The main problems of the novel are what to do. »: ideology, poetics, problems of artistry


The highest ethical law for Chernyshevsky and his favorite heroes is simple. Happiness for one is impossible if it is built on the unhappiness of another. This is how the concept of reasonable selfishness, about the calculation of benefits, arises: it is necessary to make sure that all people are happy and free. The heroes of the novel see their personal benefit in the struggle for the happiness of the whole people. They are guided by the same noble principles when they seek to rethink that difficult situation that arose in their personal life. According to Chernyshevsky, the relationship of people in love, in the family, is a test, a test of their social maturity, steadfastness, adherence to principles, readiness to fight for human rights in a wider sphere. And it is quite natural that the theme of love in the novel leads directly to fourth dream Vera Pavlovna, where we are talking about the future triumph of communism. For Chernyshevsky, communism is not just a palace made of iron and glass, aluminum furniture, machines that do almost everything for a person. This and new character human relationships, and in particular, the new character of love.

According to numerous memoirs of contemporaries, it is known that the novel was met with extraordinary enthusiasm by progressive youth, who perceived it as "a revelation and a program." Chernyshevsky created his novel, guided by those basic aesthetic principles, which were formulated in his famous dissertation. However, one must not forget that aesthetic views Chernyshevsky did not remain unchanged. They were refined in the process of his literary-critical activity. The experience of direct work on a work of art, in turn, forced him to reconsider or rethink some ideas, the simplification or obscurity of which he no longer felt from the standpoint of a theorist, but from the point of view of a practitioner.

The system of images in romance. ordinary people And special person. The innovation of Chernyshevsky as a writer manifested itself primarily in the creation of images of representatives of the revolutionary-democratic camp. Among them are Lopukhov, Kirsanov, Vera Pavlovna. These are, according to the author, new people - "kind and strong, knowledgeable and able."

Thus, for Chernyshevsky himself, "What is to be done?" is a novel, a full-fledged literary work associated with certain traditions in Russian and world literature (Didro, Montesquieu, Voltaire, George Sand, Herzen) and polemically opposed to the theory and practice of a hostile aesthetic school. And in the very text of the novel, Chernyshevsky persistently affirms his understanding of the principles of artistry. An argument with an astute reader was necessary for the author to discredit those alien to him. aesthetic theories, because astute reader not only embodies the philistine worldview, but belongs to the camp of "pure aesthetics", expresses their well-established concepts and ideas.

Forms and techniques psychological analysis in "What Is to Be Done?" also internally polemical. The author and his characters not only act, but above all they think according to the laws of reason. Enlightenment rationalism acquires a new character in Chernyshevsky, it becomes an aesthetic category. The most complex feelings of the characters are always amenable to rational interpretation. They have no emotional anguish, painful hesitation. They have such moral health, such stability in life, such optimism, which have not yet been encountered in Russian literature. The clarity and rationality of the feelings experienced by the characters of What Is to Be Done? Contrast with irrationality inner world heroes of Dostoevsky.

The appearance on the pages of Sovremennik of the novel by Chernyshevsky, who was then in Peter and Paul Fortress, was an event of great importance both in terms of socio-political and literary. The fiery word of the writer sounded throughout Russia, calling for the struggle for a future socialist society, for a new life built on the principles of reason, for truly human relationships between people, for a new revolutionary humanism.

However, in the process of work, Chernyshevsky comes to the conclusion that he has the necessary data to create precisely artwork- a novel, and not a memoir, a documentary narrative "from the life" of the author's good friends. A few months after the end of "What to do?" Chernyshevsky summed up his reflections on artistic originality of his first novel: “... When I wrote“ What is to be done? ”, The thought began to appear in me: it may very well be that I have some creative power. I saw that I do not portray my acquaintances, do not copy - that my faces are as fictional faces as Gogol's faces ... ". These considerations of Chernyshevsky are extremely important not only as an autocharacteristic of the egr own novel. They also have theoretical significance, helping, in particular, to judge a certain evolution in aesthetic views author. Now he realizes artistic nature of his work, pointing to the creative fantasy.

