Natasha Koroleva: biography and personal life. Personal life of Natasha Koroleva

Name: Natasha Koroleva (Natalia Poryvay)

Age: 45 years old

Height: 160

Activity: Singer, TV presenter, actress, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation

Natasha Koroleva: biography

Natasha Koroleva – popular singer Russian stage, actress, TV presenter, producer, Honored Artist of Russia.

A spectacular performer who became famous for her imperishable hits “ Yellow tulips", "Dolphin and the Mermaid", "Small Country", continues to surprise and delight the audience today.

Childhood and youth

Natalya Vladimirovna Poryvay (real name Natasha Koroleva) was born in Kyiv on May 31, 1973. Natasha's family - creative people, so it is not surprising that Koroleva’s biography is closely connected with art. The girl's father worked as a manager all his life academic choir, my mother is an Honored Artist of Ukraine, she conducted the chapel.

When Natalia Poryvai was 3 years old, she first appeared on stage as part of Big choir radio and television of Ukraine. According to the singer, the first song she performed was “Cruiser Aurora”.

At the age of 7, Koroleva began studying piano at a music school. Also attended the club folk dances in the studio of the Verevka choir. The most a bright event Natasha’s biography in those years included an acquaintance with Vladimir Bystryakov. From the age of 12, the girl already sang well, and in her repertoire one could hear the songs “Where did the circus go” and “A world without miracles.” Performing them, Poryvay was the center of attention at all school matinees.

In 1987, the girl became a participant in the Golden Tuning Fork competition, where she performed as a member. Then Koroleva became a diploma winner of the competition. Inspired by the image of Natasha, Alexander Sparinsky wrote especially for the girl children's musical entitled "In the Land of Children".

In the same year, the performer made her debut on television, taking part in the “Wider Circle” program, and a year later she became the host of the “Kiev Beauty” television program. The young singer attracted the attention of Marta Mogilevskaya, music editor Central television. Natasha gave her recordings of her songs, which later helped the artist’s career.

Natasha always dreamed of connecting her life with the stage, but popularity and round-the-clock employment became an obstacle - they refused to accept her into the circus school. Talented singer did not back down, so the commission soon gave in, and the girl was enrolled in training. In 1991, Koroleva graduated from college with a degree in pop vocals.


The singer’s career took off so rapidly that in 1988, despite her young age, she sang on stages in the post-Soviet space, and also went to a concert in the United States as part of the children’s rock opera “Child of the World.” Leading soloist Natasha discouraged the audience with her appearance. After the performance, she was offered to enroll in the prestigious University of Rochester. But the girl did not accept the offer, preferring Moscow to America, where she went to audition with the composer.

There were two more contenders, but Nikolaev chose her, although the singer did not make much of an impression on him at that time. However, Igor immediately wrote the song “Yellow Tulips” for her, under the name of which Natasha Koroleva’s first album was soon released.

The popularity then began to go off scale: crowded halls and stadiums, people gave the artist armfuls of flowers, which she sang about. The composition and its performer gained fame throughout the Soviet Union and far beyond its borders. With “Tulips” Natasha reached the final of “Song of the Year”.

Natasha Koroleva - "Yellow Tulips"

In 1992, Nikolaev and Koroleva recorded their first joint composition, “Dolphin and the Mermaid.” Fans immediately begin to show genuine interest in the couple. After 2 years appears solo album“Fan”, and the girl starts as an independent singer. The artist participates in tours in Russian cities, Israel, and gives concerts in Germany and the USA. In 1995, Natasha released her second album “Confetti” with three songs, one of which is the well-known “Little Country”.

Little by little, Natasha revealed not only her vocal, but also her poetic talent. She for a long time asked Nikolaev to write a song for her about blue swans. Igor offered her various texts, but nothing suited the singer, and then the composer invited her to write the words for this song herself. From that moment on, Koroleva began writing poetry for some musical compositions.

In 1997, the artist’s first world tour took place. She managed to conquer the audience of the CIS countries and abroad. In the same year, she pleased fans with the new album “Diamonds of Tears.” By this time, 13 videos for Koroleva’s most popular songs had already been released.

Natasha Koroleva - "Blue Swans"

The divorce from Igor Nikolaev was also reflected in the singer’s work. In 2001, her repertoire was replenished with musical compositions from the album “Heart”, and a year later the artist released the disc “Fragments of the Past”.

Already in 1999, Koroleva went on stage to sing for the first time Concert hall"Russia". At that time, Natasha seriously thought about specialized education, so she decided to enroll in GITIS. In 2003, the artist received a diploma. In the same year, the album “Believe it or Not” was released, in which he took part in the recording of songs. The project turned out to be successful, and 3 years later the singer pleased the audience with her next disc, “Heaven Is Where You Are,” with the participation of her husband.

The singer is often credited with the viral song “Mama Lyuba,” which was actually recorded by the group. The reason for the confusion was that the artist’s mother’s name is Lyudmila, and her mother’s name is Lyudma. similar name, and Natasha dedicated the songs “Mommy” and “My mother Luda is the coolest” to her.

At one time there were rumors that the singer was planning to end her musical career, but Natasha herself denied these speculations. She explained that she had temporarily stopped giving box-office concerts and performed only at official events.

Natasha Koroleva - "My mom is the coolest!"

The artist took this step to find time and energy to create a new repertoire and program. In addition, the singer again took up education; she entered the New York Academy of Film Arts. The artist chose a course in the specialty of operator and editor, admitted that she has long loved to do video shooting and dreams of trying herself in the film industry in this regard.

