Summary of the lesson in the dhow heroes of the Russian land. Project "Heroes of the Russian Land" for preschool children


Russia is the homeland for many. But in order to consider yourself her son or daughter, you need to feel the spiritual life of your people and creatively assert yourself in it, study the history and culture of the country as your own biography. “The Russian people should not lose their moral authority among other peoples - an authority worthy of the Russian people won over many centuries. We must not forget about our cultural past, about our victories, monuments, literature, language. National differences will be preserved for generations if we will be concerned with the education of souls, and not just with the transmission of knowledge.” That is why the native culture should become an integral part of the child’s soul, the beginning that gives rise to personality.

The goal of the project: to enrich the child with knowledge about the history of Russia.

Project objectives:

  • the formation in children of patriotic feelings based on familiarization with the military traditions of our people and monuments of military glory;
  • nurturing love and respect for the defenders of the Motherland on the basis of vivid impressions, specific historical facts that are accessible to children and evoke emotional experience in them;
  • development of the child’s intellectual competence;
  • development creativity child.

Project duration: February.

Project participants: group students, families of students, teachers, arts teacher, music director.

Plan educational activities teacher for the project.

(integration of the areas "Cognition" + "Communication" + "Socialization" + " Artistic creativity")

Ned Subject Target Creative activity
I Bogatyr Rus'

A story based on Vasnetsov's painting "Three Heroes". Looking at illustrations.

We strengthen the ability to look at a picture. We develop the ability to compose a plot story based on a picture, using previously acquired skills. Independent invention of an event (preceding, subsequent).
Conversation about coats of arms. The teacher's story about decorating accounts with various emblems. Introduce the clothes and weapons of heroes. Introduce the history of Russian costume. Making shields, helmets, chain mail.
View the disc "Bogatyrskaya Sloboda". To give an idea of ​​the past of the ancient heroes, their way of life. Introduce the historical facts of the life of the heroes of their native land. To foster pride in the heroic power of Russia. Exhibition of drawings on the theme "Bogatyrskaya Outpost".
Hood. Literature

“The Battle on the Kalinov Bridge”, “Nikita Kozhemyaka”, “Dobrynya and the Serpent”, “Vasilisa Mikulishna”.

Formation complete picture world, primary value ideas. Development literary speech. Introduction to verbal art, incl. artistic perception And aesthetic taste. Expanding vocabulary. Exhibition of children's drawings based on fairy tales.

"Builders of the Kremlin".

Develop orientation skills on a sheet of paper. Develop plan reading skills. Develop memory, attention, quantitative and ordinal counting skills, and solve arithmetic problems.

"Bogatyrskaya outpost".

Develop design skills and directed imagination. Exercise in the construction of various buildings according to the proposed conditions. Preliminary sketches of structures, analysis of diagrams and structures. Form joint search activities. Making a model of "Bogatyrskaya Sloboda". Working with parents: making parts for the “Bogatyrskaya Sloboda” model.
Speech development.

"Moscow was not built in a day."

We develop connected speech by composing a story." Based on a series of pictures "History of the Moscow Kremlin." Explain where the name "Kremlin", "fortress", "fortification" came from. Tell that all ancient Russian cities began with the construction of the Kremlin for protection from enemies. We develop phonemic hearing, the ability to determine the place of sounds in a word. Exhibition of drawings "Ancient Cities".
Plot - role playing games"Defenders of the Ancient Kremlin." We cultivate interest in Russian history, explain that the success of the defense depended on the discipline and coherence of all soldiers.

Decoration of helmets and shields.

We strengthen the skills of cutting along the contour, folding the sheet into four, cutting geometric shapes. Develop creativity and imagination. We strengthen the skills of working with scissors and glue.
II Squadron of Hussars


Reading of M. Lermontov's poem "Borodino".

Learn to comprehend the content of a work. To encourage thinking about why people write poems and why others listen to them and memorize them. Learn to talk about what you have learned, to comprehend characters' personalities, cultivate love for native land and country, to form figurative speech.
Application + design

"Making shakos from colored cardboard and paper"

Learn to work independently and in a team, building confidence in overall result depends on everyone's efforts. Develop design skills based on the proposed drawing or verbal description. Learn to search for new ones constructive solutions, encourage creative initiative. Strengthen skills in working with paper and scissors, brush and glue.
Speech development.

Compiling a story based on one of the paintings about the Battle of Borodino.

Introduce the contents of the picture. Learn to compose descriptive story according to the picture; use pronouns and prepositions correctly in speech; enrich speech with emotionally charged vocabulary; develop emotional responsiveness to what is happening; cultivate a sense of patriotism and love for the Motherland. Coloring silhouettes of Russian soldiers.
Getting to know your surroundings.

"Moscow is the capital of Russia." Significance for the history of commander Kutuzov. Reading the fairy tale "The Tsar Cannon".

Introduce the sights of Moscow, its memorable places, ancient monuments. Explain the origin of the names Tsar Bell, Tsar Cannon (photo illustrations). Look at the portrait of Kutuzov, talk about the great commander. Foster love for the homeland, explain the meaning of the word “patriotism”. Memorize the saying “Kutuzov came to beat the French.” Drawing of the Kremlin, Tsar Cannon.

Number 9. Composing and solving problems using handouts(hussars).

Develop quantitative and ordinal counting skills. Develop orientation skills on a sheet of paper. Solve arithmetic problems (for example, calculate how many hussars will need a certain number of sabers). Learn to measure the size of an object using a conventional measure (the height of the fortress wall). Tell about ancient measures length.
Role-playing game "Family" - "Gathering in the forest." Develop and complicate a well-known plot. Learn to assign roles independently; help build the plot of the game. Establish rules of behavior in public places. Exhibition of drawings of hussars in 1812, ladies with characteristic details of clothing ( long dress, scarf, hat, high hairstyle).
III Over the seas, over the waves.

F.E.M..P. + applique

"Ships in the roads"

Systematization of knowledge about the number 8 and the number 8; form an idea of ​​the composition of the number 8 from two smaller ones; consolidate the ability to create a collective composition; practice cutting out and composing an image of an object (ship), conveying the basic shape and details; cultivate a desire to take part in social work, achieving good quality of your image. Collective work "Ships in the roadstead".

"About the sailor Vasily"

Introduce children to a new work of fiction that tells about history Russian fleet and its heroes. Learn to perceive images content of the work, his moral meaning. Lead to an understanding of the idea of ​​the work. Develop accuracy, expressiveness, clarity of presentation of thoughts. Expanding vocabulary. Collective work - collage "Across the seas, along the waves"
Speech development.