The difference between the special person and the ordinary "new people" in the novel is not absolute, but relative. The heroes of the work can climb a step higher - and this movement has no end. This is the point plot development: life does not stand still, it develops, and the author's favorite characters grow with it. The break with the old world was once fundamentally important and necessary for them. Now reality itself poses new challenges for them. The family-household plot naturally develops into a socio-political one. Therefore, Chernyshevsky does not end the novel with a picture of the serene happiness of the characters. Appears new character- a lady in mourning with her tragic fate. Thus, in the plot, in the system of images, the author conveyed the concept of patterns historical development Russian life of those years. Heroes go into revolution, although this portends not only joy, but also sadness, perhaps even mourning, not only victory, but also temporary defeats.

"What to do?" - a novel-sermon addressed to the mass of readers. Even in the article "Russian Man" Chernyshevsky directly demanded: "What should I do now - let each of you say." What to do? - this is the same vital question that became the title of the novel. When? Now, immediately, now. And everyone should solve this issue, understanding their personal responsibility for everything that happens around. These words, which Chernyshevsky wrote back in 1857, contain the grain of his novel.

The novel "What to do?" polemical in relation to many phenomena of contemporary Russian literature. In science, it is considered established that it was partially conceived as a kind of response to Turgenev's novel Fathers and Sons. It can be added that Chernyshevsky deliberately drew on the creative experience of Goncharov (who, in turn, did not accept the artistic method of Chernyshevsky). Goncharov's world is predominantly static, Chernyshevsky's world, on the contrary, is dynamic. The reproduction of life in its movement and development follows directly from main feature novel "What to do?" - the power of thought.

Chernyshevsky's images of the "new people" are given in development. This structural originality of the work is most clearly manifested through the image of Rakhmetov, whom the author calls a special person. This is a professional revolutionary who consciously gave his life to serve the great cause of liberating the people from centuries of oppression.

Other writings on this work

"Without generous ideas, mankind cannot live." F. M. Dostoevsky. (According to one of the works of Russian literature. - N. G. Chernyshevsky. "What to do?".) "The greatest truths are the simplest" L.N. Tolstoy (Based on one of the works of Russian literature - N.G. Chernyshevsky "What to do?") "New people" in the novel by G. N. Chernyshevsky "What is to be done?" New people" in the novel by N. G. Chernyshevsky "What to do? "New People" Chernyshevsky A special person Rakhmetov Vulgar people" in the novel by N. G. Chernyshevsky "What to do? "Reasonable egoists" N. G. Chernyshevsky The future is bright and beautiful (based on the novel by N. G. Chernyshevsky "What is to be done?") Genre and ideological originality of the novel by N. Chernyshevsky "What to do?" How does N. G. Chernyshevsky answer the question posed in the title of the novel “What is to be done?” My opinion about the novel by N. G. Chernyshevsky "What is to be done?" NG Chernyshevsky "What to do?" New people (based on the novel "What is to be done?") New people in "What to do?" The image of Rakhmetov The image of Rakhmetov in the novel by N.G. Chernyshevsky "What is to be done?" From Rakhmetov to Pavel Vlasov The problem of love in the novel by N. G. Chernyshevsky "What is to be done?" The problem of happiness in the novel by N. G. Chernyshevsky "What to do?" Rakhmetov is the "special" hero of N. Chernyshevsky's novel What Is to Be Done? Rakhmetov among the heroes of Russian literature of the 19th century Rakhmetov and the path to a brighter future (N.G. Chernyshevsky's novel "What to do") Rakhmetov as a “special person” in the novel by N. G. Chernyshevsky “What is to be done?” The role of Vera Pavlovna's dreams in revealing the author's intention The novel by N. G. Chernyshevsky "What to do" about human relations Dreams of Vera Pavlovna (based on the novel by N. G. Chernyshevsky "What to do?") The theme of labor in the novel by N. G. Chernyshevsky "What is to be done?" The theory of "reasonable egoism" in the novel by G. N. Chernyshevsky "What is to be done?" Philosophical views in the novel by N. G. Chernyshevsky "What is to be done?" The artistic originality of the novel "What is to be done?" Artistic features and compositional originality of the novel by N. Chernyshevsky "What is to be done?" Features of utopia in the novel by N. G. Chernyshevsky "What is to be done?" What does it mean to be a "special" person? (According to the novel by N. G. Chernyshevsky “What is to be done?”) The era of the reign of Alexander II and the emergence of "new people", described in the novel by N. Chernyshevsky "What is to be done?" Author's answer to the question in the title The system of images in the novel "What to do" The novel "What to do?" Analysis of the evolution of literary characters on the example of the image of Rakhmetov Roman Chernyshevsky "What to do" The composition of Chernyshevsky's novel "What is to be done?" The main theme of the novel "What to do?" Creative history of the novel “What is to be done?” Vera Pavlovna and the Frenchwoman Julie in the novel What Is to Be Done? Genre and ideological originality of the novel by N. G. Chernyshevsky "What to do?" A new attitude towards a woman in the novel What Is To Be Done? Characteristics of the image of Mertsalov Alexei Petrovich About human relations What answers does the novel “What is to be done?” give? "Real dirt". What does Chernyshevsky mean by using this term Chernyshevsky Nikolai Gavrilovich, prose writer, philosopher Features of utopia in the novel by Nikolai Chernyshevsky "What is to be done?" THE IMAGE OF RAKHMETOV IN N.G. CHERNYSHEVSKY "WHAT TO DO?" How close are the moral ideals of the "new people" to me (based on Chernyshevsky's novel What Is to Be Done?) Rakhmetov "special person", "higher nature", a person of "another breed" Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky Rakhmetov and new people in the novel "What is to be done?" What attracts me in the image of Rakhmetov The hero of the novel "What to do?" Rakhmetov Realistic novel in N. G. Chernyshevsky "What is to be done?" Kirsanov and Vera Pavlovna in the novel "What to do?" Characterization of the image of Marya Alekseevna in the novel "What is to be done?" Russian utopian socialism in Chernyshevsky's novel What Is to Be Done? The plot structure of the novel "What is to be done?" Chernyshevsky N. G. "What to do?" Is there any truth in Chernyshevsky's novel What Is to Be Done? Reflection of the humanistic idea of ​​the author in the characters of the novel "What is to be done?"

