Oral folk art fairy tales presentation. Oral folk art - presentation

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"Oral folk art""Small genres of oral folk art"

Folklore Folklore - this word means the creativity of any people, which is passed on from generation to generation. Folklore is proverbs, songs, fairy tales, ditties, riddles, nursery rhymes, fables, sayings, jokes, petes.

Lullabies Bye-bye, my kitten Sleep, go to sleep, my child... Here under your back - A soft feather bed. On top of the feather bed - a clean sheet. Here are white pillows under your ears, a down blanket and a scarf on top... Bye-bye, my kitten, Sleep, sleep, my child!

Nursery rhymes There goes a horned goat, There goes a butted goat, With its legs - stomp, stomp, With its eyes - clap, clap. - Anyone who doesn’t eat porridge or drink milk - I’ll gore, I’ll gore, I’ll gore. This finger is grandma, This finger is grandfather, This finger is mom, This finger is dad, This finger is me, that's the whole family!

Jokes And frets, frets, frets, Let's go to the backside. We sold carrots and bought a cow. And the cow and the cat are milked little by little! Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden, there is a dog running. The legs are thin, the sides are ringing, and the tail is a squiggle, her name is Zhuchka.

Pestushki Cockerel, cockerel, Golden comb, Butter head, Silk beard, Why do you get up early, Don’t let the kids sleep? - You legs, legs! Where are you running? - I’ll run through the forest and pick you some berries: black blueberries, alu strawberries.

Calls Ladybug, Fly to the sky, There your children eat candy. One for everyone, but not one for you. Ladybug, fly to the sky, Bring us bread Black and white, Just not burnt. Bucket sun, come out from behind the bald spot. Sit on a tree stump and walk all day.

Fables A hare sits on a birch tree and reads a book aloud. A bear flew to him, listened, sighed. The goat has two frogs in its beard, a bear sits on its back, holding its ears.

Sayings Moth-vitilek, Bring us the breeze: From the gate to the turn Drive the boat into the stream. The sun warmed up, Summer commanded: To plunge three times, To dive through, To get out from under the water.

Counting books One, two, three, four, five, Let's play hide and seek. Sky, stars, meadow, flowers - Just go and lead me! A squirrel rode on a cart, Handing out nuts to everyone: To those who are two, to those who are three - Get out of the circle!

Draw Rose or Mimosa Eagle or Tails

Riddles Knock, knock - they don’t tell you to be bored. They go and go, and everything is just there. (Watch) I come with gifts, shining with bright lights. Elegant, funny, on New Year I'm in charge. (Christmas tree)

Descriptive riddles Tail with a fluffy arch, Do you know this animal? Answer: The cat jumps across the field - hides its ears, stands up like a pillar - its ears stick up. Answer: Hare.

Proverbs There is no distance for friendship. The ABC is a stepping stone to wisdom. Money can't buy intelligence. The strong will win one who knows a thousand.

Sayings The word is not a sparrow: if it flies out, you won’t catch it. For a mother, a child up to a hundred years old is a child. Happiness and work live side by side. Measure seven times, cut once.

Russian folk tale A fairy tale is a genre of oral folk art that has fantastic content and is based on a solid realistic basis. Types of fairy tales: about animals, magical, everyday.

Tales about animals “Fox and crane” “Winter quarters of animals” “Cat, rooster and fox” etc.

Fairy tales " flying ship" "Geese Swans" "Sivka Burka"

Household tales "Porridge from an axe" "Husband and wife" "How a man dined at the master's"

Bylinas Bylinas are Russian folk epic songs about the exploits of heroes. The main plot of the epic is some heroic event or a remarkable episode of Russian history. Russians folk epics: "Dobrynya and Alyosha" "Dobrynya and the Serpent" "Ilya-Muromets and Kalin-Tsar" "Ilya-Muromets and Nightingale the Robber" etc.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The theoretical part of the pedagogical project “Development of children’s creativity in the process of creating illustrations for works of Russian folk art”, hereinafter referred to as “Knizhkin the Artist”.

