Mathematical sayings and proverbs. Card index of mathematical materials (proverbs, riddles, puzzles, labyrinths) for children of the middle group of preschool educational institutions

  • Proverbs and sayings of the peoples of the East. /Ed. I.S. Braginsky. –M.: Publishing House of Eastern Literature, 1961. -736 p.
  • Fadel Maria, 4th grade, Municipal Educational Institution “School No. 32”

    Prokopyevsk, Kemerovo region

    Last year I sent mathematical riddles to the Portfolio festival, this year I wanted to collect proverbs related to mathematics. Proverbs are a national treasure and are accumulated by the people over the course of their centuries-old culture. Numbers are the source of origin of many proverbs. Without them, our speech would be poor and ordinary. Most proverbs associated with the number one, because it is the first natural number. There are many proverbs associated with the numbers 2, 3, 7 and 13. According to the ancient Greek mathematician Nicomachus, who lived at the end of the 1st century AD, the number two is the beginning of inequality and contradiction. Three is the first real number, since it has a beginning, middle and end, therefore it is a perfect number. For many peoples, the most superstitions arose with the numbers three, seven and thirteen. Superstitions associated with the number three date back to the times when people could only count to three. In Ancient Babylon, people observed seven moving planets that supposedly revolve around the Earth. Every seventh day was considered sacred and declared a day of rest from work. The number seven has magical meaning. For some ancient peoples, the base of the number system was the number 12. It closed the natural series, so the number 12 was followed by an unknown, dangerous number - this is the number 13. This number could only bring misfortune.


    1. Only truth lives in the world

    2. God has one truth

    3. One bee will not bring much honey.

    4. One hand does not clap

    5. Whoever knows at least one craft will not know needs

    6. You can’t cut down a tree in one go.

    7. One “today” is better than two “tomorrows”

    8. First for spoon, last for work

    9. If you do one thing, don’t spoil another.

    10. One swallow does not make spring

    11. You can’t tie a knot with one hand

    12. Alone in the field is not a warrior

    13. The first pancake is always lumpy

    14. One word means a quarrel forever

    15. One thoughtful word is worth more than a thousand frivolous phrases.

    16. One got married - saw the world, another got married - disappeared from grief

    17. One like a finger

    18. One is his own master

    19. One, an orphan in the field

    20. One person has no problem with porridge

    21. One head is not poor, but poor, but one

    22. All for one, and one for all

    23. Sleep with one eye and watch with the other!

    24. One berry at forty-two years

    25. Trouble does not come alone: ​​it comes and leads others

    26. There is not a single book in the house - the owner is doing bad things

    27. There are no two joys in one day

    28. You can’t move a point alone

    29. It went into one ear and out of the other.

    30. A hero dies once, but a coward dies a thousand times

    31. Where there is one mushroom, there is another

    32. There is a lot of grief, but only one death

    33. Whoever finds it difficult to study for one day will find it difficult throughout his life.

    34. It’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times

    35. Science is the same, but teachers are different

    36. One about Thomas, the other about Yerema

    37. Once you steal, you become a thief forever

    38. One mind is good, but two are better

    39. One flower does not make spring

    40. One book teaches a thousand people

    41. One fly in the ointment spoils the barrel.

    42. The road is long for one

    43. From great to funny one step


    1. A couple - a ram and a little girl

    2. Two people fight, the third one doesn’t interfere

    3. The two are happy.

    4. A mother has two young daughters, but there is no water in the bucket.

    5. If you chase two hares, you won’t catch one.

    6. Two are one's army

    7. An old friend is better than two new ones

    8. Two bears don’t live in the same den.

    9. Two governors on one cart

    10. Two do not wait for one

    11. A mind is good, but two are better

    12. For a scientist they give two non-scientists

    13. Two thieves stole, but both got caught

    14. Trouble for trouble - two children in one year

    15. That’s what two ears are for, so you can listen more.

    16. Two brothers from Arbat, and both are hunchbacks

    17. A man lives twice as stupid: old and young

    18. Two fur coats are warm, two housewives are welcome

    19. He who dared ate two

    20. Look at two, not at one and a half!

    21. Two little lights - the same sheep

    22. Where there are more than two, they speak out loud

    23. Summer doesn’t happen twice a year

    24. Two plow, and seven wave their arms

    25. A friend in need is a doubly friend

    26. Choose the lesser of two evils

    27. When two people are angry, both are to blame

    28. He who asks twice is less likely to make mistakes.

    29. Don’t chase two birds with one stone, you won’t catch either


    1. God loves a trinity.

    2. The holy account is that there is a trinity.

    3. Three fingers make a cross

    4. Even if you don’t eat for three days, you still can’t get off the stove.

    5. “Oh” at work, but he eats for three.

    6. Do not boast about being married on the third day, but boast about the third year

    7. Groom in place - in three days the bride

    8. They wooed the bride in three places, started giving her away, but didn’t take her

    9. Keep your eyes open, keep your eyes open

    10. He blinked at one, nodded at another, and the third guessed it himself.

    11. I ground it for three days and ate it in one and a half days.

    12. Got lost in three pines

    13. They wait three years for the promised one

    14. With a song even across three seas


    1. Without four corners, a hut cannot be cut

    2. House with four corners

    3. The four countries of the world on the four seas are based

    4. Four corners of the house for construction, four seasons for completion


    1. There are five fingers in the hand.

    2. Orthodox Church in five chapters


    1. There are six buttons on board


    1. There are seven days in a week

    2. There were seven wise men in the world

    3. Seven do not wait for one

    4. Seven planids in the sky

    5. Try on seven times, cut once

    6. The lazy person has seven holidays a week

    7. Seven lift one straw

    8. For a friend, even seven miles is not a suburb

    9. Seven nannies have a child without an eye

    10. Onion - from seven ailments

    11. Seven miles to heaven and all through forest

    12. Seven troubles - one answer

    13. One with a bipod, and seven with a spoon

    14. Seven guys can eat a sheep

    15. A good bride has seven girlfriends

    16. Sip jelly seven miles away

    17. They were looking for a mosquito seven miles away, but the mosquito was on their nose


    1. The eighth day is the first


    1. The ninth month gives birth to

    2. The ninth wave is fatal

    3. Nine mice pulled together - the lid was pulled off the tub

    4. One father can support nine children more easily than nine children can support one father.


    1. Ten fingers on hands and feet

    2. Without tens there is no counting

    3. It’s better to turn ten times than to run aground once


    1. Eleven for the sake of odd


    1. There are twelve months in a year

    2. The Twelve Apostles and the Tribes of Israel


    1. Thirteenth under the table

    2. They put thirteen bad ones out of a dozen, and even then they don’t take them.

    3. Thirteen is an unlucky number

    "The rest of the numbers"

    1. A thousand vanities are of no use

    2. There wasn’t a penny, but suddenly it was altyn

    3. A penny saves the ruble

    4. Mother has a daughter and a daughter at thirty years old

    5. The bride has a hundred and one grooms, but only one will get

    6. A smart head feeds a hundred heads, but a thin head can’t feed itself.

    7. Anyone who is not healthy at twenty, not smart at thirty, and not rich at forty will never be like that.

    8. Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends

    9. Without one there are not a hundred


    1. Proverbs of the Russian people: collection by V.I. Dalia.- M.: Rus. Language - Media, 2004. - 814 p.

    2. A day of work is fun: Proverbs and sayings of the peoples of the USSR about labor - M.: Det. Lit., 1986.- 31 p.

    3. Ancient Russian proverbs and sayings - M.: Det. Lit., 1984.- 79 p.

    4. Russian proverbs and sayings: compiled by A.M. Zhigulev- M.: Publishing house “Nauka”, 1969.- 448 p.

    Card index of mathematical proverbs and sayings


    short expression,

    Written in simple folk language,

    often has rhyme and rhythm.

    One the bee will make some honey.

    One a wise head is worth a hundred heads.

    One not a warrior in the field.

    One The goose will not trample the field.

    One You can't clap your hands.

    One You can’t even tie a knot with your hand.

    Lazy twice works.

    For two If you chase hares, you won’t catch a single one.

    An old friend is better than a new one two.

    Two you can't put on a pair of sandals right away

    One head is good, but two- better.

    An old friend is better than a new one two.

    Mind is good, ah two better.

    Big brother like second father.

    The price for a braggart is three kopeks.

    A friend nearby is better than three in the distance.

    If one slab three The cooks are hustling - dinner is burning.

    Don't recognize your friend three of the day - find out at three year.

    Without four x corners of the hut are not cut.

    Four The countries of the world on the four seas are laid.

    One hive is a hive, and five- apiary.

    One problem or five troubles, but still no help.

    There are three cows, they will calve six.

    They lost the bast shoes and searched around the yards: it was five, but it became six.

    Seven Measure once, cut once.

    One sheep seven shepherds

    One with a bipod, and seven with a spoon.

    U seven nannies a child without an eye.

    Autumn - change eight.

    Martok - put it on eight park.

    Nine a person is the same as a dozen.

    Nine They pulled the mice together and pulled the lid off the tub.

    What you can't do alone, they will do ten.

    Think ten one, say one.

    Bytalkka -

    figurative expression, metaphor.

    Proverbs are used in sentences

    to give a bright artistic color to the facts,

    things and situations.

    One one leg here, the other there.

    One for everyone and all for one.

    Gobble up for both cheeks.

    Two boots - a pair.

    How two drops of water.

    From the pot two Vershka.

    Got lost in three pines.

    Cry in three stream.

    Live in four walls.

    Four the cola is driven in and the sky is covered.

    Know your own five fingers.

    Twenty again five.

    Three hairs in six rows are laid.

    Seven trouble - one answer.

    Seven spans in the forehead.

    Seven Fridays a week.

    Seventh water on jelly.

    Next autumn, years from now eight.

    Nine life of a cat.

    For far away lands, in far away(thirtieth) kingdom.

    At the bear's ten songs and everything about honey.

    Card index of mathematical riddles


    small genre of folklore, which is

    "encrypted" figurative description of an object,

    phenomena or situations.

    One color in winter and summer. (Spruce)

    Antoshka stands on one leg. (mushroom)

    Many arms, one leg (tree).

    Spinning on one leg, carefree, cheerful.

    In a colorful skirt there is a dancer, a musical... (spinster).

    Two ends, two rings, and a stud in the middle. (Scissors.)

    Two houses - heated trailers

    presented to Tanya (mittens).

    It has two wheels and a saddle on a frame,

    There are two pedals at the bottom, you turn them with your feet (bicycle).

