To which nation does the composer F. Chopin belong? Emigration and its causes

The Polish composer and pianist Frederic Franciszek Chopin (Polish Szopen, Fryderyk Franciszek) was born on February 22 (according to other sources on March 1), 1810 in the village of Zhelyazova Wola near Warsaw in a family school teacher.

When Chopin was 7 years old, he was taught to play the piano. At the same time, in 1817, a polonaise in G minor composed by him was published.

In 1823, Chopin entered the Warsaw Lyceum, continuing to study music with the director of the Warsaw Conservatory, Joseph Elsner. In 1825 he was invited to perform in front of the Russian Emperor Alexander I, and after the concert he received an award - a diamond ring. At the age of 16, Chopin was admitted to the conservatory, graduating in 1829 formally completed musical education composer. In the same year, Chopin gave two concerts in Vienna, where critics praised his works. In 1830, Chopin played three concerts in Warsaw, and then went on a tour of Western Europe. While in Stuttgart, Chopin learned about the suppression Polish uprising. It is believed that the fall of Warsaw was the reason for composing the C minor etude, which is sometimes called "revolutionary". This happened in 1831, and after that Chopin never returned to his homeland.

In 1831 he settled in Paris, impressing the public with his mazurkas and polonaises, genres that reflected Slavic dance rhythms and a harmonic language typical of Polish folklore. These pieces for the first time introduced a Slavic element into Western European music, which gradually changed those harmonic, rhythmic and melodic schemes that the great classics of the 18th century. left to their followers.

In Paris, Chopin was received in the highest circles of the Parisian aristocracy, met with popular pianists and composers.
Meanwhile, he developed pulmonary tuberculosis, the first symptoms of which appeared as early as 1831. Soon Chopin actually abandoned his career as a virtuoso, limiting his concert activity rare performances, mainly for a small audience, and focused on composition, publishing his opuses.

In 1837, he began an affair with Baroness Dudevant, who gained wide literary fame under the pseudonym George Sand. Chopin and George Sand spent the winter of 1838 - 1839 on the island of Mallorca (Spain), which had a beneficial effect on the composer's health. His relationship with the writer lasted about 10 years. After the break with George Sand (1847), Chopin's health deteriorated sharply.

On February 16, 1848, he gave his last concert in Paris. The revolution that began a few days later forced Chopin to leave for Great Britain, where he spent seven months playing in aristocratic salons (including for Queen Victoria) and giving lessons.
Upon his return to Paris, Chopin was no longer able to study with his students; in the summer of 1849 he wrote his last work- Mazurka in f-moll Op. 68.4.

Chopin died in his Paris apartment on Place Vendôme on October 17, 1849. In accordance with his desire, at the funeral service in the church of St. Madeleine heard fragments of Mozart's requiem. Chopin was buried (according to his wishes) in the Pere Lachaise cemetery in Paris next to the grave of his beloved Italian composer Vincenzo Bellini. A handful of native Polish land was poured onto the coffin from a silver goblet once given by friends. Chopin's heart, as he bequeathed, was buried in one of the churches in Warsaw.

Chopin's work influenced many generations of musicians. The composer interpreted many genres in a new way: he revived the prelude on a romantic basis, created a piano ballad, poeticized and dramatized dances - mazurka, polonaise, waltz; turned the scherzo into independent work. Enriched harmony and piano texture; combined classic form with melodic richness and fantasy.

Chopin was one of the few composers who composed only for the piano. He did not write an opera or a symphony, he was not attracted by the choir, there is not a single string quartet in his legacy.

Chopin composed more than fifty mazurkas (their prototype is a Polish dance with a triple rhythm, similar to a waltz) - small pieces in which typical melodic and harmonic turns sound in Slavonic.

Throughout his life, Chopin gave no more than thirty public concerts, mostly performing at the homes of his friends. His performing style was very peculiar, according to contemporaries, this style was distinguished by rhythmic freedom - he extended some sounds by reducing others.

