The emergence of hippies. Hippie subculture: Flower children for free love (all about the movement, photo)

Hippies brought a typhoon of new styles and colors into fashion that had never been seen before.

The world is structured in such a way that at one time or another a generation of rebels arises, freedom-loving people who actively protest against the strict foundations of society. Entire youth movements are born with a new perception of the world, a new call to society. The hippie subculture, born in the mid-twentieth century, is a clear confirmation of the existing pattern. This is a global phenomenon that at one time promoted its own philosophy without fear of condemnation. Many admired the extraordinary, slightly eccentric people, some openly condemned this way of life, but certainly no one remained indifferent to them. One thing is clear: hippies in the USSR, America and Europe have always had a persistent life position, and this, you see, is worthy of respect. Fragments of the current are reflected in modern world, giving freedom, the opportunity to express oneself, the desire for individuality. Hippies prepared the whole world for the fact that a person can and should be an individual, boldly demonstrate an alternative vision of life.

History of the movement

The subculture owes its appearance to a very sad period in world history - Vietnam War. Young people with an active lifestyle took to the streets, calling to stop the bloodshed, encouraging them to make love, but not war. The first mention of “hippies” was made in one of the New York television programs. They were a small group of young people dressed in bright T-shirts, jeans, and long hairstyles. They were the first to organize a protest march against the Vietnam War.

Ideology: the hippies themselves often express it with the words “Peace, friendship, bubblegum”

According to one of the official versions, the term is derived from the English slang word “hip”, which translated means “to get the hang of it, to understand, to be aware of events.”

How it all began

The name, invented by the journalist, was associated with grandiose changes in society, the renunciation of violence, and a philosophy whose meaning was peace and philanthropy. The peak of the movement’s heyday occurred in the 60s of the last century, actively penetrating into all spheres of life. Hippie - way of life, thinking, musical preferences, fashion, relationships between people. The history of the subculture was created in waves: the first wave occurred in the late 60s, the second in the early 80s. The third time hippies actively declared themselves was already in the 90s of the twentieth century.

Regardless of gender, they wore long hair, combed in the middle and a special ribbon around the head

At this time, economic growth was observed in America, so the majority of the movement’s adherents were representatives of privileged families, wealthy heirs, and wealthy youth. They hadfinancial freedom, devoted a lot of time to dancing and creativity, turning established ideas about life “upside down.” Many still consider hippies to be parasites, slackers, but in fact these people were created directly by a society that needed radical changes. Today the hippie movement is not so popular, since the subculture is in decline, but its representatives can still be found today in many countries.

Hippies lived a busy, chaotic life

There were fellow American representatives of this extraordinary subculture in the USSR, which is a fact. A bright, somewhat scandalous hippie movement, unusual for strict Soviet society, appeared in the late 60s. They first loudly declared themselves in 1967, in the center of Moscow on Pushkin Square, calling for people to come out and join the march against wars and violence. It is interesting that the “backbone” of the Soviet hippie movement consisted of representatives of the elite, the children of so-called expatriate parents. Young people dressed in American fashion hung out in crowded places, creating entire communes. Many who heard the “hippies” for the first time found it difficult to understand the slang in which they communicated with each other. Using buzzwords based on argot and English language have become the main “trick” in communication. Many of them remain popular today, for example flat, vpiska, oldovy, gerla, people, the famous Beatles life-affirming phrase “Let It Be”.

Hippies were like this popular groups like the Beatles

The interaction between the political nomenklatura in the USSR and the hippie movement was complex and contradictory. Freedom of speech and self-expression were, to put it mildly, not held in high esteem at that time, but this did not stop Soviet hippies from hanging out, dressing in the American style, listening to rock and roll music, and leading an idle lifestyle.

Hippies in the USSR

One of the hippie activities was asking (from English word“ask” - to ask) - begging for money from passing Soviet citizens. This is very dangerous entertainment, as it is punishable by law. The current arose at the dawn of the period " Khrushchev's thaw”, when the screws in behavior were no longer so tightened.But given the shortage fashionable clothes, musical recordings and other important hippie attributes, the movement was few and far between. Unlike the relaxed and freedom-loving America, hippies in the USSR were more likely associated with slackers, apolitical and untalented individuals, and were always contrasted with the “portrait of a real Soviet citizen.”