    His eyes are colored, not eyes, but three lights,
    he takes turns looking at me from above (traffic light).

    Four brothers stand under one roof (table).

    Even though we have four legs,
    We are neither mice nor cats.
    Although we all have backs,
    We are not sheep or pigs.
    We are not horses, even on us
    You have sat down hundreds of times (chairs).

    Two mothers have five sons,
    one name for everyone (fingers).

    And it buzzes and flies,
    There are six legs
    But without hooves. (bug)

    Every day at seven in the morning
    I’m screaming: get up porrrrrra! (alarm)

    Don't you know me?
    I live at the bottom of the sea.
    A head and eight legs, that’s all I am….(octopus).

    I have employees
    Hunters will help with everything.
    They don't live behind a wall -
    Day and night with me:
    A whole dozen
    Faithful guys! (fingers)

    What soft SQUARE
    Do they give fairy tales to all the children?
    On the bed, like girlfriends,
    Chubby cheeks...

    The sky is like a blue house
    There is one window in it:
    Like a ROUND window

    Sparkles in the sky...

    Card index of math rhymes


    rhythmically spoken rhyme

    as a result of which the

    places of participants in children's games

    Once upon a time there lived a hundred guys.
    Everyone went to kindergarten
    Everyone sat down to lunch
    Everyone ate a hundred cutlets,
    And then they went to bed -
    Start counting again.

    There lived one burbot in the river,
    Two ruffs were friends with him,
    Three ducks flew to them
    Four times a day
    And taught them to count -
    One, two, three, four, five.

    Here are the mushrooms on the meadow
    They are wearing red caps.
    Two mushrooms, three mushrooms,
    How many will be together? -

    The seagull warmed up the kettle.
    She invited eight seagulls:
    “Everyone come over for tea!”
    How many seagulls, answer!

    The seagulls lived at the pier,
    The river rocked them with waves.
    One, two, three, four, five -
    Help me count them!

    We shared an orange

    There are many of us, but he is alone.

    This slice is for the hedgehog,

    This slice is for the swift,

    This slice is for ducklings,

    This slice is for kittens,

    This slice is for the beaver,

    And for the wolf - the peel...

    He is angry with us - trouble!!!

    Run away in all directions!

    Say after me:
    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
    I'll go visit my grandmother,
    And on Thursday and Friday
    The sled is rolling towards the house.
    After Saturday - Sunday,
    On this day cookies are baked.
    One-two, one-two, one-two-three!
    Repeat the whole counting count!

    One, two, three, four, five,

    We're going to play.

    A magpie flew to us

    And she told you to drive.

    The counting begins:

    “A jackdaw sat on a birch tree,

    Two crows, a sparrow,

    Three magpies, a nightingale.

    Tomorrow it will fly from the sky

    Blue-blue-blue whale.

    If you believe, stop and wait,

    If you don’t believe me, come out!”

    One, two, three, four, five,

    The sun needs to rise.

    Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,

    The sun is sleeping, there is a month in the sky.

    Run away in all directions

    Tomorrow new game.

    Two bears were sitting

    On a linden bitch,

    One was reading a newspaper,

    Another kneaded flour,

    One ku-ku, two ku-ku.

    They both fell into the flour.

    Cat counting rhyme

    One, two, three, four, five.
    The cat learns to count.
    Slowly, little by little
    Adds a cat to a mouse.
    The answer is:
    There is a cat, but no mouse.

    Myshkin's counting rhyme

    One, two,
    Three, four.
    Let's count the holes in the cheese.
    If the cheese has a lot of holes,
    So the cheese will be delicious.
    If there is one hole in it,
    So it was delicious yesterday!

    Card index of mathematical tongue twisters


    comic genre folk art,

    a phrase built on a combination of sounds,

    which make it difficult to pronounce words quickly

    I wandered alone by the hill, collecting tongue twisters.

    Two puppies are nipping cheek to cheek at a brush in the corner.

    Three magpies - three rattles

    Lost three brushes each:

    Three - today

    Three - yesterday

    Three - the day before yesterday.

    Four little black little devils drew a drawing in black ink extremely cleanly.

    In the yard, four Sashas were playing checkers on the grass.

    Again, five guys found five honey mushrooms near a tree stump.

    Six little mice rustle in the reeds.

    On seven sleighs, seven people sat in the sleigh themselves.

    Sixteen mice walked
    found forty pennies each,
    two smaller mice
    They found two pennies each.

    Well done, he ate 33 pie pies, all with cottage cheese.

    How thirty-three Egorkas lived on a hill on a hill: one Egorka, two Egorkas, three Egorkas...

    Card index mathematical problems in verse

    How many suns are there behind a cloud,
    How many refills are there in a fountain pen?
    How many noses does an elephant have?
    How many watches are on your hand?
    How many legs does a fly agaric have?
    And the sapper's attempts,
    He knows and is proud of himself,

    How many ears are there on the top of the head?
    How many legs does a half-frog have?
    How many mustaches does a catfish have?
    At the planet of the poles,
    How many halves are there in total?
    In a pair of brand new shoes,
    And the front paws of a lion
    Only the number knows...

    There's a puppy sitting on the porch

    Warms his fluffy side. Another one came running

    And sat down next to him.

    (How many puppies are there?)

    How many months are there in winter?
    In summer, in autumn, in spring,
    How many eyes does a traffic light have?
    Base on the baseball field
    Facets of a sports sword
    And the stripes on our flag,
    No matter what anyone tells us,
    The number knows the truth...

    A rooster flew up onto the fence.

    Met two more there.

    How many roosters are there?

    Who has the answer?(3)

    How many legs does a mongoose have?
    Petals in a cabbage flower,
    Fingers on a chicken leg
    And on the back paw of a cat,
    Tanya's hand with Petya
    And all the sides in the world
    And the oceans in the world,
    The number knows...

    It's my birthday

    They gave me a horse

    Two balls, one spinner.

    How many toys do I have?

    How many fingers are there on a hand?
    And a penny in the pocket,
    The starfish has rays,
    Five rooks have beaks,
    Blades of maple leaves
    And the corners of the bastion,
    Tell me about it all
    Numbers will help us...

    Three yellow-eyed daisies,

    Two cheerful cornflowers

    The children gave it to their mother.

    How many flowers are in a bouquet?

    Card index of mathematical labyrinths, puzzles,

    games on similarities and differences, entertaining examples

    Card index mathematical tales

    Mathematics in the Forest

    One day, Number One saw a bunny in the forest and told him:
    - Of all the forest animals, only you have long ears... So you are the only one with long ears!
    “I’m not alone,” the little bunny objected, “I have many brothers.”

    Then a bear cub came out into the clearing and sang: “Everyone stronger bear in the forest."
    “You are the only such strong animal in the forest,” number 1 admired.
    “Yes, I’m my mother’s only son, and I’m stronger than everyone else,” the bear cub answered importantly. Tomorrow is my birthday and I turn one year old.
    - Congratulations! - exclaimed number 1, - I hope you will celebrate your birthday alone and eat all the treats yourself?
    “One is bad,” the bear cub roared. - With whom I will play hide and seek and sing songs. It's a bad holiday if you're alone.

    Why doesn't anyone want to be alone? - Number One asked herself sadly.

    Why do you guys think?

    Who does the number 2 resemble?

    Number 2 was walking along the path and heard someone crying under a bush.

    - I-I-I, I got lost.
    Deuce looked under the bush and saw a large gray chick there.
    -Who is your mother? – number 2 asked the chick.
    – My mother is a beautiful and big bird. “She looks like you,” the chick squeaked.

    Don’t cry, we will find her,” said number 2.

    She put the chick on her tail, and they went to look for their mother.

    Soon Deuce saw a beautiful flat bird with long tail.

    - This is not your chick, beautiful bird? – asked Deuce.
    “I’m not a bird, but a kite.” I don't even have wings.
    “Pee-pee, this is not my mother, my mother looks like you,” said the chick.

    Who is number 3 friends with?

    Once upon a time there was a cheerful traffic light. He stood at the intersection and flashed three lights: green, yellow and red. But one day all three lights went out.

    What started here! The cars couldn't get through because they were all driving at once. Pedestrians could not cross the street because they were afraid of getting hit by cars.

    Luckily, there was a little girl in the crowd of pedestrians. She knew that the traffic light was friendly with the number 3, and rather called her:
    – Hello, your friend the traffic light is sick and he urgently needs help!

    Number 3 immediately came running and brought him three delicious triangular cookies. She gave the traffic light cookies and it immediately lit up.

    It turns out that the traffic light was very hungry, and therefore could not work anymore.

    Since then, the number 3 comes to visit the traffic light every day. When the traffic light shows cars with its red eye and traffic stops, number 3 feeds it three triangular cookies.

    Four wishes number 4

    “If this is a beast with four eyes, four wings and four tails, then I will make friends with it,” thought number 4.

    She entered the forest thicket and heard a terrible roar:
    -Who came to me?
    “It’s me, number 4,” said the number.
    -What did you bring? – the beast growled again.
    “Four sweet cookies,” answered number 4.

    “Hurry up, give them here,” screamed the terrible beast.

    Number 4 threw four cookies to the beast, and he instantly swallowed them.
    “I was dying of hunger, and you fed me,” the beast suddenly purred. - For this I will fulfill four of your wishes.
    I want the world to have more...

    Five senses

    Early in the morning, the cheerful singing of birds woke up the girl. She opened her eyes and closed her eyes against the sun. The kitchen smelled deliciously of pancakes.
    The girl remembered that she had a lollipop under her pillow and took it out. The candy filled my mouth with a sweet raspberry taste. The soft blanket hugged the girl and she dozed off again.

    Suddenly the girl’s ears spoke angrily:
    “We heard birds singing and woke up the girl, but you, your eyes, closed your eyes from the sun and didn’t want to wake up.”

    I invited the girl to have breakfast with the delicious smell of pancakes, and you, little tongue, decided to eat raspberry candy instead of breakfast,- the tongue reproached the nose.

    And you little hands, why did you hide under a soft blanket?- the nose and ears asked in unison.

    The little eyes were offended that they were being scolded and got angry:
    “If that’s the case, we won’t watch anymore.”

    I also refuse to taste– added the tongue.

    But we don’t want to feel soft and hard, cold and hot,- said the pens.

    Number 5 heard this conversation and got angry:

    -What a disgrace! You five senses should always work together.

    Good morning, daughter,– the ears suddenly heard.