Introducing children to book illustration develops aesthetic feelings, forms artistic taste, gives scope to the imagination and own creativity children. ...

"The role of oral folk art in the speech development of preschool children."

Relevance of the project· One of effective means The education of a person and his full development is oral folk art. Possibility to use...

Introducing preschool children to Russian folk art through folk toys. (Consultation for parents within the framework of the project "Country of Folk Craftsmen").

Consultation for parents of younger children preschool age about the educational role of folk toys...

Introducing children to Russian folk art, in the context of introducing preschoolers to the musical creativity of the Belgorod region.

Introducing children to Russian folk art, in the context of introducing preschoolers to musical creativity Belgorod region....

Communal government agency « High school No. 10"

Government institution

"Department of Education of the Akimat of the Zhitikarinsky District"




Subject area: Primary classes.

Completed by: Rogacheva Vera Viktorovna

teacher primary classes


2015 .






Nursery rhymes


oral folk art


Fairy tales

Tongue twisters

Counting books

Counting book


A tall tale.


  • Who will you be?
  • Elizar.
  • Where are you going?
  • To the market.
  • What are you bringing?
  • Grosh.
  • What will you buy?
  • Crap.
  • Who will you eat with?
  • One.
  • Don't eat alone, don't eat alone.

Guess the genre of oral folk art.

Counting book


A tall tale.


Rain, rain, more!

The hay will be thicker!

  • Rain, rain, water!

The loaf will be delicious!

Guess the genre of oral folk art.

Counting book


A tall tale.


A village was driving past a man.

Suddenly the gate barks from under the dog.

A stick jumped out with a woman in her hand,

And let's bludgeon the horse on the guy.

The horse ate lard, and the man ate oats,

The horse got into the sleigh, and the man drove.

Guess the genre of oral folk art.

Counting book


Tall tale


One day the mice came out

See what time it is.

One, two, three, four.

The mice pulled the weights.

Suddenly there was a terrible ringing sound -

The mice have run away!

Guess the genre of oral folk art.

Counting book


A tall tale.


The clock is walking around the yard A tail of unprecedented beauty. The legs are ankle-length. How vociferous. The sun is waking up!

Guess the genre of oral folk art.

Counting book


A tall tale.


Forty mice walked

They carried forty pennies,

Two smaller mice

They carried two pennies.

Guess the genre of oral folk art.



A tall tale.


You can't take a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

What a delight these tales are!

Put the parts of the story in order.




What a miracle - so wonderful! On the sea, on the ocean, on the island of Buyan there is a tree - golden domes. Walks on this tree cat Bayun: goes up - starts a song, goes down - tells fairy tales.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, they lived - there was a king and a queen.

After that they lived happily ever after.

Determine the type of fairy tale

Animal Tales

Everyday tales

Fairy tales

The Fox and the Ant.

Sivka - burka


Test yourself

a) Fairy tales.

b) Folklore.

c) Proverbs.

a) Fables.

b) Nursery rhymes.

c) Counting books.

a) Fables.

b) Nursery rhymes.

c) Counting books.

c) Counting books.

b) Pure sayings.

a) Pestushki.

a) Fairy tale.

b) Sentence.

c) Proverb.

c) Fairy tale.

a) Fable.

b) Riddle.

c) Fairy tale.

a) Fable.

b) Riddle.

Test yourself

1. Works created by the people and passed on from mouth to mouth are called:

b) Folklore.

2. Comic poems that accompany children’s games are called:

b) Nursery rhymes.

3. Poems of oral folk art in which the events described

could not happen in life are called:

a) Fables.

4. These rhyming lines can be used to work on pronunciation:

b) Pure sayings.

5. A short wise saying that instructs and teaches people is called:

c) Proverb.

6. A work of oral folk art, in which instead of the subject

or phenomena are described by their signs or actions, called:

b) Riddle.

7. Oral entertaining story about magical stories, events, adventures

people, animals, objects, is called:

c) Fairy tale.

  • V.K. Pavlenko, A.N. Sarzhanova Literary reading.

Textbook for 2nd grade secondary school. – Almaty: Atamura, 2013.