Soon the lyric video “Standed and Cried” was released, in which the singer amazed fans with the new drama of her image. The fragile woman of small stature amazed fans who were accustomed to seeing her as a carefree, charming beauty.

Natasha Koroleva - "Standed and Cried"

Released in 2015 new album singer “Magic L...”, after which Natasha Koroleva continued to record singles, including the popular songs “Don’t Say No” and “I’m Tired.”

The artist appeared in popular program"Million Dollar Secret" In this show, celebrities try to remember the smallest details of their biography. Natasha talked about her family, that she trusts her husband, despite his ambiguous profession and constant proposals of an intimate nature.

Concert of Natasha Koroleva in the Kremlin "Magic L"

At the end of 2016, Koroleva performed an anniversary concert in the Kremlin. The performance was called “Magic L” and celebrated the 25th anniversary of the singer’s creative activity. Natasha performed songs that had become hits and classics of Russian pop music, but added fresh, yet unknown compositions to them.

Natasha Koroleva - "Son-in-law"

After graduating from the Academy, Natasha Koroleva began to implement a new idea. In 2017, the artist began producing the PopaBend project. The group, led by young soloist Anna, has already become famous for its provocative performances and videos.

Films and TV projects

Natasha Koroleva has repeatedly appeared on television. The directors considered acting talent from the singer after her participation in the filming musical projects"Old songs about the main thing." Offers followed from the creators of the television films “Beauty Salon”, “FM and the Guys”, “ Women's happiness" But for now it was cameo roles. The actress played the main character, businesswoman Lyudmila, in the comedy “A Witch’s Recipe.” The singer in this project was accompanied on screen by famous actors – , .

Natasha Koroleva and Nikolai Fomenko in the film "Women's Happiness"

In 2006, Natasha was busy on the set of the Ukrainian comedy series“Grandfather of My Dreams”, where she also appeared in the main cast. The actress’s repertoire at this time was replenished with works in the films “Detectives-4”, “Three on Top”, “”.

Tarzan surprised the Kremlin audience by appearing in his usual concert “suit” - a loincloth. The birthday girl performed the song “Believe it or not” in a duet with her son. Arkhip gave a vocal gift to his mother, but he is not going to follow the artistic path. The young man is interested Japanese and independently entered Moscow State University. Fans noted that the singer is no less impressive and sincere than in her youth.

Natasha Koroleva and son Arkhip - "Believe it or not"

Events of creative and family life Natasha Koroleva covers on her personal microblog in "Instagram", where announcements of the artist’s new performances appear, as well as photos at home, in which the singer appears without makeup.


  • 1990 - “Yellow Tulips”
  • 1992 - “Dolphin and the Mermaid”
  • 1994 - “Fan”
  • 1995 - “Confetti”
  • 1997 - “Diamonds of Tears”
  • 2001 - “Heart”
  • 2002 - “Shards of the Past”
  • 2003 - “Believe it or not”
  • 2006 - “Heaven is where you are”
  • 2015 - “Magic L...”


  • 2003 - “The Witch’s Recipe”
  • 2005 - “Detectives 4”
  • 2006 - “Grandfather of my dreams”
  • 2007 - “Hold Me Tight”
  • 2007 - “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors”
  • 2008 - " Goldfish»
  • 2008 - “Paradox”
  • 2014 - “Women on the Edge”
  • 2015 - “Holiday of Disobedience”
  • 2016 - “House for rent with all the inconveniences”

Natasha wanted to be a star since childhood. However, her older sister, later popular, infected her with this Ukrainian singer Russia. And the girl’s whole family was creative. Dad led a successful choir group and often took the girls with him to performances. Mother was the conductor of another choir “Svitoch”, which toured a lot, including abroad.

Mom says that Natasha started singing much earlier than she really learned to speak. Already at the age of three she was singing folk songs and pop hits and passionately rushed to the stage. By five, when she could no longer be contained, her mother took her to study at the children's studio of the radio and television choir. With him, the baby soon made her debut as a soloist.

Simultaneously with general education, Natasha began attending music school. But this turned out to be not enough. She asked for more dance studio. And her parents again chose the best team for her - the school named after. Ropes. It is not surprising that Natasha had many performances - she took part in all events of two schools, as well as city ones.

As a child

I saw a girl on one of them famous composer Vladimir Bystryakov, who by that time had already written more than one hit. He invited the girl to audition, and from then on she began performing mainly his songs. With popular hits and a great voice, the girl quickly became a local star. But she didn’t think of limiting herself to this, so she actively took part in music competitions.

Quick start

At the age of 16, the young artist made her debut on television, performing a song in the popular music show"Wider the circle." Her performance did not create a sensation among the public, but attracted the interest of the successful Russian producer Marta Mogilevskaya. She asked the girl to record several songs and send her the tape.

After waiting several months for an answer, Natasha completely forgot about this conversation. During this time, she entered the circus school in the vocal department and even managed to tour with its group in the USA. She had the opportunity to continue her studies in America, but then a call came from Moscow and Natasha set off to conquer the capital.


It was Martha who came up with the idea of ​​introducing Igor Nikolaev to a young Ukrainian woman. Moreover, at first she did not impress the singer at all. Short and round-faced - the spitting image of a Ukrainian girl - she seemed to him too provincial and somehow homely. And he is already accustomed to working with pop stars of the first magnitude, including the pop diva herself, Alla Pugacheva.

