Notes on art nodes in the senior group "Golden Autumn". Summary of an art lesson in the senior group “Waltz of Autumn Leaves”

Lesson notes on visual arts

for the older group on the topic: “Golden Autumn”

Program tasks :

    Expand children's ideas about golden autumn in poetry and works fine arts;

    Learn to reflect autumn impressions in a drawing.

    Develop children's vision artistic image and design through natural forms.

    Develop a sense of composition and color perception.

    Cultivate interest in autumn natural phenomena, emotional responsiveness to the beauty of autumn.

    Strengthen the ability to mix paints to obtain a third color (orange, brown).

Materials for the lesson:

    Landscape sheet, size A4;

    Set of gouache paints;


    Glass of water;


    Samples of paintings “Golden Autumn”; samples of different ways to depict trees;

    Palette for mixing paints.

Preliminary work:

observing autumn nature while walking, learning poems about autumn, talking about the signs of autumn, looking at illustrations depicting autumn nature.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher invites the children to listen to a fairy tale about a leaf:

“In one old park there was lonely tree. Autumn has come. All the leaves packed their bags and flew off to travel. The leaves' bags were not heavy - just a little water to wash and a towel. And on one branch there was a very small leaf. He was too young to decide to fly alone. So he was bored, bored, thought and came up with something. He sees a passerby wearing a hat. The leaf plucked up courage and jumped into the hat. The passerby did not notice anything. He brought the leaf home. It was warm in the house, and the leaf suddenly began to get bored and dry. He missed his friends, his tree. He was afraid that he would dry out, curl up into a tube and be thrown away. Then the leaf shouted: “Wind, wind!” The wind was his great friend. The wind heard screams and flew into the house. He picked up the leaf and took it to the park. They parted in the park. The wind said goodbye to the leaf: “No one can live without a home; they will get bored and dry up. Never again be parted from your home - the park."


Guys, do you know what the autumn phenomenon is called when leaves fall from the trees?


- This is leaf fall.


Right. Why do trees shed their leaves in the fall? (it gets cold, in winter it will be difficult for the branches to hold leaves and snow, in winter the tree sleeps and rests).

No one tells a tree when to shed its leaves. But now autumn is approaching - and the leaves on the trees change green turn yellow or red and fall off. This happens because water freezes and stops flowing into the twigs and leaves. The tree falls asleep for the winter.

Leaves fall from all trees in autumn. The next year, new leaves appear on the trees.

Listen to the poem called "Falling Leaves."

The conversation of the fallen leaves is barely audible:

We are from maples...

We are from apple trees...

We are from the elms...

We are from cherries...

From the aspen tree...

From bird cherry...

From the oak...

From a birch...

Leaf fall everywhere:

Frost is on the doorstep!

Yu. Kapotov


In autumn, the leaves on the trees turn not only yellow, but also red, orange, brown and even purple. The color of the leaves depends on what the weather is like: the sunnier autumn days, those brighter paint. Many artists love to draw autumn nature precisely because of this variety of colors. Let's look at this drawing (sample demo 1): what does it show? What's autumn like? What colors do you see? What can it be called?

Looking at this picture and observing nature on a walk, you and I can be convinced that autumn is... great artist, because she herself comes up with outfits for trees, bushes, and all of nature, as if she were organizing a competition to see who has the brightest and most beautiful leaves. I want to admire them every day.

What a shame.

Autumn with a long thin brush

Recolors leaves.

Red, yellow, gold –

How beautiful you are, colored leaf!..

And the wind has thick cheeks

Cheated, cheated, cheated.

And the trees are variegated

Blow, blow, blow!

Red, yellow, gold...

The entire colored sheet flew around!..

I. Mikhailova

Physical education minute .


We are autumn leaves

We are sitting on the branches.Children shake leaves in their hands above their heads.

The wind blew and they flew.Run in different directions.

We flew, we flew.

And they sat down quietly on the ground.They squat.

The wind came again

And he picked up all the leaves.They stand up, raise their hands with the leaves up, and shake them.

Spun and flewRun in different directions.

And they sat down on the ground again.They return to their places.

Practical part.

