Red and black matilda. Characteristics of the heroes based on the work of Stendhal "Red and Black"

The family economy in many ways resembles the economy of enterprises. This is a kind of reduced copy. Her condition significantly affects the future existence married couple as a whole.

Main Ingredients

In it, just like in other economies, there are such components as:

  • Deficiency;
  • Funds;
  • Movable and immovable funds;
  • Monetary Fund;
  • Gold reserve;
  • Development prospects;
  • Own accounting;
  • Monthly balance calculations;
  • Credit history;
  • taxation;
  • Bonuses for "employees" (in our case, family members).

The budget is the basis of the family economy

The development of the family economy directly depends on a properly planned budget. If the family knows how to use the economy within reasonable limits, then such a marriage will exist without the presence of conflicts on this basis. The life of all family members will be harmonious.

Indeed, good planning should direct spending in four directions:

  • Nutrition;
  • Clothes, shoes;
  • Goods for household needs;
  • Leisure.

In order to start planning family expenses, you must first calculate all of its income. For this we take certain period time (a week is possible, but it is more convenient to take a month) and we calculate the sum of the incomes of all family members during this time. Income includes not only the wages of all family members. This includes a scholarship, a child allowance, a pension, income from a subsidiary farm, help from parents, money donated for a birthday or wedding. Those funds that come to the family are not always called irregular income. They are summed up to income only for a certain period.

During the same period, expenses are recorded. At the end of the accounting month will be visible clear picture in fact Income Expenses. Thus, one can learn to rationally spend family budget. Accounting and planning family money are two interrelated concepts.

Each family must plan their own family economy model, which is suitable for their particular way of life. Opportunities should never diverge from needs or vice versa, but in any case, these two concepts should work in tandem. Only in this variant will the family economy model be recognized as well-planned. The first path to such a system is the mind distributing funds, coming into the family budget.

Definition of costs

In the course of all processes, the main thing is to correctly identify the main and secondary areas of all expenses. The main point in the rules of the family should be the following sentence: in no case should you save much on food and leisure. But here, too, you need to consider where it is more economical to eat and, perhaps, even benefit, since food costs should not significantly exceed all other items of expenditure.

The experience of proper planning of family funds does not come immediately. To begin with, experts advise having a notebook in which the following entries will be kept:

  • date of purchase;
  • What were the funds spent on?
  • The quantity of goods purchased;
  • Amount spent.

Almost the same method is offered by the Poles G. Sarnovskaya and B. Kiselevskaya. Their proposal was to maintain a business and cash book.

This method helps to determine the amount of money spent in a certain period. Developed the habit of keeping and controlling the budget. All expenses become planned. Behind certain time a person will already be able to, without keeping records, make plans for the future regarding the expenses of the family budget.


Another rule: the family budget must be filled with the help of all family members and also take into account the needs of the same number of people. If a family lives according to the principle “you earn, and I will spend”, then the model of the economy of such a family will quickly begin to collapse.

Family purchases should only be made by mutual agreement. The exceptions are extreme cases, when it is simply impossible to do without a specific purchase. The presence in the family of such a practice as the order for the acquisition of purchases of large sizes or significant in relation to their value is welcome.

If you stick to these simple rules, then even such serious words, as a "family economy", will no longer frighten a married couple.

Making shopping lists will become a good habit. The house will no longer receive useless things that are usually spent a large number of money. Each purchase will be discussed at the family council. Spouses will begin to understand that they do not need "things monuments."

Be sure to first try, and in the future to develop such a habit in yourself, to save part of the income (the minimum amount is 10% of the total amount).

Depends on the management of the family budget further growth family economy. The budget consists of planning family income and expenses. These two sums in the final result should match, and ideally - expenses are less than income. This approach will allow increase the capital of the family.

Leadership position

many families common solution give control of the funds to the wife. sociological research showed that this approach is correct. The same results are shown with life experience. But in this case, it turns out that the wife spends more than all other family members. Is it correct? If we track all the expenses in which the wife participates, we can see the following result:

  • Buying food for the whole family;
  • Purchase of laundry detergents;
  • Purchasing clothes and shoes;
  • Payment of utility bills, kindergarten and other expenses.

Hence the conclusion that the wife spends money not only for her personal benefit. All members of the family use her services. But don't download it alone. full program. That is why the family economy exists, so that all actions are planned together and carried out, complementing each other. After some time, with this approach to business, the correct economic policy families. While maintaining financial discipline, the model of the family economy begins to strengthen. The main thing is to set goals that are quite realistic to achieve.

Earlier training

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that behind the phrase "family economy" are the skills to save money, manage the household correctly, live without debt, and have savings. And in order for such experience to come not with the beginning of the formation of a married couple, but much earlier, experts advise involving children in the distribution of the family budget. They will begin to imitate the actions of their parents and as a result acquire life skills.

