Essay "I am a teacher." Essay “I am a music director

“Music inspires the whole world, supplies the soul with wings, promotes the flight of imagination; music gives life and joy to everything that exists... It can be called the embodiment of everything beautiful and everything sublime.”

My profession is music director... It sounds dry, soulless, one-faced... However, if you look more closely, you can find in these words deep meaning. “Musical” – beautiful, sensual, affectionate, playful. “Leader” – giving a hand to the ignorant, the fearful, and leading into the new, unknown, beautiful...

In my opinion, my chosen profession is unique! It gives light, teaches you to love, understand, empathize, feel, express, convey your feelings and emotions, attitude towards the world around you through various types of art.

I can’t boast that I dreamed of this profession since childhood... Of course, memories of the “fairy of music” from kindergarten were the kindest and most gentle. As a child, I was modest and shy, but the music director of the kindergarten was able to discern my abilities for various types of musical activity and not a single holiday was complete without my participation in concert numbers. So, my life continued to be accompanied by music in all its manifestations: choreography classes, mastering the performing arts of the piano, singing in the school choir, playing the keyboards(synthesizer) as part of the youth VIA, playing in the main urban group of drummers. And this, accordingly, is preparation for exams, competitions, and concerts. Therefore, we can say that I know this aspect of life first-hand... Of course, none of this would have happened if it weren’t for the teachers who were able to see, teach, advise, guide, help express oneself, reveal confidence, introduce music from its various sides, learn to understand, distinguish and love music!

I had no doubt that my profession would be connected with music, but this is how exactly this will happen: for a long time was not determined. Were approaching final exams in general education and music schools. And then one evening I came across my album of photographs from kindergarten... Memories of a good, carefree childhood came flooding back, I remembered holidays and performances, and then the thought came: “Why don’t I become that very “fairy of music” who brought joy to those dear ones? kids from childhood photographs? The choice of profession left no more doubts. And, after 20 years of work in preschool institution, I did not regret my spontaneous choice.

While receiving education in my specialty, I realized (with the help of highly professional teachers) that the profession of “music director” is not the banal “learn a song”, “listen to music”, “knock on a tambourine”, but purposeful work on the development of a comprehensively developed personality of a child. At meetings in music hall the teacher must know and apply in practice the experience and knowledge of children from various fields of education: social-communicative, artistic-aesthetic, cognitive, speech, physical development and conduct all this through the prism of acquaintance with the world of music.

Through the means of music, the social and moral side of the future personality is formed. I try to instill in my students the foundations of humanity, justice, love and affection for loved ones, for native land, to his Fatherland. In this regard, in my work with children I include works of the corresponding focus, thematic musical leisure, holidays, entertainment, concert programs.

My pedagogical principle– help the child open up, let him feel his faith in the success of learning. For me, every child is a unique, inimitable personality. He is open to goodness and beauty, and is sensitive to lies. Just as a crystal bell pleases the ear with its euphony, so the soul of a child responds to the harmony of beauty. How a child perceives himself depends on the assessment we give him. I try to find the “right string” in the child’s soul that will respond with a beautiful, unique sound and make him believe in himself.

Special function music director I think not the direct transmission of information, but the creation of an atmosphere of knowledge, the desire to learn more. I teach children not only to focus on their feelings, but also to understand and accept the point of view of other people “to think along with the music to the beat...”. When encountering music, I try to give children the opportunity to contemplate art from near and far, to get to know themselves through knowledge of the diversity of music. A.S. said this very well. Pushkin in “Monument”:

“...And for a long time I will be so kind to the people,
That I awakened good feelings with my lyre..."

The success of work on the musical development and education of children is impossible without the joint work of the music director and preschool teachers, whose work is aimed primarily at preserving the health of children. Health saving is priority direction in the work of our preschool educational institution, since according to medical statistics, the number of preschool children with chronic diseases is increasing every year. Science has proven that musical development is inextricably linked with the physical well-being of the child. Singing develops the vocal apparatus, speech, strengthens vocal cords, regulates children's breathing. Rhythm improves a child’s posture, coordination, confidence and plasticity of movements. Listening musical works promotes mental health. In this regard, I include in my teaching practice innovative methods and health-saving technologies - active musical games, dynamic breaks, finger games, breathing exercises, logorhythmics, music therapy.

