The bitter smoke of her life. Biography

Born in the city of Borisoglebsk Voronezh region December 12. Mom Valentina Grigorievna worked as a pastry chef in the officers' mess, baked beautiful cakes, which she decorated different colors and figurines. My own father died tragically. A few years later, my mother got married, and Lyubov had two more brothers and a sister. There were three brothers in the family - Volodya, Yura, Valera and sister Lena. Love was the eldest of the sisters. While the children were growing up, she was responsible for all the housework and child care.

Children's and teenage years Lyubov Shepilova was held in a military town where their family lived. Already from kindergarten, Lyubov knew a lot of poems and songs, she could sing songs and read poems for hours, then she liked to stage plays. My friends and I pulled out their parents’ things from the closets, dressed up in them, invented plays or staged famous fairy tales, the parents were called, and they had to watch and listen to the children’s amateur performances. At school on creative evenings performed in the fairy tale Snow Queen».

The town in which Lyubov Shepilova grew up was small, but there was a lot of entertainment in it: all kinds of clubs, gyms, skating rinks, courts, stadiums, a music school, and the House of Officers. Lyubov attended an amateur art group for several years and studied at music school in piano class. In the seventh grade we decided to create our own girls’ vocal and instrumental ensemble. The girls' ensemble was called "Gianea". Nobody understood what this word meant. But Lyubov knew that Gianeya was a tall alien with blue hair from some kind of fantasy. She identified herself with her, everything fit - her height, her outlook on life...

Lyubov Shepilova began writing her first songs while still at school. They were simple, naive, but their friends liked them, and they happily copied them into notebooks:
“The rain is knocking on my window, I’m sad alone...
I have one girlfriend - the yellow moon...
You pass by, looking at me,
Why aren’t you with me, why are you silent?...”

Despite her craving for music and singing, after graduating from school, Lyubov Shepilova entered medical school. There was a student VIA at the medical school. Lyubov came to their rehearsal, sang and played something, and she was accepted into the group. The end of her studies, Lyubov Shepilova participates in a competition for the best nurse, takes second place and goes to Voronezh for the same regional competition, where it takes an honorable first place. He receives a diploma and, to the surprise of everyone, goes to work in a small town - the village of Tantsyrey. The reason is music. At a show of amateur performances, Lyubov Shepilova met the guys from this village, they had a strong group for those times, they sang wonderfully, and she hoped to get into their team. She worked for four years, married a military pilot and went with him to the garrison of the city of Kamen-on-Obi Altai Territory. She worked in a medical unit, raised her son, wrote songs and sang them to friends.

For the first time, Lyubov Shepilova tried to record her songs in her hometown Borisoglebsk at the school studio. She was always busy during the day and had to work at night; It was very interesting to hear and see how a beautiful melody is born from a song sung with a piano or guitar.

Since the late 90s, Lyubov Shepilova has lived in Moscow. Lyuba Shepilova first appeared on the radio in 2005 and since then, there is not a single day when her songs are not heard on the radio stations. In four years, singer, composer and poet Lyubov Shepilova twice, in 2006 and 2007, won the Chanson of the Year award. Lyubov Shepilova is a permanent participant in the festival “Eh, take a walk!” in the Olympic. As part of the national team Russian chanson the singer took part in the Velvet Chanson and Slavic Bazaar festivals.

Your first album "Roses" Lyubov Shepilova released in 2006 . The album is filled lyrical songs about love. It included wonderful compositions: “Moon”, “The Breeze Has Spread”, “Maple”, “Ship”, “The Gypsy Fortuneteller” and others, written by the performer herself. Very bright composition "Roses" which became the title of the album. A romantic melody filled with deep meaning, in which there is romance, charm and disappointment with love. Lyuba's voice whispers about love with lines from the song:

"White - date, Red - love,
What if I suddenly give you a burgundy rose?
It means I’ve stopped loving you, which means I’m leaving.
Since then I don’t like dark roses...”

To the author's second album by Lyuba Shepilova "I'm looking for you" recently released in April 2009 . The song opens the disc “I’m going for a walk today” - a catchy dance song with a subtle gypsy hint. In general, Lyuba’s songs are filled with such colossal energy that even those who decide to pass by will stop and listen to the singer’s pleasant voice. The album turned out to be varied, with it you can think about life and dance and just relax in a pleasant romantic atmosphere, the disc includes lyrics with the pleasant voice of Lyuba Shepilova and dance music, and a song sung in a duet with M. Bondarev "Faith, Hope, Love" .

“..But, it’s a shame, it’s a shame, it’s a shame
So many years without each other
We lived, but it’s obvious.
We are like two grains of sand according to fate
Sparks in the fire.
We just had to believe again
In Hope, Faith and Love!..."

Wonderful dynamic persistent composition about love "I'm looking for you" entitled the singer’s second album. Why, persistent, Lyuba probably wanted to convey that one must fight for happiness and love by any means, even with the use of heavy equipment. Yes, actually, there’s no need to say much, it’s worth listening to:

“Ice axes, icebreakers, snow scooters, snowmobiles,
Flamethrowers, airplanes - I’ll use them all.
And if you need tanks, then you will have tanks,
This means there will even be tanks - I’m looking for you..."

The release of another disc is planned, which the singer described as “urban folklore” in the author’s arrangement. Lyuba covered seventeen courtyard romances in her own way. While recording these works, she became friends with the authors of four of them. Bye creative people We discussed all the nuances, the release of the disc was delayed. She is sure: even in music, radical changes are a surefire guarantee of success. This disc will include both recognized and beloved hits “I'm looking for you”, “Fog”, “Bikers”, and completely new, unknown to a wide circle listeners of the song.
Acquaintance with the cycle of “songs of our yard” will begin with the work "Farewell, farewell, my love."