How did hippies live in Soviet times?

Articles in the central press about representatives of the asocial and informal subculture at that time were only negative and critical.

Hippies have become one of the most significant youth movements on a global scale.


It is interesting that all the ideas of peace-loving rebels, which in the last century were considered scandalous and utopian, are today the norm and have become firmly entrenched in the mentality of modern man.

Hippies also became famous for the fact that they often settled in isolated communities in the wilderness.

What is the phenomenal ideology of the subculture?

  • Nonviolence. This means not only physical violence, but also moral violence. For a true hippie, any restrictions imposed by society are unacceptable. Any attempts to impose moral principles, morality and shame, a way of dressing or preferences in music are rejected in every possible way.

Pacifism, the fight against wars and any violence is the main aspect of hippie ideology. They organized sit-ins, festivals, rock concerts under the main slogan of Make Love, Not War.

  • Relationship. In love and all its various manifestations, representatives of the movement had their own principles. The concept of “free love” is understood by many as promiscuity. In fact, hippies encouraged open expression of their feelings, promoted sincerity in relationships, this concerned not only the love of a man and a woman, but also friendship.
  • Drugs. Those who created the subculture tried everything without recognizing limitations. In the early days, drugs were considered a way to expand consciousness, which later led to disastrous consequences. Subsequent generations, including modern representatives subcultures call for abstinence from drugs and anything that can harm health. Therefore, identifying hippies with drug addicts is fundamentally unfair and unethical!
  • Spiritual development. Young people sought self-knowledge and actively studied various spiritual practices. That is why occultism, shamanism and spiritualism, ethnic traditions of the peoples of the world, a mixture of religions, and the most important dogmas are closely intertwined in philosophy, which ultimately formed the symbol of faith. The truth is that one or the other life choice a person does not do it by chance; behind it there are long reflections, a path to self-knowledge through spiritual development.

A huge layer of literature, music, art and philosophy is associated with them
  • Creation. It is a misconception that hippies are slackers. In fact, they devoted a lot of time to creativity, to discovering their talents, be it music, art, literature or handicrafts.
  • Naturalness. It manifested itself in external image, behavior, way of thinking. Absolute spontaneity, spontaneity, the desire to be closer to nature formed main tradition- live in a hippie community far from civilization. Having thus expressed a passive protest, they completely refused past life, creating new family, making new friends, even taking a new name.

Hippies are romantics, they love everything bright and original.

The hippie ideology consists of rejecting the consumer way of life, destroying nature, aggression, breaking stereotypes, destroying boundaries, living in peace and harmony, and condemning any manifestation of violence.

The Beatles - Twist And Shout (subtitulado)


The outward signs of hippies were manifested through a series of symbols that, even after many years, remain recognizable throughout the world.

Hippies were preachers of a new attitude towards love

Let us dwell in more detail on the most striking symbols of the flow:

  • An old Volkswagen minibus. It was not just transport for moving the commune. The bus, painted with acid colors and slogans, symbolized the rejection of luxury and consumer development of civilization.

Cars were painted in bright colors and psychedelic patterns, most often depicting flowers, symbols of peace
  • Flowers. Many people know that hippies are flower children, as they were called all over the world. This is no coincidence, because young people always carried flowers with them, gave them to others, inserted them into the muzzles of guns, and decorated their long hair with wreaths of fresh flowers. Nothing could express their feelings and intentions more than a flower reaching straight towards the sun.

The popularity of the flower child movement swept the whole world, promoting its views
  • Pacific sign. It resembles a paw in a circle and is a symbol of world peace. Such a badge was painted on T-shirts, symbolic decorations were made, and through its prism they called for renunciation of violence and destruction.

Pacific (“paw”) - a symbol of peace, also used for anti-war demonstrations
  • Mandala of the harmony of the universe, or Tao. In ancient Taoist philosophy, the sign was interpreted as Life Path, symbol of personal development.

The hippie subculture had a passion for meditation and Taoism
  • Baubles. Bracelet bracelets woven from threads, beads or leather cords are not just a hippie-style decoration, but also a symbol of friendship. Color combination baubles were not random, each shade had its own meaning.