Since 1927, the International Chopin Piano Competition has been held in Warsaw every five years. In 1934, the Chopin Institute was organized (since 1950 - the F. Chopin Society). Chopin societies exist in Czechoslovakia, Germany, Austria, until the 2nd World War 1939-45. existed in France. In 1932, the Chopin House Museum was opened in Zhelyazova Volya, and in 1985, the International Federation of Chopin Societies was founded.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

Chopin was a great composer and musician. He gave his first concert at the age of 8 and soon became a celebrity. Warsaw, where Chopin lived, was then a deep musical province, and his father, a French-born schoolteacher, had very little money.

In 1830, Chopin left Poland forever, earning money by virtuoso performances of his own musical compositions, although his health did not always allow him to give lengthy concerts. He settled in Paris, where he began to give music lessons and give concerts. Soon he developed tuberculosis. French revolution 1848 deprived him of the opportunity to earn a living, and he left for England. He returned to Paris almost completely disabled and soon died after several months of severe suffering.

Chopin's romantic appearance attracted women no less than his music. He himself was also attracted to women, but not always in terms of sex. Their adoration often reminded him of love; in his youth, Chopin felt an irresistible attraction to his friend Titus Wojciechowski. He bombarded him with love notes and loved to kiss him on the lips. With girls, he behaved much more restrained. At one time he was in love with Constance Gladkowska, with whom he studied music together, however, he was never able to tell or write to her about his feelings. Only many years later Constance was surprised to learn how much she once meant to Chopin.

The temptations of Paris did not attract Chopin. He, however, suffered a mild venereal disease, which he contracted from a woman named Teresa. This seemed to discourage him from having sex even more.

Chopin always dreamed of having his own family. In 1836 he proposed to Maria Wodzinskaya, the pretty and musically gifted daughter of a Polish count. She accepted his proposal, but her parents were quite concerned about his poor health. After some time, Chopin stopped receiving letters from Maria and abandoned all thoughts of marriage.

Later he met the novelist George Sand, who admired his music and himself and followed him everywhere. Chopin did not like it at first, and he once said to his friend: "What disgusting woman this Sand. And is she even a woman? I doubt something in this sense. "Chopin nevertheless went to meet Sand's claims, and their relationship lasted 9 years. Their intimate relationship ended after a couple of years, since Sand announced that Chopin was very much like a corpse in bed. Sand raised two children and tried to turn Chopin into a third. She broke off all relations with Chopin when he opposed her in some dispute that she had with her daughter's husband.

The last woman who seriously tried to get his attention was his wealthy student and financial patron Jane Sterling, of whom he said: "I'd rather choose death as my wife."


The brilliant composer differed in many ways from most of his predecessors and even contemporaries. He wrote works only for the piano.

This unique creator left us no opera, no symphony, no overture. That is why his composing talent becomes so amazing, because Chopin managed to become an innovator. piano music.

Crying to the sound of music

Little virtuoso Frederic Chopin

The debut of the little pianist took place in Warsaw. Then he was barely seven years old. The first concert was successful, and the news of young talent quickly spread throughout the city. Performing talent Chopin developed so rapidly that at a very young age Frederic was on the same level with the best Polish pianists.

Teacher Zhivny even refused lessons with a little virtuoso. He said that he could no longer teach Frederick anything. In parallel with his music studies, Chopin received an excellent general education. He was fluent in French and German, studied the history of Poland and absorbed volumes fiction. The young man drew well, differed sharp mind, observation and amazing mimic talent, which could guarantee him theater career. But since childhood, he chose the only path for himself - music.

Wherein special interest at Frederic Chopin caused folk music. While walking along the outskirts of the city, he could stop at some house and listen with hope to the folk tunes coming from there. Folklore became related to the essence of the composer himself and became inseparable from his work.

The best pianist in the country

After graduating from the Lyceum Frederick entered the Higher School of Music. There, his development continued under the guidance of an experienced teacher and composer Joseph Elsner. He quickly realized that in front of him was not just talent, but a real genius. He even wrote about this in the description given to the young performer. By this time young man have already recognized best pianist countries. During these years, his composing talent also matured. This is confirmed by two concertos for piano and orchestra written in 1829-1830. Now pianists different countries invariably include these works in their repertoire.

