L n Tolstoy self-education. Leo Tolstoy's Success Secrets: A Writer on Education, Science and Death

Dropping out of university L.N. Tolstoy from the spring of 1847 he settled in Yasnaya Polyana ...

“The ideas of the young Tolstoy in terms of self-education are striking in their grandiosity. He was not satisfied with his studies at Kazan University, and, having decided to continue studying on his own, Tolstoy developed a program in his diary, which he intended to implement in two years. He suggests:

“1) Study the entire course of legal sciences required for the final examination at the university.
2) To study practical medicine and part of the theoretical one.
3) Learn languages: French, Russian, German, English, Italian and Latin.
4) Explore Agriculture both theoretical and practical.
5) Study history, geography and statistics.
6) Study mathematics, gymnasium course.
7) Write a dissertation.
8) Achieve an average degree of perfection in music and painting.

The first thing Tolstoy learned (or knew how to do from birth?) was to tell himself the truth without holding back. He pursues in himself every shade of falsehood, every hint of insincerity, because without this condition - frankness with himself - there is nothing to even think about becoming better. He had not yet made great progress in self-improvement when he made on the pages of his diary important discovery: "It is easier to write ten volumes of philosophy than to apply any one principle to practice."

After the entries of 1847, the diary is cut off for almost three years, only to be revived in 1850. Remembering those three years Tolstoy with chagrin he called them dissolute: the young man was swirled by the whirlpool of secular and bohemian life - balls and jurfixes, wine, cards, gypsies. Everything was new, but the soul could not be protected from what seemed to be a blissful death. During these years, Tolstoy, as it were, forgot the rules of the diary ... Tolstoy returns to the diary at the age of 23, when, as it seems to him, he had already "gone mad and grown old", stopped being embarrassed at balls, "has become too cold" and lost faith in that that, having composed and written down the rule of conduct, you have half fulfilled it.

“A great upheaval took place in me at that time,” Tolstoy writes on December 8, 1850 ... - I stopped making Spanish castles and plans, for the execution of which no human strength is enough. He no longer hopes to "reach anything with his mind alone" and seems to himself to be thoroughly wiser, although he is able to hang around in front of the mirror for another two hours, upset that his "left mustache is worse than the right one."

If it is impossible to invoke an ideal, meaningful virtue into one's life by reason alone, by logic, then perhaps it is easier to fight deviations from goodness? - reflects the author of the diary. And there is something to fight. It seems that V early youth Tolstoy is greatly harmed by spinelessness. In any case, it is precisely for this shortcoming that he constantly reproaches himself. And here the author of the diary gives us the first lesson.

A great life in the eyes of posterity is always an undeniable and brilliant result. But thanks to the diary, we can look at Tolstoy's life as a formation, a process.

We will see how a young man, brought up, albeit without parents, but in the pampering environment of aunts and mothers and who did not have a steel will by nature, defeats laziness and inertia. Character is a necessary part of talent. How many geniuses have died in obscurity due to lack of will to realize themselves. Tolstoy did not die, because he turned his weakness into strength, made it the subject of research and, educating himself, studied man in general.

For the young Tolstoy, the stubborn pursuit of his weaknesses becomes almost a mania. And if he was afraid that nature had not given him a strong character, then by incessant moral study he molded him, made him out of himself. Movement towards a virtuous goal, as the author of the diary now understands, is inseparable from self-improvement, and perfection is impossible without the strongest bridle of the will. Most importantly, you should not feel sorry for yourself, calm down, caress your pride, as is typical of many people. The young man Tolstoy does not spare himself: “One of my main and most unpleasant vices for me is a lie. The motive for the most part is boasting, the desire to show oneself from a favorable point. Therefore ... I give myself a rule: as soon as I feel a tickle of pride, preceding the desire to tell something about myself, change my mind. Be silent and remember that no fiction will give you more weight in the eyes of others than the truth, which is obligatory and convincing for everyone. Looking at yourself from the outside. Tolstoy does not dare to deny himself only two good qualities- intelligence and honesty (he is devoid of hypocrisy and therefore talks about it calmly). But otherwise, he gives himself the most devastating characteristics in his diary:

“I am intemperate, indecisive, fickle, stupidly vain and ardent, like all spineless people. I'm not brave. I am careless in life and so lazy that idleness has become an almost irresistible habit for me.

We are ready to get angry: why does he disappoint us in himself so much? Indeed, Tolstoy has such a desire to be sincere to the bottom, not to prevaricate even in small things, such a fear of being suspected (by whom? himself?) of being false, that, directing in this direction all the tension of conscience and the swift run of the pen, he is inclined to to self-incrimination."

Lakshin V.Ya., Five great names: articles, studies, essays, M., Sovremennik, 1988, p. 305-307.

Closer to old age

“The return to regular daily records in 1881, however, has a different meaning and interest than before. Subtle introspections disappear from the pages of the diary for a while, artistic observations and blanks. The faces of Tolstoy's secular and literary acquaintances are obscured. But the pages of the diary are filled with a motley and noisy crowd of people who have never been here before: fire victims, peasant widows, Odoev carpenters, Yasnaya Polyana peasants. Whatever the day Tolstoy goes out onto the big dusty road behind the estate, speaks to the women returning from the mayfly, the wanderers and pilgrims on foot, the peasants breaking the stone on the highway. There is the hottest time of restructuring his entire worldview, the final break with the traditions of the nobility.

“We have a huge dinner with champagne, Tanya is dressed up,” he writes bitterly on June 28, 1881. - Five-ruble belts on all children. They dine, and already the cart goes to a picnic between the peasant carts carrying the people exhausted by work.

Tolstoy is mercilessly baked by the shame of this life, and in the diary there are sarcastic plans to write, for example, the book “Green”: “Belshazzar’s feast, bishops, kings, taverns. Goodbyes, farewells, anniversaries. People think they are busy important things they are only busy eating.” Tolstoy almost physically suffers from the fact that he himself is forced to live the prosperous life of a manor gentleman. In order to get closer to the peasants, he is engaged in simple labor: he mows, plows, sews boots, and all these new hobbies of his are also given the lines of the diary.

In the last two decades of his life, Tolstoy's diary is more detailed than ever. Coming out of the most acute period of his crisis, Tolstoy no longer avoids literary and everyday topics, he notes meetings with a variety of people and books he read, swimming in the Voronka River or a walk in the forest for mushrooms. In him, even in old age, a young, sharp greed for life does not dry out. At the age of 67, he learns to ride a bicycle, at 72 he finds pleasure in skating on a frozen pond, at the age of 82 he still rides a horse and, going beyond the outskirts of Yasnaya Polyana, onto the highway, with curiosity observes one of the first in Russian motor rallies.

Lakshin V.Ya., Five great names: articles, studies, essays, M., Sovremennik, 1988, p. 315-316.

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Option 29.

1. Self-education

Self-education is the process of assimilation by a person of the experience of previous generations through internal mental factors that ensure development. Education, if it is not violence, is impossible without self-education. They should be seen as two sides of the same process. Carrying out self-education, a person can self-educate, which naturally cannot but be reflected in the creative activity of a person. Striving for perfection through the thorns of laziness leads to high creative results.

The upbringing and self-education of a person largely comes down to the gradual formation of a readiness to respond to something properly, in other words, to the formation of attitudes that are useful for a person and for society. Already in early childhood, parents consciously and unconsciously form patterns of behavior, attitudes: “Don’t cry - you are a man”, “Don’t get dirty - you are a girl”, etc., i.e. the child receives the standards of "good - bad". And by the age when we begin to realize ourselves, we find in our psyche a lot of entrenched feelings, opinions, attitudes, attitudes that affect both the assimilation of new information and the attitude to the environment. These often unconscious attitudes act on a person with great power, forcing them to perceive and respond to the world in the spirit of attitudes learned from childhood.

In the concept of "self-education" pedagogy describes the inner spiritual world of a person, his ability to develop independently. External factors - education - are only conditions, means of awakening them, putting them into action. That is why philosophers, educators, psychologists argue that it is in the human soul that the driving forces of its development are laid. In the process of education, it is necessary to encourage a teenager to carry out self-education.

The child himself is active from birth, he is born with the ability to develop. He is not a vessel into which the experience of mankind “merges”, he himself is capable of acquiring this experience and creating something new. Therefore, the main mental factor in human development is self-education.

Self-education is a person's activity aimed at changing his personality in accordance with consciously set goals, established ideals and beliefs. Self-education presupposes a certain level of development of the personality, its self-awareness, the ability to analyze it while consciously comparing one's actions with the actions of other people. A person's attitude to his potential, the correctness of self-esteem, the ability to see his shortcomings characterize the maturity of a person and are prerequisites for the organization of self-education.

Self-education involves the use of such techniques as self-commitment; self-report; comprehension own activities and behavior; self-control.

Self-education is carried out in the process of self-management, which is built on the basis of goals formulated by a person, a program of actions, control over the implementation of the program, evaluation of the results obtained, self-correction.

The methods of self-education include: 1) self-knowledge; 2) self-control; 3) self-stimulation.

Self-knowledge includes: introspection, introspection, self-assessment, self-comparison.