With Igor Nikolaev

But after listening, his opinion changed. The girl’s vocal abilities were really much better than those who had previously passed the casting. He decided to try, and after a few months they began joint project. Natasha's debut song, to whom he gave creative pseudonym Queen (her real name is Poryvay), on for many years became business card singers.

And in 1990 it saw the light of day vinyl record, on which several songs by Nikolaev have already been recorded, performed by no one at that time famous singer. Name famous composer It did its job - they became interested in the record. And then popularity came very quickly, and they went on tour together.

At the end of the year, a song about tulips brought the Queen to the main stage of the country - to the final of the “Song of the Year”, where she performed on equal terms with the best pop singers. In 1992, the second record was released, but by this time the Queen had already become a real star. She toured extensively and always drew full houses.

Two years later, Nikolaev considered her an artist mature enough to let her go on an independent voyage. Her repertoire still consisted mainly of songs written by him, but Natasha herself appeared on stage. At first, the audience reacted to this with disbelief, but with her sincere and masterful performance she again won their hearts.

At this time on Channel One it became good tradition film New Year's musicals, in which they were invited to participate best singers and actors. Thus began Koroleva’s acting career, which developed no less successfully than her musical one. Her debut took place in “Old Songs of the Main Thing”, and then she repeatedly appeared in other musicals.

In 1999, having by this time released five solo albums in Russia, Natasha went on her first foreign tour, the geography of which extended across two continents. In the USA she is received no less warmly than in Russia and neighboring countries. She gave several concerts again together with, but this was their last joint tour.

Starting in 2000, they completely stopped their cooperation, and Natasha actually had to start all over again. She had to write a new repertoire and Alexander Konovalov and the poet Vladimir Vulykh helped her with this. With their song “It Was or Wasn’t” Natasha debuted in a new role - luxurious socialite, and not a romantic beauty, as was the case under Nikolaev.

The changes in her image were greatly influenced by her new boyfriend, Sergei Glushko, who gained fame as a successful stripper Tarzan. With him, Natasha recorded her next album, which quickly gained popularity. She began to tour a lot again and regained the love of the audience and an entire army of fans.

With Sergei Glushko

Natasha did not part with television either. She regularly appears on popular show programs and even spent some time with her mother on her own. cooking show. But its ratings fell rather quickly - it’s difficult for a non-professional to compete with world-famous chefs - and the show was closed.

But Natasha was not too upset. She managed to graduate from the acting department of GITIS, and her filmography currently includes more than 10 outstanding works. She also tries herself in writing. In 2009, her first book was published - “ Male striptease", which was very warmly received by critics. Natasha also has her own beauty salon in the capital. Since 2013, she no longer tours, but is more involved in business. But he continues to act in films and sometimes performs at concerts as a guest star.

Personal life of Natasha Koroleva

Natasha’s personal life did not begin at all with an affair with Igor Nikolaev, as many still think. Her first love was the boy with whom she went to school. And at first it was unrequited love. He was also one of the reasons she wanted to be famous. The song “Kiev Boy” is dedicated to him, but these were only platonic feelings.

With Nikolaev everything developed smoothly. She was very young, and for her he was a pop god, whom she literally looked up to. At first she could not even think that after just a short time she would officially become his wife. Moreover, at the time of their acquaintance, Igor had a wife and a small daughter growing up.

With Igor Nikolaev

But they spent a lot of time together, and the more they opened up to each other, the clearer it became that they were connected by something more than joint creativity. However, Natasha immediately set the condition that she would never be the pop star’s mistress. For her sake, Igor divorced his first wife, and they married without any pathos, inviting the registry office employee directly to their home.

For almost ten years, everyone considered them the most romantic and beautiful couple on the Russian stage. But in reality, everything turned out to be not as beautiful as it looked from the outside. A huge problem What happened to both was that Natasha could not get pregnant. It seemed like there were no problems, but it didn’t work.

When she began touring on her own, they spent less and less time together. Slowly they moved away from each other, although they were still connected by warm feelings. Natasha cites the constant infidelities of her star husband as the reason for the divorce. He also accuses her of having an affair with Tarzan, which supposedly began even before their final breakup. One way or another, at the beginning of 2001, their marriage was officially dissolved.

Perhaps the divorce would not have happened. But Natasha found out that she was expecting a child. And this was a child not from her husband, but from former stripper Sergei Glushko, whom she met at one of the parties. Natasha got married to Tarzan after the birth of her son. Now she was in no hurry to go down the aisle, believing that first she needed to get to know the person well.

Natasha Koroleva (real name Natalya Vladimirovna Poryvay) is a pop singer who received popular love after the release of the album “Yellow Tulips”, recorded jointly with Igor Nikolaev. Among her songs are such hits as “Little Country”, “A Little Bit Doesn’t Count”, “Blue Swans” and dozens of other lyrical ballads and fiery dance compositions.

Childhood of Natasha Koroleva

Natasha Poryvay, who was born in Kyiv, grew up in a creative family: the girl’s father was a choirmaster, and her mother, Honored Artist of Ukraine Lyudmila Poryvay, conducted the Svetoch choir. My 5-year-older sister, Irina, was a musically gifted child and subsequently performed solo under the pseudonym Rusya. It is not surprising that already at the age of 3 Natasha Poryvai made her debut on stage together with the Great Choir of Radio and Television of Ukraine, performing the song “Cruiser Aurora”.

