Art Therapy. Types of art therapy

"The uniqueness of the art therapy method lies in the fact that changes in a person’s life and his well-being occur due to the creative process itself. At the same time, deep transformations require a long development time."

What is art therapy?
Art therapy is a modern and inspiring method of psychotherapy based on the use of human creativity. It's flexible and modern approach, it can be used both in the format of short-term counseling and in the format of long-term work. Art therapists work with children from the very beginning. early age, adolescents, adults, as well as with the elderly and the elderly. At the same time, the level of development artistic skills person doesn't matter.

What does an art therapist do to achieve a result?
An art therapist invites a person to be creative - draw pictures, create collages, sculptures and three-dimensional compositions, write texts, take pictures, sing, dance, stage theatrical performances, thereby urging you to express your feelings and thoughts through actions with art materials, creating images and further interaction with them, their understanding, transformation, processing. As in conversational psychotherapy, the therapist creates a trusting space for the patient's self-disclosure and further exploration of sore spots. An art therapist helps a person to comprehend the creative process and its result, to see analogies with the inner world of a person, the experience of interpersonal relationships, and to solve specific problems. Even the creation of "inarticulate" visual products (scribbles, daubs, leaving traces) leads to the expression of feelings. Creative production becomes a container for "difficult" emotions and helps to experience and comprehend the effects of anger, helplessness, fear. images, man-made are the keys to understanding. They carry information about his inner world and act healing in themselves. The images become intermediate objects between the inner and outer reality of the client.

At the stage of reflection and interpretation, the client shares his thoughts, feelings, free associations about artistic process and result. Words are indispensable here. Images can be interpreted and worked out depending on the theoretical basis of the therapist, but what is important is what the author himself finds in them. An art therapist rather follows a person. Images not only show internal conflicts or archetypal motives, they help a person to come to an understanding of the situation in which he is, and then find resources, ways of coping, discover new ones. effective ways behavior.

The uniqueness of the art therapy method lies in the fact that changes in a person’s life and his well-being occur due to the creative process itself. At the same time, deep transformations require a long development time.

Is it possible to use the potential of art therapy on your own? A person can use certain techniques. For example, creating a mandala drawing in a circle usually helps to harmonize your feelings. However, if we consider art therapy as a method of psychotherapy, then key point interacting with a therapist. An art therapist acts as an intermediary in the client's dialogue with his inner world through creativity. It helps the client to see and overcome their internal conflicts and complexes.

How is art therapy different from other methods? Psychologists different directions can use pictures as projective tests for diagnostics, assessment of the psychological state of the patient. In art therapy, therapeutic interaction is built on the creative activity of a person. Artistic manifestations are seen as analogous to free associations and indicate unconscious conflicts. In art therapy, the creative process is important, accompanied by the experience of emotions and the activation of cognitive functions. The ability to create has been used since ancient times as a healing practice based on the ability of the psyche to self-regulate. Creativity within the framework of art therapy becomes the field of the client's relationship with the psychotherapist, as well as a separate significant factor in the process of therapeutic changes. At the same time, art therapy uses all the achievements of verbal psychotherapy.

    Cases from practice - how specifically art therapy helps.At one of the trainings, the woman gradually allowed herself to draw more and more freely. In the end, she, experimenting with forms, spontaneously created a self-portrait in the spirit of the cubists. A bright and as if living face appeared through the multi-colored heaps of forms. This was a discovery for her and a huge step towards inner liberation. She increasingly accepted her "weak" sides and this time she clearly felt a great resource in them.

  • Another example.The young woman spoke of intense anxiety and guilt that often accompanied her when interacting with men important to her. This was reflected in the drawing she created - the imaginary country had no borders, anyone could break into its territory. Of course, this caused great concern. It was enough for the patient to add borders to the drawing, and she was soon amazed at the change in her relationship. However, it took many more sessions to work through - for the understanding reached to lead to lasting changes in her life.

Art therapy works not only with the expressive aspect of a person, but also with his impressive abilities, i.e. perception. That is, during an art therapy session, it is not at all necessary to draw, paint, glue something. The therapeutic effect can be achieved through perception. So in my work I use a set of cards representing works of art of the twentieth century. Why the art of the twentieth century, and not Tarot, for example? Artists of the 20th century moved away from the depiction of reality, trying to convey something more than visible world. Therefore, it is in their pictures modern man it is easy to find an analogy or find out your feelings, experiences, associations. With this evidence at hand, it becomes easier for the patient to speak and explore his feelings, attitudes, attitudes. In addition, such paintings can stimulate experimentation and greater freedom in own creativity, which also provides more deep research his inner world.