History of creation

Chernyshevsky himself called these people a type that "has recently come into being and is rapidly growing", is a product and a sign of the times.

These heroes have a special revolutionary morality, which is based on the enlightenment theory of the 18th century, the so-called "theory of reasonable selfishness". This theory is that a person can be happy if his personal interests coincide with the public.

Vera Pavlovna - main character novel. Her prototypes are Chernyshevsky's wife Olga Sokratovna and Marya Alexandrovna Bokova-Sechenova, who fictitiously married her teacher, and then became the wife of the physiologist Sechenov.

Vera Pavlovna managed to escape from the circumstances that had surrounded her since childhood. Her character was tempered in a family where her father was indifferent to her, and for her mother she was just a profitable commodity.

Vera is as enterprising as her mother, thanks to which she manages to create sewing workshops that give a good profit. Vera Pavlovna is smart and educated, balanced and kind to both her husband and girls. She is not a prude, not hypocritical and smart. Chernyshevsky admires Vera Pavlovna's desire to break outdated moral principles.

Chernyshevsky emphasizes the similarities between Lopukhov and Kirsanov. Both doctors, engaged in science, both from poor families and have achieved everything hard work. For the sake of helping an unfamiliar girl, Lopukhov abandons his scientific career. He is more rational than Kirsanov. This is evidenced by the intention of imaginary suicide. But Kirsanov is capable of any sacrifice for the sake of friendship and love, avoids communication with a friend and lover in order to forget her. Kirsanov is more sensitive and charismatic. Rakhmetov believes him, embarking on the path of improvement.

But main character novel (not according to the plot, but according to the idea) - not just " new person”, but the “special person” is the revolutionary Rakhmetov. He generally refuses egoism as such, from happiness for himself. A revolutionary must sacrifice himself, give his life for those he loves, live like the rest of the people.

By origin he is an aristocrat, but he broke with the past. Rakhmetov earned as a simple carpenter, barge hauler. He had the nickname "Nikitushka Lomov", like a barge haul hero. Rakhmetov invested all his funds in the cause of the revolution. He led the most ascetic life. If new people are called Chernyshevsky the salt of the earth, then revolutionaries like Rakhmetov are “the color of the best people, engine engines, salt of the salt of the earth". The image of Rakhmetov is covered with a halo of mystery and innuendo, since Chernyshevsky could not say everything directly.

Rakhmetov had several prototypes. One of them is the landowner Bakhmetev, who transferred almost all of his fortune to Herzen in London for the cause of Russian propaganda. The image of Rakhmetov is collective.

The image of Rakhmetov is far from ideal. Chernyshevsky warns readers against admiring such heroes, because their service is unrequited.