Self-control is based on: self-persuasion, self-control, self-order, self-hypnosis, self-reinforcement, self-confession, self-coercion.

Self-stimulation involves: self-affirmation, self-encouragement, self-encouragement, self-punishment, self-restraint.

The teenager does not act as a passive object of educational influences. He develops an internal position to these influences, depending on which he can either actively work on his improvement (self-development) or remain passive.

Understanding these provisions led to the fact that all the influences and influences that affect the development of the individual began to be divided into two groups - external and internal. Environmental influences and upbringing are among the external factors of a person's personal development. Natural inclinations, abilities and inclinations, as well as the totality of his feelings and experiences that arise under the influence of external influences, are internal factors.

From this point of view, it should be clear that education plays a decisive role in the development of the individual only if it has a positive effect on the internal stimulation of its activity in working on itself. It is this activity and the growing person's own desire for his own improvement that ultimately determine his personal development.

From this it follows - and this must be emphasized - that the process of personality development essentially acquires the character of self-development. L.N. Tolstoy compared the development of a person with how a fruit tree grows, because in the literal sense, it is not a person who grows it - it grows by itself. It only creates conditions and stimulates this growth: it loosens and fertilizes the soil when it needs to be watered, and destroys pests.

Self-education is the highest form of self-government. Psychological prerequisites for self-education.

In conditions of intensive social development, the role of moral principles in the entire life of society is growing. There is a unanimous opinion in the world that the moral ideal encourages imitation, for self-education, a standard of a morally educated person is needed, which must correspond to the following indicators: diligence; creative attitude to work; high culture of behavior.

Work on moral self-education is effective with a systematic approach that involves pedagogical diagnostics; the use of various methods of self-education; inclusion of oneself in social and internal collective relations; intensive involvement in activities, taking into account their positive qualities and abilities; formation of an objective self-assessment; training in the method of self-stimulation of positive behavior (self-hypnosis, self-approval, self-condemnation).

In junior school age the boundaries of self-education are determined by the emergence of a new type of activity - teaching. It is aimed at developing strong-willed qualities, responsibility, collectivism and is associated with accustoming the child to regular and conscientious performance of educational tasks.

There are rules that promote self-education:

Five musts:

1. Always help parents.

2. Fulfill the requirements of teachers to study in good faith.

3. Be honest.

4. Subordinate personal interests to collective ones.

5. Be honest at all times and everywhere.

Five "can":

1. Have fun and play when the job is done perfectly.

2. Forget grievances, but remember who and why you offended yourself.

3. Do not be discouraged by failures; If you persist, you will still succeed!

4. Learn from others if they work better than you.

5. Ask if you don't know, ask for help if you can't cope on your own.

This is what you need!

1. Be honest! The strength of a man is in the truth, his weakness is a lie.

2. Be hardworking! Do not be afraid of failure in a new business. Those who are persistent will create success from failures, forge victory from defeats.

3. Be sensitive and caring! Remember, you will be treated well if you treat others well.

4. Be healthy and clean! Do morning exercises, temper yourself, wash yourself to the waist with cold water every day, keep your hands clean, set aside an hour a day for walks and give another hour to work or sports.

5. Be attentive, train attention! Good attention protects against mistakes in teaching and failures in the game, work, sports.

This cannot be done!

1. Study without effort, lazily and irresponsibly.

2. Be rude and fight with peers, offend the younger ones.

3. Tolerate shortcomings, otherwise they will destroy you. Be stronger than your weaknesses.

4. Pass by when a baby is being offended nearby, a friend is being bullied, and blatantly lying in the eyes of honest people.

5. Criticize others if you yourself suffer from a similar deficiency.

Five good things:

1. Be able to control yourself (do not get lost, do not be a coward, do not lose your temper over trifles)

2. Plan your every day.

3. Evaluate your actions.

4. First think, then do.

5. Take on the hardest things first.

W. Goethe claimed: “ Clever man not the one who knows a lot, but the one who knows himself.”

What gives a person self-knowledge?

1. Objectively evaluate yourself, your capabilities and abilities. Based on this, determine the goals of life.

2. Do not make mistakes, disappointments, unfounded claims, collapse of life plans.

3. Determine your vocation, accurately choose a profession.

4.Do not claim Special attention to yourself from those around you; modesty and dignity are indicators of objective self-esteem.

5. Look for the causes of trouble in yourself, and not in others.

From self-knowledge to self-education

There is nothing more complex and more important than a sober, objective self-assessment. "Know thyself" - taught the great thinkers of antiquity. It is difficult to impartially control your behavior, the consequences of your actions. It is even more difficult to objectively assess one's place in society, one's capabilities, because psychophysiological potential is largely determined by innate genetic inclinations, the type of higher nervous activity and the emotional-volitional sphere. However, systematic and rigorous introspection is necessary, thanks to which a person can count on his spiritual, moral development.

I want to remind you of one interesting tradition, which arose in very old times among boys and girls. Youth is the age when a person tries to know himself, to determine who he is, what he is, how he looks in the eyes of other people. A diary can help with this. Now it is not fashionable to write diaries, and it is a pity.

The diary is an excellent means of self-knowledge, and, consequently, self-education. In the diary, people usually note their shortcomings, their strengths, but most often shortcomings, secret dreams and thoughts are believed by the pages of the diary.

These are the confessions we find in published diaries famous figures of the past. In the diary of the great Russian teacher Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky, we read, for example, the following rules, which were supposed to help him in self-education.

"1. Peace is perfect, at least externally.

2. Directness in words and deeds.

3. deliberation in actions.

4. Decisiveness.

5. Do not talk about yourself without the need for a single word.

6. Do not spend time unconsciously, do what you want, not what will happen.

7. Expend only for what is necessary or pleasant, and not spend out of passion.

8. Every evening, conscientiously give yourself an account of your actions.

9. Never brag about what was, or what is, or what will be.

And we know that all his life Ushinsky gave the impression of a man who sat down perfectly to control his actions, to control his own personality.

Leo Tolstoy's youthful diary also contains interesting program self-education. At first, he subjects himself to harsh criticism, not just for self-flagellation, but to improve himself. Here is what he wrote: “Now that I am developing my abilities, from the diary I will be able to judge the course of my development.”

Reading the diary later, a person can compare his achievements in self-education with the tasks set earlier, with his program. Tolstoy remarks about himself: “I am bad-looking, awkward, boring for others, immodest, intolerant and bashful, like a child. I am almost an ignoramus, what I know is that I learned somehow, by myself, in fits and starts without connection, to no avail, and that is so little. I am intemperate, indecisive, unstable, rude, vain and ardent, like all spineless people. I'm not brave, I'm not neat; I am so lazy in life that idleness has become an almost irresistible habit for me. I am smart, but my mind has never been thoroughly tested on anything. I have neither a practical mind, nor a secular mind, nor a business mind! I am honest, that is, I love goodness, I have made a habit of loving it; when I deviate from it, I am not satisfied with myself and return to it with pleasure. But there is a thing that I love more than goodness, fame.

And then Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy draws up a program for himself: “What you have to fulfill without fail, fulfill it no matter what. What you do, do it well. Never consult a book if you forgot something, but try to remember it yourself. Make your mind constantly work with all possible strength.

Thus, the diary is not only a way of introspection, but also a kind of plan - a program of self-change. Introspection for the sake of self-education.

The question arises: how much can a person change himself, change his character, curb his temperament? It turns out that there are almost no limits here. It is known, for example, that great writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was a remarkably modest, balanced and delicate man. But his own confessions show that these were not innate qualities, that these wonderful qualities, that these wonderful features are the result of self-education. Here is what he wrote to his wife Olga Leonardovna Knipper - Chekhova:

“You write that you envy my character. I must tell you that by nature I have a sharp character: I am quick-tempered and so on and so forth. But I am accustomed to restrain myself, because it is not befitting for a decent person to dismiss himself. In the old days, I did the devil knows what. This recognition is unexpected from the mild, modest, intelligent, delicate Chekhov. The environment in which Anton Pavlovich grew up and was brought up, as you know, did not contribute to the emergence of such character traits.

Obviously, it is clear how important it is to engage in self-study, self-knowledge, how useful self-report, the program and the use of such means as self-order and self-commitment.

Thus, the result of self-education is personality. The meaning of self-education, therefore, is the education of such a person who would harmoniously integrate into society.

Self-education of a person consists in the fact that a person is a self-worth. Human nature has the potential for continuous development, the desire for self-actualization. The main thing in any personality is its aspiration to the future. From this point of view, the past is not the basis for the final assessment of a person as a person. The inner phenomenal world of a person affects his behavior no less (and sometimes even more) than the external world and external influences.

Self-education is a purposeful process of developing the best, socially valuable personality traits and categorically prohibiting oneself from bad deeds and even thoughts.

Significantly simplifies the labor rhythm of life, makes it more clear and capacious method of reasonable self-coercion.

The method of reasonable self-coercion develops in a person the habit, and then the need to do the inevitable immediately, within a reasonable optimal time (this also applies to working with correspondence, writing monthly reports, doing housework, and many other inevitable, routine, often burdensome tasks).