How can a person understand that this is his method? Art therapy is designed to help children and adults who have difficulty expressing and verbalizing their feelings and thoughts. Difficult topics can first be opened through artistic expression and only then be spoken and understood. On the other hand, using creative ways expressions are preverbal, it directly refers us to childhood experience, in which emotional trauma and discomfort are hidden, situations of impotence in relationships and other moments with which an adult comes to psychotherapy. The main thing that does not play significant role a person's artistic skills or abilities. Although, perhaps, a certain interest and inclination can push a person to this particular method of consulting and psychotherapeutic work.

Funny in the method, anecdote? In English, the word "art therapist" (art-therapist) is consonant with the word "art-terrorist" (art-terrorist). It turns out that representatives of this profession are shakers of the foundations, revolutionaries, terrorists? Probably, this is generally characteristic of the position of the psychotherapist, because he always deals with explosive feelings. And in art therapy, such feelings are manifested in colors.

  • Prepared on the basis of the author's publication in the journal Cosmo Psychology No. 5 2012.

Often a person has difficulty verbally expressing thoughts and feelings. The right words a line running at the speed of light does not come to mind or in the head, and it seems that the brain is about to burst. A person is not able to formulate his feelings, cannot find a positive way out for his emotions, something worries him, excites him. And here comes to the rescue art therapy. A person may not even know the name of the action in which he takes an unconscious step; he takes a brush, oil, canvas ... and after a few hours he feels a slight ache in his back, and order sets in in his head - thoughts that disturb the brain recede into the background and spread throughout the body, filling every cell, amazing harmony. What is this? It can be called creativity therapy or art therapy.

The term " art therapy" (Art Therapy) was introduced by the artist Adrian Hill in 1938. Working with patients, he noticed that creative pursuits distract patients from experiences and help to cope with the disease. Word combination " art therapy"(art (English) - art, therapeia (Greek) - care, treatment) is understood as caring for the psychological health and emotional well-being of a person through creativity.

Each person has the ability to express himself creatively, but, growing up, a person very often loses this ability, forbidding himself to dance, draw, smear his hands with clay, closing his creative potential and limiting his life, blocking emotional manifestations. We all ask ourselves at some point, Who am I? What am I?", but after all creative expression itself is able to evoke the strongest creative feelings in a person, lead to the release of emotional impulses.

Expressing yourself through art is a painless way to express your feelings. Art therapy has no restrictions or contraindications, being a safe method of relieving stress. This natural way healing, negative emotions are converted to positive. Art therapy classes give strength, confidence, can help find a way out of an impasse. Usage artistic creativity assists in increasing self-esteem and adequate acceptance of oneself in society. In the process of creativity, many problems that were deeply hidden come to the surface and they are solved painlessly. So, painting helps a person to abstract from their problems and feelings and look at them from the outside.

Art therapy is more of a gain harmony, personal development than treatment. As many directions in art exist, the same number of directions in art therapy can be distinguished. Storytelling, painting, dancing, singing, pottery, play therapy, mask therapy, sand therapy, color therapy, puppet making, phototherapy, music therapy, etc.

Creativity in itself makes a person's life interesting and eventful.

Through self-expression, a person can look at himself from the outside, look at problem situation from a different angle. When drawing, a person transfers his inner world into the drawing.

All our unspoken thoughts are blocked in the body, and this leads to physical and neurotic disorders. spilling out emotions And feelings on canvas, on paper, in dance, a person helps himself, his body to get rid of unnecessary "blocks" and to be alive. creative expression yourself is the way to yourself, the opportunity to successfully build your life. When undergoing art therapy, a person reproduces his subconscious V visual expression. Each person has a need to express himself, and, creating something, he feels satisfied, as if he finds himself, harmony in himself.

In art therapy, works are not evaluated or compared. This is an important point. It is difficult for an adult to decide on self-expression and he needs to be supported when he has taken the first step and decided on therapy. The task of the therapist is to create a situation in which a person himself can understand the meaning of his problems and find a way out of them, take a fresh look at the problem.

Despite the outward simplicity, art therapy is a rather deep form psychotherapy supplementing the main therapy in the treatment neurosis, depression, stressful situations, increased anxiety.

Modern practical psychology actively uses the direction of art therapy. This is a kind psychological relief which is necessary and healthy person. A person so often puts limits on himself, " high fences and says, “no, I won’t jump over this fence” or “I can’t draw” or “I can’t sing, a bear stepped in my ear.” Why not do something that I have never done? Extraordinary actions often save the most hopeless situations.For example, why not hang your jacket on a chair, take off your tie, roll up your shirt sleeves, take a felt-tip pen, a piece of paper and start drawing funny "faces" in your serious office, then give them to your subordinates at the evening meeting. After that, you You will look differently at your unsolvable problems.This kind of visual therapy helps to relax.