Teacher : So, today we will turn into artists and try to draw autumn forest and leaf fall. There are many different trees growing in the forest, guess which ones (literary word).

If the breeze blows

Its leaf will tremble.

The wind is not strong at all

But the leaf is trembling...

Children : Aspens

Teacher :

Turned green in spring

Sunbathed in the summer

I put it on in the fall

Red corals.

Children : Rowan

Teacher :

On this tree

The kids are swinging

Small, mischievous,

They have carved hats.

Children : Oak, acorns.

Teacher : Well done! You guessed correctly. What other trees can you see in the park?

Children : Maple, birch, linden.

Teacher : You know a lot of trees. Let's look at the ways in which they can be depicted (sample demonstration 2). Now let's finally draw them. They, like people, can be short and tall, old and young. Their trunks can be straight, or they can be curved or strongly inclined towards the ground, thick and thin.

The branches are like people’s hands, long and thin; when the sun is shining, the branches rise up and reach out to it; when the wind blows, the branches bend in the direction it blows; when it’s cold, autumn rain, the wet branches fall down.

The leaves on the trees are like beautiful clothes: yellow, red, orange, crimson. The wind tears leaves from the branches, carries them through the air, and therefore in late autumn there are few leaves on the trees (using teacher samples).

Teacher : To create an autumn landscape we will need different colors, remember what colors can be used to depict trunks, branches of trees and bushes, what colors are used when drawing autumn leaves? let's remember how to get brown and orange colors? (mixing colors on a palette). Now think about what trees you will draw in your forest, and how they will be located in your drawing, what colors will your leaves be, will there be wind or rain?

The music of P. I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle “Seasons” (September, October, November) sounds and the children begin to draw. (The teacher approaches the children’s requests, helps mix paints, and gives advice on creating a composition)

Teacher : Reminds the kids what size brushes should be used to depict the trunk, branches, and leaves. What additional means can be used to depict foliage. (Techniques for depicting a trunk: begin to depict the trunk from top to bottom with the tip of the brush and gradually lower it to a flat position.

Techniques for depicting branches in windy weather: on one side the branches are pressed against the trunk, and on the other they are deviated from it. On the main, large branches, it is necessary to draw thin branches that bend in the wind, just like the large branches.

Drawing technique with a poke and a hard brush.

With a poke: lightly wet the poke, put paint on it, holding the poke vertically with quick, jerky movements, apply the image.

With a hard brush: wet the brush, pick up paint on it, dry the excess water on a newspaper and apply quick vertical strokes with semi-dry bristles depicting flying leaves; vertical strokes can add life to the grass).

Teacher : Encourages children for adding individuality and uniqueness to the drawing, for example: a tree, a fallen strong wind; a group of young trees leaning heavily from the wind; an image of grass with a hard brush, an image of rain or sun, etc.

After finishing drawing the trees (while the work is drying):

Teacher : Now prepare your ears to listen, your eyes to watch, your mind to remember. Learning “magic” drawing.

I'll smear a leaf from a tree

I painted the bottom with yellow paint.

I'll iron it from above -

A tree will emerge, just like in a fairy tale.

This is how to draw trees -

Nothing could be simpler.

I can stamp

A small grove.

Lesson summary:

1. Exhibition and analysis of children's works

Teacher : Let's see what we got? Bring all your work to me. Who turned out to be cloudy and sad autumn, and who has a cheerful and clear one? Who has a fabulous one? She's all so different! So what is autumn really like?

Children : Magical.

Teacher : Guys, do you like it? I really liked your landscape. You are real wizards. You know, you did it so beautifully because you listened carefully to my explanations, worked diligently, carefully and amicably. When the paints have dried a little, we will hang your “Autumn Landscape” in the hallway so that both children and adults can admire it (analysis).

And in the creativity corner I will put two books for you. Then you can look through them and find landscapes in them, drawn like famous artists, and by children like you (research).

Prepared by: Sushko Anastasia Vladimirovna. teacher MBOU DOD "Center for Extracurricular Activities" Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. 2014

Lesson 25 minutes, designed for children 5.5 - 6 years old studying in early childhood education departments aesthetic development institutions additional education. The lesson can also be adapted for older and preparatory group kindergarten and primary school.



