Feedback on reading the work “Sister Fox and the Gray Wolf. Summary of GCD for speech development

Analysis and meaning of a folk tale using the example of the RNS “Little Fox - Sister and gray wolf» in children's reading

Zhmurenko Elena Nikolaevna, teacher of MBDOU d/s No. 18 “Korablik”, Razvilka village, Leninsky district, Moscow region.
Description: this material addressed to educators kindergarten, teachers primary classes, and may also be of interest to parents in the organization children's reading.
The significance of the Russian folk tale in the process of upbringing and development of a child’s personality is undeniable, for modern children, born and growing up in urban conditions, it is even more relevant - the child does not know, it is difficult to answer what “threshing floor”, “suseki”, “pushcha”, “rags” and the like mean, because he is not familiar with the elements of rural life. The so-called "archaisms" or outdated words folk tales open richest world the great Russian language.
Russian folklore original, exists outside of tradition and time, it embodies the experience accumulated by many generations of our ancestors and the basis of the Russian mentality, the system of values ​​of our people, which it is certainly important for us to pass on to our children. Children's reading repertoire modern child must undoubtedly include works of oral folk art, along with nursery rhymes, nursery rhymes, jokes, songs, lullabies and simple good fairy tales.
A folk tale unobtrusively forms a healthy moral perception in a child. surrounding reality, corresponding to the traditions and mental attitudes that are accepted in a given country. By reading and rereading Russian folk tales “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Ryaba Hen” and many others to the child, we gradually offer the child the experience and wisdom of the Russian people.
Expressive, bright, eloquent, original plots of Russian folk tales are subject to a number of rules: multiple repetitions, large number symbolism, hidden and explicit meaning, alternation of “punishments” and “rewards” of the fairy tale hero depending on his actions. Thus, our ancestors formed a model of correct and incorrect behavior, establishing an understanding of the possibility of correcting a mistake, which allows a child, when reading a folk tale, to independently draw conclusions that are understandable to a child. Thus, the child develops thought processes and forms correct life and moral attitudes.
Fairy tales are a kind of moral code of the people, and the actions of the heroes of a fairy tale are an example of a model of human behavior in reality.

Literary and artistic analysis of a work (fairy tale)

1. Title of the work, genre (type for a fairy tale) (author for original works)
2. Topic (about whom, what - based on main events)
3. Idea (for what, for what purpose)
4. Characteristics of Ch. heroes (quotes from the text)
5. Artistic originality works (features of composition, techniques and methods of depiction, characteristics of language - examples from the text)
6. Conclusions - implications for working with children

Analysis of the RNN “Fox - little sister and gray wolf”.

By genre:“Fox - sister and gray wolf” - Russian folk tale about wild animals.
Theme of the tale: This fairy tale tells about intelligence and stupidity, about cunning and straightforwardness, about good and evil, about kindness and greed.
Fairy tale idea: The fairy tale teaches us to distinguish good from evil, and says that not all beautiful and flattering speeches are worth listening to. The fairy tale says that no matter how much you would like to get what you want without much effort, the fastest and most easy way- the most correct one. To achieve good results You shouldn’t cheat, you need to try and work to achieve your goal.
The main characters of the fairy tale- this is a little fox - a sister and a gray wolf.
Foxy sister:
- a cunning cheat, a deceiver: 1). “lying there as if dead”; 2). “Eh, brother,” says the little fox-sister, “at least you’re bleeding, but I have a brain, I was beaten more painfully than you; I’m dragging along.”;
- smart, dexterous, thief: “... the fox took advantage of the time and began to quickly throw everything out of the cart, one fish at a time, one fish at a time. I threw out all the fish and left.”;
- greedy, ruthless: 1). “And the fox: “Freeze, freeze, wolf’s tail!”;
2). Here the little fox-sister sits and quietly says: “The beaten one carries the unbeaten, the beaten one carries the unbeaten.”
- gullible, stupid: 1). “The wolf went to the river, lowered his tail into the hole and sat”; 2). “The wolf is tired of sitting. He wants to pull his tail out of the hole, but the fox says: “Wait, little top, I haven’t caught enough yet!” And again they began to say each their own. And the frost is getting stronger and stronger. The wolf's tail froze. The wolf pulled, but that was not the case.;
- kind: “And it’s true,” says the wolf, “where should you go, sister; sit on me, I'll take you. The fox sat on his back, and he carried her.)
Artistic originality of the work:
Proverb (“Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman”), exposition (“Grandfather says to the woman: “You, woman, bake pies, and I will harness the sleigh and go get some fish.” I caught fish and is taking a whole cart home”), plot (“ And the fox seized the time and began to quickly throw out all the fish and fish from the cart, all the fish and fish. She threw out all the fish and left herself."), the development of the action (in this fairy tale is a combination of several episodes, arranged in ascending order. : There are three episodes in the tale (three plot motives) - “The fox steals fish from the sleigh”, “The wolf at the ice hole”, “The beaten one is lucky.”), climax (“Morning has come. The women went to the ice hole for water, saw the wolf and shouted: “Wolf, wolf! Beat him!” Hit him!” They came running and started hitting him: some with a yoke, some with a bucket, some with anything. The wolf jumped, jumped, tore off his tail and started running without looking back”) and the denouement (“...So, sister, so!”).
Animism(the animal looks and behaves like an animal, but it seems to think, thinks, experiences), for example, 1. “And the fox runs around the wolf and says: “Be clear, make the stars clear in the sky!” Freeze, freeze, wolf's tail! 2. ““That’s how many fish have landed!” - the wolf thinks. “And you won’t get it out!”
Anthropomorphism(humanization), for example, “What are you saying there, little fox? - asks the wolf. “It’s me, little top, helping you, I say: catch, little fish, and even more!”
The tale is written narratively with short dialogues between the characters. Old Russian words are used: full, profit, matting, eka, rocker, tub.
Sentences used:“Catch the fish, small and large,” “The beaten one brings the unbeaten…”

