The year of birth of fashion historian Alexander Vasilyev. The secret personal life of fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev: wife, children, sexual orientation

Born December 8, 1958 unique person a true patriot his great motherland Alexander Alexandrovich Vasiliev. Now he is called: a fashion historian, one of the best art historians, a talented writer and a brilliant TV presenter. But first of all, on that memorable winter day, the country received a great patriot and connoisseur of Russian traditions.

The youth of Alexander Vasiliev

Alexander Alexandrovich's whole life was devoted to culture. Born into an intelligent family, where the father, Alexander Pavlovich, worked as the chief artist of the Moscow Theater, and the Mother, Tatyana Ilyinichna, mesmerized the viewer with her acting dramatic roles on the stage. Alexander simply had no chance to escape his fate.

Your first costumes for puppet show he developed at just five years of age. And at the age of 7 he was already delighting young viewers in the television programs “Bell Theater” and “Alarm Clock”. For a rather serious production of “The Wizard emerald city", the boy created the costumes and scenery when he was only 12. So it is not surprising that in 1974, as soon as he turned 16 years old, and the law allowed Sasha to draw up a work book, he was immediately hired as a prop maker in the theater “Sovremennik” where he worked before the Moscow Art Theater. Vasiliev graduated from studio school at the age of 22 and went to work as a costume designer at “On Malaya Bronnaya”.

The role of women in the life of Alexander Vasiliev

It is not known how the fate of the great art critic would have developed further if not for his whirlwind romance with Masha Lavrova. The young hot blood always wanted to be close to the woman he loved. But her mother married a Frenchman, taking her daughter to another country.

- “You should come to me there - to this most beautiful city on earth!” Alexander Alexandrovich still remembers these words. And he promised to come. The 21-year-old guy then had no idea how, but firmly believed that he would succeed.

The opportunity presented itself two years later. A French girl, Anna, came to Moscow State University to improve her Russian language. It became Vasiliev’s passport to Europe.

In 1982, young people sealed their relationship with marriage and left the country of the Soviets.

Alexander Vasiliev in Paris

Paris greets the young man with its contrasts, dark alleys give way to the blooming Champs Elysees. Night city simply sparkled from the lightboxes, outlandish to the Russian people. In Paris there was choice, there was freedom. Even the ordinary restaurant menu was amazing. The newlyweds lived in the 14th arrondissement in a small apartment on the fifth floor.

That building didn't even have an elevator. After the 100-meter Moscow chorus then. But freedom was more expensive. Freedom and that beloved girl to whom he promised two years ago to change his life.

Then there was a trip to a villa in Arcachon, a paradise on the coast Atlantic Ocean. Wonderful beaches and simply amazing views could not leave you indifferent creative person. A genius spends a long time near the sea.

The only thing that caused protest was the uniformity and monotony. Dinner at the same time, the same dishes, the same orders. And everything alive in Alexander was playing, demanding reforms. The first thing the artist changed was the old bedspread on the marital bed. But he approached even such a small thing with all his talent and creativity. Everyone appreciated his choice.

Don't trust your friends - Alexander Vasiliev.

Three months flew by quickly, the visa expired, Sasha submits documents to extend his stay in France, and his request is granted. Now it sounds commonplace, but at the time it was fantastic. Only many years later did Vasiliev learn that this was facilitated by the KGB itself, which had its own plans for the Russian decorator.

First steps in Europe

The idleness is over. The artist enters the school at the Louvre, and upon graduation, graduate school theater department Sorbonne. Already in the fall of 1982, Vasiliev was invited to decorate the play “Pope Joanna,” which took place at the Poitiers and Cartoucherie theaters. Then there were the sets and costumes for the plays “Galleries of the Palace”, “Triumph of Love”, “Galleries of the Palace”... He got to work with such stars as: Valerie Dreville, Recep Mitrovica, Michel Witold.

Unfortunately, the wife did not share her husband’s aspirations, and after he refused to be a Russian language teacher at the local lyceum, they separated.

Confession of Alexander Vasiliev

As it turned out, Vasiliev did not take the risk in vain. His talent did not go unnoticed. Already in 1985 he was invited to Reykjavik. Where he prepares costumes for the productions “Plato” and “Wild Honey”. The performances were sold out, and the artist was recognized.

Also in 1985, Vasiliev began working for ballet performances. Which, a year later, led him to Galina and Valery Panov, who gave him the position of artistic director at the Royal Flemish Ballet. The genius is literally in great demand; he is literally bombarded with offers from leading theaters in all European countries.

Fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev - about school uniforms

In 1989, Alexander Alexandrovich was invited to Japan. Where Masako Oya invited him to design Tchaikovsky’s ballet “The Nutcracker”.

Vasiliev also made his mark in cinema. Working closely with Roberto Enrico, he creates costumes for the film “And the War Passes.” And also for the films: “My Friend is a Traitor” by Jose Giovani and “Manjklu” by Moshe Mizrahi.

Vasiliev - teacher

This person’s ability to work is simply amazing; while doing a colossal amount of work, he finds time to teach. Lectures and seminars at high schools of art in London, Paris, Beijing, Brussels, Nice... and this is only an incomplete list of Vasiliev’s achievements as a teacher. In 1994, he presented his lecture program in 4 languages. This work is read all over the world.

Alexander Vasiliev today

2003 And again Alexander surprises the world. Having opened in Moscow, yes, in his hometown, design studio "Interiors of Alexander Vasiliev", he amazes viewers with an unusually rich collection of antique clothes. Antique costumes purchased at various auctions are truly unique. And the collector will not part with them for any money. Although they offered quite a lot of money just for renting things.

