Sports Academy Malakhovka. Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture (MGAFK)

Sports competitions and the Olympic Games are an integral part of people's lives in any state. And our country is no exception. IN modern world on results professional activity The athlete is influenced by those individuals about whom little is known, but on whom the career of a professional in this field largely depends.

And today we will talk about specialists who manage institutions in this area of ​​our lives.

What is sports management? What are its distinctive features?

In the labor market, there is a concept that denotes the function of a manager, administrator of a company or several enterprises. This is the definition of management. It involves management in different areas life.

Management in the sports industry is an administrative activity whose object is sports enterprises and associations. The head in this area performs those functions that ensure effective work sports companies and groups of people. Therefore, the management of such organizations can be considered the subject of sports management.

Such work requires knowledge of theory and practice and special education in this area. Sports managers may have various degrees qualifications; in the course of their activities they can solve issues of varying complexity.

But the responsibility of each of them is to solve administrative, organizational and financial tasks concerning the work of athletes, so that the latter are engaged only in training and preparation for competitions.

History of the profession

Today, work in sports management is extremely in demand and well paid.

This ancient profession. Its first representatives arose back in ancient times, when gladiator competitions were held in sports arenas. But this specialty was finally formed in the nineteenth century, when the sports industry began to actively develop, and athletes needed a person who would solve various organizational issues, negotiated with enterprises, groups, associations; with representatives of funds mass media, who published articles about athletes.

In the 20th century, during the existence Soviet Union, the managers were retired military personnel and former employees physical culture and sports. But today, to carry out this activity, other professionals are in demand in the labor market - younger, capable of quick adaptation and who have undergone special training in higher educational institutions.

Basic functions of sports management. Required skills

Today this specialty has a complex structure and is divided into different types activities (depending on the type of sport).

Unfortunately, in Russia, management in the sports industry is only at initial stage of its formation. In many other countries this area is already quite well developed.

What kind of activities does the sports management specialty involve?

First of all, such an employee takes part in holding (city, regional, etc.), as well as Olympic games and international competitions.

In addition, the sports manager himself develops and manages various sports events. And finally, a specialist in this field participates in the selection of athletes and the creation of ticket programs, builds business plans and implements them.

Like any employee, a sports manager needs special skills to carry out his functions, for example, he should:

  1. Have an understanding of modern information technologies.
  2. Be able to speak foreign languages(for example, in English).
  3. Manage the activities of a company or group of people.
  4. Have knowledge in the field of marketing.
  5. Know the basic rules and laws of sports competitions to effectively manage this process.

Today in our country a number of criteria are being developed by which it will be possible to determine the necessary professional qualities for workers in this field. Much effort was spent on building structures and negotiating with foreign partners in order to organize competitions on the territory of our country.

For effective preparation personnel departments were created at universities. And in the following sections we will talk about sports management universities in Moscow. Let's take a closer look at the most famous establishments.

Moscow Academy of Physical Culture. General information

This educational institution was created in 1931 and has undergone significant changes throughout its existence. The founders of the organization are considered to be employees of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation.

The Academy is located at the address: Moscow region, Lyubertsy district, Malakhovka village, building 33 on Shosseinaya street.

The organization consists of many divisions, it includes:

  1. Department of Physical Education and Sports Medicine.
  2. Division of theory and methods of gymnastics.
  3. Department of Athletics.
  4. Wrestling department.
  5. Department team events sports
  6. Division of Management and History of Physical Education.
  7. Department of Anatomy.
  8. Department of Computer Science and Mechanics.
  9. Linguistic department.
  10. Department of Psychology.
  11. Pedagogical department.
  12. Department of Philosophy.

The institution also offers classes for professional development; Work is carried out at a research institute and training for a master's degree.

Areas of training

This sports management program trains specialists in the following areas:

  1. Physical training.
  2. Physical education for people with disabilities.
  3. Education in the field of pedagogy and psychology.
  4. Sports management.

The academy also conducts classes for applicants. University teachers with scientific degrees prepare young people to take entrance exams and for admission.

For this purpose, applicants must attend classes in the following academic subjects:

  1. Russian language.
  2. Biology.
  3. Physical training.

Preparatory courses last about eight months, their total cost is forty thousand rubles.

Moscow Institute of Physical Culture and Sports

This also trains specialists in the field of sports management.

The organization was founded on September 28, 1999, and it is one of the most famous universities in the capital.

