Tsar Maximilian folk drama read. Tsar Maximilian (II) (folk heroic-romantic drama)


Today history knows enough a large number of alphabets that were created during the spread of Freemasonry in XVII-XVIII centuries. It is they who are in more hide an esoteric meaning. Interestingly, the researchers noticed a pattern: some letters of such alphabets resembled Cyrillic ones in terms of their spelling or sound.

Ancient magic says that each letter carries special information which affects human life. By changing the original code, you can start irreversible processes of change in a person's life. different peoples they use their own alphabets, but often the characteristic names for one people "wander" to another. Will it change their sacred meaning?

What do the letters in the name mean

Back in the time of Count Alessandro Cagliostro in the 18th century, the influence of letters on human life and their magical meaning was proved. The significance of letters in magic is extremely great, the pagans were the first to study their influence on life. Today their knowledge is closely connected with the Greek writing system. The alphabet is still considered by esotericists to be a special magical formula that has its own laws.

Interesting fact. In ancient times, information about the special power and meaning of each letter of the alphabet spread throughout Europe. At the same time, next to the Latin alphabet, which was used by Europeans, there was also the Greek alphabet. Catching a special relationship between these two alphabets, and believing that the spelling of the name has a special meaning, they combined two completely different letters and created an improved Latin alphabet, where some elements were borrowed specifically from the Greek scripture.

Numerologists and magicians today came to general conclusion that the meaning of any letter of the name is extremely important and it is necessary to take into account the degree of their influence on each other when characterizing the name. They highlight some features of deciphering the meanings of letters in names:

  • play in names the greatest role the first seven letters, the rest have a rather weak influence. The number of letters of the name matters only when its code is calculated, which will help characterize the person as a whole;
  • letters can be interpreted as full names, and in their abbreviated versions, which are used by people daily. They can be compared and made General characteristics;
  • the first letter of the name is the most important, it determines the characteristics and energy of the person as a whole, the last letter of the name will always weaken the letter in the name that is repeated. For example, if we talk about the name Konstantin, then the last “n” weakens the third “n”, completely neutralizing its meaning. This does not apply to those names that begin and end with the same letter.

Does the first letter of the name matter?

Some still underestimate the meaning of the letters in the name, especially when it comes to the most important of them - the first. It is she who determines the first aspirations of a person in life, the first directions of activity, his inclinations and way of thinking.

Also, in such a letter a sacred meaning is hidden, it contains a special first task of a person in life, having solved it, he will be able to continue his path. Magicians often say that it is important not only the meaning of the letter that is embedded in it, but also the characteristic vibration that is produced when it is pronounced. Having explained it, you can clarify whether it attracts positive energy or vice versa is insignificant for such purposes.

Interestingly, there is a first and last letter name are the same, then this also has its own meaning and must be taken into account. In most cases, the same vibrations of the beginning and end of the name indicate that in a person’s life everything will go back to normal, no matter what situation he is in. Also, this feature of the names may also indicate that people wearing them will have to return to their old problems each time until they are completely resolved. People who fall under this characteristic, as a rule, have the following names:

  • Anna,
  • Vladislav,
  • Alice,
  • Allah
  • Maksim.

This takes into account other characteristics of the letters of the name, since some of them can neutralize the influence of each other and slightly weaken the strength of the impact.

Name and black magic

You can often hear that most witches, magicians and astrologers choose their own magical name. What is it - a tribute to fashion or the desire to change your destiny? In fact, both answers are correct. But if we talk about past times, then most people, one way or another connected with magic, tried to choose a special witch name for themselves that would protect them from otherworldly influence.

Any corruption, unkind word or influence magical world"rest" in the name of the sorcerer, leaving an imprint on his life path. The black magic of the letter has been known to the world for a long time. Having special knowledge, you can change the code and energy of the letter, changing the fate of the person himself. Therefore, in most cases, such people try not to disclose their real names in order to protect themselves. IN Lately there is a tendency to change names among ordinary people. Even those who do not believe in the magic and power of letters, instinctively, realizing the doom of their fate, are trying to change it with the help of a new letter code. Studies show that such changes have a positive effect on people, but it is extremely important to choose correct name, taking into account the characteristics of life, the sign of the zodiac and the time of birth.

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Name choice: features of different peoples

It is known that the Latin alphabet has its own magical effect. It is the sacred meaning of the letters of such an alphabet that is associated with the peculiarities of the ancient Roman prophecy of the Sibyls. It was borrowed from the Egyptians, and then actively used in the Roman Empire. It was believed that with the help of this method of divination, one can predict the fate of a person or choose a name for him, with which he will go further in life. Letters of the Latin alphabet were marked on special wooden cubes. All the dice were thrown into a special silver vessel, and then a few dice were taken at random and spelling began. Adults, with the help of special meanings of letters, could find out their fate. But fortune-telling was so popular among the population also for the reason that with its help, young parents chose a name for the child.

The magic of the letters of the Sibyll fortune-telling consisted in the fact that several letters were taken in turn. After that, the sorcerers or prophets combined them so that a new name was obtained for a person, which would already carry a certain energy.

It is extremely important to correctly and skillfully read the characteristics of the letters of the name and its energy flow generally. Based on the proposed recommendations and features of interpretation, one can easily trace character traits letters and their influence, characterizing the nominal portrait of a person.

Different names - different sets of sounds and, accordingly, different stimuli, which, in turn, affect different brain structures. The sounds of one name evoke a feeling of lightness and softness, as they say, "caress the ear", while the sounds of another name can cause tension and anxiety. This is the so-called “melody of the name”, and since the musical effect occurs subconsciously, it has the greatest influence on the psyche.
And what character this music has, in many respects determines the attitude of others towards the owner of the name, as a result, developing in him certain qualities. Thus, people who have the same letters in their names, and, consequently, same features character, are willingly drawn to each other due to the phenomenon of wave resonance.
It should be noted that the closer to the beginning of the name the letter, the stronger its impact on the person. By the end, the influence is weaker. In addition, repeated letters tend to reinforce their meaning.

A - A symbol of the beginning, the desire to do something, the desire for physical and spiritual comfort, diligence. In what area these qualities will be applied can be judged by the rest of the letters of the name. People whose name begins with this letter are leaders in love. Routine in a relationship is not for them. Initiative in everything. Labor is their natural need. But not any, but only in the field that they themselves choose.

B - Stability, strength, ability to achieve goals, striving for financial well-being as well as romanticism. In addition, the presence of this letter speaks of the highest patronage and protection of the person in whose name it is present. This consonant brings into the character of a person the need for thrill. Dizzy love, risk in commerce - that's the flavor of his life.

IN - The ability for the highest manifestations of the soul, as well as sociability, the desire for risk and extreme situations. The consonant B makes a person first carefully plan his future, and then fight for the scrupulous fulfillment of his own fantasy. They have powerful love instincts and an inability to deceive. Cheerful and optimistic in everything, in love - too. That is why everyone is drawn to him. Being a passionate partner, however, he can love one person all his life.

G - Pedantry, striving for excellence, the ability to sacrifice for the sake of loved ones and for the sake of moving towards the goal, the thirst for knowledge, understanding everything that happens in life in close relationship, attention even to minor details, conscientiousness in all matters, some dependence on the opinions of others. Doesn't want to tie the knot. He is the initiator of unusual fantasies in love. His weapon is a smile that can dispel the gloomy mood of a partner. He is distinguished from others by such a trait as disgust. But many forgive him for this, because given trait organically combined with innate aristocracy and intelligence.

D - Solidity, reasonableness of actions, sense of proportion, duty; the ability to keep one's word, family orientation, willingness to help, some capriciousness in relationships, a tendency to extrasensory perception. People with the letter D are bold, charming and cruel. True, rushing into battle, they rarely think about the consequences. What are they punished for? They have many chances that love will break into everyday life. Romantics, reliable in love, and entertainers in sex. They do not like to admit guilt, blaming it on a partner and circumstances.

E - Sociability, the need to exchange ideas, insight, a tendency to mediate in conflict situations, an intuitive understanding of the world of the secret and incomprehensible, sometimes talkativeness. This letter gives the character two mutually opposite features at once: ingenuity and the desire for power. They persistently achieve what they want, but they are not burdened by loneliness. They are interesting partners, both in normal communication and in sex. However, they are very independent and not easy to conquer, so they may face loneliness. desire for self-expression, the need for a mutual exchange of ideas, a tendency to play the role of an intermediary, insight.

Yo - Ambition, emotionality of nature, vivid manifestations of feelings, energetic self-expression, not always restrained violent passions.

AND - Striving for external effects, pedantry, impulsiveness, as well as some pettiness, rich inner world, some secrecy, desire as an impulse to action. Their life flows as if on stage - the lines are weighed, everything is thought out in the costume. Strive for aesthetic perfection. Solid partner with big share sentimentality. Being honest and devoted, they expect the same from a partner, and he (she) can disappoint them, not fitting into the created image. They try to control others under the guise of caring for them.

W - High intuition, rich imagination, the desire to isolate oneself from external reality and live in one's own closed world, in difficult situations self-elimination from solving problems, some tediousness. They constantly saw themselves or those around them. It all depends on the presence of other letters in the name. Restless and love to show off. Often they cannot stop at one partner. Ambitious in life, can shock relatives. In marriage, they are faithful to the chosen one.

AND - Love for art, subtle spirituality, sensitivity, sophistication, grace, kindness, the ability to harmonize relationships and the environment around oneself, a romantic soft nature, efficiency and practicality are most often a screen to hide one's true essence. They have a wonderful sense of harmony, healthy skepticism, a sense of irony and humor. They are direct and honest, but this is not always a virtue: often, “cutting the truth into the eyes”, you can offend your loved one. Busy and energetic. They are waiting for either a tedious chain of weddings and divorces, or a delightful series of love affairs.

Y - Unpredictability of reactions, impulsiveness, impulsiveness and violent temperament, passion and serenity.

TO - Insight, ability to keep a secret, diplomacy, endurance due to fortitude, some secrecy, mystery, exceptional insight, chief life principle- all or nothing. By nature, tactful, charming, endowed with graceful manners, have great sexuality.

M - Peacemaking, peacefulness, subtle irony, love for nature, comfort, acceptance of other people's shortcomings, some alienation. The desire to go everywhere and try everything on your own experience brings the consonant M into the character of a person. These are caring natures, they seek to help, sometimes they are shy. They love to plan for the future. They have a warm heart and impeccable imagination, and their smile is simply charming.

H - A sharp critical mind, selectivity in communication, interest in one's own health, a spirit of contradiction, a sign of protest, rejection of everything indiscriminately, inner strength, striving for spiritual and physical health, diligence and diligence in work, rejection of monotonous and uninteresting work. The consonant H makes a person responsible, strictly selective in heart affections, in words and deeds. They are honest, charming and versatile, but they can also bristle. They need friendly support second half. They can become a wonderful parent and thereby strengthen their happiness, forgetting about their weaknesses.

ABOUT - The presence of a certain vocation, the ability to feel deeply, rich intuition, strong and deep feelings, the ability to handle money, the need for self-knowledge, the desire to understand one's purpose, the ability to highlight the most important and essential of all the fuss of life. In the vowel O one hears the eternal mystery of the Cosmos and the enticing power of the boundless Ocean. You will never be able to guess the faces whose names contain this letter. They see their happy life in a closed world.

P - Accuracy bordering on pedantry, wealth of ideas, frugality, scrupulousness, preoccupation with the impression made, established opinions, concern for one's own appearance, the ability of the mind to generalize, the desire to comprehend reality in its integrity. Onslaught, pressure, risk, the desire for self-affirmation - that's distinguishing feature those whose names contain the letter P. Strong excitement, craving for secrets and forbidden partners.

R - Perspicacity, the ability to craft, responsibility, the ability not to be deceived by external representations, the ability to delve into the essence, self-confidence, the desire for action, courage, enthusiasm, sometimes thoughtless risk and adventurism, a tendency to dogmatism in judgments. Loyalty to the word, as well as the chosen goal, is their hallmark. Often bold and decisive. The most patient and accommodating. However, not to infinity. They cannot be brought to their knees. To avoid family troubles, they need to choose a partner from their friends.