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Being the smallest part of society, it is united not only by consanguinity, marriage ties, but also by economic relations.

Each family has a family “household”. The family, satisfying the needs of their household members, organizes everyday life, home meals, the purchase of goods and services, allocates time for housework and rest.

What makes up the mini-economy of the family? The household includes all the available resources of the family, and above all property. The family may own an apartment, a house and a household plot, a dacha, a garden plot, vehicles, furniture, clothes, household appliances, as well as money and jewelry.

The family can be engaged in entrepreneurial activities, business and be the owner (owner) of the company or have their own share (shares) in the ownership of a store, dry cleaners and even a factory. Family members often form the nucleus farming, are engaged in private transportation by personal transport. Economic activity families may also have a personal subsidiary farm for growing vegetables, fruits, flowers, pets, etc.

Family members in society act not only in the role of husband, wife, father, mother, but also in the role of producer and consumer. Able-bodied family members participate in production activities and work at enterprises (firms), hospitals, schools, universities, banks, shops, farms, agro-industrial complexes and receive for work cash reward(salary, etc.).

Family members attend children's institutions (nursery, kindergarten), study at school, institute, go to see a doctor, use the services of transport, communication departments (post office, telegraph). Thus the family enters
in economic relations with other members of society and various organizations.

Family budget

Family budget This is the family's financial plan. It consists of income and expenses.

What is the income of the family? The main sources of family income are:
- wages of working family members;
- income (part of profit) from entrepreneurial activity;
- income from property (renting an apartment, a summer house, a land plot);
- interest payments on cash deposits in banks.

The sources of the family budget (family income) are social payments from the state (gratuitous funds). These include pensions, scholarships for students, allowances large families, unemployment benefits.

The economic activity of the family is aimed at meeting the needs of family members and improving its well-being. The successful implementation of this goal is largely due to the ability to reasonably manage the money and other resources of the family. The needs of the family, as a rule, exceed the possibilities of their full satisfaction and require a rational, reasonable approach to the family budget. It allows you to track the receipt of income and plan the movement of expenses over a certain period.

When compiling a budget, the family, when planning expenses, first allocates funds for food, clothing, rent, transport, etc. (mandatory expenses). In addition, the family plans expenses Money for the purchase of expensive items and durables: household appliances, Vehicle, travel vouchers, etc. These expenses are called arbitrary, as they go beyond the required minimum. Calculations of their cost will help plan the timing of the accumulation of the necessary funds, reduce arbitrary expenses and turn to the search additional sources income.

Family budget- these are the income and expenses of the family for a certain period of time (week, month, year).

Income- all family income.

Expenses- spending money in the family.

When family income equals expenses, the budget is called balanced. When family spending in the budget is greater than income, a budget deficit is formed. In the event of a shortage of money in the family, she is forced to borrow them.

Each family spends part of the income to pay for the necessary goods and services, and keeps the other part of the income for savings. Savings are needed not only for the purchase of expensive goods and services. They are needed in case of a possible loss of work or working capacity, to ensure a decent standard of living after retirement, to receive vocational education etc. The main ways of savings are investing money in banks and buying securities (shares).

IN modern society There is inequality in family income. A family whose income per family member is below the subsistence level (the smallest amount of means of subsistence necessary to maintain the health and life of a person) is considered poor and has the right to receive state social assistance. Citizens who receive high incomes pay taxes to the state (an established mandatory payment from income received). Part of the proceeds from taxes the state uses to help the poorest segments of the population.

Summing up

Each family acts as an economic unit and runs a household. Family members enter into economic relations with other members of society and various organizations. The family has its own family budget, consisting of expenses and income.

In today's society, there is income inequality among families.

Test your knowledge

1. Explain the meaning of the concepts: "income", "expenses", "family budget".
2. What is a household?
3. What makes up the family's income and expenses?
4. What is the purpose of the family budget?
5. Give examples of family farms in hometown, village, district.


List the income and expenses for the month for a family consisting of dad (works), mom (works), grandfather (retired), daughter (schoolgirl).

Kravchenko A.I., Pevtsova E.A., Social studies: Textbook for grade 6 educational institutions. - 12th ed. - M .: LLC "TID" Russian word- RS", 2009. - 184 p.