At the same time Chopin fell in love for the first time. He experienced tender feelings for the young singer Constance Gladkovskaya from the Warsaw Conservatory. It was under the influence of this that Frederick created the song "Desire".

Farewell to the motherland

The young musician visited Vienna, where he gave several concerts that were successful with the public. His family realized that a virtuoso pianist could go on a real concert tour. But Chopin I hesitated to take this step for a long time. He had a bad feeling. It seemed to the composer that he was forever leaving homeland. After lengthy deliberation, in the fall of 1830, Frederick left Warsaw, taking with him a goblet with Polish soil donated by friends.

Unfortunately, his premonitions did not deceive him. Chopin parted with his native land forever. Remembering the wonderful reception he received in Vienna, Frederick decided to start his tour from there. But, despite all the efforts, the musician did not manage to organize an independent concert, and publishers were in no hurry to buy his works for publication.

Unexpectedly, disturbing news came from Poland. Polish patriots organized an uprising against Russian tsarism. Frederick decided to suspend his tour and return to his homeland, but relatives insisted that he not come to avoid persecution. Reluctantly heart Chopin obeyed his relatives and left for Paris.

On the way to the capital of France, Frederick was overtaken by another news: the uprising was brutally suppressed, its leaders were thrown into prison and exiled to Siberia. He arrived in Paris already with his famous sketch, which was later called "revolutionary". He spent the rest of his life there, although France could not become a second home for the composer. In all his affections, as well as in creativity Frederick remained a true Pole.

Hats off, Chopin is in front of you!

First, he conquered Paris with his performing arts - the audience was amazed by his unusual style of playing the piano. Against the background of the technically perfect performing skills of other pianists, his playing was surprisingly spiritual and poetic. The memories of the eminent Hungarian virtuoso pianist and composer about the first Paris concert Chopin. He wrote that the growing applause could not fully express admiration for the talent of young Frederick.

During performances, the Polish genius most often performed his own works: piano concertos, mazurkas, etudes, concert rondos, nocturnes and variations on a theme from the opera Don Giovanni. Wrote about them German composer enthusiastic phrase: "Hats off, gentlemen, before you is a genius."

Everyone was fascinated by Chopin, only the publishers took a wait-and-see attitude. They agreed to publish his works, but only for free. Frederic was forced to give many hours of daily music lessons in order to earn his living. This work brought him income, but took a lot of effort and so much precious time. Even being global famous composer, could not leave these exhausting occupations.

With thoughts of Poland

The popularity of the composer and pianist helped expand the circle of acquaintances. His friends were Franz Liszt, French composer Hector Berlioz, artist Eugene Delacroix and the German poet Heinrich Heine. But no matter how interesting he was with new comrades, he never forgot about his compatriots. For example, for the sake of a guest from home Chopin could radically change the strict routine of his day and go on a tour of Paris with him. Frederick listened for hours to stories about Poland and the Poles. And when the poet Adam Mickiewicz came to him, the composer sat down at the instrument and played his favorite works for a long time close friend. Only Chopin's music helped Mickiewicz ease the pain of separation from his homeland. Thanks to Adam, Frederick had his first ballad. The musician's second ballad is also connected with the images of Mickiewicz's works.

Love is poison

Meetings with friends and compatriots were very dear to the composer, because he did not have his own family. He wanted to marry Maria Wodzińska from a noble Polish family, but her parents categorically were against this marriage. For many years Chopin connected his fate with the French writer Aurora Dudevant, who is better known under the pseudonym George Sand.

It is worth noting that not much reliable information about the history of their relationship has been preserved. For example, Franz Liszt in his book spoke quite unequivocally that it was the writer who caused the composer's early death. One of Frederic's close friends, Wojciech Grzymala, also said that Aurora had poisoned Chopin's existence and was guilty of his sudden death. His student Wilhelm Lenz even called it a poisonous plant. He was outraged by dismissive attitude George Sand, which she showed to the composer even in the presence of strangers.