"A joyful journey to the island of grammar."

We develop the skill of constructing a sentence according to a scheme and determining the scheme for a given sentence. Developing a dictionary: selection of definitions and epithets for the word “water”. Mastering the names of maritime professions and professional actions. Development of coherent speech - we develop the skills of drawing up sentences based on a picture and composing short story according to the picture. We develop social skills (working in a group, taking into account the opinions of others). We develop the ability to defend our opinion. We develop the ability to stick to the chosen storyline in creative storytelling. We develop creative thinking.
Getting to know your surroundings.

"Water transport".

We fix the names aquatic species transport. Follow the story with your children water transport: from raft to boat, sailing ships, etc. Display of models of ancient sailing ships. Cultivate interest in studying the world around us, respect for people in “aquatic” professions, interest in water travel, and the romance of distant travels. We explain the meaning of the words steam-stroke, ice-col, etc. Work on word formation: ship - shipbuilder, sail - sailboat, sea - sailor, river - riverman. Enrichment of vocabulary: galley, frigate, midshipman. Activation of the dictionary: captain, boatswain, cook, navigator, cabin boy, radio operator.
A story about the cruiser "Varyag" and captain V. Rudnev. A story about the hero of the USSR V. Kuskov Learn to comprehend the content of a story. Form an evaluative attitude towards the characters in the story. Learn to retell a story (joint retelling). Drawings of the heroic cruiser "Varyag".
Construction game using a floor set Play with a building made from a construction set, reinforcing the professional actions of military sailors.

"Sail, sail the boat."

We consolidate children's knowledge of geometric shapes: distinctive features triangle, square, generalizing the concept of polygon; counting skills, the concept of a number series and knowledge of the order of numbers in a number series. Developing attention and memory; creative imagination, logical thinking, techniques of mental action, speech, speed of reaction, cognitive interest; independent and teamwork.
Paper construction "Sailboat". Develop skills in working with paper, making neat, precise folds and curls. Practice folding paper vertically, horizontally, and in half. Learn to decorate your craft additional details by design. Develop teamwork skills when composing a composition from ready-made forms.
IV On guard of the Motherland.

Getting to know your surroundings.

Conversation "Our army is dear"

Deepen knowledge about the Russian army. Give basic ideas about the branches of the military. Tell about the exploits of the Defenders of the Fatherland during the Second World War.
F.E.M.P. + Application Learn to solve problems to find a sum, write an arithmetic operation using the “+” sign, and come up with content greeting card, implement the plan, using previously acquired knowledge and skills. Improve the ability to model the relationships between the data and the required ones described in the problem using not only visual material, but also schematic images; develop a sense of color and creativity.

"Overcoat" by E. Blaginin.

Practicing expressive reading of a poem with children. Demonstrate to children how poems can sound differently depending on the intonation of reading. The photo exhibition “Our Grandfathers and Fathers”, “My Great-Grandfather is a Hero” was organized by the parents.


Tell the children new information O various types air transport. We strengthen the skills of folding a sheet of paper in half, cutting along the contour. Developing independent creative idea, the ability to use previously acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in work.

Math problems.

Border guard with a dog.

Systematize knowledge about the composition of the number 10 and the numbers 1, 0; learn to decompose the number 10 into 2 smaller ones and get one larger number from 2 smaller ones. Reinforce your orienteering skill on a piece of paper. ( graphic dictation)
Excursion to the mini-museum of military glory D/S.

General conversation "Heroes of the Russian Land."

Generalization of children's knowledge about the heroic past and present of our homeland. Encouragement to independently communicate in a coherent manner about the knowledge acquired. Fostering love and respect for the defenders of the homeland on the basis of vivid impressions and specific historical facts.

Physical instructor's plan for the project "Heroes of the Russian Land" in the area of ​​"Health" and "Physical Culture".

Outdoor games.

1 week "Bogatyrs"

"Fight of the Heroes"

Goal: maintain balance and at the same time push the enemy beyond the circle line. Children are divided into pairs and placed in pairs in hoops. At the Voivode's command, the battle begins. Players must be able to stay in the hoop, pushing the opponent beyond its boundaries.

"Taking the Fortress"

Goal: development of accuracy, strength, dexterity, sense of balance. Children are divided into 2 teams. Each team occupies its own fortress, which it must defend. Pushing rivals from its walls. During the capture of an opponent's fortress, children throw snowballs at them.

"Tsar and Voivode".

Goal: increasing the motor activity of children, taking into account individual characteristics development. From the group of children, 2 heroes are selected: “Tsar”, who will give tasks to the caught children, and “Governor”, ​​who will catch the violators. Children perform various movements to music. At the signal, they should all run away to the “house”, the “Voevoda” catches them. All those caught are taken to the king. The king comes up with a task for everyone caught (for example: sit down 10 times, jump 20 times, run a circle backwards, etc.). After completing the Tsar's task, the player returns to the game. The teacher helps the Tsar choose tasks based on the physical capabilities of the caught player.

Week 2 "Hussars"

Relay race "Squadron in the city"

Goal: strengthening running skills with crawling. Development of coordination. Orientation in space. Children are divided into two teams - two squadrons. The first participant runs to the center line, lifts the hoop (opens the gate). The second one runs up and intercepts the hoop. At this time, the first one climbs into it and, running around the counter, returns to the team. After this, the third begins to perform actions. The game continues until then. Until the entire squadron visits the city and returns back.

"Brave Rider"

Goal: To consolidate the ability to jump on a fitball while moving forward. Children jump around the hall on fitballs and freeze in place on command.

"Flight on the Cannonball"

Goal: development of coordination of movement, orientation in space. Children hold the ball between their knees and run around the hall. At the “Target” signal, the “core” is released and the player freezes in place.

"Sharp Shooter"

Goal: development of accuracy, reaction speed. Children are divided into 2 teams located on opposite sides of the net. At the signal, they begin to throw the balls over the net onto the opponent’s field. The most accurate players are those who managed to catch the ball in their hands and quickly throw it back.

Week 3 "Across the seas, along the waves"

"Rescue of Sailors"

Goal: to consolidate the ability to perform shuttle running alone and in pairs. Sailor children on a sinking ship. On the opposite side of the playing area there is a hoop - “Salvation Island”. Only the one who saved a comrade from death can remain on the island. The first player, running around the hoop, returns for the second, the second runs with him to the hoop and returns for the third, and the first remains on the island. When all the sailors are transported to the island. The team flag rises over the island.