Outline of an art lesson

Theme: “Beauty Autumn”

Prepared by: Sushko Anastasia Vladimirovna. teacher MBOU DOD "Center for Extracurricular Activities" Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. 2014

Lesson 25 minutes, designed for children 5.5 - 6 years old studying in the early aesthetic development departments of additional education institutions.

Autumn is one of the brightest picturesque times of the year. The theme of autumn is perfect for mastering various practical skills in working with paints in preschool age. It helps to reveal a rich color palette and create a bright emotional background in the lesson.

Theme of the lesson: “Beauty Autumn.”

Target: Creating conditions for students to practically apply knowledge, skills and abilities when depicting an autumn landscape and using various working techniques wax crayons and watercolors.



· Consolidating tree drawing skills;

· Harmonious filling of the entire surface of the sheet;

· Using various brush techniques;

· Conveying mood with color.


· Fostering perseverance and hard work;

· Fostering love for native nature.


1.Creating a creative emotional atmosphere, cognitive activity, emotional responsiveness;

2.Development of observation skills; attentiveness.

Type of activity: Drawing from memory, idea.

Type of activity : lesson on practical application knowledge, skills and abilities.

Materials : paper, wax crayons black and brown, brushes, water jar, palette.

Equipment: reproductions of artists' works depicting autumn-2-3reproductions, children's drawings with autumn landscapes, a fairy tale about autumn.

Practical activities: depicting the trunk and branches of a tree with wax crayons, drawing leaves with watercolors.

Lesson structure:

· Organizational moment– 1 minute

· Updating knowledge – 1 minute

· Conversation – 2 minutes

· Setting lesson goals – 1 minute

Demonstration of working techniques - 1 minute

· Practical work- 15 minutes

·. Summary of the lesson. Exhibition of your drawings – 3 minutes

·. Cleaning the workplace – 1 minute

Progress of the lesson:

Organizational moment: 1min Greeting. Preparation of the workplace. Checking readiness.

Updating knowledge:1min - connection with previous lessons (you are asked to remember how we drew trees)

Who's in our park today?
Did you paint the leaves?
And spins them around and blows them off the branches?
It's autumn!

You and I already know how to draw trees. They are all different, but all trees have a trunk. It is thicker at the bottom, and gets thinner towards the top. The trunk is covered with bark. It happens different colors and different shades. Branches grow from the trunk - they are also different - thick and thin, long and short.

Conversation-fairy tale.

Guys, I think all of you know what time of year it is now?


And I invite you to go to a fairy tale - to a fairy tale with the beautiful Autumn.

Fairy tale "Beauty Autumn".

Beauty Autumn traveled for a long time through fields and meadows and finally reached the forest, deciding to visit old friends.

First she went to visit the hedgehog Mitrofan and did not recognize him. He's grown so much last year. Autumn brought mushrooms and ripe rosy apples as a gift to her friend.

From the hedgehog, Autumn headed towards the squirrels, but on the way she stopped in a forest clearing. She wanted to cover the ground with a colorful carpet of leaves to make it more beautiful.

Here come the squirrels! They were so happy about Autumn that they ran merrily along the oak branches, collecting acorns to treat their guest. And Autumn gave them a wonderful bouquet of autumn leaves - yellow, orange, red.

Autumn wandered along the forest paths for a long time. She covered the trees with warm colors, covered the ground with a bright blanket of leaves. The forest was fabulously beautiful.

But Autumn did not meet a hare anywhere. And she missed him so much.

And here comes the bunny! Autumn met her old friend. They played together for a long time until evening came. Then they said goodbye until the morning, so that in the morning they would meet again and start decorating the forest together.

Setting a lesson goal: 1 min – But when Autumn met the hare in the morning, they saw that so many trees in the forest were left without autumn attire and thought that they themselves could not cope with decorating the forest.

Let's help them and decorate the forest with autumn foliage? (yes, we will help!)

Then let's get started!

What colors of leaves do trees have in autumn? (yellow, orange, red – warm colors, green)

· Demonstration of working methods: 1 min - Show the children how to draw a trunk (thicker at the bottom, thinner at the top) and branches of a tree with wax chalk.

