Recital as an effective form of working with gifted children. Scenario of the concert program of creative talents “wider circle”

Belaya Natalya Vasilievna Teacher additional education

State Public Enterprise "Children's Music School of Burlinsky District of West Kazakhstan Region"

Aksai 2014

Target: Development of interaction between teacher, children and parents in the process of education creative personality child, creation favorable conditions to attract parents to actively participate in school activities.

Tasks: Develop the ability to control your performance. To increase the level of stage performance in children, to feel confident and free on stage. Cultivate a feeling of love for classical music. Fostering children's interest in concert activities.

Preliminary work:

    Scenario development.

    Selection of musical material.

    Selection of slides.

    Preparing the presentation.

    Rehearsal and production work.

    Design and distribution of invitation cards.

Concert program:

1. A. Glier “Morning”

2. K. Atoev “Caravan”

3. N. Grzhibovsky “Short Story”

4. G. Zhubanova “Prelude”

5. Congratulations to guests:

- Tursangalieva Dilnaz, 2nd grade student.

- Ishimbayeva Moldir, 6th grade student

6. I. Strauss - Polka “Trick-Truck”

7. S. Prokofiev “Fleetingness”

8. E. Doga “Waltz” from the movie “My affectionate and gentle beast»

9. Performance of the ensemble “Do – mi – solka” - F. Ermolov “We ​​wish you good luck”

head Maer N.V.

Concert progress

"Every child has the sun, just let it shine"


Presenter: Good afternoon, dear audience! Our concert is dedicated to piano music, which will be performed by a student of the children's music school, graduate Mustafina Dilara. We called our concert: “Music was born on the rise of inspiration.”

Presenter: More than three centuries piano music delights listeners with genre diversity and thematic richness. Musical art like a mirror reflects the time, era, morals of people, their thoughts and feelings. Music is a phenomenal phenomenon. Her relationship with people is amazing. Sounds work wonders - the soul awakens and transforms in a person, states and moods change. And the beauty of music is that it is a source of inspiration.

If the theater is the main thing character- an actor, then in music it is a performer. To create his own interpretation, a musician needs immersion in the semantic world of style, which makes it possible to activate creative forces, and find our own forms of its sound embodiment. Constant expansion of the worldview will lead to the acquisition of one’s own view, opinion, and creative attitude to business. and the ability to explain and express one’s thoughts and feelings through music. talented performer Mustafina Dilara is at our school.

Presenter: Dilara came to our school very young - she was only 6 years old. From the first days, Dilara's teacher Natalya Vasilnvna Belaya taught her student creative attitude to music lessons, developed subtle emotionality and sensitivity, artistic imagination.

Presenter: In the first grade, Dilara did not have an instrument at home and she came to school in the evenings to study with her beloved grandmother.

Presenter: It’s probably no coincidence that mom and dad decided to give music education to his beloved daughter. After all, Dilara received her musical impressions from her grandfather, who loved to play the dombra and harmonica. Presenter: Already in the first grade, she became an active participant in school concerts: she was an accompanist in a violin ensemble.

Presenter: She constantly performed solo numbers.

Presenter: Over the years of studying at the music school, Dilara achieved good results:

1.IX Regional competition " Delphic Games"- laureate of the 2nd degree, Uralsk 2013

2. Republican festival - competition "Salem, Astana" - laureate of the 1st degree - Astana 2014

3. III Republican Festival - competition “Ignite your hearts with creativity!” - 1st degree diploma student - Mustafina Dilara, Borovoe, 2013

4. Diploma 3 degree 46 Regional competition young musicians Uralsk 2010

5. Laureate 2nd degree school competition young musicians 2011

6. Winner of the 1st degree of the school competition for best performance works of composers of Kazakhstan 2012

7. 3rd degree winner of the school competition for young musicians 2013

8. Laureate of the 3rd degree of the school competition for young musicians in 2009.

Presenter: Dilara's certificates for all 7 years of study.

Presenter: Relaxation in a specialized summer camp in Borovoe and participation in the III Republican festival - competition “Ignite your hearts with creativity”.

Presenter: And now the time has come to invite our starlet to the stage. Please Dilar. Dilara selected the concert program herself.

Presenter: You listened to Reinhold Gliere’s work “Morning”

Sands, sands, sands... Dunes...
They eat the caravan trail
And the sun burns unbearably,
But in the heart it is so indestructible
The dream is to get there! And we stubbornly...
We are going as part of a caravan...
Mirage... Mirage... It's visible again
In a trembling haze...
I'll wipe away the tears, but again the vision -
Palaces, fountains... Obsession...
The sands have no end in sight,
But we will get there, I know for sure

2. K. Atoev “Caravan”

Presenter: The mystery of music defies words. What words can you use to describe the color of the sky, the smell of flowers? What words can I use to explain how something hurts? Sensations, experiences, feelings are difficult to put into words. And music is all about experiences and feelings.