    The eyes immediately opened and saw mother. Hands hugged mom tightly. My nose inhaled the delicate scent of my mother's perfume. Rotik got hungry and said: “The pancakes smell so delicious!”

    “It’s good that all my five senses are at peace,”– the girl was happy.

    Fairytale mathematics - Girl and Number 6

    One girl could not remember how to write the number 6. Sometimes she wrote an oval at the bottom and a tail at the top, and sometimes, vice versa.
    – Why did you write number 9 instead of number 6 again?- Mom was angry.
    – The number 9 is big smart head. Number 6
    decided to become just as smart and turned over, -
    the girl laughed.
    So your number 6 is a circus acrobat“- Mom was surprised.

    That night the girl dreamed of a circus. Instead of animals there were numbers. They tumbled, performed tricks and juggled.
    Suddenly the circus director announced: “Acrobats are performing: a girl and the number 6!”
    The girl entered the arena, and the number 6 deftly placed her on her head.
    “Now you must count all the spectators in the hall,” said number 6.
    How can I count while standing on my head? – the girl asked angrily.
    - How can I count to six if you turn me into the number 9? – number 6 cried.
    - Sorry, I won't turn you over anymore. I will tie six beautiful bows on your ponytail.

    Number 7 and Seven Colors of the Rainbow

    After the rain, a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky. Two boys saw a rainbow and argued:

    – The most beautiful color of the rainbow is red, because I have a new red bicycle. “It would be nice if the whole rainbow were red,” said one boy.

    - No, let the whole rainbow be green. “I have a favorite green car,” said the second boy.

    They argued for a long time, and each considered his own color to be the best. Rainbow was upset when she heard this argument. She always thought that people liked all seven of her colors. Out of frustration, the rainbow melted forever, and people forgot how to rejoice.

    - What to do? “It was I who offended the rainbow,” one boy said sadly.
    - Don't worry. Let’s ask number 7 to return all seven colors of the rainbow,” suggested the second boy.
    Number 7, after listening to the boys, went to the artist and told him that the rainbow had disappeared.
    “I’ll draw a rainbow if the boys make up.”

    The artist painted the picture for seven whole days of the week. When the picture was ready, a rainbow appeared in the sky again.

    Who helped Number 8?

    - Oh-oh-oh! - Number 8 cried, - I fell, hurt my side and am late for class. Today children must learn the number 8. If I don’t come, they won’t learn me.

    - Let us swim to class instead of you. Children can make the number 8 from two oval clouds, said the two clouds.
    “No, you’re too big and won’t fit in the classroom,” sad
    Number 8 objected.

    “Maybe I’ll fly on the web to school instead of you?” “I look like a little Eight, and I have eight legs,” squeaked the spider.

    “No, you’re too small, and the wind could take your web in a completely different direction,” number 8 answered sadly.
    A boy was riding a bicycle along the road. He took the number 8 and took him to school.

    Lucky number 9

    “Five has five fingers, Seven has seven notes, but I have nothing,” number 9 said sadly.
    “You can count nine objects at once,” other numbers began to console the number 9.
    “But I have nothing to count,” Nine almost cried.

    The sun took pity on the number 9 and gave it nine rays of sunshine.

    The number 9 was delighted and spent the whole day counting its nine rays. When evening came, the number 9 hid the rays in amber stones so that they would not melt in the darkness.
    The next day, number 9 saw a crying girl on the street. The girl was nine years old, but her mother and father quarreled, and so she cried. “You can’t go without a gift on your birthday,” number 9 decided and gave the girl amber stones with rays of sunshine.

    The appearance of Zero

    “I’m so good-looking, I look like the sun, and like a bagel, and like a ball,” Nolik sang loudly, walking along the road.
    All the numbers immediately surrounded him.
    - Oh, you're oval like a pancake! What is your name? – asked number 2.
    – My name is Zero, and I famous person. Wherever you look, you’ll find me everywhere, in any wheel,” Nolik said proudly.
    – What can you count? – asked number 9.
    “I can count anything,” Nolik answered importantly and began to count. But no matter how much he counted, the result was always zero.
    “Why are you needed if you can’t count even one object with your help,” the numbers laughed.
    - Am I really no one at all...

    How did the number 10 come about?

    Number 1 brought Nolik to her home, seated the guest at the table and said:
    - Sorry, Nolik, I won’t be able to treat you well. I have one of everything in my house: one cup of tea and one pie.

    “And I myself came to visit empty-handed,” Nolik was upset.
    Number 1 put a plate with one pie and one cup of tea in front of Nolik and sat down next to him.
    Ten pies and ten cups of tea suddenly appeared on the table.
    – Zero is a miracle! Together with you we form the number 10! – Number 1 shouted joyfully.
    She rather ran to the other figures and invited them to her place for tea.
    “Thank you for the invitation, but you only have one pie and one cup of tea in your house, and there are many of us,” the numbers refused.
    “It used to be like this, but Nolik changed everything and miraculously increased everything tenfold.”

    In the collection of proverbs of the Russian people there are a number of expressions that contain mathematical concepts: measures of length and weight, numbers and numbers. You can find more than a dozen proverbs with the words: count, figure, count, measure, measure. All these proverbs - about mathematics. We have collected them on one page to help you with your studies :) The sources of information were: N. Uvarov’s book “Encyclopedia folk wisdom» and abstract “Mathematics in proverbs and sayings”.

    Proverbs with the word “mathematics”:

    • Without letters and grammar you cannot learn mathematics.
    • Arithmetic is the queen of mathematics, mathematics is the queen of all sciences.

    Proverbs with ancient measures

    Elbow(the oldest measure of length, the distance from the end of the extended middle finger of the hand or clenched fist to the bend of the elbow. As a measure of length in Rus', it has been found since the 11th century)

    He's as tall as a fingernail, and his beard is as long as his elbow.
    Lived like an elbow, but lived like a fingernail.
    The nose is big, but the mind is a handful.
    The nose is as big as an elbow, and the mind is as big as a fingernail.
    If you say it on the nail, they will tell it from the elbow.

    Span(Old Russian measure of length, equal to the distance between the ends of the outstretched fingers of the hand - thumb and index)

    Seven spans in the forehead. (about a very smart person)

    You won't give in an inch.
    If you give in an inch, you will lose a fathom.

    Piece by piece, but not a fathom was left.

    Step(one of the oldest measures of length, average length human step = 71 cm)

    He stepped forward and conquered the kingdom.
    Not a step back!
    Go by leaps and bounds.

    Arshin ( Old Russian unit of measurement of length)

    Measure to your own yardstick.
    Each merchant measures with his own yardstick.
    He sits and walks as if he had swallowed an arshin.
    A beard as long as a beard, but a mind as long as an inch.
    Don’t measure by your own yardstick.
    An arshin for a caftan, and two for patches.
    He sees three arshins into the ground.
    You are an inch away from the case, and it is an arshin away from you.

    Versta ( Russian unit of distance measurement)

    Kolomenskaya verst. (a humorous name for a very tall person)
    Moscow is miles away, but close to the heart.
    Love is not measured by miles.
    From word to deed - a whole mile.
    A mile closer, a nickel cheaper.
    Seven miles is not a detour for a young man.
    If you fall behind by a mile, you'll catch up by ten.
    He lies seven miles to heaven, and all through forest.
    They were looking for a mosquito for seven miles, and the mosquito was on their nose.
    A hunter walks seven miles away to sip jelly.
    Stretch a mile, but don’t be easy.
    From thought to thought five thousand miles.
    Write about other people's sins in arshins, and about your own - in lowercase letters.
    You can see him a mile away.

    Vershok(Old Russian unit of measurement of length, originally equal to the length of the main phalanx of the index finger. The word vershok comes from top in the sense of “the upper extremity of something, top, top”)

    One inch forward - and everything is dark.
    If you plow an inch deeper, you will endure five days of drought.
    The beard is as long as an inch, and the words are as long as a bag.
    Two inches (or half an inch) from the pot, and already a pointer.
    Her Saturday after Friday has slipped by two inches.
    From the pot - three inches.

    mile(travel measure for measuring distance, introduced in Ancient Rome, was used before the introduction metric system measures)

    By leaps and bounds.

    Fathom(one of the most common length measures in Rus')

    Oblique fathoms in the shoulders.
    Log to log - fathom.
    You are a span away from the truth, and it is a fathom away from you.
    You give in an inch, but they pull you a fathom.
    You are only a few steps away from the business, and it is a fathom away from you.
    Piece by piece, but a fathom is gone
    You have lived a fathom, but you have only an inch to live.

    Tithe(measure of land area - tenth).

    The crane measured the tithe and said: that’s right.

    Spool(An ancient Russian measure of weight (mass), about 4.3 g. It is assumed that the word comes from “zlatnik” - the name of the coin. Since the end of the 16th century, the zolotnik has served as a unit of weight precious metals and stones)

    The spool is small, but expensive.
    Health (fame) comes in gold and goes away in pounds.
    The spool is small, but it weighs gold; the camel is large, but it carries water.
    Trouble (grief, misfortune, misfortune) comes in pounds, and goes away in gold.

    Pud(an ancient Russian unit of weight equal to 40 pounds or 16 kilograms).

    It saves a pound of grain.
    You recognize a person when you eat a ton of salt with him.
    Hay is worth pounds, and gold is worth spools (that is, each thing has its own specific value).
    You can light a candle for this.
    It saves a pound of grain.
    Your own spool is more expensive than someone else's.
    The bad comes out by the pound, and the good drops in the spools.
    You will recognize a person until you eat a ton of salt with him.
    You will take a lot of grief off your shoulders, but you will choke on a spool (that is, you should not neglect even an insignificant danger).

    Lb(old Russian unit of weight, equal to 409.5 g or 96 spools)

    That's a pound! (expresses disappointment or surprise)
    This is not a pound of raisins for you (a humorous expression about some difficult matter)
    A pound must yield” (i.e., one must have respect for elders, more knowledgeable, experienced).
    Find out how much a pound is worth.

    Dozen(an ancient measure of collective counting of homogeneous objects, equal to twelve)

    Dozen goods (simple goods, ordinary, non-original)
    They put your brother thirteen to a dozen, and even then they don’t take him. (an offensive characteristic of a lazy, incapable worker)

    Ancient volume measures (cup, bucket, glass, ladle, bottle, etc.)

    A glass of wine will make you smarter, but a second and a third will drive you crazy.
    You can't measure the wind with buckets, you can't catch the sun in a bag.
    A great warrior with a glass of wine.
    Some get a glass, some get two, and the fascist gets hit on the head with a stone.
    Whoever has the ladle gets the fat.
    A bottle of vodka and a herring tail.
    A sin is the size of a nut, a cannonball is the size of a bucket.