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrhja4M-ZD8 .
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXTRXp3avDg .
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yo1IvzOSRVA&list=PLnDAIElJDnbvaESpITb3Y-8D7_a8SF7WL&index=5
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_NGY8k5rEI
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnY8W46pUA8
  • http://yandex.kz/images/search?rdrnd=94170&uinfo=sw-1280-sh-1024-ww-1263-wh-








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The term “folklore” (translated as “folk wisdom”) was first introduced by the English scientist W.J. Toms in At first, this term covered the entire spiritual (beliefs, dances, music, wood carving, etc.), and sometimes the material (housing, clothing) culture of the people. IN modern science There is no unity in the interpretation of the concept of “folklore”. Sometimes it is used in its original meaning: component folk life, closely intertwined with its other elements. Since the beginning of the 20th century. the term is also used in a narrower, more specific meaning: verbal folk art. M. Gorky said: ... The beginning of the art of words is in folklore. MAXIM GORKY

Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, Latvia, 2014 A fairy tale, which we are all familiar with from childhood, is one of the main genres of folklore. Any fairy tale with scientific point vision is an epic, prosaic (most often) work with an everyday, adventurous or magical slant, built on the basis of a fictional plot. Obviously, the fairy tale grew out of a myth. But, if the heroes of myths are all kinds of gods, then the heroes of fairy tales can be ordinary people and animals. One more characteristic feature Every fairy tale has a happy ending.

Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, Latvia, 2014 A fairy tale is a fictional story with happy ending and the obligatory victory of good over evil. Most often, fairy tales contain magic and various incredible ordinary life adventures. The inaccessible becomes accessible, the unreal becomes real. This is why both children and adults love fairy tales. Each nation has its own fairy tales with their characteristics - national heroes, everyday life. My favorite collection of fairy tales is One Thousand and One Nights. Fairy tales have been and are being written by writers from all countries. For example, Pushkin’s fairy tales are already treasures of world literature.

Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, Latvia, 2014 FOLK SONG is a song whose author is unknown; author folk song- the people themselves. A FOLK SONG is a song that everyone sings, but no one knows the author. Passing on such a song from generation to generation, representatives of the people can change words in it, insert new ones, compose a continuation, as a result, the song truly becomes the brainchild of the people in the literal sense.

Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, Latvia, 2014 Rhyme - a genre of oral folk art. The nursery rhyme is performed in the process of actions performed by a small child together with an adult. A nursery rhyme, first of all, teaches small child understand human speech and teaches how to perform various gestures and movements guided by the word. The word in a nursery rhyme, although inextricably linked with the gesture, is the main thing, it leads the gesture (unlike a counting rhyme, where the gesture is more important than the word). Such tasks make nursery rhymes an applied rather than an independent literary genre.

Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, Latvia, 2014 RUSSIAN FOLK NURSES Cockerel, cockerel, Golden comb, Butter head, Silk beard, Why do you get up early, Sing loudly, Don’t let the kids sleep? Like our cat, the fur coat is very good, like the cat, the mustache is amazingly beautiful, the eyes are bold, the teeth are white.

Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, Latvia, 2014 A PROVERB is a short figurative expression, a turn of phrase. A saying defines a phenomenon and without context is not a logically complete statement. An example of a saying: “A mosquito won’t hurt your nose.”

Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, Latvia, 2014 Russian folk sayings Russian folk sayings (A-B) Russian folk sayings (G-Z) Russian folk sayings (I-M) Russian folk sayings (N-O) Russian folk sayings (P-S) Russian folk sayings (T-Y) Sayings of peoples of the Caucasus Sayings of the peoples of Transcaucasia Sayings of the peoples Central Asia Sayings of the peoples of the Volga region and Southern Urals Sayings of the peoples of China and Mongolia Sayings of the peoples of the Middle East Sayings of the peoples of India and Nepal Sayings of the peoples Southeast Asia And Far East Sayings

Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, Latvia, 2014 What are counting rhymes and what are they for? First of all, THE COUNTER is a short rhyming poem that determines the leader of the game. It is interesting that the roots of the counting rhymes go back to distant pagan times, when hunters believed that counting the killed game would bring failure in a future hunt. Therefore, direct counting was replaced by allegorical forms. Hence the basics, dvazas, trizas, chasubles... or ena-bena-slave... Of course, now the role of the counting rhymes is completely different, but something magical still remains in them: whoever gets the choice will be lucky.

Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, Latvia, 2014 A PROVERB is a genre of folklore. It is a logically complete phrase or a figurative aphoristic saying. The proverb always carries with it instructive meaning and in most cases has a rhythmic organization. An example of a proverb: “Chickens are counted in the fall.” PROVERB - a genre of folklore. A proverb has a certain complete meaning, unlike a saying.

Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, Latvia, 2014 Where the tail rules everything, there is no good. A stupid person looks for a big place, but a smart person is known in the corner. Only in fairy tales are fools lucky. If there is no intelligence, then neither will the godfather. Beauty will attract attention, but intelligence will come in handy. The people are rich smart people. It is not the one who knows a lot who lives a lot, but the one who sees a lot. A smart person will not judge, and a stupid person will not judge.

Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, Latvia, 2014 CLOCKS are small songs intended to be sung by a group of people. Many of them are accompanied by game actions that imitate the process of peasant labor.

Lazareva Lidia Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, Latvia, 2014 Ladybug, You fly to the sky, Bring us bread Black and white, Just not burnt. Rain, rain, rain, rain on me and on the people! And at least a thousand buckets for Baba Yaga!

Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, Latvia, 2014 Calls and sentences Sunshine, look out! Red, light it up! On cold water, On silk grass, On scarlet flower, To a little round meadow!

Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, Latvia, 2014 RIDDLE is a genre of folk poetry among all peoples of the world; a poetic, often allegorical description of an object or phenomenon. In ancient times there was cult meaning, was associated with beliefs and rituals that prohibited calling objects by their proper names. Later the mystery becomes mostly aesthetic and educational value. Serves to test ingenuity. The riddles are distinguished by their variety of themes and richness artistic techniques, they are characterized by compositional clarity, rhyme, the presence of rhythm, and sound writing. Found in riddles comic elements having social meaning: “The pope is low, there are a hundred rizok on it” (cabbage). The riddle has widely entered other genres of folklore, as well as literature.

Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, Latvia, 2014 A RIDDLE is a metaphorical expression in which one object is depicted through another that has at least a distant resemblance to it. In ancient times, riddles were a means of testing wisdom, but now - folk pastime. RIDDLE is a tricky question. The main purpose of a riddle is that it develops intuition and intelligence in a person.

Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, Latvia, Riddles - descriptions of the properties, characteristics of an object. 2. Riddles - oppositions. 3. Riddles - comparisons. 4. Riddles - descriptions of the actions of an object. 5. Riddles - questions.

Examples for each type of riddle found in various literature: 1. A painted rocker hung across the river. 2. Not a rider, but with spurs, Not a watchman, but there will be everyone. 3. Which is sweeter and which is bitter? 4. The caftan I’m wearing is green, And my heart is like calico, It tastes like sugar, it’s sweet, It looks like a ball. 5. Which animal has a fluffier and longer tail? WORD

Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Basic School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, Latvia, August – Assumption Holy Mother of God Scenes – Village Gatherings





St. Petersburg, 2010





  • What is folklore?
  • Proverbs Sayings Riddles Calls Fables Counting books Pestushki
  • Proverbs
  • Sayings
  • Riddles
  • Calls
  • Tales
  • Counting books
  • Pestushki


A special kind of art - oral folk art.

Oral means transmission from mouth to mouth, that is, without writing down the text. A special feature of folklore is its collective authorship, which is why it is called folk art.


A short statement containing folk wisdom. Proverbs usually consist of two parts. Proverbs contain signs of poetic speech: rhythm, rhyme.

B Without a proverb there is no speech. To drink from a stream, you have to bend down. You're licking your elbow, but you won't bite it. On someone else's side, I'm happy with my little crow. Where someone is born, that’s where they come in handy. Chuzhbina is viburnum, homeland is raspberries.