There are so many of them, they are so different. Music helps us understand very important things, perhaps the most important ones - things that cannot be expressed in words.

    N. Grzhibovsky “Short Story”

Presenter: Listening to the Novella, you are convinced that music is really born from the rise of inspiration.

Presenter: B curriculum Dilary, works of Kazakh composers occupied a large place in the program of this concert"Prelude" will sound Gazizy Akhmetovna Zhubanova - People's Artist Kazakhstan, a composer of great creative talent, who clearly demonstrated her talent in many genres. Her music has become widely known far beyond the borders of our country. She was constantly a searching artist, open to artistic influences contemporary art and those who strive to open Kazakh music to other cultures with their music.

4. And so, “Prelude” by Gaziza Zhubanova sounds.

Presenter: People of art always support each other. And now her classmate Tursangalieva Dilnaz, a 2nd grade student, came to support Dilara and we give her the floor.

5.Dilnaz will perform – “ Children's dance» S. Maikopara.

Presenter: Ishimbayeva Moldir, a 6th grade student, also came to support Dilara and will perform in her performance.

6. “Aytym salem Kalamkas” - Abai, arranged for piano by B. Asanova.

Presenter: “Dance compositions of such freshness, such humorous colors and such piquant instrumentation have not appeared for years,” the newspaper wrote about the polka “Trick Truck” by Johann Strauss, which at one time received huge success and a hurricane of applause.

No. 7. Johann Strauss - polka “Trick-Truck”

II batch Belaya N.V.

Triangle – Tursangalieva Dilnaz.

Presenter: “Fleetingness” by S. Prokofiev is one of the most interesting cyclical works. The first play from this cycle paints a portrait of a kind, wise storyteller, and the promise of a story about something unusual and mysterious.

8. S. Prokofiev “Fleetingness” No. 1

Presenter: - The next play from the cycle of “Fleetingnesses” by Sergei Prokofiev is the “Harlequin” image - he is a jester, a mocker and a prankster, and in the play we hear funny antics and funny grimaces puppet hero.

    S. Prokofiev “Fleetingness” No. 10

Presenter: - Waltz! Is there a more amazing dance? A dance whose charm has captivated the whole world for two centuries. He still reigns today. Maybe it is danced less often - the waltz requires large area, scope, but it sounds constantly. The waltz is everywhere: in “serious” and “light” music, in opera and operetta, in symphony, in instrumental piece, in ballet and in song. 10. And now Dilara will perform the popular waltz by Evgeniy Doga from the movie “My Affectionate and Gentle Beast”

    Presenter: And now I would like to invite Dilara’s mentor to the stage, who made a great contribution to her success Belaya N.V. (teacher’s speech)

12. Speech by director Nurmukhanova Zh.M.

13. The floor is given to Dilara’s parents.

13. Presenter: The ensemble “Do-mi-solka” performs the song “We wish you good luck” by F. Ermolov for Dilara and the guests of our concert.

Supervisor vocal ensemble Maer N.V.



Competition “Salem, Astana! »

1 Vedas 9th grade Polina Vika Musical screensaver

My homeland is rich in songs.
The song glorifies sweet lands.
Loud, cheerful, sad at times

It flows like a free river across Russia.

My heart skips a beat when you sound.
You speak the truth about our fate.
We often sing about love and separation,
And about happiness too - each about his own.
Russian villages and cities love songs.
With such songs, woe is not a problem for us!
How many songs have been sung, how many will we sing,
When we sit next to each other at the table on holiday!

The song is Russian - Russian soul!
What a song you are, ours is good!
From birth to last days
We are with you friend song no more true!

The holiday begins with the song of Alina Voronova (Shadow-Shadow)

Ved Good afternoon! We are glad to see you at our holiday.

Ved And we have gathered here to listen to songs, sing, play and learn about Russian songs.

Vedas In the old days they said: “Whoever lives with a song is overwhelmed by grief.”

“As one lives, so one sings” “Where there are songs, there is youth”

Vedas “Song is the soul of the people.” From time immemorial the song is always

was next to the person both in joy and in sorrow. From

from birth until death

Where did Russian music come from?
Either in an open field,
Or in a hazy forest.
Whether in joy or pain,
Or in a bird whistle?
Tell me where from
There is sadness and daring in you,
How did you appear
From the very beginning
In whose heart did you beat,
Who did you sound like?

