Noxious influence. Corrupting influence - what does it mean?

Mortality as a personality quality is the tendency to have a harmful, corrupting effect on someone or something.

At the New Year's Eve, Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky addressed TV presenter Maxim Galkin: “Stop corrupting and corrupting our youth.” And also old grandmothers! And set an unworthy example! Otherwise, at 37 we’ll get you into the army! He builds castles, you know. Surrogate mothers are paid. He forces old women to give birth to children. It's a shame, Galkin. And, by the way, it’s indecent. What example are you setting for young people?

Corruption is when an unworthy person wants to take revenge on the world for his depravity by universally dispersing all the lowest and most vile that is in himself. Eighth-graders, who have forgotten when they lost their virginity, peck and ridicule a classmate who still remains chaste. Thieves, swindlers, bandits, maniacs see the world as thieving and fraudulent. They would like everyone to live according to “concepts”, so that for order in the world the UN (United Gunners Organization), NATO (national association of terrorist organizations), EMU (European Thieves' Union), CIA (purposeful destruction of foundations) would be created.

Come on, decompose! Thus, corruption “hospitably” and affably greets the soul, in order to then cover it with an impenetrable veil of shamelessness, immorality and dishonesty. Cunningly and treacherously she crushes the bastions moral principles man, destroys redoubts positive qualities personality, and then completely colonizes the soul and mind, making them obedient puppets of his swollen false ego.

Corruption by personal example, word, conviction fuels passions, destroys the restrictions of culture, leads to permissiveness, immorality and dishonesty. It is not for nothing that “pernicious” means rotting, decomposition that occurs inside, in the depths of something whole and valuable.

Mortification is insinuating and cautious. She slowly, step by step, beats the soul with incessant temptations, persuasion, debunking of meanings, attractive aesthetic means. Everything starts small. There is such a common phrase: “Mom won’t teach you bad things.” It turns out that this thesis needs to be questioned.

The young man says: “Once my brother-in-law asked me to help reroof his own house in the village.” I've arrived. We climbed onto the roof and discussed the plan of action. At this time, in the neighbor’s yard, a little girl (about four years old) runs out onto the porch of the house: “Mom, mommy, our pussy climbed onto the table and is eating our sausage!” “Daughter, Sunny, don’t you know what needs to be done?” Find a stick in the yard and give it a good whack on the pussy's head! Funny? Sad. The girl has already become acquainted with the phenomenon of how a mother’s pernicious influence occurs on the child’s consciousness.

Morbidity is Trojan horse, sneaking into the soul of the enemy. Perniciousness is the desire to blow up a situation from the inside with the help of a “sent Cossack”. Often, perniciousness becomes a personality trait of politicians who want to destroy the enemy through the gates of their souls that they themselves have opened.

In any society there are people who, having reached power, monopolize the media and begin to spread their noxious the impact of anti-spirituality on all people who can be influenced. Revolutionary Mikhail Bakunin wrote: “Power acts just as corruptingly on those who are vested with it as on those who are forced to submit to it. Under its corrupting influence, some become ambitious and selfish despots, others become slaves.”

In the novel by Anatoly Ivanov “ Eternal Call“a former gendarme officer, and at the time of his statement, SS Standartenführer Lakhnovsky says: “How to say, how to say... Your head is not filled with what, say, mine is.” You haven't thought about the future. When the war ends, everything will somehow settle down and settle down. And we will throw everything we have, everything we have: all the gold, all the material power to fool and fool people! Human brain, people's consciousness is capable of change. Having sowed chaos there, we will quietly replace their values ​​with false ones and make them believe in these false values! How, you ask? How?! As Lakhnovsky spoke, he began again, for the umpteenth time, to get excited and run around the room. — We will find our like-minded people: our allies and helpers in Russia itself! - Lakhnovsky shouted, breaking down.

I, Pyotr Petrovich, opened only a corner of the curtain for you, and you only saw tiny piece a stage on which, episode by episode, a tragedy of a grandiose scale will be played out about the death of the most rebellious people on earth, about the final, irreversible extinction of its self-awareness... We will tear out these spiritual roots of Bolshevism, vulgarize and destroy the main foundations folk morality. We will thus undermine, generation after generation, weather away this Leninist fanaticism. We will take on people from childhood, teenage years, we will always place the main emphasis on youth, we will corrupt, corrupt, corrupt them! - Lakhnovsky’s wrinkled eyelids twitched quickly and often, his eyes became round, a fierce fire splashed and blazed in them, he began to speak louder and louder, and in the end he literally shouted: - Yes, to corrupt! Corrupt! We will make cynics, vulgarities, and cosmopolitans out of them!”

Lakhnovsky’s corruption is very similar to the same personality quality in the mouth of Petrusha Verkhovensky from the work “Demons” by Fyodor Dostoevsky: “we will allow drunkenness, gossip, denunciation; we will unleash unheard of debauchery...” further in the text - “we will unleash unrest... no need for education... one or two generations of depravity are now necessary; unheard of, vile depravity, when a person turns into a disgusting, cowardly, cruel, selfish scum...”

Lakhnovsky and Petrusha Verkhovensky were right: corruption was actively in demand in preparation for the destruction of the USSR. Everything happened exactly according to the plan allegedly developed by Allen Dulles, Director of the CIA (1953 -1961). It doesn't matter who the author of this plan was. It is important with what historical accuracy the corruption appeared in the Russian open spaces. You read and see: one hundred percent of corruption has entered the heart of a sixth of the Earth with the short name “Rus”:

- For example, we will gradually eradicate it from art and literature social essence; we will wean artists and writers - we will discourage them from depicting and studying the processes that occur in the depths masses. Literature, theaters, cinema - everything will depict and glorify the basest human feelings.

We will in every possible way support and raise the so-called artists who will plant and hammer into human consciousness the cult of sex, violence, sadism, betrayal - in a word, all sorts of IMORALITY. We will create chaos and confusion in government.

We will quietly, but actively and constantly contribute to the tyranny of officials, the prosperity of bribe-takers and unscrupulousness. Bureaucracy and red tape will be elevated to virtue. Honesty and decency will be ridiculed and will not be needed by anyone; they will turn into a relic of the past. Rudeness and arrogance, lies and deceit, drunkenness and drug addiction, animal fear of each other and shamelessness, betrayal, nationalism and enmity of peoples - above all, enmity and hatred of the Russian people - we will deftly and imperceptibly cultivate all this, all this will blossom in full bloom color.

And only a few, very few, will guess or even understand what is happening. But we will put such people in a helpless position, turn them into a laughing stock, find a way to slander them and declare them the scum of society. We will tear out spiritual roots, vulgarize and destroy the foundations of people's morality.

We will undermine this way generation after generation. We will take on people from childhood and adolescence, and we will always place the main emphasis on YOUTH - we will begin to corrupt, corrupt and corrupt them. We will make cynics, vulgarities and cosmopolitans out of her. This is how we will do it!

Bomb. Secrets and passions of the atomic underworld Pestov Stanislav Vasilievich

Noxious influence

Noxious influence

At a time when socialism was almost built and the then generation of people was about to live under communism, the class struggle reached its climax. And in the almost identically built Center, its intensity became such that nothing but this struggle was visible.

In Zelenograd, housing was built at an unprecedented pace; valuable workers were given a separate apartment immediately - with the beginning labor activity, and even before that. The city had the status of a Moscow district, it had Moscow supplies (no need to go to the metropolis for sausage!) and Moscow registration. There were vacancies for many leadership positions with decent salaries and substantial bonuses for new technology and implementation.

An already well-known breed of people could not miss this, but “American upstarts” stood in their way. Staros was also demanding of his subordinates here; he trained them so that no one would risk coming to see him without leafing through the latest foreign magazines. The magazines are, of course, technical, but undoubtedly pernicious.

And the spirit of his accomplice Berg, the spirit of the American merchant, was simply unbearable. At one time, he proposed to establish the production of microreceivers, which were developed by LKB and, while no one else in the world had yet produced them, sell them in millions abroad. And he thought, a scoundrel, despite the fact that for an idea, for an invention, for organizing a production, he was entitled to a percentage of the profit. And this, if you count it, is millions of dollars. Tell me, is it possible for a person in the USSR to have millions, because everyone wants to become rich. There is no doubt that Berg will bring his Jews with him to Zelenograd, and then the merchant spirit will permeate everything.

True, Kolesnikov, Shokin’s deputy, put the pressure on the upstarts - he also pushed the production of calculators for them, first 10 pieces per month, then 100... And all this without the slightest hint of a production base. But then he called me to Moscow, took him by the forelock and ran his nose across the table - where are the calculators? Where's the plan? But he was afraid to make a big mess, he understood who might intercede. However, according to rumors, the intercessor himself does not have long to intercede. It was necessary to act decisively, but the party-government coup was already beginning to develop.

Unexpectedly, a man named Lukin arrives in Leningrad. He brought with him Shokin’s order, in which he, Lukin, is appointed director of the Center.

It was as if Staros did not exist; he did not seem to offer anything, did not build, did not organize anything. Later it became known that the initiator of this intrigue was the “Tsek” apparatchik Serbin, together with the “young” Secretary General Brezhnev. Some of the “vigilant” intriguers in the Center also played a significant role in this. Berg's colleague, Viktor Kukushkin, recalls one of them, Igor Bukreev. The only time in life, Staros betrayed his principle - he hired a person only because he had a relative in the party nomenklatura. And then, at the beginning, writes Kukushkin, Staros was not immediately able to recognize “the kind of people who climbed into the party nomenklatura, and this goal for them justified any means.”

Both Berg and Staros decided that it was time to involve Khrushchev. They write him a letter in which they confirm that the ministers and their associates really turned out to be swindlers and swindlers and intriguers. They decided to deliver the letter themselves. He was handed over to an assistant, since Khrushchev himself was not in Moscow - he was on his last vacation in Pitsunda.

The assistant soon informed them that Nikita Sergeevich was already in the know, in a couple of days he would be in Moscow and would properly deal with the crook. To celebrate, the “Americans” went to a restaurant, where they drank a bottle of cognac and had an excellent lunch. They even planned to go to Zelenograd to look at a place for their personal cottages - as true “bourgeois”, they did not want to live in a communal apartment with sensitive (in the sense of hearing) neighbors and informers. But suddenly they read in a newspaper with the mocking title “Pravda” that Khrushchev had been removed from all posts “for health reasons.”

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    Noxious influence- (old glory – rot, destroy) – a harmful corrupting influence that destroys the soul, the foundations of culture, moral standards behavior that interferes with the development of positive spiritual moral qualities individuals and society. This is influence (word, show,... ... Fundamentals of spiritual culture ( encyclopedic dictionary teacher)

    - (also “adulation of the West”) philosophical and political cliché. History More Russian Pan-Slavists (M.P. Pogodin, N.Ya. Danilevsky, K.S. Aksakov, M.A. Bakunin), populists (M.A. Bakunin, P.L. Lavrov, P.N. Tkachev) , soil scientists and... ... Wikipedia

    influence- Beneficial (obsolete), charitable (obsolete), beneficial, great, harmful, harmful, disastrous, destructive, good, bad, spiritual, life-giving, malicious, evil, significant, powerful, unkind, insignificant, considerable, huge... Dictionary of epithets

    noxious- oh, oh. disapproved Harmful, corrupting. == Noxious influence. disapproved ◘ Overcome the pernicious influence of the reactionary culture of the imperialist West. IKPSS, 536. Socialist realism aimed at combating the remnants of the “old... ... Dictionary language of the Council of Deputies

    This term has other meanings, see Little Dorrit (TV series). Little Dorrit ... Wikipedia

    - (Greek xritikn art of judging, disassembling) study, analysis and evaluation of the phenomena of muses. lawsuit va. IN in a broad sense K. m. is part of any study of music, since the evaluative element is an integral part of aesthetics. judgments...... Music Encyclopedia

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On March 21, the State Duma Ethics Commission found no violations in the deputy’s behavior. In response, a number of media outlets announced a complete or partial severance of relations with the State Duma and Slutsky: RBC recalled journalists from the lower house of parliament, the Dozhd and RTVI television channels, the radio station Ekho Moskvy and the publication completely stopped working with the State Duma. Kommersant, and the radio station Govorit Moskva stopped contacts with Slutsky, and announced the removal of all materials about the deputy not related to the scandal. This scandal soon split society into two camps: some are not going to justify Deputy Slutsky for anything, while others, on the contrary, are trying in every possible way to wash the black dog white. Meanwhile, no one tried to understand why the scythe landed on the stone

A wave of confessions of harassment (in American law - a crime that violates the integrity of privacy persons persecuted ( phone calls, letters, surveillance, etc.), annoying pestering, harassment. Usually committed with sexual motives) it recently spread to the USA, and then spread to Europe.

Revelations of the unfortunate victims of the so-called sexual harassment, bore all the hallmarks of a sensation. One of the first to fall under the threat was famous producer Harvey Weinstein. Aging Hollywood stars began to admit that Harvey not only touched them intimate parts, but also entered into an intimate relationship with them. Following Weinstein, other prominent actors, directors, politicians and producers became guilty of harassment.

If the “epidemic of confessions” in harassment had not begun in America, then nothing like what happened to journalists and Slutsky would have happened in Russia. Not because in Russia there is no harassment, just like sex (for that matter, there is both in sufficient quantities), but because pestering a woman (no matter what her profession) in Russia is not considered something something reprehensible.

To a certain extent, this is one of our “spiritual bonds” and, I must say, this bond is quite thick and strong. Moreover, in Russia a woman, if men do not show interest in her, is considered “spoiled” and will soon be the fate of an old maid.

Even if the harassment contained a certain set of obscenities, this was never a reason for the woman to go to court. Moreover, a powerful antidote against harassment in Russia there was a man- husband, brother, fiancé, boyfriend - who was ready to stop attempts of harassment to his woman what is called on the vine. Therefore, our women, if they found themselves the subject of harassment, did not go to court, but to a man. And he would not be a man if he had not fought back the one who offended his woman. IN old times For this kind of insult, the offender's ladies were challenged to a duel and even died because someone said unflattering words to the lady.

These are our characteristics, just as those who profess Islam have peculiarities in their attitudes towards women, and so do we. But if a devout Muslim prefers to hide his woman from prying eyes, then an Orthodox man, on the contrary, is ready to show her off, especially if she is pretty, so that all the men will were jealous.

What can you do, we have one like this cultural stereotype. By the way, it did not arise yesterday, and Russian literature is full of examples of harassment, not to mention cinema, especially modern cinema.

By the way, the founder of this right was the feminist movement, which arose in the West, but never took root in Russia. Perhaps because in Soviet Russia from its very inception, men and women were equal in rights and Soviet women there was no need to defend your right to sit behind the levers of a tractor or tank or go down into a mine. However, there was no pronounced movement of women in defense of their rights in Russia.

Perhaps this is why there is no clear concept in the legislation of the Russian Federation harassment and its definition. A separate article punishing the commission of harassment, in Russian legislation does not exist, exceptArticle 20.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation “Petty hooliganism”, which can be “sewn on” in cases of public and offensive harassment. True, for this act a fine of up to 1 thousand rubles or, at best, 15 days of arrest is imposed.

But harassers (especially high-ranking ones) rarely act publicly, preferring to be left alone with the victim. This is what Mr. Slutsky did, by the way, and if the journalists had not made an audio recording of this, so to speak, conversation, no one would have known about such an incident. If everyone in Russia who has been subjected to harassment at least once made a statement, then the scale of such revelations could take on the character of a tsunami. If so, then this is ours national peculiarity, as we have already said above. Whether it is good or bad is a matter of taste, but it exists and it fits into the so-called cultural genotype. But why, in this case, did the scythe find itself on the stone? How did it happen that Mr. Slutsky’s colleagues acquitted him of all charges, and even women came to his defense, neglecting the notorious female solidarity?

What time is it today? Harsh. The adversary has taken up arms against us. Our relations with the West, especially with the United States, leave much to be desired. Most our troubles are connected with the machinations external enemy. He influences us in every possible way, not only through sanctions, but also through information, psychological warfare, including on the cultural front. He seeks not only to strike a blow at our material well-being(take away from us the Urals, Siberia, Far East), but also invades our highly spiritual culture. For example, he imposes his tolerance on us, angrily criticizes us for our contemptuous attitude towards sexual minorities, tries to impose his rule of law on us in the form of harassment, and a playful and light slap on the ass of a pretty secretary should be regarded as nothing less than a criminal offense.

In such conditions, attempts to transfer “their morals” to our soil cannot but cause resistance. And such a rebuff was given when a scandal broke out around journalists and deputy Slutsky.

Therefore, those who tried to transfer the “ideology of harassment” to our monastery, like that scythe, ran into a stone. Any attempts to stir up this scandal using Western patterns are doomed to failure. Probably, those who tried to prove that harassment is the norm in the Russian Federation simply did not understand that they were faced with the “core of culture”, which no one is allowed to destroy.

If, say, offended female journalists, acting within the framework of tradition, complained about Mr. Slutsky’s actions to their men, and they, being men, sent seconds to the deputy, then the deputy would be in an awkward position, not the journalists and their men. It was possible, of course, to do without seconds, but that was a matter for men.

It was the harassment that ruined everything. Those observers are right who believe that the offended media workers should not have resorted to analogies with the practice of harassment in the West, but should have publicly stated the insults that humiliated them human dignity actions of the deputy, then, you see, everything would have turned out differently. And so the deputies fought not against insulted women, but against the corrupting influence of the West, the victims of which, by the way, were all those same journalists.

It is unacceptable for anyone, including deputies, to insult and humiliate human dignity. Just like using your official position to humiliate the dignity of a person below you on the career ladder or in social status. It is unacceptable to treat another person as a representative of the “vile class”. Such behavior should deserve public condemnation. But if you try to resort to concepts and analogies that are alien to us, then you will not succeed.