Figurative statement. This is usually part of a proverb or stable combination words Unlike a proverb, it is not a complete judgment.

P chased two birds with one stone. R work carelessly. T pound the water in a mortar. U hitting two birds with one stone. P It really stings my eyes.

A cunning description of an object or phenomenon. The name comes from the word guess - think, reason. There is a riddle artistic image, helping to find the correct answer.

A painted yoke hung across the river.

A lanky man walked and got stuck in the damp ground.


Children's songs - appeals to the sun, rainbow, rain and other natural phenomena, to animals and birds.

Rainbow-arc, don't let it rain. Come on, sunshine, bell.

Rain, rain harder, To make it more fun, My geese are at home, They are not afraid of thunder.


Merry folk rhymes for children, in which there is nonsense, absurdity, nonsense.

As the village passed by the peasant, suddenly the gate barked from under the dog. The club runs out with a boy in his hands, and behind him is a sheepskin coat with a woman on his shoulders. The village shouted: “The men are burning!” Sundresses in women are rushing to the fire.

Counting books

A counting rhyme is a small rhyme that is used to determine who is driving in the game.

T ara-bara It's time to go home. Milk the cows for you to drive.

He is zealous, long-maned, gallops through the fields, gallops through the fields. Whoever catches that horse plays tag with us.


Funny folk songs to entertain and amuse young children.

Okay, okay. Where were you? “At Grandma’s” What did you eat? "Porridge." What did you drink? “Brazhka”, Grandmother is good, Porridge is sweet.

We drove, we went to the city for nuts, over bumps, over bumps. Yes, bang into the hole! Squished forty flies!

  • Russian folk tales
  • Russian folk tales
  • About animals Magical-fantastic Household
  • About animals
  • Magical and fantastic
  • Household

An oral story about fictitious, unprecedented events.

Folk tales were performed by special storytellers - storytellers.

The tale consists of 3 main parts:

  • beginning (Once upon a time, in a certain kingdom...)
  • content of the tale

(main events of the tale)

  • ending (they live, they live, they make good, and I was there………..…)


  • The main character overcomes unusual trials.
  • Various miracles happen.
  • Wonderful Helpers (Gray Wolf, Sivka-Burka,)
  • Magical objects with extraordinary properties (“living” water, self-assembled tablecloth, flying carpet, walking boots)
  • Dark forces, terrible monsters ( Koschey - the Immortal, Baba Yaga, Dashing One-Eyed, Serpent Gorynych).
  • Mysterious mood.
  • Marya-morevna.
  • Morozko.
  • The frog princess.
  • Ivan Tsarevich and gray wolf.

about animals

  • Heroes are animals
  • Magic condition (animals talk, perform human actions)
  • The strong protect the weak
  • Cheerful mood
  • Fox - sister and gray wolf.
  • Cat and fox.
  • Man and bear.
  • Crane and heron.
  • Zayushkina's hut.

  • Heroes - ordinary people(soldier, man, worker, wife).
  • The action takes place in an ordinary life setting (in everyday life): in the house, on arable land, at a construction site, at work.
  • Various funny situations happen.
  • Bad character traits are ridiculed.
  • They admire the intelligence and resourcefulness of the main characters.
  • Cheerful mood.
  • Porridge from an axe.
  • Lutonyushka.
  • Barin and man.
  • The controversial wife.
  • Ivanushka is a fool.
  • Lazy wife.

  • Test yourself

1. The words “Once upon a time...” in a fairy tale are:

  • ending the main content of the beginning
  • ending
  • main content
  • the beginning

2. In which fairy tales are the main characters ordinary people?

  • in magical household animals
  • in magical
  • household
  • about animals

3. Ivan Tsarevich and the gray wolf is a fairy tale

  • about animals magic household
  • about animals
  • magical
  • household

  • Russian folk songs
  • Calendar-ritual New Year's Maslenitsa spring Semitsko-Trinity stubble
  • Calendar-ritual
  • New Year's
  • Maslenitsa
  • spring
  • semitsko - trinity
  • stubble

Calendar ritual songs are associated with traditional rituals, peasant labor and the seasons.