Among the graduates of the institution there are even winners of international competitions. Founder of this institute is Nikolai Krasnov.

Teaching activities for personnel training are carried out by experienced and highly qualified teachers.

The institute is equipped with modern equipment, there are PCs in the classrooms, and the institution also has a gym, a hall for gymnastics and team games.

This Moscow university in sports management consists of several buildings. Its divisions can be found at the following addresses: 14th Parkovaya Street, 8; 14th Parkovaya street, 6; Tashkentskaya street, 26, building 1, building 2.

Divisions and areas of specialist training

The Moscow Institute of Physical Culture and Sports consists of the following departments:

  1. Department of Management.
  2. Division of Humanities and Sciences.
  3. Department of Psychology and Education.
  4. Division of theory and methods of physical education.

The institute provides training in the following areas:

  1. Physical culture.
  2. Sports management.

Also great attention at this university they pay scientific activity, which is aimed at improving the level of knowledge and skills of students and their acquisition of new skills in the process of such work.

Research activities

To the main goals scientific work at the university can be attributed to:

  1. The use of computer technology in sports management.
  2. Development of management methods in the field of physical education and sports.
  3. Application of innovative pedagogical methods for training qualified personnel.
  4. Providing effective physical education in educational institutions various levels (kindergartens, schools, technical schools, universities).
  5. Psychological and personal preparation of future sports managers, development in the process of training of personal qualities necessary for future work.

Conclusions on the topic

So, you have become acquainted with some Moscow universities in sports management. But these educational institutions are not the only ones of their kind. A similar specialty can be obtained, for example, at the Faculty of Sports Management of Moscow State University.

The problem is that although education in this field is available today, the knowledge of professionals often does not match the expectations of the HR employees they turn to for employment. Thanks to career guidance activities carried out by company representatives, university graduates have a broader understanding of the specialty of sports management.

Students also read information about this phenomenon on the Internet and undergo internships at companies to acquire useful skills.

Often, personnel department employees of those companies that require sports managers inform young professionals about vacancies and offer their employment services.

About the university

In May 2006, the 75th anniversary in the history of the Academy was celebrated, as educational institution, training specialists in the field of physical education and sports. With the opening of the physical education department in the Moscow Regional Pedagogical College in 1931, the path of numerous transformations began, the crown of which was the current Moscow state academy physical culture. We will try to introduce you to individual pages of its glorious historical past.

The estate of the writer Nikolai Dmitrievich Teleshov was allocated for the pedagogical technical school.
N.D. Teleshov, in his declining years, will say about his generation: “We were contemporaries of the great social upsurge and on all paths of life we ​​tried and supported this upsurge, did not let the fire go out and, to the best of our ability, laid stone by stone in a common community, in a common building, like no matter how modest the strength of each of us... We believed in the power of the unity of labor..." In his autobiography, he notes: "... Maybe from my ancestors "..." the confidence is alive in me that without freedom there is no no real happiness, no real life neither for man nor for humanity." The book of memoirs "Notes of a Writer" shows the best personality traits and talent of N.D. Teleshov: his modesty, friendly observation, love for literature and fellow writers... Summing up his life, he proudly said: “ be a Russian writer, no matter what, is great happiness in life.”

N.D. Teleshov was primarily a short story writer. His realistic stories are distinguished by the ordinariness of their plots (without sharp turns and intricate moves in the development of the plot), restraint, and outwardly dispassionate manner of narration.

Writer, literary and public figure N.D. Teleshov settled in two storey building in Swedish style with large terraces and balconies, with a flower garden reaching to the lake. A native Muscovite, he inherited the best features of a typical Moscow resident: hospitality, cordiality, ease of use, spiritual openness, and a penchant for charity.

His hospitable home often brought together young poets, writers, artists, artists, including: A.P. Chekhova, A.M. Gorky, I.A. Bunina, Vl. Mayakovsky, S. Yesenin, F.I. Shalyapina, S.V. Rachmaninov, V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, A.M. Vasnetsova, I.I. Levitan (materials about them are stored in the Academy library). Such an abundance of prominent people could hardly ever be met simultaneously in any other place and, moreover, in such a friendly, family atmosphere. Here they had fun like a country house: they played tennis, went boating, and in the evenings they sang, talked, and played funny “verbal” games.