Stylistic features

Chernyshevsky widely uses two means artistic expressiveness- allegory and silence. Vera Pavlovna's dreams are full of allegories. The dark basement in the first dream is an allegory of women's lack of freedom. The bride of Lopukhov is great love to people, the dirt real and fantastic from the second dream - the circumstances in which the poor and the rich live. The huge glass house in the last dream is an allegory of the communist happy future, which, according to Chernyshevsky, will definitely come and bring joy to everyone without exception. Silence is associated with censorship prohibitions. But some mystery of images or storylines does not spoil the pleasure of reading in the least: "I know more about Rakhmetov than I say." The meaning of the finale of the novel, which is interpreted in different ways, the image of a lady in mourning, remains vague. All songs and toasts of a cheerful picnic are allegorical.

In the last tiny chapter, "A Change of Scenery," the lady is no longer in mourning, but in smart clothes. In a young man of about 30, the released Rakhmetov is guessed. This chapter depicts the future, albeit not far off.

The novel was created in the fortress and was intended for friends, for new people, with whom Chernyshevsky was looking for communication. The critic gave the main task of the novel in the title. This novel was extremely relevant for its time and develops what is said in fiction to Chernyshevsky. (“Who is to blame?”) The second title of the novel is also important: “From stories about new people”.

The product is multifaceted. The problematic of the novel is the range of the following questions:

1. Home is Problem About personal happiness and about the ways to happiness in general (revolution, socialism).

2. The problem of love between a man and a woman and the problem of love for people (as the basis of a revolutionary worldview).

3. About the choice of a profession, about one's work and about the emancipation of labor, about work as the basis for the development of society, about the forms of labor.

4. The problem of the past, present and future of Russia. about reality in broad sense words.

There are 4 belts and 4 types of person in the novel.

Vulgar people who should soon depart, antediluvian people. (Rozalskaya)

New people, new ordinary people. (Lopukhov, Kirsanov, Vera Pavlovna)

Related to the second superior people, special new people. (Rakhmetov)

People of the future. (4th dream of Vera Pavlovna)

New people are not alone, they do not feel random. New people are a whole group, environment. They are given not in a foreign, but in their own environment. Chernyshevsky talks about a group of new people and shows what unites them.

These are people modern to Chernyshevsky, modern normal people. They showed the movement of time. They are a sign of the times. The characters of these people are created by labor combined with knowledge. Labor made them strong. Chernyshevsky emphasizes activity, sobriety, reality in new people.

Chernyshevsky, believing that the time should come when the companions of good will not be weakness, but strength. Pechorin's high dream, for example, was combined with impracticality, Chernyshevsky's - on the contrary, good people- weak, and evil - strong. Chernyshevsky does not romanticize his heroes, his new people are active and reasonable. Chernyshevsky trusted too much human nature and reason. Therefore, his heroes believe very much in their mind. Chernyshevsky reveals the history of his heroes. They gradually rise to a revolutionary outlook. Chernyshevsky dwells on the morality of his heroes. Their ethics He calls it "reasonable selfishness." The ethics of Chernyshevsky's heroes are based on the following principles:

1. There is no happiness without freedom.

2. Delight - to act honestly.

3. There is no lonely happiness.

Chernyshevsky explains that this theory is only for developed people, for whom acting honestly is a pleasure. Such morality requires only internal development, when the personal and the general merge inextricably. Chernyshevsky tried to illustrate personal relationships. The desire to communicate is inherent in human nature itself. Chernyshevsky wanted to derive high morality from the very human nature. This does not oppose the Christian interpretation.

Chernyshevsky's innovation in depicting new people was of a fundamental nature - not only socio-political, but also literary and creative. After all, in real life there were still few such people as the heroes of the novel What Is to Be Done? Goncharov was convinced that the artistic Type is made up of long and many repetitions, stratifications of phenomena and faces, and that from that time on it becomes a type when it was repeated many times and became familiar to everyone. Chernyshevsky defended the right to write about those phenomena that were just emerging in life, although they had not yet become a mass phenomenon.

So, in the novel, primary attention is paid to new people - kind and strong, knowledgeable and able. (Lopukhov, Kirsanov, Vera Pavlovna) But besides them, there is also a special person - Rakhmetov.

The author makes it a kind of standard, with the help of which the real significance of ordinary decent people is established. What marks it? He is a professional revolutionary who consciously gave his life for the cause of the liberation of the people.