Most of the songs written by Lyuba Shepilova are taken from real life people - girlfriends, friends, acquaintances. These are those stories from life that touch the author-performer and make you want to write a song. Often, a person does not even suspect that he has become the theme for a song. Composition "Flying over the Earth" for example, dedicated to her friend Tatyana, one of Shepilova’s songs is « Holiday romance», also written from the words of someone close to her.

The artist is constantly busy with her favorite thing - that is, creativity. New songs written and sung by the singer herself are constantly being released. Lyubov Shepilova always pleases with new products in her performance and is happy to share them with the Odessa on the Hudson website.

The theme of love in chanson receives a lot of attention. Almost every chansonnier, one way or another, addressed this topic in his work. Lyubov Shepilova in in this case is not an exception, but on the contrary, an example of great songs in the genre love lyrics. Love presented us with two new products at once, both about separation. The duet with Alexander Dobronravov is called "In the Palms of Eternity" makes each of us remember moments in life when we had to part with a loved one and think... The music for the song was written by Alexander himself, and the words by A. Antykov.

Lyubov Shepilova skillfully uses her mood. She practically never leaves her guitar. When Bad mood, Lyuba writes sad songs and this helps, if the mood is wonderful - funny, humorous songs are written. Lyuba skillfully manages outbursts of emotions in her favor.

song "Divorce". Lyuba sang with a guitar in “Living String” on Radio Chanson last December. The song is about how divorce is, of course, a bad thing, but there is still hope if ex-husband He didn’t take all the things from the house, and periodically comes to visit - not strangers. Lyubov Shepilova herself wrote the words and music.

Lyalya Razmakhova, Vera Snezhnaya and Lyubov Shepilova recently presented a new song "About chanson " The song is about how we all love beautiful, soulful songs written by life itself. About the fact that when we are sad or happy, we turn on the radio and listen to songs about happiness, about mother, about home and about the fact that both during the day at work and at night, through sleep, we listen to the eternal chanson. Radio Hudson always plays new songs and favorite hits, classics of the genre and its own programs...

"Secret Passions" - new song Love. Words by M. Maksimov, recorded at Barry Alibasov's studio, under his strict guidance, and on a single creative impulse, with jokes and jokes. The recording process was filmed, and now the video from the studio is shown on the Chanson-TV channel. The song is about growing together quickly, we are looking for new love, but, unfortunately, it is melting, and we will start all over again.

Swiftly developing career Lyubov Shepilova leaves no doubt that we will hear quite a few, truly, stellar premieres performed by this magnificent singer. Lyubov Shepilova belongs to that category of artists whom everyone loves. She is always open to her fans and chanson lovers. Lyubov Shepilova never ceases to amaze and delight with her songs. Yes, and in general, looking at Lyuba and listening to her songs, you just want to live!

The singer's released albums:

  1. "Roses" - 2006
  2. “I'm looking for you” - 2009

Biography provided exclusively for Odessa on the Hudson

Date of birth: December 12.
Place of birth: Borisoglebsk, Voronezh region.
Childhood: “My mother Valentina Grigorievna worked as a pastry chef in the officers’ mess, and my brother Volodya and I loved to come to her shop. Mom baked the most beautiful cakes, decorated them with dahlias and cream roses, chocolate bears and mushrooms... Our mother is a very kind, wonderful woman - strong, hardworking, loves to sing. I look like her and I'm proud of it. My biological father died tragically when I was five years old - he broke his spine (dive unsuccessfully). Mom was widowed when she was only 28 years old. Then, a few years later, she got married, and I had two more brothers - Yura, Valera and sister Lena. As a child, I had to do: wash and iron, wash the floors, etc. - it’s all on me, the kids were small; school, music school, ensemble, clubs, swimming pool and it was still fun!
We lived in a military town. In childhood, of course, everyone played war, partisans, went to shooting ranges, picked bullets out of logs after exercises (there was only about 5 kilometers of forest before the shooting range, nonsense...). As a child, I had a real military medical bag, a small white coat and a bunch of all sorts of bandages, plasters, discarded syringes and everything else that is required for a real military nurse. My brother Vladimir and I were very friendly as children; he taught me to read when I was 5 years old. IN kindergarten I already knew a lot of poems and songs, I could sing songs and read poems for hours, then we liked to stage plays. My friends and I pulled out our parents’ things from the closets, dressed up in them, made up plays or staged famous fairy tales, called our parents, and they had to watch and listen to our amateur performances. Then at school there are creative evenings; I remember in the fairy tale “The Snow Queen” I was a robber mother, I also played the kind Baba Yaga, grandfather in fairy tales and sang deliberately in a hoarse voice: "Oh, you canopy, my canopy." Although I always wanted to be a princess or the Snow Maiden.
Our town was small, but there was a lot of entertainment - gyms, skating rinks, courts, stadiums, a swimming pool, a music school, the House of Officers, various clubs - a drama club and puppet theater I went for several years. Thanks to the unit commander, he took good care of his subordinates. There weren’t many guys my age in the unit, and we are still friends, we meet, we talk on the phone, we know who, where and how they have settled in life. Many girls from our class studied at a music school, including me in the piano class. And suddenly, in the seventh grade, we decided to create our own girls’ vocal and instrumental ensemble in defiance of the boys who did not study at music school, but sang Beatles songs in gibberish at school evenings. Our girls' ensemble was called "Gianea". Nobody understood what this word meant. But I knew that Gianeya was a tall alien with blue hair from some kind of fantasy. I identified myself with her, everything fit - her height, her outlook on life... Only with blue my hair didn’t work out in any way, I’m brown-haired, with brown eyes. I tried to lighten my hair by rinsing my hair with diluted blue ink - it helped, but not for long - and the ink was washed off quickly, and my brown hair began to grow.
I wrote my first songs back in school, they were simple and naive, but my friends liked them, and we sang them with pleasure, the girls copied the words in notebooks.
As I remember now:
"The rain is knocking on my window, I'm sad alone
I have one girlfriend - the yellow moon...
You pass by, looking at me,
Why aren’t you with me, why are you silent?..."
Study: After graduating from school, I entered medical school, although both my parents and teachers at the music school insisted that I go to study at music school, but medicine won this debate.
Career: “There was a student VIA there at the school, I came to their rehearsal, sang and played something, and they accepted me into the group. There were golden days - you could skip mathematics you didn’t like under the pretext of preparing for amateur art shows. And now the end of school, spring, lilacs and bird cherry blossoms, snowdrops in the forest. Our snowdrops are a separate topic - a wonder of the world: imagine, in the forest the leaves have not yet blossomed, but from under the snow and last year's leaves flowers emerge - blue stars with a strong smell of honey - and the whole earth turns blue! Then the blue turns into white - these are “dogs”, then - into color, red dogs, lungworts and other flowers with funny names type "night blindness" (anemone). Although I have been living in Moscow for a long time, every year I go to my homeland “to see the snowdrops” and have attracted our chanson players. We not only saw snowdrops, but also held a big charity concert, and with the money raised we bought equipment for the maternity hospital to care for newborns. And now we decided to hold such concerts every year “in the snowdrops” and donate all the money to the children’s hospital of Borisoglebsk. Participants of the charity event are Istomin, Bondarev, Golitsyna, Zheka, Razmakhova, Gorshkov and Shepilova. The people in the hall were crying, everything was so touching and great.
And suddenly at the medical school there was a competition for the best nurse. We mentally have already finished our studies; but they announced to everyone that the first place winner goes to Voronezh for the same competition, but there will be participants from 6 regions! I took an “honorable” second place in a competition at our medical school, but it was me who was sent to Voronezh. Saved good memory. I walk down the street and mutter: “252 Heroes Soviet Union- graduates of our military pilot school, among them - Kamanin, Talalikhin, Chkalov" - knew everything about everyone by heart. I lost 5 kg. And then it was time to go to Voronezh (200 km from us), where I took first place. I’m three days later I was allowed to sleep at home. And to this day there is my photo in the Honor Book of the medical school. I graduated from the school and was given a free diploma - it was cool! They offered to take only chemistry in order to enter the medical school, but I already wanted to work. , and not to study. There were so many interesting offers, but to everyone’s surprise I didn’t go. big city, and to a small village - the village of Tantsyrey. I had a reason - at an amateur art show I met the guys from this village, they had a strong group for those times, they sang wonderfully, and I hoped to get into their team. I worked for 4 years, married a military pilot and left with him to the garrison of the city of Kamen-on-Obi, Altai Territory. She worked in a medical unit, raised her son, wrote songs and sang them to friends. We had a friendly group - several families were friends, about 20 people gathered together on all holidays, many played guitars, so the holidays were musically always succeeded with flying colors.
The first time I tried to record my songs was in my hometown of Borisoglebsk at a school studio. She was always busy during the day, and we had to work at night. It was very interesting to hear and see how a beautiful “thing” appears from a song sung with a piano or guitar. I have always loved Moscow, I simply adored it. I had and still have a friend in Moscow, a wonderful woman Lyudmila Pavlikhina, some three years older than me, but much more sensible and serious. She's like an older sister to me. While my Lucy was at work, I went to museums, exhibitions, stood in lines for French perfume, shampoos, imported clothes, and in the evenings we walked with her - from the Dynamo metro station to Red Square and back, she moved to Moscow in the late 90s, at first she lived with her best friend Tatiana Katasonova (we became friends in Kamen-on-Ob), she left here before me. Her family became my second family. Tanya and I have been friends for many, many years; I have never met a more reliable person in my life. A few years later, I finally bought an apartment for myself.
Somehow in 2005, I heard on Radio Chanson (my favorite radio) about the competition “Hello, people!” I came to see it at the bard club "Glezdo Gharaillya Nest", made it to the finals, and among the laureates sang the song "Muscovite Girl" at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia", then this song was played on the radio, let's go positive reviews, and we decided to record some songs on professional studio. Based on the results of voting in the hit parade, she participated in the festivals “Eh, take a walk!” in the Olympic complex in 2005-2008, in addition, she performed at the “Chanson of the Year 2006” and 2007 ceremonies. In 2006 she released her first disc “Roses”, I am finishing an album with old yard songs that we loved and sang in our youth, I plan to release it this year, and next year - a disc with his songs, many of which are already heard on Radio Chanson, but were not included in the first album. Musical preferences: from chanson I love Golitsyna, Novikov, Trofim, Zheka, Slutsky, Razmakhova, Zhurga, Radu Rai, Stas Mikhailov, Mikhail and Irishka Krug, I adore Mityaev... I like those who write words and music themselves, who write songs puts in his own, personal and lets the listeners feel it - everyone thinks that the song was written about him [How could he (she) know what I feel?...]. I like a lot of songs, if a song “catches”, I can burn it on a disc and play it for days. This happened recently with the songs of Nikolai Ozerov (especially with the romance “Well, that’s all”) and with the song “The Little Mermaid” by Alexander Sotnik. With Yuri Istomin we have a beautiful duet “What a Pity”, and with Mikhail Bondarev we have a duet song “Faith, Hope, Love” with Roman Slatin - “Everything is so.” Now we have recorded a duet with Sasha Dobronravov “On the Palms of Eternity”. The yard disc will include a duet song with Vladimir Bocharov “Everything is clear to us...”
Interesting facts, personal life: “Not married, but I have a loved one who helps me in my work, does a lot of good and kind things for me. I am interested in diving (I am a scuba dive master), underwater hunting (every year I go to Astrakhan: for fish in August, for ducks in November), I like to ride alpine skiing. Several years ago I met and became friends with Katerina Golitsina. She became not only my best friend, but also a mentor, teacher and creative censor.”
Laureate of the festival of author's song "Hello, people"; Participant of the “Eh, Razgulay” festivals at the Olympic Stadium; Participant of the Slavic Bazaar festivals in Vitebsk; Winner of the award “Chanson of the Year 2006”, “Chanson of the Year 2007”, “Chanson of the Year 2010”, “Chanson of the Year 2012”, “Chanson of the Year 2013”.
Currently: Currently recording new songs, touring, taking part in various charity concerts.