Goal: Development of accuracy. Children receive 3 charges (ball or sandbag). Their task is to shoot down enemy “ships” with a well-aimed hit.

"Whistle up everyone."

Goal: Development of reaction speed, spatial orientation. Reinforce the concepts of “column, line, circle.” At the signal, all the children scatter across the playground. On command they return to their units, following the command of the leader. They line up in a column. In a line or in a circle.

Week 4 "Guardian of the Motherland."

A music and sports festival is held

"Our Army is strong."

Teacher's activity plan for the project

"Heroes of the Russian Land"

(integration of the areas “Artistic Creativity” + “Cognition” + “Communication”)

Week Type of activity Tasks Productive activity (result)
1 week Show a slide presentation

"Heroic Rus'" and "History of Russian Clothing" ("Cognition" + "Communication")

Artistic creativity (drawing): “The Russian land is rich in heroic strength”

Artistic creativity (modelling):

"Three heroes"

(work in creative groups)

To form an idea of ​​the heroic past of the Russian people of Ancient Rus', the great Russian heroes - defenders of the Russian land. Revive the idea of ​​epics as real historical facts, consolidate children's knowledge about epic heroes - Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich. Introduce children to the clothes and weapons of heroes.

Foster a sense of pride in the heroic Russia's strength, respect for Russian soldiers, the desire to imitate them. Expand children's knowledge about Russian history folk costume and its traditions. To develop the ability to answer questions posed coherently and consistently, to describe the appearance of heroes and surrounding landscape; talk about the characters of the characters and the mood of the picture; use synonyms and comparisons in speech.

To develop the ability to draw a human figure using a drawing diagram, to draw clothes, conveying its characteristic features. Improve the ability to create a plot composition in a drawing, passing on your accumulated knowledge and skills. Develop the skill of painting using techniques - shading and shading. Develop an eye, a sense of color, shape and proportions. To foster patriotic feelings, confidence, and initiative. Improve your ability to plan your work.

To develop the ability to sculpt the figure of a man and a horse from a roller by cutting with a stack and modeling proportional parts of the body. Show the possibility of conveying the movement of a molded figurine by slightly changing the position of the arms and legs (with the nature of the movement); encourage creative initiative. Develop an eye, fine motor skills, sense of form and proportions. Develop the ability to work collectively.

Exhibition of children's drawings on the theme: "The Russian land is rich in heroic strength"

Exhibition of children's stucco works: "Three heroes"

2 week View the slide presentation "Russian Hussars" and "Ladies of the Hussar Era"

(“Cognition” + “Communication”)

Hood. creativity (drawing): "The daring hussar squadron"

Hood. creativity (drawing): "Squadron of Hussars"

- formation of patriotic feelings in children based on familiarization with the military traditions of our people and monuments of military glory;

Fostering love and respect for the defenders of the Motherland on the basis of vivid impressions received from viewing films dedicated to the Battle of Borodino, expanding children’s knowledge about the heroes of the Battle of Borodino - M.I. Kutuzov, A. Suvorov, etc.;

Develop children's intellectual competence about the hussar era;

Expand children's knowledge about the clothing and traditions of the Russian people of the hussar era.

Improve the ability to design and paint silhouettes (hussars), observing the directions of shading. Improve work planning skills. Initiate activity creative activity for further application of work results in various productive activities.

Improve children's ability to draw a human figure; design the drawing according to its theme; develop attention when examining the elements of a hussar uniform and the ability to convey what is seen in a drawing. Develop the skill of painting using techniques - shading and shading. Develop an eye, a sense of color, shape and proportions. To foster patriotic feelings, confidence, and initiative. Improve your ability to plan your work.

The use of ready-made hussar silhouettes in gaming and educational activities - FEMP

Exhibition of children's drawings on the topic: "Squadron of Hussars"

3 week View the slide presentation "History of the Russian Fleet"

(“Cognition” + “Communication”)

Artistic creativity: “The wind blows the sail” (drawing)

“A boat sails across the seas” (drawing ships for collective collage work)

- introducing children to the history of the development of the Russian Navy, developing in children a sense of pride in their Motherland;

Enrich children's knowledge about great role Peter I for Russia in shipbuilding;

Fostering love and respect for the defenders of the Motherland on the basis of vivid impressions received from watching the chronicles of the heroic exploits of the battleship Potemkin and Varyag, the cruiser Aurora;

Develop children's intellectual competence about the Russian Navy;

Enrich children's vocabulary.

To improve children’s ability to note features when examining and detail the image; develop drawing skills sailing ships. Develop a sense of color sensations and plot construction compositions.

Strengthen children's knowledge about different types ships; improve your ability to draw them. Improve your drawing technique watercolor paints. Develop the ability to draw simple stories by design. Strengthen knowledge about color. To develop the ability to work collectively, interest in visual arts, to promote the mastery of compositional skills; encourage creative initiative.

Exhibition of children's drawings "Under sail, swiftly"

Collage "Across the seas, along the waves"

4 week View the slide presentation "Guardian of the Motherland"

(“Cognition” + “Communication”)

Artistic creativity: "Military equipment" (drawing)

"Brave paratroopers" (modeling + design)

- fostering respect for the defenders of the Motherland, pride in one’s people, love for the Motherland;

Develop an understanding of the different branches of the military, consolidate knowledge about the national holiday of warriors, clarify who the defenders of the fatherland are; develop speech, thinking, support children’s initiative;

Continue familiarization with the concept of “big and small homeland”, teach them to understand and explain their meaning. ?

Improve your ability to plan your work. Develop an eye, a sense of color, shape and proportions. To foster patriotic feelings, confidence, and initiative.

To develop the ability to sculpt a human figure from a roller by cutting with stacks and modeling proportional parts of the body. Show the possibility of conveying the movement of a molded figurine by slightly changing the position of the arms and legs (with the nature of the movement); encourage creative initiative. Develop eye, fine motor skills, sense of shape and proportions.

Design: production of a polyethylene parachute.

Exhibition of children's drawings "Our Army is strong!"

Collective composition stucco works: "Brave paratroopers"

Plan music director according to the project "Heroes of the Russian Land"

(integration of the “Music” + “Health” areas)

Music for a child is a world of joyful experiences. To open the door to this world for him, it is necessary to develop his abilities, and first of all ear for music and emotional responsiveness. Otherwise, music will not fulfill its educational functions.