The image is to some extent autobiographical, but this does not refer to the origin of the hero, but to strength of mind, inner conviction, selflessness and moral stamina.

Not everyone can be like Rakhmetov, but like Lopukhov, Kirsanov, Vera Pavlovna - all people can really be kind, decent. “No sacrifices are required, deprivations are not asked. Desire to be happy - only this desire is needed.

The highest ethical law for Chernyshevsky and his favorite heroes is simple. Happiness for one is impossible if it is built on the unhappiness of another. This is how the concept of reasonable selfishness, about the calculation of benefits, arises: it is necessary to make sure that all people are happy and free. The heroes of the novel see their personal benefit in the struggle for the happiness of the whole people. They are guided by the same noble principles when they seek to rethink the difficult situation that has arisen in their personal lives in a new way. According to Chernyshevsky, the relationship of people in love, in the family, is a test, a test of their social maturity, steadfastness, adherence to principles, readiness to fight for human rights in a wider sphere. And it is quite natural that the theme of love in the novel leads directly to Vera Pavlovna's fourth dream, which deals with the future triumph of communism. For Chernyshevsky, communism is not just a palace made of iron and glass, aluminum furniture, machines that do almost everything for a person. This is the new character of human relationships, and in particular, the new character of love.

According to numerous memoirs of contemporaries, it is known that the novel was met with extraordinary enthusiasm by progressive youth, who perceived it as "a revelation and a program." Chernyshevsky created his novel, guided by the basic aesthetic principles that were formulated in his famous dissertation. However, we must not forget that Chernyshevsky's aesthetic views did not remain unchanged. They were refined in the process of his literary-critical activity. The experience of direct work on a work of art, in turn, forced him to reconsider or rethink some ideas, the simplification or obscurity of which he no longer felt from the standpoint of a theorist, but from the point of view of a practitioner.

The system of images in romance. Ordinary people and a special person. The innovation of Chernyshevsky as a writer manifested itself primarily in the creation of images of representatives of the revolutionary-democratic camp. Among them are Lopukhov, Kirsanov, Vera Pavlovna. These are, according to the author, new people - "kind and strong, knowledgeable and able."

Thus, for Chernyshevsky himself, "What is to be done?" is a novel, a full-fledged literary work associated with certain traditions in Russian and world literature (Didro, Montesquieu, Voltaire, George Sand, Herzen) and polemically opposed to the theory and practice of a hostile aesthetic school. And in the very text of the novel, Chernyshevsky persistently affirms his understanding of the principles of artistry. The author needed a dispute with the insightful reader to discredit aesthetic theories alien to him, because the insightful reader not only embodies the narrow-minded worldview, but belongs to the camp of “pure aesthetics”, expresses their established concepts and ideas.

Forms and methods of psychological analysis in the novel What Is To Be Done? also internally polemical. The author and his characters not only act, but above all they think according to the laws of reason. Enlightenment rationalism acquires a new character in Chernyshevsky, it becomes an aesthetic category. The most complex feelings of the characters are always amenable to rational interpretation. They have no emotional anguish, painful hesitation. They have such moral health, such stability in life, such optimism, which have not yet been encountered in Russian literature. The clarity and reasonableness of the feelings experienced by the characters in What Is to Be Done? contrast with the irrationality of the inner world of Dostoevsky's characters.

The appearance on the pages of Sovremennik of Chernyshevsky's novel, which was then in the Peter and Paul Fortress, was an event of tremendous importance both in terms of socio-political and literary. The fiery word of the writer sounded throughout Russia, calling for the struggle for a future socialist society, for a new life built on the principles of reason, for truly human relationships between people, for a new revolutionary humanism.

However, in the process of work, Chernyshevsky comes to the conclusion that he has the necessary data to create a work of art - a novel, and not a memoir, documentary narrative "from the life" of the author's good friends. A few months after the end of "What to do?" Chernyshevsky summed up his reflections on the artistic originality of his first novel: “... When I wrote What Is to Be Done?, the thought began to appear in me: it may very well be that I have some creative power. I saw that I do not portray my acquaintances, do not copy - that my faces are as fictional faces as Gogol's faces ... ". These considerations of Chernyshevsky are extremely important not only as an autocharacterization of the egr of his own novel. They also have theoretical significance, helping, in particular, to judge a certain evolution in the author's aesthetic views. Now he is aware of the artistic nature of his work, pointing to the creative fantasy manifested in it.