All this requires enormous preparation, daily emotional state, and constant improvement of self-education. It is with great interest that I always get acquainted with the work experience of my colleagues, both at the city, regional, and All-Russian level, I try to keep up with new products methodological developments in the field of music education and apply them in their practice.

I often reread aphorisms and sayings famous people and I understand how accurately they were able to notice and convey in words all the subtleties of the impact of music on a person, on his soul. Thus, the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle said: “Music can have a certain effect on ethical side souls; and since music has such properties, then, obviously, it should be included among the subjects of youth education.” And this is the indisputable wisdom of a person who understands great power music! The famous teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky noted that “music unites the moral, emotional and aesthetic spheres of a person. Music is the language of feelings." It is in the process of perceiving music that feelings such as delight, inspiration, joy, wariness, and pity can be born. And for a child, these may be feelings that are still unknown, not experienced - tension, excitement, empathy. What responsibility lies with those who bring children into this world... This responsibility also lies with me. Our contemporary poet A. Zabelin said: “There is no more beautiful music in the world than that which sounds in the hearts of people.” I think these words have a deeper meaning than it seems at first glance. After all, if in a person’s heart it sounds magical music, which means that goodness, joy and happiness come from him. And even in moments of sorrow, if there is music of sadness and pain in someone’s heart, it is also beautiful and sincere! It is not without reason that at all times music and song have accompanied man in different periods his life - lullabies were sung to the baby, work was made easier by labor songs, ritual songs served as the basis for numerous ritual actions - glorification of the mysterious forces of nature.

The professional portrait of a teacher is “painted” by his actions: skillfully organized educational activities, interesting holidays, shows, entertainment, smiles on the faces of the children and, of course, creative business contacts with parents.

Parents attend various musical events. They observe how their children have progressed in development. And in order to make these steps more confident, it is simply necessary to work closely with the parents of the students. After all modern world, unfortunately, pushes into the background close communication with your children, conversations, listening to “children’s” music in the family circle, singing lullabies to children... But this is so necessary for every child! How right are those who claim that children need to be protected from the effects of heavy rhythms and disharmony, which is what modern children often hear in the family. Therefore, I try to involve parents in joint activities with children and preschool teachers in preparation for various events; I regularly speak at parent meetings, where I conduct various gaming master classes, conduct individual consultations, post information on information stands, and introduce parents to the system additional education city ​​of Volgodonsk, I regularly post information on the preschool educational institution website.

“If at the most tender age, when a person is so receptive to everything beautiful, you awaken the artist in him, develop his ear and give him the necessary knowledge, then the subsequent life of our people will become immeasurably richer and fuller” (D. Shostakovich).

What is a modern music director at a preschool educational institution? This is a teacher, psychologist, accompanist, artistic director, choreographer, screenwriter, sound engineer, director of performances and concerts, designer and costume designer all rolled into one. Life does not stand still. Generations of children change, their interests change. And, in order to be interesting for your students, to know what they “breathe” and are interested in, you simply need to “keep your finger on the pulse of the times.” After years of intense musical life in kindergarten, I realized for myself how important the work of a music director is for the kindergarten as a whole. This music world- the soul of every preschooler educational institution. Music brings children, their parents, and teachers together. The communicative properties of music are powerful and unique. Perhaps this is too strong a word, but I think that every music director should strive to be a worthy “face” of the kindergarten.

Sometimes it’s difficult! But - it's worth it! Because it is extremely pleasant to see the result of their work in the students. It’s very warm and joyful in your soul when, before your eyes, a child “opens up”, becomes a “little artist”, and always eagerly strives to go to the music room: he wants to sing, dance, play, learn, create. And how nice it is to see our graduates in the compositions of various creative teams our city and realize that you also contributed to the development creativity child, suggested to parents, guided, gave a ticket to the vast world of art!

Everything that is important for children is always not in vain! Therefore, if you want to be useful, choose a job related to children, you can’t go wrong! I am sure that my profession will reveal more than one new facet to me. I am ready to develop, learn and remain a “fairy of music” for my students in the future. I am a music director and proud of it!