Conclusion of the tale: Through this tale, life can be clearly traced village life. And also in classes on fairy tales you can touch on the idea of different situations, in which we need to listen and act as we are told, and where we need to think whether it is possible to do so. You can analyze the situations with the children: Fox and grandfather, fox and wolf, etc.

Liliya Mashchenko
Summary of GCD for speech development. Retelling and dramatization of the fairy tale “Sister Fox and the Wolf”

Teacher Mashchenko L.V.

Educator: Guys, today we have guests, I suggest you turn to them, smile and greet them.

Children: Hello!

Educator: And now, so that we have good mood, let's smile at each other?

1 Motivation:

Educator: Guys, this morning they brought us a package, This package is from forest animals. Oh! Let's see what's in it? See the note!

(The teacher opens the package and takes out a note from forest animals)

Educator: “Guys, we found illustrations for fairy tale, and to which one, we don’t know. Maybe you know?

2. Main part.

"If a fairy tale is knocking on the door,

Hurry up and let her in

Because fairy tale - bird,

If you scare me a little, you won’t be able to find it...”

Educator: Of course there are many fairy tales about people, about magic, about animals. Today we will remember fairy tale, and which one you will find out by guessing riddles:

This red-haired cheat

Chicken steals very cleverly.

Little sister to the gray wolf,

And her name is...

Children: Chanterelle.

Educator: Well done! Next mystery:

He makes friends only with a fox,

This beast is angry, angry.

He clicks and clicks his teeth,

Very scary grey.

D: Wolf.

Educator: Well done, guys!

Educator: You guessed what this one is called fairy tale?

Children: The fairy tale is called« Fox - sister and wolf» .

Educator: And now we will remember this fairy tale. Listen to her carefully. So, the fairy tale is called« Fox - sister and wolf» .

(The teacher reads expressively fairy tale, accompanied by a display of illustrations).

Educator: Guys, did you like it? fairy tale?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Before we start answering questions, let's do a little breathing exercises.

3. Breathing exercises "Palms"

We stand straight, showing our palms. In this case, the arms are lowered to the elbows along the body. With each inhalation, we clench our palms into fists, as if trying to grab something. Only the hands move. We take short breaths through our nose, as if sniffing something. Exhale through the nose.

(Do 5 times)

Educator: Well done!

Educator: Who is this about? fairy tale?

Children: About fox and gray wolf.

Educator: Right.

Educator: What is it called?

Children: « Chanterelle– sister and gray wolf»

Educator: What is the personality of a fox?

Children: Cunning, deceiver, cheat.

Educator: Guys, what does the expression mean? "cheat"?

Children: Naughty, liar.

Educator: Which one fairy tale wolf in character?

Children: Kind, trusting.

Educator: Oh, what does the word mean? "confiding"?

Children: This means that he listens to the fox and believes what she tells him.

Educator: Tell me what the fox advised wolf to catch fish?

Children: Lisa advised wolf catching fish with his tail.

Educator: Why did the fox deceive wolf?

Lera: She didn't want to share the fish, but wanted to make fun of wolf.

Educator: Did the fox do the right thing?

Children: No, you need to respect other animals and treat them kindly.

Educator: What time of year does the action take place? fairy tales?