The difference between the special person and the ordinary "new people" in the novel is not absolute, but relative. The heroes of the work can climb a step higher - and this movement has no end. This is the essence of plot development: life does not stand still, it develops, and the author's favorite characters grow with it. The break with the old world was once fundamentally important and necessary for them. Now reality itself poses new challenges for them. The family-household plot naturally develops into a socio-political one. Therefore, Chernyshevsky does not end the novel with a picture of the serene happiness of the characters. A new character appears - a lady in mourning with her tragic fate. Thus, in the plot, in the system of images, the author conveyed the concept of the laws governing the historical development of Russian life in those years. Heroes go into revolution, although this portends not only joy, but also sadness, perhaps even mourning, not only victory, but also temporary defeats.

"What to do?" - a novel-sermon addressed to the mass of readers. Even in the article "Russian Man" Chernyshevsky directly demanded: "What should I do now - let each of you say." What to do? - this is the same vital question that became the title of the novel. When? Now, immediately, now. And everyone should solve this issue, understanding their personal responsibility for everything that happens around. These words, which Chernyshevsky wrote back in 1857, contain the grain of his novel.

The novel "What to do?" polemical in relation to many phenomena of contemporary Russian literature. In science, it is considered established that it was partially conceived as a kind of response to Turgenev's novel Fathers and Sons. It can be added that Chernyshevsky deliberately drew on the creative experience of Goncharov (who, in turn, did not accept the artistic method of Chernyshevsky). Goncharov's world is predominantly static, Chernyshevsky's world, on the contrary, is dynamic. The reproduction of life in its movement and development follows directly from the main feature of the novel What Is To Be Done? - the power of thought.

Chernyshevsky's images of the "new people" are given in development. This structural originality of the work is most clearly manifested through the image of Rakhmetov, whom the author calls a special person. This is a professional revolutionary who consciously gave his life to serve the great cause of liberating the people from centuries of oppression.

The novel was written from the end of 1862 to April 1863, that is, it was written in 3.5 months in the 35th year of the author's life. The novel divided readers into two opposing camps. Supporters of the book were Pisarev, Shchedrin, Plekhanov, Lenin. But such artists as Turgenev, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Leskov believed that the novel was devoid of true artistry. To answer the question "What to do?" Chernyshevsky raises and resolves from a revolutionary and socialist position the following burning problems:

1. The socio-political problem of the reorganization of society in a revolutionary way, that is, through the physical collision of two worlds. This problem is hinted at in the story of Rakhmetov's life and in the last, 6th chapter, "A Change of Scenery". Because of censorship, Chernyshevsky was unable to develop this problem in detail.

2. Moral and psychological. This is a question about the internal restructuring of a person who, in the process of fighting the old with the power of his mind, can bring up new moral qualities. The author traces this process from its initial forms (the struggle against family despotism) to preparations for a change of scenery, i.e., for a revolution. This problem is revealed in relation to Lopukhov and Kirsanov, in the theory of rational egoism, as well as in the author's conversations with readers and characters. This problem also includes a detailed story about sewing workshops, that is, about the significance of labor in people's lives.

3. The problem of the emancipation of women, as well as the norms of the new family morality. This moral problem is revealed in the life story of Vera Pavlovna, in the relations of the participants love triangle(Lopukhov, Vera Pavlovna, Kirsanov), as well as in the first 3 dreams of Vera Pavlovna.

4. Socio-utopian. The problem of the future socialist society. It is developed in the 4th dream of Vera Pavlovna as a dream of a beautiful and bright life. This also includes the theme of the liberation of labor, that is, the technical machinery of production.

The main pathos of the book is passionate enthusiastic propaganda of the idea of ​​revolutionary transformation of the world.

The main desire of the author was the desire to convince the reader that everyone, subject to work on himself, can become a “new person”, the desire to expand the circle of his like-minded people. The main task was to develop a new methodology for educating revolutionary consciousness and "honest feelings". The novel was intended to become a textbook of life for everyone. thinking person. The main mood of the book is an acute joyful expectation of a revolutionary upheaval and a thirst to take part in it.

What reader is the novel addressed to?

Chernyshevsky was an educator who believed in the struggle of the masses themselves, so the novel is addressed to the broad strata of the raznochintsy-democratic intelligentsia, which in the 60s became the leading force in the liberation movement in Russia.