I would like to end my essay with the words of the famous musicologist and teacher Mikhail Kazinik: “If you want your children to take the first possible step towards Nobel Prize, start not with chemistry, but with music. For music is food for the brain; all subsequent scientific discoveries. I. Einstein with the violin, and Planck at the piano - not an accident, not a whim, but a divine necessity.”

Borisova Gulniza Rashitovna, music director of MADOU Yembaevsky kindergarten "Spring"

Tyumen region, Tyumen district, village. Embayevo

“I am the music director!”
I'm happy when children laugh!
When joy and warmth flow in the eyes.
When they sing and play, the world is in their palm,
World, full of light, miracle and goodness!

There comes a day in the life of each of us when we need to choose our own path. And sometimes our whole life depends on what this choice will be. My path led me to Kindergarten. A cozy two-story building, a friendly, open team of like-minded people, and many, many kids. So, 30 years ago, it began new page in my life: I am the music director of a kindergarten.

Every morning I cross the threshold of my second home. With a familiar gesture, I turn on the lights in the already familiar, spacious music room. It's quiet and empty, but it won't last long. Very soon the whole space will be filled with noisy children's voices, I will meet my inquisitive and curious students. In this hall, vigorous exercises and holiday concerts, and warm meetings with parents, and most importantly, every day my heart and soul sing with the guys.

Looking into these bright children's eyes, I remember myself as a child. At the age of 5, she was a terribly shy and timid girl, she was afraid to speak publicly, but she wanted it so much! I looked with envy at those children who performed solo in dancing and singing. I thought and dreamed: “That’s what I want too!” But... alas... One day our music director Nina Fedorovna suddenly invited me to dance instead of a sick girl. I remember it was a Moldavian dance with tambourines. What happiness it was for me, a little girl, and what delight I felt then! Bright clothes, funny music It seemed like I was the only one who was clapping! When my mother came to pick me up that day, the teacher praised me: what do I have? good feeling rhythm! And now, when I myself am the music director in kindergarten, and meet with my students every day, I note that among the active ones, "quiet" and shy children, but this does not mean that they do not want or cannot - they are just shy for now to perform solo. Therefore, I strive to ensure that none of them sit on chairs and watch others dance. I try to organize ours like this joint activities so that all children take an active part in musical process. I select such a repertoire to provide the opportunity to organize as many children as possible in performances, in music games, in dances and songs with movements.

My desire to choose the profession of a teacher and be with children every day was probably natural. My mother worked at school as a music teacher for 40 years, my older sister works as a teacher. primary classes in the same school where my mother once taught and where I myself studied. The desire not to interrupt the family tradition, studying at a music school, love for music and children determined my choice: “I’ll be a music teacher!” .

My dream has come true. Every day I sit down at the piano, music flows from under my fingers, and thirty curious children’s eyes look at me, who are again and again waiting for a journey into the World of Music.

Each of my working days is different from the previous one. Being a music director is a constant search for something new, interesting, and educational. WITH modern children you can't be a teacher "yesterday's knowledge" . The world is developing rapidly time goes by forward and in order to quickly keep up with it, you need to be interested in all the problems in time small child and look for something that will certainly surprise and interest him.

Music director is not just a profession, it is a title that must be carried with dignity, so that later your students remember their first encounters with music, as I still remember. And the sage is right who said that you cannot instill love for what you yourself do not love. The main purpose of the music director is to convey the beauty of music to every child, so that he can see, understand and feel through it all the charm of this wonderful world.

The work of a real teacher, educator, is constant, sometimes exhausting, work that drains one’s health and nerves. You have to devote less time to your family and your child, but with what can you compare the joy when a foolish baby, who still doesn’t really know how to talk, sings his song to you? "la-la-la" ! And even if they are not yet outstanding singers, dancers and musicians, but to see how at their first prom "gallant gentlemen" invite « beautiful ladies» to your first children's waltz... believe me, words cannot describe it! I am really proud of my children, who have already grown up, singing and dancing on the stage of the local House of Culture. After all, they received their first skills and abilities in kindergarten, and I was involved in enriching them musical culture. Honestly, sometimes I think this makes it worth living and working!