The method of introspection (self-observation) is not easy to implement, it is often considered tedious and ineffective. But constant control over one's behavior in society and alone with oneself is necessary, it is enough to take a closer look at the facial expressions, gestures, manners of others, especially if they are sure that no one is watching them. Those who own the method of introspection never allow themselves to revel in their own eloquence, be rude to others, mock subordinates, push around the weak and dependent.

Factors that encourage a person to self-education

Students begin to engage in self-education when they have the ability to analyze and self-evaluate their positive properties and qualities and there is an internal attraction to their own personal development and improvement. This usually happens in adolescence. It is also impossible not to take into account the fact that individual adolescents, and in some cases even high school students, in the process of self-education try to imitate examples of risky and even reprehensible actions and deeds and are not able to carry out self-education properly.

What factors encourage students to self-educate?

1. The requirements that society imposes on the development of the individual, as well as those social ideals, moral patterns and examples that captivate and become attractive to her. All this necessitates a meaningful disclosure of questions about what a person should be like in modern society, what properties and qualities he should possess. It should be ensured that each student has his own favorite hero, whose life and work would encourage imitation, personal development and improvement.

2. An important incentive for self-education is the individual's claims to recognize his worthy place in the team, among peers and classmates. These claims, if they have a sound moral direction, should be supported in every possible way. It is necessary to tactfully note the positive actions and deeds of students, encourage their success, take care of creating a friendly attitude towards each member of the team. At the same time, it is necessary to be very careful in assessing certain acts and actions that can infringe on the student's pride, belittle his position in the class or school and cause him irritation and opposition.

3. A positive impact on the motivation of students for self-education. It creates an atmosphere of a certain competitiveness. Active participation in educational and extracurricular activities creates many situations for the manifestation of skill, invention and certain creativity of almost every student. Under these conditions, children strive to consolidate the success achieved, notice the existing shortcomings and strive to overcome them.

4. An important role in stimulating self-education is played by positive examples which are shown by peers, as well as teachers in the public, moral, artistic and aesthetic spheres. All this causes imitation and the desire for personal development.

5. Encourage active work on oneself and self-education healthy discussions on moral themes, discussion in the student team of various violations of the rules of partnership, discipline on the part of individual students.

These factors affect the stimulation of adolescents and older students to self-education in different ways. Nevertheless, in their totality, they allow each student to reach and awaken in them the desire and need to work on themselves.

Abilities and inclinations

Abilities are individual psychological characteristics of a person that ensure success in activities, in communication and ease of mastering them. Abilities cannot be reduced to the knowledge, skills, abilities that a person has, but abilities ensure their rapid acquisition, fixation and effective practical application.

Abilities are lifetime formations, their development takes place in the process of life, the environment and upbringing actively form them.

Only under the influence of science-based education and the creation of appropriate conditions, taking into account the characteristics of the child's nervous system, ensuring the development of all his organs, taking into account his potential and including in appropriate activities, individual natural inclinations can develop into abilities.

The following levels of abilities are distinguished: reproductive, which provides a high ability to assimilate ready-made knowledge, master the existing patterns of activity and communication, and creative, which ensures the creation of a new, original one. But it should be borne in mind that the reproductive level includes elements of the creative and vice versa.

Various types of activities are different influence on the development of certain abilities of a person in his various age periods. Personal development is dependent on the leading activity.

The new needs generated by activity and the available possibilities for their satisfaction create a number of subsequent contradictions. They perform driving force personality development. Such contradictions arise between age-related physical and spiritual capabilities and old forms of relationships, between consciousness and behavior, between new needs and previous opportunities, between existing abilities and needs of more high level development, etc.

The true achievements of a person are accumulated not only outside him, in certain objects generated by him, but also in himself. By creating something significant, a person himself grows; in creative virtuous deeds the most important source of his growth. "a person's abilities are equipment that is not forged without his participation."

So, a person by nature has certain inclinations, abilities and creative inclinations that allow him to develop more intensively in a particular field of activity: certain types art, labor, mental pursuits. Inclinations develop into abilities due to hard work the person himself, coupled with the educational work of a teacher or parent.

The supremacy of aesthetic values ​​for the development of a creative personality.

Great importance art not only in art, but also in general development personality is recognized by scientists from different countries. The accumulated facts, observations of individual teachers, data obtained by domestic and foreign researchers suggest that artistic activity a teenager has a beneficial effect on the development of certain intellectual and creative abilities. Consequently, familiarization with art is important not in itself, but as a prerequisite for one of the powerful means of influencing the formation and development of the individual.

The specific role of art in shaping the worldview was noted by L.S. Vygotsky, who believed that it is through art that the most intimate spheres of the individual are involved in the process of achieving social goals and objectives. Since art is a kind of model human culture, a concentrated expression of the ideal of the era, then familiarization with artistic values ​​contributes to the development of the need for vigorous activity according to the laws of beauty. And this latter is especially important in adolescence, when the need for practical action comes to the fore.

From the primary school, work is actively carried out to form a creative personality. Children pay attention to beauty and artistic features works of art, encourage them to express their opinion about which work is better, what music they think is better, etc. so children have a need to be introduced to art.

The development of the need-motivational sphere in the field of the formation of the creative personality of students at a higher level continues in the middle and senior classes. In these classes, the range of acquaintance of students with various types and genres of art, the experience of comparison and evaluative opinions about their artistic and aesthetic merits is enriched, which naturally strengthens their needs and motives in joining the aesthetic and spiritual wealth of society. High school students begin to realize and emotionally experience the situation that artistic and aesthetic development is an essential aspect of human culture, and strive to actively work on themselves in this direction.

What is art for a teenager? First of all, art is an exceptional means of self-expression: it thus contributes to self-affirmation and the awakening of individual thinking. It is also consistent with the dominant role of the imagination. In addition, aesthetic contemplation is one of the types of disinterested activities that are loved by young people. It gives rise to great joy in them, as it relies on one of their main qualities: admiration, which allows the individual to rise “above himself” and reveals to him a certain absolute.

Adolescents appreciate beauty not only in the body, works of art or nature, but also find it in those areas that adults deny it, for example, in knowledge or movement. It is indisputable that a beautiful gesture or the harmony of proof never leave a young man indifferent. Young people do not imagine either morality or truth outside of aesthetics.

primacy art treasures seems to correspond to a certain moment of ontogeny. Traces of it can be seen even in the most prosaic natures. In the case of its hypertrophy, it gives rise to the mentality of an esthete or a snob. However, if real ability reinforce the awareness of the beautiful and stimulate a new explosion of creativity that was already seething in a child, youthful works flourish, which, without reaching the fullness of a masterpiece, allow the artist to discover the main themes of his inspiration through an idealized reflection of his "I".

The rudiments of self-education are present in children already in preschool age. During this period, the child still cannot comprehend his personal qualities, but is already able to understand that his behavior can cause both positive and negative reactions from adults.

In adolescence, when the personal qualities of a person are largely formed, self-education becomes more conscious. In addition, in the process of developing professional self-determination among boys and girls, the need for self-education of the intellectual, moral and physical qualities of the individual in accordance with the ideals and values ​​that are characteristic of this society, immediate environment, group is clearly expressed.

There is an opinion that the content of self-education is formed as a result of the previous experience of educating the personality as a whole.

Stages of self-education

The process of self-education includes several interrelated stages.

1. The first stage is decision making. It all starts with making a firm decision about the need for personal self-improvement. Without this important element, purposeful self-education is impossible. This is followed by the study (understanding) of the possibilities of self-education and an assessment of the prospects for working on oneself. An important element The first stage is the choice or formation of an ideal (model) to which one can strive in the process of self-education. On the basis of an already formed vision of the possibilities of self-education, one's own worldview and under the influence of the environment, a person himself chooses an ideal or an example to follow. Sometimes a person creates some abstract image (model) that he would like to imitate or what he would like to become. The ideal can be quite clearly represented in the person of a particular person, or be present in his mind in the form of certain manifestations (appearance, communication, competence, etc.).

2. The second stage is self-knowledge. A person, in accordance with the chosen ideal (example) or his ideas about the possibilities of self-education, seeks to know himself. In the process of self-knowledge, there is an identification and self-assessment of the level of development of a particular quality or personality trait. The degree and accuracy of their diagnosis depends on the person himself, his desire to really know himself, his strengths and weaknesses, or to satisfy his private interest. Within the framework of this stage, the formulation and clarification of a person's value orientations also takes place.

3. The third stage is the choice of means, drawing up a plan.

A person makes a responsible choice of ways, methods and means of self-education. Some means most fully correspond to the personal characteristics of a person, the specifics of educational or professional activity. This stage also includes the formation of the necessary self-attitudes, which can help a person achieve certain goals of self-education. These, for example, include personal rules and principles that determine the behavior and actions of a person in different situations. On the basis of the chosen ways, methods and means of self-education, as well as the formulated personal rules, planning of work on oneself is carried out. A person draws up a program or plan that reflects what is to be worked on, what methods and means to use, and the approximate time frame for achieving the goal.