A variety of woven bracelets that can be given as a symbol of friendship

For true followers of hippie culture and simply fans of the bright and cheerful “children of flowers and sun”, symbolism is crucial. Today, characteristic acid shades, symbols, and slogans are used in the creation of fashionable clothing and accessories.

Hippie era

The image of a real hippie

It is no coincidence that the first representatives of the subculture are called fashion crusaders. What does this mean? Through the way they dressed, hippies showed everyone around them that the world was not gray and monotonous, but bright and multifaceted. Hippie fashion had the effect of a bomb exploding in the Soviet Union, where it was not accepted and even defiantly to be openly different from everyone else, to emphasize individuality through clothing.

A short excursion to contemporaries about what a real hippie looked like:

  • Bright and variegated colors predominated in clothing. Ethnic patterns, floral prints, the effect of “dilapidation” in the form of bright patches, torn and frayed details.

The appearance of a hippie has always been recognizable - loose clothes with psychedelic patterns, ripped jeans

The favorite clothes of hippies are flared trousers or jeans. This style was considered “unisex”; they were worn by both women and men.

The outfits were decorated with beads, embroidery, fringe and other decorative elements. The more original the outfit, the brighter man expressed his individuality. Comfort is important to a true hippie, so loose, flowing silhouettes and comfortable shoes are the main clothing preferences.

Bright shoes with embroidery that hippies loved to wear
  • Hairstyle. Naturalness is important here, the principle “the simpler the better.” As a rule, women and men wore long hairstyles, their hair was loose, special styling products were never used, and a light breeze did it.

Hippie hairstyle

The decorations used were wreaths of wild flowers and hairratniks - ribbons that intercept the hair at the top. The image of a hippie man is somewhat Jesus-like: free-falling shoulder-length hair and a beard.

Hippies wore long hair tied with a ribbon (why cut what nature gives)
  • Accessories. Baubles, badges with slogans calling for peace, all kinds of ethnic-style jewelry, embroidered sashes, hats, roomy bags - all this will ideally emphasize the image of a hippie.

It’s not for nothing that hippies are called fashion crusaders: bright glasses, bracelets, earrings
  • Music. The subculture is multifaceted, music is an important component of hippie life. They not only listen to it, they know how to create it. Famous rallies, which have already gone down in history, took place precisely at music festivals Woodstock, Rainbow Gathering, Monterey and many others. Musicians such as The Doors, Pink Floyd, John Lennon and The Beatles, Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix.

Rock and roll stars such as Jimi Hendrix appeared in public in colorful costumes of all varieties

In the USSR, the headliners of thematic festivals were the Aquarium group and the first Soviet hippie Vasin Kolya.

Soviet hippie Vasin Kolya

Love for nature and environmental preservation were important components; hippies were confident that they were responsible for all life on Earth.

The hippie philosophy deserves attention in the modern world. Yes, representatives of the subculture can rarely be seen on the streets, because the System of spiritual communities has ceased to exist over the years. However, fans of the movement still remain, because the “flower children” teach the main thing - to live in a world without war, to be kinder and to appreciate love in all its manifestations.


The purpose of my work is to talk about such a youth movement as hippies. This work may be of interest in terms of studying this subculture, since huge amount people have no idea who hippies are. The following tasks will be revealed:

· Study the history of hippies

To solve these problems, I set myself the following goals:

· Studying the history of hippies

· Collection and analysis of the “heritage” (music, clothing, accessories) of the hippies

Hippies have contributed to the history of the subculture. They can be called, if not the first, then, undoubtedly, one of the first subcultures that arose in society. Their music is still very popular even among people who are not hippies. Behavior and lifestyle also left their mark. So, now we can see a lot of hitchhikers (people who travel around the world by hitchhiking). Everyone knows the slogan “Make Love Not War,” but not everyone can answer why and where it came from. And their style of dressing and accessories can be found to this day.