The ducks flew by and dropped their pipes,
The geese flew by and dropped the harp,
Their spring
We found it, we were not surprised...

Ved: Well, what about the song?
The Vedas were born with a song in Rus'.

They open our program for students with the song____________________________________________________________

2 Presenters 10th grade Olya Alina

Let's forget about everything
and we’ll sing a Russian song.
Without fashionable rhythms and witticisms,
The one that people always sing.
from joy, or from melancholy,
or the heart is torn to pieces.
The soul suddenly asks for melodies,
that still live among the people.
without brands, images and fashion,
from Russian essence, nature.

These songs live in Russia
and there is nothing better in this world.
When will evening happen?
after work, after roads,
friends over bread and wine
they will talk about everything;
they will sing together, together,
the spirit soars, the soul blooms
and nothing more is needed
and life with a song is good.

Let's sing folk songs -
Let's drag it out from the heart.
Even though they are now unfashionable;
Yes, they are painfully good!

Vedas Folk song originated even before the advent of writing in Rus'. The peasant cultivated the land, planted a vegetable garden, raised livestock and did not know at all that there were letters in the world, but everyone knew that there were songs in the world. And how could it be otherwise?

Ved After all, with a song, things move faster, and the work is almost in full swing, and how else could a poor man rest, except by not singing a couple of songs in the evening on the rubble. The whole life of a person in those days was connected with song. What I see is what I sing about. And what were the songs:

Ved - Our people have many different songs. Epics tell about exploits in the name of the happiness and well-being of the people and the state. Historical songs about famous people and memorable events of antiquity, ballads amaze the imagination with the details of life's drama.

Vedas Everyday songs differ from all of them. Their themes are family, human destiny, feelings and thoughts inspired by everyday life. These songs are as diverse as the work of people, their traditions and customs.

O beloved Russian songs,

Preserved among the people for centuries,

Well, why are you so good?

And you are with us in sorrow and in joy,

You are with us from birth to old age

Sound in the depths of your soul!

O languidly tender songs,

Vast expanses are hidden within you,

And universal sadness cries...

And like an old nun,

Hearing you, I want to repent,

And my chest is full of light.

But the daring, free-spirited ones,

Free as the uncontrollable wind,

Such that you immediately start dancing!

Blessed Rus' gave birth to you

And with its incomprehensible power

Filled you to the brim.

And how good the war songs are!

Immense love for Russia

It sounds to you like a menacing alarm bell.

We are with a military song to death in battle

Let's go, O Russia, for your life,

Without taking a single step back

The Russian song is open spaces,

Which I will have to follow for the rest of my life.

This is Father Don near Rostov,

This is Mother Volga on the way.

The Russian song is a shepherd's song,

Dewy, joyful, early horn.

Just stand up for a minute and listen,

You'll start like a new engine.

A Russian song is not naked,

Not rowdy, not hysterical sadness,

This is a silent resolution

Sit next to him and look into his eyes.

She embraces everything with her heart,

She is both twenty and a thousand years old.

Russian song, Russian land

I love you so much that there are no more words.

Vedas Labor songs. They accompanied almost every species labor activity a peasant - whether it be hunting, pulling nets or lifting heavy objects. All these songs had their own rhythm, to which the work proceeded amicably and controversially. And the most basic difference between a work song is the presence in it of exclamations - interjections, such as “Hey!”, “Uh!”, “Ah!” The most famous labor folk song is “Dubinushka”.

3 Vedas 9th grade Polina Vika

Vedas, no matter what a person did - reaping bread, mowing hay, floating timber or pulling a barge - song helped him everywhere.

I am for a soulful song
Took the forests green whisper,
And the Volga has a mid-day heat
The dark jets were heard to rumble.
Took from autumn - bad weather,
Spring has a fragrance,
I took the people's happiness
And immeasurable suffering

Vedas: In the Russian song there is folk life,

A ringing song is sung by the heart,
May it be a cheerful or sad motive,
The soul will respond with gratitude!