· Practical work: 7 min

Children draw a tree trunk and paint it over brown, adding different shades of brown and black, trying to convey the texture of the bark, then draw the main branches and add a lot of neat little thin branches.

Physical education “Leaves” -1-2 min

We are the leaves (stand still, hands up)

We are the leaves

We are autumn leaves. (swaying)

We sat on branches

The wind blew and they flew away (they scatter in different directions)

They flew, they flew, (running, circling)

And then we got tired of flying.

The breeze has stopped blowing - (squat down)

We all sat down in a circle.

The wind suddenly blew again (they run away again)

And he quickly blew away the leaves. (wave hands above head)

All the leaves have flown (crouch)

And they sat down quietly on the ground.

· Practical work: 7 min

Now it’s time for us to give our tree autumn outfit. Let's draw autumn leaves for him with watercolors. What colors should we use on the palette? (yellow, orange, red, green)

- Repeating brush techniques:

A) dipping with a brush;

B) touching the tip;

C) mixing colors on a palette.

Children paint leaves on a tree.

Help as needed.

Some leaves fall (leaf fall) and you can draw how they fall from the tree down to the ground, while other leaves have already covered the ground, as if covering it with a warm, cozy blanket, protecting it from the cold. .
Autumn on the palette
mixed paints:
Yellow- for linden,
for rowan - red.
Ocher of all shades
for alder and willow -
All the trees will
look beautiful
(O. Korneeva)

9. Summary of the lesson.

View works. Self-esteem.

Exhibition -3min

This is what wonderful work we have done. Autumn and the bunny will be very pleased with our help!

10. Cleaning the workplace - 1 min.

Lesson notes in middle group: Golden autumn has come to visit us

Summary of an integrated lesson on artistic creativity in the middle group “Golden autumn has come to visit us”

Description: The material is intended for middle age and will be useful for teachers in joint activities with children.
Target: Development creative imaginations, cultivate a love for nature, a desire to take care of it. To develop the ability to admire nature and the beauty of autumn. Improve skills and abilities to work in a team.
- To consolidate children’s knowledge about autumn, its signs, to be able to understand the signs of autumn.
- To cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards nature through the image of flowers.
- To develop the ability to arrange objects in space on a sheet of paper.
- Improve children’s ability to convey in drawing the joyful mood associated with the arrival of autumn, the ability to be creative.
Preliminary work:
Walking, observing autumn changes, reading fiction, conversations, looking at illustrations of autumn landscapes. Collecting autumn leaves and looking at them
Pictures about autumn, pictures depicting the seasons, whatman paper, album sheets, a simple pencil, gouache, PVA glue, napkins, brushes for gouache and glue.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: He approaches the window with the children and reads a poem by A. Fet
The swallows are missing
And yesterday dawned
All the rooks were flying
Yes, like a network, they flashed
Over there over that mountain
I haven't been able to sleep since evening

It's dark outside.
The dry leaf falls
At night the wind gets angry
Yes, he knocks on the window.
Conversation with children:
- Guys, what did you feel when you listened to the poem? (sad, sorrowful, cold, etc.)
- I felt sad too. Summer has passed, autumn has come.
Let's go for a walk in the autumn forest. Lie down on the carpet, close your eyes and imagine that you are riding a bicycle for a walk in the forest. (Children lying on their backs with eyes closed perform the “bicycle” exercise).

Educator: That's it guys, we've arrived in the forest, put your bikes down. And let's take a walk through the forest and admire autumn forest. Look how beautiful the autumn forest is, what colorful trees, how many leaves lie under your feet. This is a real golden autumn. Let's collect them.
Children collect leaves and spin with them to the music.

We've played, now let's relax. Ball game “Name the signs of autumn”
To whom the ball was thrown, he names the signs of autumn (for example, it has become colder outside, it rains often, the leaves turn yellow and fall, etc.)