In 2009, famous fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev left Channel One for health reasons.

To the place of the host of the popular TV show " Fashionable verdict"Alexander Vasiliev is invited. In the same 2009, he took the post of head of the Moscow Fashion Academy, which was organized at the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting "Ostankino".

Now the great fashion historian, despite all the years he has lived, is still 18. He is full of energy and initiative. He writes books, gives lectures, and is the host of many television and radio programs.

Art critic, fashion historian, TV presenter - and that’s all he, Alexander Vasiliev, who gained wild popularity after he became the host of the “Fashionable Sentence” program. They began to gossip about Vasiliev, imitate him, invite him to various shows, and the ubiquitous journalists began to interview him. The fashion historian always answers questions condescendingly and frankly, initially knowing that nothing can make him angry.

Currently Alexander Vasiliev (fashion historian) is an honorary member Russian Academy arts, works as a theater decorator, collaborates around the world, exhibits own collection historical costume, and also lectures on the history of fashion.


The famous fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev was born on December 8, 1958 in Moscow. Parents are extremely intelligent people. Alexander Pavlovich Vasiliev, the father of Alexander Jr., was a theater artist and fashion designer. In the mid-fifties, he received the Grand Prix at the Brussels World Exhibition and also earned the title “People's Artist of Russia.” Still at the Chekhov Theater and Bolshoi Theater works of Alexander Pavlovich are stored.

Mom, Tatyana Ilyinichna Vasilyeva-Gurevich, a woman with magnificent appearance and artistic talent, could not imagine herself outside the stage in her youth. Having served for quite a long time in Melpomene, she moved on to teaching at universities such as the Moscow Art Theater School and the Bolshoi Theater Choreographic School.

The cultural situation could not but influence young Alexander and his older sister Natasha. WITH early childhood he dreamed of becoming an actor, became interested in historical costume and helped his father in sewing scenery, and Alexander Vasiliev invented his first exclusive costumes and scenery at the age of five.

First time on set

His mother brought him to Shabolovka 37, where he first took part in the fascinating program “Alarm Clock,” which was then hosted by the popular actress Nadezhda Rumyantseva. As a teenager, he starred in the children's program "Bell Theatre", and at the age of twelve he became a set designer for the children's play "The Wizard of the Emerald City".

All this fast paced life influenced future biography Alexandra Vasilyeva.

After graduating high school, he enters the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio in the production department, after which he begins to work as a costume designer at the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya.

Personal life of Alexander Vasiliev

The further fate of the young man changed in many ways thanks to his first love. Masha, that was the name of his passion, went to live in Paris after her mother married a French citizen. The girl’s dream came true, but difficult days came for Alexander.

At that time it was unthinkable to just pick up and leave Soviet Union. Strong reasons were needed, and Alexander Alexandrovich Jr. thought about a fictitious marriage. Fate smiled on him in the face of a young French woman who came to Russia to learn the language.

Fictitious marriage

Anna, having become the fictitious wife of Alexander Vasiliev, lived in marriage with him for several years. The expectations of the future fashion historian associated with his beloved girl did not materialize. Masha was married and expecting a child. She explained her behavior by saying that the father of the unborn baby is French. That said it all.

Vasiliev could not return to his homeland - he was awaiting service in Afghanistan, in addition, according to the laws of the USSR, he did not have the right to leave his place of residence for fifteen years. I had to apply for a residence permit in France, becoming a “defector”.

Life of Alexander Vasiliev in France

At first, life in an unfamiliar environment was not sweet. Young Alexander was forced to rent an apartment, eat poorly, and save money.

This strengthened his character. The hardest thing was the separation from loved ones, especially my mother. Then no one could predict the future—regime restructuring and so on. It seemed that I would have to live in a foreign land until the end of my days. The French wife of Alexander Vasiliev, being a calculating woman, fled to her next passion, and Alexander himself no longer formalized the official marriage.

Thanks to his talent and hard work, Alexander Vasiliev, whose photo is posted in the article, quickly found a use for himself. He began to design street festivals and performances in French theaters. His love for history led him to the Louvre School, from which he graduated with a degree in palace interior design.


Alexander Vasiliev’s creative and labor savings (photo is in the article) began to expand. At the same time, he began teaching fashion history to students of the Russian theater school And famous school fashion in Paris. The fame of the talented decorator spread beyond France. From London he received an offer to collaborate with the National London Theater and the Scottish Ballet in Glasgow.

They learned about him in Spain, Turkey and Japan, and everywhere Alexander Alexandrovich managed to draw up a long-term contract, enjoying his work, studying the languages ​​and life of Europe. Today our favorite TV presenter is fluent in Spanish, French and Italian languages. Since 1994, having received French citizenship, he began to lecture on the history of fashion in these countries in their native language.

"Fashionable verdict"

Perestroika and the collapse of the Soviet Union allowed the popular fashion historian and designer to return to Russia.

Wanting to educate his native people in the field of design, fashion and aesthetics, Alexander Vasiliev opens the Volga Seasons fashion festival in Samara.

Two years later, in 2002, he became the host of the television project “Blow of the Century” on the “Culture” channel. Many people sign up for private lectures with him, at Moscow State University he teaches students the history of fashion, and organizes traveling fashion schools in the cultural capitals of the world. We can list endlessly vigorous activity master of fashion and design, but despite this, many first learned about Vasiliev through the TV show “Fashionable Verdict”.

Having replaced Vyacheslav Zaitsev on the set of the popular show, Alexander Alexandrovich became a constant favorite of women. Not one of the participants was ever offended by the presenter for criticizing her appearance. He chides the invited guest with a smile and gives advice with the same smile and insinuating, soft tone. There are many famous phrases from the TV presenter that have become catchphrases: “Yes, you are not Angelina Jolie, but she too will go out of fashion,” “You can wear a mini until you’re 99 years old, but you don’t need to show it to anyone,” “You remind me of the heroine of Mayakovsky’s comedy “The Bedbug” or Red A retirement cap” and so on.

The hard work of a show host

Four or five episodes of “Fashionable Verdict” are filmed a day. Alexander Vasiliev is the “judge” in the show, Evelina Khromchenko got the role of the “prosecutor” and Nadezhda Babkina played the “lawyer”. During the program they had to change clothes several times. And this is just the beginning. Sometimes people come to the studio with inappropriate behavior and they throw scandals, but this is rather an exception.

Alexander Vasilyev’s favorite model in “Fashionable Sentence” was a milkmaid from the Republic of Mari El, Zinaida Enova, who had in her wardrobe a work robe in which she milked about thirty cows, and a weekend outfit in the form of a national dress.

After she was dressed in a modern suit and put on high-heeled shoes, the audience sitting in the hall and behind the TV screen simply gasped. The post-Balzac woman impressed with her elegance, simplicity and confidence.

The interests of the invited guests, in addition to Nadezhda Babkina, are also protected by others famous personalities, for example, Arina Sharapova, Daria Dontsova, Larisa Verbitskaya, Anzhelika Varum, Renata Litvinova and others. In many ways, the program’s rating is maintained thanks to the jokes and sparklingness of Alexander Vasilyev Jr.

Radio "Mayak"

Since 2012, Vasiliev has been hosting a series of programs “Portraits of Great Fashionistas” on Mayak radio, in which he talks about famous fashion designers, actors and actresses, people whose names are in one way or another connected with fashion. The program lasts about 30-40 minutes. Acting and extraordinary talent the leader, his intonations create a bright, convex image of those about whom the conversation is being conducted. This makes the program interesting and listens in one breath.

In 2011, the fashion historian established his own version of the Michelin Star - a ceramic lily, which is awarded to those whose interior design is the most successful. These are mostly open to the public public places: cafes, train stations, galleries and so on. Each lily made has its own number, which can be used to determine its authenticity, and is made by hand.


But this is not all the activities of Alexander Vasiliev. Unfortunately, he has no children, but he has goddaughters to whom he will certainly leave part of the inheritance. One of the master's main legacies are his books.

Not everyone will be able to attend Alexander Alexandrovich’s lectures, and not everyone will be lucky enough to see his traveling costume collections. But reading books is much easier, because the rich experience in the history of fashion should be passed on to descendants.

Currently, more than thirty books have been published. They are mainly dedicated to the style of Russian emigrants of the early 20th century. The book “Beauty in Exile” was published six times. He also wants to write a book dedicated to the memoirs of Tatyana Leskova, the great-granddaughter of Nikolai Leskov, famous writer late XIX and the beginning of the 20th centuries.

Over the years, Alexander Vasiliev has kept a diary, where he records significant or exciting events that happen both to him personally and to the country and people.

The master of fashion of the show “Fashionable Verdict” opens with a quote from Bernard Shaw: “Following fashion is funny, but not following is stupid.” This line between “funny” and “stupid” is style. Alexander Vasiliev’s sense of style and biography were influenced by his parents and life in France. Unlike Russians, the French tell children: “Beautiful or ugly,” while Russians say “Good or bad.” In a family where the parents, the parents' parents, were fashionable and stylish people, there is a huge chance that the future generation will also have taste and style.

Alexander Vasiliev’s advice can be written down in a notebook or notepad. They will become guiding star in the chaotic world of fashion. So, according to the fashion historian, it follows that:

The main wish of the beloved and popular fashion historian for women: “Try to always be beautiful, always on top!”

“I’m not asking for much, but I don’t want to connect my life with someone who will have to explain how Gogol differs from Hegel, Hegel from Babel, and Babel from cable.”
The host of the “Fashionable Sentence” program, Alexander Vasiliev, first set foot on French soil almost 30 years ago. Then he had no money, no connections, no specific plans. But it was in Paris that the career of the future fashion historian began to take off in a crazy way. His unique collection of ancient costumes is stored here and there is an apartment in which, as the owner himself admits, “the soul sings.” Alla Zanimonets and Andrey Fedechko visited the TV presenter’s Parisian home.

Alexander Vasiliev
When and where was he born: December 8, 1958 in Moscow
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Family: sister - Natalya Tolkunova, teacher at the Fashion Academy; nephew - Dmitry (35 years old), producer; goddaughters - Marfa (18 years old, lives in Moscow), Nastya (21 years old, lives in Germany), Marina (17 years old, lives in Paris)
Education: Graduated from the production department of the Moscow Art Theater School
Career: author of 29 books, 6 of them bestsellers. The book “Beauty in Exile” was named the best illustrated book of the year in 1998 in 25 countries. In 2002, he created a series of programs “Breath of the Century” on the Kultura TV channel. Since 2009 - head of the Moscow Academy of Fashion, host of the “Fashionable Sentence” program
Flavors: food - dishes of French, Italian and Asian cuisine; drink - champagne.

- “You must come to me there - to this most beautiful city on earth!” - she cried.
I was 21 years old, my friend Masha Lavrova was 19. We studied together in Moscow, at working youth school No. 127, and we had a whirlwind romance. But Masha’s mother married a Frenchman and now moved to Paris with Masha.
I hold her close to me. “Well, please don’t cry. I will come. Necessarily!" Although I myself had no idea how I could end up in Paris. A couple of years later I found a way: I married a French woman. Anna came to Moscow State University to improve her Russian language...

What is he good for?

Vasiliev visits his apartment on Lefevre Boulevard - not far from the Versailles Gate - four times a year, every season. And every time he has to sort out parcels coming here from all over the world. These are exhibits purchased by Alexander at auctions for the collection of ancient costumes, which he has been collecting for almost four decades: dresses, jewelry, shoes, portraits reflecting the fashion of the past... Vasiliev sorts them, numbers them, describes them in catalogs and sends them to a spacious storage facility located not far from Paris Orly airport. And in the apartment, which looks more like a museum rather than a living space, the little things he especially loved remain. We found Alexander in high spirits: his collection that day “heavier” by 150 kg of outfits late XVIII century. Luckily for the fashion historian, the Brooklyn Museum in New York is holding a sale these days.
The owner of the house greeted us cordially. He forbade taking off his shoes: “The owners sometimes love their parquet floors more than their guests, but I love guests, and I don’t have a mosque!”

Vasiliev sat us down in antique chairs, placed rare porcelain cups on the table, and poured tea.
- Alexander, what about Masha, your first love? Here in Paris, did you manage to meet her?
- Certainly. True, when we met, she admitted that she was in love with a Frenchman, and I... felt relieved. By that time I realized that my ambitious thoughts were stronger than my love experiences. If I had married Masha, most likely I would have settled down, played in the evenings with the children - and goodbye, daring dreams! Masha still lives in Paris. She married that same guy and gave birth to a child. We remained friends, she often comes to visit - in this very apartment. Made a career in modern painting, becoming an excellent abstract artist. And I still help her financially, give her money... We have an invisible connection to the world: if not for this woman, my dreams of Paris would not have become so clear...
In Moscow, even before leaving, I often heard about myself: “What is he good for? If it weren’t for my father, I wouldn’t have taken a step!” Yes, my dad, Alexander Vasiliev, People's Artist of Russia, a famous painter, designed productions of the Bolshoi, Small and Art theaters. But I never hid behind his back. At the age of 16 he worked as a prop maker at Sovremennik. At the age of 22, having entered the service of the Moscow Theater on Malaya Bronnaya, he prepared costumes for the play “Wolves and Sheep.” Everyone praised my work.
Reconsider your outlook on life!

— How was your relationship with Anna, the woman who became your wife?
- No one will accuse us of falsehood - the marriage was real. If you want to know if we slept in the same bed, we slept, if we had sex, we did. We did everything that newlyweds should. Then Anna went home to France, and I submitted documents to leave to see my wife. We settled in the resort of Arcachon, in her parents' villa. This is the south of France and the Atlantic coast. That sunny morning Anna and I, as usual, had breakfast on the terrace. I breathed in the sea air, absentmindedly watched the seagulls, idly wondered whether my wife and I would go swimming or ride our bikes first. And suddenly, pouring freshly brewed coffee into a cup, Anna said: “You know, dear, France is a country of officials, and it would be good for you to reconsider your views on life. Go and work as a Russian language teacher at a lyceum - this is permanent income, not like your work on costumes.”
For many in France, the position of a government official is a cherished dream: 13 salaries per year plus social benefits...
I was amazed: “Anna, becoming a teacher is not exactly what I flew thousands of kilometers for, parted with my country, language, and parents.” She grinned: “Well then I won’t be able to help you.” “Well, I hope to find my own way,” I replied.

The subway serves bad food

- French theaters, in which I could work as a decorator, foreigners with with open arms they didn’t accept... And at first I even had to sing in the Paris metro together with a Slovak musician I knew who spoke excellent Russian. The debut looked like this: we arrived at the George V station, facing Champs Elysees, stood at the wall and began to chant: “Dear long...” There was no shame: when the wind is blowing in your pocket, you must agree, there is no need to be embarrassed... Another thing is that in the subway, as it turned out, the service is very bad. And we decided to try our luck at luxury cafes. It’s summer, the tables are outside, there are a lot of people. They liked our work, the café visitors did not skimp: for three songs we received, by today’s standards, about 100 euros. I also distributed for a while theater posters. I went into cafes, galleries, restaurants and asked permission to hang a poster. For one attached poster I was paid 1 franc.
Back then I walked all over Paris, I still have excellent orientation, I know all the streets and courtyards.
— And my wife and I managed to find mutual language?
- No, disagreements remain. And soon I moved, having agreed with Anna on the divorce procedure (three years later we officially divorced). Subsequently, Anna married her longtime lover and gave birth to three children. We call back. True, she has stubbornly refused to date me for many years. Declares: “I’ve gained weight, I don’t want you to look at me...”

I master the art of flattery

— Once in Paris, at a dinner with the Countess de Bogourdon, I, 27 years old, was introduced to Maya Mikhailovna Plisetskaya. Over dessert we started talking, I showed the album with my sketches, she looked through it carefully and suggested: “Sasha, I think you should try your hand at ballet. Make three sketches of costumes for my ballet “The Seagull”, I want to see it.” I got excited, drew them that same night and soon showed them to her. She appreciated: “Well done!”
That meeting turned out to be more than just a pleasant episode in my biography... At that time I was teaching at the Royal Belgian Academy of Arts. An artist teaching a course on the history of theatrical costume, Romanian Nikolai Ivaneanu, offered to introduce me to the director of the Royal Ballet in Antwerp, Valery Panov, and took me on a visit. There is a brand new Mercedes at the entrance, huge dogs are running around, the office smells of expensive perfume. I think: “Where have I ended up?!” Panov, business man, shook my hand and asked: “So what can you do?” I say: “Well, Maya Plisetskaya praised my sketches and ordered costumes...” The ballerina’s name turned out to be the key to the treasured door. My interlocutor immediately perked up: “Show me, show me your work!”
I became a designer for the Royal Ballet. Later, with the help of Panov, I got a job in Japan, Turkey, South America... And then we went with him and his wife, ballerina Galina Panova, to Chile. We worked at the Santiago Opera and Ballet Theater on a production of “The Idiot,” and when the contract ended, the Panovs left, and they offered me to work there some more... In general, I stayed in Chile for another ten years. Not completely, but I spent a lot of time there. I saw the end of the junta, when there were machine gunners on every corner.
My first production was back under Pinochet, in 1989. By the way, one of his daughters, I don’t remember what her name was, studied in my course on the history of fashion.
By the way, in the apartment where we are sitting now, so you know, almost all the furniture is from Chile. Do you know what especially struck me there? People in South America live by emotions. The first thing they ask when they meet is: “What’s in your heart?” Their eyes water with sympathy for you. The barometer of feelings is much more important for them than for Europeans.
By the way, I learned Spanish very quickly, in almost a week. At first, I gave lectures at the fashion school on French with simultaneous translation into Spanish. I say a couple of sentences and wait for the young lady to translate. A day passes, two... A week later I suggest to her: “Can I try it myself?” And off we go! Languages ​​are generally easy for me. Working in Opera House Florence, learned Italian: they don’t recognize any other language there. And in Turkey, at the National Opera of Ankara and Istanbul, they spoke neither English, nor French, nor German. And I had to learn Turkish. I can’t give lectures on it, but I can pronounce phrases at the everyday level - “Cut me ten meters of red velvet and bring a spotlight here” - freely. I designed 18 productions there and twice received the “Best Turkish Decorator” award from the hands of the country’s president. And he learned not only the language, but also the art of flattery. Do you know what they say? Flattery can lure a snake out of its lair. In Russia they don’t do that. In Turkey, the first address to people is: my beloved, my beloved... This is correct, the person is immediately attracted to you.
And I can’t count how many Tula samovars I bought in Ankara for my collection! How many carpets... Rudolf Nureyev’s personal assistant once asked: “If you go to Turkey, bring Rudik two kilims (lint-free carpet), okay?” I found great options with a rich oriental pattern. He brought it and sold it, one might say, cheaply: only ten times more expensive. At an auction in London, the starting price for such carpets is fifty times higher than the purchase price.

I lost my family due to emigration

—Have you thought about returning to the USSR? After all, elderly parents remained in Moscow.
“Maybe I would have returned, but I was really scared by my service in Afghanistan.” When I went to renew my visa, they told me: “It’s time for you to go home - a summons has arrived from the military registration and enlistment office.” I'm going to the consul. He looks at me, losing weight, and says: “They’ll probably send you to Afghanistan” (then the war was in full swing). I ask: “Are you scaring me?” - “I’m warning you. If I were you, I would stay here." I understand. And he began to apply for a French passport.
Despite all the merits of my father, they were not allowed to see me with my mother until 1990, and I was not allowed to see them. We met only eight years later. Yes, because of emigration I lost my family, it was my pain and sadness. But better than son It’s impossible to imagine what I am. We were constantly in touch: letters, parcels, phone conversations. We were united by great friendship and great love. I thank God that I had time to see my father, because he passed away in the same 1990... Then my mother came to me in Paris every year and lived in this apartment. We traveled all over Europe together...
-Have you ever doubted yourself? Agree, few people manage to conquer the West... - Not a single person who has achieved anything in life suffers from excessive modesty. From the very beginning, you need to understand: if you can’t sell yourself, don’t expect someone else to do it for you.

It's hard to hide a bad mood

— You appeared in the “Fashionable Sentence” program with light hand Vyacheslav Zaitsev. He said that he was going on vacation and leaving the program in good hands.— Zaitsev had a crazy workload at that time. He was so overworked that his heart ached. Vyacheslav Mikhailovich is a friend of my dad and our house since 1955. By the way, he was the one who did Wedding Dress my sister Natasha.
When they ask me if I’m happy at Fashionable Sentence, I answer: yes, I’m happy, although I understand perfectly well that I don’t use all my knowledge there. Of course, I want to say more, but I know that people just want to see a fairy tale. The frog came and the princess came out. Therefore, if you manage to add something about the history of fashion during these transformations, that’s already good. But to be honest, I dream of having my own show, preferably on Channel One. And my little little finger tells me that this will happen someday!
— Thanks to the “Fashionable Sentence” you have become even more famous person. What is it like for you to be famous?
- Anyway star fever I'm not in danger. As a child, in the 1960s, I hosted the programs “Alarm Clock” and “Bell Theatre”. The very fact that everyone recognizes you: usherettes, taxi drivers, grandmothers at the market is a test. I came to the following conclusion: you will always have to be in shape, carefully shaved, and well dressed. Much harder to hide Bad mood, which happens, like any living person. The audience is used to seeing my smile.

I go to fortune tellers a couple of times a year

— You were born when your father was 49 years old. You yourself are now 52, ​​and you don’t have children yet. Who are you going to leave your treasures to?— A couple of times a year I go to fortune-tellers, although not in Russia, where they don’t know me. Shortly before this New Year, one of them said that the coming year - the Iron Rabbit - would bring a couple to all bachelors. I hope this happens!
— Once in an interview, I read your requirements for your chosen one: a good gene pool, knowledge foreign languages
- Necessarily! And it must also be a person who loves art. If a woman is interested in Mercedes or relaxing by the pool, it won’t work.

A woman who can attract me should have interesting hobbies and professional achievements. She could be about forty years old - no need for young ones. I don’t want someone who is counting on an inheritance... And, what’s very important, she shouldn’t be hysterical.
I’m not asking for much, but I don’t want to connect my life with someone who will have to explain how Gogol differs from Hegel, Hegel from Babel, and Babel from cable.
- Well, yes, as in that joke: “What about talking?”
- Not only. Any successful marriage is a partnership. The passion will cool down, and the community is a bond for life. A love affair lasts a year and a half, for very active ones - two. And then there’s a cold bath, and you don’t know how to get out of there.
And if I don’t find a woman with whom I want to have children, well... I have three goddaughters.
I exchange SMS with Khromchenko
— Here in Paris, you conduct seminars for women who come to you from different cities who dream of improving their cultural level: take them around the city, to museums and what you immediately notice is that you pay attention to each... “In my schools there are ladies from 17 to 70 years old, and everyone really wants my attention.” Each one in turn will walk arm in arm with me, tell me something about themselves, sometimes ask: “Oh, Vasiliev, tell me...” or start asking: “What are Babkina and Khromchenko like in life?” And I am happy to tell you that Nadezhda is a truly beautiful and smart woman. And the jewelry she wears is genuine - diamonds, pearls and amethysts. By the way, this immediately made an impression on me. I am happy to talk about Evelina, the smartest woman. It took her and I time to find common ground, but now the relationship is so tender that we send each other SMS messages every two days.
Due to the fact that I appear on the screen every day, I completely gave up writing books - I have no time! But I’m glad that there is a Moscow Fashion Academy, created at the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting “Ostankino”, where those who want to study with me personally flock from all over the country. One of the students actually comes from Riga! Can you imagine the interest in fashion history now?! That's why our educational institution has announced a recruitment of students again, in the spring I will meet new people thirsty for knowledge. I really love coming to the academy: there is a special atmosphere there. We settled down in a unique building - the Stroganov estate on the Yauza, where during Patriotic War 1812 was Napoleon's headquarters. Everything here is steeped in history. high style. I am sure that in my classes students receive unique information: I always accompany the story with a demonstration of slides and fashion magazines different eras. Of course, my collection also helps me in many ways. Thus, the fashion of the past seems to come to life in our classrooms. I am sure that many of my listeners will become real professionals. Laetitia Krahe, for example, became Karl Lagerfeld's first assistant and makes accessories at the House of Chanel. Our students work in the Houses of Patou, Loewe, Hermes. Lithuanian designer Jozas Statkevicius creates his collections; Kirill Gasilin is among the top ten best designers in Russia.
I dream of writing twenty more books, designing many more performances and, finally, opening a fashion museum in Russia. Valentin Yudashkin was going to do this, he even enlisted the support of Luzhkov, but times have changed. I always count only on own strength. I am a terrible workaholic, I ride around the world like a Savraska without a bridle, but I dream of becoming even more in demand - like Rostropovich, for example, or Nuriev, Diaghilev. For me, work is the highest degree of self-expression. If the circumstances turn out to be stronger, I tell myself: “That means there will be something else, even better!” You know, I’m a fatalist and I believe: only what is destined happens...

A wide audience learned about the professional abilities of Alexander Vasilyev thanks to the program “Fashionable Sentence,” which promotes a radical external transformation of women and even changes them future fate. Over the years creative biography The Russian fashion historian became famous not only in his country, but also far beyond its borders.

It is almost impossible to catch Vasiliev at home: he not only broadcasts, gives lectures to students, but also organizes exhibitions of his collections of historical costume, among which you can find some things of Prince Felix Yusupov, the dress of Empress Maria Feodorovna, as well as many model dresses Russian stars theater and cinema and brands such as Christian Dior and Yves Saint Laurent. Possessing the talent of an artist, he applied it in the design of various theatrical productions, played in many countries around the world.

The 60-year-old fashion expert has not yet started his own family, however, he is not worried that he does not have a wife and children. Every day in his personal life is busy and fruitful, as Alexander Alexandrovich finds happiness in the most ordinary things and objects, often travels and communicates with interesting people.

Education in a creative atmosphere

The future art critic was born in 1958 in Moscow. His parents were creative and intelligent people: father, Alexander Vasiliev, was engaged in painting, receiving the title folk artist Russia; his mother, Tatyana Gulevich, shone for many years theater stage, and then passed on her experience to students of theater universities.

little Sasha as a child with his father

Little Sasha was interested in his father’s work and often came to his workshop, where he learned the basics of painting. The boy managed not only to study at school, but also to attend choreography classes and play the piano. He often visited his mother at the theater, watching with admiration the performance of her fellow actors.

with mom…

Already at the age of 5, the future fashion historian became interested in puppet theater, creating costumes and scenery for productions with my own hands. As a 12-year-old schoolboy, he staged his plays for children on the theater stage, for whom he painted colorful scenery and sewed costumes. It is not surprising that with such abilities, after graduating from school, Vasiliev Jr. chose a theater university.

Status of fashion historian and work on TV

After graduating from the Moscow Art Theater School, the young man worked at the theater on Malaya Bronnaya, where he designed performances. In 1982, the future fashion expert went to Paris to resolve personal issues. He did not intend to stay there for a long time, but having learned that returning to his homeland would bring him many problems, he decided to apply for a residence permit in a foreign country. France quickly appreciated the abilities of the talented Russian, who soon received orders from French theaters.

The photo shows Alexander Vasiliev in his youth. Instagram

Over the years of living in Paris, Alexander Alexandrovich not only gained work experience, but also studied at the Faculty of Design at the Louvre School. He never sat still and always looked for something he liked. Since 1994, the decorator began teaching activities, giving lectures on the history of fashion and stage design both in his country and in various countries peace. To do this, Vasiliev had to learn more than five languages, which was not difficult for him.

frame from the program “Fashionable Verdict”

Already in the 2000s, he settled in his native place, continuing to do what he loved. At that time, the fashion expert organized fashion festivals and also became a TV presenter on the Culture channel. In 2009, the management of Channel One invited him to become the face of the “Fashionable Sentence” program, which Vyacheslav Zaitsev left at that time. He liked this work, and the audience highly appreciated professional quality and knowledge of the presenter. He is still actively developing his career, and in addition to filming on television, he often goes on tour in different cities, where he appears in front of local residents with lectures on fashion and style. As an owner unique collection clothes, Vasiliev organizes exhibitions that attract the attention of many Russians.

Novels with women

The TV presenter rarely shared details of his personal life with journalists, preferring to cover only new projects in his career. Over time, he not only revealed the name of his first lover, but also talked about other passions. He met his first love, Maria Lavrova, within the walls of the school. The girl was three years younger than him, but she shared many of his hobbies and interests. The young man was so in love with Masha that he dreamed of marrying her. But his son’s thin and small bride did not like his parents, who did not see anything special in her. Soon the girl left for Paris, and after a while the future fashion historian followed her there.

In the photo Alexander Vasiliev with ex-wife Anne Micheline Jean Bodimon

In order to obtain a French visa, Alexander married a Frenchwoman, Anne-Micheline Jean Bodimon. According to him, this marriage was fictitious, but the relationship with his wife developed in a very unusual way. Anne-Micheline soon fell in love with the decorator, and he also had some feelings for her. Despite this, the couple divorced after five years.

But Maria never married him. She fell in love with a Frenchman who worked as a correspondent in printed edition, and then bore him a son. But the girl failed to build a family, since her lover, having learned about her pregnancy, immediately left her. By the way, ex-lover Vasilyeva chose for her baby unusual name– Grunya, as the future fashion historian was called in childhood.

After breaking up with the baby’s father, Maria called Alexander and offered to start all over again, however, he was scared and did not dare take responsibility for someone else’s child. A few years later, the former lovers wanted to open new page their romance, but even then it didn’t work out for them either. Former lovers They didn’t stop communicating, and besides, the woman constantly introduced him to her new husbands, introducing the TV presenter as an old friend. They are still friends and communicate often.

Despite the fact that the fashion connoisseur is still a bachelor, he always had many fans who attracted him, wrote declarations of love and gave him gifts. When Vasiliev lived in Reykjavik for some time, he began a relationship with an Icelandic woman, Stefania, but this union also fell apart. Among all the women, he has never met the only one who has intelligence, has common interests with him, and is also endowed with such human qualities like kindness, loyalty and honesty.

Alexander Alexandrovich himself is sure that it is not too late for him to have children. But if the heirs never appear, he will not worry about this, since the Vasilyev family continues its development: the fashion historian has nephews and cousins. He has already drawn up a will and knows to whom to transfer his property and savings, as well as real estate located in France, Lithuania, Antalya, Kaliningrad and the capital.

Interesting facts from the life of Alexander Vasiliev

  1. Also in school years the future art critic had an affair with a young girl. She was a ballerina and performed at the Bolshoi Theater. The dancer came to his house, where they kissed all the time. But this romance did not continue, but after her the young man had other girls with whom he also kissed passionately.
  2. Several years ago, Alexander Alexandrovich almost died due to advanced jaundice. He was in the hospital and was already having difficulty moving, but because of high temperature there was great weakness. Doctors were powerless to help theater artist and they did not hide from him that he had no more than three days to live. They sent him home to die, after which Vasiliev called all his friends and said goodbye to them. He was saved by a French friend who advised him to buy leeks and make soup from them every day. Within a month, the sick art critic felt much better, and soon a complete cure came. He still refers to folk medicine with respect and often relieves himself of various ailments using different recipes.
  3. During the summer months, the fashion historian goes to the family nest near Vilnius, which has existed for more than a hundred years. This two-storey house It was also built by his grandfather and his older brother. During this time, Vasiliev furnished an ancient mansion and spent renovation work However, he did not use modern finishing methods, but kept everything in the house as it was before, and even left the stove. He restored some of the furniture, and also acquired things from the pre-revolutionary era. It was also possible to leave the outbuildings unchanged.
  4. Alexander Alexandrovich tries to look after his appearance and figure, thanks to which, with a height of 177 cm, his weight is kept within normal limits. He loves to cook and always does it with his soul. Being prone to obesity, he limits himself to food and excludes fatty and salty foods, and also does not consume flour products. The art critic does not eat enough at night, which allows him not only to sleep well, but also to maintain physical shape.
  5. Visiting different parts light, the TV presenter loves to visit flea markets, boutiques and antique stores, where he often buys interesting things. Many sellers take him for a millionaire who is ready to pay any money, however, the collector always bargains furiously and demands discounts from them.
  6. Over the years of his creative biography, Vasiliev has also demonstrated his talent as a writer, having already published over twenty books. His first book, “Beauty in Exile,” which was published in 1998, was very popular with the public and became popular overnight.
  7. The fashion expert's family, friends and colleagues often gather at the Lithuanian estate. For parties, he prepares everything himself, treating his many guests to duck in oranges, veal baked with prunes and dried apricots, and rabbit in mustard. They like him too lightly salted cucumbers, which Alexander Alexandrovich makes with currant leaves.

Valentina Oberemko,“AiF”: Alexander, you say that most women in Russia love you. Share with our male readers: what is the secret?

Alexander Vasiliev: They love me because I don’t pinch women’s butts and drag them into bed, because a woman knows what this leads to: unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases. And to the moral drama. You need to treat a woman like a friend, smart person. Talk, travel, go to the movies, the theater, exhibitions, and not communicate according to the principle of “come, give, bring, take away, get out.” When men understand this, women actively look at them. But that doesn't happen often. And it's terrible.

But our women come to change clothes on your show precisely for the attention of men. And is it necessary to try so hard?

Certainly! When you go to a store, how do you choose a product? According to the packaging! Clothes, makeup, hairstyle - this is the packaging of a woman. If you want to be successful in all areas of life, you must be well-packed. Although this does not mean that you have to wear heels all the time, paint your eyelashes in the morning, or have perhydrol on your head.

- Or shake in a minibus in mink coat what you see all around...

The lack of men in Russia forces women not to relax 24 hours a day. She thinks: “What if I meet my prince on the minibus!” That's why they dress the way they should on the most important date of their lives. I often visit Vladivostok. And one day I witnessed a wild car accident - a head-on collision, two expensive sports cars, both had blondes. I saw mangled cars, and next to them were two corpses covered in minks and diamonds. I will remember this nightmare for the rest of my life.

- Therefore, when a Russian woman comes abroad...

- ... she is always visible. She travels for the first time, for example, from Ivanovo to Paris and thinks: “I shouldn’t lose face!” I recognize ours by their dyed hair, because most Russian women resort to dyes of rather radical shades - they replace the kokoshnik that has become a thing of history. We need to always have a crown on our heads. And since crowns are no longer worn, perhydrol hair has taken its place.

We like the gold, embroidery, trimmings - this is part of folk culture. We don’t blame the Japanese for their shapeless clothes, the Scots for their addiction to cages, or the Spanish for their desire to play with a fan in the summer. This is their style. From time immemorial, we have had a passion for bright colors.

So it will not be possible to make Europeans out of us. We have a different build! Women are much taller than Europeans, they are larger bigger breasts, more curvaceous. What a broader soul! And they emphasize this breadth of soul bright colors. I’m not against this - I’m against the fact that Russian women are embarrassed of themselves and ask all the time: “Do I look like a French woman?” No, it's not like that! Why do you need this?

They were considered style icons
Lyubov Orlova Marilyn Monroe Marlene Dietrich
The USSR had something to oppose to Hollywood - we had our own blonde! On for a long time forced all the girls (including natural brunettes) to become blondes. The first actress to write men's suit in a woman's wardrobe.
Brigitte Bardot Raisa Gorbacheva Carla Bruni
Her “Babette” (the hairstyle of the heroine from the film “Babette Goes to War”) became fashionable for a long time. Literally the first lady of the USSR, whose outfits and hairstyles were copied by the whole country. After she came to the official reception in a dress on naked body, she was dubbed a style icon.

Openness is not in fashion

-Have you ever felt awkward with our people abroad?

Sometimes. But not for clothes, but for behavior. I have traveling school. Every month I go with my students to Paris, then to Venice, then to Istanbul. On one of these trips to Paris, during an excursion to the museum, one of the students grabbed a 17th century vase in her hands, raised it above her head and said: “I have similar house costs. I want to see what company it is.” All I could say was: “This is not a store, dear, this is a museum!” Women come to my exhibition in GUM and touch the dresses with their hands. They want to feel whether the material is durable or not. I tell them: “If you touch it, it will be fragile!” Ashamed! There is a feeling that wild people live here.

- Are we wild in fashion too?

No, our women began to dress more stylishly. I believe that this is partly my merit. Russian women began to understand that it is not necessary to show all the best at once. Nowadays there is a general trend towards closedness. Openness was fashionable in the 2000s - this style was called porn chic. Now he has been replaced by modesty. This is due to the global crisis. The worse the economy, the longer the skirt, because long skirt You don’t have to spend money on new tights and new shoes.

Once a 70-year-old lady asked you for advice on how she could be fashionable and not be funny. You said it's too late to be fashionable.

Exactly. At 70, you should no longer be fashionable, but elegant. Fashion is for young rich slackers. After this they will write me a lot of angry comments: “My grandmother is 70 years old, and she is going out into the world!” It is a rarity. Although I have a friend in Paris, ballerina Ksenia Tripolitova. She will soon turn 99 years old. She drinks champagne with me until 2 am, walks without a cane, looks after herself and complains that it has become more difficult for her to walk up to the 5th floor - shortness of breath has begun to appear. I once asked: “Ksenia, maybe it’s a matter of age?” “No, no, what age! - She looked at herself in the mirror and noticed: “Although, it seems that wrinkles have begun to appear on me... Maybe I’m getting old?”

- You advised to fight depression with shopping. But, as they say, this is a disease - shopaholism.

Going shopping doesn't mean you have to spend all your money. Shopping is amazing therapy. But when a person is prone to spending a lot, I advise going to a store where everything costs 36 rubles. There is no need to hammer into people’s heads the idea that everything that brings them pleasure requires treatment. For example, I collect vintage costumes. I have about 50 thousand exhibits. But I can’t open a museum in Russia. The public wants him, but the officials don't want him. Because then it will immediately become clear how bad life was in the USSR and how good it was under the Tsar.

- Where do you store all this?

I have three storage facilities - in France, Lithuania and Russia. And only Lithuania offered me to use a state museum for storage. And our museums are still gnawed by envy. It is generally accepted that fashion of the 20th century. - this is too banal. As a result, no one has such a collection except me. Can you imagine how many people had to go around, how many had to bow at their feet and say: “Give me the dress?” Valentina Tolkunova or Lyudmila Gurchenko! But I bowed!