At the age of 7, the girl was enrolled in a music school for piano class and, at the same time, in the choreographic studio named after Grigory Verevka. An important event that predetermined the baby’s fate was her acquaintance with the composer Vladimir Bystryakov, who took the gifted Natasha under his wing. At the age of 12, she began performing with his songs (“Where did the circus go”, “World of miracles”), thanks to which she quickly became the star of all city holidays: children's matinees, government congresses, New Year's lights, city days - every event was accompanied by the clear voice of Natasha Poryvay . In 1987, the girl became a diploma winner of the competition folk music"Golden Tuning Fork".

In the same year, Natasha made her first appearance on television, in the “Wider Circle” program (a kind of prototype of the “Minute of Fame” show), which gave a ticket to fame to many aspiring performers: Dmitry Malikov, Leonid Agutin, the group “Secret”... But for real A significant event for the young singer was her performance at a vocal competition in Evpatoria. She didn't borrow prize places, however, she attracted the attention of Elvira, the assistant of the famous Moscow television producer Marta Mogilevskaya. Natasha gave the woman a cassette with her own material, not knowing that this act would later play a huge role in her life.

Natasha Koroleva in the program “Wider Circle” (1986)

Some time passed, but no news came from Moscow, and Natasha continued to build a career in her native Ukraine, entering the Kiev Variety and Circus School to major in “Variety Vocals.” In the summer of 1989, she went on tour to the States.

The vocal girl produced strong impression to American vocal teachers who invited her to become a student at the Eastman School of Music at prestigious university Rochester. But Natasha, who by that time had been contacted by representatives of Martha Mogilevskaya, rejected this tempting offer and set off to conquer Moscow.

Casting Natasha Koroleva

The heyday of Natasha Koroleva’s career. "Dolphin and the Mermaid"

In the fall of 1989, Marta Mogilevskaya advised Igor Nikolaev, Alla Pugacheva’s former arranger and an aspiring singer who was in a creative stupor, to find a suitable girl to record together. The choice fell on Natasha for two reasons: firstly, her vocal abilities were an order of magnitude higher than those of the other contenders, and secondly, the short girl looked ideal next to the 172-centimeter singer.

At the first meeting, Igor was quite skeptical about this idea: the 16-year-old plump “Khokhlushka” did not look like a spectacular pop diva, and besides, she was embarrassed by the singer, who seemed to her like a king and a god of music. However, after listening, he was pleasantly surprised and soon wrote the song “Yellow Tulips” for the young protégé, which became the title track of the album of the same name, released in 1990. On the cover of the record there was an inscription: “Natasha Koroleva sings the songs of Igor Nikolaev.”

Natasha Poryvay turned into Koroleva in a completely natural way: the pseudonym was invented by Nikolaev, who was sure that the audience would not be able to remember the surname “Poryvay”, and it sounds somehow plebeian, another thing is the proud, impressive “Koroleva”.

After the release of the album, Natasha Koroleva’s popularity began to literally go off scale. “Yellow Tulips” brought the girl to the final of the main event music competition countries - “Songs of the Year”. The stadiums and concert venues were overcrowded, fans brought armfuls of yellow tulips to their favorite artist, and when Natasha, who had broken her leg, took a short time out, admirers of her work asked to carry the plastered girl onto the stage.

“Song of the Year 1990”: Natasha Koroleva – “Yellow Tulips”

In 1991, Natasha Koroleva graduated from the Variety and Circus School. In 1992, the album “Dolphin and the Mermaid” was released, and the creative tandem of Igor and Natasha went on a grandiose tour of the cities of Russia with the program of the same name, which over the next three years conquered not only the remote corners of our homeland, but also major cities USA, Israel and Germany.

In 1994, the singer released a solo album called “Fan” (the music and lyrics were still the credit of Igor Nikolaev). However, she had to win the trust of listeners who did not want to believe in the end of “The Dolphin and the Mermaid” and recognize Natasha as an independent creative unit. Thanks to long hard work, the singer was able to regain the public's favor. For example, in the spring of 1995, she held three charity concert on Far East as a sign of support for those affected by the devastating earthquake on Sakhalin.

In 1995, Koroleva’s second exclusively solo album, “Confetti,” was released, consisting of eleven songs. Among them was the composition “Little Country,” which soon conquered federal television and radio airwaves, turning into an immortal hit for children and adults who continue to believe in the fairy tale.

Natasha Koroleva – “Small Country”

At this time, Natasha Koroleva made her debut as an actress in the musical “Old Songs about the Main Thing,” where she played the daughter of the chairman and, together with Lada Dance and Alena Apina, sang the song “Someone Came Down the Hill.” Over time, she appeared in the next three parts of the musical film: in the second she parodied the image of the heroine Svetlana Svetlichnaya from “The Diamond Arm”, in the third she sang a duet with Chris Norman, and in the final one with Alexander Tsekalo.

In 1997, Natasha was approved for the role of Malvina in the musical " Newest Adventures Pinocchio" (it is noteworthy that Pinocchio himself was played by Kristina Orbakaite). In between filming, Natalya worked on new material, and in December of the same year, Koroleva’s fans greeted her new album, “Diamonds of Tears,” with jubilation. Many listeners noted that Natasha had changed both externally and spiritually - from the cover it was no longer a girl who looked slyly at the buyers, but a fully formed lady. The lyrics have also become more mature: the “small country” has been replaced by “a girl dreaming of big love.”

WITH new program she went on a world tour, during which she was applauded by the audiences of London, New York, Berlin and Athens, and in 1999 she went on tour again with Igor Nikolaev and the concert program “The Dearest”.

In 2000, the Queen thought about specialized education and entered the acting department of GITIS, which she graduated from three years later.