Objectives of music education:

  1. Foster a love and interest in music. Only the development of emotional responsiveness and sensitivity makes it possible to widely use the educational influence of music.
  2. Enrich children's experiences by introducing them in a clearly organized system to a variety of musical works and the means of expression used.
  3. Introduce children to a variety of activities musical activity, forming the perception of music and the simplest performing skills in the field of singing, rhythm, and playing children's instruments.
  4. To develop the general musicality of children (sensory abilities, pitch hearing, sense of rhythm), form singing voice and expressiveness of movements. If at this age a child is taught and introduced to active practical activities, then the formation and development of all his abilities occurs.
  5. Promote initial development musical taste. Based on the impressions received and ideas about music, first a selective and then an evaluative attitude towards the performed works is manifested.
  6. Develop creative attitude to music. This helps to identify independence, initiative, and the desire to use everyday life learned repertoire.

1 week of the project:

Charger - "Bogatyrs"

Listening to music - 1. Song “Heroic Power” by A. Pakhmutova, N. Dobronravov.

2. Opera by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”.

“Three miracles”, second miracle “Thirty-three heroes”.

Week 2 of the project:

Charger - "Hussars"

Listening to music - 1. Marches: “Hussar March” by A. Petrov,

"Hussar March" A. Sviridov

2. Song "Hussar era" by A Varlamov

Week 3 of the project:

Charger - "Sailors"

Listening to music - 1. March "Farewell of the Slavyanka"

2. Song "Sailor" by O. Gazmanov

3. "Musical riddles"(Sounds: fireworks, shooting, sound of the sea,

sea ​​surf.)

Musical and rhythmic movements - dance "Apple"

Singing - "Sea Captain"

Week 4 of the project:

Charger - "Our Army is strong"

Listening to music - 1. Didactic game"Find similarities and differences"

(music of the song "Budenovets" by Y. Dubravina and "Soldier"

G. Kurina)

2. Song "Three Tankers"

Singing - "Our Motherland is strong"

Exercise complex for children of the preparatory group "Bogatyri"

1 exercise. Entrance to the "March in a Circle" hall. Clear walking with energetic work of arms and legs.

Exercise 2. "Running on your toes." Light running on toes in a circle, scattered, in a circle. ?

Exercise 3 . "The enemies of heroes are fairy-tale dwarfs and giants." Walking according to the music big steps on toes, arms stretched up (giants), walking in a squat, hands holding knees (dwarfs).

Exercise 4 . "Heroic horse" 1) Jump in a circle, one leg in front, the other behind, arms extended forward, fists clenched (holding the reins)

2) side gallop, hands on the belt.

Children take dumbbells.

Exercise 5 . "Strongmen". Feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides. Tilt your torso now to the right, now to the left, making large swings of your arms with dumbbells.

Exercise 6 "Dear little earthling." Raise your arms up, bend over, put dumbbells on the floor, straighten up.

Exercise 7 "Bogatyrskaya outpost". Raising a straight leg forward and two arms at the same time. Alternate right and left legs.

Exercise 8 "Heroic scope." Half squats with arms raised to the sides.

Repeat "March".

Exercise 9 “Get the sun (stretching)” (straightens the spine). Raise your hands up.

The charge was composed by: musical director I.A. Didenko.

teacher Galushko O.K.

conducted by: musical director I.A. Didenko

Charging for children preparatory group"Hussars"

Charging is performed to the music.

1 exercise. Entrance to the hall "March in a circle, scattered". Clear walking with energetic work of arms and legs.

Exercise 2. "Jump." In a circle, one leg in front, the other behind, hands on the waist.

Exercise 3 . "Toes and heels." Walking in a circle on your toes, on your heels.

Children take gymnastic sticks (one per person).

Exercise 4 . "Hooray". Raise your right hand with the stick up (the stick is in a vertical position), lower it down. Transfer the stick to your left hand and repeat the exercise.

Exercise 5 "Swing". Place the stick on your shoulders, tilt your torso forward, and straighten up.

Exercise 6 "Stand-up stick." Place the stick on the floor vertically, holding right hand walk around the stick in a circle. Change your hand to your left and repeat the exercise.

Exercise 7 "High knee" Hold the stick with both hands extended in front of you at the level of the navel, raise your knee in turn, trying to reach the stick with your knee.

Exercise 8 "Attack". Raise the stick vertically with your right hand and wave the stick in a circle. Perform the same exercise with your left hand.

Repetition of "March in a circle, scattered"

Exercise 9 "High" Raise your arms up through your sides - inhale, lower them down - exhale.

Exercises for children of the preparatory group "Sailors".

Charging is performed to the music.

1 exercise. Entrance to the hall in pairs "March in a circle in pairs, changing lines one after another." Clear walking with energetic work of arms and legs.

Exercise 2. "Running". Easy running in a circle, scattered, in a circle.

Exercise 3. "Storm". Jumping around the room alternately on one leg and the other.

Exercise 4 . "I was a cabin boy - I became a captain!"?Feet shoulder width apart. Squat down with your hands on your knees and your head bowed. Stand up, stretching, raise your arms up.

Exercise 5 . "Lookout". Lunge to the right, one leg in front is bent at the knee, the other behind is straight, the right hand is a “visor”, the left is on the waist. Repeat the exercise to the left.

Exercise 6 . " We're scrubbing the deck." Feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides. Tilt your torso to the right and then to the left, making large swings of your arms .

Exercise 7 "Sailor's Dance" Deep squat, lifting the torso with the foot on the heel, alternately right and left.

Exercise 8 "The sea is rocking." We stand straight, legs apart, arms down. Bending your right leg slightly and turning your torso to the right, reach your heel with your hand. The same - in the other direction.

Exercise 9 "Empty barrels" Lie on your back on the floor, above your head outstretched arms. We roll onto our side, then onto our stomach, onto the other side and back again. Head between hands, arms straight.

Exercise 10 "Walk the Rope". Place the extended rope on the floor. The child must walk along it while maintaining balance.

Exercise 11 "Gull". Walking in circles one after another , waving his arms like a bird flaps its wings.

The exercises were compiled and conducted by: music director I.A. Didenko.

Exercises for children of the preparatory group

"Our Army is strong!"

Charging is performed to the music.