They accompanied the first plowing and harvesting of the last sheaf in the field, youth celebrations and Christmas or Trinity rites, christenings and weddings.

  • Kolyadovye
  • Spring
  • Maslenitsa
  • Semitsko-Trinity
  • Stubble

New Year's

Winter (New Year's) songs - carols. Caroling is a festive tour of houses on the eve of Christmas with the singing of carols, which glorified the owners of the house and contained wishes for happiness, wealth, and harvest.

Kolyada has arrived

On the eve of Christmas,

And God forbid that

Who is in this house?

God grant you

And living and being

And wealth!


The song is an invitation to a wide and generous Maslenitsa.

In songs, Maslenitsa is glorified, called upon to return, called by comic human names: Avdotyushka, Izotyevna, Akulina Savvishna.

Oh, yes, it’s Maslenitsa,

Oh, he's moving into the yard. Yes, it’s wide, it fits into the yard.

Yes, Maslenitsa, go quickly. Yes, wide one, go quickly.

Our dear Maslenitsa,

Avdotyushka Izotyevna!

Dunya is white, Dunya is rosy,

Long braid, scarlet ribbon!


The stoneflies called for spring, warmth and said goodbye to winter. They reminded that the time is approaching field work, birds fly and “bring spring.”

They were not sung, but clicked, climbing onto hillocks and roofs.

Little crows On straw, Fly to us, Bring us a warm summer, Plow, harrow. Take away the cold winter from us, We are tired of winter: We have eaten all the bread.


Summer songs were performed during summer festivities, during the holiday week (Semik and Trinity).

In Semitsko - Trinity songs central place is given to the birch tree - the main tree of the Slavs, a symbol of warmth and life.

A curly little birch, Curly, youthful, Under you, little birch, It’s not poppy blossoms, Under you, little birch, It’s not a fire that’s burning... Red girls stand in a round dance, It’s about you, little birch, They sing all the songs.

Autumn songs associated with the beginning, progress and end of the harvest. These songs glorified the harvest and thanked the women who went out into the fields and harvested the harvest.

Harvest songs were sung on vacation, when returning from the field, and while working.

Oh, and thank God,

That they reaped the grain, That they reaped the grain And put it in heaps, On the threshing floor in stacks, In bins in cages, And in the oven with pies.

  • Test yourself

1. Carols are songs:

  • spring christmas stubble
  • spring
  • Christmas
  • stubble

2.Which tree is sung in the Semitic-Trinity songs?

  • linden aspen birch
  • aspen
  • birch

3. Harvest songs refer to

  • New Year's autumn spring
  • New Year's
  • autumn
  • spring

3. What songs were sung and sung while climbing the hills?

  • Semitsko-Trinity carols
  • carols
  • stoneflies
  • Semitic-Trinity

  • Epics
  • Epics
  • What are epics? Heroes of epics Features of the language (stylistics) “Bogatyr” dictionary Outdated words(archaisms) Art gallery
  • What are epics? Heroes of epics Features of the language (stylistics) “Bogatyr” dictionary Outdated words (archaisms) Art gallery
  • What are epics?
  • Heroes of epics
  • Features of the language (stylistics)
  • "Bogatyr" dictionary
  • Obsolete words (archaisms)
  • Art gallery

Songs - tales about heroes - defenders of their homeland, folk heroes, folded in the 9th-13th centuries in Ancient Rus'. They were told by guslar storytellers who went from city to city. The epics were performed solemnly, slowly, in a sing-song manner.

The epic can be divided into three parts:

  • chorus
  • the beginning
  • ending

The main characters of the epics are Russian heroes. Main feature epic heroes– love for native land. Heroes of epics are different incredible strength, nobility, courage, military valor, wisdom.

  • The most ancient epics

hero Svyatogor

  • Kyiv epics -

heroes Dobrynya Nikitich

and Alyosha Popovich.

  • Vladimir-Suzdal epics

hero Ilya Muromets.