The Teleshovs loved their Malakhovka and did a lot for it. With their funds, the Bykovskaya rural hospital and school were built. Their enthusiasm was apparently passed on to those around them. They were the first reason why I was drawn to Malakhovka creative intelligentsia capital, that local dachas were mainly inhabited by actors, writers, and artists. But the station near Moscow became not just an “out” place, but also a real summer artistic capital- hence the flourishing of the Summer Theater, the creation of the first rural gymnasium and much more.

The educational institutions located on the site of the former estate of N.D. have significantly enhanced the best cultural traditions of Teleshov. Teleshova.

On October 16, 1929, a Resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks was adopted, by which the state of physical education in the country was recognized as unsatisfactory and the relevant bodies were invited to as soon as possible correct this situation.

Moscow Regional College of Physical Culture
In pursuance of this Resolution, the Moscow Regional Executive Committee and the Moscow Department of Public Education in May 1931 decided to organize a pedagogical college located in former estate Teleshova, department of physical education. The first intake of students consisted of only 60 boys and girls.

However, such a small department could not solve the problem of training specialists in physical education for the Moscow region (especially teachers and instructors).

In 1933, the pedagogical technical school was transformed into the Moscow Regional College of Physical Culture named after. Antipova. It included the Moscow Evening College of Physical Culture. In order to train future teachers of the technical school, a special study group with an extended training period. Its graduates subsequently formed the main backbone of the teaching staff.

The first review of students' sports skills took place in 1934 at the First Spartakiad of institutes and technical schools of physical culture. He won first place in the team competition, the technical school delegation won the Red Banner Challenge and received a prize of 10 thousand rubles. Subsequently, technical school students, as a rule, became winners of such competitions. Since 1935, the technical school has been participating in an independent column in the all-Moscow parade of athletes.

In January 1935, the technical school was militarized. A combat battalion is formed from the personnel, higher military training is introduced for young men and insignia for the command staff from among teachers and students. Since April, all personnel have been transferred to the camp. By order of the regiment of the Moscow Proletarian Division, students of the technical school are thanked for their exemplary training. The call of the country's leadership for young people to master defense specialties found a wide response among students. Large group students graduate with honors from parachutist courses at the Ukhtomsky flying club. The technical school hosts competitions in grenade throwing and shooting.

Social competition is developing in best group, resulting in a significant increase in overall academic performance. Students make a collective decision to quit smoking and strictly adhere to it. The students are equipping a football field, an athletics track, and playgrounds, and are renovating classrooms.

In 1937, enrollment in the technical school increased to 215 people, and Spartak courses were opened. By qualification teaching staff, level of educational, military-patriotic and sports work The technical school becomes a recognized leader in the country among secondary specialized educational institutions.

In 1939, in connection with events in Poland and the Finnish company, some teachers and a group of student activists were drafted into the Red Army. The technical school received many thanks from the command of the military units in which they served. The Finnish company set the technical school the task of significantly improving the ski training of students. A ski battalion is formed from the technical school personnel.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in the summer and autumn of 1941, almost all male students and 90% of male teachers were drafted into the active army. The rest are being mobilized on the labor front to build a protective zone around Moscow. Almost all the premises and territory of the technical school are occupied by military units. The physical education technical school from Ruza, Moscow region, is being transferred to Malakhovka.

Despite the difficult war years, educational process continues at the technical school. The duration of training is reduced to two years. In 1942, only 16 specialists graduated from the technical school. In the same year he was transferred here preparatory department GTSOLIFKa.

In 1944, the military units stationed here vacated the premises of the technical school. This makes it possible to carry out larger set students (about 200 people).

In 1945, teachers and students were demobilized from the army and returned to the technical school. Many of them received government awards, including posthumously...Students, together with teachers, conduct great renovation work in the technical school buildings, fuel and vegetables are prepared.

In 1946, the technical school again occupied a leading position in sports, winning the first team place in the All-Union Spartakiad of Institutes and Technical Schools of Physical Culture. Enrollment at the technical school is reaching a record level: 300 students join its ranks. The educational institution again switches to a 3-year term of study. German prisoners of war continue to complete the construction of the dormitory.

During the period of its activity, the technical school trained about three thousand specialists - organizers of physical education in groups in Moscow and the Moscow region.

College students have exceeded 26 world records in a number of sports! In 1955, the Republican educational and sports base began to function on the basis of the technical school, where national teams of the RSFSR undergo training.

The task set by the Party and the Government for Soviet sports to achieve a leading position in the international sports arena required the massive development of children's and youth sports, and, above all, the training of qualified coaching personnel.