4. The fourth stage is the implementation of plans. Namely, active practical work aimed at achieving previously formulated value guidelines.

The effectiveness of self-education is revealed in the process of subsequent personal self-assessment.

2. The concept of self-creation and self-construction and obstacles in their way

Creation - high value word meaning to create through creative effort.

Self-creation - creative efforts directed by a person at himself. Self-creation requires the ability to reflect on oneself, on others, as well as on those essences of the Great Field of Social Consciousness that are significant for the self-development of a person and that can advance a person in his striving to create himself as a person.

Self-creation is carried out with the help of introspection, self-knowledge, self-awareness, self-learning, self-determination, self-control, self-restraint, independence, self-sufficiency and other internal urges of a person directed at himself. In addition to all these concepts that are significant for the self-creation of the personality, one cannot bypass such concepts as self-identification, self-isolation and self-alienation. The whole set of concepts has two accents: on the first part of all the listed words - sam- and samo-, as well as on an equally significant part tied to it with an indicating meaning of what this “self” implements.

Sam - a pronoun used with a noun or personal pronoun means that it is this person who is directly involved in the action (remember: at an early age a child is taught to defend his self: “I”, “I myself,” he declares whenever want to test their independence.

Self - first component compound words, besides other meanings denoting the direction of influence on oneself.

Self-creation always requires a person to focus on his features, which he thinks to develop or which he wants to get rid of.

Self-creation requires humanity from a person - the properties of philanthropy. A human being is attentive, sympathetic, sensitive to other people. Only a genuine person has humanity.

Reflecting on the duality of the essence of man, I once came to the understanding that in this regard, a person must have a set of qualities that present him as a social unit and as a unique personality. These qualities, being present in a person and interacting with each other, should create something unique in us, which we call "personality". Behind all the qualitative characteristics, the responses of his binary essence inherent in a person should be seen.

As a generic being, as a social unit included in the generic “we”, a person must be oriented towards relations successfully expressed by K. Marx by the model: a person - a genus - a person. This model clearly demonstrates the mutual dependence of people's relations on generic expectations.

In this regard, I consider it right, referring to the self-creation of a person, to discuss, first of all, not very popular today in our country. everyday life qualities such as humility and obedience.

Humility And obedience act as the values ​​of Orthodoxy and traditional culture everyday life of people of many countries professing Orthodoxy.

In Orthodoxy, humility and obedience are often referred to as humility of wisdom. Infinite humility of wisdom gives birth in the soul...

Creativity - the phenomenological essence of personality

Creation - global problem, which many philosophers, art critics, psychologists, physiologists and other representatives of the sciences interested in understanding this phenomenon seek to comprehend.

There are so many researchers who deeply study the problem of creativity, eager to know its true essence, that their ideas are not amenable to a systematic review - a specialist who undertook this work will definitely miss or will not consider it necessary to turn to one or another author who also took part in the attempt. to comprehend the essence of this phenomenon - a phenomenon, process, activity, creation of being.

I understand creativity phenomenological essence of personality .

If social unity is the bearer of traditions that determine the stability and continuity of social life, then the bearer of "temporal variability", creative activity becomes separate person in the face of her individual freedom.

In my human temperament, I would be ready to start right away with my vision of this gift of God in man. However, as a social being and as a person who respects traditions, I will first proceed to some kind of review of research on creativity.

I think it will be proper to warn my reader of what I intend to talk about in this part of my work.

First, as a forerunner to the discussion of creativity, one should turn to what scientists of the distant and recent past thought and continue to think about. At the same time, I do not have the task to name all those who think about this. I just want to make important accents for me.

Secondly, I consider it right for myself to touch upon the prerequisites for creativity.

Thirdly, I consider it obligatory for myself to discuss the socio-historical determinants of creative activity.

Fourthly, I consider it obligatory for myself to turn to a discussion of the internal position of a person included in creativity as an activity.

Fifthly, I consider it right for myself to turn to the problem of creativity associated with a sense of personality.


Summing up the results of the work done, I would like to note that, I think, an indisputable fact that every person has the makings of a creative personality. You need to discover these inclinations and, based on them, form your own unique creative personality. Perhaps, it is not necessary to invest in the concept of "creative ability of the individual" only artistic and aesthetic orientation. Creativity is present in any work, in any teaching, it is only necessary to turn on the imagination a little. Just recently, while talking to a snow shoveler, I asked if there was an element of “creativity” in his work, and he replied: “Of course there is. I have a lot of free time to compose poetry, invent models of manual snowplows, and all this, mind you, in the fresh air. And also, stand up higher, look at how the paths on the playground are cleared .... ". I looked, it turned out that he cleared them in the shape of a star, the "rays" of which led from the center to the entrances of houses at a strictly defined distance from each other.

So, self-education is a pedagogically controlled process. Psychological and practical preparation for work on oneself is one of the most important tasks of education. I tried to identify the main stages in the emergence and development of self-education.

Firstly, it is awareness of one's way of life, understanding the significance of the activity that requires self-education.

Secondly, mastering the skills of independent work in the field of activity in which I want to succeed.

Thirdly, drawing up a program of self-education. This is a very important step in working on yourself. Here, help is needed to assess how objectively you judge yourself, whether I set the right goals and whether I choose the right methods.

Fourthly, the organization of self-education in the chosen activity. This is the most important stage in the transition from education to self-education. Without concrete activity, the desire to become better will remain only a desire.

Fifthly, it is necessary to include self-education in the integral process of personality formation. The highest stage of the transition of education to self-education begins when you want and know how to work on yourself, when the motives, goals and methods of self-education have taken shape.

Thus, if you convince yourself of the need for self-education, then the process of forming a creative personality will proceed more efficiently.

Thus, self-education is an integral part of the development of the creative abilities of the individual. Self-education helps a teenager cope with his own laziness, overcome bad habits, treat himself and his work critically, which in more determines the level of professionalism in a particular creative activity, i.e. being critical of his activity, a person sees where he should “push” and where he should “let go”, or choose another path for his creative activity.


1. Ann L.F. Psychological training with teenagers. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006.

2. Gretsov A.G. Practical psychology for teenagers and parents. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006.

3. Debess M. Teenager. - 20th ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004.

4. Lupyan Ya.A. Barriers of communication, conflicts, stress… Mn.: Higher. school, 1986.

5. Malakhova I.A. Personal development. Part 2. Artistic and creative activity. Minsk: "Belarusian Science", 2003.

6. Prokopiev I.I. Pedagogy. Fundamentals of general pedagogy. Didactics allowance. I.I. Prokopiev, N.V. Mikhalkovich. - Minsk: TetraSystems, 2002.

7. Stolyarenko L.D. Fundamentals of psychology. 8th ed., revised. and additional Tutorial. (Series " higher education".) - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2003.

8. Kharlamov I.F. Pedagogy: short course: textbook / I.F. Kharlamov. - 3rd ed. - Mn.: Higher. school, 2005.

9.http://www.psychologos.ru/%D0%A1%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BF%D0%B8%D1 %82%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5

10. http://www.vfly.ru/book/lichnost_samosozid_i_tvorch.htm

11. http://www.ageyev.kz/books/Deyatelnost/Chapters/7/7.6.htm

12. http://revolution./psychology/00021451_0.html

Leo Tolstoy, one of the greatest Russian writers, can hardly be called a typical example of a serious and old landowner and count, who writes voluminous, moralizing and complex books. Tolstoy was famous for the fact that he did not at all correspond to his count status - he was a simple, hard-working and friendly person, he loved nature and did not have a penchant for a luxurious life.

He also had his shortcomings - a windy and conceited character, a passion for gambling, even frivolity were still inherent young lion, who was twice expelled from Kazan University.

But his lively mind, together with amazing willpower, made him a talented writer and thinker, whose books are known and loved all over the world today. Apparently, it was not easy for a person with such a character to force himself to work productively and constantly, but we know the methods of developing the will of Leo Tolstoy.

Among the writer's numerous books, his diaries were found, in which he wrote down for himself the rules for developing the will and improving mental abilities. Since then, these rules have not lost their relevance, although they were written down a century and a half ago. Perhaps at the beginning of his creative way Tolstoy lacked willpower, but with the help of these guidelines, which he set for himself, he achieved great success.

The writer shared three types of will: bodily, sensual and rational. The latter was considered the most important type, but, according to Tolstoy, it is necessary to develop them simultaneously. When a person perfects all three types of will, he opens up great opportunities and can choose any path in life he wants.

Stage 1 - development of bodily will

Tolstoy mentioned that it is this species - bodily will - that is best developed in humans, because thanks to this, humans separated from the rest of the animal species. Therefore, everyone has the rudiments of bodily will, because it is an essential part of our life - it needs to be developed only a little. The only exceptions to this rule are people in their infancy or decrepitude, when a person is not yet or no longer in control of his body.

1 rule. For the development of the bodily will, Tolstoy advises to write down tasks for the day in advance - in the morning or the day before. Just make a list of tasks that need to be completed during the day, and for that day, be sure to complete everything assigned. Moreover, Leo Tolstoy points out that even if the performance of a deed causes harm, it is still desirable to perform it.