    Proverbs on the topic "Mathematics"

    With the word "Account":

    The score will tell the whole truth.
    The score of friendship does not spoil.
    The counting is with a pull, and the meter is with a pull.
    Counting more often, friendship stronger.
    Without an account and no money.
    They love money.
    For the record, we also have a head on our shoulders.
    Know the value of minutes, the count of seconds.
    For money there is a count, and for bread there is a measure.
    You know the score, you can count it yourself.
    To the word there is faith, to bread there is measure, to money there is counting.
    God loves faith (or: truth), and money counts.
    To the word is faith, to bread is measure, to money is counting.
    In the end there are not a few thousand.
    Money is strong. A few hundred are complete.
    Money is not splinters, it is strong.
    Once doesn't count.
    In three counts.

    Count the money in your pocket, not in someone else's.
    Count the money in your pocket.
    Woman, count the chickens in the fall, and man, measure the bread in the spring.
    I would count the teeth in my mouth.
    Counting money in someone else's pocket is not good, but it is interesting.
    Count - don't bother afterwards.

    Proverbs about moderation:

    You can't weave a bast without measure.
    The count will not lie, and the measure will not deceive.
    When there is rye, then there is measure.
    Measure is faith in every matter.
    The grandmother measured it with a hook, but waved her hand: to be as old as it was set.
    They measured the devil and Taras, their rope broke.
    The wind will not be measured by buckets.
    Without weight, without measure, there is no faith.
    Without measure there is no faith.
    Everything needs moderation.
    Measure will not lie.
    Measure to your own yardstick.

    With the word "Numbers":

    The numbers are taken from the air.
    The numbers speak for themselves.
    It is not the smart people who remember numbers well, but the greedy ones.

    Proverbs with numbers:

    Russians folk proverbs, containing the names of figures and numbers, a lot! We have already published the most famous and apt ones in one of our previous articles:

    With the words “How much and how much”:

    How many broad daylight, so much black night.
    No matter how much the rope twists, the end will be found.
    There are so many heads, so many minds, but only one head can answer.
    As much as you borrow, you will give back.
    How many years, how many winters, but we get together and there’s nothing to talk about.
    No matter how long you live, you will never be young twice.
    No matter how long you live, you can’t worry about everything.
    How much you work, how much you earn.
    How many? A carriage and a small cart.
    There is as much truth as in a sieve of water.
    I've lived so long, but I haven't gained any sense.

    More or less:

    Fewer words are sweet, many words are bitter.

    Proverbs and sayings on the topic “Counting”

    In V. Dahl’s collection “Proverbs of the Russian People,” from which we took proverbs on the topic “Counting,” the author also collected jokes, idle tales, proverbs, proverbs, omens, and sentences. Dahl notes that jokes also often turn into proverbs, sometimes acquiring proverbial meaning if they are applied to any well-known case. Therefore, below are given not only proverbs that can be characterized as “mathematical,” but also jokes, fables, sayings, etc., which have firmly entered into speech and acquired a proverbial meaning.

    One, like God, like a finger, like gunpowder in the eye, like a mile in a field, like a poppy.
    One doesn't count. Time and again.
    One truth (that is, not two) lives in the world.
    God has only one truth.
    A couple - a ram and a little lamb.
    The third (player, listener, arguer) is under the table.
    Two are fighting, the third one is out of the way!
    Two dogs are fighting (gnawing), the third one doesn’t interfere!
    Thirteen is an unlucky number (from Judas the traitor).
    Thirds, nineties, forties and anniversaries.
    The Russian count will be only this much.
    Odd or even? God loves fuzzy. Fuzzy is happy.
    One, the other - miscalculated. One, two, three - miscalculated.
    The chicken is sprinkled with an odd number of eggs.
    The whip and the cannon (with fireworks) love the odd.
    Odd is happy. It’s no good holding on like that.
    Alone has no friend. Odinets is worth more than forty sables.
    Happy twin. Sam-friend - love and advice.
    God loves a trinity. The holy account is that there is a trinity. Three fingers make a cross.
    Without the Trinity, a house cannot be built, without four corners a hut cannot be built.
    Without four corners, a hut cannot be cut. A house with four corners.
    The four countries of the world on the four seas are laid down.
    Four corners of the house for construction, four seasons for completion.
    There are five fingers in the hand. Mass at five prosviras.
    The Orthodox Church about five chapters.
    Without five prosviras there is no mass, but the sixth is in reserve.
    There are six buttons on board. Shestoper - Ataman's mace.
    Gear - foreman's riding.
    There are seven days in a week. There were seven wise men in the world.
    Seven planids in the sky. Seven do not wait for one.
    The eighth day is the first.
    The ninth month gives birth to the world. The ninth wave is fatal.
    There are ten fingers on both hands and feet. Without tens there is no counting.
    Eleven for the sake of odd.
    There are twelve months in a year. The Twelve Apostles and the Tribes of Israel.
    The thirteenth one is under the table. They put the bad ones thirteen to a dozen (and even then they don’t take them).
    One God; two tawls of Moses; three patriarchs on earth; four leaves of the Gospel; the Lord suffered five wounds; six wings of cherubs; seven ranks of angels; eight solar circles; nine joys in a year; God's Ten Commandments; one ten forefather; two n
    Two thousand brooms, five hundred heads, three hundred pieces of money - how many rubles?
    Five money and a penny, five kopecks and an old piece of money - is that a lot?
    Do half-bred mice have many legs and ears?
    A man bought three goats, paid twelve rubles for them, what did each goat cost? (On the ground).
    Buy one hundred cattle for one hundred rubles, pay ten rubles for one, and five rubles, and fifty kopecks; How many cattle will there be for each price? (Fifty kopecks for ninety cattle, five rubles for nine cattle, ten rubles for one cattle
    A flock of birds flew into the grove; if there are two per tree, there is one tree left; They sat down one at a time - one was missing. Are there many birds and trees? (Three trees and four birds.)
    A hundred geese were flying, one goose met them: “Hello, he says, a hundred geese!” - “No, we are not a hundred geese: if there were still so many, yes, half as much, and a quarter as much, yes, you, goose, then there would be a hundred of us geese.” How many of them were flying? (Thirty-six geese.)
    There was a husband and wife, brother and sister, and brother-in-law and son-in-law, were there many of them? (Three.)
    A son and father and a grandfather and grandson walked in a column; how many are there? (Three.)
    Seven brothers have one sister, how many of them are there? (One.)
    Two mothers with their daughters and a grandmother and granddaughter were walking, they found one and a half pie, how much can we get? (Half and half.)
    I was walking alone and found five rubles; If three go, how many will they find?
    Noah has three sons: Shem, Ham and Haphet - who was their father? (Vasily the blacksmith.)
    Three cats are sitting, opposite each cat there are two cats, are there many of them? (Three.)
    A pound of flour for three rubles; How much does a nickel bun cost?
    Set aside a penny or three.
    Seven minutes to four and three flew away.
    One hundred is empty, five hundred is nothing.
    Half a ruble without an altyn, without forty-seven kopecks.
    Soroki are not soroki, but like forty without one, go home.

    IN this material reveals the influence of the use of oral folk art on the formation of mathematical concepts of a preschool child. Presented methodological recommendations by use folklore material in mathematics classes, principles of selection of works of oral folk art, various forms of folklore and artistic word with mathematical content. As well as lesson notes on the development of mathematical concepts using folklore.



    Development of mathematical concepts through folklore and literary expression"

    (from work experience)

    Ampulskaya Olga Vladimirovna,

    Teacher at MA preschool educational institution child development center d/s No. 62

    The simple idea that a child can and should be taught to think effectively has become a true discovery of our time.

    Mathematics is one of the most difficult educational subjects. Mastering mathematical knowledge presents a certain difficulty for children. The thinking of a preschooler is concrete, visually effective, visually figurative. And mathematical concepts are abstract, and an appropriate level is required to master them logical thinking and memory of preschool children.

    In my work great attention I focus on the development of logical thinking in children, the ability to tell and prove, compare and analyze.

    Outstanding domestic teachers K.D. Ushinsky, E.I. Tikheyeva, E.A. Flerina, A.P. Usova, A.M. Leushina and others emphasized the enormous opportunities of small folklore forms as a means of raising and educating children. Small genres folklore prose very diverse: riddles, proverbs, sayings, jokes, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, tongue twisters, fairy tales, etc.

    The widespread use of oral folk art is important for awakening preschoolers’ interest in mathematical knowledge and improving cognitive activity, general mental development.

    In mathematics classes, folklore material (or a counting rhyme, or a riddle, or fairy tale characters, or another element of oral folk art) influences the development of speech and requires a certain level of speech development from the child. If a child cannot express his wishes, cannot understand verbal instructions, he cannot complete the task. The integration of logical-mathematical and speech development is based on the unity of tasks solved in preschool age.

    Small genres of folklore prose are very diverse: riddles, proverbs, sayings, jokes, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, tongue twisters, fairy tales, etc.

    The child learns only what interests him. He is unlikely to remember anything uninteresting, even if adults insist. One of the most important tasks, I believe, is to develop a child’s interest in mathematics in preschool age.

    I have repeatedly addressed the question of how to ensure that my students enter the world of mathematics with desire and interest.

    Getting acquainted with the work of A.P. Usova “Russian folk art in kindergarten”and the material by L. Pavlova and E. Slobodenyuk “Using folklore in teaching children mathematics” helped me choose the most successful methods of influencing children using folklore and artistic expression.

    The purpose of my experience– development of mathematical concepts through small folklore forms and artistic expression.

    The tasks that I set for myself:

    1.Introduce the system to children exciting games and exercises (with numbers, numbers, signs, geometric shapes), allowing you to master the program;

    2.Prepare children for school by promoting:

    a) formation of a stock of knowledge, skills and abilities that will become the basis for further training;

    b) mastery mental operations(analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification);

    c) developing the ability to understand learning task and do it yourself;

    d) developing the ability to plan educational activities and exercise self-control and self-assessment;

    e) developing the ability to self-regulate behavior and demonstrate volitional efforts to complete assigned tasks;

    f) mastering verbal communication skills;

    G) development fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

    I work according to the program of education and training in kindergarten “From birth to school”, ed. N.E.Veraksy, who aims me at the widespread use of works of folk art in work on the development of children’s mathematical abilities. Lists offered by the program fiction facilitate the selection of texts, but do not exhaust it.