Lesson content lesson summary support frame lesson presentation accelerative methods interactive technologies Practice tasks and exercises self-examination workshops, trainings, cases, quests homework discussion questions rhetorical questions from students Illustrations audio, video clips and multimedia photographs, pictures graphics, tables, schemes humor, anecdotes, jokes, comics parables, sayings, crossword puzzles, quotes Add-ons abstracts articles chips for inquisitive cheat sheets textbooks basic and additional glossary of terms other Improving textbooks and lessonscorrecting errors in the textbook updating a fragment in the textbook elements of innovation in the lesson replacing obsolete knowledge with new ones Only for teachers perfect lessons calendar plan for a year guidelines discussion programs Integrated Lessons

Subject: family farm

Class: 7


  • to bring students to an understanding of what a family economy is, what is its significance for the country's economy;
  • introduce new concepts of mandatory and optional spending, budget, surplus, budget deficit;
  • continue the formation of skills to work with text, highlight the main thing, the ability to draw conclusions.

Equipment: textbook, presentation, projector, interactive board, Handout.

During the classes

1.Org. moment

2. Checking homework

In the last lesson, we studied the topic of the function of money. Let's remember:

1) What is money? (Money is a commodity that performs the role of a general commodity equivalent in the market)

2) Name the functions of money and give an example for each of them. (measure of value - for example, the price of something; medium of exchange - money replaced barter; means of payment - for example, payment wages; means of accumulation - savings in the bank).

3) Name the types of money (Commodity - gold, Symbolic - coins, banknotes, Credit - checks and cards)

4) Correlate

3. Studying a new topic.

The topic of our today's lesson is "Family Economics"

Let's remember what is the economy? ( Economics - housekeeping; Economics as a science is a science that studies how to allocate limited resources to fully meet the needs of people.).

What is a family? What does it include? To do this, we will make a cluster with the word family.

What makes up the family economy? The family has resources, which we will now consider.

The family has material, labor, energy, information, financial resources.

Working with handouts.

What family resources are listed below?

The Ivanov family owns an apartment, a house in the village and a small plot of land outside the city. Parents and eldest son work, and the youngest daughter is still at school, but she is the best in the house to cook homemade cookies and cakes. Once a year, the head of the family receives interest on the deposit placed in the bank, as well as a fee for the land that he rents out. local residents for growing flowers.

Sample answer:

  • Apartment, house in the village - material resources
  • Parents and eldest son - workforce
  • Daughter's knowledge of recipes for making cookies and cakes - informational
  • Salary of parents and son - financial resources
  • Interest - income from savings in the bank
  • Rent for land is property.

Family income can be fixed or variable.

The vast majority of families live in conditions of limited resources, which do not allow satisfying the numerous, ever-growing needs of households. A natural solution in this situation may be to increase labor activity, i.e., search for opportunities extra income family members, or refusal to meet some needs. In both cases, the family must correlate their resources and needs, ranking them in order of importance. The budget is meant to help.

A budget is the sum of income and expenses over a given amount of time.

We have analyzed the income, now let's deal with the expenses. They are mandatory and optional. Consider why they are called that.

How to rationally organize a household?

Page 195 "A man lived in the world" - retelling

4. Summing up

5. Fixing

1) What are family resources? Name the most important of them.

2) Briefly describe each of the listed resources.

3) What is the income of the family?

4) Why does a family (person, company, state) need a budget?

6. Reflection


  1. Buivolova I.Yu. The system of lessons according to the textbook, ed. L.N. Bogolyubov, L.F. Ivanova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012. - 107 p.
  2. Social science. Grade 7: textbook. for general education institutions / L.N. Bogolyubov, N.I. Gorodetskaya, L.F. Ivanova. M .: "Enlightenment" 2011, - 256s.
  3. Social science. 7th grade: workbook/ O.A. Kotova, T.E. Liskov. "Enlightenment" 2010, - 112p.
  4. Social science. Outreach developments. Grade 7 / L.N. Bogolyubov. "Enlightenment" 2011, - 256s.
  5. Pozdeev A.V. Lesson developments in social science. 7th grade. M.: VAKO, 2009. - 304 p.