Famous but lonely

Over the years, he gave concerts less and less, he limited himself to performing music in a narrow circle of close people. This allowed him to devote himself entirely to creativity. He wrote sonatas, impromptu, scherzos, ballads, new series studies, nocturnes, preludes, favorite polonaises and mazurkas. But along with lyrical pieces, the composer more and more often published dramatic and even tragic works. For example, the Second Sonata with a funeral march. She became one of the most significant achievements Chopin and all Polish music.

In Paris, Frederick's personal life did not work out, but this city favorably influenced his work - it reached the top. His works have become to print for money, to take lessons from the maestro was an honor, and to hear the piano play was a rare happiness.

were also unhappy last years composer. His father died, followed by a break with Aurora. He became lonely and could not bear the blows of fate. From his youth, he suffered from lung disease, and now it has only worsened. In the last two years of his life, he wrote almost nothing. At the invitation of friends, he went to London in the spring of 1848 with concerts, but the damp climate there only worsened his condition. He returned to Paris and died in 1849 in the arms of his sister, who had come to him from Poland.

At Frederick's funeral, his beloved Mozart's Requiem was performed by the best artists of the French capital. He was buried in Paris, but his heart Chopin bequeathed to send to Poland, where it is now kept in the Warsaw Church of the Holy Cross.


Since childhood, Chopin I had a habit of playing the piano in the dark. Little Frederick is accustomed to sit down at the instrument in the dark. Only in in such an environment he felt inspired. Later, speaking at parties, he always asked to dim the lights in the room.

Brilliant mind and ingenuity were manifested in Frederic in different guises. IN adolescence he could not play complex chords because his fingers lacked stretch. This forced the boy to come up with a device that helped him stretch his ligaments. The design caused the young man terrible pain, but he did not take it off even at night.

Updated: November 20, 2017 by: Elena

Frederic Chopin, is famous musician, composer and pianist, not only in Poland, but in all countries the globe. Full name and surname, Frederic Chopin sounds like Fryderyk Franciszek, and in French Frederic Francois. Basically, Chopin created his musical works in a lyrical style. Frederick very subtly conveyed any mood in music.

Biography of Frederic Chopin

The famous musician was born on March 1, 1810. In a small village called Zhelyazova Volya, not far from Sokhachev. In the family, the boy had Polish and French roots. The father of the family, whose name was Mikolay Chopin, was French by nationality, but being sixteen years old, he decided to move and completely connect his life with Poland. And Mikolay never returned to his homeland, moreover, he did not even keep in touch with his French family. And he raised all his children as Poles. The man worked in the Manor owned by Count Skarbek. His job was to educate and educate children.

Frederic Chopin's Education

Frederic Chopin began to show his interest in music at a pretty early age. early age. At first, the boy was even called the second Mozart. When Frederic was only about seven years old, he had already written two polonaises by that time, one called g-moll, and the second B-dur. The first g-moll polonaise was published immediately after it was written. Articles in the Warsaw newspapers about the new talent that had appeared began to scatter at the speed of light. “Mały Chopinek”, which means “Little Chopinek”, becomes the main highlight in the richest salons in Warsaw. Frederic Chopin at a young age often performs at various charity concerts. In 1816 for the first time professional lessons in piano, for six years, Frederik receives from Wojciech Zivny. Wojciech taught on the basis of the music of the legendary Sebastian Bach, as well as others Viennese classics. Further, in 1822, Frederic Chopin took private lessons from the then very famous Polish composer Jozef Elsner. In 1823, the guy enters the Warsaw Lyceum. While studying at the Lyceum, he wrote his first creation, a sonata called c-moll. Later, three years later, Frederic Chopin continued his studies at main school music of the capital. He chooses a faculty that teaches music theory, harmony and composition. Chopin studied at this school, also for three years. While studying, still quite the same young composer writes a Variation (for piano and orchestra) on the theme of a duet, from an opera by Mozart himself, called Don Giovanni. He also writes Fantasia op.13 on the theme of Poland, and the famous g-moll. He graduated from the Chopin school of music perfectly, moreover, he was even officially awarded the characteristic "musical genius".