From the outside, it seems to many that my profession boils down to playing the piano and singing along with children at matinees. But this is far from true! Essentially "musical director" - this is a universal teacher. He must be able to answer all children's "Why" , be able to awaken and support the desire to communicate and perceive the world around us through feelings, emotions. He is at the same time a musician and a singer, a dancer and an artist, a sculptor and a reader, a screenwriter and a holiday director.

I not only teach children, but I myself am able to learn from my preschoolers. I really like the saying of the wise Confucius: "Teacher and student grow together" .

My little students teach me:

  • cheerfulness (Is it possible to come to class in a bad mood?)
  • mobility, sportiness (if necessary, I’ll catch up! And down with the extra weight!)
  • restraint (Do not raise your voice under any circumstances)
  • tact (everyone has their own character, and what kind!)
  • patience (well, when will you understand, this is a note "to" , not "re" )
  • sense of humor (oh, and let's laugh together!)
  • optimism (we will fight again!).

I strive to ensure that children are always interested in my classes and holidays, so that at every meeting they discover something new, useful and remember it for a long time. And if they ask me what you want to do for your children first of all, I will answer: I will continue to bring pleasure and joy to children through musical activities, make their lives more colorful and happier! And music will help me with this. This is mine main goal, and maybe even a MISSION.

Musical lesson in kindergarten. Our musical director Irina Nikolaevna is completely extraordinary person. Very beautiful, kind, romantic, with a wonderful voice. And how she plays the piano! Her fingers masterfully glide over the black and white keys, and it takes my breath away!

This is how my dream was born - to become a music director.

September sunny morning. Our 2 "a" class hour. Nina Matveevna talks about her pedagogical path, about the dream of becoming a primary school teacher. I listen to her with bated breath. She ends her story with the words: “Happy is the person who becomes in life what he dreamed of becoming since childhood. That’s why I’m happy!” These words will forever remain in my soul.

Later, when I decide to become... a chemist, the thought annoyingly flashes through my mind: “So, I won’t be able to say that I’m happy?”...

By the will of fate and thanks to my mother, my childhood dream was destined to come true - I became the music director of the kindergarten. And now, many years later, I often watch how a child’s delighted gaze lingers on my hands sliding over the keys. And maybe it is at this moment that some child makes a discovery for himself?!

In my opinion, in communicating with music, a child discovers a whole world for himself, even if it is still unknown and incomprehensible to him. Isn’t it a discovery to hear the trill of a lark in Tchaikovsky’s music and see this miracle in blue sky? Isn’t it a discovery to hear the terrifying gnomes in the mountain king’s cave in Grieg’s disturbing music and see them, treacherous, evil, but afraid? sunlight? Isn’t it a discovery to hear funny, unhatched chicks in Mussorgsky’s music, enthusiastically conveying their simple movements, and to see these chicks - small, funny, funny. And a preschooler will make many, many more discoveries for himself thanks to music, because its possibilities are endless!

We can talk about music endlessly. She can be sad and mournful, joyful and enthusiastic, tender and solemn, with a call to great things! But no matter what music is played, one thing remains indisputable - it is capable of influencing the mind, consciousness and minds of humanity!

I often re-read aphorisms and statements of famous people and understand how accurately they were able to notice and convey in words all the subtleties of the impact of music on a person, on his soul. Thus, even the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle said: “Music is capable of having a certain effect on the ethical side of the soul; and since music has such properties, then, obviously, it should be included among the subjects of youth education.” And this is the indisputable wisdom of a person who understands the great power of music! The famous teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky noted that “music unites the moral, emotional and aesthetic spheres of a person. Music is the language of feelings." It is in the process of perceiving music that feelings such as delight, inspiration, joy, wariness, and pity can be born. And for a child, these may be feelings that are still unknown, not experienced - tension, excitement, empathy. What responsibility lies with those who bring children into this world... This responsibility also lies with me. In class musical literature At music school, I gradually learned about the feelings that were born thanks to music. Made an indelible impression on me " Moonlight Sonata"Beethoven, and a new feeling for me at that time - the feeling tragic poignancy, emotional tension - caused an emotional response, deep emotional movements!