New creativity of Natasha Koroleva

In 2000, the union of Natasha Koroleva and Igor Nikolaev broke up both creatively and personally. The singer lost the support of her loved one and the help of a talented composer. The album “Heart”, released shortly after the breakup, did without Nikolaev’s participation. Natalya was helped by composer Alexander Konovalov and songwriter Vladimir Vulykh - they wrote the iconic composition “It Was or Wasn’t.”

In 2002, the singer released a collection greatest hits, entitled "Shards of the Past." It included 14 of Koroleva’s hits, as well as a new song “A Little Bit Doesn’t Count.” “What has become of me now? But life goes on,” was heard from every radio in the country.

Natasha Koroleva – “A little bit doesn’t count”

Natasha Koroleva's next album was recorded together with her new chosen one Sergei Glushko, also known under the pseudonym Tarzan. The record was called "Believe it or not." Three years later, the couple presented another joint work called “Heaven Is Where You Are.” The album of the same name was released with the support of the Dream Crystal jewelry house, whose face Natasha has been since August 2006.

In 2008, Natasha was invited to the show “Dancing with the Stars,” pairing the singer with choreographer Evgeniy Papunaishvili. For short term The queen had to learn many complex dance steps, but her efforts were rewarded only with third place.

“Dancing with the Stars”: Natasha Koroleva and Evgeniy Papunaishvili

And the next year, Natasha presented her writing debut, a largely autobiographical novel, “Male Striptease.” The singer’s experiments did not stop there: she soon became the owner of a beauty salon, which was called “Natasha Koroleva’s Beauty Salon.”

In the summer of 2010, the singer, together with Oleg Gazmanov, went to a festival of Russian culture in Germany. All proceeds from the sale of tickets to the star's concert were transferred to charitable foundation Red Cross. In November 2013, the star announced the termination of touring activities.

From 2012 to 2014, Natasha, together with her mother, Lyudmila Poryvay, hosted the program “Time for Lunch” on Channel One. The show compared home and restaurant kitchens - ordinary housewives challenged professional chefs.

Personal life of Natasha Koroleva: between a dolphin and a stripper

It cannot be said that the so-called “natural chemistry” was discovered at first glance between Natasha Koroleva and Igor Nikolaev. However, while working on the “Dolphin and Mermaid” program, the man fell in love with the girl, which grew stronger every day, turning into something more intimate, inspiring him to create melodic, slightly sad ballads.

Natasha’s acquaintances noticed that, although she desperately denied it, she also fell in love with Nikolaev: she caught his every word with her mouth open, copied his gestures and manner of speech. They began to live together, but Natasha, brought up in strictness, immediately confronted the singer with a fact: no civil marriage, only legalized relationships: “I had very strict rules and believed that everything should happen only after the wedding. True, now I have changed my mind - I think that you should first check your partner, and then marry him... When I realized that Igor’s courtship was going too far, I said: “Either officially, or not at all.” He had to think..."

Still, the musician did not want the relationship to be made public, so Natasha had to take everything into her own hands and make a cunning knight move. She and her parents came home to Nikolaev and invited the registry office employees there - no feasts, magnificent dresses and rings, only stamps in the passport.

In 2000, Natasha Koroleva left her husband. According to the singer, the reason for this was Nikolaev’s constant betrayal. Although the separation occurred without scandals and scenes of jealousy, both took this break very hard.

In an attempt to distract herself from the oppressive wound in her heart, Natasha plunged headlong into work. For one of the performances, she invited a group of dancers of the “original genre”, in other words, strippers. Among them was the blond, broad-shouldered handsome Tarzan, who was to discuss with Natasha the details of future payment.

Biography of Natasha Koroleva is fascinating Brazilian TV series, each episode of which viewers eagerly awaited. The Kiev woman with a lively character never let herself be offended and preferred to leave men first.

On the Russian stage, an unknown 16-year-old girl created an incredible sensation. This is how she attracted the attention of Igor Nikolaev, who was skeptical about the little girl with no name.

Natalya was repeatedly called a witch for her beauty and deep, piercing gaze. The singer, who gave an interview to 7 Days magazine, admitted that she often sees prophetic dreams. They are the ones who help her make the most important decisions in life and warn her about upcoming events.

The Queen still remains the prettiest woman on the Russian stage and is always ready to talk about her beauty secrets:

  1. The ideal weight for a pop diva is 49-50 kg. Natasha Koroleva’s height is replete with a variety of options from 159 to 163 cm.
  2. The artist was born on May 31, 1973 and plans to celebrate her anniversary in 2018, and at the same time change her passport photo. Having been born under the sign of Gemini, Natalya became the owner of a tolerant character. An emotional but reasonable woman represents the unity of opposites and is capable of expressing real passion in relationships with men and career advancement.
  3. But the Queen is not used to showing off the parameters of her figure. This point in the biography remains a secret that even Wikipedia does not know about.

In 2018, Natalya Koroleva never ceased to amaze fans. She got rid of extra pounds by developing her own diet, which she gladly shared with fans on social networks. Now the woman looks like an institute student. In a new image, the Queen appeared before the audience at the Festive Show in the Kremlin, appearing in an extravagant outfit from Yudashkin.

Now the artist looks younger than Igor Nikolaev’s wife, 35-year-old Yulia Proskuryakova. Therefore, followers on Instagram ask Natalya not to overuse plastic surgery and salon treatments to maintain youth. Otherwise, you can quickly take over top stars who were victims of bad experiences.