Children: Action fairy tales happened in winter.

Educator: How did you understand this? By what words?

Children: And the frost got stronger and stronger, and the wolf’s tail froze in the ice hole.

Educator: What said the fox when I was driving wolf?

Maryana: The beaten one brings the unbeaten one.

Educator: What does she need the wolf replied?


Vetch: I, kumanek, I say: the beaten one is lucky.

Educator: Let's go now let's dramatize this excerpt. Here are our participants.

(The teacher chooses children to play the roles of fox and wolf and puts on hero hats fairy tales)

Educator: The fox is riding wolf(one holds on to the other) and sentences.

Fox: The beaten one brings the unbeaten, the beaten one brings the unbeaten.

Wolf: What are you telling me, gossip?

Fox: I, kumanek, I say: the beaten one is lucky.

Wolf: Yes, gossip, yes!

Educator: Got it wolf fox to her hole, she jumped off, hid in a hole, and she herself wolf laughs and chuckles.

Did you like the performance? Let's give our artists a round of applause.

Educator: Now let's warm up a little.

4. Physical education minute "Redhead fox»

Round dance, round dance (claps hands)

Dancing small people (squats)

Dance, skip and jump (jumping in place)

We are ready all year round (squats)

Under the bush, under the bush (torso tilts left and right)

Someone with a red tail (torso turns left and right)

This is a redhead fox(jumping in place)

Under a bush fox house.

Educator: Guys, there’s something else in the package.

(the teacher opens the parcel and takes out illustrated pets and their babies from it).

Educator: Guys, who is this?

Children: These are pets with their babies.

5. Didactic game "Domestic Animals and Their Young"

Educator: What are the names of our animal babies? The dog is with his...

Alena: A dog with her puppy, a cat with her kitten, a rabbit with her baby rabbit, a cow with her calf.

(Children place pets and their babies on the magnetic board)

Educator: Well done, guys!

6. Reflection.

Did you like it fairy tale?

What is it called fairy tale?

Do you want to be like little fox, the same cunning, deceivers?

Using the example fairy tales we are convinced that you cannot offend and deceive your friends. That's why we read fairy tales to better know which actions are good and which are bad.

What did you like most about the lesson?

(Children's answers)

Educator: Well done guys, you answered great in class! Forest animals have sent you sweets. Help yourself, please. Now treat our guests.

Educator: Let's say goodbye to our guests.

Children: Goodbye!

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  • Russian folk tales are known not only to children, but also to adults. Each of us was read at night instructive stories about people and animals. The fairy tale “The Fox and the Wolf” is written in the usual folklore style, following the traditions of Russian folk storytelling.

    Tricky "fur coat"

    This funny story tells us about a trusting wolf and a resourceful fox. The cheat showed her cunning from the very first minutes.

    The fairy tale “The Fox and the Wolf” begins with how the grandfather and grandmother decide to eat fish. To do this, the old man goes to the river to get his catch. Having caught a whole cart of fish, he returns home. Suddenly he sees a dead fox curled up by the road. The old man’s joy knew no bounds: now he will not only treat his grandmother to fish, but will also bring him a gorgeous collar! He put the find in the cart and hurried home. But that was not the case. The cheat turned out to be more alive than the living! Not only that, but she also ate all of my grandfather’s fish. Returning home, he was surprised to find that the “collar” had disappeared. And with him the fish disappeared.

    This is how we first meet our red-haired sly one.

    The fairy tale “The Fox and the Wolf” teaches us that we should not immediately trust our eyes. And miracles do not happen as often as we would like.

    Trusting wolf

    The fox's antics don't end there. She sits, eating the fish she stole from her grandfather. A wolf ran past, saw a fox and asked him to give her a treat. But our trick is not so simple! She did not want to share the spoils. And again she resorts to deception: she invites the wolf to go fishing himself. And not just with a fishing rod, but with the tail to fish in an ice hole, and for a longer time. The wolf did not understand her mockery, he turned out to be too gullible, for which he paid. He sits, freezing, lowers his tail into the hole and says that he should catch both a big and a small fish. And next to him the cheat runs and whispers that the frost will be stronger. The stupid wolf had to sit like that the whole night. In the morning I decided to collect my catch, but I couldn’t get up! He thought that this was a great prize for him. But then, to his misfortune, women came to fetch water. Seeing such a beast, they began to beat it and drive it away. Poor thing, he lost his legs by force.

    The meaning of the fairy tale “The Fox and the Wolf” is simple: among friends there may be cunning people. It is worth thinking and weighing everything before blindly believing the words of another person.