Our contemporary poet A. Zabelin once said: “There is no more beautiful music in the world than that which sounds in the hearts of people.” I think these words have a deeper meaning than it seems at first glance. After all, if magical music sounds in a person’s heart, it means that goodness, joy and happiness come from him. And even in moments of sorrow, if there is music of sadness and pain in someone’s heart, it is also beautiful and sincere! After all, it is not without reason that at all times music and song accompanied a person at different periods of his life - lullabies were sung to a baby, work songs were made easier, ritual songs served as the basis for numerous ritual actions - the glorification of the mysterious forces of nature.

How right are those who claim that children must be protected from the effects of heavy rhythms and disharmony. To paraphrase the words of A. Zabelin, I would say: “There is no more beautiful music in the world than the one that sounds in the hearts of children!” In this phrase I conclude my main task in working and communicating with children - to introduce them into fascinating world, to introduce the work of great composers, whose music will give children wonderful moments of emotional experience, reveal unknown feelings, leave good light melodies in their hearts.

And again the words of my teacher come to mind: “Happy is the person who becomes in life what he dreamed of becoming since childhood!” Therefore, I can say for sure about myself - I am happy!

Title: Essay by the music director of the kindergarten “My pedagogical philosophy”

Position: music director
Place of work: MBDOU No. 109
Location: Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia

Essay on the topic

“My profession is music director”

“Music is like rain, drop by drop seeps into the heart and revives it..." Romain Rolland
My profession is a music director... It sounds dry, soulless, one-faced... However, dig deeper and you will find out that in these two words lies the truth. “Musical” - beautiful, sensual, affectionate, playful. “Leader” - giving a hand to the ignorant, the fearful, and leading into the new, unknown, beautiful... We give light. We teach to love, understand, empathize, feel. Thus, we, musicians, create a harmonious personality, which in the future will always find a way out of any situation with dignity and honor. We inspire, give the opportunity to soar above the world and see all the beauty of the universe, because we are guided by music... A musical director is not just a position, it is a title that must be carried with dignity. I open the door to the mysterious and mysterious world of music, captivating the imagination of children with new dazzling colors. The greatest reward for my work is the delight in the eyes of children when they begin to understand the language of music for the first time in their lives. Musician, screenwriter, director, designer, decorator and teacher - this is how I would define my unique profession.Once upon a time, 30 years ago, my mother took me to music school. I didn’t know what it was. I only knew that they would teach me music... It was a new world for me. A world of miracles, magic, fabulous transformations. I learned to feel the universe around me... not just see, touch, but also feel inside myself, passing through my heart and soul. Having matured a little, I realized that music is an opportunity to analyze certain situations from the point of view of beauty and uniqueness.Music is a palette of emotions: fun and joy, unusual and unpredictable experiences. Understanding the world through art musical image. Develops under the influence of music artistic perception, experiences become richer.Years passed, and fate brought me to the walls of a kindergarten. And life acquired new meaning! Started new stage. The stage of my formation as a magician who gives fairy tales to children. Seeing the delighted eyes of the kids, I realized that I had no right to deceive the hopes of these devoted creatures who completely trust an adult. I have to give them what they expect from me. Namely: magic, fairy tale, love, faith, hope... Communication with children who give me their love and affection gives me the opportunity to work creatively and constantly immerse myself in the world of fairy tales, magic, and music. Preschoolers are the most rewarding age when a close relationship and contact is established between an adult and a child. Children trust the teacher and understand what the adult offers them.I began to learn, together with the kids, to understand music in a new way, through the eyes and heart of a child. Sincerely, without deception. And, you know, I think kids teach me a lot too. After all, unfortunately, it is not possible for an adult to believe, love and understand as sincerely as a child. The child is blank slate. And only we, adult teachers, shape personality. And it depends only on us what our pupil will be like in the future. We are laying the foundation for the future child. It depends on us how correctly the baby will develop. And the music director is directly responsible for the “construction” of the soul little man, his little inner world. We make it richer, brighter, more saturated. The main task of musical education of children preschool age– develop emotional responsiveness, instill interest and love for music, and bring joy from communicating with it. Giving knowledge, developing skills and abilities is not the main thing. It is more important to awaken interest in musical activities. I am very happy when children come to music classes with desire. Even the smallest kids are waiting for me to join their group - they greet me with delight. I would like to teach them to listen to music, sing, dance, play the musical instruments. How nice it is to see the delighted eyes of a child when he begins to understand the language of music and gets acquainted with new concepts such as “genre”, “timbre”, “rhythm”. And all this, of course, through a fairy tale, a game. I am convinced that introduction to the art of music is the most amazing, interesting and accessible form of my communication with children, since music lessons children fantasize, create, and are carried away into the world of fairy tales and the world of music. I always try to create an atmosphere of celebration, emotional comfort, mutual understanding, so that children expect from every meeting with me extraordinary adventures into the world of music. Together we dance and sing, play and listen.Everyone is born with some kind of ability, but not everyone can fully realize their talent in life. Reveal yourself by combining creativity and work, outstanding abilities and freedom of choice. Sometimes a child’s natural talent appears as if by chance and completely by accident. After all, a child can simultaneously: while drawing something, sing a song, while looking at a book, dance around the table, while talking with a friend, tap out a rhythmic pattern. And therefore, for me, first of all, as a music director, it is important to notice the abilities of future musicians. To reveal their talent, to give them further continuation in their creativity. Musical education and its main forms - holidays, entertainment - create conditions under which the child, to the best of his ability, speaks publicly, overcomes uncertainty, fear and learns to control himself, his behavior, voice, body movements. Children's first successful performances at holiday matinees, as a rule, bring children a lot of joyful emotions and are remembered for a long time.The main thing is not so much development musical abilities, how much the holistic development of the child’s personality, the disclosure of his creative potential through musical art and various types musical activity.In my work, I consider it important to teach children to feel and understand music. After all, a truly loving person musical art becomes kinder and wiser, loves and understands loved ones and the world around him. I try to ensure that my students grow up to be sensitive, kind, responsive, and capable of empathy. V. A. Sukhomlinsky said: “Musical education is not the education of a musician, but, first of all, the education of a person.”Make friends with music, friends,After all, music is always beautiful.She won't leave, won't betrayAnd it will open the doors to a fairy tale.