This rule not only perfectly trains the will, but also develops the mind, which will help you to make a smarter approach to compiling a list of tasks. After a day, a person usually analyzes his actions, and based on the results, he can make a more productive plan for the next day.

2 rule. You need to learn how to control your sleep. The recommended duration of sleep is about 7-9 hours, but each person is individual, seven hours is enough for one, the other feels good only after a long sleep. Therefore, you need to figure out how much sleep is optimal for you, and from that moment on, sleep exactly that many hours a day, no more and no less.

Remember that “another half hour” in the morning is, of course, pleasant, but, firstly, it weakens the bodily will, and secondly, it deprives you of energy in the morning. Tolstoy believed that in a dream the bodily will of a person does not work at all, therefore he himself reduced sleep time to a minimum and always got up before sunrise.

3 rule. It is very important to experience physical troubles and difficulties often, and at the same time not to show outwardly how difficult they are. Tolstoy wrote that it is necessary to “make regular movements”, that is, move more, do exercises, exercise every day.

You can take up running or other sports - the main thing is not to allow yourself to spend the whole day in relative peace. The writer recommended to engage in movement in the air. He not only exercised regularly, but also did hard work - for example, during Crimean War was considered a hardy and strong officer.

In addition, in peacetime Tolstoy visited ballroom dancing and forced himself to dance, although he did not really like this occupation. But the result of this approach is simply magnificent - Leo Tolstoy lived for more than eighty years, and even at the end of his life he could not be called decrepit, weak and infirm. It was said that when the writer was over eighty, he trotted a horse for several miles every day.

4 rule. This rule sounds short - be true to your word, including if you gave it to yourself. It would seem nothing complicated, but it is precisely this that often fails a person who decides to engage in the development of willpower.

5 rule. Don't quit what you started. This trains not only willpower, but also awareness of actions. When a person develops the habit of bringing everything to the end, he begins to imagine the result before any action. This helps to do everything calmly, holistically and in order, without fuss and fuss. Leo Tolstoy deduced this rule based on his own experience - in his youth he tried to devote himself to many different things.

6 rule. Make a table that includes all the little things of everyday life. Tolstoy entered into this table all aspects of life: how many pipes to smoke per day, how much to eat, what to eat, when to exercise, what exercises to do on which day, and so on. Such a table will help you plan time, keep track of expenses, and manage to complete all the tasks.

Scientists have long proven the benefits of the established daily routine: it is important to get up at the same time, eat at certain hours - with such habits, the body exists without sudden changes and stresses, and with changes it becomes as if “disoriented”. Such advice can be found not only in Leo Tolstoy, for example, Kant also believed that life should be carefully calculated by days and hours.

This German philosopher he lived according to a chronometer: for decades he got up on time, did everything at the same time, so that even the inhabitants of Koenigsberg often checked their watches by him. He had everything planned down to such trifles, such as, for example, on what day what to eat, what color to wear clothes. Of course, this is an extreme, and hardly anyone wants to repeat this experience. But it is still worth introducing a routine into your life.

Stage 2 - development of emotional will

Emotional will, as the name implies, controls the emotions of a person, subordinates them to his goals. The writer believed that all feelings are caused by love, which can take various forms: there is pride, love for the world around, passionate love. It is important to develop all aspects of love without giving preference to any one.

When Tolstoy came up with this rule for himself, he was in an indefinite state: either he tried to renounce his desires and devote himself to the love of the world, or he embarked on spiritual quests and allowed himself any entertainment. But after a while he found a balance in his emotions. Although his later life shows that self-denial manifested itself more often than pride.

Thus, general rule for the development of the will of emotions says: all sensual affairs should not be led by the senses, but be the result of the will. In addition, a person's feelings should not come solely from self-love.

1 rule. Don't try to please people you don't know or don't like. It will be difficult to follow this rule in life, because almost every person cares about being respected, loved and accepted by others. And often it comes to the point that we begin to worry about the opinion of a completely strangers- we forget what we ourselves need and begin to adapt to social standards. Going the other way is also not worth it - hypertrophied pride and withdrawal from others leads to a loss of contact with other people and causes an inability to love.

You just need to constantly remember that, like you, other people are primarily concerned about other people's thoughts. They also worry about how they are perceived from the outside, how they are treated, whether they are respected, and your own motives and motivations are not visible to them. Therefore, do not bother yourself with such thoughts. Tolstoy advised to perform such an exercise: regularly ask yourself “What would I do now if I didn’t care what people think and say?” and “What would I stop doing if I didn’t care about other people’s opinions?” In accordance with the answers to these questions, you need to adjust your life.

2 rule. Practice self-improvement for yourself, not for others. It's good when a person strives to become better and has a plan to achieve the goal. But the main thing at the same time is that the motives should come from oneself, and not from other people. As practice shows, this brings the best results.

For example, Tolstoy, who, along with many other great people, had difficulties in obtaining a standard education, but managed to achieve a lot by self-study and self-development. When he opened in Yasnaya Polyana public school, then did not introduce any compulsory subjects, assessments, attendance records - nevertheless, the matter progressed successfully, and many students received an education.

3 rule. Try to be nice, but don't show it to others. Of course, you should not hide from everyone that you are well versed - but even if this is so, all your skill can depreciate if you shout about it at every corner.

4 rule. Finding the good in other people and not looking for the flaws. Attuning to the positive is good not only in assessing other people, but also all life. Tolstoy urged everyone to tell the truth, and not to make excuses yourself.

5 rule. Live worse than you can afford. This rule is the best way to train willpower: even if you are rich and can afford much more, do not change your lifestyle. As history and practice show, extra comfort and luxury in the bud kill the desire for self-improvement.

Even the great Roman Empire collapsed more because of too pampered, luxurious life, and not because of the barbarians. You need to know exactly what things are really necessary in life, and which ones simply bring unnecessary comfort, kill time, harm the body or character.

6 rule. Donate a tenth of your property to other people. Tolstoy throughout his life was engaged in charity work and urged those around him to spend part of his wealth on things useful to society. The main thing, he said, is not to give money for abstract goods and not to give alms, it is important to do really useful, concrete deeds.

Stage 3 - the development of reasonable will

A person reaches the highest degree of perfection when his will becomes able to control the mind. Tolstoy wrote that our thoughts influence our actions, what happens to us. If you master the rational will, combining it with the emotional and bodily, then you can achieve high development results. various abilities a person, including memory, mind, deliberation and others.

1 rule. Assign mental activities for each day. In the morning or in the evening, when making a list of tasks for the day, you should not bypass mental affairs: for example, reading books, studying science, mental activity etc. For such cases, it is necessary to allocate special time, also, about once a week, you need to take time to draw up plans and analyze what happened.

Tolstoy, for example, did this on Saturdays. Subjecting mental activity to a strict routine disciplines the mind and makes it work more productively, as a result of which great results can be achieved. Gradually, you can begin to plan your life not only by days, but also by long periods of time. Tolstoy also advised to conduct a written introspection and he himself followed this advice.

2 rule. In the study of any business or in any activity, all mental forces should be directed to this subject. This means that in any business it is very important to be able to fully concentrate, concentrate your attention, and not let your mind be distracted. Difficult task, especially in an unfavorable or noisy environment, but this is the control of the will. At first it will be difficult not to get distracted and devote your whole mind to one problem, but this quickly becomes a habit.

3 rule. Don't dream. This rule may seem strange and not even useful. Tolstoy warned about the dangers of daydreaming. But it is important to distinguish between two concepts - dreams and goals. Goals are an important and useful part of a person's life, they allow you to focus your strength on a certain path and quickly make your way forward. Dreams, on the contrary, bring a person back, relax the will, reduce attention and concentration. Unfulfilled dreams, useless desires will not lead to anything good, so it is important to plan your life thoughtfully and concentratedly without dreaming.

4 rule. Feelings and emotions should not be allowed to take over the mind. Dealing with your feelings is sometimes hard powerful emotions push people to unreasonable acts, cause inappropriate behavior. Later, we begin to regret this, because in a calm environment we have the opportunity to think about the situation and find the best way out. Therefore, you need to learn even in such emotional moments to seize control of the mind and not let feelings control it.

5 rule. Do not give up any mental activities you have begun. The development of willpower can be compared to strengthening muscle mass- if you practice regularly, it grows, and if you abandon it, it disappears.

You should not radically change your life and try to introduce all the rules into it at once, otherwise the still undeveloped willpower will not allow you to live in such a mode, which will only bring disappointment. It is better to follow these rules gradually, and most importantly, do not forget the main advice of Leo Tolstoy: before you thoughtlessly follow the rule, you need to test it.


L.N. attached great importance to self-education. Tolstoy. In his youth, he started a diary in which he recorded his shortcomings and outlined ways to overcome them. Thanks to the work on himself, he managed to overcome laziness, vanity, deceit and many other bad inclinations and developed in himself philanthropy, observation, creative imagination, memory. The famous French philosopher J.P. Sartre even claims

l that “a person is only what he makes of himself”, emphasizing the decisive role of self-education in his personal development.

All this indicates the exceptionally important role of self-education in the development and formation of personality and the need for its organization in the conditions of school education. That is why theoretical and methodological foundations self-education are being actively developed in psychology and pedagogy and, in particular, by such scientists as A.G. Kovalev, D.M. Grishin, A.I. Kochetov, L.I. Ruvinsky and others.

A.I. Kochetov gives the following definition of the concept of self-education - this is a conscious and controlled by the individual self-development, in which, in accordance with the requirements of society, the goals and interests of the person himself, the forces and abilities projected by him are formed.

Thus, self-education is a systematic and conscious human activity aimed at self-development and the formation of one's basic culture. The problem of self-education has been and is being dealt with by many educators and psychologists. Self-education is designed to strengthen and develop the ability to voluntarily fulfill obligations, both personal and based on the requirements of the team, to form moral feelings, necessary habits of behavior, and strong-willed qualities. Self-education is an integral part and result of upbringing and the entire process of personality development. It depends on the specific conditions in which a person lives.

Ways, methods and means of self-education

When a person has a need to overcome certain shortcomings in his character and behavior, it is important to set a clear goal and justify the need to achieve it. It is useful to say this goal out loud or to yourself for several days until it is firmly fixed in the mind. In addition, you need to draw up a detailed program of self-education and determine what specifically needs to be achieved. Of course, it's better to start with simple programs, for example: do not commit rash acts, overcome the bad habit of interrupting the interlocutor, keep your word. As you gain experience in self-education, programs should become more complex, improve, and become more long-term.

Self-education is based on the principle of anticipatory reflection in the mind of a person of those actions and deeds that he is going to commit, the definition of those features and qualities that he intends to develop in himself. If such a "mental program" is formed, it induces a person to take practical actions to implement it, creates incentives for the manifestation of volitional efforts. That is why, when a person has a need to overcome certain shortcomings in his character or behavior, it is important to set a clear goal and justify the need to achieve it, sometimes it is even useful to determine the timing.

Self-education presupposes a certain level of development of the personality, its self-awareness, the ability to analyze it while consciously comparing one's actions with the actions of other people. A person's attitude to his potential, the correctness of self-esteem, the ability to see his shortcomings characterize the maturity of a person and are prerequisites for the organization of self-education.

Self-education is carried out in the process of self-management, which is built on the basis of goals formulated by a person, a program of actions, control over the implementation of the program, evaluation of the results obtained, self-correction.

Among the methods of self-education, the following can be noted: self-persuasion, self-hypnosis, self-commitment, self-criticism, empathy, self-coercion, self-order, self-punishment.

Self-persuasion is a method based on self-assessment. Having revealed the bad in himself, a person usually mentally convinces himself of the need to eradicate this shortcoming. The most effective is to say out loud what needs to be done to eliminate this shortcoming. S. Ya. Doletsky wrote about the importance of saying one's faults aloud, that it is much more difficult to forgive oneself and disregard what is said aloud. This statement is based on the fact that it is very important to clearly define the ideal of striving and one's present state.

The self-hypnosis method also uses speaking out loud, but not of its shortcomings, but only of the goal. At the same time, it is more effective to discover the right paths for yourself, rather than close the wrong ones. Eradicating the bad, it is necessary to find a replacement for it with the good, and this is what is good that you should talk about, inspiring yourself with a program of action, showing the mind the way to the goal, without focusing on the wrong paths. By acting in this way, a person more clearly sees himself as good and increases inner faith in his strengths and capabilities. For example, when eradicating the habit of foul language, you need to say to yourself: “I speak beautifully, cleanly, competently. My speech is pleasant to others. Every word I say is good to hear." By saying this, a person fixes in his mind these rules, which are a guide to action and determine his behavior in the future.

Self-commitment. This method consists in pronouncing by a person the obligation that he gives to himself. With a constant reminder to itself of it, the consciousness strives to fulfill it, which leads to the gradual formation of the corresponding habit.

Self-criticism is a method that gives rise to an internal contradiction in the mind of a person, which encourages work on oneself, improvement of personal qualities, eradication of evil.

Empathy is the mental transfer of oneself to the place of another person. This method is especially effective in educating yourself moral qualities, the ability to sympathize, empathize, seek to help, etc. Using this method, a person tries to see himself from the outside, trying to understand how others perceive him, and, based on this, strive to develop in himself such qualities that cause in people positive rating.

Self-compulsion and self-order. This method should be used when educating the will. In cases where a person is aware of the need to perform some action, but does not have enough will to perform it, you need to give yourself a mental, and if possible a verbal order, to do the necessary. The order must be confident, firm, sharp, not tolerating objections. Constantly forcing oneself to something, each time it becomes easier for a person to obey his will, and the lack of volitional efforts is gradually eradicated.

Self-punishment is a method based on self-control over compliance with the intended rules. Without the use of this method, a person, once deviating from what was planned, will not feel proper regret, and the next time he can do the same again. Imposing punishment on himself, a person, in addition to striving to avoid it in the future, makes volitional efforts to fulfill it, which is of great importance in the formation of personality.

Self-education of the future teacher

1. “Master, be the sun that radiates human warmth; be fertile ground for the development of human feelings; this knowledge is not only in the memory and consciousness of your students, but, first of all, in their souls and hearts. Only in this case, knowledge in your lessons can become steps moral development for each of your students. / Sh.A. Amonashvili /

2. “A person is like a fraction: in the denominator - what he thinks about himself, in the numerator - what he really is. The larger the denominator, the smaller the fraction” / L.N. Tolstoy /

3. “The more a person gives to people and the less he demands for himself, the better he is; the less he gives to others and the more he demands for himself, the worse he is.” / L.N. Tolstoy /

4. “There is a Russian intelligentsia. Do you think - no? Eat.

Not an indifferent mass, but the conscience of the country and honor ... ” / A. Voznesensky /

5. “He who moves forward in the sciences, but lags behind in morality, he goes back more than forward” / Aristotle /

6. “Knowledge in the hands of an immoral person is the same as a saber in the hands of a madman” / D.I. Mendeleev /

7. "Pedagogy is the art of making a person moral." / I. Ilyin /

There was a conscious feeling of the need for self-education and self-improvement. In all this, my friend, life partner and main inspirer, Shutilova's wife Alexandra Alekseevna, helps me.

firstly, to take place as a person,

secondly, to take place as a teacher,

thirdly, to take place as a husband and father,

fourthly, to take place as a specialist,

fifthly, to take place as a friend.

Points are given from wide to narrow, from the most distant perspective to the nearest.

The theoretical study of the problem will provide an opportunity to take a broader and deeper look at it and realize its essence; pick up the keys to compiling a self-education program.

The initial way of understanding the problem lies through the study of L.N. Tolstoy, a great humanist - teacher, Teacher, who embodied the found Truth with his life, as well as the works of Sh. A. Amonashvili, head of the Humane Pedagogy Laboratory at the Moscow City Pedagogical University, and L.V. Shaposhnikova, scientist and author of books on philosophy, history, and art.

Self-education of the future teacher”... Two key words in this problem: teacher and self-education. I'll start with the disclosure of the concept of "Teacher".

L.V. Shaposhnikova, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russian Academy of Cosmonautics, Russian Ecological Academy, writer, Indologist, art critic, author of books on philosophy, history, art, culture of India, CEO Museum named after N.K. Roerich, in one of his public lectures says this about the teacher, teaching and its role: “ From the moment of the emergence of man, from the moment of the emergence of his consciousness, everything that he subsequently achieved, he achieved only with the help of a teacher and teachers. Without a teacher, there is no man and there is no evolution.”

"Mowgli" is Kipling's romantic fairy tale, where both the child and the animals are attractive. But in real life it's not like that. Science knows about 100 facts when a child got into animals and survived with their help.

And now the absence of a teacher in relation to the child, moreover, the teacher who should correspond to his energy level, led to, that a child brought up among animals did not speak, for we are taught to speak. This child did not walk on two legs, but walked on all fours, as his brothers from another world walked, because we are also taught to walk on two legs. We are taught to speak, we are taught to walk, we are taught to write, we are taught to read, we are taught to think, we are taught to be able to do a lot, but if we are not taught this, we turn into a kind of animal. This moment is very interesting and explains the need for teaching, and at different levels.“.

At the birth of a child, the mother forms his children's energy, and she also teaches him to speak, walk and many other things, without which the development of the child remains inferior. Mother is our first teacher. Abandoned children are people who have not passed the very first teacher - mothers, and therefore their fates are so sad. After the mother - school teachers, then teachers at the institute, technical school, college, teachers in production.

Practically without a teacher, we will not develop into a full-fledged person, and without a teacher we will not be able to do what we do without noticing how we were taught and without even feeling gratitude to those who taught us.”

/ L.V. Shaposhnikova “Energy role of Teaching in the spiritual and cultural evolution of mankind”/

So, after the mother - the next step of teaching - a school teacher, i.e. the level that I am preparing to join in the future. To understand the essence of this concept, let's look at it from the height of the ideal of a perfect teacher. L.N. Tolstoy defines it this way:

If a teacher has only love for the job, he will good teacher if the teacher has only love for the student, like a father, a mother, he will better than that a teacher who has read all the books, but has no love for the work or for the students. If a teacher combines love for work and for students, he is a perfect teacher.”