Now let's play with our fingers.
Finger gymnastics “Mushrooms” is carried out
One, two, three, four, five! “Fingers are walking on the table.”
We are going to look for mushrooms.
This finger went into the forest, they bend one finger at a time
This finger found the mushroom, starting with the little finger.
I began to clean this finger,
This finger began to fry,
This finger ate everything
That's why I got fat.
Now guys need to go home, lie down on the carpet, close your eyes and imagine that you are riding a bicycle. We are returning home.
We've arrived.
Educator: Did you guys like the walk in the forest? We all walked together and played together. Let's make an “autumn friendship tree” together
Work with children was carried out in 2 stages.
Stage 1: The children traced their palms with a simple pencil and painted over with gouache.

Stage 2: The children glued the finished cut palms onto the tree.

This is how beautiful the “Autumn Tree of Friendship” turned out.

Continue to teach children to convey autumn changes in nature in their drawings.

Improve the ability to paint with watercolors, apply them to autumn leaves and make prints on paper.

Develop the ability to select autumn leaves from various trees and shrubs to complete a future drawing.

To cultivate accuracy, the ability to work without haste, enjoying the work done, to develop the imagination and imagination of children in the classroom.

Material: leaves, brushes, watercolor paints, paper, utensils for washing brushes, napkins.

Progress of the lessonon drawing in senior group

Children, let's stand in a circle and hold hands, shake them. Do you feel the warmth of your hands being transferred around? Each of us gives a piece of warmth and kindness. Now place your palms to your heart, feel how your heart beats, how much warmth, love, kindness it radiates... Give your warmth to everyone. And the talisman of our activity is this heart, pass it around as a symbol of kindness, warmth, love.

(Children pass the heart around, the teacher takes it last)


Children, how warm our heart is. Each of you gave him a piece of your warmth of kindness. Come on, we will convey our hearts to the guests along with warmth, kindness and hospitality.

Now come to me and listen to what I want to tell you. This morning when I was walking to kindergarten, I noticed two sparrows who were sitting on a tree and chirping sadly. When I listened, I realized that they were tweeting that autumn was flying away to warmer climes and that white autumn would soon come, cold winter. And I felt sad, because I love autumn very much, and I don’t want to say goodbye to it at all. Are you children?

Look, children, everyone has a lot of leaves on their table. We already know that you can admire autumn leaves, play, and listen to their language. And also draw. I offer you in memory of beautiful autumn, her beauty, draw an “autumn carpet”. So, let's start drawing with autumn leaves. Let's turn them into tassels and draw an autumn carpet.

Look at the autumn carpet I painted. Let me show you how I did it. We select three leaves of different shapes, now we put them on the stand. Let's take a brush, dip it in yellow paint and cover the back surface of an autumn leaf with it (on the back the veins are clearer and more prominent). Now let's carefully take that piece of paper with its colored side onto our sheet of paper. Cover the leaf with a napkin on top, press it a little and stroke it with your palm several times. Let's lift the napkin and see what we got there. A real miracle: the leaf seemed to have left its photo for us as a souvenir - a yellow imprint, exact copy himself.

Now let's take other leaves, paint them in the warm colors of autumn - red, orange, brown and continue printing on our sheet of paper creating a beautiful composition. We will work carefully so that the work brings pleasure to you or the person you want to give it to. And now everyone sits down in their place.


And before you start working, we let's do a warm-up for the fingers :

Let's do this together:

Exercise "Butterflies".


You've stretched your fingers, now let's get to work.

(Children's work)

What wonderful drawings we came up with. Let's lay out a large autumn carpet from our small rugs on the rug.


The carpet you made is very beautiful, well done! Now close your eyes and imagine that you are leaves. You are all autumn leaves, colorful and very beautiful. But a light cool breeze tore you from the tree branches and whirled you around in a dance. autumn leaf fall. You rise higher and higher, your movements are light, you feel very good, calm... And now you fall to the ground, cover it with a warm blanket that will keep you warm all winter...

Open your eyes, you had a great rest.

Synopsis of direct educational activities for children of the older group on the theme “Waltz of Autumn Leaves”.