Or give colored pencils to your employees at the evening meeting and ask them to throw out their emotions and inner feelings of the working day on paper. During art therapy exercises people begin to feel each other, which creates an atmosphere of mutual understanding, unity, and each person feels his uniqueness. The result will surprise everyone, perhaps inspire new creative achievements, which, in turn, will bear fruit for you and your company.

A new experience that makes a person's life richer, out of the box thinking, self confidence, complete, interesting life Isn't that a reason to try creativity therapy?

The portal contains all the centers of Moscow and the region where art therapy classes are held. The tables that are convenient for comparison show the prices for the service - you can compare the offers of different centers and choose the best option for the cost. Reviews left by real customers deserve special attention.

What is art therapy and what does it treat?

Art therapy for children and adults is one of the most popular practices in modern psychotherapy which helps to solve different kinds psychological problems. The founder of the method is the Swiss psychologist C.G. Jung, who believed that in creative activity of a person, all the deep processes occurring in him are reflected.

How it works?

The main tool used in art therapy is creativity. There are as many types of art therapy as there are directions in art:

  • creation of pictures from sand;
  • drawing;
  • clay crafting;
  • needlework;
  • making collages, etc.

Writing fairy tales, music lessons, creating puppets, dancing - no matter what kind of creativity a person does, through it he expresses his "I" and splashes out feelings. But often it is unspoken thoughts and emotions that cause physical and neurotic disorders. Expressing feelings with colors, in dance, on the sand, a person thereby psychologically “unloads” the body and consciousness. And the psychologist, seeing the result creative process able to understand what problem to work with.

Who benefits from the technique?

In Moscow, art therapy is actively used in psychological and psychiatric counseling as an adjunct in the treatment of many diseases and disorders:

  • neuroses;
  • increased anxiety;
  • depressions;
  • excessive aggressiveness;
  • autistic disorders;
  • insomnia.

In some psychiatric clinics, courses remedial classes on art therapy are an obligatory part of the complex treatment of the mentally ill. However, psychologists use this technique for healthy patients who have problems in their personal lives, with their families. Art therapy centers are also visited by clients who are subject to frequent stress. Thanks to relaxation during the creative process, art therapy is an effective anti-stress method.

The undoubted advantage of art therapy over other types of psychotherapy is that it is accessible even to those who, due to age, illness or their nature, cannot (or do not want to) talk with a specialist. That is why art therapy is often used when working with children. A child rarely understands why he became afraid of the dark, does not want to go to kindergarten or does not let go of his mother.

To work with children, art therapists most often resort to drawing or sand therapy. In a fascinating game form the psychologist works on deep-seated traumas, helps the child cope with the difficulties of adapting to society and relieve anxieties and fears.

Where to apply?

Psychologists and psychotherapists who practice art therapy work in Moscow. The format of the classes depends on the type of problem and its depth. These can be individual sessions or group trainings that bring together children and adolescents, pregnant women, the elderly in order to devote time to the problems specific to this social group. Centers that conduct art therapy courses, as a rule, have a website where you can get information about a specialist (qualifications, experience, reviews) and the price of classes.

The practicing specialist must have a certificate in the specialty. It is recommended to choose an art therapist with rich experience and a large number positive feedback from customers.

Music therapy is a system psychological correction physical and mental health of a person with the help of musical and acoustic influences. Music causes various therapeutic effects. It can be used to influence a person's well-being. Distinguish group and individual music therapy. The session is carried out both in a sitting position and lying down. Psychological contact is important before the session. A person is explained the goals, objectives, possibilities of the lesson. Sometimes live performance of music is used.

Bibliotherapy- a special corrective impact on the client by reading selected literature in order to normalize or optimize his mental state. It is aimed at shaping the personality of the reader. Books are powerful tools that can influence people's thinking, their character, shape their behavior, and help solve problems.

drama therapy- theatrical performances on various topics have a positive effect on all cognitive mental processes: memory, will, imagination, feelings, attention, thinking. Drama classes help develop logic, control your body and not be shy about it, free yourself from internal clamps, embody through the game unfulfilled dreams. Most often used in the correction of interpersonal interactions: me and friends, me and parents, strong and weak, enemy and friend.