Guess what song we are talking about, the answer is accepted by singing a few lines or words

1Song in which the non-residential part is mentioned village house, adjacent to its residential part and used for household needs. (Oh you, canopy, my canopy)
2. A song about national Russian winter shoes, felted from sheep's wool. (Felt boots)
3. Song of a flighty girl who seduced young man and preoccupied with a huge sense of guilt. (Am I to blame)
4. Song that mentions large city Russia on the left elevated bank of the Volga River. (Ah, Samara-town)
5. A song about a widespread forest-forming tree species in Russia with papery bark and thin, drooping branches. (There was a birch tree in the field)

6. A song about a pair of domestic long-necked birds of various colors, distinguished by their cheerful character. (Two cheerful geese)
7. A song known for its affectionate address to a felled tree trunk, performed by Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin. (Dubinushka)
8. Song - an appeal to the state atmospheric air, at which water freezes and the thermometer drops below zero. (Oh, frost, frost)
9. A song that mentions a garden building where a Russian person can wash himself while being actively exposed to heat and steam. (The bathhouse is heating, heating in the garden)
10. A song that mentions the noise of a marsh, pipe-shaped, cranked plant. (The reeds rustled)
11. The song is about how a person engaged in horse-drawn transport freezes on a plain overgrown with grassy vegetation in the complete absence of trees. (Steppe and steppe all around)
12. A song about small traders who delivered various goods needed in the villages peasant life. (Peddlers)

The tunes of our Russian songs...
There are whispers of stars in them,
There is a rustle of grass in them.
Spring anthem of the skies
The roars of oak forests wander through them...

The river reeds sing.
Everything that was given to them from above,
What life can't crush
We continue to hear in songs.

The river rings and sings in the night,
Shimmering closer to the mouth.
Hear the sounds of the wind
With a viscous, steppe sadness...

Oh, Russian song, you are everything!
You are our eternal boundlessness!
And the crows will not drown out
Sweet and tender melodies!

About Russian song.

4 Vedas 10 grades Nastya Yulia

Ved The second group is love songs. These songs were most often sung by boys and girls before marriage. They contain all the bitterness of unrequited love, the joy of a date, a terrible longing for a loved one, all the pain of the soul from the courtship of an unloved... Girls sang these songs on the street or when they got together to embroider.

Why are you touching my heart?
A song of soulful old times?
Is there a lofty soul living in you,
Is it a reflection of unsteady silence?
Then you let the falcon fly behind the cloud,
Spreading bitter smoke with your hands,
Then you emerge as a widow, lonely,
Give flowers to the young.

Vedas All folk songs about love. About love and native land, and therefore to the people who live on it, to their relatives and friends.

The third group are family songs sung by married women. These songs reflected a difficult life married woman. Most often, such songs were sung in the evenings in the upper rooms at the spinning wheel or at other work.

Then you lead the round dances into the field,

You burn yourself while dancing!

You are forever in tune with the Russian lot,
My spring song!

Vedas The fourth group is soldiers' songs. All these songs are divided into military-historical and everyday ones. Military historical songs were most often sung in the first person and told about glorious battles, courage and resourcefulness. In everyday songs, the soldier-peasant described his difficult war life.

Vedas The fifth group is humorous or satirical folk songs. Such songs include “Oh, you canopy, my canopy.” These songs reflect the cheerful and cheerful disposition of the Russian people, who are simply not used to being sad.

Vedas Since the song appeared a very long time ago, when there was still no division between stories and songs. Slowly, the singers solemnly told about the heroes and their exploits for the glory of the Russian land. And these song-stories were called epics.

5 Vedas 9th grade Polina Vika

Ved And also buffoons roamed the world - jacks of all trades: they could sing, dance, and tell a fairy tale. People still remember their comic songs about how “a mosquito married a fly” and about how “a lady flea lived in a green forest.” That's what those songs are called - buffoons.
Well, in those rare times, cheerful dance songs were played on holidays, accompanied by an accordion and with choruses!

How it will tighten, how it will flood
Our Orthodox people,
After all, where does everything come from?
It goes straight to the heart!
Sing about the tempo of the night
Or about white snow.
About a merchant's daughter,
About silk meadows.
Sing about the blue sea
Or about Mother River
About sadness and grief,

About heartache.
And now we will sing, but not about melancholy, but about something fun.

Vedas In Rus' they always loved to sing in chorus, together. This worked out great in round dances led by girls and boys. Not a single holiday or gathering was complete without round dances.

Ved One of the songs contains the following words: “What is a song without a button accordion.” What else? What's a song without...? /accordions, balalaikas/.

I haven't heard from you for a long time,
Three flowing strings.
They say they're out of fashion
Songs of Russian antiquity.
Well, maple, give it to me,
Ring all over
Balalaika, balalaika,
Golden bells.

You’re not shy even now,
You are alone in the whole country,
You can do it brilliantly
Touch the Russian string.
With a daring people's heart
You've become close forever
In the golden hands of craftsmen
You will never be silent!

6 Vedas 10 grades Olya Alina

Vedas There are so many types folk songs that it is difficult to determine what it is. Initially, folk songs showed how people understand the world and life. And since life consists of many phenomena and situations, folk songs reflect these phenomena.