Author: Natalya Petrovna Rudometkina, additional education teacher at MBDOU TsRR DS No. 58 “Zhemchuzhinka”, Ozersk city, Chelyabinsk region.
Description of material: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children of the older group (5-6 years old) on the topic “Waltz of Autumn Leaves.” This material can be used by teachers of senior groups in visual arts classes. During the lesson, children continue to get acquainted with the genre of fine art - landscape.
Strengthen knowledge about non-traditional types fine art(painting with fingers, a cotton swab, blowing with a juice straw).
The lesson is aimed at cultivating a sense of beauty and developing creativity children.

Target: induce in children an emotional, joyful attitude towards nature by means of artistic word, music, paintings.
Continue to introduce children to the genre of fine art - landscape, to show that nature is beautiful at any time of the year.
To consolidate children's knowledge about non-traditional types of visual arts (finger painting, cotton swab, printing with a sheet of wood, blowing with a juice straw).
Continue to introduce children to the means of expression in artistic activity: color, material, composition.
Develop technical skills in drawing, working different materials and ways.
Develop creative thinking, speech activity, communication skills, attention, memory.
Develop curiosity, imagination, fine motor skills hands
Bring up careful attitude to the nature of his native land.
Arouse the desire of children to preserve its beauty in paintings.
Materials for the lesson: album sheets with a ready-made background (made in the previous lesson), gouache, watercolor, brushes, a glass of water, a napkin, cotton swabs, juice tubes, glue, corn grits.
Reproductions of paintings by I. Levitan, I. Shishkin, A. Vasiliev, I. Ostroukhov.
Integration different types Activities: excursion to the forest, looking at trees; acquaintance with reproductions of paintings by I. Shishkin, I. Levitan,
A. Vasilyeva; reading poems by Russian poets; didactic games“Which tree is the leaf from?”, “Trees” lotto game.
Vocabulary work: gold, purple, silver, warm, cold autumn, leaf fall, signs of autumn, landscape.
Educational areas: communication, health, cognition, socialization, reading fiction, music.
GCD move:
Educator: Now, you and I will collect leaves. Get your hands ready. Repeat after me.
Finger gymnastics“We will collect leaves”
One, two, three, four, five -
We will collect leaves. (Clench and unclench their fists)
Birch leaves, (bend the thumb)
Rowan leaves, (Bend the index finger)
Poplar leaves, (bend the middle finger)
Aspen leaves, (Bend the ring finger)
Oak leaves (bend the little finger)
We'll collect it.

To mom autumn bouquet we'll take it. (Clench and unclench their fists)
- Guys, where do these trees grow?
The house is open on all sides,
It is covered with a carved roof.
Come to the green house
You will see miracles in it. (forest)

- That's right, in the forest.
Today, we will go with you to the forest.
Admire the artists' paintings and listen poem
T.A. Shorygina “Walk in the Forest”
. The music is quiet.
It's good in the green forest!
The grass spreads like a carpet,
And carved maple leaves
They cover us with a tent.
We are walking along a forest path,
We look around.
Smells of herbs and pine needles,
Shadows wander along the trunks.
We will notice an anthill
And a large mossy stump;
We will go into a resinous spruce forest,
Where there is shade even on a hot afternoon.
Oxalis grows near the stump,
Lilies of the valley bloom in the grass,
Birds flutter
They're singing and singing!
Strawberry lights
Light up in the grass
Golden ripple glare
They run through the leaves.
We'll be out on the edge soon,
Let's sit on a fallen trunk
And let's listen to the cuckoo
Let's watch the bees dance.

Guys, name the trees that grow in the forest?
Children's answers: (Spruce, rowan, oak, birch, maple, pine, larch)
The forest gives us magical beauty, shade and coolness on a hot day, oxygen for breathing, fruits, medicinal herbs, durable wood, from which skilled craftsmen make many necessary things.
Well done, now we'll play game “Which tree does the fruits and leaves come from?”
There are pictures of different trees hanging on the board. Children go to the table on which there are leaves and fruits from different trees. They take a leaf and a fruit, approach it and attach it to the desired tree.
I ask questions:
what tree gives us sweet juice? (birch)
Which tree lives longer than other trees? (oak)
What are the fruits of oak called? (acorns)
What tree berries do birds love? (rowan)
What trees are called evergreen? (spruce, pine).
Who likes to eat spruce cones? (squirrel, bear, woodpecker).
What can be made from maple seeds? (crafts).
What can you make from apples? (jam, pie, juice).
Why are apples called “rejuvenating” in fairy tales? (they are very healthy, they contain a lot of vitamins).
Educator: Look at the tree and remember its structure.
The child goes to the board and names and shows parts of the tree.
Educator: Guys, what are the names of the pictures in which nature is drawn? (scenery). What time of year did the artists depict in their paintings? (autumn) Autumn is very beautiful time year. What are the months of autumn? (September, October, November).
What is autumn like? (warm and cold).
Against the background of the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky, I read “Autumn Song” poem
V. Avdienko “Autumn”

Autumn walks along the path,
Got my feet wet in puddles.
It's raining and there's no light.
Summer is lost somewhere.
Autumn is walking, autumn is wandering.
The wind knocked the leaves off the maple tree.
There's a new rug under your feet,
Yellow-pink, maple.

What does an artist paint in landscapes? (trees, sky, clouds, sea, rivers, mountains, houses). Right.
Autumn is like a fairy tale, incomparable to anything,
I wish everyone to remember this autumn!

Today you too have to become artists and create your own autumn landscape. But we will draw a tree in an unusual way. We will need watercolor paints, a brush, water and a juice straw.
Think about where we start drawing a tree? (From the trunk)
Right. I will draw a straight, tall trunk with a brush. To do this, I'll put a little more water and paint on my brush than necessary and draw a straight line. What color will we paint the tree with? (To brown) It turned out to be a tree trunk.
And if it’s birch, (then we take white paint).
What else needs to be completed to make a tree? (Branches)
That's right, branches. I have formed droplets on the tree trunk; I will blow these droplets using a sap tube in the desired direction. Like this (showing). And before our eyes, the branches of the tree grow.
Guys, did it turn out to be a tree? (Yes) To make it work autumn tree, what paints will we use to paint the leaves? (Yellow, red, orange, light green).
Let's remember how you can draw leaves on a tree? (brush, finger, cotton swab).
And also dry leaves and corn grits, but for this we also need glue.
What colors will we paint with? Look what's on the table? (watercolor, gouache)
Independent activities of children.
Children choose the method of depicting leaves themselves. Children draw trees in different ways. The melody "Seasons" by P.I. Tchaikovsky is playing. The teacher helps children in the process of work with leading questions, advice, showing them to those who need it, and receiving images.
What else can you draw near the tree? (Grass, clouds, puddles, flying birds, hedgehog). You can also draw grass using a juice straw. Place a small blot with a brush and blow the droplet out using a straw. Like this.
And also, you have signets on your tables different forms– houses, small trees) - you can supplement your drawing with them. To do this, you need to paint the signet on the flat side and print it on the drawing (show the teacher).
What wonderful landscapes you have created. Tell us, who drew which tree? (children's answers)
When the works are dry, we will arrange the “Waltz of Autumn Leaves” exhibition.
Thank you for your work.
I know that the children learned poems about trees.
And now they will tell us.

Oak. I. Tokmakova
Oak of rain and wind
Not afraid at all.
Who said that oak
Scared of catching a cold?
After all, before late autumn
It's green.
So the oak is hardy,
It means hardened.

Birch tree by A. Kulagin
White birch let down her braids,
The white birch has lowered its branches.
The yellow leaves of the braid decorate,
And they quietly, quietly fall to the ground.

Rowan. S.A. Vasilyeva
Autumn has come to our city,
The lights around were lit.
Bright red ripe ball -
This is not a flashlight at all.
Come quickly, bird,
Feed on the rowan tree!

Blooms in spring
Elegant maple – carved leaf.
Every leaf is like a star
You can easily recognize maple.

High on the tree the apples are ripe,
The ripe sides are soaked in the sun;
We have never eaten such apples
And no one tried, for sure

Herringbone O. Vysotskaya
Not a leaf, not a blade of grass!
Our garden became quiet.
And birches and aspens
Boring ones stand
Only one Christmas tree
Cheerful and green.
Apparently she's not afraid of the cold,
Apparently she is brave.

This is the kind of work the children did.