...Music inspires the whole world, supplies the soul with wings, promotes the flight of imagination; music gives life and joy to everything that exists... It can be called the embodiment of everything beautiful and everything sublime.


Oh, music!.. How beautiful you are!.. you plunge us into the world of colors, feelings, emotions... You make us live, love, create... You are affectionate, gentle, sometimes angry, but only the heart and soul perceives you!.. And you, as a woman, are mysterious, unbearable, beautiful...

But really, only a woman is like music. A riot of emotions, experiences, feelings is characteristic only of us, women, the flowers of the planet. And I dare to suggest that it is no coincidence that women become music directors in kindergartens. After all, only they know how, guided by their maternal instinct, to help the little man “hear” music. With all my heart and soul. Penetrate the mysteries of the world of melody. Immerse yourself in the beauty of sounds. And learn to dream...

Have you ever noticed how music helps us dream? Do you hear magical sounds and with bated breath you are transported into the world of fantasy and dreams... Flight... On wings... Weightlessness... Space... Universe... Magic...

Well, who else but a child will understand us, little crazy musicians? Only the baby will become the most grateful listener. After all, children's imagination has no limits! Just like music...

My profession is a music director... It sounds dry, soulless, one-faced... However, dig deeper and you will find out that in these two words lies the truth. “Musical” - beautiful, sensual, affectionate, playful. “Leader” - giving a hand to the ignorant, the fearful, and leading into the new, unknown, beautiful... We give light. We teach to love, understand, empathize, feel. Thus, we, musicians, create a harmonious personality, which in the future will always find a way out of any situation with dignity and honor. We inspire, give the opportunity to soar above the world and see all the beauty of the universe. Of course, not in the literal sense. Music guides us...

Once upon a time, 23 years ago, my mother took me to a music school. I didn’t know what it was. I only knew that they would teach me music... It was a new world for me. A world of miracles, magic, fabulous transformations. I learned to feel the universe around me... not just see, touch, but also feel inside myself, passing through my heart and soul. I learned to merge with the music. Having matured a little, I realized that music is an opportunity to analyze certain situations from the point of view of beauty and uniqueness.

Years passed, and fate brought me to the walls of kindergarten No. 53 “Traffic Light”. And life took on a new meaning! A new stage has begun. The stage of my formation as a magician who gives fairy tales to children. On the very first day, seeing the delighted eyes of the kids, I realized that I had no right to deceive the hopes of these devoted creatures who completely believed in an adult.