One type of folk songs is songs about professions. They may be about
shepherds, shoemakers, chimney sweeps, tailors. They can be about miners and cowboys.

Vedas Another type of folk songs is religious folk songs. The most wonderful of these songs - spirituals - are imbued with high spirituality.

Vedas There are folk songs glorifying the seasons. There are wedding songs, lullabies, laments, war songs, soldiers' songs and many others. Folk songs can be about absolutely anything in everyday life person.

Tenderness will wake up, I’ll hold my breath

And I will awaken your heart with bright sadness.

About the Russian song, about my suffering,

Table, free, earthly,

You were born in joy and sorrow.

The truth of centuries has settled here

And the people's sorrow and the depth of will.

Will soar like a bird above the clouds.

Will spill gold into ripe ears

And in the balalaika it will sound without words.

I love you, people, alive,

You value the Russian spirit in the song.

And imparting the wisdom of the ancestors to the lines,

You will prolong the joy in your heart with beauty.

Vedas And finally, ditties. But that's a completely different story...
The song was part of a person’s spiritual life, a support in his hard work and worries. The song still makes us happy and sad, love and be disappointed, live and die.
The Vedas Song unites us, singing the song - blood relatives, close in soul. Only with a song do you understand that we are children of the same Motherland, that we have
one common house- Russia.

Vedas Rus' is mighty even in song,
Wide and deep
Both free and thunderous,
And free, and call.
Oh yes songs, what kind of songs,
Our people are singing!
Golden, daring,
Russian songs, live - Well done!

Ved: Our holiday has come to an end, but the song does not end.

Merry and sad, -
We’ll sing whatever you want;
Our relatives are Russian;
We live with them again.

Left us as an inheritance;
Don't forget them;
The culture of our ancestors
Strengthen and develop...

Sing, listen, love Russian song!

With a fragrant sprig of lilac
Spring comes to every home,
We sincerely congratulate you
Happy International Women's Day!
May the sun shine with joy today,
Leaving a sheaf of great worries in the shadows,
And all the flowers that there are in the world,
Let them bloom today at your feet.

I congratulate the beautiful ladies
With the spring sun and birdsong
And with a high, clear blue.
Let the decoration of your faces
A gentle smile will serve
The gentle radiance of the eyes.
My little gift is just a postcard.
But, a sign that I’m thinking about you!

March 8 is Women's Day!
One of the days of the year
When you bring warmth to every smile,
When flowers bloom in the soul!
And in this bright hour, as before again
May you be accompanied by:
Hope, Faith and Love!

On this day, warmed in spring
All flowers, smiles to you!
So that you don't know sadness,
Even a slight shadow of sadness,
So that your eyes always shine,
And not only on this day!

There are many poems about this holiday,
But I really won’t get tired of congratulating him.
Let the voices of children, merging into a choir,
Our dear mothers will congratulate you!
Health, happiness and great love
We wish all women today.
Oh, if only nightingales sang in March
Or the lilacs were blooming, like in warm May.

May Women's Day never end,
Let the streams sing in your honor,
Let the sun smile on you,
And men give you flowers.
With the first drop, with the last snowstorm,
Happy early spring holiday
We congratulate you, we sincerely wish you
Joy, happiness, health, love!

Accept musical congratulations Congratulations to you, the song sounds across the small river. (Nastya and Alina)

Municipal institution of additional education

"Children's art school No. 1 in Volsk"


solo concert

Soboleva Irina Ivanovna

Filippova O.N. - teacher


disciplines of the Municipal Educational Institution "Children's School No. 1 in Volsk"

Soboleva I.I. - teacher of the choir class

MUDO "DSHI No. 1 in Volsk"


solo concert

Soboleva Irina Ivanovna
Dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to this beautiful hall. Picture gallery once again hospitably opened its doors to lovers of music and vocal art.

The human voice is a unique musical instrument. Everyone has a voice, many know how and love to sing, but not every person can be called a vocalist. This is the name given to a singer who has natural musical abilities, has undergone special training and knows how to speak well.

Having become friends with harmony and agreeing in sounds,

2. “I’m on the first snow " Music G. Ponomarenko, lyrics. S. Yesenina. Performs

3. “Russian Blizzard.” Music V. Gusakova, lyrics. P. Chernyaeva. Performs

Romance - popular genre vocal music. IN recent years on posters concert halls, the inscription “Evening of Russian Romance” often appears in the programs of philharmonic societies. On television channel“Culture” regularly broadcasts the program “Romance of Romance”. The interest in such concerts proves that romance is not forgotten and is loved by many.