You can invite Lyubov Shepilova to a holiday, order a performance by Lyubov Shepilova for a corporate party, wedding, anniversary or birthday with the help of our concert and holiday agency 123 SHOW. Entrust the organization and holding of your holiday to the specialists of our company! How much does Lyuba Shepilova’s performance at the festival cost? corporate event, wedding - check with the managers of our concert agency about the form feedback or by phone.

Specialists from 123 SHOW will definitely contact you and help answer all your questions.

It is no coincidence that this woman is one of the ten most stylish singers of Chanson. The combination of vocal originality plus their own mini-love stories, initially sung with a guitar, gives an amazing impact. Having metLyubov SHEPILOVA at the Nota Blanca club on the eve of Victory Day, I became her faithful fan, and, it seems, forever. Since that day, my player has been constantly playing:
Ice axes, icebreakers, snow scooters, snowmobiles,
Flamethrowers, airplanes - I’ll use them all...
If you need tanks, that means you will have tanks,
This means there will even be tanks - I’m looking for you...
Lyubov came to our meeting after a charity concert at a hospital for soldiers along with her friends and colleagues - Roman Slatin and Vera Snezhnaya and her husband.

“The romance between us was just beginning with a dotted line.”

As I understand it, after reading the biography, Lyubov Shepilova in childhood was such a provocative girl who ran away from classes under the pretext of amateur performances and who attracted boys like a magnet...
- Definitely... Everything was like that!.. Moreover, from kindergarten! I remember we slept in kindergarten on folding beds, the bed linen on which was signed by everyone. Accordingly, on my duvet cover there was an inscription: “Shepilova.” So one boy from the group - Ivanov, I don’t remember his name - he had already started first grade in another city, he was very much in love with me. So much so that he followed me like a tail and did not hide his love. I chased him away, and his empathetic friends shifted his bed linen onto the folding bed next to mine, so that at least in the “quiet hour” he would have the opportunity to chat with me. These were the battles in the group! My friends and I threw off his blanket, and the boys dragged him back! As a result, when the teacher came to the noise to restore order, Ivanov still found himself next to me - and this was his first, as I now understand, small happiness of victory...
At school I also had a fan - Tarasov. I was admitted to the hospital with appendicitis, so he deliberately feigned appendicitis in order to end up with me. And he had surgery too! He was lying in the next room. And as soon as he was allowed to get up and walk, he sat on my bed for hours. The nurses laughed, but did not send him away; they allowed him to be with me for his courage.
Yes, a lot funny incidents was! And falling in love, and parting, and tears... But usually I was always the first to initiate the end of a friendship with a boy - I suddenly realized that I was no longer interested in him. And I was always tormented by the fact that I didn’t know how to say: “We won’t meet again, let’s remain friends!”
- I suppose your first love was the reason for writing your first poems?
- Unfortunately, I don’t quite remember which ones were the first. And first love... It, of course, is not forgotten... We were very embarrassed about our feelings for each other due to the fact that I was almost a head taller than him - a young, very handsome lieutenant. The relationship did not last long, as probably for everyone - first love, as a rule, ends in nothing. Poems... Most likely my very first song is “The rain is knocking on my window.” Everything went from her...
You pass by
You're looking at me.
Why aren't you with me?
Why are you silent?..
Such naive children's lines... I studied at a music school... I composed all sorts of songs. And the girls and I decided to create a vocal and instrumental ensemble. They played drums, keyboards, guitar...
- How was your first performance?
- The first performance took place right at school... We lived in a very beautiful, clean and cozy military town, in a secret part... There were a lot of useful and pleasant things in it: a swimming pool, stadium gyms, tennis, dance floors, various clubs... And so in the evenings we found something to do - whatever we liked, we played and sang at concerts and dances, in the House of Culture and the park... Mainly the repertoire of Alla Pugacheva (my favorite singer), “Time Machine” and Zhanna Bichevskaya. Then I released the “Yard Album” from those of our performances.
Once I met a very interesting guy at a disco. We danced (we were several friends, and we all lived in the same house). The guy was driving a Zhiguli car, he was so cool - he was all about himself! He took us home, came to visit, and sat with me for a while. Then he hinted that he would like to stay, but I kicked him out the door, saying: “See you tomorrow, we’ll call you,” and went to bed. In the morning I looked out the window and saw his car at the entrance. My first thought was: “Did he really just sit outside my door?” Naive! No matter how it is! He came to visit a friend who was with us at the dance and left me with him. So I stayed with her until the morning! That's all his “love”! My friend is a good girl, she then came running to me, told me everything, and asked for forgiveness. What about me? I wasn’t offended by her at all - the guy was still no one’s! And I wrote a song, then sang it to them in company with a guitar:
The romance between us was just beginning with a dotted line,
I was rushing home in the evening, you suddenly stayed with a friend...
He told her a lot of words, made plans for the future,
The next morning he came to me as if there had been no deception.
He only cheated on me once, my friend is frank with me...
You can't bring me back
I won't forgive you for cheating.
You can continue your romance
After all, your friend likes you.
I won't forgive you for deceiving me
From now on you are indifferent to me...
To your surprise I will tell you that I know everything,
That you made your own choice, but I don’t blame you.
I’ll give you up to my friend, and don’t hope in the evenings,
Whatever I take, I’ll come. We remain only friends.
This is roughly how my first songs appeared - naive, simple, but sincere.
I also really liked one young man, he sang at a dance in the park. The whole town knew and loved him, not just me. He always looked at me from afar, caught my gaze and turned away. And I really liked these “looks at each other.” Although if he had come up to me to introduce himself, I probably wouldn’t have been very happy. Then the secret magic that arose between us would disappear. I also wrote poems:
I would watch secretly, unnoticed,
He sang songs only for me alone,
And in the circle of comrades, dancing,
Would you turn your back on me...
In the cramped crush of a rusty bus,
Where there is no room for an apple to fall,
You, catching my gaze,
I would look long and hard,
Expressing my passion...
- Why a military town? Was your father a military man?
- No, my parents were civilians. Mom is a cook in a military canteen. Dad is an electrician Alexey Shepilov. He died tragically early - at only thirty years old: he dived unsuccessfully on a river. I was five then. I came to the monument and left my letters under it - I thought that my father was reading them.