Matilda is the daughter of the marquis with habits of insincerity, games, posing, she is proud, proud, convinced of her superiority over people (sometimes even cruel and ruthless).
Matilda is the daughter of the Marquis de La Mole, in whose service he entered main character novel by Julien Sorel. Matilda is the richest heir in the Saint-Germain suburb. Her love for the plebeian Julien Sorel arose as a result of the rejection of the young people of her circle with their petty passions, petty souls. The heroine was bored, being surrounded by impeccably important marquises and counts. They all sought her hand, and they all became objects of her ridicule.
Matilda, like Julien, is contemptuous of her age and yearns for the spiritual greatness of past centuries. She tremblingly remembers the family tradition of the love of Marguerite de Valois, who later became Queen of Navarre, for Boniface where La Mole, a brave and outstanding person of her time. Boniface was executed in the Place de Greve, and his beloved Margarita, having taken possession of the severed head, buried it with her own hands in the chapel. This tragic event, which occurred on April 30, 1574, Matilda notes in mourning.
The stick, the romantic imagination of a young aristocrat endowed Julien Sorel with all the virtues of Boniface de La Mole. For her, the fact remains indisputable that Julien, like Boniface, is a man of outstanding intelligence and outstanding abilities. Secretly, Matilda is proud of her love, because she sees heroism in this: to love the son of a carpenter, to find in him something worthy of love and disregard the opinion of the world - who could do such a thing? However, this love was sometimes combined with contempt: Matilda allowed herself to humiliate and insult her beloved. The threat of losing everything that she found, everything that was conceived, made her suffer and maybe even fall in love for real.
Pride and arrogance have changed into expressions of slavish obedience, she begs for forgiveness and confesses: “I cannot live without your love.” Julien is pleased that the girl from the old and noble family sacrificed her youth and beauty to him. It is difficult for him to understand whether he loves Matilda, but the heroine herself is convinced that she has met a "real person" for whom she is ready to risk her name and position in society.
Their secret alliance represents a challenge to this society, "something majestic and bold", which the indefatigable soul of Matilda has always striven for. But Julien cannot forget his first and the only love to Madame de Renal. Matilda is not just offended, she experiences unbearable pangs of jealousy. The story of their relationship ends in the spirit of a family translation. Matilda kissed Julien's severed head on the forehead and buried it. with my own hands- just like Margherita of Navarre head of Boniface where La Mole. The heroine believes that her duty is to fulfill funeral rite.
“... He (Julien Sorel) noticed young man, a very light blonde, unusually slender. She walked over to the table and sat down across from him. He did not like her at all, however, looking more closely, he thought that he had never seen such beautiful eyes, but only they exposed an unusually cold soul. Then Julien caught in them an expression of boredom, which looks inquisitively, but constantly remembers that it should be majestic. “Here, Madame de Renal had very beautiful eyes, he thought, everyone told her about it, but they have nothing to do with these eyes. there was still too little experience in Julien to understand that the twinkles that were sometimes seen in the eyes of Mademoiselle Mathilde - he heard that she was called that - were nothing more than a fire of wit. And when Madame de Renal's eyes flashed, it was a flame of passion or a fire of noble indignation that seized her if they told about some outrageous act in front of her.

Matilda is the daughter of the Marquis de La Mole, to whose service the protagonist of the novel, Julien Sorel, entered. Matilda is the richest heiress in the Faubourg Saint-Germain. Her love for the plebeian Julien Sorel arose as a result of the rejection of the young people of her circle with their petty passions, petty souls. The heroine was bored, being surrounded by impeccably polite marquises and counts. They all sought her hand, and they all became objects of her ridicule. Matilda, like Julien, contemptuously treats her crushed age and yearns for the spiritual greatness of past centuries. She tremblingly remembers the family tradition of the love of Marguerite de Valois, who later became Queen of Navarre, for Boniface de La Mole, a brave and outstanding man of his time. Boniface was executed in the Place de Greve, and his beloved Margarita, having taken possession of the severed head, buried it with her own hands in the chapel. This tragic event, which took place on April 30, 1574, Matilda notes with mourning. The fiery, romantic imagination of a young aristocrat

endowed Julien Sorel with all the virtues of Boniface de La Mole. For her, the indisputable fact remains that Julien, like Boniface, is a man of outstanding intelligence and outstanding abilities. Secretly, Matilda is proud of her love, because she sees heroism in this: to love the son of a carpenter, to find in him something worthy of love and neglect the opinion of the world - who could do such a thing? However, this love was sometimes combined with contempt: Matilda allowed herself to humiliate and insult her lover. The threat of losing everything that she had found, everything that was conceived, made her suffer and even, perhaps, truly love. Pride and arrogance have been replaced by expressions of slavish obedience, she begs for forgiveness and confesses: “I can’t live without your love!” Julien is flattered that a girl from an old and noble family sacrificed her youth and beauty to him. It is difficult for him to realize whether he loves Matilda, but the heroine herself is convinced that she has met a “real person” for whom she is ready to risk her name and position in society. Their secret union is a challenge to this society, “something majestic and daring”, which the restless soul of Matilda has always striven for. But Julien cannot forget his first and only love for Madame de Renal. Matilda is not just offended, she experiences unbearable pangs of jealousy. The story of their relationship ends in the spirit family tradition. Matilda kissed the severed head of Julien on the forehead and buried it with her own hands - just like Marguerite of Navarre the head of Boniface de La Mole. The heroine believes that her duty is to perform a funeral rite.


- matilde de la mole characteristic

- characteristics of Matilda de la Mole

– Image of Matilde de la Mole

- matilde de la mole

- characteristic of Matildi de la Mole

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