/ L.N. Tolstoy “General remarks for the teacher”, p.292 /

Later, Leo Tolstoy adds to this definition:

A constant striving for perfection in love is necessary.”

/ L.N. Tolstoy “From the letter of P.I. Biryukov”, May 1901, p.446 /

Calling to L.N. Tolstoy, Sh.A. Amonashvili, a modern scientist and practitioner with a great teaching experience at school, writes, referring to school teacher:

“It is said: “Go the way of Love, go the way of the Heart, go the way of Creativity, go the way of the shield of Faith”.

“ 45. I have established three laws for myself.

1. To love any child, for Love is the transforming power of the Spirit

and Hearts.

2. Understand the child and accept him as he is, for it is not the will of the Creator that one of these little ones should perish.

3. Be filled with optimism for any child, because Faith in the future is the creator of the present.

46. I set myself three principles.

1. Spiritualize the environment around the child.

Base: Wednesday is a force that manifests the Creator's Mystery.

2. To affirm in the child his personality.

Base: Personality is aspiration to the manifestation of its Essence.

3. Show creative patience, helping the child in self-knowledge.

Base: Creative patience will not let the fire of the Spirit go out.

47. I strive to reveal my character in three qualities .

1. Kindness.

The kindness of the teacher to the student is the mother of the kindness of the heart

student to the whole world.

2. Sincerity.

Teacher's sincerity is a condition for spiritual unity with the student.

3. Devotion .

The devotion of the teacher increases in the student the hope of salvation and gives him refuge.

48. I develop professional skills in three aspects.

1. Graceful execution of pedagogical processes.

Base: Being in the beautiful will open in the student the feeling of the beautiful.

2.Continuous update.

Base: Renewal is a call from the Future and striving towards the Future.

3. Creativity.

Base: Creativity makes the teacher give Light.

50. Let the laws triumph in themselves Beautiful, i.e. Sincerity, i.e. Hearts, i.e. Goods, i.e. Sveta.

If you are in a hurry to help, help beautifully.

If you are in a hurry to show compassion, compassion beautifully.

If you love, love beautifully.

If you give, give beautifully.

And if all this concerns a child, then do it even more beautifully.

Raise beautifully.

Learn beautifully.

Instruct beautifully.

If the blessing is given beautifully, the gift will be accepted.

If the blessing is given ugly, it will be rejected.

If you improve yourself, you will strive for the improvement of others. The Sages say: “The awareness of Beauty will save the world.”51. Ask: Are you a teacher?

I will answer:I am a student of my students.

“ Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II says: “The word “school”, so familiar to us, is connected in its semantic origins with the church. The Russian "school" goes back to the Latin "rock" - "ladder" ... First of all, we are talking about the ladder of a person's spiritual ascent."

So,School is a ladder for the spiritual ascent of a person .

Where is this staircase, i.e. school, maybe? The ladder for the ascent of the soul and spirituality of the student is in the teacher, and only.

I, the teacher, am the bearer of this Divine ladder. I comprehend the spiritual world of each of my students and give each one my step, help to rise and gain a foothold on it, and then I will raise it to another step. The student grows, matures, develops, strengthens, takes wings, in general, is formed. And this ascent takes place in him through me, through his teacher. I am the path for the student. But it is also my path, because it also gives me a step to improve my teacher's intuition and art. I am a teacher - there is a school. / Sh.A. Amonashvili “Why can’t we live our lives as heroes of the spirit”, pp. 40-42, 48-50 /

Conclusion. Higher ancient wisdom depicted as a serpent biting its own tail. This wisdom is here: I am a teacher - a student of my students. “I am a teacher - a way for a student. But it is also my way… to improve my art of teaching.”

The role of teachers in human evolution is revealed in the statement

N.K. Roerich: “No conqueror can change the essence of the masses, no one statesman cannot raise the affairs of the world above the ideas and abilities of the adult generation with which he is dealing. But a teacher - I use this word in the broadest sense - can do more than a conqueror and heads of state. They, the teachers, can create new imaginations and liberate hidden powers humanity."

/ N.K. Roerich “Ways of Blessing” /

“We find traces of teaching at a higher level in myths in which culture hero, demigod, demigod teaches people to sow, harvest, teaches crafts, teaches the social arrangement of human society. Shaposhnikova “Energy role of Teaching in the spiritual and cultural evolution of mankind”/

The names of such Teachers of mankind are recorded by History: Moses, Socrates, Krishna, Epictetus, Buddha, Marcus Aurelius, Confucius, Christ, John the Apostle, Mohammed, Rousseau, Kant, Vivekananda, Emerson, Ruskin ... those whom L.N. Tolstoy calls "the best thinkers of the world", "the wisest among us".

This series of names given by L.N. Tolstoy, we can continue by including Lev Nikolayevich himself, and Tsiolkovsky, and Vernadsky, and Florensky, and Chizhevsky, and the Roerich family, and the teacher of modern teachers Sh.A. Amonashvili. Rereading the works of L.N. Tolstoy about upbringing and education, drew attention to how he relates to the Teachers of mankind and their Teachings. The Greatest Thinker XIX century believes that the “basis”, “foundation” of any education for children and youth should be precisely the Teachings of these Teachers and the doctrine of morality arising from them.

One thing to know is what's the point human life what it should be guided by and what they thought about this issue and how the wisest people of all times and the whole world decided it ... And therefore I believe that the first and main knowledge that tends to be transmitted primarily to children and learning adults is the answers to the eternal and inevitable questions that arise in the soul of every person who comes to consciousness.First : what am I and what is my attitude to the infinite world? ANDsecond , arising from the first: how should I live, what should I consider always, under all possible conditions, good and what always, and under all possible conditions, bad?

And that's why I think thatthe main and only concern of people engaged in questions of education can and should be, first of all, to work out a religious and moral teaching corresponding to our time and, having developed such, put it at the head of education “. / L.N. Tolstoy “Answer to the letter of V.F. Bulgakov", p. 457 /

In these words, the dream of L.N. Tolstoy and his testament to the future generation of people of the 20th century: to give a synthesis of all the philosophical, scientific and religious teachings of the Teachers of mankind, clearing them of the prejudices of the time, and on the basis of the developed, new, modern moral teaching, as on the foundation, to build the entire building of Education. The 20th century fulfilled the first part of L.N. Tolstoy. By the middle of the 20th century, E.I. and N.K. The Roerichs made such a purification and synthesis of all the Teachings of East and West and gave the world the “Teaching of Living Ethics”.

The second part of the testament- the creation of a pedagogical system of education based on such a Teaching - began to be carried out at the end of the 20th and early XXI centuries at the Laboratory of Humane Pedagogy at the Moscow City Pedagogical University under the guidance of the Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Psychology

Sh.A. Amonashvili.

Sh.A. Amonashvili and his collaborators called this pedagogical system of education Humane Pedagogy. Here is the essence of it:

64. Humane Pedagogy - it's very simple, - the naive teacher thinks, - one must love the students, be kind and affectionate towards them. The more you love them, the more humane pedagogy you will have.”

Word human is composed of two Sanskrit foundations: Hu - means - the highest beginning, Soul, Man is an ordinary mortal.

Humane - means: a mortal man, seeking immortality in himself.

Let's see: what isHumane Pedagogy ?

Children, of course, must be loved. We also need to know how to love them so that they accept our gift.

But the essence of Humane Pedagogy is not in this.

The point is the following :

Humane Pedagogy leads a child (student, pupil) to comprehend in himself his Immortal essence and the meaning of Life.

It is a secret science of care and concern about the fate of every child who came into earthly life and through him - about the fate of mankind. Amonashvili “Why can't we live our lives as heroes of the spirit”, p.56 / The Laboratory of Humane Pedagogy has developed a “Treatise on the Primary Stage of Education Based on the Principles of Humane-Personal Pedagogy”. It is known to readers under the name "SCHOOL OF LIFE". There is an experimental verification of the principles of humane pedagogy of the middle and senior levels of school education. ( Moscow, school number 200). Next in line is a higher humane education.

Conclusion. The future teacher is a humanist teacher who knows the "TEACHING OF LIVING ETHICS" and creates according to the laws of Humane Pedagogy. The second part of the problem lies in the concept of “self-education”. L.N. Tolstoy is categorical in the definition of this concept: “ It is worth educating to see all your gaps.

And when you see it, you start to correct them.And to correct oneself is the best remedy raising their own and other people's children and big people “. “The upbringing of others is included in the upbringing of oneself, and nothing else is needed.”

/ L.N. Tolstoy “Thoughts about education”, from letters and diaries 1895 - 1902, pp. 449, 450 /

Thus, self-education in its essence is both a tool and a means of education, i.e. there is no problem of educating others in the presence of self-educating oneself. I would like to quote a whole page from “Thoughts on Education” by L.N. Tolstoy, confirming this conclusion.