The singer was born in Kyiv into a family choral conductors chapel "Svetoch" - Vladimir Arkhipovich and Lyudmila Ivanovna Rip. Natasha Koroleva’s mother is an Honored Artist of Ukraine. Therefore, the girl who grew up in a family of intellectuals always felt confident both on stage and in life. She was not the only daughter in the family. Natasha's older sister is also a creative person who began her singing career under stage name Russia.

The real name of the performer is Irina Poryvai. From 1987 to 2008, she actively performed on the Ukrainian stage and even abroad. Then Rusya disappeared, and after some time the Queen said that her sister’s son Matvey was diagnosed with autism. American doctors announced that the boy is an Indigo child and there is nothing wrong with the diagnosis. Currently, Irina Poryvay is raising her son and lives with her mother Koroleva in Miami.

From early childhood, the future Russian pop star took part in competitive programs and performed on stage. Having entered a music school to study piano at the age of 7, she did not stop there. In parallel with receiving secondary education, the girl began to study in the choreographic studio of folk dances at the Academic Choir named after Grigory Verevka.

Natalya took her first steps towards her dream of becoming famous together with a children's choir on radio and television in Ukraine. Her love for the humanities and extracurricular activities allowed her to become the star of the school. When she went on stage, the girl opened up and showed talent for artistry. The teachers claimed that two completely different Natashas lived in it: a quiet gray mouse and a charismatic performer.


The artist talks little about her studies. Having started building a career early, she devoted her entire life to the stage. For her, school is a gray everyday life that is practically not remembered and remains in the past.

In 1998, the girl entered the Kiev Variety and Circus School in the vocal department. Diploma of higher education Natalya was given out in 1991. She had to combine training as a vocalist with concerts, but this did not affect her academic performance.

Start of a career

Musical Natalya has been performing since the age of 3, participating in children's song competitions.

At the age of 12, the girl met composer Vladimir Bystryakov and recorded her first songs in his studio. Then she was invited as a performer to the Mirage group. At the age of 13, Natasha performed at a festival in Yevpatoria and met a woman named Elvira. She asked the young Poryvai (real name) for a video recording of the performance, promising to show it to a friend of a TV editor in Moscow.

In 1990, thanks to the efforts of her mother, the little girl went on tour to the United States as part of the rock opera “Child of the World.”

The woman Elvina, who disappeared from Natalya’s sight, handed over the cassette with the recording into the hands of Marta Mogilevskaya only when the girl turned 16 years old. The woman really liked her performance, and she showed it to Igor Nikolaev. Great composer was skeptical about the proposed candidacy for the role of a new student, but agreed to listen to her in Moscow.

But despite Martha’s efforts, Nikolaev did not appreciate Natalya’s performance and dreamed of quickly getting rid of the little 16-year-old girl. But Mogilevskaya persuaded the master of music to take the young singer on tour to Estonia.

The audience had to appreciate the performance of three young artists and show their delight with applause. It was on them that Nikolaev based himself when deciding which of Mogilevskaya’s favorites to work with. Natalya Koroleva was the last to take the stage and left to thunderous applause. It was at this moment that the fate of a Kiev woman singing the song “Yellow Tulips” in the city of Tallinn was decided.

Amazed by the performance of the 16-year-old girl, the composer was amazed by Natasha’s artistry and powerful energy. It was then that he decided to reconsider his views and was inspired to write songs for Rush. But Nikolaev didn’t like the real name, so he created a new one, “Queen”.

Rise and popularity

In the 1990s, the charming Natalya was not only known, but also recognized on stage by both Russians and citizens former USSR. Natasha Koroleva and Igor Nikolaev filled the halls. Tickets for concerts where the hit “Dolphin and Mermaid” was performed were sold out several weeks before the artists began performing.

Together with Nikolaev, the gifted girl traveled all over the world, but the couple in love was received most warmly:

  • in 1993 in Israel;
  • in 1994 during a tour of Germany;
  • in 1997 in New York, USA.

The beginning of the Queen’s creative career was always surrounded by gossip and rumors. The stars of Russian show business did not like Natasha from Kiev, believing that she appeared out of nowhere and became famous thanks to Nikolaev. The girl never denied that she was the creation of a great composer. But at the same time, she was always proud of her famous parents and career before moving to Moscow.

Personality and character

The artist has a very hot temper. She never allows herself to be offended, always expressing her own point of view to the offenders. The Queen believes in prophetic dreams and tries to surround herself only with honest people. An ambitious woman never gives up in the face of difficulties and achieves her goals.

Personal life

Family always came first for Natalia. From early childhood, her parents instilled in the girl certain life values. Therefore, when Igor Yuryevich Nikolaev began knocking on the threshold of Koroleva’s apartment, she did not reciprocate. Married man couldn't be her first and true love, but the composer did not give up.

Each time, leaving Natasha, the master wrote new beautiful songs. This is how the most famous hits, which were performed not only by the Queen, but also by prima donna Alla Pugacheva, Irina Allegrova and other Russian pop stars. For him, the young girl was a muse, inspiring new works.

When the aspiring star Natalya Koroleva got tired of the advances of a man who did not want to get a divorce, she decided to pack her bags and leave. This is how the famous hit appeared.

Crazy with love and indecisive, the composer decided to break off his old relationship, leaving his daughter Julia and wife Elena. Even before the divorce, Nikolaev brought Natasha a gorgeous wedding dress and shoes from an American fashion designer, but the painting did not go as the young beauty dreamed. People's Artist I didn’t want to have a loud wedding and called the registry office workers to the house.