The Life of Frederic Chopin

In 1829, immediately after the guy finishes his studies at the school of music, in July he leaves with a group of his friends on an excursion to Austria, or rather to the city of Vienna. Wurfel invites Chopin to musical society. Thanks to this, Frederick twice gives concerts at the Kartnerthortheate, together with the orchestra he plays Variations op.2 after Mozart, as well as Rondo a la Krakowiak op.14. And now Frederic, already outside the borders of his country, is gaining the gratitude of the audience and creative success. Although Chopin was criticized, but only for a rather weak sound delivery, and the most serious critics were simply delighted with his compositions. After such success, in 1830, renowned critic Tobias Haslinger, decides to publish Variations on a Theme by Mozart. By the way, this was his first foreign publication, earlier Frederick's creations were published only in Warsaw. Publications are noticed by a famous German composer, as well as part-time musical critic, whose name was Robert Schumann, he speaks of Chopin with enthusiasm.

Then Frederic returns back to Warsaw, he has a lot of free time, which he previously spent on his studies, and the composer, with even greater zeal, takes up writing new masterpieces. He writes many works, including two Piano Concertos in e-moll and f-moll. A very big inspiration for Frederic Chopin was that the guy fell in love with a student at the conservatory who studied vocals, this girl's name was Constance Gladkovskaya. experiencing strong feelings to Constance, the composer writes the Concerto in f-moll. Also, under the inspiration of his feelings, he writes nocturne, various studies, waltzes, as well as mazurkas. Even during this period, he writes songs, the words for which were composed by Stefan Witwicki.

In autumn, in October 1830, Frederic Chopin performs his concerto e-moll, at a solemn farewell concert, which took place in National Theater. Frederick's beloved Constance Gladkowska also performed there. Approximately a month later, in November, Chopin, together with his friend, whose name was Tytus Wojciechowski, decides to move to Austria, with the intention of then going to Italy. Frederick, being in Vienna for only a couple of days, learns the unpleasant news that the Polish uprising (which is also called the November uprising) has begun. This rebellion was against the fact that the Polish kingdom was dependent on Russia, and the people did not want to see the king on the Polish throne. Chopin takes these events to heart and he pours his emotions into his new piece, which is known to everyone as " Revolutionary study". The composer is not able to go to Italy, as he planned, because there, at that time, hostilities were taking place against Austria. And since Frederick strongly supported Polish independence, due to the events taking place in Poland, he was also in no hurry to Warsaw. Therefore, he decides to go to France, to the city of Paris.

And already in the autumn in 1831, Frederic gradually settled in Paris. There they learn about him, how about famous pianist and talented teacher. Chopin falls into the highest circles of the metropolitan aristocracy. He meets many great pianists there, among them Pleyel and Kalkbrenner, who help Chopin settle in the city. He also begins to communicate closely with Francois Joseph Fetis, this man is a well-known musicologist and composer from Belgium. Also, his circle of contacts includes such famous personalities as: composer Franz Liszt, painter Eugene Delacroix, writer Heinrich Heinu. Another Polish composer met and subsequently became close friends with Prince Adam Czartoryski. In the same place, Frederic joins the Polish Literary Association.

In 1835, the composer traveled to Germany to meet Felix Mendelssohn and also Schumann. Later, in the summer of 1837, he went to England, to the city of London. Then he finds his life partner, this girl becomes the most famous French writer whose name was George Sand. Frederick is six years younger than his chosen one, Georges was divorced and already had two children at that time, she wrote wonderful stories as an author. Chopin found in this woman everything that he lacked so much, Georges was gentle, caring and faithful. In the winter from 1837 to 1838, the lovers reside in ancient monastery right in the mountains, which is located on an island called Mallorca. Fate presents the composer with a very unpleasant surprise. Frederick becomes very ill. After a while, Chopin learns that he is ill with a serious illness, pulmonary tuberculosis. Every day the disease progressed, so that the musician became very weak and could even hardly leave the house. All this time, his beloved, Georges, was next to him. But even in spite of serious illness, to insane weakness, he still works hard and creates his own wonderful works. Among them are the cycle of 24 Preludes, the Ballade in F-dur, the Polonaise in c-moll, and also Scherzo in cis-moll. After ten years spent together with Georges, they decide to disperse. After that, the health of Frederic Chopin deteriorates sharply. In March 1839, the composer was undergoing treatment in Marseille.