Central School of Trainers of the RSFSR Moscow Regional state institute physical culture

In 1960, the Central School of Trainers of the RSFSR was opened on the basis of the Moscow Regional College of Physical Culture. Thus, a unique educational, scientific and sports complex is being created in Malakhovka (Republican Sports Training Base and Central School of Coaches). Future trainers, along with mastering theoretical foundations training, had the opportunity not only to observe on a daily basis, but also to participate in the educational and training process of Russian national teams, to learn the craft of coaching from the country's leading coaches. Many CST graduates received world fame. Here are just a few of their names: Vyacheslav Vedenin, Alexander Zavyalov (skiing), Viktor Kapitonov (cycling), Nikolai Shmakov (wrestling), Igor Chislenko, Eduard Streltsov (football), Vladimir Petrov, Vladimir Konovalenko (hockey) and a number of others.

The excellent combination of theoreticians and practitioners at the CST made it possible to open a sports department here already in 1964, and in 1968 - a branch of the Smolensk State Institute of Physical Culture. Anatoly Dorofeevich Soldatov is appointed director of the branch, who invested a lot of work in the formation of this educational institution and in the development of its material base.

In 1976, the branch was transformed into the Moscow Regional State Institute of Physical Culture, and the outstanding athlete and scientist Arkady Nikitich Vorobyov was appointed its rector. The subsequent period is characterized by intensification of scientific activity and sports work. A significant part of highly qualified athletes, many of whom later became outstanding coaches, acquire professional knowledge at the institute. It is enough to note that students and graduates of the university won more than 250 medals at Olympic Games, World and European Championships, more than 40 graduates became honored coaches of the USSR and the Russian Federation.

In 1994, based on the results of state certification, the institute was granted Academy status.

Stages of development of the educational institution:
1931 - Department of physical education of the pedagogical technical school;
1933 - Moscow Regional College of Physical Culture;
1955 - Republican educational and sports base;
1960 - Central School of Coaches;
1964 - Sports Faculty of the Smolensk State Institute of Physical Culture;
1968 - Malakhovsky branch of the Smolensk State Institute of Physical Culture;
1976 - Moscow Regional State Institute of Physical Culture;
1994 - Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture (MGAPK).

During the period of activity of the Academy and its predecessors, more than 14 thousand specialists in the field of physical culture and sports were trained.
Postgraduate students, applicants, and employees defended 242 dissertations for the scientific degree of Doctor (Candidate of Sciences).
Teachers, students, and graduates stood on the podium at the Olympic Games, World and European Championships 826 times; won 92 gold medals at the Olympic Games.

List of students, graduate students, graduates and teachers of the Academy of Champions and medalists of the Olympic Games, world and Europe.

For outstanding achievements in their work, graduates, postgraduate students, employees were awarded Honorary titles Honored trainer, doctor, physical education worker (USSR, RSFSR, Russian Federation).

Currently, 174 teachers are training specialists, 60.9% of whom have an academic degree and/or academic title.
Professor N.D. Graevskaya, V.S. Fomin, Yu.F. Udalov, V.G. Petrukhin, G.S. Demeter, Yu.I. Smirnov, N.L. Semikolennykh, V.P. Kubatkin, R.A. Piloyan, A.D. Ermakov, A.N. Vorobyov, I.N. Resheten, A.V. Sakhno made a great contribution to the development of domestic science, training of scientific personnel, highly qualified specialists in physical culture and sports. The results of the scientific and sports work of the academy staff and its predecessors are eloquently evidenced by high achievements the teachers themselves, students and graduates in big-time sports, in pedagogical activity, scientific research. Their names and scientific works known throughout the sports world.

The academy has 2,433 students, including 1,040 full-time students.

The Academy is located in the ecologically clean holiday village of Malakhovka near Moscow, on the shores of the picturesque Malakhovskoye Lake and the Makedonka River, where it occupies an area of ​​12.3 hectares. The area of ​​the academy's educational and laboratory buildings per full-time student is 17.3 square meters. m. The material and technical base of the academy provides all types of statutory activities of the academy.
The training base of the academy is widely used for conducting the educational and training process for children and youth sports schools, sports sections, health groups, pre-university preparation of schoolchildren, classes with which are conducted mainly by teachers and university students.

All types of provision paid services to the population are carried out by the Educational and Sports Center (USC) of the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture in accordance with the Regulations approved by the Academic Council of the Academy on September 30, 1997, Protocol No. 22.