The Queen did not agree with this state of affairs and did not wear white dress. The announcement that Nikolai and Natalya had officially registered their relationship did not surprise anyone. Married creative personalities lived 11 years.

Having become Nikolaev’s legal wife, Natalya took over her husband’s business female hands. She reduced the staff of workers who lived at the expense of the artist and did not play important role in show business. The managers who stole the artists' fees and many deputies were fired.

When Igor Yuryevich felt cramped in his apartment and decided to build a house, the Queen took an active part in supervising the builders. So, returning from a tour, she went to the construction site to check the work of the hired workers and the issued invoices.

After the divorce, which the singer insisted on, she gave an interview to Caravan of Stories, talking about life with the great master Nikolaev. The artist admitted that ex-husband I felt not only male, but also professional jealousy towards her. There were often scandals and quarrels in the family, after which the Queen was taken away in an ambulance, and Nikolaev wrote new hits.

Natasha Koroleva admitted that in her youth she perceived everything differently. She unconditionally believed her husband and never doubted his fidelity. But at a certain point, the composer’s feelings for the muse cooled. An endless series of betrayals began, but none of the colleagues or friends were in a hurry to open the young woman’s eyes to the truth. They knew that Natasha would not believe their words, considering them evil rumors.

In her marriage, she did not like Nikolaev’s protracted feasts, to which he had become accustomed since Soviet Union. The artist’s penchant for alcohol and constant scandals did not strengthen the marriage, but only worsened the situation.

Most terrible story Over the years of marriage, the Queen considers her husband’s deception during a holiday in Thailand. Nikolaev decided to take care of his beloved wife. He invited her to an interesting establishment where local girls gave massages. It turned out that the Thai woman performs the procedures with her own body in a separate room. The client can then ask for whatever he wants. This situation seemed disgusting to Natalya, but she only accused her husband of bringing her to this house.

Nikolaev was persuaded to divorce by the Queen only after he began to openly appear in public with a certain Jusya. Unable to bear her husband's infidelities, the woman insisted on ending the marriage and took a long time to come to her senses.

After her divorce from Nikolaev, Natalya Koroleva lost a lot of weight and became prettier. Having started new life, she completely changed her style by starting to wear beautiful suits. Having acquired a slender body, the singer began to take care of herself and changed her makeup, which emphasized her femininity and youth.

In 2001, the artist met Sergei Vitalievich Glushko, who performed at the show under the pseudonym Tarzan. Amazed by his performance, the Queen invited the artist and his team to concert programs in the "Russia" hall. For the first year after her divorce from Nikolaev, the woman lived alone and was thinking about getting her husband back.

In 2002, Natasha Koroleva and Tarzan met quite by chance at a group concert. Handsome man invited her for a cup of coffee. Natalya went with him, but remembered her grandmother’s words that you should not build relationships with gorgeous men, and was in no hurry to plunge into the pool of his charm. Granny believed that such people would cause a lot of problems.

On the May holidays, Natalya was left alone and decided to invite the guys from Tarzan’s group to brighten up her loneliness. But he was the only one free. Without thinking twice, Sergei invited the woman to his place. After drinking tea with apricot jam and sweets, Natalya went home. And then she invited the man she liked to Kyiv for her grandmother’s anniversary. The family liked Tarzan, which endeared him to the Russian pop queen.

Returning to Moscow, Sergei gave Natalya the keys to a rented apartment. He lived there not alone, but with a married friend. Without thinking twice, the artist moved into a two-room apartment, where another family lived in the next room, as well as a cat and a dog. A couple of months later, the singer became pregnant. She wanted a girl, but on February 19, 2002, her son Arkhip Sergeevich was born.

Tarzan refused to live in the house of his common-law wife, saying that he was more comfortable in the city. He had nothing to do with the Queen’s house and wanted to earn money for an apartment on his own. A few months before the birth of his son, Sergei bought an apartment.

Living with a woman whom he did not have time to look after immediately, starting with family life, Sergei asked if she missed her relationship with Nikolaev. Natalya honestly admitted that all this was a thing of the past. But she was able to file for divorce only when Arkhip was 6 months old.

On his beloved’s 30th birthday, the stripper Tarzan knelt in front of her and handed her a red rose with the words: “I thought for a long time what to give her. I couldn’t think of anything better than to give my hand and heart. Please be my wife." There were two rings hidden in the flower: a woman’s with a diamond and a man’s.

The wedding that the Queen dreamed of in her distant youth took place on August 21, 2003 in the city on the Neva. The singer did not invite representatives of the press, deciding to limit herself to close friends and relatives. But they quickly learned about the marriage and wedding of Tarzan and the Queen.

The singer maintains friendly relations with Nikolaev. The Queen is grateful to the master for teaching her how to behave correctly in big stage. She considers herself Nikolaev’s creation, but she is grateful to Tarzan and her mother for the further continuation of her career.


WITH early age Natalya was studying rhythmic gymnastics and even took part in international competitions. But after moving to Moscow about future career in sports, the Queen had to be forgotten.

Since 2009, the singer has opened her own jewelry stores in the capital of the Russian Federation, releasing designer collections.

Participation in various projects

For the first time Natalya Poryvai became a participant in the interesting musical “In the Country of Children” in 1985, created by Ukrainian composer Alexander Sporinsky. More exciting projects followed:

  • participation in the “Wider Circle” program (1987) on Central TV;
  • presenter in the program “Kiev Beauty” (1998);

As a participant, the singer tried herself in the following programs:

  • musical program “Morning Mail”;
  • show conducted by Alla Pugacheva, “Christmas Meetings”;
  • Ukrainian program “Wider Circle” with the participation of professional and beginning artists;
  • entertainment show "Dancing with the Stars".