(chairs are placed in advance in the center of the hall)

1. Normal walking in a column.

2. Walking on toes, easy running (50-60 sec).

3. Running with a change of direction.

4. Walking “snake” around the chairs.

1 exercise. "Pilots"

I.P. - sitting on a chair, legs parallel, arms down.

1 - Raise your arms to the sides.

2 - Lower down, return to starting position.

Dosage: 5 - 6 times.

Exercise 2. "Tankmen"

I.P. - sitting on a chair, one leg straightened forward, the other under the chair.

(change of leg position)

1 - The left leg is straightened forward, the right leg is under the chair.

2 - The right leg is straightened forward, the left leg is under the chair.

Dosage: 5 - 6 times.

Exercise 3. "Border Guards"

I.P. - sitting on a chair, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt.

1 - Lean to the right.

2 - Return to starting position.

3 - Lean to the left.

4 - Return to starting position.

Dosage: 6 times.

Exercise 4"Sailors"

I.P. - standing on all fours, the seat of the chair is under the child’s belly. The child rests on his hands and knees.

1 - The child straightens his arms and legs, holds himself in the chair for 2 seconds. (inhale)

2 - Return to I.P. (exhalation)

Exercise 5 . "Artillerymen"

I.P. - standing behind a chair, legs parallel, hands on the back of the chair.

1 - Sit down.

2 - Get up and return to the starting position.

Dosage: 4 - 5 times.

Exercise 6 "Rocketmen"

I.P. - sitting on a chair, legs closed, straightened - on the floor, arms resting on the sides of the chair seat.

1 - Raise your right leg forward and up.

2 - Lower your leg and return to the starting position.

3 - Raise your left leg forward and up.

4 - Lower your leg and return to the starting position.

Dosage: 6 times.

Exercise 7 "Paratroopers"

I.P. - standing near a chair, legs parallel, hands on the belt.

Jumping on two legs around a chair in both directions, alternating with walking.

Dosage: 2 series of 10 jumps.

The teacher invites the children to remove the chairs.

Part 3: Normal walking around the hall in a column one after another.

The exercises were compiled and conducted by: music director I.A. Didenko.

Project effectiveness:

Week 1: "Heroic Rus'"


  • Russians folk epics based on real heroes of ancient Rus';
  • the meaning of heraldry for a person who defended his homeland;
  • history of military and household clothing, its purpose for the people of Rus';

Week 2: "Squadron of Hussars"


  • famous poem M. Lermontov based on real historical events;
  • knowledge about the great military commander M.I. Kutuzov;
  • the history of the hussar uniform and household clothing, as well as elegant clothing for balls;
  • enrichment vocabulary words of a child.

Week 3: "Across the seas, across the waves"


  • history of the emergence and development of the Russian fleet;
  • acquaintance with maritime legends of Peter the Great's times;
  • heroes of the armored cruiser "Varyag"
  • hero of the Great Patriotic War, sailor - Viktor Kuskov;
  • enriching the child's vocabulary.

Week 4: "Guarding the Motherland"


  • expand children's understanding of the various branches of our troops Russian Army;
  • development of children based on love and interest in the present and past of their people;
  • education of moral and patriotic qualities: humanism, pride, desire to preserve the peace of one’s Motherland and Fatherland;
  • instilling civic responsibility and a sense of pride in one’s country.

And strong, mighty heroes in glorious Rus'!

Don't let your enemies ride on our land!

Do not trample Russian land with their horses,

They will not outshine our red sun!

Rus' stands a century - it does not waver!

And it will stand for centuries without moving!

Ancient Rus' was famous far beyond its borders. Rus' was a large and rich state. Foreigners who visited the capital Ancient Rus'— Kyiv, they talked about his wealth. No wonder the Main Gate of Kyiv was called Golden. Upholstered in gilded copper, they sparkled brightly in the sun. The domes of numerous churches also glowed with gold.

There were also “mighty heroes” in Rus'. The “heroic theme” has been heard in Russian art for a long time. We often meet her in folk art, in poetry, literature, music, painting, theater, cinema. This is because from ancient times and, one might say, until our time, enemies have been attacking Rus' from all over, trying to take possession of our lands, wealth, and enslave our people. The image of the hero was born in Russian art as the image of a mighty defender of the Motherland.

We took out reproductions of the painting “Bogatyrs” and began to look at it. We read a poem by Andrei Usachev about heroes.

Here they are, the famous three Russian heroes. Three warriors on powerful horses. They stand guard over Russian borders. The eldest, strongest and wisest is Ilya Muromets.

Middle - Dobrynya Nikitich. He is skilled not only in military craft, but also in science and in the game of chess. If you need to settle a matter peacefully, no one can do it better than Dobrynya. And he is not lacking in heroic strength and courage: he defeated the Serpent Gorynych himself! Zabava Putyatishna, the niece of Prince Vladimir, was rescued from the snake caves.

Junior - Alyosha Popovich, winner of Tugarin Zmeevich. For Alyosha, the main thing is ingenuity and cunning. Alyosha is a cheerful person, that’s why his comrades love him.

We remembered the epics about each of the heroes and read them.

After reading the epics, we returned to the painting again and I began asking Dasha questions. How the artist painted each of the heroes. What do they have in common? What is the landscape like? Who's the eldest? What does he look like? How does he sit? How armed? Is Dobrynya Nikitich so calm? How armed? What does Alyosha Popovich look like? How does he look? What are you armed with? What do we see from the side?

“Bogatyrs” - the largest, most significant painting by Viktor Vasnetsov - is a powerful epic song to Russia, its great past - a picture designed to express the spirit of the Russian people.

I suggested that Dasha complete the task on the card and pack the hero for the journey.

Then I turned on the symphony “Bogatyrskaya” by A.P. Borodin. (part 1). We began to listen to it and imagine the heroes of the symphony? In Borodin’s music you can feel strong, powerful people, people who are heroes. Was the music always so menacing, powerful, strong, or did its character change? Has there always been menacing and powerful music? (no) there were also more melodious, calm, even lyrical ones. You mentally imagine the image of Ancient Rus', its endless steppes, here the heroes admire the open spaces, native nature, they notice in the field whether there is an enemy somewhere, whether they are offending anyone somewhere.

We read a poem with Dasha and Dasha began to discuss how much the poem, music, and painting convey the spirit of the heroes and the Russian people.

Wide are you, Rus', across the face of the earth

Unfolded in royal beauty!

Don't you have heroic powers?

Old saint, high-profile feats?