Pages of our history...
In 2008, Igor Moiseev turned 102 years old. His name is included in the Guinness Book of Records for creative longevity and record number delivered works: 300.
And it started like this: shortly before the creation of the ensemble folk dance, which arose in 1937, Moiseev unexpectedly begins to stage festive physical education parades. Once he was approached by athletes from the Malakhovsky Physical Education College, who annually sent applications to participate in parades, but were refused.

Moiseev took on the Malakhovites and created a composition for them, completing it not in the fifteen minutes provided to the provincial technical school, but in seven. But these were seven minutes of such strength, dynamics and energy that the composition created a real sensation. Next year, sports organizations are lining up for Moiseev to ask him to prepare performances for the parade.

Soon Moiseev is informed that Stalin is interested: “Who prepared them?” When Moiseev’s surname is called, Stalin orders that Moiseev train athletes from the institute named after him (now the Russian state university physical culture, sports and tourism). Could Moiseev argue with Stalin? He staged the number “If there is war tomorrow.”

Thanks to Stalin, Moiseev managed to obtain premises for the ensemble, into which the Moiseevites moved in shortly before the war - Concert hall them. Tchaikovsky. They work here to this day.

In June 2016, the 85th anniversary was celebrated in the history of the Academy as an educational institution training specialists in the field of physical education and sports. With the opening of the physical education department at the Moscow Regional Pedagogical College in 1931, the path of numerous transformations began, the crown of which was the current Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture. We will try to introduce you to individual pages of its glorious historical past.

The estate of the writer Nikolai Dmitrievich Teleshov was allocated for the pedagogical technical school.
N.D. Teleshov, in his declining years, will say about his generation: “We were contemporaries of the great social upsurge and on all paths of life we ​​tried and supported this upsurge, did not let the fire go out and, to the best of our ability, laid stone by stone in a common community, in a common building, like no matter how modest the strength of each of us... We believed in the power of the unity of labor..." In his autobiography, he notes: "... Maybe from my ancestors "..." the confidence is alive in me that without freedom there is no no real happiness, no real life, either for man or for humanity." In the book of memoirs “Notes of a Writer,” the best personality traits and talent of N. D. Teleshov were reflected: his modesty, friendly observation, love for literature and fellow writers... Summing up his life, he proudly said: “... to be being a Russian writer, in spite of everything, is a great happiness in life."

N.D. Teleshov was primarily a short story writer. His realistic stories are distinguished by the ordinariness of their plots (without sharp turns and intricate moves in the development of the plot), restraint, and outwardly dispassionate manner of narration.

Writer, literary and public figure N.D. Teleshov in 1897 settled in a two-story house in the Swedish style with large terraces and balconies, with a flower garden reaching to the lake. A native Muscovite, he inherited the best features of a typical Moscow resident: hospitality, cordiality, ease of use, spiritual openness, and a penchant for charity.

His hospitable home often brought together young poets, writers, artists, artists, including: A.P. Chekhova, A.M. Gorky, I.A. Bunina, Vl. Mayakovsky, S. Yesenin, F.I. Shalyapina, S.V. Rachmaninov, V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, A.M. Vasnetsova, I.I. Levitan (materials about them are stored in the Academy library). Such an abundance of prominent people could hardly ever be met simultaneously in any other place and, moreover, in such a friendly, family atmosphere. Here they had fun like a country house: they played tennis, went boating, and in the evenings they sang, talked, and played funny “verbal” games.

The Teleshovs loved their Malakhovka and did a lot for it. With their funds, the Bykovskaya rural hospital and school were built. Their enthusiasm was apparently passed on to those around them. They were the first reason why the creative intelligentsia of the capital flocked to Malakhovka, and that the local dachas were predominantly inhabited by actors, writers, and artists. But the station near Moscow became not just an “exit” place, but rather a real summer artistic capital - hence the flourishing of the Summer Theater, the creation of the first rural gymnasium, and much more.

The educational institutions located on the site of the former estate of N.D. have significantly enhanced the best cultural traditions of Teleshov. Teleshova.

On October 16, 1929, a Resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks was adopted, by which the state of physical education in the country was recognized as unsatisfactory and the relevant authorities were asked to correct this situation as soon as possible.

In pursuance of this Resolution, the Moscow Regional Executive Committee and the Moscow Department of Public Education in May 1931 decided to organize a physical education department at the pedagogical college, located in the former Teleshov estate. The first intake of students consisted of only 60 boys and girls.

However, such a small department could not solve the problem of training specialists in physical education for the Moscow region (especially teachers and instructors).

In 1933, the pedagogical technical school was transformed into the Moscow Regional College of Physical Culture named after. Antipova. In order to train future teachers of the technical school, a special study group with an extended training period is being created. Its graduates subsequently formed the main backbone of the teaching staff.

The first review of students' sports skills took place in 1934 at the First Spartakiad of institutes and technical schools of physical culture. Having won first place in the team event, the technical school delegation won the Red Banner Challenge and received a prize of 10 thousand rubles. Subsequently, technical school students, as a rule, became winners of such competitions. Since 1935, the technical school has been participating in an independent column in the all-Moscow parade of athletes.

In January 1935, the technical school was militarized. A combat battalion is formed from the personnel, military training is introduced for young men and insignia for the command staff from among teachers and students. Since April, all personnel have been transferred to the camp. By order of the regiment of the Moscow Proletarian Division, students of the technical school are thanked for their exemplary training. The call of the country's leadership for young people to master defense specialties found a wide response among students. A large group of students graduate with honors from parachutist courses at the Ukhtomsky flying club. The technical school hosts competitions in grenade throwing and shooting.

Social competition for the best group develops, resulting in a significant increase in overall academic performance. Students make a collective decision to quit smoking and strictly adhere to it. The students are equipping a football field, an athletics track, and playgrounds, and are renovating classrooms.

In 1937, enrollment in the technical school increased to 215 people, and Spartak courses were opened. In terms of the qualifications of the teaching staff, the level of educational, military-patriotic and sports work, the technical school becomes a recognized leader in the country among secondary specialized educational institutions.

In 1939, in connection with events in Poland and the Finnish company, some teachers and a group of student activists were drafted into the Red Army. The technical school received many thanks from the command of the military units in which they served. The Finnish company set the technical school the task of significantly improving the ski training of students. A ski battalion is formed from the technical school personnel.

With the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War in the summer and autumn of 1941, almost all male students and 90% of male teachers were drafted into the army. The rest are being mobilized on the labor front to build a protective zone around Moscow. Almost all the premises and territory of the technical school are occupied by military units. The physical education technical school from Ruza, Moscow region, is being transferred to Malakhovka.

Despite the difficult war years, the educational process at the technical school continues. The duration of training is reduced to two years. In 1942, only 16 specialists graduated from the technical school. In the same year, the preparatory department of GCOLIFK was transferred here.

In 1944, the military units stationed here vacated the premises of the technical school. This makes it possible to carry out a larger enrollment of students (about 200 people).

In 1945, teachers and students were demobilized from the army and returned to the technical school. Many of whom were awarded government awards. Students, together with teachers, carry out major repair work in the technical school buildings, prepare fuel and vegetables.

In 1946, the technical school again occupied a leading position in sports, winning the first team place in the All-Union Spartakiad of Institutes and Technical Schools of Physical Culture. Enrollment at the technical school is reaching a record level: 300 students join its ranks. The educational institution again switches to a 3-year term of study. German prisoners of war continue to complete the construction of the dormitory.

During the period of its activity, the technical school trained about three thousand specialists - organizers of physical education in groups in Moscow and the Moscow region.

College students have exceeded 26 world records in a number of sports! In 1955, the Republican educational and sports base began to function on the basis of the technical school, where national teams of the RSFSR undergo training.

The task set by the Party and the Government for Soviet sports to achieve a leading position in the international sports arena required the massive development of children's and youth sports, and, above all, the training of qualified coaching personnel.

Central School of Trainers of the RSFSR Moscow Regional State Institute of Physical Culture
In 1960, the Central School of Trainers of the RSFSR was opened on the basis of the Moscow Regional College of Physical Culture. Thus, a unique educational, scientific and sports complex is being created in Malakhovka (Republican Sports Training Base and Central School of Coaches). Future coaches, along with mastering the theoretical foundations of training, had the opportunity not only to observe on a daily basis, but also to participate in the educational and training process of Russian national teams, and to learn the craft of coaching from the country's leading coaches. Many CST graduates have become world famous. Here are just a few of their names: Vyacheslav Vedenin, Alexander Zavyalov (skiing), Viktor Kapitonov (cycling), Nikolai Shmakov (wrestling), Igor Chislenko, Eduard Streltsov (football), Vladimir Petrov, Vladimir Konovalenko (hockey) and a number of others.