    I have systematized various forms of folklore with mathematical content according to sections of the program:

    1. Quantity and counting;
    2. Magnitude;
    3. Geometric shapes:
    4. Time orientation;
    5. Orientation in space;

    Through works of art and funny drawings I introduce children to numbers:

    This number is one,

    Do you see how proud she is?

    Do you know why?

    Starts counting everything.

    Number two -

    The horse is a miracle

    He rushes, waving his mane.

    By doing game exercises with them, I teach them to understand the relationships between numbers:

    I don’t want to be the only one to peck!

    Let the brothers come quickly.

    Where are they? Under the old linden tree!

    What are their names? - Chicken - chicken!

    On a snowy clearing

    Me, winter and sled.

    Only land

    Snow will cover -

    The three of us are going.

    Having fun in the clearing

    Me, winter and sled.

    (A. Bosev).

    All this makes the learning process interesting and child-oriented - preschoolers.

    To familiarize them with the parts of the day and seasons, I offer them funny poems, entertaining drawings, and assignments. of a practical nature, which helps my students better assimilate knowledge in the “Time Orientation” section.

    When working with children, I pay great attention to solving simple logical problems, the implementation of which contributes not only to the development of mathematical concepts, but also to the development of attention, memory, and thinking. I carry out this work in close contact with parents, including the child in completing practical tasks in a notebook. I choose small tasks so that the child can successfully complete them. I involve children in the exciting process of making and guessing riddles, reciting proverbs and nursery rhymes, and telling fairy tales with mathematical content. I use children’s interest in artistic expression to increase the effectiveness of teaching preschoolers.

    In my work I widely use verbal, visual, problem-search methods of teaching, as well as the method of practical tasks.

    During classes I use physical education lessons, which are game exercises aimed at developing fine and gross motor skills, as well as reinforcing mathematical concepts.

    First I'll be small

    I'll press myself to my knees,

    Then I'll grow up big

    I can reach the lamp.


    To develop mathematical abilities, it is very important to use small forms of folklore with preschoolers. Oral folk art contributes not only to acquaintance, consolidation, and concretization of children’s knowledge about numbers, quantities, geometric shapes ah and bodies, etc., but also the development of thinking, speech, stimulation of children’s cognitive activity, training of attention and memory. It can be widely used in working with preschoolers as a technique that encourages the acquisition of knowledge - when getting acquainted with new material (phenomenon, number), as a technique that develops observation, when consolidating certain knowledge, as a playful (entertaining) material that meets the age-related needs of children preschool age.

    1. Incorporating folklore into math classes is not an end in itself; it must fit organically into the lesson scenario and adequately solve mathematical problems.
    2. Folklore material, as a rule, is included in the lesson as part of it, but can be used throughout the entire lesson, especially if this lesson is of a plot nature.
    3. Before including a folklore form in a lesson, you should clarify whether the children know the words used in them and whether they understand their meaning.
    4. A successful combination of folklore forms using folk toys in class. This will not only give a national flavor to the activity, but the toys themselves also have a developmental component. They can be used to consolidate the ability to compare objects by size and shape, develop the ability to count objects according to a pattern, count using various analyzers (for example, sounds made by a whistle) and others;
    5. Folk outdoor games can be used as physical education lessons in mathematics classes;
    6. Folklore material should be widely used in everyday life, in other types of classes. This may not only be an acquaintance math classes material, but also completely new. The mathematical content of fairy tales read and games played during a walk can then be used in the classroom;
    7. Children should be involved in creating, by analogy, their own versions of small folklore forms that reflect mathematical concepts. This forces the child to pay attention to the mathematical side surrounding reality, helps him learn to compare, find similarities and differences, generalize his ideas;
    8. When choosing folklore material, it is better to first use one that was created in the region, country in which the child lives, thus attracting him to cultural heritage to his people. Later you can use the folklore of other peoples and countries.

    Principles for selecting works of oral folk art for preschool children.

    1. The folklore form must have mathematical content;
    2. Mathematical material must be accessible to preschool children and meet program requirements;
    3. Folklore forms should be varied and interesting;
    4. The vocabulary material of folklore should be understandable to modern children.

    Analysis scientific literature showed that there are general principles for selecting works of oral folk art for preschoolers. Selection folklore works largely depends on the solution of educational problems.

    It is possible to identify objective and subjective principles for selecting works of oral folk art for children.

    Objective criteria: works of oral folk art must reflect the traditions of folklore, a healthy realistic attitude to the phenomena of the surrounding reality. It should be characterized by a fairly high moral and aesthetic level.

    Subjective criteria must take into account the child’s psychology, his age characteristics, level of development, interests of children. Based on these provisions, the theme of works of oral folk art should be selected so that it is close to the world of children's ideas.

    In preschool pedagogy, requirements have been developed for works of art (including oral folk art) for children: theme, content, language, volume.

    The “Education Program in Kindergarten” contains lists of literature for each age group, which present oral folk art (fairy tales, songs, nursery rhymes), works of Russian, Soviet and foreign writers. All recommended material is evenly distributed across quarters academic year taking into account the educational work that is carried out at each time period. Methods for introducing children to these works are also indicated. The proposed lists of fiction facilitate the selection of texts, but do not exhaust it. Educators need to know what works children were familiar with in previous age groups to permanently secure them. At the beginning of the year, you need to review the program of the previous group and outline material for repetition

    The teacher must be able to choose the work of art he needs depending on the complexity of the text, the age of the children, and their level of preparation. There are a number of requirements for works of oral folk art: high artistic value; ideological orientation; accessibility in content (works close to the experience of children); familiar characters; clearly expressed features of the hero; clear motives for actions; short stories in accordance with the memory and attention of children; accessible dictionary; clear phrases; absence complex shapes; the presence of figurative comparisons, epithets, the use of direct speech in the story

    Mathematical development must be carried out in the classroom and reinforced in various types of children's activities. An effective didactic tool in mastering the basics of mathematics, in the development of speech and in the general development of children are the basic forms children's folklore, because they help children learn educational material, achieve success in mastering the material, solve problems and examples with interest: quantitative relationships are consolidated (many, few, more, the same), the ability to distinguish geometric shapes, and navigate in space and time. Particular attention is paid to developing the ability to group objects by characteristics (properties), first by one, and then by two (shape and size). To do this, the teacher uses nursery rhymes, riddles, counting rhymes, sayings, proverbs, tongue twisters, and fragments of fairy tales.

    In riddles mathematical content the subject is analyzed from quantitative, spatial and temporal points of view, the simplest mathematical relationships are noted, which allows them to be presented more clearly.

    A riddle can serve, firstly, as source material for introducing certain mathematical concepts (number, ratio, magnitude, etc.). Secondly, the same riddle can be used to consolidate and concretize preschoolers’ knowledge about numbers, quantities, and relationships. You can also invite children to remember riddles that contain words associated with these ideas and concepts.

    Another type of small forms of folklore is the tongue twister. The purpose of a tongue twister is to teach how to quickly and clearly pronounce a phrase that is deliberately constructed in a manner that is difficult to pronounce. Tongue twister allows you to consolidate, practice mathematical terms, words and figures of speech associated with the development of quantitative concepts. The competitive and playful nature is obvious and attractive to children. Of course, the use of tongue twisters is also great as an exercise for improving articulation and developing good diction. Tongue twisters can be learned in and outside of math classes.

    Proverbs and sayings can be used in mathematics classes to reinforce quantitative concepts. You can also offer proverbs with a task: insert the missing names of numbers into the proverbs.

    Of all the variety of genres and forms of oral folk art, the most enviable fate of counting rhymes ( popular names: counters, counting, readings, recounting, talkers, etc.). It carries cognitive, aesthetic and aesthetic functions, and together with games, to which it most often acts as a prelude, it contributes physical development children.

    Counters are used to consolidate the numbering of numbers, ordinal and quantitative counting. Memorizing them helps not only to develop memory, but also contributes to the development of the ability to count objects and apply the acquired skills in everyday life. Counting rhymes are offered, for example, used to consolidate the ability to count forward and backward.

    With the help of folk tales, children more easily establish time relationships, learn ordinal and quantitative calculations, and determine spatial arrangement items. Folklore tales help to remember the simplest mathematical concepts (right, left, ahead, behind), cultivate curiosity, develop memory, initiative, teach improvisation (“Three Bears”, “Kolobok”, etc.).

    In many fairy tales, the mathematical principle is on the very surface ("Two Greedy Little Bears", "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats", "The Little Flower of Seven Flowers", etc.). Standard mathematical questions and tasks (counting, solving common problems) are beyond the scope of this book.

    Presence fairy tale hero in a math class or a fairy tale lesson gives the learning a bright, emotional coloring. A fairy tale carries humor, fantasy, creativity, and most importantly, teaches you to think logically.

    Joke problems have long been recognized among people as one of the means of increasing interest in the study of mathematics. Thus, as a result of solving the latest joke problems, children’s horizons about quantities and the relationships that exist between them expand.

    The purpose of joke problems is to promote in children the development of observation skills, attentive attitude to the content of problems, to the situations described in them, and caution in the use of analogies when solving problems.

    Joke problems are often structured in such a way that they call on children to make solutions similar to those used in solving similar problems discussed in mathematics classes. But the situation described in joke problems usually requires a different solution.

    To obtain answers to questions in joke problems, firstly, you do not need to perform any arithmetic operations, but only need to explain the correct answers. Secondly, in the process of working on problems, for one reason or another, children make mistakes and receive incorrect answers, and when they discover, on their own or with the help of a teacher, in these answers contradictions with life observations and facts, they correct the mistakes and explain the correct solution. Such work on problems contributes to the development of students’ logical thinking, because it teaches them to consider and explain phenomena in accordance with the logic of life.

    The simplicity and entertaining nature of the plots of these problems, the paradoxical answers of preschoolers to the questions of the problems, and most importantly, the children’s awareness of the mistakes they have made contribute to the creation of wonderful atmosphere light humor, a positive mood among those present and satisfaction from gaining new knowledge.

    Thus, the use of elements of oral folk art will help the teacher in raising and teaching children who have difficulty mastering mathematical knowledge about numbers, quantities, geometric figures, etc.

    Integration of logical-mathematical and speech development of preschool children.

    The integration of logical-mathematical and speech development is based on the unity of tasks solved in preschool age. The development of classification, seriation, comparison, analysis is carried out in the process of games with logical blocks, substances, sets of geometric figures; in the process of laying out silhouettes, highlighting the differences and similarities of geometric shapes, etc. In the process of speech development, exercises and games are actively used that involve these operations and actions in the course of establishing genus-species relationships (transport, clothing, vegetables, fruits, etc. .) and sequences of events, composing stories, which provides sensory and intellectual development children.

