Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group: “Autumn leaf fall. Summary of the fine arts lesson “Golden Autumn”

For fine art activities

Abstract of GCD for visual activities
in the senior group “Golden Autumn”

Nazarova T.N., teacher of kindergarten No. 53, Tambov

Subject: "Golden Autumn"

Educational area: « Artistic creativity»


  • Teach children to see the beauty of nature through means visual arts.
  • Continue to develop the ability to figuratively perceive the beauty of nature and convey it through color, shape, and composition.

Program content:

  • Teach children to convey the structure of a tree in a drawing - a trunk (brush), branches of different lengths.
  • Strengthen the skills of drawing foliage using a vertical stroke technique (dipping method).
  • Strengthen children's ideas about characteristic features autumn.
  • Develop multidirectional, united, smooth hand movements
  • Develop mental activity, memory, coherent speech, imagination and creativity.
  • Bring up positive attitude to nature and the desire to take care of it.

Material: - white sheet of A2 paper (for sample), - album sheets for children, - reproduction - painting by I. I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”, - easel, - watercolor paints, brushes No. 3, 6 (squirrel), - wet wipes, water, - foam sponge for each child.

Methodical techniques: - demonstration and explanation by the teacher, - musical accompaniment, questions for children, - a reminder about drawing techniques, - observation of children’s work, advice, - listening to the music of P. Tchaikovsky, - examination of children’s work, - analysis of work by children and the teacher, - D/I “Find by description.”

Preliminary work: Introducing children to the technique of tinting a sheet of paper, looking at illustrations, pictures, photographs depicting autumn trees (autumn).

Progress of activities:

I. Introductory part.

Educator: Guys, who is your guest today? Do you know him?

Children: Lesovichok.

Educator: Where did he come to us from?

Children: The forest boy came to us from the forest.

Educator: And he didn’t come empty-handed. What is this?

Children: This is an illustration of a painting.

Educator: Where are the real paintings stored?

Children: In museums, as well as in art galleries.

Educator: Guys, who paints the pictures?

Children: Artists.

Educator: Do you know the name of the artist who painted this picture?

Children: Isaac Ilyich Levitan.

Educator: Let's repeat the artist's name together.

Educator: Guys, what would you call this picture? (children's statements)

Educator: Why was the picture called “Golden Autumn”?

What is shown in the picture? more space: earth or sky?

Why is there more land?

What did the artist want to show?

Are the trees drawn at the same distance from each other?

Why did you decide this? Prove it. (children's statements)

Educator: Guys, do you like autumn? How? (children's answers)

Educator: For example, I like to walk on fallen leaves, like on a golden carpet. Isn't it very beautiful in autumn? As if good wizard painted everything around with bright colors.

II. Main part.

Educator: Lesovichok also brought a parcel and hid it in the group. He wants to play the game “Find it by description” with you. Lesovichok will tell you, and you listen to me carefully: “This parcel is rectangular in shape..., golden in color..., to the right of the closet.... etc.”

Children: Hooray! Found.

Educator: Let's open the package and see what's inside.

(children take out one object at a time and name it)

Educator: Look, a white sheet, not completely painted over. Strange! Brush, sponge, watercolor paints, sippy cup...

Educator: Why do you think all this is here? For what? (children's answers)

Educator: Guys, Lesovichok invites you to become little wizards (by artists).

Educator: I have one more question for you. Why is there a sponge in the package?

Children: For sheet tinting.

Educator: What part of the sheet do you think should be tinted here? (answers)

Teacher demonstration. (The teacher tints the upper part of the sheet with a sponge from left to right with quick movements. During toning, the silhouette of a birch trunk and branches appears on the sheet.)

Educator: What is this? What's missing from the tree?

Children: Listyev.

Educator: Why did you decide that it was a birch? (children's answers) Q: What color are the leaves of a birch tree in autumn?

Children: Yellow. Independent work.

Children approach the tables where there are various visual materials and get to work: tinting the sheets. While the sheets are drying, the teacher conducts a physical education lesson “We are autumn leaves.” Children take yellow birch and multi-colored maple leaves from the basket.

Educator: Which tree did you take the leaves from?

Physical education lesson “We are autumn leaves” We are autumn leaves We sit on the branches The wind blew and we flew We flew, we flew And sat quietly on the ground. The wind came again and picked up all the leaves. They spun and flew and sat quietly on the ground.

Educator: Now let’s draw the foliage of the birch tree. What color? (yellow)

Educator: I put water and yellow paint on the brush. I paint leaves on tree branches quickly, applying and lifting the brush from the paper, holding the brush obliquely to the paper. We draw vertical strokes, this method of drawing is called the brushing method. (Children draw on their sheets of paper.)

Educator: Let's draw another tree. Where do we start drawing a tree?

Children: From the trunk.

Educator: Right. I will draw a straight, tall trunk with a brush. To do this, I'll put a little more water and paint on my brush than necessary and draw a straight line.

Educator: What color will we paint the trunk? (brown)

Educator: The result is a trunk (we draw from top to bottom, gradually pressing the brush). What else, children, do I need to draw to make a tree?

Children: Twigs.

Educator: Right. At the top we draw very short branches, a little lower - longer branches.

Educator: Got a tree? (Yes)

Educator: Now let's draw a tree with colorful leaves. What paints will we use?

Children: Yellow, red, orange.

Educator: Maple trees have such colorful foliage in autumn. We draw leaves using the dipping method. We painted yellow leaves, then rinse the brush well with water and paint red, etc. (During independent work music by P. Tchaikovsky plays for children.)

III. The final part. Analysis of works.

What time of year did you depict in your drawings?

What paints did you use?

How did you draw? (tinting, dabbing)

Who was better able to convey the image of an autumn tree?

on artistic creativity in middle group .

Theme: “Colors of Autumn”

Prepared by the teacher:

Stolyarova S.V.

2014 – 2015 academic year.

Integration educational areas:

"Cognition" ( educational and research)


“Artistic creativity” (applique)


"Reading fiction»

Training tasks : teach children to mix paints of primary colors (blue, red and yellow) to obtain other colors (green, purple, orange, blue). Strengthen children's knowledge of which tree the leaf comes from. Strengthen drawing skills with a brush and finger using the dipping method. To instill the skills of using a palette.

Developmental tasks : Develop speech breathing, sense of color.

Educational tasks : To cultivate a love of nature, painting, and aesthetic perception of the world around us.

Equipment: palette, paints and brushes, album sheets, cups of water, napkins, painted and cut out autumn leaves, pinwheels according to the number of children, a collapsible colored rainbow of seven colors, a sample - painted trees in autumn leaves.

Progress of the lesson.

Children sit on chairs. A teacher enters in an autumn costume.


Hello, guess who I am? She came without paints or a brush and painted all the leaves.



Autumn: What definitions can we give to autumn? (early, golden, late, rich, cold, rainy)

Autumn: Autumn -great time of the year! How many unforgettable impressions she gives to a person! Her beauty inspired poets to write the most heartfelt words. Listen to how A.S. Pushkin said about this time of year:

(Children read a poem)

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!

I am pleased with your farewell beauty!

Autumn: And how many secrets do the sounds of the autumn forest carry?


Leaves are falling, falling, leaves are falling in our garden!

Yellow and red leaves curl and fly in the wind!

Autumn: Today I want to tell you a story that happened to my friend Veterok. My friend Veterok is a big mischief-maker. Most of all he loves to blow. He inflates the sails of boats, turns the wings of mills, plays with leaves, makes noise in the grass. Take the magic pinwheels and blow on them like the Wind blows on the wings of windmills. Well done, you are doing well. And you can still play with them. Let's run with the turntables. That's how fast they spin.

(Children sit on chairs. Autumn collects turntables and continues the story.)


One day, a gentle summer Breeze felt the cold weather approaching and decided to fly away to warmer lands. The way there lay through the park where his friends the leaves lived. He looked down and gasped: on the ground lay a colored carpet of extraordinary beauty. The breeze came down and began to play with the leaves. And now I will turn you into leaves, and you will obey our friend Veterok.

(Sounds autumn waltz. Autumn distributes leaves to children. Next, children perform movements in accordance with the text)


The breeze lifted leaves from the ground and threw them into the air. I twirled them in an autumn dance, collected them into bouquets, twirled and twirled. But here is Veterok last time flapped his wing and flew away, and the leaves quietly sank to the ground, trying to settle down so as to form a bright carpet with an unusual pattern.

(Children lay out a pattern of autumn leaves and sit down at the tables)


What a wonderful carpet covered the earth. What color are the leaves in front of us? (children answer). Who knows what trees these leaves come from?

The teacher shows the leaves of the trees; Children should name the tree:

Birch - birch,

Oak - oak,

Maple – maple

What a great fellow you are! You know everything. But our mischievous Veterok mixed up not only the leaves, but also the colors, and even took some with him. I only have 3 colors left, look what colors they are?


Yellow, red, blue.

(In the hands of Autumn there are circles of primary colors with funny faces.)


What can I paint with these paints? (Children fantasize).


I'll take 3 basic colors. These colors are not simple. Others can be made from them. And to do this, go and sit at the tables. Look, in front of you is a palette with 3 primary colors: red, blue and yellow. Now think about it.

If red is next to yellow

The sun is shining, it's hot

Oranges, tangerines

The kids will draw.

What color will it be? (Orange)


Let's check it out. Let's take a brush, pick up some red paint, and put it in an empty container. Be sure to wash the brush and dry it with a napkin. Let's take some yellow paint and add it to the red one. What color did you get? (Orange)


What if yellow and blue become friends? What kind of paint will you get? (Green).


Let's check it out.

( Perform the same actions with yellow and blue paint).


Red and blue made friends

Turned out to be a different color

Eggplant or plum

Guess what color? (Violet).

(Mix red with blue).


How many different colors!

Only there isn't one

Guess which one?

How should I draw the sky?

Why should I disturb the sea?

And for the rain you need paint...

Children: blue!


How do we get blue paint?

Children: mix white and blue.


But there is no white paint (children find it difficult)

And I will teach you. Need to take blue paint and dilute with water. So we got blue paint.


Here we have all the colors of the rainbow. Guys, how many colors does the rainbow have? Let's do the math.

Children: 1, 2,…7.


Do you know in what order these colors are located? And I'll give you a hint. There is one sentence that will help you remember this sequence. Listen.

“Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting.”

The secret is that with what sound the word in this magical sentence begins, the name of the paint begins with such a sound. Everyone is red, the hunter is orange, Wants is yellow, to know is green, where is blue, sits - blue, pheasant is purple.

(Children take turns going out and attaching multi-colored rainbow arcs to the easel).


Guys, this was the last rainbow this year and we are a little sad about it, and also sad that the mischievous Veterok tore all the leaves from the trees and they became naked and lonely. Let's decorate them. But first I will turn your fingers into leaves and we will play with them.

(Finger gymnastics)

One, two, three, four, five

We will collect leaves.

Birch leaf, rowan leaf,

poplar leaf,

Aspen leaf,

We will collect an oak leaf

To mom autumn bouquet We'll bring it.


Now let's decorate the trees. But first decide what you will paint with, a brush or your finger. What color are the leaves on the trees? (Children look at the sample and answer).Get to work.


Guys, if we use blue paint in our drawing, what can we draw with this paint?(Children answer).

And we did more purple paint. How can it be used in this drawing?


Draw a cloudy sky.


What wonderful drawings you have made. How beautifully you dressed the trees. Can I take them and show them to my friend Veterok? And I will leave my drawing to you. It's time for me to leave. Goodbye!

Summing up the lesson:

Let's see what we got? What a golden, elegant, cheerful autumn we have, and it’s cheerful because of our smiles, because every smile is a little sun that makes you feel warm and good.

Therefore, you and I will smile at each other more often and give our joy to others.

You did a great job today. Tell me, children, did you have a golden autumn? What is she like? Did you like the creation? autumn composition? What mood are you leaving in? Thank you for your creativity.

Autumn: I thank you for everything,

I give sweets to children.

(Autumn distributes sweet treats)

Literature used:

    FOR. Efanov " Complex classes» according to the program “From birth to school”, ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva (middle group) Ed. “Teacher”, Volgograd, 2012

    T. M. Bondarenko “Complex classes in the middle group of kindergarten” Ed. “Teacher”, Voronezh, 2006

    A.V. Aji “Notes of integrated classes in the middle group of kindergarten” T. Ts. “Teacher”, Voronezh, 2009

MDOU kindergarten general developmental type No. 28 “Swallow”

Summary of direct educational activitieson speech development in the middle group.

Topic: “I love you, my native land”


Stolyarova S.V.

Poltoratskaya A.A.

Kolomna district village Akatevo

2014 – 2015 academic year.

Integration of educational areas : “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Music”,

“Artistic creativity”, “Reading fiction”, “Socialization”.

Target: introducing children to small homeland through cognitive activity.

Educational objectives:

To form children’s knowledge about the name of the village;

Expand children’s ideas about their native village and its attractions;

Educational tasks:

To cultivate love for one’s native village and a sense of pride in it, the desire to make it even more beautiful, feelings of love and patriotism.

Developmental tasks:

Develop dialogical speech;

Develop the ability to complement the image based on impressions of the surrounding life.

Vocabulary work: Akatevo village, names of streets, buildings (hospital, library, school, kindergarten, store, cultural center).

Materials: presentation “My Village”, album sheets for drawing, wax crayons, recording of the song “Akatyevo” lyrics. S. A. Rachkovskaya, M. A. Melnikova

Progress of the event:

Organizational moment:

Educator: Guys, let's stand in a circle. Show your palms. Rub them together. How do you feel? (Warm). This is the warmth of kind hands and good souls. We offer our warmth, our palms to our friends and say:

The morning comes

The sun is rising.

We're going

IN bon voyage let's go.

Let's look at each other

Let's talk about ourselves:

“Who is our good guy?

Who is our handsome one? »

(Children take turns calling each other kind words) .

Educator: I am very pleased that you are such affectionate, kind, skillful guys. It is interesting to talk with such children.

Motivational and orientation stage:

Children stand in a circle. There's a knock on the door.

Q: Guys, look, Carlson came to visit us. Let's say hello to him. I think he's upset about something. What's happened?

Carleson: I came to visit you in your village for the first time, and I’m not familiar with it at all. Please help me learn a lot of interesting things about your village!

Q: Well, let’s try to help?

(Slide show) .

Look carefully at the photographs and say what they show. (Children's answers).

Educator: Guys, what is the name of the village in which we live? (Akatyevo)

Educator: There are a lot of big and small cities and villages in the world. And we will talk about our village, about our most beloved, about the most beautiful. Am I right in saying that our village is the most beautiful? (children's answers)

Educator: Please tell me what you like about our village? (children's answers).

Educator: There are many streets in our village. And each street has its own name. Tell me what street do you live on? (children's answers)

Educator: Guys, you walk along familiar streets every day. What buildings can you see on the streets of our village? (Shops, post office, pharmacy, hospital, school, library, kindergarten).

Educator: There are many different buildings in our village. But there is one large, spacious building that both adults and children love to come to (I show a photo). This building is called the House of Culture. Some of you went to the House of Culture to watch a circus performance. In the cultural center they not only show circus performances, but also carry out various concerts, in which artists sing, dance and read poetry.

Let's now turn into little artists and play musical instruments. (Under Russian folk melody children play noise instruments).

Educator. Guys, tell me, what do your mothers do? Where do they work? (children's stories)

Educator: Who cares about the beauty of our village? (Adults, people).

How do they care? (Adults plant trees, flowers, remove garbage.)

Conclusion. Right. Adults are trying to make our village beautiful and cozy. They want all people to live a fun and interesting life in our village. Therefore, we must take care of what is made by the hands of adults, maintain cleanliness and order.

Educator: All people love their village in which they live. They write poems and songs about themselves (Akatyev).

We also know poems about our native village. (Reading poetry).

We are growing

In our native village.

For some it is small,

And for us – huge!

Let him live!

Let it grow!

Our village is modest!

Conclusion. You told a lot about our Akatiev. They said correctly that we have many streets, houses, beautiful nature. There are many people working in our village who want our village to become better, more beautiful and richer. There are a lot of fish in our reservoir, and animals live in the forests. Now let's go for a walk around our village.

Physical education minute.

We get up early in the morning

We see the village outside the window.

It has woken up, it lives.

He's calling us outside.

Practical stage:

Educator: And now, I suggest everyone draw their own home, and give it as a souvenir to Carlson. ( creative activity children.)

Educator: Look how many beautiful houses you have drawn. It turned out to be a whole village.

Reflective-evaluative stage:

Carlson: - Guys, thank you for your help! You told a lot about your beloved Akatiev. I will definitely come to you again, and I will hang your drawings in my home. Goodbye!

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MBDOU "Alexandrovsky kindergarten "Yagodka"

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Koryakova Tatyana Dmitrievna
MBDOU "Alexandrovsky kindergarten "Yagodka", RM Lyambirsky district, Alexandrovka village
Abstract of GCD in fine arts senior group
Theme: “Golden Autumn”
Goals: to teach children to reflect in their drawings their impressions of the golden autumn.
Strengthen your drawing skills deciduous trees, transmitting characteristic features trunk and crown structure, color. Use different techniques for working with the brush (all bristles and ends). Develop creativity.
Preliminary work. Examining trees, collecting leaves and fruits. Acquaintance with reproductions of paintings by I.I. Levitan, V. Vasnetsov.
Materials. Sheets of paper white, gouache paints, brushes, jars of water, napkins. Reproduction of a painting by I. Levitan “ Birch Grove».
Contents of children's educational activities
1.Introduction to the topic.
Educator. Guys, listen to the riddle, the answer to which will tell you the topic of our conversation.
Came without paints and without a brush
And repainted all the leaves
Children: (autumn)
Educator. What impressions did you have after the walk? What emotions and feelings did you experience from what you saw?
What changes in nature occurred with the arrival of autumn?
Children. (It’s getting colder, it’s raining, birds are flying away, the leaves are turning yellow and falling).
Educator. That's right, guys. The wind blew and leaves fell from the trees. What is this time of autumn called?
Children. (Leaf fall.)
Educator. Guys, let’s look at I. Levitan’s painting “Birch Grove”. Many famous artists- like Shishkin, Levitan, Vasnetsov loved to paint nature. They chose very beautiful places, admired it themselves and shared their joy with us by drawing beautiful pictures.
They studied for a long, long time and drew a lot every day. But even real artists did not immediately learn to draw.
Educator. What season did the artist depict? (Golden Autumn).
-Why is autumn called golden at this time? (Because yellow leaves look like gold when they sparkle in the autumn sun.)
Physical education minute.
Leaves, leaves are flying in the wind
And the children rustle quietly under their feet.
(Running in place on your toes, waving your arms)
And swaying smoothly, they lead a round dance.
And the autumn wind sings a song to them.
(Smooth swings of the body and arms raised up, right - left.)
So today we will try to convey the impressions that we saw on our walk.
Educator. Let's compare how trees are similar and how they differ from each other.
Children. (According to the shape and thickness of the trunk, crown shape, color).
Educator: We will draw the trunk with the entire bristle of the brush, and the branches with the tip,
Now each of you draw your own picture “Golden Autumn”.
At the end of the work, review the drawings with the children and offer to choose the most expressive ones.

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MBDOU "Alexandrovsky kindergarten "Yagodka"

Prepared by teacher: Koryakova Tatyana Dmitrievna

Summary of GCD in the senior group in fine art

Theme: “Golden Autumn”

Goals: teach children to reflect in a drawing their impressions of the golden autumn.

Strengthen the ability to draw deciduous trees, conveying the characteristic features of the structure of the trunk and crown, colors. Use different techniques for working with the brush (all bristles and ends). Develop creativity.

Preliminary work. Examining trees, collecting leaves and fruits. Acquaintance with reproductions of paintings by I.I. Levitan, V. Vasnetsov.

Materials. Sheets of white paper, gouache paints, brushes, jars of water, napkins. Reproduction of the painting “Birch Grove” by I. Levitan.

1.Introduction to the topic.

Educator. Guys, listen to the riddle, the answer to which will tell you the topic of our conversation.

Came without paints and without a brush

And repainted all the leaves

Children:. ( autumn)

Educator. What impressions did you have after the walk? What emotions and feelings did you experience from what you saw?

What changes in nature occurred with the arrival of autumn?

Children. (It’s getting colder, it’s raining, birds are flying away, leaves are turning yellow and falling).

Educator. That's right, guys. The wind blew and leaves fell from the trees. What is this time of autumn called?

Children. ( Leaf fall.)

Educator. Guys, let’s look at I. Levitan’s painting “Birch Grove”. Many famous artists - like Shishkin, Levitan, Vasnetsov - loved to paint nature. They chose very beautiful places, admired them themselves and shared their joy with us by drawing beautiful pictures.

They studied for a long, long time and drew a lot every day. But even real artists did not immediately learn to draw.

Educator. What season did the artist depict? ( Golden autumn).

Why is autumn called golden at this time? ( Because yellow leaves look like gold when they sparkle in the autumn sun.)

Physical education minute.

Leaves, leaves are flying in the wind

And the children rustle quietly under their feet.

(Running in place on your toes, waving your arms)

And swaying smoothly, they lead a round dance.

And the autumn wind sings a song to them.

(Smooth swaying of the body and arms raised up, right - left.)

So today we will try to convey the impressions that we saw on our walk.

Educator. Let's compare how trees are similar and how they differ from each other.

Children.( According to the shape and thickness of the trunk, crown shape, color).

Educator. We will paint the trunk with the entire bristle of the brush, and the branches with the tip,

Now each of you draw your own picture “Golden Autumn”.

At the end of the work, review the drawings with the children and offer to choose the most expressive ones.

Lesson notes
in fine arts
in the senior group
on the topic:
"Autumn Forest"

Goal: to teach children to draw trees of different shapes and structures.
Objectives: 1. Teach children to place images on the entire sheet, using different drawing techniques (draw on a wet sheet, with the end of a brush, with all the bristles, with strokes);
2. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the genre of painting – landscape;
3. Develop children’s aesthetic perception of the world around them;
4. Educate careful attitude to nature.
Methods and techniques: introductory talk, artistic word(A. Pleshcheev’s poem “Autumn has come”), looking at paintings depicting autumn landscapes.
Materials for the lesson: paintings depicting landscapes, diagrams of various trees, album sheets, simple pencils, watercolor paints, brushes, rags, jars of water.
Preliminary work: cyclical observations of nature's statements and seasonal changes, conversations about autumn, compilation descriptive stories about autumn from pictures, acquaintance with various drawing techniques, didactic game“Which tree is the leaf from?”, didactic game “Perspective”

Progress of the lesson:
- Guys, let's remember what time of year it is? (autumn)
- What signs of autumn do you and I know? (children list the signs of autumn).
- That's right, guys. See how much you learn about autumn. Many writers, poets, and artists loved this time of year and called autumn golden. Listen to what wonderful poems A. Pleshcheev wrote.
Autumn has come, withers and turns yellow
The flowers have dried up,
· Grass in the meadows
And they look sad, it just turns green
Bare winter bushes in the fields.

A cloud covers the sky, the waters are noisy
The sun doesn't shine. Fast stream.
The wind howls in the field, the birds have flown away
The rain is drizzling. To warm regions.
- Guys, tell me, what mood does this poem evoke and why? (children's answers).
- Well done, guys, you correctly noted what is being depicted in front of us sad picture. But autumn can also create joyful things, festive mood. Look at these paintings and tell me what helped the author create a bright festive atmosphere? (Children note the brightness of the colors, the transparency of the air).
- So today we will find ourselves in the autumn forest, each in his own way. Some in sad, rainy ones, others in gold, pleasing to the eye. But first, let's remember: what trees can we see in the autumn forest and how to draw them correctly?
Children answer the question, and the teacher demonstrates drawing diagrams of different trees to make the task easier.
- Now we’ll rest a little.

Physical education minute

Guys, close your eyes, imagine autumn forest. Grab some pencils or paints and get to work.
Children draw an autumn forest. The teacher provides assistance. Upon completion of the work, they are hung on the stand. The teacher, together with the children, notes the merits and diversity of the drawings.

Lesson notes on visual arts

for the older group on the topic: “Golden Autumn”

Program tasks :

    Expand children's ideas about golden autumn in poetry and works of fine art;

    Learn to reflect autumn impressions in a drawing.

    Develop children's vision artistic image and design through natural forms.

    Develop a sense of composition and color perception.

    Cultivate interest in autumn natural phenomena, emotional responsiveness to the beauty of autumn.

    Strengthen the ability to mix paints to obtain a third color (orange, brown).

Materials for the lesson:

    Landscape sheet, size A4;

    Set of gouache paints;


    Glass of water;


    Samples of paintings “Golden Autumn”; samples different ways images of trees;

    Palette for mixing paints.

Preliminary work:

observing autumn nature while walking, learning poems about autumn, talking about the signs of autumn, looking at illustrations depicting autumn nature.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher invites the children to listen to a fairy tale about a leaf:

“In one old park there was lonely tree. Autumn has come. All the leaves packed their bags and flew off to travel. The leaves' bags were not heavy - just a little water to wash and a towel. And on one branch there was a very small leaf. He was too young to decide to fly alone. So he was bored, bored, thought and came up with something. He sees a passerby wearing a hat. The leaf plucked up courage and jumped into the hat. The passerby did not notice anything. He brought the leaf home. It was warm in the house, and the leaf suddenly began to get bored and dry. He missed his friends, his tree. He was afraid that he would dry out, curl up into a tube and be thrown away. Then the leaf shouted: “Wind, wind!” The wind was his great friend. The wind heard screams and flew into the house. He picked up the leaf and took it to the park. They parted in the park. The wind said goodbye to the leaf: “No one can live without a home; they will get bored and dry up. Never again be parted from your home - the park."


Guys, do you know what the autumn phenomenon is called when leaves fall from the trees?


- This is leaf fall.


Right. Why do trees shed their leaves in the fall? (it gets cold, in winter it will be difficult for the branches to hold leaves and snow, in winter the tree sleeps and rests).

No one tells a tree when to shed its leaves. But now autumn is approaching - and the leaves on the trees change green turn yellow or red and fall off. This happens because water freezes and stops flowing into the twigs and leaves. The tree falls asleep for the winter.

Leaves fall from all trees in autumn. The next year, new leaves appear on the trees.

Listen to the poem called "Falling Leaves."

The conversation of the fallen leaves is barely audible:

We are from maples...

We are from apple trees...

We are from the elms...

We are from cherries...

From the aspen tree...

From bird cherry...

From the oak...

From a birch...

Leaf fall everywhere:

Frost is on the doorstep!

Yu. Kapotov


In autumn, the leaves on the trees turn not only yellow, but also red, orange, brown and even purple. The color of the leaves depends on what the weather is like: the sunnier autumn days, those brighter paint. Many artists love to draw autumn nature precisely because of this variety of colors. Let's look at this drawing (sample demo 1): what does it show? What's autumn like? What colors do you see? What can it be called?

Looking at this picture and observing nature on a walk, you and I can be convinced that autumn is... great artist, because she herself comes up with outfits for trees, bushes, and all of nature, as if she were organizing a competition to see who has the brightest and most beautiful leaves. I want to admire them every day.

What a shame.

Autumn with a long thin brush

Recolors leaves.

Red, yellow, gold –

How beautiful you are, colored leaf!..

And the wind has thick cheeks

Cheated, cheated, cheated.

And the trees are variegated

Blow, blow, blow!

Red, yellow, gold...

The entire colored sheet flew around!..

I. Mikhailova

Physical education minute .


We are autumn leaves

We are sitting on the branches.Children shake leaves in their hands above their heads.

The wind blew and they flew.Run in different directions.

We flew, we flew.

And they sat down quietly on the ground.They squat.

The wind came again

And he picked up all the leaves.They stand up, raise their hands with the leaves up, and shake them.

Spun and flewRun in different directions.

And they sat down on the ground again.They return to their places.

Practical part.

Teacher : So, today you and I will turn into artists and try to draw an autumn forest and leaf fall. There are many different trees growing in the forest, guess which ones (literary word).

If the breeze blows

Its leaf will tremble.

The wind is not strong at all

But the leaf is trembling...

Children : Aspens

Teacher :

Turned green in spring

Sunbathed in the summer

I put it on in the fall

Red corals.

Children : Rowan

Teacher :

On this tree

The kids are swinging

Small, mischievous,

They have carved hats.

Children : Oak, acorns.

Teacher : Well done! You guessed correctly. What other trees can you see in the park?

Children : Maple, birch, linden.

Teacher : You know a lot of trees. Let's look at the ways in which they can be depicted (sample demonstration 2). Now let's finally draw them. They, like people, can be short and tall, old and young. Their trunks can be straight, or they can be curved or strongly inclined towards the ground, thick and thin.

The branches are like people's hands, long and thin; when the sun is shining, the branches rise up and reach out to it; when the wind blows, the branches bend in the direction it blows; when it is cold, autumn rain, the wet branches fall down.

The leaves on the trees are like beautiful clothes: yellow, red, orange, crimson. The wind tears leaves from the branches, carries them through the air, and therefore in late autumn there are few leaves on the trees (using teacher samples).

Teacher : To create an autumn landscape we will need different colors, remember what colors of paint can be used to depict trunks, branches of trees and bushes, what colors are used when painting autumn leaves? let's remember how to get brown and orange colors? (mixing colors on a palette). Now think about what trees you will draw in your forest, and how they will be located in your drawing, what colors will your leaves be, will there be wind or rain?

The music of P. I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle “Seasons” (September, October, November) sounds and the children begin to draw. (The teacher approaches the children’s requests, helps mix paints, and gives advice on creating a composition)

Teacher : Reminds the kids what size brushes should be used to depict the trunk, branches, and leaves. What additional means can be used to depict foliage. (Techniques for depicting a trunk: begin to depict the trunk from top to bottom with the tip of the brush and gradually lower it to a flat position.

Techniques for depicting branches in windy weather: on one side the branches are pressed against the trunk, and on the other they are deviated from it. On the main, large branches, it is necessary to draw thin branches that bend in the wind, just like the large branches.

Drawing technique with a poke and a hard brush.

With a poke: lightly wet the poke, put paint on it, holding the poke vertically with quick, jerky movements, apply the image.

With a hard brush: wet the brush, pick up paint on it, dry the excess water on a newspaper and apply quick vertical strokes with semi-dry bristles depicting flying leaves; vertical strokes can add life to the grass).

Teacher : Encourages children for adding individuality and uniqueness to the drawing, for example: a tree, a fallen strong wind; a group of young trees leaning heavily from the wind; an image of grass with a hard brush, an image of rain or sun, etc.

After finishing drawing the trees (while the work is drying):

Teacher : Now prepare your ears to listen, your eyes to watch, your mind to remember. Learning “magic” drawing.

I'll smear a leaf from a tree

I painted the bottom with yellow paint.

I'll iron it from above -

A tree will emerge, just like in a fairy tale.

This is how to draw trees -

Nothing could be simpler.

I can stamp

A small grove.

Lesson summary:

1. Exhibition and analysis of children's works

Teacher : Let's see what we got? Bring all your work to me. Who turned out to be cloudy and sad autumn, and who has a cheerful and clear one? Who has a fabulous one? She's all so different! So what is autumn really like?

Children : Magical.

Teacher : Guys, do you like it? I really liked your landscape. You are real wizards. You know, you did it so beautifully because you listened carefully to my explanations, worked diligently, carefully and amicably. When the paints have dried a little, we will hang your " Autumn landscape"in the hallway so that both children and adults can admire it (analysis).

And in the creativity corner I will put two books for you. Then you can look through them and find landscapes in them, drawn like famous artists, and by children like you (research).