Game therapy- a method of psychotherapeutic influence on children and adults using the game. The use of games and toys enables a person to see, touch, listen, feel and remember what has bothered for many years and caused problems. The method of play therapy can be used both in group and in individual work. It provides for the possibility of working: with post-traumatic stress syndrome, with early childhood traumas. play therapy helps to solve not only personal, but also as a consequence of this professional difficulties.

isotherapy– therapy fine arts primarily by drawing. She gives a way out internal conflicts outside; helps to understand own feelings and experiences; helps to increase self-esteem; helps in the development creativity.Most often, isotherapy is used: for the psychological correction of clients with neurotic, psychosomatic disorders; with communication difficulties and social adaptation; in intra-family conflicts. The use of isotherapy in corrective work with children allows you to get positive results: created favorable conditions for the development of communication of closed children; effective emotional response is provided in socially acceptable forms - in children with aggressive manifestations; the child's awareness of his experiences is influenced; the development of arbitrariness and the ability to self-regulate; self-confidence due to social recognition of the value of the product created by the child.

In isotherapy, the following techniques can be used when working with children:

Drawing on wet paper. On a pre-moistened sheet of paper, a drawing is applied using watercolor. It is desirable to use the maximum possible palette of colors. You need to watch how the colors mix with each other, feel your feelings that arise in the process of observation. Further, the patterns formed on a sheet of paper are given a name.

Monotypes. An image is created on glass with the help of thick paints, after which it is printed on a sheet of paper. At the end, the results are discussed.

Paint blowing technique. A water-soluble paint with a high percentage of water content is applied to a sheet of paper with a tube and the resulting pattern is inflated. It is important when performing the exercise to use the maximum possible palette of colors. At the end of the task, the client makes an attempt to recognize the resulting image, to dream up.

Mask therapyknown method psychological work, based on the translation of deep complexes and human problems into the inanimate matter of the mask. The face is a projection of our psychological state and mood, our body, as well as our past and present. Getting rid of the usual, stereotypical roles with the help of mask therapy creates an opportunity to get rid of the unnecessary and change your life.

Collagetechnique V fine arts, which consists in gluing objects and materials on whatman paper that differ from the base in color and texture. Newspapers, glossy magazines, natural materials, various items. Using tape, glue, scissors and paper, create volumetric composition. You can cut out figures from newspapers and magazines, making a story out of them. It is also possible to use candy wrappers, wrapping and toilet paper, cardboard boxes, etc. to create a composition. Collaging makes it possible to reveal the potential of a person, suggests greater degree freedom, is a painless method of working with a person, relies on positive emotional experiences associated with the creative process, allows you to determine the existing this moment psychological condition person, to reveal the actual content of his self-consciousness, his personal experiences. This method effective in working with students practical exercises on special psycho-correction and contributes to the cohesion of the group, the development of creative abilities, the removal of emotional stress.

sand therapy- this is an opportunity to communicate with the world and yourself through the sand; a way to relieve internal stress, embody it on an unconsciously symbolic level, which increases self-confidence and opens up new ways of development. Sand therapy is based on the creation of a free and protected space in which the client - a child or an adult - can express and explore his world, turning his experience and his experiences, often incomprehensible or disturbing, into visible and tangible images. A painting in the sand can be understood as a three-dimensional representation of some aspect. state of mind; an unconscious problem is played out in a sandbox, like a drama, the conflict is transferred from the inner world to the outer one and becomes visible.

color therapy This is color therapy. Even in ancient times, people noticed that color has a powerful effect on a person. The special coloration applied to the body of a warrior and his armor instilled fear in the enemy; the colors chosen for the clothes of kings and priests spoke of their power, caused delight, worship or sacred awe. IN ancient egypt knew about the power and influence of color and even built colored halls in some temples. They studied the use of color and taught healing. It has been proven that the organs and systems of the body are sensitive to certain colors, which stimulate or slow down their action. Knowing this, you can use various colors With therapeutic purpose. Color can change the functions of some systems of the human body. For example: orange-red changes the frequency of pulse, respiration, blood pressure and in general has a stimulating effect; dark blue color, on the contrary, brings calmness. According to psychologists, the language of flowers is universal, it operates regardless of religion and nationality.

fairy tale therapy is a way of transferring to an individual (usually a child) the necessary moral standards and rules, the oldest way of socialization and transfer of experience. This information is included in folk tales and legends, epics, parables. In the process of listening, inventing and discussing a fairy tale, a child develops the fantasy and creativity necessary for effective existence. He learns the basic mechanisms of search and decision making. Listening and perceiving fairy tales, a person builds them into his life scenario, forms it. For kids, this process is especially vivid, many children ask to read the same fairy tale to them many times. Work with a fairy tale is aimed directly at helping the client. The psychotherapist creates conditions in which the client, working with a fairy tale (reading, inventing, acting out, continuing), finds solutions to his problems. life difficulties and problems.