Romances can also be heard in films: “Cruel Romance”, “Squadron of Flying Hussars” and others.

4. “Song of the Cavalry Guard” from the movie “The Star of Captivating Happiness.”

Music I. Schwartz, lyrics by B. Okudzhava. Performs vocal duet and E.V. Tsyplakova.

Poem “End of Winter” by Sergei Mnatsakyan

The lanterns are as bright as angels

calm houses sleep,

writes his letters completely blank

Volskaya winter...

Tangled sheep's wool

the dusk flickers here and there.

white flakes are sweeping...

5. « The night is bright" Music N. Shishkina, lyrics. M. Yazykova. Performs vocal

duet and E.V. Tsyplakova.

6. “Foggy morning.” Music E. Abazy, lyrics. I. Turgenev. Execute

How new waltz good! In some kind of ecstasy

I spun faster - and a wonderful desire

My thoughts and I involuntarily rushed into the distance,

And my heart sank; not so much sadness

Not exactly joy...

7. « I remember the waltz's lovely sound " Music etc. N. Listova. Execute

I.I. Soboleva and E.V. Tsyplakova.
I doubt that anyone knows the music of G.V. Sviridov.
8. G.V.Sviridov. "Romance" from music. illustrations for the story by A.S. Pushkin

"Blizzard". Performed by O.V. Danilina (violin), piano part

E.V. Tsyplakova.
9. “Don’t Wake Up” from the movie “Squadron of Flying Hussars” Music Zhurbina, lyrics D. Davydova. Performed by the vocal duet of I.I. Sobolev and R.V. Gusev, accompanied by E.V. Tsyplakova.

Poem by Sergei Mnatsakyan

Music! Music! Above the snowfall

It winds and droops towards the cast-iron fences.

To the ancient roses of tight casting,

The music is bitter to the point of oblivion...

The music is wonderful - it gives you chills!

Why is there envy and malice before her?

What impatience and anger are in front of her?

This silent and ringing tune.

So weightless - higher and higher!

The pain carried away is quieter and quieter.

quieter, but deeper, all from the inside,

So she winds, laughing and suffering,

music old and young,

tender, sinful - snow or

light?! –

eternal music of time...
10. “Only once.” Music B. Fomina, lyrics by P. German. Performed by I.I. Sobolev and

11. “Gayda, three.” Music etc. Steinberg. Performed by I.I. Soboleva,

accompanied by E.V. Tsyplakova.

12. “Oh, you sleigh " Music Belasha, lyrics S. Yesenina. Performed by I.I. Soboleva,

And R.V. Gusev, accompanied by A.F. Gudkov.

13. “Listen if you want.” Music and sl.N. Shishkina. Arr. Yu. Mayevsky.

Music is an art that can be transmitted human feelings, their finest shades. Delight and despair, quiet joy and stormy rejoicing, triumph and disappointment, anxiety and hope. Everything is accessible to music and is expressed by it with extraordinary sincerity and completeness.

14. “Coachman, don’t drive the horses.” Music Y. Feldman, lyrics. N. Ritter.

Performed by I.I. Soboleva, accompanied by E.V. Tsyplakova.

15. “Jingle Bells.” Music A. Bakaleinikova, lyrics. M. Kusikova.

Performed by I.I. Soboleva, accompanied by E.V. Tsyplakova.

16. “And it’s snowing.” Music A. Eshpaya, lyrics. E. Yevtushenko.

Performed by I.I. Soboleva, accompanied by E.V. Tsyplakova.

17. “Over the fields and above the clean ones.” Arr. L. Shokhina.

Performed by I.I. Soboleva, accompanied by E.V. Tsyplakova.
Happy to meet at the beginning of the new year. Let New Year will give you a lot have a nice meeting, and musical too. Our concert today is both a creative report and at the same time a step in a continuous path to self-improvement.

Thanks to everyone who gave us this holiday.

May it be New Year

will give you all

Snow-covered fields,

And the blue of the sky and the smell of pine needles,

Snow on lush spruce paws.

Less sadness,

And joy is more often

And great great HAPPINESS!

Until next time.


solo concert "BEAUTIFUL WINTER"

Soboleva Irina Ivanovna
1. “Song of the Cavalry Guard” from the movie “Star of Captivating Happiness”

Music I. Schwartz, sl.B. Okudzhava.

2. “Foggy morning” Music. E. Abazy, lyrics. I. Turgenev.

3. "Don't wake up." Music Zhurbina, lyrics. D. Davydova.

4. “Only once.” Music B. Fomina, lyrics by P. German.

5. “The night is bright.” Music N. Shishkina, lyrics by M. Yazykov.