There is a reason for this, mighty Rus',

To love you, to call you mother,

Stand up for your honor against your enemy,

I need to lay down my head for you in need!

You can ask riddles so that the child can determine who they are written about:

nightingale whistle,

Eagle's gaze -

Not a beast, not a hunter,

And... (Nightingale the Robber)

Because of the hills and fields

A certain beast appeared.

He breathed fire into his nostrils,

The night became like day.

He stole the fun

He dragged me into the oak grove.

(Fire Serpent)

We had a physical training session with Dasha

They stood up together - one, two, three -

We are now heroes.

We'll put our palms to our eyes,

Let's spread our strong legs,

Turning to the right

Let's look around majestically.

And you need to go left too

Look from under your palms,

And to the right, and again

Over the left shoulder.

Let's spread our legs like the letter L,

Just like in a dance - hands on hips,

Leaned left, right

It turns out great!

Next we began to recreate the picture. We already had two heroes in our arsenal, so Dasha suggested drawing a third. She drew and cut it out herself, I just helped her make a stand for it and glue it on (I also outlined the beard). Our heroes turned out to be without horses, but this did not make them any less courageous.

Physical education and patriotic entertainment with children of the preparatory group can be timed to coincide with the calendar holidays V kindergarten. The lesson about heroes is most relevant on February 23, May 9, Russian Independence Day.

The lesson about heroes is conducted with the aim of:

  • To form an idea of ​​the heroic past of the Russian people of Ancient Rus', the great Russian heroes - defenders of the Russian land.
  • Revive the idea of ​​​​the epic, oh epic heroesIlya Muromtse, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich.
  • Arouse interest in the language of epics, tales, songs, legends about Russian heroes.
  • Practice familiar physical exercises.
  • To cultivate a sense of pride in the heroic strength of Russia, respect for Russian soldiers, and a desire to imitate them.

A lesson about heroes allows you to activate the child’s vocabulary: hero, guslar, chain mail, armor, equipment, Slavs, Russians, swamps, epics, sword, mace, club, spear, bow and arrows, harp.

Preliminary work:

  • Examination of the painting “Bogatyrs” by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov.
  • Examination of the panel “Russian heroes” with art material about epic heroes.
  • Reading passages about epic heroes: “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber”, “Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych”, “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent”.
  • Listening to the recording of the epics “Finist-Yasny Falcon”, “Nikita Kozhemyaka”, “Snake Gorynych”.
  • Art activities on the topics: “Weapons of heroes”, “Bogatyrs”, “Horses of Russian heroes”.


  • Illustrations of the heroes of Ancient Rus'.
  • Cards depicting the weapons of heroes (sword, mace, flail, etc.) and the weapons of modern warriors (pistol, shotgun, rifle, machine gun).
  • Costumes of heroes and guslar, ropes, a river, pebbles made of paper, a stone at a crossroads, three roads, a forest, images of Kashchei the Immortal, the Nightingale the Robber, and the Serpent Gorynych.

Lesson about heroes

Children sit in the hall on chairs.

Educator: “A long time ago, on the site of the cities and villages where we now live, there were impenetrable forests full of animals and birds. Many territories were occupied by marshy swamps. Since ancient times, Slavs lived on this land. Their neighbors - the Khazars and Mongols - Tatars often attacked the Slavs, devastated lands, destroyed houses, and took people captive. More than 1000 years ago, the Slavs founded their state, called Russia. Only the very strong, hardy and brave people. Such people were called Russians. They were famous for their heroic strength; fairy tales and epics were written about their exploits. Heroes lived among the Russians - the defenders of our Motherland in ancient times.

This is what they looked like. (Shows illustrations of heroes and the painting by V. M. Vasnetsov “Bogatyrs”).

Look, guys, how powerful, courageous, brave and strong they were. Who is shown in the picture?

Children: — Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich.


- That's right, who were they?

Children: - Bogatyrs.

Educator: - Bogatyrs are people of immeasurable strength, perseverance and courage who perform military feats. The heroes protected our Motherland from enemies - they stood at the outpost (border), no animal would slip past them unnoticed, no bird would fly by, much less an enemy would pass by. Children, would you like to follow the path of heroes and learn about their exploits?

Children: - Yes.

Educator: “Then we need to get ready for a difficult, dangerous journey, where unusual adventures will await us, won’t you be scared?” I know that you are friendly and brave. Friendship will help us overcome all obstacles.
But first, let's remember, before setting off on a long journey, what did the Russian hero have to choose?

Children: - Way to go.

Educator: - That's right, he had to choose the path to take. In fairy tales and epics, the hero always stood at a crossroads near a stone on which it was written where to go. Here on our road there is such a stone, on it it is written:

You go right - Money and fame,
If you go to the left, you will lose friends and you will not be brave.
If you move straight, danger awaits and heroic outpost.

- So, guys, which road are we choosing?

Children: - The road that goes straight.

Educator: — Well done, let’s first tell you about ourselves.

1 boy:

— There are bumps on the forehead.
There are lights under the eye.
Well, if we are boys,
Then we are heroes.

2nd boy:

- Scratches, splinters.
The only thing we're afraid of is iodine!
There are no shame in tears
The commander himself is pouring.

3 boy:

- Let your head be in greenery
And my leg is covered in plasters,
But there are still strengths,
To defeat the enemy.

- First, warm up
And you will walk over the bumps,
You can't leave them
The abyss is waiting for you there, friends.

Teams need to go to the other side of the hall using planks.

- Here is an obstacle on the way,
You can't get past it that easily.
We need to remember quickly
And say proverbs!

Children need to be told proverbs about courage, bravery and the homeland of Russian heroes.

Proverbs and sayings about courage, courage, Motherland

Courage to the strength of the commander.
The hero who fights hard for his homeland.
Whoever dared sat on a horse.
Stand by your edge to the death.
The Russian does not joke with the ball or the roll.
Die yourself, but help your comrade.
Die from your native land, don’t leave.
To live is to serve the Motherland.
Happiness - Motherland more valuable than life.
Not the hero who expects a reward, but the hero who goes for the people.
If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

Educator: - It’s time to take a break! Halt! Yes, only during rest you need to gain strength. And for this, Russian folk dance is a good helper.

Children dance Russian folk dance.

- There’s a river on the way
Don't pass, don't pass -
Nightingale, the evil robber,
The bridge broke here over the river.

Children need to walk along the bench and crawl through the tunnel.