Hippie history

In the 1940s-1950s in the USA, among representatives of the “beat generation” there was a term hipsters, which meant jazz musicians, and then the bohemian counterculture that formed around them. The hippie culture of the 1960s developed from the beat culture of the 1950s, paralleling the development of rock and roll from jazz. The hippie movement arose in the 60s of the 20th century as a result large number birth rate of people after victory in World War II (known as the "baby boom". Baby boom English baby boom - a compensatory increase in the birth rate in the late 40s - early 50s. XX century This term has become widespread mainly in the USA.

The baby boom arose in relatively favorable economic conditions after the end of World War II 1939-1945)

There was no movement initially. And there were a number of people, descendants of “children of war”, who realized that they did not want to follow them life plan: "finish college; have children; get a mortgage; work your whole life paying off the mortgage." - that is, a way of life imposed by society. Young people refused to comply with their parents’ demands and “be like everyone else.” Instead, they gathered in parties of their own kind with the goal of: working a day or three as stokers or other similar work; live in a commune of several people (the most famous communes today were in the Haight-Ashbury area of ​​San Francisco, later in Denmark); go out of town, grow various products, and, of course, taste the joys of freedom from their parents - take drugs, listen to music and engage in “free love”. In general, teenage rebellion with elements of downshifting ( Downshifting English downshifting, -- a term meaning life philosophy“living for oneself”, “renouncing other people’s goals”). At first, the newly-minted hippies (who imitated the jazzmen of the 40s and 50s, from whose slang this word comes) had nothing to do with the state and politics. Soon, however, the state had business with them - they needed recruits to participate in the Vietnam War. Potential future soldiers rushed to express their disagreement, mainly through protests and rallies against American government in general and President Lyndon B. Johnson (the hippies even had a chant “Hey! Hey! LBJ! How many kids did you kill today?”) in particular. Tellingly, modern pop culture has after the fact appointed negative character 60s Richard Nixon, ignoring the fact that Nixon became president in 1969, and his main campaign promise was to end the Vietnam War, which he did.

The first use of the word “hippie” was recorded in a program on one of the New York television channels, where this word was used to describe a group of young people in T-shirts, jeans and long hair protesting against the Vietnam War. At that time, the popular slang expression was “to be hip,” meaning “to be in the know,” “to be “global,” and New York counterculture supporters from Greenwich Village were called “hips.” IN in this case TV crews used the word hippie pejoratively, alluding to the grievances of deliberately poorly dressed demonstrators who came from the New York suburbs.

With the protests came fame for the hippies, which meant several things. Firstly, a massive influx of imitators and posers (a poser is an individual who considers himself to be a member of a subculture, capable only of adopting its external distinctive features), who decided that protesting against the Vietnam War was fashionable. Secondly, the protests attracted a special “State” type - the so-called campus politicos. Campus politico is a student at a large university who abused the use of drugs, listened to the speeches of crazy professors of philosophical sciences and learned the great truth: capitalism is a universal evil, America is a totalitarian hell, and white heterosexual men are to blame for all the ills of the world. Data interesting personalities they come to any marches and demonstrations wearing T-shirts with “Che Guevara” and banners “Proletarians of all countries, unite!”, and try to turn these very demonstrations into their “personal army”, which they can lead, sometimes quite successfully. Moreover, this type of demonstrators supported their ideological position with very specific Molotov cocktails aimed at the police cordon and pogroms of government buildings. Realizing that such actions would cause an immediate response from the authorities, the “original” hippies preferred to leave quietly, especially since the 60s were already ending, and most of them were already about thirty, when driving cars and fighting with law enforcement agencies was no longer seem to be “fighting the system.” Well, thirdly, by the end the funds had come up mass media informing their audience about all sorts of cultural phenomena. Naturally, the media presented hippies far from being better light, which affected the attitude of society towards this subculture. These three categories have influenced the image of hippies in the minds of modern citizens much more strongly than any reality.