“Don't give me these roses! Take them, take them away!”

- Are all your songs about love?
- Not only. There is “Light It Up, Auntie”, or “Mineralka”...
- But does everyone somehow characterize your life? Can we say that they are biographical?
- Yes, they were not invented. Each song contains a story, either mine, or that of my friends and acquaintances... For example, about Tatyana Katasonova - “Flying over the Earth.” Or, “The Muscovite Girl” - a story about a visiting student who was given a lift by a Muscovite in a Zhiguli car, and they began to live together...
- And even the song “Roses” is based on real events?
- Yes, my boyfriend and I were sitting in a group of friends, and I jokingly asked him to tell him in advance when he would stop loving him. And he answered jokingly: “I’ll give you roses, and you’ll know by them.” I never thought that this song would become a hit and take off. But when radio “Chanson” began to choose which one should be performed, they surprisingly suggested “Roses”.
- You moved to Moscow in the 90s, when most Russians were eager to go abroad. Why here?
- I always wanted to live in Moscow. I sincerely envied the Muscovites who were born here, and who have an apartment, a job... A friend invited me. She had all the conditions for life, so the start in Moscow took place without problems. But I met my pilot, fell in love, got married and left... I worried about leaving for a very long time. But it so happened that he fell in love with a young woman, and I suddenly became old and fat. So I packed my things and left. She wrote the song “Please forgive me for my long tongue.” She recorded it in Tver and sang at the festival in memory of Mikhail Krug.
- Are you communicating now?
- No. If I vomit, then I vomit for sure.
- And did you have to tear a lot?
- No, no by and large- backhanded like that, radically - only once.
- But you don’t want to say that you never parted with anyone again?
- Of course not! I'm in love. I quickly fall in love, but when I get to know her better, I think - no, I don’t like it, it’s not for me. And in time I stop everything... Until the relationship goes too far.
- If you create an ideal virtual collective image of your person from famous people, then who would it consist of?
- Actually, I have someone so close to me. He's not famous. He is just very good, we have known him for a long time. What if you combine “my man” from many? Then, probably, it should consist of Alexei Batalov (“Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”), Sergei Varchuk (“I Can’t Say Goodbye”), Dmitry Kharatyan (“Midshipmen, Go!”), Tom Hanks (“You’ve Got a Letter”), Igor Petrenko (“Driver for Vera”), from the entire male part of the team of the films “Radio Day” and “Election Day” and definitely from all the heroes of Alexey Guskov!.. Yes wise men, but not so cute, there are cute, but boring. I like people with a sense of humor, athletic and fit, kind, not greedy: everyone in the house, not out of the house. Moreover, to be generous with friends, and with loved ones, and with relatives. So as not to be a jerk, in general! I don’t need a playboy who flexes his muscles, I don’t need a famous one to be torn to pieces by the girls...
- Yes, but you yourself are a famous people! The men are probably tearing you to pieces!
- One in the house should be home, the other famous! (laughs)

“This sweet word – freedom – tastes like wormwood on the lips.”