Educator: — Guys, in the group and at home you have read a lot of fairy tales and epics about the heroes of the Russian land. Let's remember what they are called?

Children: — “The Nightingale is the Robber”, “Finist-Yasny Sokol”, “Nikita Kozhemyaka”, “The Serpent Gorynych”, “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent” and others.

Educator: - Children, who did the heroes fight against?

Children: - With the Nightingale the Robber, the Serpent Gorynych, Koshchei the Immortal, the Tugarin Serpent.

Educator: - What is Bylina?

Children: - The epic comes from the word “byl”, “it was”.

Educator: - Who composed the epics about heroes?

Children: - Storyteller.

Educator: — A storyteller walked from village to village and spoke in a sing-song voice (like a song) about heroic heroes and their exploits. He talked about how it happened. About the deeds and victories of the heroes, about how they defeated evil enemies, defended their land, showed their bravery, courage, ingenuity, and kindness.

The narrator said this:

I'll tell you about old things,
Yes, about the old ones, about the experienced ones,
Yes about battles, yes about battles,
Yes, about heroic deeds!

- This is how the epic was composed. Among the Russian people for many centuries, epics about mighty heroes. The epics reflected the life of the Russian people, which was very difficult in Rus'. Almost every epic mentions Rus', Russian land, Motherland, Russia - what beautiful and mysterious words. Rus. At all a short word. It came to us from hoary antiquity and remained with us forever.

Children recite poems:

Glory to the Russian side!
Glory to Russian antiquity!
And about this old thing
I'll start telling you
So that children can know
About the affairs of our native land.

My Fatherland! Russia
The spirit of antiquity lives in you
And not just one more element
Didn't defeat your people.

Russia is mother! Praise be to you
Over the centuries you have seen quite a lot
When could you speak?
You could tell me a lot.

You reflected in the surface of the waters
Both the first Kremlin and the new city
What did our Russian people build?
Under the first pine wall.

Russia did not begin with a sword,
It began with a scythe and a plow.
Not because the blood is not hot,
But because the Russian shoulder
Never in my life has anger touched...

Children sing a patriotic song about Russia.

- Here is the barrier, here is Kashchei,
He eats a lot, a lot of cabbage soup,
To get you further,
You need to prove that you are heroes.

Children must take a sword, a horse and overcome an obstacle course.

Children compete in speed - running with a ball in their hands. The ball symbolizes the severed head of the Serpent Gorynych.

Music is playing.


- Let's remember, guys.
Dobrynya Nikitich went to glorious river
Suddenly it doesn’t rain, it doesn’t thunder,
An Snake and that Gorynishcho,
It flies with three heads and twelve trunks.
The serpent says these words:
“And now, Dobrynyushka, you are in my hands,
I'll take you full, if I want, I'll burn you,
If I want, I’ll eat it.”

Dobrynya contrived, hit Gorynishche,
And the Serpent fell on the damp ground,
On damp earth, on feather grass.
He asked for mercy, murderous.

But he cut off his violent head,
Moreover, he spoke these words:
“You’re too tired to scream like an animal,
You’re good enough to frighten little children!”


- Oh, you goy, heroes and holy Russians,
And you have saddled good horses,
May you stand for the faith and the Fatherland,
And bow to you from Rus' and forever and ever.


- Well, guys, our time has come to an end. fabulous trip. You and I overcame all the dangers and obstacles, like heroes, we remembered their exploits. You are all great guys, you performed all the tasks well, you were attentive, brave, dexterous, and quick-witted. And in the end we must remember what legacy the heroes left us?
Defend your homeland, take care of it. Protect the weak, the poor, the elderly and children, Be strong, brave, courageous, courageous. love your native land, your people, your country and your homeland. And I want to give you each a gift - this is a drawing of a hero. You can paint his armor.

The teacher hands out coloring books to the children.

Lesson notes

Bogatyrs of the Russian Land

Conversation with “smooth speech”

Preparatory group

Conducted by: Tkachevskaya O.I.

Saratov 2014


  • Introduce the epic as one of the folklore genres;
  • To form an idea of ​​the heroic past of the Russian people, Russian heroes-defenders of the Russian Land: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich;
  • To consolidate knowledge of the names of the elements of the costume and weapons of the Russian hero (shirt, chain mail, helmet, cloak, spear, mace, sword, shield, bow, arrows);
  • To cultivate a sense of pride in the heroic strength of Russia, respect for Russian soldiers, and a desire to imitate them.

Preliminary work:

  • Reading epics “Ilya Muromets”, “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber”, “Dobrynya and the Serpent”, etc., listening to audio recordings of epics, looking at the painting “Bogatyrs” by V.M. Vasnetsov, memorizing proverbs.


  • Reproduction of a painting by V.M. Vasnetsov “Bogatyrs”;
  • Elements of clothing and weapons of a hero.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Oh, you are kind fellows and beautiful girls! We gathered not for an honest feast, but for a kind and orderly conversation, so that we would have peace and harmony, and agreement, and our conversation would be conducted in smooth speech.

And we will talk about the heroes, the defenders of the Russian land, who lived 1000 years ago, and the glory of their exploits has survived to this day. How did we learn about the Russian heroes who lived in the old days and became famous for their exploits?

Children: We learned about heroes from epics.

Educator: Right. What is an "epic"? What word does this name come from?

Children: From the word “byl”, “was”.

An epic is what actually happened.

Educator: The creator of the epics was the people, and the epics were told by storytellers.

A storyteller is a storyteller who told and told Russian folk epics and fairy tales. He walked from village to village and chanted (like a song) about the heroic heroes, about their exploits, about how they defended their native land, and how they showed their bravery, courage, ingenuity and kindness.

“I’ll tell you about old deeds, about old things, about experienced ones, and about battles, and about battles, and about heroic deeds!

Who are these heroes?

Children: Defenders, warriors, brave courageous people.

Educator: Yes, heroes are the defenders of the Russian Land. They were famous for their unprecedented strength and courage. Listen to how the Russian people respected the heroic feat:

  1. The hero is not famous by birth, but by his feat.
  2. He who dared mounted a horse.
  3. There is no better thing than defending your native land from enemies.

Educator: The exploits of Russian heroes are reflected not only in epics, but also in the works of artists. What is the name of the painting by V.M. Vasnetsova?

Children: Bogatyrs.

Educator: We all like her very much. Who did the artist depict?

Children: Three heroes.

Educator: Who is in the center?

Children: Ilya Muromets.

Educator: How did you guess that it was Ilya Muromets?