  • Novgorod epics

heroes Sadko and Vasily Buslaevich


  • Repetitions (far, far away, a long time ago, fight and fight)
  • Hyperboles - exaggerations (... “put them up to a thousand”...)
  • Epithets are colorful definitions (glorious hero, violent head, burning tears, filthy monster, good horse).
  • Diminutive - affectionate suffixes (golovushka, dumushka, Aleshenka, Vasenka Buslaevich, Dobrynyushka)
  • Derogatory suffixes (Ugryumishche, Ignatische, Tsarishche Batuische, Ugarische)
  • Metaphors, comparisons (... “old age flew to me out of nowhere”...)

  • Quiver - a case for arrows.
  • Chainmail is an ancient military armor in the form of a shirt made of steel rings.
  • The club is an ancient weapon, a heavy club with a thickened end.
  • Sheath - a case for a sword or dagger.
  • A helmet is a military armor that protects the head.
  • Harness - accessory

for harness.

  • A shield is a rounded metal board that protects against arrows in battle.


  • Capital city - capital city
  • Straight road - straight road
  • The road is blocked - a road littered with dry trees (blocks)
  • Azure - blue, beautiful
  • Magnify - name or glorify
  • In particular - separately
  • Sing - glorify in song
  • Saffiano - made from thin and soft sheep leather, specially tanned and dyed in a bright color


Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (1848 – 1926)


Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov (1844 – 1927)

Epic storyteller Nikita Bogdanov

Ilya Efimovich Repin (1844 – 1930)

Sadko in the underwater kingdom

  • Test yourself

1. Epics belong to the genre

  • folklore author's work
  • folklore
  • original work

2.Where epics begin

  • beginning the chorus
  • the beginning
  • chorus

3. Type of heroic weapon - a stick with a thickening at the end

  • quiver club
  • quiver
  • club

3. Where is Sadko from?

  • Novgorod Kyiv
  • Novgorod

4. Outdated words

  • archaisms epithets
  • archaisms
  • epithets

4. Hero of the epics of the Kyiv cycle

  • Ilya Muromets Svyatogor
  • Ilya Muromets
  • Svyatogor

“Developmental literature” - Conditions that reduce the developmental potential of fiction. “Literature gives us a colossal, vast and profound experience of life. Developmental functions of fiction. A regulated set of literary texts is the same for everyone; Classes organized in an educational format to familiarize yourself with fiction; Isolation of program reading from other forms of the educational process.

“Text styles and genres” - Goal: For several hours I could not find my way to school. For Easter, an elderly couple decided to bake not a cake, not a pie, but some kind of bun. Topic: Information processing of texts various styles and genres ( practical work). Dear children! Lesson 18/17. Be careful! Don't be like Kolobok!

“Genres of Literature” - Theater in Russian culture and literature. It does not have a complex, intense and complete plot point. Stories. Story. A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm". The story depicts a series of events. Genre originality plays. The purpose of the fable: to name the vice, to educate negative example. Ode. Genre. Search for truth.

"Bylina" - Kyiv. Vladimir Monomakh. Novgorod. "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom." Epics “Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich” Glorification of peaceful peasant labor. Alyosha Popovich is merciless to the enemies of the Russian Land. Sadko visiting the sea king. Life is one of the main epic genres church literature.

“Genres of folklore” - Jokes. Song. Turn around. Wedding song. Over the bumps, over the bumps Into the hole, boom. Forty forty for their own people, Forty shirts they scribble without quarreling. A wedding song is a song associated with the traditions of wedding ceremonies. Pestushki. Calls - genre children's folklore, a naive poetic appeal to the forces of nature.

"Fantasy" - Kind wizard assistant. Why do we read fantasy? (Survey of students in grades 5-7.). Types of fantasy. Magic item. Supernatural fantasy worlds. Dwarves guarding treasures. 12-14 years old - epic. Fantasy luminaries. "High." Istrian fantasy dates back to ancient myths and chivalric romances. Dragon. Cinema painting role playing games fanfiction.

There are 18 presentations in total