    A variety of literary devices are used (fairy tales, stories, poems, proverbs, sayings). This is a kind of integration of artistic words and mathematical content. IN works of art Some cognitive content, “intrigue”, new (unsigned) mathematical terms (for example, distant kingdom, oblique fathom in the shoulders, etc.) are presented in a figurative, vivid, emotionally rich form. This form of presentation is very “in tune” with the age capabilities of preschoolers.

    Fairy tales and stories are widely used, in which the plot is often built on the basis of some property or relationship (for example, the plot of “Masha and the Bears”, in which dimensional relationships are modeled - a series of three elements; fairy tales of the “dwarves and giants” type (“Boy - Thumb” by C. Perrault, “Thumbelina” by G. H. Andersen); stories modeling certain mathematical relationships and dependencies (G. Oster “How the Boa Constrictor was Measured”, E. Uspensky “The Business of the Crocodile Gena”, etc.) The plot, the images of the characters, the “melody” of the language of the work (the artistic aspect) and the “mathematical intrigue” represent a single whole.

    For didactic purposes, works are often used whose titles contain references to numbers (for example, “Twelve Months,” “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats,” “The Three Little Pigs,” etc.). As a technique, poems specially composed for preschoolers are used, for example, S. Marshak “Cheerful Counting”, T. Akhmadova “Counting Lesson”, I. Tokmakova “How Much?”; poems by E. Gaylan, G. Vieru, A. Kodyrova and others. These descriptions of numbers and figures contribute to the formation bright image, are quickly remembered by children.

    Integration is used at the level of speech creativity:

    1. writing stories that talk about numbers and shapes. The intrigue of the story can be built in the aspect of changing the size, mass, shape of an object; provides for the use of counting, measuring, weighing to resolve plot conflicts;
    2. composing mathematical riddles and proverbs, which requires highlighting the essential properties of an object (analyzing the shape, size, purpose) and presenting them in a figurative form.

    Using integration allows you to:

    1. to intensify the interest of preschoolers in the problem being mastered and in knowledge in general;
    2. promotes generalization and systematic knowledge and complex problem solving;
    3. ensures the transfer of what has been learned to new conditions.

    Forms of folklore and artistic expression with mathematical content.

    1. Quantity and counting (poems, nursery rhymes);

    2. Quantity and counting (riddles);

    3. Ordinal counting;

    4. Entertaining tasks;

    5. Charging for fingers;

    6. Physical education minutes;

    7. Finish the word;

    8. Time orientation:

    9. Counting books;

    10. Proverbs and popular expressions;

    11. Tongue twisters.

    1. Quantity and count ( poems and nursery rhymes)

    *** ***

    Okay, okay,

    Let's bake pancakes

    We'll put it on the window,

    Let's leave it to cool.

    Let's wait a little

    We'll give everyone some pancakes.

    One by one for everyone

    Lyoshenka is two...

    Okay, okay,

    Grandma baked pancakes

    I poured oil on it,

    I gave it to the kids.

    Dasha - two, Pasha - two,

    Vanya is two, Tanya is two,

    The pancakes are good

    At our grandmother's.

    *** ***

    The puppy has four paws

    Dad has exactly two legs.

    And the stork is visible

    For some reason, only one.

    Our wise owl

    Loves games with number two.

    Asks a question to a girl:

    How many ears are there on the top of your head?

    There are two ears.

    How many eyes?

    I have two and you have two.

    Two arms and two legs,

    She says to the owl.

    Three bears in the morning themselves

    We were going for mushrooms.

    The first one is a clubfoot bear,

    He is the head of the family, he is the father.

    Mom is walking next to me

    Keeps up with him.

    And behind them their little son,

    In a hurry he runs skipping.

    There are four sides -

    We must remember them:

    North, South, East and West.

    My dad told me

    What's in the North - snow,

    Evil blizzards and blizzards.

    If it's hot, sultry and palm trees,

    Birds of paradise all around

    You can guess for yourself,

    Why did you end up in the South?

    In the east - a prince in a turban

    Proudly rides an elephant.

    And in the west there are cowboys

    Very brave heroes.

    Whispering mouth

    Hey listen
    Why are you depressed, little nose?

    You are indifferent to everything

    As if the light is not nice to you.

    The sad nose answers:

    Haven't you noticed

    Two peepholes

    Two ears

    Two arms and two legs.

    Only we live with you

    Alone, weirdos!

    What are you doing, Nosik?

    Why are we worse?

    I told you more than once:

    If you and I are friends,

    So there are two of us too.

    S. Kaputikyan

    1. Quantity and count(riddles).

    Stands on one leg

    He looks intently into the water,

    Pokes his beak at random,

    Looking for frogs in the river.

    A drop hung on my nose

    Do you recognize? This…


    A baby is dancing, but only one leg.

    (top, spinning top)

    Who has one leg, and even that one without a shoe.

    (At the mushroom)

    Carpenter with a sharp chisel building a house with one window.


    I'm not alive, but I'm walking,

    I help dig the earth,

    Instead of a thousand shovels

    I'm happy to work alone.


    One color in winter and summer.

    (Christmas tree)

    Two brothers look into the water -

    The centuries will not converge.


    Two look and two listen.

    (eyes and ears)

    Two ends, two rings, and a stud in the middle.


    Two people in the sky walk around, but do not see each other.

    (sun and moon)

    Two sisters next to each other

    They run lap after lap:

    Shorty - just once

    The one above is every hour.

    (clock hands)

    A triangular board with three hairs on it,


    His eyes are colored, not eyes, but three lights,

    He takes turns looking at me from above.

    (traffic light)

    Has three different eyes,

    But it won’t open them right away:

    If the eye opens red -

    Stop! You can't go, it's dangerous!

    Yellow eye - wait,

    And green - come on in.

    (traffic light)

    Moved by the flower

    All four petals.

    I wanted to rip it off

    He took off and flew away.


    There are four legs under the roof,

    And on the roof there is soup and spoons.


    Four dirty hooves

    They climbed right into the hoof.


    Who changes clothes four times a year?


    Five boys, five closets.

    The boys went into dark closets.

    (gloved fingers)

    So as not to freeze, five guys

    They are sitting in a knitted stove.

    (fingers in mittens)

    Black, but not a raven,

    Horned, but not a bull,

    Six legs without hooves.

    It flies, buzzes,

    He falls and digs the ground.


    There are exactly seven of these brothers,

    You all know them.

    Every week around

    Brothers walk after each other.

    The last one will say goodbye -

    The front one appears.

    (days of the week)

    Four fours, two spreaders, the seventh is a spinner.


    The Sun ordered: “Stop! The Seven Color Bridge is cool.”


    Eight legs are like eight arms

    Embroider a circle with silk.

    The master knows a lot about silk,

    Buy silk, flies!


    I have employees

    Hunters will help in everything,

    A whole dozen faithful guys!


    Living in a difficult book

    Cunning brothers.

    Ten of them, but these brothers

    They will count everything in the world.


    1. Ordinal counting.

    I came home first

    My brother came home to pick me up.

    If my brother came for me,

    He is not the first, he is the second.

    Girlfriends jumped into the river,

    Three laughing girlfriends.

    Irina jumped first

    Following her, the second is Marina,

    Third - Tanya swam,

    I didn't catch up with anyone.

    I am the first finger. I'm big.

    Second index.

    The third finger is the middle one.

    The fourth is unnamed.

    And the fifth is the little finger,

    Small, rosy.

    Early in the morning in order

    The dolls came out to charge:

    Masha is the first, and Raya,

    Raya with a bow is the second,

    Third – Katya-Katerina,

    And the fourth is Polina.

    I'm fifth in line

    And I give commands.

    Winter is coming to us first.

    New Year she's calling.

    After winter - the second - spring,

    They say: “Spring is red!”

    Third – Summer, everything is in flowers

    And with raspberries on the bushes.

    And the fourth is Autumn...

    The forest has thrown off its outfit.

    1. Entertaining tasks.

    Three fluffy cats

    They lay down in the basket.

    Then one came running to them.

    How many cats are there together?

    Four crows sat on the roof,

    And one flew to them.

    Answer quickly and boldly:

    How many of them sat on the roof?

    The cat has three kittens;

    She meows loudly.

    We look into the basket:

    And there's another one.

    How many kittens does a cat have?

    Misha has one pencil,

    Grisha has only one pencil.

    How many pencils?

    Both kids?

    There are tubs against the wall,

    Each contains one frog.

    If there were five tubs,

    How many frogs would there be?

    Sasha has eight packs

    And another one from Pasha.

    You are these cubes

    Count them, children.

    I'm drawing Cat's house;

    Three windows, a door with a porch.

    There's another window upstairs

    So that it is not dark.

    Count the windows in the cat's house.

    The hedgehog walked through the forest, walked,

    I found mushrooms for lunch.

    Five under the birch, one near the aspen.

    How many will there be?

    in a wicker basket?

    The hedgehog asked the neighbor hedgehog:

    “Where are you from, fidget?”

    - “I’m stocking up for winter.

    Do you see the apples on me?

    I collect them in the forest,

    I carried six, I’m carrying one.”

    I'm wondering, neighbor, is this a lot or not?

    I found it in a squirrel's hollow

    Nine pieces of small nuts.

    Here's another one lying

    Carefully covered with moss.

    Well, the squirrel is the mistress!

    Count all the nuts!

    Six funny piglets

    They are standing in a row at the trough!

    Here one went to bed -

    Piglets left...(five)

    Six puppies, plus mom Laika.

    Just count how much it will be.

    Four sheep were lying on the grass,

    Then the two sheep ran home.

    Well, take a quick look at the picture:

    How many sheep are there on the grass now?

    Mom bought nine sausages.

    Pussy stole one in an hour!

    How many sausages did we get?.. (eight)

    With his nose in the air, the hare was carrying six carrots!

    I tripped and fell - I lost two carrots!

    How many carrots does the hare have left?

    M. Myshkovskaya.

    Ten children played hockey

    One was called home.

    He looks out the window and thinks

    How many of them are playing now?

    5. Charging for fingers.

    There are five fingers on my hand

    Five grabbers, five holders.

    To plan and to saw,

    To take and to give.

    One, two, three, four, five.

    (The fists on both hands are clenched and unclenched to the rhythm of the nursery rhyme. On the last line you need to bend your fingers alternately).