    And again deception

    But even after this, the cunning one does not spare her comrade. It turned out that while the wolf was being beaten because of her advice, the fox went to steal pancakes and landed with her head in the dough. She runs towards the wolf and laments that she feels bad. The wolf began to complain about what he received after her prompting. But the fox turned out to be more cunning and turned the situation in his favor. She told him that she was also beaten all over. So much so that my brain began to flow. Our naive hero and this time he believed the cheat.

    The fairy tale “The Fox and the Wolf” continues with the fact that the beaten poor fellow put the cunning man on his back and drove him away. She should be happy, but she also mocks. She sits on the wolf and whispers that the beaten wolf is dragging her unbeaten. He asked what his friend was saying quietly, and she was deceiving him, that she felt sorry for them, who were beaten.


    What does this story teach us? First, be smarter. More than once the wolf fell for his friend’s bait, but never noticed the catch. Children, reading this fairy tale, of course, feel sorry for the gray one. But everything that happens to him is quite predictable. It is unknown how many more times he will fall for her bait.

    Trust, but verify - a proverb expressing the meaning of the fairy tale “The Fox and the Wolf”.

    When communicating with people, you need to be more prudent and always think about your actions. Perhaps if the wolf had not been so stupid, he would have realized that no one would go after the fish’s tail. And when the brains are leaking from the head, and the fox is running around, the gray one definitely had to guess about her tricks.

    The image of a wolf in this fairy tale is not entirely familiar to us. Here he is kind and trusting. And the fox is still the same cunning cheat!

    Target: formation of the basis of reader independence.

    Lesson objectives:


    • summarize and systematize students’ knowledge about fairy tales;
    • introduce the Russian folk tale “Fox - Sister and Wolf”, its content;
    • expand your understanding of animal tales;
    • learn to evaluate characters by their actions and speech patterns;
    • continue to work on improving reading skills: accuracy, fluency, speed.


    • develop: oral speech students, figurative and logical thinking, articulatory apparatus;
    • ability to analyze and generalize;
    • interest in reading, curiosity.


    • cultivate respect for the origins of the culture of one’s people;
    • education of morality through analysis of the content of a work of art.

    Equipment: Textbook “Literature for first-graders” anthology. 1st grade, book exhibition, “Teremok”, projector, computer.


    I. Organizational moment(physical minute).

    The bell has rung for us.
    Everyone calmly entered the classroom.
    Everyone stood up at their desks beautifully,
    We greeted each other politely.
    Sit down quietly, backs straight
    I see our class anywhere.
    We'll start the lesson, friends.

    – Let’s smile at each other and wish each other a good mood.

    II. Motivation.

    Children today we will go on a journey through an amazing country that is not on any map of the world. We will go to the Land of Fairy Tales. (Slide 1. Presentation - available from the author)

    Let's go on a trip,
    To the country let's get into fairy tales,
    Listen, think, watch,
    Guess our fairy tale.
    You will find yourself in this fairy tale.
    On the carpet, on the plane.
    Close your eyes together,
    Let the fairy tale into your soul
    And until I tell you,
    Don't open it.

    I count to 5, the children open their eyes.

    The presenter, the mouse, and the frog come out.

    In an open field there is a little teremok.
    He is neither short nor tall.
    Like a mouse running across a field,
    She stopped at the door and knocked:


    Who lives in the little house?
    Does anyone live in a low place?

    Nobody answered the mouse.
    She entered the little mansion and began to live in it.
    Like a frog jumping across a field,
    I saw a little house and knocked:


    Who lives in the little house?
    Does anyone live in a low place?

    Mouse: Pee-wee-wee, I’m a little mouse. Who are you?


    Kva-kva, I am a croak frog!
    Let me live!

    Mouse: So be it, perhaps it’s more fun to live together in a house!

    Teacher: What fairy tale heroes met us in fairyland?

    Children: These are the heroes of the Russian folk tale “Teremok”.

    Teacher: Why is this fairy tale called a folk tale?

    Children: Written by the people.

    Teacher: What other fairy tales are there?

    III. Working with a book exhibition.

    Teacher: What groups would you divide all the fairy tales that you see at the exhibition into?

    Teacher: Which fairy tales appeared first?

    Children: Folk tales appeared earlier.

    Teacher: How have folk tales survived to this day?

    Children: They were told by adults to children.

    Teacher: How do fairy tales differ from other literary works - stories, novellas, etc.?

    Children: Fairy tales begin with the beginnings: “once upon a time,” “in a certain kingdom”... In fairy tales there are sayings and proverbs: “Soon the tale is told, but not soon the deed is done.” In fairy tales, animals, plants, and objects talk. In almost all fairy tales, good wins. There can be magic in fairy tales.