Phototherapy- a set of psychotechnics related to the medical and corrective use of photography, its use to solve psychological problems, as well as the development and harmonization of personality. Phototherapy techniques: photographs created by the person himself; photos of the client taken by other people, where the client specifically poses, or pictures taken spontaneously; self-portraits - any photographs of oneself; family albums. Phototherapy can involve both work with ready-made photographs and the creation of original author's photographs. The main content of phototherapy is the creation and / or perception of photographic images by the client, supplemented by their discussion and different types creative activity (drawing, collage, installation of ready-made images in space, making figures from photographs and then playing with them, etc.)

clay therapy. Working with clay allows you to gently respond, process and become aware of traumatic experiences. It is especially important for those people who find it difficult to "speak out", who find it difficult to talk about their feelings and experiences, in situations of uncertainty - after all, "sculpting" reduces or removes resistance and makes it possible to "see" the solution. Thanks to modeling, a person can learn to control himself; has no contraindications and age restrictions; gives a person the opportunity to feel like a creator, this is one of the the best means when working with emotions (fear, aggression, resentment).

Summing up, we note that visual, auditory, tactile analyzers are involved in art therapy, which in turn has a positive effect on the physical and mental well-being of a person. Art therapy has a tonic, strengthening, calming, stimulating, relaxing effect on the mental and emotional state of a person. In art therapy, a complex is used corrective exercises that affect the general physical development, emotional development, speech (verbal) development, which generally has a positive effect on social development. Art therapy develops fine motor skills, creativity and imagination, creates an emotionally positive mood in children and adults. Non-traditional forms of work give children a lot of positive emotions which helps to overcome shyness, fear. The value of art therapy is not the result (creative product), but the personality of the participant, which is especially important when working with people with disabilities.

Art therapy is an effective, affordable, safe, interesting method of special psychological correction.

The method of art therapy is a combination of art and therapy to achieve a single goal - psychological help client. For clients who are not previously familiar with art therapy (art therapy exercises) - this is very important work sensory, emotional and conscious experiences in free experimentation with creative material.

What is art therapy?

Art therapy combines a number of areas (types of art therapy), based on various types of creative activity: music therapy(music therapy), (), (), . The use of art therapy exercises gives excellent results in working with adults and children. The main advantage is that this form of therapy is very comfortable for the client.

Do you want to become an art psychologist?

Being an art therapist is also a real art! A qualified specialist in the field of art therapy and the psychology of creativity is able to help a person solve a wide variety of problems: intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts, problems of choice and self-actualization, negative emotional states, psychological trauma and much more. Methods, techniques and exercises of art therapy have a soft, sparing effect, allow a person to directly come into contact with his Self, his desires, dreams, fears, anxieties, fears, anger, memories. Art therapy methods are the real keys to the unconscious person! The art of an art therapist is based on knowledge of the psychology of creativity, and consists in the correct and appropriate selection of art therapy types, art therapy methods for a given client, in creative transformation and combination of art therapy exercises!

The effectiveness of the psychology of creativity or how to apply art therapy exercises in practice

The effectiveness of art therapy methods has been repeatedly tested by everyone in practice: for example, if you are tired after labor day- you can turn on a disc with calm music. listening musical fragments You can relax and get rid of bad mood, here's the use of music therapy! There are other options to relax: take a piece of paper, pencils or paints and start drawing; take a camera, go outside and do some photo hunting - taking pictures of everything that catches your attention. Is the child naughty? Take a book with your favorite fairy tales or take out toys from the shelf, help the child respond by playing on negative situation; it is possible to go outside with him and play with sand in the sandbox. The final results will not be slow to affect, they are simply impressive!

Where can you learn art therapy?

Our Distance Learning Institute presents big choice art therapy programs (including certain types art therapy), these are professional retraining programs and advanced training courses in distance learning (art therapy training).

Studying at the Institute of Psychology, you will be able to practice the entire arsenal of tools, techniques of art therapy, exercises, learn how to skillfully use them when working with both adults and children.
Training programs are developed by practicing authors for students with higher and secondary special education and allow you to get a high-quality and in-demand education in psychology in the most convenient form for you.

Hurry up to master the art of art therapy at our Institute of Psychology!

Where does an art therapist work?

The range of problems that can be solved by art therapy methods is very wide. Therefore, after training this direction, You will be able to successfully work as a psychologist in medical and psychological centers that provide assistance to both children and adults, as well as use art therapy methods in private psychological practice.