- What are your immediate plans?
- Release of a new album, home renovation, trips to the sea and visiting guests, “Slavic Bazaar” and so on...
- And the first concert at big stage remember?
- It was the “Hello, people” festival. I heard on radio “Chanson” about an author’s song competition. I write words, music, play the guitar, I think - this is just for me. She called and said the name of the song: “Muscovite Girl.” The qualifying round took place in the Wood Grouse Nest. I went and reached the finals. This cinema and concert hall "Russia" already existed. The recording of that concert is still shown on Chanson-TV. I’m in a denim suit, my knees are shaking... It seems like I’ve been on stage all my life! I went to a drama club, played in a puppet theater... But here I was barely pushed out to the audience from behind the scenes! Eyes in different sides, knees don’t bend from fear! Now this is no longer the case. Of course, during the first two songs there is a slight excitement, but then it goes away and you just enjoy...
- Chanson assumes a certain prison theme, and all your songs are of a romantic nature. Maybe your genre is still “pop”?
- Yes, when it appeared in our country, chanson was perceived as such, but translated from French it is an urban romance, folk song... There was no material, and songs of a prison nature began to be included here. And then they began to move away from this... Lyubochka Uspenskaya, Shufutinsky, Vaenga, Trofim, Leps... Their songs are only about love!
I have a good song on this topic - about chanson - in a trio with Vera Snezhina and Lyalya Razakhova:
Favorite radio, best chanson,
Songs about mom, about happiness, about home.
Wise chanson revelation of the soul
What life itself wrote...
A song with a story, with a plot...
- If we talk about love, what is Lyubov Shepilova’s love?
- Of course, I am a more active person. I love sports, spearfishing, I like to dig in the garden at home, but not all the time, of course... Either cheerful and kind, or boring and grumpy. Sometimes generous, sometimes tight-fisted. Either a hard worker or a lazy person. Sometimes she’s talented, sometimes she’s untalented... Now I want it, now I don’t... Now I will, now I won’t... I love company, but there’s no place to drink... I’m not assiduous... Now I’ll sit at the piano, now I’ll grab the guitar... Now I’m checking my son’s lessons... Heterogeneous consistency, not glass of milk! But in general, she is positive, athletic, cheerful, kind, not envious, not bitter and not greedy.
- What grade is your son in?
- He's in my second grade. Still small, yes. I sent him to a music school and plays the piano. We have antique instrument Houses. And most importantly – it turns out well! Sometimes he is stubborn, he would like to sit at the computer like all the boys. But I force you.
- Don’t you see him often? You're on the move...
- Yes, on the road... But we call each other every day! He reports to me what grades he received. He studies, thank God, well... So everything is fine.
- I once attended a master class by Lyubov Kazarnovskaya. She was very surprised that her child, who constantly consulted with her about his violin, and her husband were constantly with her for several days in Krasnodar.
- What about school? Lessons? My son loves to go to concerts with me. When at school they started asking him: “What’s your dad’s name?” - he says - so and so. And to the question: “What is your mother’s name?” - shouts, as they usually announce me on stage: “Lyubov Shepilova!”
- Very often, when going on stage, performers change their name, take a pseudonym. What about you?
- Well, how? No one will recognize me by my pseudonym! (laughs) All my classmates, with whom we grew up in a military town, listen to me on the radio, call me... Everyone found me! Even those whom I didn’t even know were all friends with me! And one said that he climbed up the drainpipe to me - he wanted to get married. I say: “Yes? Is it okay that I lived on the fifth floor?” And so the song “Bitter Smoke” appeared:
He climbed up a drainpipe - he wanted to get married.
And I, cruel, slammed the window...
- I heard it’s already on its way new album. What will it be called?
- I don’t know yet. According to some song that is there... “Do something”, or “I can hear”, or “You have a woman”, “It won’t be the same”, “I didn’t wait, I didn’t guess, I didn’t think”, “ Love you"…
- What is your favorite song?
- This is the one that was last written, and which is in the process of work! This is the very best!.. My sister recently came running to me: “That’s it, I’m leaving, I’m getting a divorce! I'm free! She sat down on a rocking chair by the fireplace, wrapped herself in a shawl, and drank some red wine. I take the guitar and sing:
The rain is cold, angry and strong
He hits the window with his fists.
But I'm at home, he's powerless
Even if it's a flood, I don't care.
I'll light a fire in the fireplace
And I'll pour myself some wine,
And for happiness, for the past, I will drain you to the bottom!
Wine will loosen my tongue
I'll call my girlfriends.
About your trouble to everyone at once
I'll tell them the whole truth.
And I just returned from Krasnaya Polyana. And there we were treated to Krasnopolyansk honey. It is both bitter and sweet at the same time. This is my favorite honey! And I write:
This sweet word is freedom,
Like Krasnopolyansky honey.
Who tried such freedom,
He will understand me immediately.
This sweet word - freedom -
Wormwood tastes bitter on the lips.
And I smile happily
Although this is of course not true.
And that’s how I love this song now! I am recording it in Tver at the Salam studio. There will be a stunning beautiful arrangement! I'm looking forward to it!
- Why in Tver?
- And just like that – it’s considered the coolest studio in Russia right there!
- Since we started talking about Europe... Are there any plans to tour abroad?
- No, for now I perform only in Russia. Abroad - just to relax. But in Greece they know me well, in Cyprus... We travel with “Velvet Chanson” sometimes... They often write to me from America, from the Baltic states, Armenia, Georgia...
- Would you voice any wishes to your fans?
- Wishes? Well, as a former doctor who had to save people, I want everyone to be healthy; as a woman, to have more money! And love of course!

- So... I didn’t dare interrupt your cozy conversation. I’m not afraid of this word – cozy. Because there really are two people sitting there who understand each other. I really want to say about the difference between Lyuba Shepilova in our genre in principle, and in the understanding of the so-called show business. Because this is a lighter man! Its very name - Love - initially suggests and disposes. Not only is she not stingy, but she happily shares all her capabilities. Today, solely thanks to Lyuba, we ended up in the hospital, she organized everything! She knows how to do everything like a human being, and not as is customary in show business - behind the scenes it’s one thing, but in the eyes it’s another! I'm not afraid to say it. I’m just infinitely happy that I’m spending my birthday in the company of this man! I speak from the heart, sincerely. The man is a talent who writes great songs. I want to put all the exclamation marks that can be imagined towards Lyuba.
- So you are not competitors?
- We are friends first of all! And don’t think that we are like in that proverb “The cuckoo praises the rooster because he praises the cuckoo.” We have known each other for many years. And how much she did for me good Lyuba, I can’t even convey...