She acted as a presenter on NTV and Channel One of the Russian Federation in the programs “Queen of Prime” and “Time for Lunch.”

Life today/scandals

The singer often becomes the object of gossip from the yellow press. In 2010, the artist created a real sensation by performing unimaginable dances with Kirkorov at a social party.

In 2015, she was banned from appearing on the Russian stage due to posting a video and photo with her husband on the Internet. They were of an obscene nature and caused a serious scandal.

Then the famous artist stopped posting photos with Glushko, but shared with fans happy shots from the filming of a video with German Titov. Then their duet “If You and I” was performed on the New Wave channel.

Against this background, journalists raised the issue of a divorce between Tarzan and the Russian “mermaid”. Sergei Glushko came on the show, where he talked about what a serious tragedy could have happened during the hurricane in Miami. The wife not only ignored Tarzan afterward, without inquiring about his well-being, but also refused to come to the studio.

Currently Natalia Koroleva, personal life who was surrounded by rumors about her husband’s divorce and infidelity, decided to become a decent woman. Natasha Koroleva’s son, who recently celebrated his 16th birthday, lives in Miami under the supervision of his aunt and grandmother. He meets with his mother only in those moments when she has windows between tours. The boy becomes like his father and plans to enter a Japanese university.


Becoming popular performer Thanks to the creative tandem with Nikolaev, Natalya Koroleva released the following albums in his studio:

  • “Yellow Tulips” (1990), after the performance of which the audience came onto the stage with bouquets of gorgeous flowers;
  • “Dolphin and Mermaid” (1992), songs from which still evoke enthusiastic emotions among listeners;
  • “Fan” (1994) with the composition “Yellow Suitcase”, which the Queen was ready to collect upon returning to Kyiv if she did not become Nikolaev’s wife;
  • “Confetti” (1995), the composer’s songs were inspired by family scandals;
  • "Diamonds of Tears" (1997), about passionate love creative couple;
  • “The Dearest” (2001), which became last job Nikolaev for Queen.

After parting with her teacher, Natalya did not lose her touch and managed to find a new studio and authors for her songs:

  • “Heart” (May 2001), the songs for which were written by composer-arranger Alexander Konovalov;
  • “Shards of the Past” (2002), also released by the Monolit studio in collaboration with a young composer, the artist completely dedicated to her lost love.

Having become the wife of a famous Moscow stripper, she released a new album, recorded together with her husband, called “Believe it or not?” (2003). After this, the tandem with the former songwriter ends with the termination of the contract.

Then fans meet Natasha Koroleva’s new albums:

  • “Paradise is where you are” (2006), created with the financial support of the Dream Crystal Jewelry House, which made an indelible impression on fans;
  • The year 2005 pleased with the release of the album “Magic L...”, which was re-released in December 2006.

The Honored Artist of the Russian Federation admits that after breaking up with Nikolaev, she was never able to find such a brilliant author for her songs. Nevertheless, she continues to shine on stage in new images.

Best roles

The actress tried her hand at cinema in the mid-90s, becoming a participant in the series musical films"Old songs about the main thing." But it was only after breaking up with Nikolaev that she managed to get the main roles:

  • in the musical comedy melodrama “A Witch’s Recipe” (2003), where she appeared in the image of a modern businesswoman Lyudmila, selling perfumes;
  • starred with outstanding talents of Russian TV in the series “My Fair Nanny” (2004) in episode 29, playing the role of Cameo;
  • was invited to Ukrainian project“Grandfather of My Dreams-2” (2006), as the main character Christina;
  • appeared in New Year's musical based on the fairy tale by S. Pushkin “The Golden Fish” (2008) in the image of Maryushka, the daughter of the Old Man and the Old Woman.

The last film role for Natasha Koroleva was the project “Sorcerers” in 2016, which was not completed.

Prizes and awards

Over the years of work on the Russian and foreign stages, the artist has received more than a dozen awards:

  • in 1987 she became the owner of a diploma from the Ukrainian competition “Golden Tuning Fork”;
  • from 1990 to 2004, she received awards from the “Song of the Year” music competition for released singles;
  • in 1993 nominated for national Russian prize in the field of entertainment and popular music for the album “Dolphin and Mermaid”;
  • in 1997 she received an award at the Golden Gramophone festival for her performance of the song “Crystal Heart of Malvina”, and in 2000 - for “A Little Bit Doesn’t Count”;
  • in 2003 she received an award for “ Best Duet of the Year" for the musical composition together with Sergei Glushko;
  • in 2004 Natalya Koroleva was invited to the Kremlin, where she was awarded the title “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation”;
  • for compassion and participation in life ordinary people the singer was awarded the medal “For Faith and Love” in Kemerovo (2011) and received International Prize"Person of the Year";
  • in 2014 and 2015 nominated for the " Best Song of the Year” for the incredible performance of the duet with A. Marshal “I am spoiled by you” and “There is no word for I”;
  • in 2015 she received the medal of the Order “For Professionalism and Business Reputation, 3rd degree”;
  • in 2016 she was awarded a prize at the “Chanson of the Year” music festival for the song “I’m tired”;
  • 2017 ended with receiving the “Song of the Year” award for the single “Autumn Under Your Feet on the Sole.”

Get to know each other better creative activity stars can be in contact, where Natasha Koroleva maintains an official blog: