Entertainer. Variety artist. Description of the profession


For friends!


What is the difference between a pop artist and, for example, from? All of them perform in front of the public with creative performances, entertaining spectators and listeners. But in the performances of pop artists, behind the entertainment shell, there is a filled deep meaning content.

Variety art existed in antiquity, it was personified by traveling singers, various buffoons, acrobats, and jugglers. It is known that back in the 19th century, coupletists performed songs with lyrics in hot topics. The bolder the number, the more interest it aroused among the audience.

Description of activity

Main tool variety artist- word. With the help of skillful speech and correct intonation, he manages to create a complete artistic image. He becomes like an interlocutor for the audience. Such an artist can tell them about simple everyday situations or serious social issues, but in both cases his performances make the audience laugh.

Often, pop artists use stage costumes musical accompaniment, performance of songs. The author of the script for the performance can be either the artist himself or an individual specialist.


average for Russia:Moscow average:average for St. Petersburg:

Job responsibilities

The entertainer must work to create bright, recognizable images. To do this, he needs to be in creative search, constantly rehearse his numbers, make useful amendments. If his performance consists of several numbers, he should determine their order - the program. Often concerts of pop artists are filmed for broadcast on television, this requires special care and avoidance of mistakes on the part of the performers. Representatives of pop art also participate in press conferences, radio and television broadcasts, and give interviews to journalists. Some artists, individually or with a group of colleagues, go on tour.

Features of career growth

The career of a pop artist largely depends on his talent. The place where he works has a great influence: from a restaurant to the stage of a large concert hall. The salaries of those who have become “stars” of pop art are high, while the income of the rest of its representatives is at an average level. Experienced pop artists try themselves as teachers acting skills, authors of both their own and other people’s issues, TV presenters

Employee characteristics

A representative of this profession is an artistic, sociable person, capable of giving words the necessary meaning and endowing them with the necessary intonation. He will need clear pronunciation, no speech impediments, rich facial expressions, good memory to memorize texts. Singing and dancing skills will also be useful. Creative thinking, a sense of humor and observation will help the pop artist independently come up with numbers that are relevant and interesting for the audience. This specialist must be able to find contact with the public and cheer them up. He should be confident in himself and not be afraid of camera lenses or close attention from spectators.

Specialties: keyboard instruments, saxophone, etc. wind instruments, percussion instruments, accordion, guitar, pop-jazz singing, pop dance, entertainer (original genre).

Required Education:

Secondary specialized– any school or college of pop arts, any music school or art school.

Higher– any cultural institute (variety department), art institutes (variety department), institutes and academies of contemporary art.

Note: In principle, you can become a pop artist with any non-core education, if you have the ability, strong desire and insistence on “asking” to join one or another pop group. However, you will have to master a musical instrument at a level no lower than music school.

Specific abilities necessary for successful mastery of the profession:

Ear for music, voice, sense of rhythm, innate artistry of behavior on stage, good finger motor skills for musicians, singing voice for singers, plasticity of movements, strong and tireless legs, beautiful figure and expressed choreographic data for dancers, good pop voice and the artists’ sense of humor and original appearance for conversational artists. The public also demands from singers a pronounced external charm. Musical and artistic endurance is also extremely important, that is, the ability to confidently and beautifully perform in front of an audience for an hour without a break or longer.

Profiling items school curriculum and additional education:

Classes on musical instrument, singing (vocals), dancing, history of music, history of pop art*, physical education, Russian language and literature.

Nature and content of work in this profession:

Learning solo and orchestral (ensemble) parts and works for stage performances, searching and selecting repertoire, constant rehearsals, caring for the chosen instrument, voice or musculoskeletal system, participation in concert performances, including tours.

Obvious advantages:

The creative nature of the work, the opportunity to become famous, immersion in the world of art.

“Pitfalls”, obvious disadvantages:

The same as for an actor, circus performer and director, musician and in general for all creative professions - the pangs of creativity and low confidence in your professional tomorrow. In addition, it is necessary to constantly protect your voice or fingers, because... any injury or illness can lead to loss of ability to perform on stage, that is, to disqualification as an artist. The big problem is that, having failed as a professional capable of supporting his family with his profession, or having left the stage due to injury, the ex-pop artist psychologically has a very difficult time adapting to life outside the stage and work outside his specialty. At the same time, he has to work, as a rule, in a field completely unrelated to art (trade, production, government, social bodies), and in groups whose members, for the most part, are not able to understand why a certified pop artist left the profession.

Possible occupational diseases – vegetative-vascular dystonia, diseases of the hands and forearms associated with overexertion as a result of excessive rehearsals, for vocalists – diseases vocal cords– moderate risk

Salary fork(in rubles per month) * (star fees are not taken into account)

In Moscow: 15,000 – 90,000 (usually 25,000)

In large regional centers: 8,000 – 50,000 (usually 20,000)

In the outback of Russia: 6,000 – 12,000 (most often there is no work at all, or you have to travel a lot with concerts in villages)

And hundreds of thousands of modern schoolchildren dream of this profession. Of course, there are several times fewer boys among such dreamers than girls (and in music schools that teach academic programs with an emphasis on the works of the classics, there is usually one boy for every 4-6 girls). But among the applicants music colleges There have always been, are and will be young men in the pop genre, and in the percentage ratio “applicants – students” there are noticeably more of them than girls. And, I must say, to get on the stage having received a reliable special education, among school graduates there were quite a lot of people interested at all times.

But it is one thing to wish, and another thing to act. The fact is that in such a school (nowadays, as a rule, a college) you have to take exams in your future specialty, and not just undergo a hearing and voice test. It was not necessary to present documents confirming graduation from a music school (unlike an academic music school), but performed works clearly defined requirements for the level of complexity were presented. That is, it was necessary to demonstrate a certain level of performing technique and knowledge musical forms. And those who did not study at music school, had a chance only for the specialty " pop singing" Because finding a high-quality pop voice (as well as an academic one, for example, for opera and academic vocals) has always been difficult. Now the situation has worsened even more, despite the craze among schoolchildren for listening to all kinds of pop music discs. Although, there is nothing to be surprised here, since Russia lately filled with pop bad taste, laziness in getting the initial musical education schoolchildren (that is, today's schoolchildren have a noticeably reduced interest in studying at a music school) and all sorts of television chimeras such as “star factories”, creating among young people the illusion that becoming a pop artist is easy.

But singing voice– he is also a voice on the stage. Strumming a guitar at home or, especially, trying to sing karaoke is not a way to reveal your musical and singing abilities. In general, in order to understand what qualities you have as a future singer or, say, guitarist, you need to perform many times in the concert of an amateur pop group, which can be created at a school or in the nearest House of Culture (a center for leisure and creativity for children and youth). And for this you need to rehearse a lot and persistently. If you have never done this, then there is no point in becoming a guitarist or saxophonist (especially a keyboard player or pianist): no one will listen to your home-grown strumming or blowing hoarse sounds from the saxophone. But they can offer you

study at the music school operating at the pop music college, where you will start everything from scratch. Training, of course, is paid. But the college itself usually offers free places big competition, therefore, a significant part of those admitted study for money. This, however, does not mean that yesterday’s student will be enrolled in the first year, not knowledgeable of notes and not understanding the meaning of the words “solfeggio” and “musical dictation.”

It’s another matter to enroll pop singing. As I have already indicated, your vote decides a lot during the admissions tests. But again, the voice is not demonstrated on its own (take, say, a note or shout something). You must complete at least three pop songs, and then also tell a fable, a poem. They can ask you to move around and dance something. Crooner unthinkable without movements, dance and pantomime, organically woven into the fabric of the song.

But good vocal abilities, a sense of rhythm and innate plasticity of movements are not everything. The singer and the singer must be attractive in appearance, that is, in the face too.

Just don’t have a complex about youthful acne - they simply go away without pain. And it’s rare that a young person’s face is perceived by adults as ugly. It is important that external attractiveness is combined with all of the above data.

And remember: the competition for studies in the specialty “pop singing” is always large - from three to 15-20 people per place, in any case, it is always more than for wind instruments. Therefore, there is a higher chance of enrolling and achieving success among those of your competitors who, before submitting documents, studied at a music school-studio for at least a year (or better yet, five years), or studied with a professional vocal teacher, or at least simply sang in an amateur (amateur) pop group.

As for dancers, competitions for this department are usually a little less than for singing, but still high. Maybe because master the technique pop dance schoolchildren find it much more difficult than singing. And, of course, you won’t go to a pop music school from scratch: you won’t “dance” anything in front of the commission.

The future entertainer (artist of the spoken genre), having seen enough of parodists and comedians, is also approached in large influxes, especially since it seems easy for everyone to read a humoresque and several fables. Alas, everything turns out not to be as it seems.

But now, hip-hop hurray (!), you have entered, studied and passed the qualifying exams - what next? And the same thing as for an actor - an exciting period of job search begins, all sorts of castings, auditions, worries, tears. For some, the latter flow like a river of joy, while for others you understand. Reverse side any creative profession– this is a thriving taste in assessing the talent of this or that performer. Moreover, often an impresario (almost a producer or his assistant), having listened to new young singers and the entertainer, having reviewed the dancers, “denies” talent and qualifications to no one. But... it is precisely for the project for which he selects voices and “legs” that you are not suitable. You will, of course, be entered into the database and... wait. Or look for your own producer.

And here it turns out that the musicians (as always) are in the most advantageous position. Again, not guitarists, whom everyone is so eager to learn (although this instrument, it must be said, is extremely difficult to master and... thankless, because good guitarists there are always units - this is the law of nature, and nothing can be done about it). Masters of playing wind instruments - saxophonists, trumpeters, clarinettists, tuba players, trombonists - these are the ones who are always needed by a variety of pop symphony orchestras and groups.

Pop pianists are also needed, but they are more likely to work as teachers, since the need for them is less than for wind players. And it’s always easier to enroll in wind instruments.

Of course, a few pop brass players become public favorites, performing solo at various concert venues. But the overwhelming majority of graduates with a wind instrument in their hands find stable places in orchestras and ensembles and, year after year, slowly make a musical career for themselves.

And to sing... The question is ambiguous. You already know: only a few become pop stars, many of them are frankly untalented and even poorly educated. And, knowing that these “stars” actually sing worse than you, but they are still promoted, and you are simply kept in a data bank (just in case), how do you behave in such a situation?

However, if you are a born pop artist, then no matter how your life turns out after studying creative destiny, itself pop art it will be more expensive for you than a career in it. And are you even in simple school You’ll go and teach a music and singing lesson (what? The schoolchildren will receive it with a bang) - but you won’t betray your profession.

Therefore, I will not talk about the earnings of pop artists. What's the point? This is how Schumann once answered one of his too-calculating would-be students. While suffering over the sonata, he suddenly asked the then famous maestro: “When will I finally be able to earn money by playing the piano in order to return all the money spent on training?” And, sternly knitting his eyebrows, great composer replied: “You first learn to play.”

In a word, this is not an easy job - raising a pop artist in yourself. But, as they say, trying is not torture. What if it works? However, in order not to be disappointed in the profession later (if it suddenly turns out that it cannot support you), you should first think carefully, hand on heart: what actually draws you to the stage? If you have an irresistible craving for music and singing, dancing or performing, no matter how your future fate turns out, then it makes sense to try. But you can't fool yourself. And if your inner voice tells you that the stage for you is just an invented way for you to become the favorites of the opposite sex (or simply the favorites of your peers), then it is better not to delude yourself, but to find yourself another, more rational occupation. And then it will decide by itself psychological problem youth that made you think about the stage.

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