The appearance is usually as follows: pants - flared jeans, with an abundance of pins, rips and patches. There are a huge number of beads on the neck. Long hair is tied with a hair tie - a strip of fabric so that the hair does not fall off. Characteristic is the introduction of ethnic elements into the costume: beads woven from beads or threads, bracelets (“baubles”), etc., as well as the use of textiles dyed using the “tie-dye” (or otherwise “shibori”) technique. These decorations have complex symbolism. Baubles different colors and different patterns indicate different wishes, expressions of one’s own musical preferences, life position, etc. Thus, a black and yellow striped bauble means a wish for good hitchhiking, and a red and yellow one means a declaration of love. It should be noted, however, that this symbolism is interpreted arbitrarily and completely differently in different places and parties, and “experienced hippies” do not attach any significance to it. Common texts like “Meanings of colors in baubles” are considered the lot of “pioneers” (that is, beginners) and among the “old-timers”, as a rule, cause an ironic reaction. Hippies prefer clothes in light colors, usually with a checkered pattern - a checkered shirt a couple of sizes larger, in winter - painted sweaters and fabric raincoats. Because hippies often wore flowers in their hair, gave flowers to passers-by, inserted them into the gun muzzles of police officers and soldiers, and used the slogan “Flower Power,” they became known as “flower children.”

The movement's popularity peaked in 1967 (the so-called "summer of love"), when unofficial hippie anthems were released - "San Francisco (Be Sure To Wear Some Flowers In Your Hair)" (written by John Phillips of The Mamas & the Papas, performed by singer Scott McKenzie), “All You Need Is Love” and “She's Leaving Home” by The Beatles. In 1967, the psychedelic musical “Hair” premiered in New York, the participants of which appeared on stage naked: with movement hippies are associated with the popularization of nudism.

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Hippie subculture

Subculture - denoting a part of the culture of society that differs in its behavior from the prevailing majority, as well as social groups carriers of this culture. A subculture may differ from the dominant culture in its own value system, language, behavior, clothing and other aspects. There are subcultures formed on national, demographic, professional, geographical and other bases. In particular, subcultures are formed ethnic communities, differing in their dialect from the language norm. To others famous example are youth subcultures.

Hippies are a specific subculture that emerged in the United States in the early sixties of the twentieth century. Having appeared, it quickly spread throughout all countries of the world, and by the mid-seventies it had practically disappeared. In the original, hippies were part of a youth movement made up mostly of teenagers and fairly "young adults" between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five, who inherited the cultural rebellion of the bohemians and beatniks. Hippies disdain established concepts, criticize middle-class values, and act as radical opposition to the use of nuclear weapons, the Vietnam War. They became popular and illuminated aspects of religions other than Judaism and Christianity that were practically unknown at that time. Hippies literally pushed through the sexual revolution; they encouraged the use of psychedelic drugs in order to expand human consciousness (Originally the hallucinogen LSD - used as a drug for the treatment mental illness. Because many psychologists of that time believed that when working with a patient under the influence of this drug, they were working directly with the subconscious. There are quite a few successful cases of treatment described in the medical literature. During the heyday of Hippie, LSD was not considered a drug and was freely available in the United States. As a result, many young people, based on scientific works doctors, began to get involved in “self-correction” of their own consciousness). Hippies created unique communes where their values ​​were cultivated. subculture hippie ideology society

Appearance, dress code

Regardless of gender - long hair combed in the middle, a special ribbon around the head ("hair" from the English. Hair - hair), on the arms - "baubles", i.e. homemade bracelets or beads, most often made of beads, wood or leather, often a disproportionately large knitted sweater, decorated with beads or embroidery, a denim pouch around the neck for storing money and documents ("xivnik": from ksiv - document, thieves' jargon), color of clothing mostly light (experienced hippies never wear black), but not flashy. The latest generation of hippies is distinguished by such attributes as a backpack and three or four rings in the ears, less often in the nose (piercing).

Musical style

The hippie musical culture was a mixture of rock, folk, blues and psychedelic rock. This culture is also reflected in literature, drama and fine arts, including films, rock concert posters and album covers. From western music hippies prefer psychedelic rock, love the group “Doors”.

Language, jargon

Large quantity English loanwords, such as “bolt” - bottle, “vine” - wine, “flat” - apartment, “hair” - hair, “people” - people (common addresses: “man”, “people”), “ringushnik” - notebook(from the English Ring - call). In addition, the frequent use of diminutive suffixes and words that have no analogues in literary language to denote specific concepts characteristic only of hippies (for example, the already mentioned “bauble”, “xivnik”, etc.).