Children: He is the most powerful, the oldest, the wisest.

Educator: Who's on the left? Who's on the right?

Children: Dobrynya and Alyosha Popovich

Phys. Just a minute.

Educator: The heroes look into the distance to see if they can see any enemies. They stand in defense of the Russian Land. How are the heroes dressed?

Children: They are dressed in chain mail. This is an iron shirt made of rings.

Educator: Why did they wear chain mail?

Children: Protection from arrows, spears.

Educator: What's on your head?

Children: Helmet, head protection.

Educator: What other armor do heroes have?

Ilya Muromets has a spear and a mace, Dobrynya has a sword, and Alyosha Popovich has a quiver of arrows.

Educator: I want to show you a few illustrations of who the Russian heroes fought and won? (Serpent Gorynych, Nightingale - the robber).

Educator: Guys, I also want to show you heroic equipment, but it’s not real, but let’s imagine for one minute that it is.

Children try on armor - helmet, cloak, sword, shield.

Educator: Our conversation about Russian heroes has come to an end, and the Russian heroes have left us their main testament (rule). What is the rule of heroes?

Children: Protect the weak, children, the elderly. Be strong, brave and courageous.


in the preparatory group.




1. Education of masculinity in boys.

2. Consolidation of knowledge about the heroes of fairy tales and the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.


Asnetsov “The Knight at the Crossroads”, “Bogatyrs”, “Ivan Tsarevich at gray wolf", A. Bubnova "Morning on the Kulikovo Field", portraits of WWII heroes.


Vocabulary work: guide, excursionists, heroes, knight, outpost, blade, order, tunic, machine gun, Hero Soviet Union.



Today we will go on an excursion to art gallery. The theme of the excursion is “Heroes of the Russian Land.” Like a real museum, we will have several halls. I will be the guide, and you, the tourists, will help me. And here is our first room. Paintings by V. Vasnetsov “The Knight at the Crossroads”, “Heroes”, “Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf”, and A. Bubnov “Morning on the Kulikovo Field” are exhibited.

Music sounds quietly, bells ring.


Bogatyrs are an ancient word. What does it mean?


A hero is a strong, brave, successful warrior, happy in battle.


What else were the heroes called?



Look carefully at these pictures and tell me which of the heroes you recognize?


Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich.


What picture are they all shown in?




Who painted this picture?




Three horsemen stopped in a field. The hot horses froze under them, as if they sensed danger in the steppe. The heroes turned their heads. They anticipate a battle. Children, describe Ilya Muromets, what is his face like, what is he like? What do you know about his character and origin?


Ilya Muromets – peasant son. He is no longer young, he is kind. Strong, calm, reasonable, sedate, smart. He defeated the Nightingale the Robber, Miracle Yudo. He served not for wealth, not for glory, he defended the Russian Land and the people.


What is the name of the second hero?


Dobrynya Nikitich.


What does this name mean?


Dobrynya is kind, people loved him.


Who can tell about this hero?


Children's answers.


I will add to your answers. The fame of Dobrynya spread far and wide: he was stately, and tall, and literate, and brave in battle, and cheerful at the feast. Dobrynya will compose a song, play the harp, and say a clever word. And Dobrynya’s disposition is calm and affectionate. He will not scold anyone, he will not offend anyone in vain. No wonder they called him Dobrynya.

Alyosha, nicknamed Popovich, grew up in the glorious city of Rostov. From an early age he held a spear, shot a bow, and tamed horses. His senior comrades took him to the outpost to teach him military service so that he would become a hero. How do you see Alyosha Popovich?


Strong, handsome, thoughtful, loves to play the harp.


How are the heroes worth?


Side by side, they are friendly, shoulder to shoulder, they will not leave each other in trouble. The enemy cannot get through the heroic outpost.


When there is such protection, people feel strong, reliable protection Well done.

In the painting, the artist glorified the invincible Russian people. Vasnetsov said: “We did not spare ourselves, we fought and will fight for the independence of our land. Russian people are never afraid of what the future promises them. And today the people glorify their defenders. Glory to the heroes of the Russian Land!”

Let's move on to the next room. What do you see here?


Portraits of men, military.


These guys are the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Let's look at some portraits.

Portraits of WWII heroes are displayed, not necessarily mentioned, but can be chosen by the teacher.


Here is a portrait of Boris Ivanovich Sizov. What can you tell us about him?


Strong, brave, courageous, young. He is wearing a tunic with shoulder straps and an order, and he has a blade in his hand.


Pay attention to his face - how courageous it is, he has bold eyes, a decisive look, he seems to be calling his comrades into battle.

This is a Russian, Guard Senior Lieutenant Sizov. In March 1945, the Nazis appeared in the area of ​​the division headquarters. Sizov headed the combined detachment. But the forces were not equal. When the cartridges ran out, he pulled out a blade and rushed into hand-to-hand combat, dragging his comrades with him. The wounded Sizov fought until last straw blood. He was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

And here is a portrait of Hero of the Soviet Union Asanov Dair Asanovich. He is Kyrgyz by nationality. During the war he was a gunner. In one battle, he destroyed 8 tanks, 6 armored vehicles and 40 enemy machine gunners. When the gun failed, he fired back with a machine gun. He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Look at the portrait. What can you say about this person?


He is strong, brave, he has an open, bold look.


No matter how brave you are, you are not a warrior alone in the field. And when we are together, we are strong.

During the war, the soldiers composed many proverbs and sayings. Do you know them?


A skilled fighter, well done everywhere.

Good in formation - strong in battle.

A soldier's job is to fight bravely and skillfully

The Russian soldier knows no barriers.

The girl is red with braids, and the soldier with orders.

Stand for each other and you will win the battle.


Our people endured a terrible and difficult war and emerged victorious. Only strong, skillful, dexterous warriors were able to win this war.


For everything that we have now,

For every happy hour we have,

Because the sun shines on us,

Thanks to the valiant soldiers,

That they once defended the world.

Thanks to grandfathers and fathers!


Will you also defend your homeland from enemies? What should our boys become?

Let's move on to the next room. It is still empty, but we will decorate it with drawings. Now you will be artists yourself. Boys will draw pictures on the theme “I am a future defender,” and girls can draw pictures on the theme “What we want our boys to be like when they become adults.”

The guys at their desks are drawing to the song “Heroic Strength.”

The drawings are used to design a group book for the project “Bow to the ground, soldier of Russia, for feat of arms in the war."