6. “Jingle Bells.” Music A. Bakaleinikova, lyrics. M. Kusikova.

7. “Coachman, don’t drive the horses.” Music Y. Feldman, lyrics. N. Ritter.

8. “Gayda, three.” Music etc. Steinberg.

9. “Over the fields and over the clean ones.” Arr. L. Shokhina.

10. “Russian Blizzard.” Music V. Gusakova, lyrics. P. Chernyaeva.

11. “And it’s snowing.” Music A. Eshpaya, lyrics. E. Yevtushenko.

12. “I’m on the first snow.” Music G. Ponomarenko, lyrics. S. Yesenina.

13. “Snows of Russia” from the movie “Mission in Kabul.” Music V. Uspensky,

lyrics by N.Olev.

14. “I remember the lovely sound of the waltz.” Music etc. N. Listova.

15. “Listen if you want.” Music and sl.N. Shishkina. Arr. Yu. Mayevsky.

16. “Oh, you sleigh.” Music Bilasha, lyrics S. Yesenina.


solo concert " BEAUTIFUL WINTER"

Soboleva Irina Ivanovna
1. “Snows of Russia” from the movie “Mission in Kabul”. Music V. Uspensky,

lyrics by N.Olev. Performed by I.I. Sobolev, piano part by E.V. Tsyplakov.

2. “I’m on the first snow.” Music G. Ponomarenko, lyrics. S. Yesenina. Performs

vocal duet of I.I. Sobolev and R.V. Gusev, accompanied by A.F. Gudkov

3. “Russian Blizzard.” Music V. Gusakova, lyrics. P. Chernyaeva. Performs

vocal duet of I.I. Sobolev and R.V. Gusev, accompanied by A.F. Gudkov

4. “Song of the Cavalry Guard” from the movie “Star of Captivating Happiness.”

Music I. Schwartz, lyrics by B. Okudzhava. The vocal duet is also performed by E.V. Tsyplakova.

5. “The night is bright” Music. N. Shishkina, lyrics by M. Yazykov. Performs vocal

duet and E.V. Tsyplakova.

6. “Foggy morning.” Music E. Abazy, lyrics. I. Turgenev. Execute

I.I. Soboleva and E.V. Tsyplakova.

7. “I remember the lovely sound of the waltz.” Music etc. N. Listova. Execute

I.I. Soboleva and E.V. Tsyplakova.

8. G.V.Sviridov. "Romance" from music. illustrations for the story by A.S. Pushkin

"Blizzard". Performed by O.V. Danilina (violin), piano part

E.V. Tsyplakova.
9. “Do not awaken” from the film “Squadron of Hussars of the Flying Muses. Zhurbina,

sl. D. Davydova. Performed by the vocal duet of I.I. Sobolev and R.V. Guseva,

accompanied by E.V. Tsyplakova.

10. “Only once.” Music B. Fomina, lyrics by P. German. Performed by I.I. Sobolev and

R.V. Guseva, accompanied by E.V. Tsyplakova.
11. “Gayda, three.” Music etc. Steinberg. Performed by I.I. Soboleva,

accompanied by E.V. Tsyplakova.

12. “Oh, you sleigh.” Music Belasha, lyrics S. Yesenina. Performed by I.I. Soboleva,

accompanied by A.F. Gudkov.

13. “Listen if you want.” Music and sl.N. Shishkina. Arr. Yu. Mayevsky.

Performed by I.I. Soboleva, accompanied by E.V. Tsyplakova.

14. “Coachman, don’t drive the horses.” Music Y. Feldman, lyrics. N. Ritter.

15. “Jingle Bells.” Music A. Bakaleinikova, lyrics. M. Kusikova.

Performed by I.I. Sobolev, accompanied by A.F. Gudkov.

16. “And it’s snowing.” Music A. Eshpaya, lyrics. E. Yevtushenko.

Performed by I.I. Sobolev, accompanied by A.F. Gudkov.

17. “Over the fields and above the clean ones.” Arr. L. Shokhina.

Performed by I.I. Sobolev, accompanied by A.F. Gudkov.

Dialogue around the piano

Solo concert script

Good afternoon, dear audience!
If a person is rich spiritual world, if his entire soul is populated by sublime images, if there is something to say and he strives for self-expression, then such a person is not able to limit himself to only one way of expression. Such is our heroine today - a school graduate - Alexandra Kekhter. And I give her the floor.