Among alcoholic drinks, hippies prefer wines and ports. Frequent use of drugs (usually mild) has been noted. Part of the hippie ideology is “free love” - with all the ensuing consequences. Hippies are not warlike, they are usually pacifists. One of the first was the slogan “Make love, not war.” (Make love, not war). Ideology: The hippies themselves often express it with the words “Peace, friendship, bubblegum.” Disregard for material values ​​such as money and expensive things is typical; There was genuine indignation among hippies when someone tried to buy expensive things instead of cheap ones. Eastern religions and teachings are popular.

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USA, 1960s, long hair, jeans, jewelry, bright colors, world peace - looking at these words, you immediately understand what we are talking about. Hippies are a subculture that upended the usual way of life at the time of its emergence.

The development of the hippie subculture occurred in so-called “waves”: the “first wave” dates back to the late 60s and early 70s, the “second” to the 80s. Since about 1989, there has been a sharp decline, due to a sharp decrease in the number of adherents of this movement. However, in the mid-90s. The “third wave” of hippies declared itself.

The origins of the hippie movement occurred in the 1960s in the United States. The reason, according to many sources, was the Vietnam War (1964-1972). This war was the first in American history that aroused the hatred and hostility of the Americans themselves. Not wanting war, people united and went on strike in the name of peace. So, on November 22, 1964, in a program on one of the New York channels, the word “hippie” was used for the first time. Then, this word was used to describe a group of young people protesting against the Vietnam War.

The meaning of the word "hippie" comes from English « hip» - understanding or « to be hip» - be aware. The interesting thing is that the hippies themselves never called themselves that. They preferred to be called " wonderful people"or "children of flowers." However, the media has played with the term "hippie" and used it everywhere to describe the masses of young people growing their hair long, listening to rock and roll, doing drugs, practicing free love, going to various festivals and concerts, demonstrating and rejecting popular culture early 60s.

Hippie Beliefs:

The most important thing for hippies was to follow the principle ahimsa. In other words, pacifism: non-violence, renunciation of war and love of peace. Hippies did not recognize social foundations, but created their own alternative systems of life, denying any hierarchy. To carry out revolutions, according to their teaching, war is not needed, it is enough to use creativity. And so not only with the war: they preferred self-improvement to a career, spiritual values ​​to material values, and freedom of speech and self-expression to generally accepted orders and norms. All this was followed by the emergence of 7 truths of the subculture:

  • a person must be free;
  • freedom can be achieved only by changing the inner structure of the soul;
  • the actions of an internally relaxed person are determined by the desire to protect his freedom as the greatest treasure;
  • beauty and freedom are identical to each other and the realization of both is a purely spiritual problem;
  • all who share the above form a spiritual community;
  • spiritual community - perfect shape dormitories;
  • everyone who thinks otherwise is mistaken.

Hippie symbolism:

Hippies are a culture whose adherents are immediately recognizable by their appearance and behavior. The attributes of a hippie include many things. Firstly, this minibus, which hippies painted in incredible colors, calling it “Flower power.” Secondly, an important symbol is pacific(“paw”) is a symbol of peace. Logo of the Organization for Nuclear Disarmament, also used for anti-war demonstrations. This also includes the symbol of Taoist philosophy Yin and Yang .

Regarding appearance, then everything is very interesting here too. Undoubtedly, long hair, both women and men; jeans, which, by the time the culture flourished, became the “signature clothing” of hippies; "baubles"(bracelets self made made of beads, leather, laces, ribbons or threads), which, by the way, had great importance for hippies. Depending on the color, thickness, patterns, etc. used in weaving “baubles”, it was possible to determine: the life position, musical preferences and even the age of its owner.

Rainbow also plays a significant role in the life of a hippie. On July 4, 1972, a thousand young people climbed Table Mountain in Colorado (USA), held hands and stood there for an hour without saying a word. They decided to achieve peace on Earth neither by strikes nor by demonstrations, but by silence and meditation. At first glance, this event has no connection with the rainbow. However, it so happened that the hippie culture gained a lot of knowledge from the ancient Indians. So the name “Rainbow Gathering” arose from a prophecy of the Mine Indians: “At the end of time, when the Earth is devastated, a new tribe will appear. These people will not be like us either in skin color or habits, and they will speak a different language. But what they will do will help the Earth become green again. They will be called “Warriors of the Rainbow” 10

Can't help but mention flowers, as an attribute of a hippie. It is not for nothing that the second name of the culture is “flower children”. They wove flowers into their hair, gave them to random passers-by, and depicted them on minibuses. Incredibly, they inserted it into the barrel of a firearm, proclaiming their main slogan “Make love, not war.”

Some aspects of the hippie lifestyle generate much more controversy and mixed assessments. Thanks to the "flower children" popularized drugs, which, in their opinion, expanded consciousness; happened sexual revolution, proclaiming tolerance towards non-traditional sexual orientations and same-sex marriage, and also became popular nudism.

In any case, the importance of hippies to society cannot be underestimated. Along with the negative aspects, they gave the world new philosophy, based on freedom, respect, self-discovery and self-expression. But the most important thing for them is love all over the world. Therefore, I would like to end the article with the famous hippie slogan, taken from the song “The Beatles” (The author of the song, John Lennon, was a hippie), « All you need is love "(All you need is love")...

Sources of information:

Appearance hippie The world owes it to the Vietnam War, when young people took to the streets and called on everyone to escape violence, not to give in to it, and to “Make love, not war.” It is this slogan that is popular to this day and accurately characterizes this incredibly interesting subculture.

The movement of peace lovers grew every day, they believed that the world can be changed without shedding blood, only the love of people for each other and the whole world can radically change it, it is this that can unite humanity against violence.

Long hair, bright, loose-fitting clothes, countless colorful baubles and a happy look - this is the image of a typical hippie, be it a man or a woman. Main motive this direction- this is “freedom in everything” and “love for everything.” The ethnic component of the hippie image indicates that representatives of this trend do not see differences between races and peoples; in their opinion, everyone is one and everyone deserves love, regardless of origin and level in society.

Hippies were the first to challenge the entire society, they destroyed all boundaries and stereotypes, refuted censorship and showed it new life. “Children of flowers” ​​- it is this widespread definition that is firmly entrenched among representatives of the new movement. Hippies promoted love in everything, including nature: they wove flowers into their hair, wore flower crowns, and planted entire greenhouses of beautiful plants. Hippies revealed the colors of the world to society, showing that it was far from gray and prim, as many saw it, but bright, interesting and multifaceted.

Representatives of this subculture for the first time began to explore their own “I” and the path of unity with this world. Hippies believed that the world was beautiful and one should be in harmony with this beauty. This is how many meditation techniques appeared, collected from all over the world. Spiritual practices were especially popular among hippies because by changing the inner layer of the soul, one can achieve freedom and enlightenment. Having united in the so-called “spiritual communities,” hippie people discovered more and more new facets of man.

A complete rejection of any restrictions led to the fact that these people tried everything on themselves, and this often led to irreversible consequences. Studying your inner world accompanied by smoking marijuana and using stronger drugs. The world did not yet know about the great harm of such “pampering”. Many representatives died from overdoses.

The accepted restrictions on the institution of marriage were also rejected by freedom-loving hippies, who believed that marriage was not necessary for sex. You can practice whenever you want and with anyone, without receiving anyone’s approval except your partner, whom you can also choose as you wish. This led to the beginning of a large-scale sexual revolution. The upside-down idea of ​​the relationship between a man and a woman has greatly shaken the moral foundations of society. Group orgies, promiscuity, and the involvement of minors in their sexual entertainment have led to significant degradation of society. It was at that time that feminist-minded women appeared who did not want to be just an object of a man’s sexual desire, but to have equal rights with him. This marked the beginning of women's feminism.

Hippies were not tied to home; they traveled all over the world, studying and getting to know it and themselves. The freedom they proclaimed was manifested in everything: they did not visit educational institutions, easily moved from place to place, made new acquaintances with their own kind and carried their culture to the masses. The hippies' favorite way to spend time was gatherings, accompanied by conversations, listening to music, and dancing. Much attention“flower children” paid attention to the self-realization and creativity of each of them.

Despite the fact that the popularity of hippies is far in the past, this subculture literally blew up the world and left behind many principles that have become firmly established in our lives, which are still relevant and have many followers.

The material was prepared by Serezhina Ekaterina.