WITH - The desire to stand out from the gray mass, the desire for pleasure, common sense, the ability to "shine", the desire for material security and well-being good worker, common sense in judgments, irritability, a tendency to be bossy, sometimes capriciousness, the importance of realizing one's own true purpose in life. Brilliance, extravagance, sparkling - this is the impression that a person with the letter C in his name leaves behind. His whole life is in anticipation of a prince (princess). Unfortunately, his demands are too high, which is why the novels end in nothing.

T - sensitive, creative person, desire for diversity, inventor and inventor, sacrifice, high intuition, passion and sexuality. Passion for diversity, originality in actions and thinking, especially in small things, is the leitmotif of his life. He is characterized by hobbies at first sight, the desire for a constant search for the truth, but desires are not always commensurate with opportunities. These people get sick very often and for a long time.

At - Developed imagination, striving for higher values, psychic abilities, the ability to empathize, generosity. The letter U in the name brings insidiousness, cunning and hypocrisy into the character. These people can cheat and quite often make wrong decisions. They are non-conflicting and save the day by making compromises, but they must fight against suspicion in relation to their half.

F - Self-confidence, ability to endure in any situation, friendliness, as well as some eccentricity. Undoubtedly, those who have the consonant F in their name are tough nuts. They will be able to defend their interest. Initiative. It is characterized by strong tension and excitement, with such it is difficult, but never boring. You will not envy them, they are waiting for a dramatic passion with constant partings and reconciliations. This is due to the fact that they are used to taking more than giving. They strive to be always in the center of attention, to amaze those around them with their brilliance. These people are characterized by friendliness, originality of ideas, sometimes containing very valuable grains of truth, a desire to make people happy and enjoy it yourself, the ability to present supposedly necessary lies with the best intentions, a contradictory inner worldview generated by a bizarre mixture of very different philosophical teachings.

X - Reliance on oneself and one's strengths, desire to succeed in life, respect for other people's opinions, responsiveness, desire to gain authority, a tendency to an independent position in life, increased sensitivity to the assessments that others give, some religiosity. You will not meet a more responsive person than the owner of the consonant X. He is compassionate and merciful. This letter is a reminder of the observance of the laws of morality. He is a materialist by nature and shows his affection with generous gifts. His pursuit of wealth can stifle love, because it needs human attention, and not just money. You need to be able to be not only strong, but also ... weak, communicate more with the object of your love, giving him attention.

C - Ambition, sometimes empty place, a leader, a tendency to arrogance and conceit, the presence of claims, solidarity with the whole, adherence to traditions, lack of the ability to exist alone, dependence on the environment. The letter C brings a peculiarity into a person's life: in a difficult situation, personify the hope for the best. This is a dreamer and romantic, who is characterized by despotism and stubbornness. His chosen one (tsa) must come to terms with the fact that his (her) life will pass "under the heel" or "in a golden cage." Many are looking for people like him to be like stone wall. With their perseverance, people of this type, as a rule, achieve high positions and prosperity.

H - The ability to selfless participation and assistance, as well as the fight against opponents and ill-wishers, feels like an inseparable belonging of the one and the whole. This letter introduces into the character the desire to help one's neighbor disinterestedly, exclusively out of knightly generosity. romantic idealism and a strong family- that's his creed. He was raised with strong morals. The only advice: do not be so gullible, do not take on the role of a fallow deer - a victim of a tiger.

W - High intuition, modesty, self-control, the ability to evaluate what is happening at the smallest hint, the ability to arrange one's affairs without noise, developed sense humor. The consonant Ш makes a person cold-blooded. IN extreme situation he does not give in to panic, retains clarity of thought. At the same time, it seems to them that they are looking at the world through someone else's eyes, living someone else's life. Hence the tendency to daydreaming and depression. They attract with their unusualness, mystery. They will find happiness with a person like them. They have a special attention to life.

SCH - Generosity, generosity, ability to penetrate into the essence of things, striving forward, driving force.

Kommersant - Softness, the ability to smooth out sharp corners in relationships, the danger of falling under the influence of a strong and strong-willed partner.

S - Extravagance, desire to impress, attraction to the material, practicality, involvement in empathy, earthiness of the spiritual, practical judgment. This letter gives rise to the desire for justice. For the sake of its triumph, a person can commit any evil and any violence.

b - Soft, quick-witted character, ability to analyze, detail, dismember and sort through. In the most balanced character, this letter instills an element of uncertainty, shyness, timidity and charm.