    The fingers went out for a walk,

    And the second is to catch up.
    Third fingers run,

    And the fourth - on foot.

    The fifth finger jumped

    And at the end of the road he fell.

    (The fingers are clenched into fists. On the first line, the fingers of both hands are rearranged to the table. On the second line - index fingers imitate a fast step. On the third, the middle fingers represent running. On the fourth, the ring fingers move across the table, on the fifth, the little fingers, and on the sixth, slam your palms on the table).

    One, two, three, four, five,

    Strong, friendly,

    Everyone is so necessary.

    On the other hand again:

    One, two, three, four, five.

    Fingers are fast

    Although not very...clean.

    (On the first line - bend the fingers on the right hand, on the next four lines - clench and unclench the fist on the right hand. On the sixth line - bend the fingers on the left hand. On the seventh - clench and unclench the fist on the left hand. On the eighth line - make circular movements of both hands).

    One, two, three, four, five.

    Ten fingers, a pair of hands.

    This is your wealth, friend.

    Fingers fell asleep

    Curled into a fist.

    One, two, three, four, five -

    They wanted to play.

    We woke up the neighbors' house,

    Six and seven woke up there,

    Eight, nine, ten -

    Everyone is having fun.

    But it's time to go back everyone:

    Ten, nine, eight, seven.

    Six curled up,

    Five yawned and turned away.

    Four, three, two, one -

    We sleep in the house again.

    (On the first two lines, the fingers of both hands are clenched into fists. On the third, extend the fingers right hand. On the fourth, move them quickly. On the fifth, tap the fingers of your right hand on the fist of your left. On the sixth and seventh, straighten the fingers of your left hand. On the eighth - circular movements with the hands. Next, bend the fingers of your left hand first, and then your right).

    6. Physical education minutes.

    "Two Claps"

    Two claps overhead

    Two claps in front of you,

    Let's hide two hands behind our back

    And let's jump on two legs.


    The wind quietly shakes the maple tree,

    Tilts left, right.

    One tilt and two tilts,

    The maple leaves rustled.


    Stand on one leg

    It's like you're a steadfast soldier.

    Left leg to chest,

    Look, don't fall.

    Now, stay on the left,

    If you are a brave soldier.

    "With chairs"

    One, two - everyone get up,

    Three, four - squat.

    Five, six - turn around

    Seven, eight - smile.

    Nine, ten - don't yawn,

    Take your place.

    "Slick Jack"

    And now the nimble Jack will jump back five times in a row.

    "Counting books with a shoe"

    Once! Two! Three! Four!(jumping on two legs while moving forward)

    I'm jumping along the path.

    Once! Two! Three! Four! ( jumping in place)

    I'm teaching the shoe to jump!

    Once! Two! Three! Four!(squats)

    The heel broke off.

    Once! Two! Three! Four!(spread arms to the sides)

    The shoe got lost.

    "Three Bears"

    Three bears were walking home.(waddling steps in place)

    Dad was big, big, (raise their hands above their heads)

    Mom is with him - shorter, (hands at chest level)

    And my son is just a little baby!(squats)

    He was very small

    Walked around with rattles: (imitate playing with rattles)

    Ding-ding, ding-ding!

    "Count and do"

    One is to get up and stretch.

    Two – bend over, straighten up.

    Three - three claps of your hands,

    Three nods of the head.

    By four – your arms are wider.

    Five - wave your arms.

    Six - sit down quietly.

    Let's spread our legs wide,

    As if dancing - hands on hips.

    Leaned left, right,

    Left, right,

    It turns out great.

    Well done!

    Left, right, left, right.

    7. Finish the word...

    Gave a shoe to an elephant

    He took one shoe

    And he said: - We need wider ones,

    And not two, but all... ( four).

    S.Ya. Marshak

    Even though we have four legs,

    We are neither mice nor cats.

    Although we all have backs,

    We are not sheep or pigs.

    You've sat down hundreds of times,

    To rest your legs

    Just sit on...(chair).

    Golden and young became gray in a week,

    And two days later, my head went bald.

    I’ll put it in my pocket, former...(dandelion)

    I stand on three legs

    Feet in black boots.

    White teeth, pedal,

    And my name is... (piano).

    I'm a cheerful old man

    I made a hammock for the flies.

    I have eight arms

    And my name is... (spider).

    Mom is walking along the path.


    And he walks behind her

    Little son.

    Mom went to the store

    And the son remained... (alone)

    8. Orientation in time.

    I have no legs, but I walk

    I have no mouth, but I will say,

    When to sleep, when to get up,

    When to start work.(Watch).

    Surely we must walk

    We can wake you up early.

    We know how to hit, but not you:

    We chime every hour.

    Loudly and cheerfully we beat:

    "Bim-bom-bom, bim-bom-bom"(Alarm).

    We walk at night, we walk during the day,

    But we won't go anywhere.

    We strike regularly every hour,

    And you, friends, don’t beat us.(Watch).

    Good morning - the birds began to sing,

    Good people, get out of bed.

    All the darkness hides in the corners,

    The sun rises and goes about its business.

    (A. Kondratyev)

    There are exactly seven of these brothers,

    You all know them

    Every week around

    Brothers walk after each other

    The last one will say goodbye -

    The front one appears.(Days of the week)

    The fields are empty, the ground is wet,

    The rain is pouring down.

    When does this happen?(Autumn)

    Came without paints and without a brush

    And repainted all the leaves.(Autumn)

    The face of nature is becoming increasingly gloomy,

    The vegetable gardens turned black.

    The bear fell into hibernation.

    What month did he come to us?(October)

    The black field became white,

    And it got colder.

    The rye soil freezes in the field,

    What month is it, tell me?(November)

    Who whitens the clearings with white?

    And writes on the walls with chalk?

    Does he sew down feather beds?

    Did you decorate the windows?(Winter)

    Powdered the paths

    I decorated the windows.

    Gave joy to children

    And I went for a sledding ride.(Winter)

    His days are the shortest of all days,

    All nights are shorter than night,

    To the fields and meadows

    It snowed until spring.

    Only that month will pass -

    We are celebrating the New Year! ( December)

    It stings your ears, it stings your nose,

    Frost creeps into felt boots.

    If you splash water, it will fall

    Not water anymore, but ice.

    The sun turned towards summer.

    What, tell me, is this a month?(January)

    Snow is falling in bags from the sky,

    There are snowdrifts around the house.

    Now blizzards, now blizzards

    They attacked the village.

    The frost is severe at night
    During the day, drops can be heard ringing.

    The day has lengthened noticeably.

    What month is this, tell me?(February)

    The sun is shining brighter,

    The snow is thinning, softening, melting.

    The loud rook flies in.

    What month? Who will know?(March)

    It's frosty at night, drops in the morning,

    So in the yard... ( April)

    The distance of the fields is green,

    The nightingale sings.

    IN white the garden is dressed,

    The bees are the first to fly

    Thunder rumbles. Guess

    What month is this? ( May)

    The sun is shining, the linden tree is blooming.

    Rye is heading, golden wheat.

    Who can say, who knows when this happens?(In summer)

    9. Counting tables.

    We're going to play.

    Well, who should start?

    One, two, three - you start!

    Little mice walked along the path,

    We saw cheese on a stump.

    One, two, three - equally divided.

    One day the mice came out

    See what time it is.

    One, two, three, four -

    The mice pulled the weights.

    Suddenly there was a terrible ringing sound,

    The mice have run away!

    One, two, three, four,

    There were flies living in the apartment.

    A friend himself got into the habit of visiting them

    Cross, large spider.

    Five, six, seven, eight,

    We'll ask the spider:

    “You glutton don’t come to us”

    Come on, Mishenka, drive.

    A minnow swam near the shore,

    Lost a balloon.

    Help me find him -

    Count to ten.

    One, two, three, four, five,

    Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

    One, two, three, four, five,

    We gathered to play.

    A magpie flew to us,

    And she told you to drive.

    One evening in the garden

    Turnips, beets, radishes, onions

    We decided to play hide and seek

    But first we stood in a circle.

    We calculated it right away:

    One, two, three, four, five...

    Better hide! Hide deeper!

    Well, go look!

    10. Proverbs and popular expressions.


    Reduce to zero, reduce to zero(deprive of all meaning, meaning).

    Absolute zero, round zero(an insignificant person, completely useless in any matter).


    One for all, all for one.

    There is safety in numbers.

    It's better to see once than to hear a hundred times.

    One word can lead to a quarrel forever.

    Once you lied, you remained a liar forever.

    You can't tie a knot with one hand.


    One head is good, but two are better.

    If you chase two hares, you won't catch either.

    An old friend is better than two new ones.

    Two boots - a pair.


    Don't recognize a friend in three days, recognize a friend in three years.

    It takes three years to learn hard work, and only three days to learn laziness.


    Without four corners, a hut cannot be cut.

    The horse has four legs, and even then it stumbles.


    Have at one's fingertips. (Very good to know).

    The fifth wheel in the cart.(An extra person, unnecessary in any matter).


    Seven with a spoon - one with a bowl.

    Behind seven seals.(Hidden, inaccessible to understanding).

    Over the moon. (Highest degree joy, happiness).

    Measure seven times, cut once.

    Too many cooks spoil the broth.

    Seven Fridays a week.


    Spring and autumn – there are eight weather conditions per day.

    The eighth wonder of the world.


    The ninth wave. (Highest rise, takeoff)


    Case ten.(Not so important, insignificant).

    Not the cowardly ten.(Brave man).


    Time for business, time for fun.

    Time is not a sparrow: if you miss it, you won’t catch it.

    Everything has its time.

    11. Tongue twisters.


    INonewedge, Klim, stab.


    Near the garden bed -twoshoulder blades,
    Near the tub -


    Lost by
    Three- Today,three– yesterday,three- the day before yesterday.


    Ufourturtlesfourlittle turtle.


    Againfivethe guys were found near a tree stumpfiveagain.


    SixThe mice rustle in the reeds.


    Sasha quickly dries the dryers.
    Sasha dried pieces
    And the old ladies are in a funny hurry
    To eat Sasha's sushi.


    sevenin a sleigh
    Sit down yourself.


    Eightcouplers couple the tanks.

    Literature used:

    1. Veraksa N.E. etc. From birth to school. Basic general education program preschool education. Publisher: Mozaika-Sintez, 2010.

    2.. Wenger L.A. , Dyachenko O.M. "Games and exercises to develop mental abilities in preschool children." - M.: Enlightenment 1989

    3.Let's play. Math games for children 5-6 years old. - Ed. A.A.Stolyar. - M.: Education, 1991).