Popular chanson singer Lyubov Shepilova was born in Borisoglebsk, Voronezh region. Parents served as civilians in a military camp. Often Lyuba and her brother Volodya came running to their mother Valentina Grigorievna in the officer’s dining room, where she worked as a pastry chef, to watch how beautifully she decorated cakes with roses or dahlias, mushrooms or cream bears. And dad - Alexey Shepilov - died tragically when the girl was five years old. She often came to the monument, bringing and leaving letters for her father, thinking that he was reading them.

A few years later, Lyuba had a stepfather, two more brothers - Yura, Valera and sister Lena. So, in addition to music school and various clubs, she also had to do laundry, ironing, washing the floors, etc.

This is how Lyubov herself remembers that time: In childhood, of course, everyone played war, partisans, went to shooting ranges, picked bullets out of logs after exercises (there was only about 5 kilometers of forest before the shooting range, nonsense...). As a child, I had a real military medical bag, a small white coat and a bunch of all sorts of bandages, plasters, discarded syringes and everything else that is required for a real military nurse. My brother Vladimir and I were very friendly as children; he taught me to read when I was 5 years old. In kindergarten, I already knew a lot of poems and songs, I could sing songs and read poems for hours, then we liked to stage plays. My friends and I pulled out our parents’ things from the closets, dressed up in them, made up plays or staged famous fairy tales, called our parents, and they had to watch and listen to our amateur performances. Then at school there are creative evenings; I remember in the fairy tale The Snow Queen I was a robber mother, I also played the kind Baba Yaga, grandfather in fairy tales and sang in a deliberately hoarse voice: Oh, you canopy, my canopy. Although I always wanted to be a princess or the Snow Maiden.

In the seventh grade, Lyuba and her friends decided to create their own girls’ vocal and instrumental ensemble in defiance of the boys who did not study at music school, but at school evenings they sang to the Beatles. The girls' ensemble was named Gianeya. This word meant a tall alien with blue hair from some kind of fantasy. Love identified itself with her, because everything matched - her height, her outlook on life... The only thing was that she couldn’t make her hair blue: dark hair They didn’t want to turn blue. It was then that Lyubov began to write her first songs. Simple and naive, they evoked a storm of emotions among their friends, who sang them and copied them into notebooks. For example, they sounded like this:

The rain is knocking on my window, I'm sad alone

I have one girlfriend - the yellow moon...

You pass by, looking at me,

Why are you not with me, why are you silent?....

After graduating from school, Lyubov Shepilova entered medical school, although both her parents and teachers at the music school insisted that she go to study at the music school, but medicine won this dispute. However, the presence of the student VIA, where Lyubov began to go to rehearsals, saved her. And it was possible to skip math, which I didn’t like, under the pretext of preparing for amateur art shows.

In one of the competitions, the young student was recognized as the best nurse and her photograph is still kept in the school’s Book of Honor. The free diploma gave her the opportunity to choose. But contrary to all expectations and admission to medical school, Lyubov went to work in the small village of Dancers. The reason was her love of creativity: at a show of amateur performances, she met the guys from this village, who had a strong group for those times. Lyuba hoped to join their team. But she worked for 4 years, married a military pilot and went with him to the garrison of the city of Kamen-on-Obi, Altai Territory. There she worked in a medical unit, raised her son, wrote songs and sang them to friends.

In Moscow, Lyubov often came to visit her friend Lyudmila Pavlikhina, who supported her like an older sister. So upon arrival, Lyuba walked around museums and exhibitions, stood in lines for French perfumes, shampoos, and imported clothes. And she completely moved to the capital in the late 90s. At first she lived with her other best friend, Tatyana Katasonova. And a few years later she earned her own apartment.

One day in 2005, on Radio Chanson, Lyubov heard about the competition Hello, people! She came to see it at the bard club “Gnezdovo Grocelie’s Nest”, made it to the finals, and sang among the laureates in State Central Conservatory Russia song Muscovite Girl. After this song was played on the radio, there were positive reviews, and it was decided to record several songs in a professional studio. According to the results of voting in the hit parade, Lyubov Shepilova participated in festivals Eh, go wild! at the Olympic Complex in 2005 - 2013, and also performed at the Chanson of the Year ceremonies. She released the albums: Roses, I'm looking for you, I'm going for a walk today, Today there's dancing in the park and Let me go, love. Musical preferences: from chanson he loves his colleagues Golitsyna, Novikov, Trofim, Zheka, Slutsky, Razmakhova, Zhurga, Radu Rai, Stas Mikhailov, Mikhail and Irina Krug, Mityaeva...

He is interested in diving (scuba dive master), underwater hunting (every year he goes to Astrakhan: for fish in August, for ducks in November), loves to ski.