E - The ability to convince, snobbery, the desire to be original, coquetry, the ability to see the hidden essence of events, the ability to see the inside of people, good command of the language in oral speech and in writing, a tendency to excessive curiosity, the desire to show their involvement in good society. They cannot be forced to do anything for the benefit of an outsider or for their own spiritual progress. Caprice, high self-esteem. Knows how to love passionately, wait and learn the news before anyone else. They are thorough, unfussy, able to seize the moment. This is a passionate person, although he knows how to wait. Reliable in family life.

YU - Romanticism, self-deception, a penchant for the ideals of universal equality and fraternity, the desire for truth, the ability to self-sacrifice and, at the same time, to cruel deeds, the need for which is determined by higher considerations. Yu gives purposefulness, but at the same time gives its owner an overly romanticized idea, both about himself and about the people around him. They are charming and irresistible, but afraid new love as agents of change. However, having decided on a serious step (marriage), they become gentle and attentive, able to make the chosen one (tsu) happy.

I - self-sufficiency, high level consciousness, constancy, developed feeling dignity, the desire to achieve love and respect from others, the ability to get what you want. A person with the vowel I in the name brings the greatest pleasure to his own thoughts and experiences. Romance. He hides many secrets. He loves to be funny and sarcastic too. At the same time, he is very passionate, with a rich sexual fantasy. If there is a person who will get used to his evil tongue, he has every chance to create an interesting couple.

There are many theories about the influence of a person's name on his character.
Some experts - psychologists and esotericists go further: they argue that a lot of important things can be learned about each of us. by the first letters of the first name, patronymic and last name.

According to the researchers, the letters stand for:
A - strength and power;
B -
the ability for a great feeling;
IN -
inconstancy, lack of consistency;
G -
D- sociability, the ability to attract people;
E -
resilience, ability to mobilize in a critical situation;
3 -
tendency to doubt, dissatisfaction, material difficulties;
AND - impressionability, tension;
TO - big requests and nervousness in their achievement;
L - logic, inventiveness, melody;
M - diligence and pedantry;
H - energy and creative ambitions;
ABOUT - emotionality, mysterious unrest;
P - modesty, loneliness, distance in relations with people;
R - constant tension, emotionality;
WITH - frequent depression, nervousness, depression;
T - endless search, the pursuit of the ideal;
U - intuition, a tendency to frequent frustration and fear;
F - tenderness, ability to adapt;
X- inconstancy of feelings, sexual problems;
C - tendency to external expression of internal experiences;
H - loyalty;
W - jealousy, uncompromisingness;
SCH - developed intellectual abilities, vindictiveness;
E - search for psychological balance;
YU - big ambitions, lack of consistency;
I - intelligence, creativity.


Suppose your name is Natalya Sergeevna Averyanova. Look at the meaning of your last name.
H- energy and creative ambitions.
WITH - frequent depression, nervousness, depression.
A - strength and power.
The words "energy" in the name and "strength" in the surname shows that you are an effective nature, able to achieve what you want, to carry out your plan. These qualities are just capable of helping you realize your creative plans, they will also help overcome the nervousness inherent in creative natures, frequent mood swings, break out of the tenacious clutches of depression, which will continually overcome you in case of failures, intrigues of envious people, evil criticism.
However, there is a serious contradiction in your names. Note: in your character lies not just a desire to create, but "creative ambitions." This means you want to become famous (respectively, rich), a recognized authority in your field. And it is quite possible that he will occupy a key administrative post in it: look - in your surname you have not only “strength”, but also “power”.
Just to create means to find the cause and meaning of life, to make it interesting and joyful. Ambition and the desire for posts will give rise to envy, drawn into intrigues and struggles. The purity of creativity will disappear from some point, and with it, to a large extent, joy and interest. The purpose and meaning of the work will change.
There is a third, quite obvious version of your fate. See what is encrypted in your names: "ambition", "nervousness and depression", "strength and power". Strength and power plus ambition can determine your path - these are very powerful incentives, which are enough to fill a person's life with meaning. Creativity will be forgotten, and nervousness and a tendency to depression will make you more often "lean" on ambition and power.
There are other options for fate that you are able to see and calculate for yourself.