    4. Anikin V.P. A step to wisdom. About Russian songs, fairy tales, proverbs, riddles, vernacular: Essays. - M.: Det. lit., 1988.

    5. Mikhailova, Z.A. Gaming entertaining tasks for preschoolers. - M.: Education, 1985

    6. Mikhailova Z. A., Nosova E. D., Stolyar A. A., Polyakova M. N., Verbenets A. M.. Theories and technologies of mathematical development of preschool children. “Childhood-press” // St. Petersburg, 2008, p. 392.

    7. Nosova E.A. "Prelogical preparation of preschool children. The use of game methods in the formation of mathematical concepts in preschoolers." -L. : 1990 pp.47-62.

    8. Ushinsky K.D. Selected pedagogical works. T-2.-M.: Uchpediz, 1954. pp.651 -652.

    9. Fedler M. “Mathematics already in kindergarten.” -M.: Enlightenment 1981. pp. 28-32,97-99.

    10. Shatalova, E.V. The use of mathematical riddles in kindergarten / E.V. Shatalova. - Belgorod, 1997. - p. 157

    11.Dictionary literary terms/Ed. L.I. Timofeev, S.V. Turaev. – M.: Education, 1974.

    12.Illarionova, Yu.G. Teach children to solve riddles / Yu.G. Illarionov. – M.: Education, 1985.

    Integrated lesson on familiarization with the environment andmathematics in the senior group.

    "Journey to Planet Joy"

    Ampulskaya Olga Vladimirovna, teacher.

    Lesson objectives:

    1. Strengthen children's knowledge about the world around them and human health.
    2. Exercise your ability to analyze, draw conclusions, and develop logical thinking.
    3. Teach in problematic situation find a positive solution.
    4. Cultivate the habit of a healthy lifestyle.
    5. Develop imagination and creativity.

    Part I


    - Guys, we have traveled a lot. Do you remember where we were?

    Today I invite you to take a journey to the “Planet of Joy”. They're waiting for us there fun games And interesting tasks. Are you ready? Then stand in a circle, hold hands, we'll take flight.

    (Children raise their hands up and stand on their toes.)

    Let's fly! In the meantime, while we are flying to the “Planet of Joy,” I invite you to play a game.

    Game "Mood"

    (The teacher shows the cards, and the children say what mood is depicted on them).


    -Well, here we are!

    (a balloon flies into the group)

    -Oh, what is this? What a beautiful ball! He probably wants to play with us.

    (Children play with a ball, suddenly it bursts. Disturbing music sounds. A mysterious voice is heard).

    -Dear guys! The inhabitants of the “Planet of Joy” are talking to you. An evil wizard bewitched our “Planet” and Sadness and Boredom settled on it. Help us please. Find a magical picture and disenchant us.


    -Well, guys, let’s help the residents of “Planet of Joy”? Then hit the road, look for a picture! To make it more difficult for you to find it, the Evil Wizard cut it into pieces.

    (Children are looking for different parts groups are parts of the picture and make it up).

    -Do you know why this picture is magical? Because on back side parts of the picture have numbers written on them. They indicate the job number. If you complete all these tasks, the Flower of Joy will bloom and give all people happiness and love!

    Part II

    The first task is “Houses of numbers»

    Educator: (reads the task left by the Evil Wizard):

    -There was trouble in Mathematical City. The residents of the “House of Numbers” got lost. To find out which number lives in which house, you need to count the number of geometric shapes drawn on the house.

    (Children are looking for “houses” of numbers)

    Second task -"Merry Street"


    -The postman from Mathematical City cannot find the right street. Help the postman. Using the plan and map, read the name of the street.

    (Moving according to the plan, the children make up the name of the street from the letters).

    The third task is “Adviсe Evil Wizard».


    -An evil wizard left you a letter in which he gives you various advice. You must figure out for yourself which advice is bad and which is good. Listen to what the Evil Wizard writes.

    "If my advice is good,

    You clap your hands.

    On the wrong advice

    You stomp - no, no."

    -Don't let your uncle into the house,

    If the uncle is not familiar.

    And don't open it to your aunt,

    If mom is at work.

    -Do not bite the cabbage leaf,

    It's completely, completely tasteless.

    Better eat chocolate

    Waffles, sugar, marmalade.

    Is this the right advice?

    -Your nose suddenly got sick,

    Take out your handkerchief,

    Wipe it clean, clean,

    Is this the right advice?

    -So that your teeth don't hurt,

    Chew your carrots more boldly

    Long-legged and slender,

    She's more orange than anyone else.

    If my advice is good,

    You clap your hands.

    -You're walking on the street,

    You breathe in the winter air.

    Do you firmly remember that

    That you have to breathe through your mouth.

    Is this the right advice?

    Fourth task -"Blitz tournament"


    -Now let's solve problems. Do you want it? I just have to warn you that the tasks are not simple, but with a catch. Be careful.

    1. There are 6 large cones and 2 small ones on the birch tree. How many cones are there on a birch tree?

    2. The artist drew flowers with pencils: red roses and blue cornflowers. Which flowers smell better?

    3. The duck laid an egg. Who will hatch from it, a cockerel or a hen?

    4. Spring has come. Leaves began to fall from the trees. The wind carried them along the ground. What color were the leaves?

    5. What are more on the field: daisies or flowers?

    -Well, well done, guys. All tasks were completed, the most difficult questions were answered. Look who came to visit us.

    (The teacher puts the attributes on the child, who goes to the center.)

    This is Veselchak.


    -Ha-ha-ha! Hehehehe! Ho-ho-ho! Hello guys! My name is Veselchak! I am the biggest and strongest on my planet! I'm a champion!


    -Veselchak, our guys also want to be big and strong. Maybe you can tell me what needs to be done for this?


    -You need to eat a lot and sleep long!


    -And that’s it?!

    Veselchak:(throws up his hands)

    -And that's it!


    - Guys, what do you think? Of course, also eat right, walk a lot in the fresh air, play different games, toughen up and play sports!


    -And I also like to play sports!


    -Well, then get up with us and let’s do a “Fun Workout”!

    Fun workout

    (Children do a warm-up by performing movements in accordance with the text).

    The tree ends

    Somewhere in the clouds.

    The clouds are swaying

    In his arms.

    These hands are strong

    They rush to the heights.

    Keep the sky blue

    Stars and moon!

    -Well done guys, we warmed up well! But we have not yet completed all the tasks of the Evil Wizard.

    Fifth task - « Value cards."


    -In this task we need to help the inhabitants of the planet understand what is good for health and what is harmful.

    (From the cards lying on the table, girls choose what is healthy, and boys choose what is harmful).


    -Guys, you have completed all the tasks of the Evil Wizard. To finally melt the spell of the Evil Wizard, let's play the game “There is a house at the edge of the forest.”

    There is a house at the edge of the forest, (hands above your head - roof),

    There's a lock on the door,(clasp your fingers together)

    And behind the door there is a table.(place the palm of the right hand on the left fist)

    There is a palisade around the house.(fingers of both hands - up)

    Knock-knock-knock, open the door! (the other fist knocks on the left. palm)

    Come in, I'm not evil! (we raise our hands, bow – an invitation).

    Part III

    When the game is over, solemn music sounds and the Flower of Joy opens, containing surprises for the children.


    -Guys, you freed the Planet of Joy from the spell of the Evil Wizard. The inhabitants of this planet are grateful to you and have prepared a surprise for you! It's time for us to return!

    Lesson on the development of mathematical concepts

    in the second junior group

    “Visiting Grandma Arina”

    Ampulskaya Olga Vladimirovna, teacher

    Lesson objectives:

    1. Develop the ability to compare objects according to one characteristic;
    2. Form ideas about numbers (within five);
    3. Develop eye, thinking, memory.

    Progress of the lesson.

    Educatorinvites children to play (play with fingers).

    Fingers fell asleep

    Curled into a fist.

    One, two, three, four, five,

    They wanted to play.

    This finger is grandpa

    This finger is grandma

    This finger is daddy

    This finger is mommy

    This finger is me

    That's my whole family.

    Next, the teacher reports that the day before the group received an invitation and asks: “Who do you think it’s from?” The teacher shows an envelope with a picture of a grandmother next to a samovar. (Children answer).

    Educator:Yes, this is a letter from my grandmother, and her name is Arina. She invites us to visit her. Do you want to go see her? All sorts of unexpected things can happen along the way. Let's stand behind each other and remember who is standing where so as not to get lost. I'm ahead of everyone. Standing behind me is... (name).

    (Addressing the children, he asks them to say who is in front of them and who is behind them.)

    Do you remember? Well, then let's go!

    Children follow the teacher with the words:

    The legs started walking, stomping, stomping, stomping!

    Straight along the path, stomp, stomp, stomp!

    Well, more fun, top, top, top!

    That's how we do it, top, top, top!

    On the way there are two “lakes”, rivers lie nearby different lengths.

    Educator:What can you say about lakes? What are they? (The lakes are different, one is large, the other is small). These lakes are probably very deep. To get to the other side, you need to build bridges from slats. But the slats are of different lengths. What kind of lath will we use to build a bridge to cross the big lake? And through a small one?

    Children build long and short bridges.

    Educatorproposes to independently decide who will cross which bridge.

    Having crossed the lakes, the children remember how they stood, stand behind each other and move on. They come to the clearing.

    Educator:(draws attention to the fact that this clearing is unusual. Flowers have petals of different geometric shapes).

    Guys, look what an unusual clearing! Not ordinary flowers grow on it, but magical ones. Their petals have different geometric shapes. The wind blew and the petals all flew off. Only the middle ones remain. Let's give each flower back its petals.

    (Children make flowers, then again stand one after another and move on.

    They approach Arina’s grandmother’s house. There are pancakes on the Russian stove, and a samovar on the table. The teacher puts on a scarf and apron and turns into Grandma Arina.)

    Grandma Arina:Hello guys, little kittens! Look what kind of stove I have. What can you say about her?


    Cha-cha-cha, the stove is very hot. (Children stretch out their hands to the stove).

    Chi-chi-chi, grandma is baking rolls. (They imitate the sculpting of a roll).

    Chu-chu-chu, there will be something for everyone. (Clap their hands.)

    Cho-cho-cho, careful, hot! (Hide their hands behind their backs).

    Grandma Arina:Guys, I heard that you like to play the game “Slick Jack”. Let's play with you. (They are playing).

    Do you know that Jack is a very clever person?

    Look how he now jumps forward five times.