I have to give them what they expect from me. Namely: magic, fairy tale, love, faith, hope...

And I began to learn, together with the kids, to understand music in a new way, through the eyes and heart of a child. Sincerely, without deception. And, you know, I think kids teach me a lot to this day. After all, unfortunately, it is not possible for an adult to believe, love and understand as sincerely as a child. A child is a blank slate. And only we, adult teachers, shape personality. And it depends only on us what our pupil will be like in the future. We are laying the foundation for the future child. It depends on us how correctly the baby will develop. And the music director is directly responsible for the “construction” of the little man’s soul, his little inner world. We make it richer, brighter, more saturated. What a joy it is to see the delighted eyes of a child when he begins to understand the language of music and becomes acquainted with new concepts such as “genre”, “timbre”, “rhythm”. And all this, of course, through a fairy tale, a game.

It is a great happiness for a teacher to see the happy faces of children, their sincere, genuine joy when they make a discovery for themselves. This is precisely the main principle of my work. I try to lead the child’s thoughts to a discovery so that the child himself can come to the desired answer. This principle, I believe, helps develop children’s imagination, imagination, attention to detail, and most importantly, self-confidence. After all, having made the discovery himself, the child is very proud of himself and his achievement. In this way, in my opinion, a confident personality develops. “I am myself!” - this is a step towards full developed person both physically and mentally. This is willpower and spirit.

As a music director Tatar groups in our kindergarten, I consider it my responsibility to develop in children not just a love of music, but also a love of native language, the traditions of our people through musical language, develop national identity. Therefore, when starting to learn certain Tatar musical works, I first of all conduct a conversation with the children about national traditions, about the children’s belonging to the nationality. The guys happily interrupt each other and talk about their family traditions, holidays. At first it is a confused speech, an emotional influx due to the desire to tell as much as possible. But over time, we learn to express our emotions correctly and speak correctly. And this helps me when analyzing the lyrics of the song. The children already understand what the work is about and can already relate the words and music themselves. What exactly did the composer want to convey with music and why did the author use these particular musical means. So, by the end of the “singing” stage, the child himself makes a discovery about the imagery, the essence of this work and the correspondence between music and text.

Of course, it is impossible to penetrate the world of your people without a dance core. Therefore, in my music classes I devote a lot of time to them. After all, what’s a matinee without something bright? fiery dance! And here the guys continue to get acquainted with national traditions of his people. Dance is an expression of feelings, emotions through movement and plasticity. It is at this stage that children learn to express themselves, their inner state silently... without words. Just movements... One flap... and then the beautiful bird of happiness flew... The second flap... a light breeze blew... One step, two steps and the amazing, mysterious journey through the world of music continues. Unimaginable pleasure is reflected on the faces of the children when they begin to realize that they are “dancing.” These are no longer just chaotic movements. This is dance... Beauty... The fusion of body, soul and music.

It’s my responsibility to be able to separate the important from the unimportant, the good from the bad, the beautiful from the ugly, and teach the kids this. Contemporary music is an integral part of our everyday life. In my work I often use works of this kind. This music is usually close and understandable to children, but not all music is pleasant or even safe for children's hearing. For example, obsessive rhythm, ultra-high and ultra-low frequencies, unbearable volume, have the opposite effect rather than the one we expect to achieve. This kind of music has a negative impact on emotional state a person, destroying his soul, intellect, personality. The main condition for me is that the music be aesthetic, beautiful, highly artistic and not run counter to generally accepted moral norms.

Thanks to music it develops harmonious personality. A person who knows how to find the right way out from any situation. This is exactly what I teach my students. In my classes, children do not just sing, listen and move. They don’t just learn to distinguish between the concepts of “rhythm,” “timbre,” and “genre.” I am raising a well-rounded personality who knows how to understand and accept beauty. I teach you to live in harmony with yourself, your inner world and see only the most positive, bright and life-affirming. I am a musician! And I'm proud of it!..

“There is an inner music of the soul...

She is like a memory of a half-forgotten

It's like a distant noise.

Don't drown it out

Her years, everyday life and everyday life!

She lurks in the depths of the light

Sometimes in a random word, in a weak gesture.

Many people have it.


He only possesses it perfectly.”