The excellent combination of theoreticians and practitioners at the CST made it possible to open a sports department here already in 1964, and in 1968 - a branch of the Smolensk State Institute of Physical Culture. Anatoly Dorofeevich Soldatov is appointed director of the branch, who invested a lot of work in the formation of this educational institution and in the development of its material base.

In 1976, the branch was transformed into the Moscow Regional State Institute of Physical Culture, and the outstanding athlete and scientist Arkady Nikitich Vorobyov was appointed its rector. The subsequent period is characterized by intensification of scientific activity and sports work. A significant part of highly qualified athletes, many of whom later became outstanding coaches, acquire professional knowledge at the institute. It is enough to note that students and graduates of the university won more than 1269 medals at the Olympic Games, World and European Championships.

In 1994, based on the results of state certification, the institute was granted Academy status.

Stages of development of the educational institution:
1931 - Department of physical education of the pedagogical technical school;
1933 - Moscow Regional College of Physical Culture;
1955 - Republican educational and sports base;
1960 - Central School of Coaches;
1964 - Sports Faculty of the Smolensk State Institute of Physical Culture;
1968 - Malakhovsky branch of the Smolensk State Institute of Physical Culture;
1976 - Moscow Regional State Institute of Physical Culture;
1994 - Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture (MGAPK).

During the period of activity of the Academy and its predecessors, more than 25 thousand specialists in the field of physical culture and sports were trained.
Postgraduate students, applicants, and employees defended 10 dissertations for the scientific degree of Doctor of Science and 281 dissertations for the scientific degree of Candidate of Science.
Teachers, students, and graduates have won 158 gold medals at the Olympic, Paralympic and Deaflympic Games.

Currently, 197 teachers are training specialists, 60.3% of whom have an academic degree and/or academic title.
Professor N.D. Graevskaya, V.S. Fomin, Yu.F. Udalov, V.G. Petrukhin, G.S. Demeter, Yu.I. Smirnov, V.B. Korenberg, Yu.V. Menkhin, V.P. Kubatkin, R.A. Piloyan, A.D. Ermakov, A.N. Vorobyov, I.N. Resheten, A.V. Sakhno made a great contribution to the development of domestic science, training of scientific personnel, highly qualified specialists in physical culture and sports. The results of the scientific and sports work of the academy staff and its predecessors are eloquently evidenced by the high achievements of the teachers, students and graduates themselves in big-time sports, in teaching, and scientific research. Their names and scientific works are known throughout the sports world.

The academy has 2,561 students, including 1,340 full-time students.

The Academy is located in the ecologically clean holiday village of Malakhovka near Moscow, on the shores of the picturesque Malakhovskoye Lake and the Makedonka River, where it occupies an area of ​​11.4 hectares. The material and technical base of the academy provides all types of statutory activities of the academy.
The academy's educational base is widely used for the educational and training process of children's and youth sports schools, sports sections, health groups, pre-university training of schoolchildren, classes with which are conducted mainly by teachers and university students.

All types of paid services to the population are provided by the Educational and Sports Center (USC) of the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture in accordance with the Regulations.

Pages of our history...
In 2008, Igor Moiseev turned 102 years old. His name is included in the Guinness Book of Records for his creative longevity and a record number of staged works: 300 of them.
And it began like this: shortly before the creation of the folk dance ensemble, which arose in 1937, Moiseev suddenly began staging festive physical culture parades. Once he was approached by athletes from the Malakhovsky Physical Education College, who annually sent applications to participate in parades, but were refused.

Moiseev took on the Malakhovites and created a composition for them, completing it not in the fifteen minutes provided to the provincial technical school, but in seven. But these were seven minutes of such strength, dynamics and energy that the composition created a real sensation. Next year, sports organizations are lining up for Moiseev to ask him to prepare performances for the parade.

Soon Moiseev is informed that Stalin is interested: “Who prepared them?” When Moiseev’s name is called, Stalin orders that Moiseev train athletes from the institute named after him (now the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism). Could Moiseev argue with Stalin? He staged the number “If there is war tomorrow.”

Thanks to Stalin, Moiseev managed to obtain premises for the ensemble, into which the Moiseevites moved in shortly before the war - the Concert Hall. Tchaikovsky. They work here to this day.