Mom, Valentina Grigorievna, worked as a pastry chef in the officers' mess. Musical talent I inherited my love from her - my mother loved to sing. I got it from her strong character and hard work. Father, Alexey Shepilov, was an electrician. He died when little Lyuba was only five years old - he broke his spine in an unsuccessful dive. Valentina Grigorievna was then 28 years old. Lyubov has an older brother - Volodya.
Childhood - adolescence - youth.
The singer spent her childhood in a small military town. A few years after the death of Lyuba’s father, her mother remarried, and soon future singer two more brothers appeared, Valera and Yura, and sister Lena. The worries of raising and running the house fell on the shoulders of little Lyuba. At the same time, she managed to study in regular and music schools (in the latter - piano), sing in an ensemble, attend clubs (drama, puppet theater), and a swimming pool. In kindergarten, Lyuba already knew many poems and songs by heart, and together with her friends she staged plays - they themselves invented plays or acted out famous fairy tales. At school I took part in creative evenings and learned to play the guitar. In the seventh grade, Lyuba and her friends decided to create their own vocal and instrumental ensemble, which they called “Gianea”. The girls performed at concerts and dances in the House of Culture or in the park. The main repertoire was songs by Alla Pugacheva, “Time Machine”, Zhanna Bichevskaya. For the ensemble, Lyuba began writing her first songs - “simple and naive,” as the singer herself claims. But many people liked them - the girls copied the words in special notebooks. After graduation secondary school Lyuba Shepilova entered medical school, although her parents and teachers ardently insisted on music school. There Lyuba was selected for the student VIA. After graduating from college, she refused to enter medical school - she already wanted to work, not study.
Creative career
After graduating from medical school, Lyuba went to the small village of Tantsyrey in the Borisoglebovsky district. She had a good reason for this: at one of the amateur performance shows, the singer met music group from this village. Lyuba wanted to join their team. She worked in the group for four years and married a military pilot. Soon they left for the military garrison of the city of Kamen-on-Obi, Altai Territory. There Lyubov worked in the medical unit, raised little son and never stopped writing and singing songs. The singer moved to Moscow in the late 90s. At first she lived with her best friend, and a few years later she was able to buy herself an apartment. In 2005, Lyubov Shepilova took part in the “Hello, people!” competition held by Radio Chanson. The performer reached the finals of the competition and, among other finalists, took part in big concert at the State Central Concert Hall “Russia” with the song “Muscovite Girl”. The composition received a lot of rotation, after which the singer decided to record it and several more of her songs in a professional film studio. Since that time, Shepilova has become a popular performer.
Based on the results of a vote by radio listeners, the singer has been participating in radio shows since 2005. annual festival“Oh, go for a walk!” in the Olympic complex, since 2006 - in the “Chanson of the Year” ceremonies. As part of the Russian chanson team, the singer regularly performs at the “Velvet Chanson” festivals in Greece and “Slavic Bazaar” in Vitebsk. Singer Lyubov Shepilova released her debut disc “Roses” in 2006. The title song of this disc - bright and lyrical - has become truly popular.
In April 2009, the singer released her second original album, “I'm Looking for You.” Until now, Lyubov travels to her homeland “to see the snowdrops,” and in recent years He also takes his music colleagues on these trips. Performers Yuri Istomin, Mikhail Bondarev, Katerina Golitsyna, Lyalya Razmakhova, Zheka, Andrey Gorshkov, together with Lyubov Shepilova, perform in Borisoglebsk every year charity concerts, all proceeds from which are donated to the city children's hospital. In particular, with funds from the first concert, the musicians bought special equipment for nursing newborns for the maternity hospital. In December 2009, the singer released an album of her best compositions“I’m going on a spree today.”
In 2011, the performer recorded the album “Today in the Park DANCING!”, consisting of her favorite songs that she once performed with the ensemble “Gianea”. In the same year, her album “Let Me Go, Love!” was released. Currently, Lyubov Shepilova continues to record new songs, constantly tours, organizes and takes part in various charity concerts.
Personal life
Lyubov moved to Moscow after her husband, according to the singer herself, “fell in love with a young woman” and left her. They don't communicate anymore. The son, just like his mother once, studies at a music school and plays the piano. Now the singer is not married, but, by her own admission, she has a loved one. He is “unknown”, but actively helps her in her creativity and generally does a lot of good for her.
Achievements and awards
2005 – laureate of the festival of author’s song “Hello, people!”
2006 – laureate of the national music award"Chanson of the Year"
2007 – laureate of the national music award “Chanson of the Year”
2010 – laureate of the national music award “Chanson of the Year”
2012 – laureate of the national music award “Chanson of the Year”

⁠2015 – laureate of the national music award “Chanson of the Year”
Did you know that...
From her medical school, Lyubov Shepilova was sent to Voronezh to participate in a competition among 6 districts for the best nurse. There she took first place. There is still a photo of her in the Honor Book of the medical school. Love is very sports man. She is interested in hunting (the singer travels to Astrakhan twice a year: in August for spearfishing, and in November for ducks). She also loves water skiing and alpine skiing, and she is also a scuba diving master. All the stories told in songs by Lyubov Shepilova are not invented. They happened to the performer herself or to her friends and acquaintances.
Now the singer’s repertoire includes about 150 songs. The most popular: “Muscovite Girl” - a song from 2005, the singer’s debut on the radio and the big stage. “Roses” – from the 2006 album of the same name. The lyrics are based on personal history singer: she and the young man agreed that he would tell her in advance when he stopped loving. And he jokingly answered her: “I’ll give you roses, and you’ll know by them.” “I’m Looking for You” is the title song of the singer’s second album, released in 2009. “I’ll go on a spree today” is a hit from the 2009 album of the same name. “Faith, Hope, Love” – duet with Mikhail Bondarev. “Chanson” - trio: Lyubov Shepilova, Lyalya Razmakhova, Vera Snezhnaya, words and music - Lyubov Shepilova.

Currently he is recording new songs, touring, and taking part in various charity concerts.