G. Handel. PRELUDE

Music... What does it mean in our lives?
Music opens a door for a person to a world of unusual sounds, bright colors... Entering the world of music means discovering something beautiful, without which human life cannot be possible.
Music... What does it mean to me?
I began to show interest in music when I was early childhood. I really loved performing at matinees and concerts in kindergarten.
Gradually, my love for music grew more and more and resulted in a great desire to enroll in music school and learn to play the piano. How I admired the high school students, their virtuoso playing, ability to stay on stage.
And now I’m already a graduate, and today I’m playing my favorite works for you.

F. Kulau. Sonatina

Yes, music is my main hobby. (CUBE on scales - music)

What about the theater?
Theater... I like this world with plywood trees,
With a garland of star lights suspended from the ceiling,
And the calm progress of everyday life, and the nervous trembling of the premiere.
I like how the bridge stands between the stage and the audience.
The ringing silence of deep and strong pauses,
When every spectator suddenly held their breath.
Oh, how he looks! No, I'm trying in vain to hold back
I'm in tears. They flow, and the audience cries with me. (CUBE on scales-theater)


Theater! My world, entering into your chambers,
To your temple of goodness, hope and love,
It will calm you down from the burden of the days gone by
And he will heal you from the illness of everyday life.
There is the smell of tears and happiness and suffering,
There is pain and fear, sobs and laughter,
There, holding my breath in excitement,

Deserved success awaits you by right. (CUBE on scales-theater)

V. Fadeev. POLKA

Music plays in a person's life important role.
IN Ancient Greece, for example, they believed that a person should engage in sports from childhood to strengthen his body, and music to educate his soul. Many Greeks knew how to sing and play the musical instruments- lyre and cithara.
One can find a lot of evidence from ancient authors regarding the impact of music on humans.
The epic of Odysseus describes how Odysseus's wound stopped bleeding from music and singing.
Ancient Greek hero Achilles pacified his attacks of rage by singing and playing the lyre.
The stern king of Sparta, Lycurgus, himself composed music for his army and never went into battle unless his soldiers were first put into a fighting state by the sounds of trumpets and drums.
The famous Orpheus, with his singing, not only softened the temper of people, but also tamed wild animals and birds.

Geller.ETUDE(CUBE on scales - music)

The mystery of music is beyond words. What words can you use to describe the color of the sky, the smell of flowers? What words can I use to explain how something hurts? Sensations, experiences, feelings are difficult to put into words.
And music is all about experiences and feelings. There are so many of them, they are so different. Music helps us understand very important things, perhaps the most important ones - things that cannot be expressed in words.

A. Dvorak. Etude(CUBE on scales - music)

No one in the world has installed, and no one will install exact birth theater The existence of the theater is measured by a measure unprecedented in historical terms - the lifetime of the human race itself.
The oldest, the most amazing and emotional, the most festive, inspiring, unlike anything else great school- that's what theater is!
This is how they spoke about him from century to century. They spoke everywhere: in Russia, France, Italy, England, Germany, Spain...

Theater is thoughts free flight,
Theater – here fantasy blooms generously.
The ice is melting in the theater of hearts.
And the miracle here will come to life with the third bell.

Khisamutdinov. RAGTIME(CUBE on scales-theater)

Music in Greek is the art of the muses. Muses – greek goddesses art. There are nine in total:
muse of lyricism and muse of dance,
the muse of comedy and the muse of tragedy,
muse of history and even astronomy...
But there was no muse who would be responsible for the music. Music penetrated everywhere, uniting all arts and all sciences, rhetoric and politics, gods and men, heaven and earth, grass and water into a single whole.
Music and theater. How to compare you two beautiful views art?
Lebedev. Dove

Theater and music are inseparable and subject to the same laws. They touch the innermost strings of our soul with equal force, evoking the same sensations and images.

When you sit down at the piano
At the moment of spiritual tide,
Press the left pedal -
No need to be loud and shouty.

Celebrate the sound of silence
And the world of mysterious nature.
We musicians are all sinners.
Our sin is lack of freedom.

Give away your freedom
Trying to sound sinful,
We strive to reflect the world
And the beauty of spiritual sacraments.

Press the left pedal -
The sound will be quieter, duller.
And they will rush up and into the distance
Our souls into the vast expanse.

F.Ley. Love story.

Both music and theater play an important role in my life.

When playing a role, don't forget that you are
You play a role, not the king on the throne.
When playing a role, don’t cross the line,
While going crazy, be calm inside.

Playing a role, invent, create,
Step back and get into character
Rehearse death and memorize it,
So that your voice is natural when screaming.

And, most importantly, when you play a role,
Understand that this is the main thing, no matter
Everything after and before that is all salt
This hour, this minute and one day.

N. Gogol. “How Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich”
(scene from the play)

Volodina E. A., Kotelnikova E. V.