    IV. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

    Teacher: Who are the heroes of the RNS “Teremok”? Guess which folk tales we will talk about in our lesson?

    In these fairy tales there is no magical transformations, but they are very funny. In them there is a good-natured bear, a cowardly hare, a cunning fox, and an evil wolf. Today we watched an excerpt of this type of fairy tale.

    Children: These are tales about animals.

    Today at Fairyland We are greeted by the Russian folk tale “Sister Fox and the Wolf”. (Slide 3)

    Teacher: Now listen carefully to the fairy tale and prove whether this is really a fairy tale about animals?

    V. The teacher’s telling of a Russian folk tale is close to the text. (Slide 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

    VI. Checking primary perception.

    Do you agree that the fairy tale “Sister Fox and the Wolf” is a fairy tale about animals?

    Prove it!

    Are the Wolf and the Fox the main characters of the fairy tale or minor ones? What can you say about people?

    Who in a fairy tale can be called smart?

    What is a fox like? How is this said in the fairy tale?

    Who did she outsmart?

    Prove that she is smart, enterprising, cunning, and mocking.

    What is the Wolf like? (Stupid, gullible, simpleton)

    As it is said in a fairy tale.

    Teacher: Did you like the fairy tale? How?

    Teacher: What kind of fairy tale is this - funny or sad?

    Teacher: What saying from the fairy tale do you remember?

    Children: The beaten one is lucky.

    VII. Physical education minute.

    We just entered a fairy tale
    Mosquitoes appeared.

    Ahead from behind a bush
    Looks sly fox,
    We'll outwit the fox
    Let's run on our toes.

    The wolf is prowling quickly in the field,
    He is very formidable in the wild.
    We imitate the wolf
    Fidgety kids
    But the game is over
    And it's time for us to learn.

    Teacher. They stood up straight. They sat down quietly and wanted to work.

    VIII. Work from a notebook.

    I know you love games, songs, riddles and dances.
    But there is nothing more interesting than our fairy tale.

    Teacher: Open your notebooks according to the bookmark.

    Teacher: look at picture 1 of the task. Tell an excerpt from a fairy tale for this picture. (Listening to children's stories)

    Teacher: Read task 2.

    Read the passage yourself and determine where the words are wolf and where are foxes.

    Find and read the words of the wolf.

    Find and read the words of the fox.

    Let's read the passage by role.

    IX. Consolidation of the studied material.

    Student modeling of the cover.

    Teacher: What did we listen to in class today?

    Children: A fairy tale.

    Teacher: Correct. What substitute exists for a fairy tale?

    Children: Circle.

    Teacher: Who is this fairy tale about?

    Children: About animals.

    Teacher: If we are talking about animals, then what color should we paint the circle with?

    Children: brown.

    Children: no. This is a Russian folk tale. (Slide 10)

    Teacher: How does this fairy tale end?

    Children: Sad?

    Read the statement by A.S. Pushkin: (Slide 11)

    The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.

    How do you understand these words?

    What lesson did you learn from the fairy tale?

    • be honest, kind;
    • respond to good with good.

    XI. Lesson summary.

    Teacher: Look, here is a fairy-tale box, there are letters in it, only there are no return addresses on them. Who wrote these letters? Maybe you guys can tell me?

    (Takes out letters and reads them)

    1. I didn’t tremble before the wolf,
    Ran away from the bear
    And the fox's teeth
    Still got caught... (“Kolobok”)

    2. Near the forest, on the edge,
    Three of them live in a hut.
    There are three chairs and three mugs,
    Three beds, three pillows.
    Guess without a hint
    Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (“Three Bears”).

    3. Save! We were eaten by a gray wolf... (Kids from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids”)

    4. Oh, Petya - simplicity,
    I messed up a little.
    Didn't listen to the cat -
    Looked out the window. (“Cat, Rooster and Fox”)

    5. Everything ended well,
    Only my tail remained in the hole... (Wolf from the fairy tale “Sister Fox and the Wolf”)

    Teacher: Well done.

    What do all these tales have in common?

    Children: All these Russian folk tales are about animals.

    We close our eyes again,
    We are flying away from a fairy tale.
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    We will return to class again.

    X. Reflection.

    What do you want to say about the lesson?

    What grade does our lesson deserve?

    You have two pictures on your desk: a smiling Fox and a crying Wolf. If you were interested in the lesson, then pick up the fox, and if you are sad, uninteresting, then the Wolf (Children show cards with pictures of animals) (Slide 13, 14)