Artistic techniques with which the author conveys his thoughts to the reader:

1 reception: the title of each chapter is given a family character with a predominant interest in love affair, which quite accurately conveys the plot plot, but hides true content. For example, chapter one “The Life of Vera Pavlovna in the parental family”, chapter two “First love and legal marriage”, chapter three “Marriage and second love”, chapter four “Second marriage”, etc. From these names it exudes tradition and imperceptibly what is really new, namely the new nature of people's relations.

2nd technique: the use of plot inversion - the movement of 2 introductory chapters from the center to the beginning of the book. The scene of the mysterious, almost detective disappearance of Lopukhov diverted the attention of censors from the true ideological orientation of the novel, that is, from what the author's main attention was later paid to.

3rd technique: the use of numerous hints and allegories, called Aesopian speech.

Examples: "golden age", " new order"is socialism; "deed" is revolutionary work; a "special person" is a person of revolutionary convictions; "scene" is life; "change of scenery" - new life after the victory of the revolution; "bride" is a revolution; "bright beauty" is freedom. All these techniques are designed for the intuition and intelligence of the reader.

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    • How I wash the floors In order to wash the floors cleanly, and not pour water and smear the dirt, I do this: I take a bucket from the closet, which my mother uses for this, as well as a mop. I pour into the basin hot water, I add a tablespoon of salt to it (to exterminate microbes). I rinse the mop in the basin and wring it out well. I clean the floors in every room, starting from the far wall towards the door. I look into all corners, under beds and tables, where most of the crumbs, dust and other evil spirits accumulate. Domyv every […]
    • Plan 1. Introduction 2. “There is only one counter-revolution...” (the difficult fate of Bulgakov’s story) 3. “It still does not mean to be a man” (Sharikov’s transformation into a “new” proletarian) 4. What is the danger of Sharikovism? Often referred to in criticism social phenomena or types according to the works depicting them. This is how the "Manilovshchina", "Oblomovshchina", "Belikovshchina" and "Sharikovshchina" appeared. The latter is taken from the work of M. Bulgakov " dog's heart”, which served as a source of aphorisms and quotations and remains one of the most famous […]
    • At the ball After the ball Feelings of the hero He is "very strongly" in love; admired by the girl, life, ball, beauty and elegance of the surrounding world (including interiors); notices all the details on a wave of joy and love, ready to be touched and shed tears from any trifle. Without wine - drunk - with love. He admires Varya, hopes, trembles, is happy to be chosen by her. It is light, does not feel its own body, "floats". Delight and gratitude (for a feather from a fan), "cheerful and contented", happy, "blessed", kind, "an unearthly being." WITH […]
    • Greatest Writer, who worked in the era of classicism, was Jean-Baptiste Moliere, the creator of French comedy, one of the founders of the French national theater. In the comedy "The Philistine in the Nobility" Moliere reflected the complex processes of decomposition of the old aristocratic layer of French society. At that time, in France, under a weak king, the Duke-Cardinal Richelieu actually ruled for more than 35 years. His goal was to strengthen the royal power. Many hereditary aristocrats disobeyed the king, saying that […]
    • Personally, I read the novel "The Master and Margarita" 3 times. The debut reading, like most readers, probably caused bewilderment and questions, not too impressed. It was not clear: what is it that many generations of inhabitants of the entire planet find in this little book? In places religious, somewhere fantastic, some pages are complete nonsense ... After some time, I was again drawn to M. A. Bulgakov, his fantasies and insinuations, controversial historical descriptions and the vague conclusions he provided […]
    • I have never had my own dog. We live in the city, the apartment is small, the budget is limited and we are too lazy to change our habits, adapting to the dog's "walking" mode ... As a child, I dreamed of a dog. She asked to buy a puppy or take at least from the street, anyone. She was ready to take care, give love and time. Parents all promised: "Here you grow up ...", "Here you go to the fifth grade ...". Passed the 5th and 6th, then I grew up and realized that no one would ever let a dog into the house. Agreed on cats. Since then […]
    • Eminent fabulist, legendary personality, great sage. It's all about Aesop, who lived in Ancient Greece in the 6th century BC. According to the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, he, being a slave from birth, had an ugly appearance, but beautiful soul, sharp tongue and great wisdom using the method of allegory to talk about human vices in his many fables. It must be said that in the time of Aesop, the fable existed mainly in oral form. But the power and wisdom of the Aesopian word was so great that it was transmitted […]
    • TO mid-nineteenth V. under the influence of the realistic school of Pushkin and Gogol, a new remarkable generation of Russian writers grew up and formed. Already in the 1940s, the brilliant critic Belinsky noted the emergence of a whole group of talented young authors: Turgenev, Ostrovsky, Nekrasov, Herzen, Dostoevsky, Grigorovich, Ogaryov, and others. Among these promising writers was Goncharov, the future author of Oblomov, whose first novel " ordinary story"caused Belinsky's high praise. LIFE AND CREATIVITY I. […]
    • Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was a wonderful master short story and an outstanding playwright. He was called "an intelligent native of the people." He was not ashamed of his origin and always said that “peasant blood flows” in him. Chekhov lived in an era when, after the assassination of Tsar Alexander II by the Narodnaya Volya, persecution of literature began. This period of Russian history, which lasted until the mid-90s, was called "twilight and gloomy." IN literary works Chekhov, as a doctor by profession, appreciated the authenticity of […]
    • Introduction Love lyrics occupies one of the main places in the work of poets, but the degree of its study is small. There are no monographic works on this topic; it is partially disclosed in the works of V. Sakharov, Yu.N. Tynyanov, D.E. Maksimov, they talk about it as a necessary component of creativity. Some authors (D.D. Blagoy and others) compare love theme in the work of several poets at once, describing some common features. A. Lukyanov considers the love theme in the lyrics of A.S. Pushkin through the prism of […]
    • Starodum is Sophia's uncle. His last name means that the hero follows the principles of the era of Peter I ( old era): "My father constantly told me the same thing: have a heart, have a soul, and you will be a man at all times." In the comedy, Starodum appears late (at the end of the apparition). He saves (together with Milon and Pravdin) Sophia from the tyranny of Prostakova, evaluates her and Mitrofan's upbringing. Starodum also proclaims the principles of reasonable state structure, moral education and enlightenment. Upbringing […]
    • Russia, 17th century. worldview, customs and mores, as well as religious beliefs in the state are conservative and unchanged. They seem to be frozen like a fly in amber. And they could have remained this fly for another five thousand years, if ... If an active and active, inquisitive and restless, interested in everything in the world and not afraid of work young man had not come to the helm. Whom we, descendants, call "Peter I". And abroad they call our sovereign none other than "Great". About "or". It seems to me that in […]
    • “How often surrounded by a motley crowd ...” is one of the most significant poems by Lermontov, in its accusatory pathos close to “The Death of a Poet”. creative history poems until now has been the subject of unceasing disputes by researchers. The poem has the epigraph "January 1st", indicating its connection with the New Year's ball. According to the traditional version of P. Viskovaty, it was a masquerade in the Nobility Assembly, where Lermontov, violating etiquette, insulted two sisters. Pay attention to the behavior of Lermontov in this […]
    • Essay-reasoning Plan: 1. Introduction 2. The main part a) the theme of love in the work b) the question of human happiness c) the problem of people's behavior in difficult life situations 3. Conclusion Alexander Kuprin's story "The Lilac Bush" was written in 1984, and refers to early work author. But it reveals the skill of the writer, his ability to subtly convey psychological condition heroes. A small-scale work carries a deep content, raises many important and […]
    • Plan 1. The history of writing the work 2. The plot of the work touching story by Mikhail Sholokhov. Plot this work described from his own recollections. The author, in 1946, while hunting, met a man who told him this story. Sholokhov decided to write a story about this. The author tells us not only […]
    • 1. Essay-reasoning Plan 1. About the author 2. Features of the story "About Love" a) How is the theme of love revealed in this work? 3. Relations between the characters a) What do the actions of the characters indicate? 4. Did Alekhine make the right decision? 5. Summary A.P. Chekhov always raised the theme of feelings in his works ordinary person who does not have a huge fortune or a high position in society. Thus, he achieved the right result - almost everything he wrote is saturated with the atmosphere of the usual […]
    • The origins of the novel date back to the time of F.M. Dostoevsky. On October 9, 1859, he wrote to his brother from Tver: “In December I will start a novel ... Don’t you remember, I told you about one confession-novel that I wanted to write after all, saying that I still need to go through it myself. The other day I made up my mind to write it at once. All my heart with blood will rely on this novel. I conceived it in penal servitude, lying on the bunk, in a difficult moment of sadness and self-decomposition...” Initially, Dostoevsky conceived to write Crime and Punishment in […]