, the Streltsy revolt, the war with the Swedes, the construction of St. Petersburg. Tolstoy selects these events to show how they influence the formation of Peter's personality.
But not only circumstances influence Peter, he actively interferes in life, changes it, disdaining the centuries-old foundations, orders “nobility to be counted according to suitability.” How many “chicks of Petrov’s nest” were united and rallied around him by this decree, how many talented people He gave me the opportunity to develop my abilities! Using the technique of contrast, contrasting the scenes with Peter with the scenes with Sophia, Ivan and Golitsyn, Tolstoy evaluates general character Peter's intervention in the historical process and proves that only Peter can take the lead in transformation.
But the novel does not become a biography of Peter I. The era that shapes the historical figure is also important to Tolstoy. He creates a multifaceted composition, showing the life of the most diverse segments of the Russian population: peasants, soldiers, merchants, boyars, nobles. The action takes place in various places: in the Kremlin, in Ivashka Brovkin’s hut, in the German settlement, Moscow, Azov, Arkhangelsk, Narva. The era of Peter is also created by the image of his associates, real and fictitious: Alexander Menshikov, Nikita Demidov, Brovkin, who rose from the bottom and fought with honor for the cause of Peter and Russia. Among Peter's associates there are many descendants noble families: Romodanovsky, Sheremetyev, Repnin, who serve the young tsar and his new goals not out of fear, but out of conscience.
Roman A.N. Tolstoy's "Peter the Great" is valuable to us not only as historical work, Tolstoy used archival documents, and how cultural heritage. There are many in the novel folklore images and motives used folk songs, proverbs, sayings, jokes. Tolstoy did not have time to complete his work, the novel remained unfinished. But from its pages emerge images of that era and its central image - Peter I - the transformer and statesman, vitally connected with his state and era.

Tasks and tests on the topic "The role of personality in history based on the novel by A.N. Tolstoy Peter the Great."

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The problem of the people and the individual is the main aspect main problem novel - “the formation of personality in history.” The question of the relationship between “people and personality” was considered by Tolstoy on the basis of identifying driving forces era. In connection with the consideration of this topic, the author focuses his attention on some points: historical role people in Peter’s transformations, the complexity of relations between Peter and the people, preparation for the uprising, etc.

Image of Peter shown by A. Tolstoy as relevant in a specific era. The author emphasizes that it was Peter who could become the “transformer” that Russia needed, because. fully understood the needs of the time. Peter is shown as a decisive, courageous, internally strong man, because he goes against the boyars, and in many ways contrary to the wishes of the people (shipbuilding shipyards were an unusual occupation for them). But Peter is also calculating, smart politician, who was able to “overcome” the first wave of resistance (flight to the forests, to the Don), and then lead the country to a radical new level: « It is not the world that has become, but a tavern... We are sliding into the abyss...».

Peter is no stranger to cruelty. Let us recall the scene of the suppression of the Streltsy rebellion: “ There were tortures and executions all winter. The whole country was gripped by horror. Byzantine Rus' ended" Repeatedly, the author emphasizes the inconsistency of his hero, creating him not only as a figure of the “time,” but also as a person who embodied the best features of the Russian national character.

Plays the most important role in the novel comparison of Peter with Golitsyn. Vasily Golitsyn expresses ideas that are close to Peter, but due to their personal qualities cannot implement them. From here the death of bright hopes, talent, education. Peter, in contrast to Golitsyn, is active and firm; there is no Golitsyn softness and kindness in him. Peter has a goal, and on the way to it the hero does not spare either himself or those around him. The choice of Peter’s associates was also strange for a man of the 18th century: his material condition and social status, on the contrary, Peter gives preference personal qualities devotion, fidelity, determination, responsibility, the ability to grasp everything on the fly, reliability. Therefore, Peter’s craving for to the common man. Peter sincerely patronizes native talents and people's ingenuity: he welcomes zeal Bazhenin brothers to the creation of water mills, the desire to study and work as the first “navigator” Ivan Zhigulina etc.

The image of Peter in the novel is not static: we see the development of his “fighting” qualities in the hero already from teenage years. He hates the boyars, watching the struggle of the Miloslavskys and Naryshkins, but he happily spends time in noisy games or in the German settlement. Peter is energetic, hardworking, easy to deal with people; all this is contrasted with a measured, well-fed life without activities or hobbies, characteristic of “those in power.”

Peter is driven by a passionate desire for the good of Russia « sleepy, poor, unmoving" Once in Arkhangelsk, the hero. Seeing foreign merchant ships, he understands the need for economic development of his country, creating a fleet and establishing trade relations. Like a truly wise ruler, Peter is aware of all the advantages of his state (“ we sit in great open spaces and beggars") and more than once discusses the causes of poverty in Russia (" the devil brought me to be born a king in such a country»).

Despite the disclosure of the image of Peter as a steadfast, independent, thoughtful, talented ruler, the author does not idealize his hero: Peter’s class limitations, his desire to strengthen the serfdom, excessive reverence for Western ideas, unfavorable treatment of his wife, etc. are repeatedly emphasized.

The image of Peter is largely innovative, because the author shows the hero in his development, in the formation of those qualities that are dominant in the image. Peter is presented by the author as a living person with his own weaknesses and strengths, and also as part of its era., when copying material in full or in part, a link to the original source is required.

When creating the novel, the last thing A.N. Tolstoy wanted was for it to turn into a historical chronicle of the reign of a progressive tsar. Tolstoy wrote: “A historical novel cannot be written in the form of a chronicle, in the form of history. First of all, composition is needed..., establishing a center... of vision. In my novel, the center is the figure of Peter I."

The writer considered one of the tasks of the novel to be an attempt to depict the formation of personality in history, in an era. The entire course of the narrative was supposed to prove the mutual influence of personality and era, to emphasize the progressive significance of Peter's transformations, their regularity and necessity.

He considered another task to be “identifying the driving forces of the era” - solving the problem of the people. At the center of the novel's narrative is Peter. Tolstoy showed the process of formation of Peter's personality, the formation of his character under the influence of historical circumstances. Tolstoy wrote: “Personality is a function of the era, it grows on fertile soil, but, in turn, a large, great personality begins to move the events of the era.”

The image of Peter in Tolstoy’s depiction is very multifaceted and complex, shown in constant dynamics and development. At the beginning of the novel, Peter is a lanky and angular boy, fiercely defending his right to the throne.

Then we see how the youth grows into a statesman, an astute diplomat, an experienced, fearless commander. Life became Peter's teacher.

The Azov campaign led him to the idea of ​​​​the need to create a fleet, the “Narva embarrassment” - to the reorganization of the army. On the pages of the novel, Tolstoy depicted the most important events in the life of the country: the uprising of the Streltsy, the reign of Sophia, the Crimean campaigns of Golitsyn, the Azov campaigns of Peter, the Streltsy rebellion, the war with the Swedes, the construction of St. Petersburg.

Tolstoy selected these events to show how they influenced the formation of Peter's personality. But not only circumstances influence Peter, he himself actively intervened in life, changed it, despising age-old foundations, and ordered “nobility to be counted according to suitability.”

How many “chicks of Petrov’s nest” this decree united and rallied around him, how many talented people it gave the opportunity to develop their abilities!

Using the technique of contrast, contrasting the scenes with Peter’s participation with the scenes with Sophia, Ivan and Golitsyn, Tolstoy assessed the general nature of Peter’s intervention in the historical process and argued that only Peter could take the lead in the transformations.

But the novel did not become a biography of Peter I. The era that shapes a historical figure is also important to Tolstoy. He created a multifaceted composition, showing the life of the most diverse segments of the Russian population: peasants, soldiers, merchants, boyars, nobles.

The action took place in different places: in the Kremlin, in Ivashka Brovkin’s hut, in the German settlement, Moscow, Azov, Arkhangelsk, Narva.

The era of Peter is also created by the image of his associates, real and fictitious: Alexander Menshikov, Nikita Demidov, Brovkin, who rose from the ranks and fought with honor for the cause of Peter and Russia.

Among Peter's associates there are many descendants of noble families: Romodanovsky, Sheremetyev, Repnin, who served the young Tsar and the Fatherland not out of fear, but out of conscience.

“Peter the Great” was started by Tolstoy in 1929, but work on it was interrupted by the writer’s death in 1945. The novel is valuable to us not only as a historical work, but also as a cultural heritage. On the one hand, Tolstoy used archival documents; on the other hand, there are many folk images and motifs, folk songs, proverbs, sayings, and jokes. Tolstoy did not have time to complete his work, the novel remained unfinished. But from its pages emerge images of that era and its central image - Peter I - a transformer and statesman, vitally connected with his state and era.