In the winter of 1848, Chopin performs last time, with his concert in the capital of France. Then he has to go to the UK. He's been there for about half a year. To occupy himself somehow and distract from a serious illness, he performs in aristocratic salons, teaches lessons there. He even plays for Queen Victoria herself.

Then he returned to Paris again, as his strength began to leave him altogether, where he writes his latest work, entitled Mazurka f-moll Op. 68.4. In the summer, his sister Luisa Yendzheevich moves from Poland to Frederik to help her sick brother.

But in the autumn of October 17, in 1849, the irreparable happens. Frederic Chopin passes away in his home, which was located on Place Vendôme. The great composer was buried in Paris, in the church of Mary Magdalene. There were three thousand people at this sad event. He was buried in the Pere Lachaise cemetery in the city of Paris. At the funeral they sounded his own h-moll preludes from Op. 28, as well as e-moll. Also, the orchestra naturally played the funeral march of the great Frederic Chopin. Last wish composer Frederic Chopin was to have his heart buried in Poland. This wish was fulfilled Native sister, she took his heart to Warsaw, where he was walled up in the walls of the Church of the Holy Cross.

Mysterious, diabolical, feminine, courageous, incomprehensible, understandable tragic Chopin.
S. Richter

According to A. Rubinstein, "Chopin is a bard, rhapsodist, spirit, soul of the piano." The most unique thing in Chopin's music is connected with the piano: its quivering, refinement, "singing" of all texture and harmony, enveloping the melody with an iridescent airy "haze". All the multicoloredness of the romantic worldview, everything that usually required monumental compositions (symphonies or operas) for its embodiment, was expressed by the great Polish composer and pianist in piano music (works with the participation of other instruments, human voice or Chopin's orchestra is quite a bit). Contrasts and even polar opposites of romanticism in Chopin turned into the highest harmony: fiery inspiration, increased emotional "temperature" - and strict logic of development, intimate confidence of lyrics - and conceptuality of symphonic scales, artistry, brought to aristocratic sophistication, and next to it - primordial purity " folk pictures". In general, the originality of Polish folklore (its modes, melodies, rhythms) permeated all the music of Chopin, who became musical classic Poland.

Chopin was born near Warsaw, in Zhelyazova Wola, where his father, a native of France, worked as a home teacher in a count's family. Shortly after the birth of Fryderyk, the Chopin family moved to Warsaw. Phenomenal musical talent appears already in early childhood, at the age of 6 the boy composes the first work (polonaise), and at 7 he performs for the first time as a pianist. General education Chopin receives at the Lyceum, he also takes piano lessons from V. Zhivny. The formation of a professional musician is completed at the Warsaw Conservatory (1826-29) under the direction of J. Elsner. Chopin's talent was manifested not only in music: from childhood he composed poetry, played in home performances, and drew wonderfully. For the rest of his life, Chopin retained the gift of a caricaturist: he could draw or even depict someone with facial expressions in such a way that everyone unmistakably recognized this person.