“Education seems to be a complex and difficult matter only as long as we want, without educating ourselves, to educate our children or anyone else. If you understand that we can educate others only through ourselves, then the question of education is abolished and one question of life remains: how should one live? Because I don’t know of a single act of raising children that would not be included in raising yourself. How to dress, how to feed, how to put to sleep, how to teach children? Just like yourself. If father, mother dress, eat, sleep moderately and work and study, then the children will do the same.

I would give two rules for education: not only live well on your own, but work on yourself, constantly improving, and not hide anything from your life from children. It is better for children to know about the weaknesses of their parents than for them to feel that their parents have a life hidden from them and there is a show. All the difficulties of upbringing arise from the fact that parents, not only not correcting their shortcomings, but even not recognizing them as shortcomings, justifying them in themselves, want not to see these shortcomings in their children. This is the whole difficulty and the whole struggle with children. Children are morally much more insightful than adults, and often without showing or even realizing it, they see not only the shortcomings of their parents, but also the worst of all shortcomings - the hypocrisy of their parents and lose respect for them and interest in all their teachings.

The hypocrisy of parents in the upbringing of children is the most common phenomenon, and children are sensitive and notice it right away, and are disgusted and corrupted. Truth is the first, main condition of spiritual influence, and therefore it is the first condition of education. And so that children would not be afraid to see the whole truth of their own and their parents' lives, it is necessary to make their life good, or at least less bad. And therefore the upbringing of others is included in the upbringing of oneself, and nothing else is needed.”

“Both questions about education and about the attitude towards people are reduced to one question, namely the last one: how to relate to people not only in words, but in deeds. If this issue is resolved and the life of the father goes according to this or that decision, then in this life of the father all the upbringing of children will be. And if the decision is right, then the father will not introduce temptation into the lives of children; if not, it will be the other way around.”

“ Parents, living depraved, intemperate in food, idle - in disrespect for people - life, always demand from children abstinence, activity, respect for people. But the language of life, of example, is far audible and visible and clear to both big and small, both one's own and others'.

“It's terrible to see what rich people do to their children.

When he is young and stupid and passionate, he will be drawn into the life that is being led on the necks of other people, accustomed to this life; and then, when he is bound hand and foot by temptations, he cannot live otherwise than by demanding the labor of others, then they will open his eyes (eyes will open by themselves), and get out as you know: or become a martyr, refusing to what you are used to and without which you cannot live, or be a liar.”

“In order to educate well, one must live well in front of those whom one educates.”

/ L.N. Tolstoy, Thoughts on Education, p. 448-450 /

Thus, L.N. Tolstoy simplifies the problem of education, one might say, abolishes it, turns the problem of educating others into the plane of self-improvement, self-education. On what basis is such a conclusion drawn? The answer to this question is given in the "Letter to an unknown person".

“Education is the impact on the heart of those whom we educate.

The only way to influence the heart is hypnotization, to which children are so subject - hypnotization, the contagiousness of example. The child will see that I get irritated and insult people, that I force others to do what I myself can do, that I indulge my greed, lusts, that I am proud and conceited of my position, I speak evil about others, I say behind the back not what I'm talking face to face, I'm pretending

I believe in what I don’t believe in, and thousands and thousands of such deeds or reverse deeds: meekness, humility, industriousness, self-sacrifice, abstinence, truthfulness, and it is infected by this or that a hundred times more than by the most eloquent and reasonable teachings.

And therefore, everything or 0.999 of education comes down, for example, to correcting and improving one's life.

So what did you start with inside yourself when you were dreaming about the ideal, i.e. about the good, the achievement of which is undoubtedly only in oneself - you are now led to the very same when raising children from outside. What you wanted for yourself, without really knowing why, now you already need it in order not to corrupt children.

Too much is usually demanded of education, and too little. It is impossible to demand that those who are brought up learn this and that, that they become educated, as we understand education, is impossible, just as impossible is that they become moral, as we understand this word. But it is quite possible not to be a participant in the corruption of children (and neither the husband nor the wife can interfere with this), but to influence them with all your life to the best of your ability, infecting them with an example of goodness.

I think that it is not only difficult but impossible to bring up children well if one is bad; So whatthe upbringing of children is only self-improvement, to which nothing helps as much as children.

How ridiculous are the demands of people who smoke, drink, overeat, do not work, and turn night into day, for a doctor to make them well in spite of their unhealthy image life, how ridiculous are the demands of people to teach them how, continuing to lead an unmoral life, one could give moral education children.

All education consists in a greater and greater awareness of one's mistakes and the correction of oneself from them. And this can be done by anyone and in all sorts of conditions of life. And it is also the most powerful weapon, given to man to influence other people including on their children, who are always involuntarily closest to us.” / L.N. Tolstoy “Letter to an unknown woman dated March 5, 1894” (The role of example and imitation in education), p. 511-512 /

The answer is obvious and follows from the role of example and imitation that play in education, because

“Education is the impact on the heart of those whom we educate. One can influence the heart only by the contagiousness of one's own example. And therefore, all education or 0.999 education comes down, for example, to the correction and improvement of one’s life.”

Self-education, self-improvement is the upbringing of children.

Raising children is self-education, self-improvement.

The ancient symbol of Wisdom, the serpent biting its own tail, is also present here. The wisdom of L.N. Tolstoy echoes the wisdom of Sh.A. Amonashvili, who found a beautiful and capacious image of the same problem:

“They will ask: Who are you for your students?

Answer: I am half of each of them.

Ask: Do you know them?

I answer: Just as I know Infinity.

They will ask: How do you educate them?

I will answer: As an apple grows a seed in itself.

However, Sh.A. Amonashvili, having put the “Teaching of Living Ethics” as the basis of the new system of education he is developing, Humane Pedagogy, fills the concept of “education” with a sacred and sublime meaning:

“59. The sacred Word of education.

Everyone talks about raising children, but rarely does anyone take it seriously.

The word itself speaks of its essence: B - OS - NUTRITION, i.e. nutrition

What axis are you talking about?

About the spiritual, of course.

The child is striving for spiritual ascent along the rock.

What is the need to nourish the spiritual Axis?

Here we will be helped by the mysterious and really mysterious concept of the Image.

The child contains the Image of the Creator. To help him in revealing this Image in himself is the essenceIMAGE ovation. This is not the process of mastering the amount of regulated knowledge or the result of this process, but the process of revealing in it that for which he generally exists as a Universal entity and for which he appeared in the earthly world.The teacher is called to help the child to manifest his essence through the nourishment of his spiritual axis with images. . For the image that exists in a child can manifest itself only through the settlement of his spiritual world with good, beautiful, sublime images. Images of kindness, love, suffering and compassion, joy and joy, spirituality, heroism, knowledge. Images of the beauty of knowledge and sciences. Education takes place today, but it breathes the Future, the Future is involved in it. That's what isupbringing - nourishment of the spiritual axis with beautiful, Divine images” . / Sh.A. Amonashvili “Why can’t we live our lives as heroes of the spirit”, pp. 51,52 /

In conclusion of the abstract, I want to give a fragment from the final work of the great Russian writer and thinker L.N. Tolstoy, a work that he himself especially appreciated - from the book “The Way of Life”:

“In young years, people believe that the purpose of mankind is in constant improvement and that it is possible and even easy to correct all of mankind, to destroy all vices and misfortunes. These dreams are not funny, but, on the contrary, there is much more truth in them than in the judgments of old people mired in temptations, when these people, who spent their lives not in the way that is typical for a person, advise people not to do anything, not to seek, but to live, like an animal.The only mistake in the search for youth is that young men transfer the improvement of themselves, their souls to others. . Do your work of life, perfecting and improving your soul, and be sure that only in this way will you most fruitfully contribute to the improvement of the common life.

If you see that the structure of society is bad, and you want to correct it, then know that there is only one means for this: that all people become better;and in order to make people better, there is only one thing in your power: to make yourself better.” / L.N. Tolstoy “The Way of Life”, p.431 /

Conclusion. Self-improvement, self-education is of universal importance. This is the only fruitful way to correct, improve, and transform oneself, people, and the world.


1. Sh.A. Amonashvili “Why can't we live our lives as heroes of the spirit”, M., Shalva Amonashvili Publishing House, 2003.

2. Sh.A. Amonashvili “School of Life”, M., Shalva Amonashvili Publishing House, 2000

3. Sh.A. Amonashvili "Pedagogical Symphony", M., ICR, 2002

4. L.N. Tolstoy “Pedagogical works”, M., “Pedagogy”, 1989:

a) L.N. Tolstoy “Thoughts about education”, from letters and diaries of 1895-1902.

b) L.N. Tolstoy “Answer to the letter of V.F. Bulgakov".

c) L.N. Tolstoy “From a letter to P.I. Biryukov, May 1901.”

d) L.N. Tolstoy "General remarks for the teacher".

f) L.N. Tolstoy “M.L. Tolstoy” (unsent).

g) L.N. Tolstoy "On Education".

5. L.N. Tolstoy "Way of Life" M., "Republic", 1993

6. N.K. Roerich “Ways of Blessing”, M., “Sphere”, 1999

7. L.V. Shaposhnikova “Energy role of teaching in the spiritual and cultural evolution of mankind”, M., ICR, 1994.