The artistic life of Warsaw gave a lot of impressions to the beginning musician. Italian and Polish national opera, tours of major artists (N. Paganini, J. Hummel) inspired Chopin, opened up new horizons for him. Often during summer holidays Fryderyk visited the country estates of his friends, where he not only listened to the play of village musicians, but sometimes he himself played some instrument. Chopin's first composing experiments were poeticized dances of Polish life (polonaise, mazurka), waltzes, as well as nocturnes - miniatures of a lyric-contemplative nature. He also turns to the genres that formed the basis of the repertoire of the then virtuoso pianists - concert variations, fantasies, rondos. The material for such works was, as a rule, themes from popular operas or folk Polish melodies. met with a warm response from R. Schumann, who wrote an enthusiastic article about them. Schumann also owns the following words: "... If a genius like Mozart is born in our time, he will write concertos more like Chopin than Mozart." 2 concertos (especially the one in E minor) became highest achievement early creativity Chopin, reflected all the facets artistic world twenty year old composer. The elegiac lyrics, akin to the Russian romance of those years, are set off by the brilliance of virtuosity and spring-like bright folk-genre themes. Mozart's perfect forms are imbued with the spirit of romanticism.

During a tour to Vienna and the cities of Germany, Chopin was overtaken by the news of the defeat of the Polish uprising (1830-31). The tragedy of Poland became the strongest personal tragedy, combined with the impossibility of returning to their homeland (Chopin was a friend of some participants in the liberation movement). As B. Asafiev noted, “the collisions that worried him focused on various stages of love languor and on the brightest explosion despair in connection with the death of the fatherland. From now on, genuine drama penetrates his music (Ballad in G minor, Scherzo in B minor, Etude in C minor, often called "Revolutionary"). Schumann writes that "...Chopin introduced the Beethoven spirit into concert hall". The ballad and the scherzo are genres new to piano music. Ballads were called detailed romances of a narrative-dramatic nature; Chopin has it major works poem type (written under the impression of A. Mickiewicz's ballads and Polish dumas). The scherzo is also being rethought (usually former part cycle) - now it began to exist as independent genre(not at all comic, but more often - elemental-demonic content).

Chopin's subsequent life is connected with Paris, where he ends up in 1831. In this ebullient center artistic life Chopin meets artists from different European countries: composers G. Berlioz, F. Liszt, N. Paganini, V. Bellini, J. Meyerbeer, pianist F. Kalkbrenner, writers G. Heine, A. Mickiewicz, George Sand, artist E Delacroix, who painted a portrait of the composer. Paris in the 30s XIX century - one of the centers of the new, romantic art, asserted itself in the fight against academism. According to Liszt, "Chopin openly joined the ranks of the Romantics, having nevertheless written the name of Mozart on his banner." Indeed, no matter how far Chopin went in his innovation (even Schumann and Liszt did not always understand him!), his work was in the nature of an organic development of tradition, its, as it were, magical transformation. The idols of the Polish romantic were Mozart and, in particular, J. S. Bach. Chopin was generally disapproving of contemporary music. Probably, his classically strict, refined taste, which did not allow any harshness, rudeness and extremes of expression, affected here. With all his secular sociability and friendliness, he was reserved and did not like to open his inner world. So, about music, about the content of his works, he spoke rarely and sparingly, most often disguised as some kind of joke.

Created in the early years Parisian life etudes, Chopin gives his understanding of virtuosity (as opposed to the art of fashionable pianists) - as a means of expressing artistic content and inseparable from it. Chopin himself, however, performed little in concerts, preferring great hall chamber, more comfortable atmosphere of a secular salon. Income from concerts and music publications was lacking, and Chopin was forced to give piano lessons. At the end of the 30s. Chopin completes the cycle of preludes that have become real encyclopedia romanticism, reflecting the main collisions of the romantic worldview. In preludes - the smallest pieces - a special "density", concentration of expression is achieved. And again we see an example of a new attitude towards the genre. IN early music the prelude was always an introduction to some work. With Chopin, this is a valuable piece in itself, at the same time retaining some understatement of the aphorism and "improvisational" freedom, which is so consonant with the romantic worldview. The cycle of preludes ended on the island of Mallorca, where Chopin undertook a trip together with George Sand (1838) to improve his health. In addition, Chopin traveled from Paris to Germany (1834-1836), where he met with Mendelssohn and Schumann, and saw his parents in Carlsbad, and to England (1837).

for piano: