Artistic and aesthetic development of children 4-5 years old. "Festive outfit of autumn birches"

Olga Petrova

Constructive modeling activity.

Pay attention children on various buildings and structures around their home, kindergarten. On walks while playing, look at cars with children. Trolleys, buses and other types of transport, highlighting their parts, name their shape and location in relation to the largest part.

Continue develop children ability to recognize and name building parts (cube, plate, brick, block); learn to use them taking into account structural properties (stability, shape, size). Develop the ability to establish associative connections, asking them to remember what similar structures children have seen.

Learn to analyze a sample buildings: identify the main parts, distinguish and correlate them by size and shape, establish the spatial arrangement of these parts relative to each other (in houses - walls, at the top - ceiling, roof; in a car - cabin, body, etc.).

Learn to independently measure buildings (in height, length and width, follow the design principle given by the teacher ( “Build the same house, but tall”).

Learn to build buildings from large and small building material, use parts of different colors to create and decorate buildings.

Teach design from paper: bend a rectangular sheet of paper in half, matching the sides and corners (album, flags for decorating an area, greeting card, glue parts to the main shape (to the house - windows, doors, pipe; to the bus - wheels; to the chair - backrest).

Communicate children for making crafts from natural material: bark, branches, leaves, cones, chestnuts, nutshells, straw (boats, hedgehogs, etc.). Learn to use glue and plasticine to secure parts; use reels, boxes of different sizes and other items in crafts.

Publications on the topic:

Artistic and aesthetic development of young children through didactic games One of the tasks of the artistic and aesthetic education of young children is the development of the ability to perceive, feel, and understand.

Application, introduction to fine art. Cut out and paste what kind of “Houses” building you want - To develop in children the ability to create a variety of things.

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! During the summer recreational period, my children and I spend all our time going for a walk. As you know, children run around a lot.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution CRR Kindergarten No. 89 “Parus” of the urban district “city of Yakutsk” Article.

Abstract of the NOD in the NGO “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” for children 5–6 years old “Colors of the Year: Colors of Winter” Abstract of the NOD OO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development" Lesson topic: "Colors of the year: colors of winter" Age: 5 - 6 years Purpose: preservation of cultural.

Experience in “Artistic and Aesthetic Development”. Slide 1 Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution for children.

Teacher’s work program for the implementation of the educational field “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” for children from 3 to 4 years old Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten of a combined type No. 8 “Aistenok”, Michurinsk, Tambovskaya.

Each of us came into this world to do good, to hope, to love, to laugh, to cry, but at the same time, we must learn to speak….

Yana Erokhin
Abstract “Features of artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children 3–4 years old”

Introduction. 3

1.2. Anatomical and physiological. 9

1.3. Current aspects of speech development of preschool children in the context"speech area" Federal State Educational Standard DO. 14

1.4. Speech targets development according to Federal State Educational Standards. 17

Chapter 2. Lesson notes on development speech for middle group preschool educational institution (4-5 years). 21

Conclusion. 26

References. 27


One of the most important tasks in raising a child preschool age , This develop his mind, thinking, capabilities easy to learn new information. These tasks are realized in the process of various types of children's activities: gaming, educational, labor, motor and of course artistic.

One of the activities is the section " artistically-aesthetic education", includes introducing the child to art, aesthetics development environment, visual activities (drawing, appliqué, modeling, cultural and leisure activities, design and manual labor, as well as music. In this abstract I'll try to explain in more detail Features of artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers 3-4 years old.

1.1 Three directions of a work of art in preschool institutions

The first direction is art, including folk art. Music may be played during classes, and works fine arts used in decoration preschool;

The second direction - children are introduced to different types of art, events, objects, phenomena that are revealed artist, musician, writer or poet in his works, with expressive means;

The third direction - here art is used in various forms artistic activity , serves development of children's artistic creativity. Images of art are the standard of beauty.

Purpose artistic education is aesthetic and artistic development of preschool children. Task - development artistic perception , feelings, emotions, thinking and imagination, speech and memory; development of creative abilities children in different types of creativity; laying the foundations artistically- aesthetic culture the very personality of the child.

General acquaintance with the arts (showing, listening to works or performing them for adults, children);

A story about the history of the emergence of a particular type of art;

A story about the materials and objects that are used to create the image;

Display of works of this type of art;

Comparison various works art, highlighting features images of objects and phenomena in different types of art;

Familiarization with art begins with its individual types and genres that are most accessible to children, then with the implementation abilities children in different types creative activity. Children are then taught to compare works from one or more genres, as well as works from different art forms. The work ends with the formation of the concept of what it is "art".

Introduce decorative - applied arts you can start from the second junior group, these are children 3-4 years old. Since children at this age can sculpt individual objects, draw, create applications, convey a simple plot, decorate the silhouette of an object cut out of paper by the teacher (Dymkovo toy, cup, saucer).

Introducing children to Dymkovo and Filimonov toys will enrich their ideas about beauty and will certainly arouse interest in decorating objects, so they should be encouraged to look at the toy and also pay attention to bright color images, and not only in folk toys, but also in pictures and illustrations. Children are taught to decorate various silhouettes, For example: skirt of the Dymkovo young lady, mittens, scarf, cups. For painting, lines, dots, spots, and cells are used.

Children of the fifth year of life continue to be introduced to folk products art: Dymkovo, Filimonov toys, Gorodets painting. They are already capable not only perceive painting, color structure, composition, pattern elements, but also draw themselves simple elements, decorate sculpted toys or silhouettes cut out of paper by the teacher. First, you need to show the children several different Dymkovo figures, look at them together, and identify them. peculiarities(multi-colored patterns, white background, bright, component parts of the pattern (wide and thin lines, rings, spots, straight and wavy, dots, cells, circles). Then children are introduced to painting and taught to highlight it peculiarities(painted according to white background green, red and gold Christmas trees, lines, suns). Children are also given the opportunity to design silhouettes of household items. (dishes, clothes, decorative items).

With a purpose development decorative creativity in senior group need to continue introducing preschoolers with folk art products, deepen their knowledge, create images based on folk art decorative painting(color structure, elements of composition, achieve a variety of elements used and careful execution. To do this, when examining the painting, you need to draw the children’s attention to previously unnoticed elements and improve the work. They are introduced to Gorodets painting, its color scheme. As they master Gorodets painting, they can begin introduce children to Khokhloma painting.

In arts and crafts classes in the preparatory group, the formation of an idea of ​​art continues folk craftsmen. Based on all the work done, by this age they are already capable not only perceive works of folk decorative and applied art, but also create independently based on the paintings of a particular craft in sequence. For mastery and creative implementation (for transfer in visual activities) children have access to such crafts as Khokhloma, Zhostovo, Gorodets, Gzhel painting, etc.

Children can create decorative compositions in drawing, modeling, appliqué, both based on folk crafts and according to their own ideas. They need to make it clear that paper, clay, glass, fabric, birch bark, wood, metal and other materials can be used when creating decorative compositions. Creation of decorative products promotes the development of a sense of form, color, composition, rhythm; allows you to understand means of expression folk crafts, their specificity.

For education artistically- aesthetically very useful, and should be used art albums, tables, as well as specially designed for preschool institutions albums - notebooks on folk art.

1.2. Anatomical and physiological characteristics of a 3-4 year old preschooler

Three years is the age when a child enters the period preschool childhood. Developing ability to the concentration of excitement makes it easier for children to concentrate on the educational material. However, it is easily disrupted when the situation changes under the influence of the emerging orientation reflex. If during class, at the time of explanation, some noise comes from the street or a stranger enters the room, the children are instantly distracted. In this case, educators should know techniques with which they can quickly switch children’s attention to the learning task. The level of interanalyzer connections is such that at the time of performing the exercises, children sometimes cannot perceive the teacher’s verbal corrections. It would be more effective to provide the child with direct help: rotate his body, arms, setting the correct range of movements, etc. At this stage, it is important to harmoniously combine direct and verbal influences on children. The processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex are easily switched. Outwardly, this is expressed in unnecessary movements, fussiness, children talk a lot or, conversely, become silent. Increased excitability is often observed, and this leads to rapid fatigue in children. In a 3-3.5 year old child, the interaction of signaling systems is still imperfect.

3. Personality development

The fourth year of life is characterized by two qualitatively new features. One is associated with the formation of the child’s personality, the other with the formation of his activities. With age, a child, among other knowledge, acquires knowledge about himself (about the fact that he has a name, etc.). At two and a half years old, a child recognizes himself in the mirror, and then in a photograph. The period of appearance of the pronoun in the child’s speech "I", is marked by changes in his behavior - there is a desire to act on his own. With the emergence "I systems" Other neoplasms begin to appear in the child’s psyche. The most significant of them is self-esteem and the associated desire to meet the requirements of adults, to be good. The presence of simultaneously existing but oppositely directed trends: do according at will and in accordance with the demands of adults - creates an inevitable internal conflict in the child and thereby complicates his mental state and inner harmony. Elements of self-awareness in a three- to four-year-old child do not always manifest themselves in successfully presenting themselves to others. Therefore, the end of the third and partially the fourth year of life is called "crisis" age, which is characterized by outbursts of negativism, stubbornness, and instability of mood. Second the peculiarity is that that children’s actions in play, drawing, and design acquire an intentional character; this allows children to create a specific image, build something, and perform a certain role in the game. Intentionality, arbitrariness of actions, that is, their subordination to a certain norm, are important for child development, but in the fourth year of his life they are just being formed. Therefore, the activity is unsustainable. It is difficult for him to keep the goal of his activity in his mind during unexpected changes in the situation. The child often begins to get distracted in class, at play, and at home. Juniors preschoolers are distracted during one game, sometimes up to 12-13 times. Intentionality and randomness of activity presupposes the ability to plan it. But it is more typical for middle and older preschool age. At a younger age, the child selects 2-3 items from the playing material needed to start the game; chooses a role that he likes without thinking about interaction with his partner. Junior preschooler attracts the motive to make a thing for yourself, for your game (lenka, drawing, designing) This most of all gives perseverance and attentiveness to the child. The motive of social benefit for a child is still ineffective, but he willingly works for a loved one person: teacher, mother, grandmother, for a favorite doll. At the age of 3-4 years, the child gradually leaves the family circle. The adult begins to act for the child not only as a family member, but also as a bearer of a certain social function. The child’s desire to perform the same function leads to a contradiction with his real capabilities. The resolution of this contradiction becomes development gaming activity as leading in preschool age. Home feature the game is hers convention: performing certain actions with certain objects presupposes their attribution to other actions with other objects. The main content of the game is junior preschoolers are actions with toys and substitute objects. The game duration is short. Juniors preschoolers limited to playing with one or two roles and simple, undeveloped stories. Games with rules at this age are just beginning to take shape. The most pronounced feature Children at the beginning of the 4th year of life is their desire for independence. Children already have goal-setting ability, the ability to imagine in advance some desired result and actively act towards achieving it. However, any effort to achieve a result should bring satisfaction. And for the many goals that the little one sets for himself

child, this satisfaction lies primarily in the sphere of recognition and approval of his achievements by adults. The support and approval of adults gives children a joyful feeling of their competence, an idea of ​​themselves as powerful and capable.

4. Development mental processes

Years preschool childhood are years of intense mental development and emergence of new, previously absent mental features. The child's leading need of this age is the need for communication, respect, recognition of the child’s independence. The leading activity is gaming. During this period, there is a transition from manipulative play to role-playing. Perception. The leading cognitive function is perception. The importance of perception in life preschooler is very large, since it creates the foundation for development of thinking, promotes speech development, memory, attention, imagination. At primary school age, these processes will occupy leading positions, especially logical thinking , and perception will perform a serving function, although it will continue develop. Fine developed perception can manifest itself in the form of a child’s observation, his ability to notice the features of objects and phenomena, details, features that an adult will not notice. During the learning process, perception will be improved and honed in the process of coordinated work aimed at development of thinking, imagination, speech. Junior's perception preschooler 3-4 years old is of an object nature, that is, the properties of an object, for example color, shape, taste, size, etc., are not separated from the object in a child. He sees them merged with the object, considers them inseparably belonging to him. Thinking. At three or four years old, the child, albeit imperfectly, tries to analyze what he sees around him; compare objects with each other and draw conclusions about their interdependencies. In everyday life and in the classroom, as a result of observations of the environment, accompanied by explanations from an adult, children gradually gain an elementary understanding of the nature and life of people. The child himself strives to explain what he sees around him. True, it is sometimes difficult to understand him, since, for example, he often takes a consequence for the cause of a fact. Compare, analyze juniors preschoolers in a visual and actionable way. But some children are already beginning to experience ability solve presentation problems. Children can compare objects by color and shape, and identify differences in other ways. They can generalize objects by color (it’s all red, shape (it’s all round), size (it's all small). In the fourth year of life, children are somewhat more likely than before to use generic concepts in conversation such as toys, clothes, fruits, vegetables, animals, dishes, and include in each of them larger number specific names. However, the relationship of the general to the particular and the particular to the general is understood by the child in a unique way. So, for example, the words dishes, vegetables are for him only collective names for groups of objects, and not abstract concepts, as is the case with more developed thinking . Imagination. In the fourth year of life, a child’s imagination still poorly developed. The baby can be easily persuaded to act with objects, transforming them (for example, use a stick as a thermometer, but the elements "active" imagination, when the child is captivated by the image itself and the ability to act independently in an imaginary situation, only begins to form and manifest itself. The younger ones preschoolers The idea is often born after the action is completed. And if it is formulated before the start of activity, it is very unstable. An idea is easily destroyed or lost during its implementation, for example, when encountering difficulties or when the situation changes. The very emergence of an idea occurs spontaneously, under the influence of a situation, an object, or a short-term emotional experience. Toddlers do not yet know how to direct their imagination. In children 3-4 years old, only elements of preliminary planning of play or productive activities are observed. Speech. Children's speech mainly continues to be situational and dialogical, but it becomes more complex and expanded. Vocabulary increases per year to an average of 1,500 words. Individual differences range from 600 to 2,300 words. Changes vocabulary speeches: the proportion of verbs, adjectives and other parts of speech increases compared to nouns. The length of sentences increases, complex sentences. In the speech of children of the fourth year of life there is another peculiarity: when doing something, children often accompany their actions with quiet speech that is incomprehensible to others - "babbling". These "talking to yourself" have great importance For child development. With their help, the child keeps in mind the goals he has set for himself, makes new plans, thinks about ways to achieve them, and finally performs in words actions that he omits in reality.

5. Diagnostics artistic and creative development children in kindergarten.

Artistically-creative activity combines various types creativity: drawing, modeling, applique, design, artistic work. Integration allows teachers and educators to shape children’s interests, their needs, introduce them to the basics of culture, art, and various types of artistic activity, develop creatively independent personality.

Visual arts mean a lot to a child. Therefore, it is very important for a teacher to analyze the level development visual activity of a child as an indicator of his aesthetic and intellectual development, as well as the level of its development by the child in a given age period.

Level estimation problem artistic and aesthetic development children is associated with the problem of choosing criteria for the quality of teaching and those methodological positions on which the teacher builds all his work. Development of artistic culture - development cognitive activity, artistic and visual abilities, artistic and imaginative thinking, imagination, aesthetic sense, value criteria, as well as the acquisition of special knowledge and skills.

Every teacher strives to objectively evaluate development of a child's artistic abilities. But a row arises questions: What qualities artistic thinking can and should be assessed? How to evaluate imagination and fantasy? etc. The greatest difficulty is in assessing development aesthetic feeling, creativity.

Speaking about the objectivity of the assessment artistic and aesthetic development of children, meaning the fact that development occurs both with external and with inside. If external aspects are easier for a teacher to evaluate, since they are reflected in the results artistic creativity in class, then internal development is more difficult to assess, because in "product" It can be represented only slightly by the child's creative efforts.

Artistic The expressiveness of children's drawings is the subject of many studies. However, their results create more problems than they provide solutions. The indicators used to analyze figures often have too wide a spread and very little stability. The value of the results of the analysis of children's drawings increases if the method is used "competent judges"(Level of knowledge

analyzing in the field of fine arts, his artistic taste and liking, knowledge of child and developmental psychology, pedagogy, but even in this case, the conclusions may not be accurate enough, since the answer to the question about the presence or absence of a particular quality in the drawing, "judges" are given not on the basis of certain criteria, but by intuitive


"Portrait" artistic and creative development of preschool children

1. Characteristics of relationships, interests, abilities in the field

artistic activity:

Sincerity, spontaneity;



Creative imagination;

The nature of entering the image;

Specific capabilities.

2. Quality characteristics ways creative activities:

Application of the known in new conditions;

Independence in finding ways(techniques) creating an image;

Finding original ways(techniques new to the child;

Creation of new combinations based on previously mastered images.

3. Quality characteristics products:

Finding adequate expressive and visual means to create an image;

Correspondence of the results of visual activities to elementary ones artistic requirements.

Conducted naturally with children pedagogical experiment. A separate room is equipped with space for individual lessons with children. Various items can be placed freely on the table artistic materials and tools for free choice their children during the experiment. Children are invited individually. The child is asked to choose how and what he would like to do - sculpt, draw, cut. During the experiment fixed: child's choice, sequence development of the plan, a combination of activities, comments on the course of actions, gaming and speech development of artistic image. Based on the experiment, a "portrait" artistic development every child.

5. Several games - diagnostic techniques artistic and aesthetic development of the child

1. Method “Sun in the room”

Base. Realization of imagination.

Target. Revealing abilities child to transform the “unreal” into the “real” in the context of a given situation by eliminating the inconsistency.

Material. A picture depicting a room in which there is a man and the sun; pencil.

Instructions for carrying out.

Show the child a picture: "I give you this picture.

Look carefully and tell me what is drawn on it." According to the listing

image details (table, chair, man, lamp, sun, etc.)

the psychologist gives the following exercise: "Correct. However, as you see, here

the sun is drawn in the room. Please tell me this could be the case or

artist Is there something wrong here? Try to correct the picture so that it

were correct."

It is not necessary for a child to use a pencil; he can simply

explain what needs to be done to “correct” the picture.

Data processing.

In this work, the following tasks were revealed and goals:

1. Development sustainable cognitive process;

2. Development basic cognitive processes (sensation, perception, memory, attention);

3. Development different forms of thinking (visually effective, visual - figurative, verbal - logical);

4. Formation of ideas about the unity of the versatility of the surrounding world, its inconsistency, patterns development;

5. Development creative and speech activity, the formation of a sustainable interest in artistic expression, aesthetic perception of literature.

These tasks are implemented in each lesson through fragments of speech development, familiarization with the environment, sensory skills.

6. Enrichment of the spiritual world by various means(music, singing, dance movements, visual arts, dramatization, puppet and table theater);

7. Formation of an aesthetic attitude towards the environment to the world: nature, adults;

8. Development gross and fine motor skills, gestural and facial expression;

9. Teaching children to follow the rules of etiquette, culture of behavior and communication;

10. Formation of skills in aesthetic design of the surrounding space.


1. Sokolov A.V. Look, think and answer: Testing knowledge of fine arts art: From work experience. M., 1991.

2. Torshilova E. M., Morozova T. Aesthetic development of preschool children. – M., 2004.

3. Mezhieva M. V. Development of creative abilities in children 3-9 years old / Artist A. A. Selivanov. Yaroslavl: Academy development: Academy Holding: 2002. 128

Integration of various types of artistic and creative activities of children of the younger group

Artistic and aesthetic development is a purposeful, systematic process of influencing a child’s personality in order to develop his ability to see the beauty of the world around him, art and create it. It starts from the first years of children's lives. The sooner it falls into the sphere of targeted aesthetic influence, the more reason to hope for its effectiveness.
“Artistic creativity” is aimed at achieving the following goals:
- Formation of interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality
- Satisfying children’s needs for self-expression through problem solving:
1. Development of children’s productive activities (drawing, modeling, applications);
2. Development of children's creativity;
3. Introduction to fine arts;
The teacher's task– teach children to manipulate materials of various quality and properties, and use unconventional methods of depiction.
In my opinion, visual arts are perhaps the most interesting activity for preschoolers. It allows the child to express his impressions of the world around him in his drawings. Captivating the child fairy world art, I quietly develop the child’s imagination and abilities. Taking into account the age-related abilities of younger preschoolers, the dominant, fabulously playful form of presenting new material. All classes are conducted in combination with musical accompaniment, speech development, and familiarization with the environment.
When conducting these classes, I follow the following rules:
1. The child should have the opportunity to independently choose visual material. All this material is in a place accessible to the child throughout the entire time he is in the garden.
2. The child must be taught various image techniques during training sessions. First, I teach how to use each type of image separately, then the different types in combination.
In my work with children I use: “plasticine fairy tales”, unconventional drawing, musical accompaniment, dramatizations of fairy tales based on the material covered.
Properly done modeling work and the teacher’s attentive attitude to it leads to the fact that children enthusiastically create objects that they can use for play.
“Plasticine fairy tales” is the name given to creative modeling classes with preschoolers. I sit down with the children at a common table, in front of each child there is a board, in the middle there is plasticine of different colors. Each child chooses what color and how much plasticine to take, start telling a fairy tale, and at the same time sculpt the heroes of the fairy tale. To enhance the aesthetic impression, music selected for the fairy tale is played. Children listen to a fairy tale and sculpt what they want. The children know that at the end of the lesson we will put all the crafts on one board and we will have a “plasticine fairy tale”. And you can play it. So, sculpting a chicken, a mouse and an egg, we play out the fairy tale “Chicken - Ryaba” with the children. And next time we’ll diversify the fairy tale by adding an applique or drawing made in class: the sun, tree houses
Traditional approaches are often not enough for development modern children. IN lately new programs and technologies have appeared that allow you to make the process fine arts more interesting, more productive. One of the techniques is to organize work with children using methods unconventional drawing.
For the younger group I use it at work the following types non-traditional techniques: dot drawing, finger painting, poking, imprinting, printing; 3D applique, drawing on wet paper; I started my work with techniques that are well known to children of this age: drawing with fingers and palms. Then she gradually introduced new techniques: drawing with cotton swabs, poking, and a stencil.
The work at the first stage was carried out individually with each child. The children happily left their handprints, looked at them with joy and showed them to their friends. With the help of non-traditional drawing techniques, it is possible to draw children's intelligence, teach them to think outside the box, and stimulate creativity.
The generalization lesson takes place in the form of a theatrical performance or in a game form, taking into account the capabilities of modern technical and multimedia means.
A series of lessons based on the fairy tale “Turnip”;
Drawing (finger painting): “Look at the vegetable garden, where the turnip grows”
Plasticine fairy tale: “Turnip”
Application: “Healthy vegetables”
re-enactment musical fairy tale: "Turnip"
This is how fairy tales were staged after each cycle: “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Under the Mushroom”.
Development creative personality It is not possible without the use of such an effective means of education as artistic and aesthetic creativity, therefore aesthetic education occupies an important place in the entire system of the educational process, since behind it lies not only the development of aesthetic qualities, but also the entire personality as a whole, as well as a sense of beauty, artistic taste, creative skills.

Work program

directly organized activities

on artistic and aesthetic development of children

4 - 5 years

Fine art studio "I draw the world"

(using non-traditional techniques)

duration of the program: 1 year

Compiled by: teacher of MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 1"

Logvyankova Tatyana Petrovna

Purpose of the program - development of interests and creative abilities of children in the artistic and aesthetic sphere through non-traditional drawing techniques and manual labor

Program objectives:

    Introduce children to non-traditional drawing techniques. Develop practical skills.

    Develop sensory perception abilities, sense of color, rhythm.

    Develop general intellectual abilities: follow an adult’s instructions, act according to a model.

    To develop artistic and figurative ideas, an emotionally sensual relationship to objects and natural phenomena.

    Develop constructive skills and abilities.

    Develop hand steadiness and technical skills.

    Develop and strengthen fine motor skills hands

    Develop hand-eye coordination.

    Instilling a love of art, instilling hard work and perseverance.

    Promote the development of attention, memory, imagination, aesthetic perception, creative imagination.

    Cultivate emotional responsiveness to beauty.

Program focus: Artistic and aesthetic.

Implementation period: 1 year

Children's age: 4-5 years

Venue: group room, music hall.

Number of GCDs: 1 time per week

Lesson duration: 20 min.

Expected results:

Fine motor development is age appropriate;

The child knows how to work with various tools, knows the safety rules when handling them;

Shows interest in making crafts from various materials.

Distinguishes between types of decorative painting and creates a pattern.

Implements creativity for every job.


Paper, paper napkins, scissors, natural materials, threads, glue, matches, plasticine, dough, gouache, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, watercolors, gouache paints, brushes, toothbrush, cotton swabs, wax pencils.

Working methods:

1.Cutting or tearing strips or pieces from a sheet of paper.

2.Cutting along the contour of objects and combining them into compositions.

3. Design from paper using the origami method.

4. Gluing wads of paper onto a flat image.

5.Gluing up pieces and lumps paper napkins.

6.Gluing cut threads onto a flat image.

7. Fastening various parts.

8. Modeling from natural material: shell walnut, seeds, peas, twigs, pebbles, etc.

9. Combination natural materials with various other materials.

10. Modeling objects from dough - "Testoplasty"

11.Drawing with plasticine and your finger - “Plasticineography”

12.Gluing finished plasticine forms onto a plane.

13. Drawing with brushes with the whole bristle, tip, toothbrush, cotton swabs, leaves, palms.

14. Mixing paints.

15.Drawing up a decorative pattern: use of ornamental elements, color selection, location.

GCD structure can be flexible and change depending on goals and objectives, but includes 3 parts: introductory, main and final.

Introductory part – creating an emotional mood in children and explaining new material.

Main or practical part – creative work of children; I provide advice and support as needed individual work.

Very important final part – it analyzes the result of children's artistic creativity.


accessibility(simplicity, appropriate for age and individual characteristics);

visibility(illustrativeness, presence didactic materials). “The more organs of our senses take part in the perception of any impression or group of impressions, the more firmly these impressions fit into our mechanical, nervous memory, are more accurately preserved by it and are more easily remembered,” (K.D. Ushinsky);

scientific character(validity, availability of methodological basis and theoretical basis).

“from simple to complex”(having learned basic work skills, the child applies his knowledge in performing creative work).

The program uses health-saving technologies: gaming warm-ups, eye exercises, finger exercises, self-massage.

This program integrates with educational areas:

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development;

Social and communicative development;

Physical development of the main educational program of a preschool educational institution.

The Origins of Creativity
and children's talents at their fingertips.
From the fingers, figuratively speaking, come the finest
streams that feed the source of creative thought.
In other words: the more skill
in a child’s palm, the smarter the child.”
Sukhomlinsky V.A.

Explanatory note

Relevance: the process of profound changes taking place in modern education puts forward as a priority the problem of developing creativity, creative thinking, contributing to the formation of a versatile and developed personality, distinguished by uniqueness and originality.

Both the level of visual creativity and comprehensive development the child as a whole.

Visual arts are one of the favorite activities of preschool children. Preschoolers are ready to spend hours drawing, gluing, and sculpting. Children's initial plans may change depending on what new image the child will notice in his creation, but interest in creative activity does not disappear. The importance of visual activity in a child’s development is difficult to overestimate. It involves both hemispheres of the brain: the left (rational, analyzing, logical); right (emotional, imaginative, creative). It is no coincidence that psychologists say that the baby’s mind is at the fingertips, and the development of fine motor skills leads to the development of the child’s speech. Considering the priority focus of the preschool educational institution, the teacher must provide children with the opportunity to realize their needs and interests in the field of artistic and visual activities. As diagnostics show, children are most interested in modeling (figurative, plot, decorative). The attractiveness of this type of activity is due to the fact that its products are images with which you can act (play, conduct a dialogue, imagine storylines...)

Awakening in children their own interest in the topic of visual activity, creating conditions for children to use various options for images, providing the child with a free choice of image, plot, and visual means - these are the main tasks that the teacher should set for himself. At the same time, mastering technical techniques does not dominate and does not replace artistic creation. expressive image. Priority is given to the desires and own initiative of children, involving them in collective forms activity. It is expected to create conditions for self-realization of each child, familiarization with various means of embodiment artistic design. Collective activities aimed at creating multi-figure, plot compositions.

Fine art is a studio in which more free communication, interaction and creativity are possible, an environment for the development of children’s creative visual abilities. Children with interests and abilities in the field of visual arts are included in the creative association on a voluntary basis. The teacher's task is to involve these children in the activities of the art studio and maintain their interest throughout the year.

Long-term planning of an art studio with children 4-5 years old



Event name

Program tasks


"Journey over the Rainbow" "


Introduce the wonderful ability of color to transform the world around us, with warm and cold colors.

" Hedgehog"

Modeling from plasticine using sunflower seeds

Teach children to tear off a lump of plasticine from a large piece, roll it between their palms, giving it an oval shape, and use the pulling technique. Develop the ability to combine plasticine with natural materials.

"Colorful balls"

drawing oval objects

Learn to create outline drawings, close the lines into a ring and color, repeat the outlines of the drawn figure. Complement images pencil drawings(strings on balls).

Teamwork "Autumn tree"

Palm drawing

Introduce children to new technology drawing. To develop in children a sense of color and the ability to draw not only with a brush, but also with the palm of their hand. Develop aesthetic perception.



Modeling from twigs and plasticine.

Learn to attach branches using plasticine, creating a model of a tree. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

"Tree in autumn attire"

Drawing using the poke method

Strengthen the ability to draw a tree (trunk, twigs, thin branches). Learn to distinguish different tree species, their characteristics, features (color, structure). Strengthen the ability to paint with gouache paints, learn to apply color to color. Develop a sense of color. Introduce children to the method of painting with a hard brush.

"Bouquet of autumn leaves"

Printing with leaves.

Introduce leaf printing techniques. Develop color perception. Learn to mix paints directly on the leaves or with a swab when printing.

"Festive outfit autumn birches"

Broken applique.

Learn how to make appliqué by tearing paper. Teach children to tear off small pieces of paper and stick them on, imitating autumn leaves birches


"Sad picture - endless rain"

Drawing with applique elements.

Applicative image of a cloud: gluing ready-made forms onto the background, gluing torn pieces of paper as a second layer. Drawing rain with colored pencil. Sheets of blue paper, silhouettes of clouds, strips of paper, glue, colored pencils.


Modeling from natural material.

Teach children to make a mushroom from an acorn, show imagination and ingenuity, and sculpt a hat from plasticine.

"Dymkovo horse"

Decorative drawing.

Introduce children to the Dymkovo toy, the features of its painting, the colors of the Dymkovo pattern, and methods of drawing. Learn to draw a pattern consisting of rings, dots, circles using cotton swabs, kvachas and a brush. Develop aesthetic perception, sense of rhythm, creative activity.

"Dog Buddy"

Teach children to fold a dog out of a square. Continue to teach children how to navigate a square, find the right left side, corners.


"Magic snowflakes"


Teach children to convey the pattern of snowflakes. Strengthen the ability to draw straight lines in different directions, symmetrically, coming up with different interesting combinations of lines. Improve the ability to hold a brush correctly when drawing; Practice mixing and diluting gouache.

"Father Frost" Application using napkins

Teach children to carefully tear off small pieces of napkin, roll them between their fingers, and carefully stick them onto the drawn shape.

"Snow Maiden's Dress" Decorative drawing.

Introduce children to the elements of Gzhel painting. Learn to choose colors and decorate the Snow Maiden’s dress with painting.

"Christmas balls"

Drawing with wax chalk and watercolors.

Practice drawing a round object. Introduce the technique of combining wax crayons and watercolors. Develop color perception. Practice applying a pattern using an imprint on a round shape. Develop a sense of rhythm.


“Snow, snow is spinning, the whole street is white...”

Poke and spray painting.

Continue to introduce children to different ways of painting with a brush; Improve the ability to hold a brush correctly when drawing; Practice mixing and diluting gouache.

"Christmas Bells" Application using plasticine.

Teach children to tear small lumps of plasticine from a large piece, roll them between their fingers, then carefully glue them onto the finished form.

"Kitten with a ball" Thread applique.

Continue learning to glue the silhouette with finely chopped threads, conveying the effect of “fluffy fur.” Develop creative abilities.


" Underwater kingdom" Testoplasty.

Teach children to sculpt from salt dough, cut out fish of different shapes in stacks according to a cardboard template, using additional materials(beads, pasta, peas, cereals, beans, buttons)


Teach children to carefully spread the finished shapes with glue, carefully glue them onto the cardboard, making the shape of a boat.

"Funny nesting dolls" Decorative drawing. Cotton swabs, poking, finger painting.

Strengthen children's knowledge about matryoshka dolls. Improve children's skills in making patterns. Improve skills and techniques for working with a soft brush. Create a joyful, creative atmosphere.

" Owl"

Modeling from cones.

Develop the ability to fasten parts using plasticine, supplement the object with the necessary details for expressiveness of the image.


"Beautiful flowers for all women" Application. Teamwork.

Teach children to carefully spread the finished circle shapes with glue, carefully glue them onto the cardboard, making the shape of a flower. Develop a sense of beauty.


Drawing with pokes.

Teach children to draw with pokes, learn to draw by creating the shape of a flower.



Teach children to apply a thin layer of plasticine on the base, mix plasticine on cardboard; cultivate accuracy and creativity in work.

"Fire - Bird"

Palm drawing

Learn to draw a fairytale bird using your palm and gouache. Strengthen the ability to use gouache, brush, and napkin. Develop hand motor skills, creative thinking, accuracy, attention. Enrich your vocabulary with words denoting shades of red. To foster creativity, the joy of playing with paints, and a sense of beauty.



Get children interested in drawing a rocket for Cosmonautics Day. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers by smearing plasticine on the surface of parts. Encourage children to supplement their work with stars, planets, comets, etc. of their choice. Encourage children to show individuality.


Pumpkin seed applique.

Learn to glue pumpkin seeds onto a finished image. Develop aesthetic perception.

" Pattern on a plate" Decorative drawing.

Introduce children to Gorodets painting, its color, and the main elements of the pattern; teach how to make a pattern; develop children's creativity.


Subject monotype.

To develop aesthetic perception, aesthetic emotions and feelings, an emotional response to the manifestation of beauty in the world around us. Introduce children to the concept of symmetry. Foster independence when choosing colors.

"Vase" Craft from papier-mâché.

Introduce children to a new type of manual labor. Learn to tear off small pieces of paper, dip them in glue, and glue them

on the form (jar.)

"Vase" Continuation. Prettification

finished product.

Learn carefully and paint the dried product with gouache.

"Vase" Continuation. Craft from seeds.

Learn to make a composition from watermelon seeds and carefully glue them to your work. Colorize

Bones with gouache paint

Evaluation criteria and norms

Skills and abilities

Evaluation criteria

The ability to put parts together into a whole and paste an image.

3 points- The child knows how to compose an image from several parts, places it accurately, combines it according to meaning, and maintains proportions. The image is glued to the middle of the sheet, independently supplementing it with small details according to the logic of the content of the work.

2 points - The child is able to compose an image, but there are minor distortions and displacements; the depicted object is located mainly in the middle of the sheet. He completes his work with small details after a reminder from an adult.

1 point - The image is drawn up after the instructions have been spoken several times (what’s first, what’s next). It is necessary to repeat the sequence of doing the work two or three times with the child (but in the future he does it himself). The image has significant distortions in the proportions of parts.

Ability to work with glue.

3 points- Has the skill to work with glue. He carefully puts it on the brush and removes the excess on the edge of the socket. Spreads the entire mold, blots off any excess glue left over from the work with a napkin.

2 points- Knows how to work with glue. Holds the brush correctly. When scooping up glue, he almost never forgets to remove the excess from the edge of the socket. Spreads the mold on oilcloth. Almost the entire form is coated, but sometimes there are dry places that are coated during the work itself (or vice versa, the form is very heavily coated with glue in some places). He uses a napkin, but sometimes a reminder from an adult is necessary. While working, he forgets to put the brush on the stand; as a result, it lies on the table and stains the work area.

1 point- The ability to work with a brush is weak; it is necessary to periodically remind that excess glue must be removed from the edge of the socket. He doesn't use oilcloth regularly. Spreads the form, leaving dry places or vice versa, large number glue. He uses a napkin in his work, but does not blot it, but wipes or rubs the area where it is pasted. The brush is rarely placed on a stand while working.

Ability to use scissors.

3 points- Developed the skill of using scissors. Knows how to hold and use them correctly. Observes safety precautions (keeps scissors away from himself and places them on a tray when finishing work)

2 points- Knows how to use scissors. Mostly he holds them correctly, but sometimes there are mistakes and a reminder is required (“Grip the scissors correctly”). There are minor violations of safety precautions when working with scissors (leaves them on the table after work, corrects them when reminded.

1 point- The ability to work with scissors is poorly developed (the fine muscles of the fingers are poorly developed, but the child tries and corrects mistakes when reminded or shown (you have to remind them often, rarely takes the scissors correctly).

Ability to work with paper and make crafts using the origami technique.

3 points - The child knows how to bend a sheet of paper in half, in four, in different directions, while carefully and accurately aligning the corners and sides (where necessary according to the instructions, all work is done on the table. Clearly oriented on a sheet of paper ( right side, left, upper right corner, etc.) . Knows the concept of “fold line”, irons it without reminder. Fine motor skills are well developed. Understands adult instructions without additional repetitions. The shape obtained as a result of folding is independently decorated with appropriate appliqué elements, selecting colors and shades. Shows creativity and imagination.

2 points - The child knows how to bend the proposed shape in half, in four, in different directions, but with minor errors (one edge of the sheet peeks out slightly from under the other, the corners diverge slightly, all the work is mainly done on the table. It is oriented on a sheet of paper (right side, left, upper right corner, etc., but sometimes there are mistakes that he himself corrects after additional instructions. He knows the concept of “fold line”, he can show it, he irons it, rarely, but he can forget about it in a hurry or by accident. inattention. Fine motor skills are not poorly developed. He listens to the adult’s instructions carefully, understands, but performs all actions slowly, and is not always confident in his abilities. He decorates the resulting form with appliqué elements, relying on the adult’s proposed example.

1 point - The child tries very hard to fold the sheet in half, in four, in different directions, but it doesn’t always work out exactly. You have to correct mistakes several times under the supervision of an adult. Basically, he knows how to navigate on a sheet of paper (shows the named angles and sides, but when directly following the instructions for making a craft, he often experiences difficulties. He can show the fold line, but during work, having received the instruction: “Take the part by the fold line,” he gets confused, the adult requires appropriate adjustment.Verbal instructions for making crafts need to be repeated (or shown) several times so that his fine motor skills are not developed enough.

Ability to use non-traditional techniques in drawing.

3 points- The child is interested in learning new ways of depicting and wants to learn them. When showing and talking about a new method of depiction, he listens carefully to the adult and, if necessary, asks again in order to understand the details of this depiction technique that he does not understand. Due to the well-developed fine muscles of the fingers, the images are obtained quite successfully. Color spots made by hand, signets, stamps or other materials are located in different directions, in accordance with the logic of the depicted object, natural phenomenon or pattern. Independently selects the color scheme for his work if the activity has appropriate tasks. The child applies the acquired knowledge in independent creative activities.

2 points- The child is willingly interested in new ways of depicting objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. The teacher basically understands the instructions, but for greater clarity, additional repetition, clarification, and demonstration of the method of depiction are required, since he (the child) is not quite confident in his orientation in space and on the plane (it is difficult to position his hands, fingers when drawing with his hands, stamps and etc.) . The color scheme is mainly based on the example of an adult; he does not often take the initiative in choosing a color. Tries to apply the acquired knowledge in independent creative activities.

1 point - The child willingly listens and watches the demonstration of new, unconventional ways images shown by the teacher. However, it is difficult to repeat the techniques shown on your own (the ability to navigate, fine and gross motor skills is poorly developed). Doesn't understand instructions well. Visual skills and abilities using non-traditional technologies require further consolidation. They show almost no independence in their work; they mainly imitate the adult’s example and display, this also applies to the color scheme of the drawing. Creativity is rarely shown.

Skills of rhythmic repetition of homogeneous movements.

3 points - When drawing decorative patterns, he rhythmically repeats homogeneous movements, carefully monitors the sequence of elements, their alternation, both in color and shape. Doesn't make mistakes.

2 points - When drawing, both decorative patterns and other types of images (for example, fish scales, leaf printing), requiring rhythmically repeated movements, this rhythm is generally observed (regardless of the number of different elements in one pattern). However, there are partial distortions in the drawing or reversal of pattern elements

1 point - Makes a large number of mistakes when repeating homogeneous movements, but also tries to complete the task correctly when re-analyzed and explained by an adult. It gets confused if it is necessary to repeat a pattern or design consisting of several different elements. And when there is an alternation of homogeneous elements, the child copes easier.

Ability to draw from idea

3 points - The child shows a stable and constant interest and need to communicate with the beauty in the surrounding reality. Feels pleasure and joy from meeting him. He can independently come up with a plot composition on the proposed topic. The image is located on the entire plane of the sheet, proportionality is maintained between the depicted objects. The color scheme corresponds to the design of the drawing, a rich range of colors.

2 points - the child shows a strong interest and need to communicate with the beautiful things in the world around him. Feels joy from meeting him. The plot and theme of the drawing are previously discussed with the teacher. The image is most often located on one strip at the bottom of the sheet, but it can be across its entire surface. In terms of size, objects are depicted mostly accurately, but there are minor distortions.

1 point - The child shows interest and a desire to communicate with the beautiful things in the world around him; they do not always notice common species and characteristic features objects, living objects and phenomena. It is difficult to choose the subject of his drawing; he has to lead the child to complete the work with leading questions. The image is located on a line at the bottom of the sheet. The child gets confused in conveying the relationship of objects by size (a tree and a flower can be the same in size). The color scheme used is monotonous, there are no shades of colors.

The main goal of the modern system of additional education is the education and development of the child’s personality. Achieving this goal is impossible without implementing the tasks facing educational field“Artistic and aesthetic development”, an integral part of which is fine art. Fine art has a variety of materials and techniques. Often, familiar, traditional ways and means are not enough for a child to express his fantasies. Having analyzed the author's developments, various materials, as well as best practices in working with children accumulated in modern stage domestic and foreign teaching practitioners, I became interested in the possibility of using non-traditional techniques of visual activity in working with preschoolers to develop imagination, creative thinking and creative activity.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “General developmental kindergarten No. 16 “Alenka” of the Spassk-Dalniy urban district


By order of the head of MBDOU d/s No. 16 “Alenka” of the city district

Spassk – Dalniy

From "____"__________2015 No.__


By decision of the pedagogical council

MBDOU d/s No. 16 “Alenka”

Urban district Spassk - Dalniy

(minutes dated August 28, 2015 No. 1)

Variable course program

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

for children 3 - 4 years old

"Funny Colors"

Compiled by: Aldoshina Lyudmila Georgievna, teacher of the first qualification category




Target section

Explanatory note

  • validity of the program; program, taking into account which the implementation and updating of content is carried out
  • goals, objectives of the program
  • program focus, value guidelines (spiritual and moral, social and moral, artistic and aesthetic)
  • conditions for program implementation
  • program implementation period
  • age characteristics of children participating in the program; educational targets at this age stage.
  • implementation of integration
  • list of main types of organized educational activities
  • mode of educational activities (number of classes (total, per week), duration of one lesson)

Planned results

  • planned results of mastering the program
  • specification of requirements for planned results, taking into account age capabilities children
  • monitoring the achievement of planned results
  • description of educational activities with children in accordance with age characteristics
  • interaction between participants in educational relations
  • description of variable forms, methods, methods and means of program implementation

Organizational section.

Calendar and thematic planning

Literature for teachers and children

There is always something for skillful hands to do,

If you take a good look around.

We can create a miracle ourselves

With these skillful hands.

  1. Target section.

1. Explanatory note.

Validity of the program:

Fine art is one of the ancient directions art. Every child is born an artist. You just need to help him awaken his creative abilities, open his heart to goodness and beauty, help him realize his place and purpose in this beautiful world.

Variable educational program“Magic Paints” is compiled on the basis of the mandatory minimum content of the federal component of the state standard, the Approximate Basic general education program preschool education“From birth to school”, edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. In addition to it, the program of artistic education, training and development of children 2-7 years old “Colored Palms” by I.A. is used. Lykova.

The main goal of the modern system of additional education is the education and development of the child’s personality. Achieving this goal is impossible without implementing the tasks facing the educational field of “Artistic and Aesthetic Development,” an integral part of which is fine art. Fine art has a variety of materials and techniques. Often, familiar, traditional ways and means are not enough for a child to express his fantasies. Having analyzed the author's developments, various materials, as well as advanced experience in working with children, accumulated at the present stage by domestic and foreign teaching practitioners, I became interested in the possibility of using non-traditional techniques of visual activity in working with preschoolers to develop imagination, creative thinking and creative activity. The formation of an artistic image in preschoolers occurs on the basis of practical interest in developmental activities. Classes in the variable educational program “Magic Colors” are aimed at

to implement the basic tasks of the artistic and creative development of children. Due to individual characteristics, the development of creative abilities cannot be the same for all children, so in my classes I give each child the opportunity to actively, independently express themselves and experience the joy of creative creation.

The relevance is that in the process of implementing the program, the individual artistic abilities of the child are revealed and developed, which to one degree or another are characteristic of all children.

Preschool children still have no idea what they are capable of. That is why it is necessary to make maximum use of their thirst for discovery to develop creative abilities in visual arts, emotionality, spontaneity, and the ability to be surprised by everything new and unexpected. Drawing is perhaps the most favorite and accessible activity for children. In addition, the image can be given to parents, a friend, or hung on the wall and admired.

The pedagogical feasibility of the variable educational program “Magic Paints” lies in the fact that in order to develop the creative abilities of visual activity in children, you yourself need to believe that artistic creativity knows no limitations either in material, or in tools, or in technology. Unconventional drawing techniques help to captivate children and maintain their interest.


Development of children's creative abilities, imagination, and imagination through non-traditional drawing techniques.


1. Help children master various technical skills when working with non-traditional techniques.

2. Develop creativity and imagination.

3. Develop a sense of collectivism, camaraderie, and the desire to help each other.

The proposed variable educational program has an artistic and aesthetic focus , which is an important direction in development and education. Being the most accessible for students, applied creativity has the necessary emotionality, attractiveness, and efficiency. The program involves the development of artistic taste and creative abilities in students.

Conditions for the program:

  • Availability of material and technical support.
  • Regular attendance at classes.
  • Regular reporting exhibitions, competitions.

Basic principles underlying creative work:

  • The principle of creativity (the program contains inexhaustible opportunities for the education and development of children’s creative abilities).
  • The principle of science (children are given knowledge about shape, color, composition, etc.).
  • The principle of accessibility (taking into account age and individual characteristics).
  • The principle of phasing (sequence, when starting the next stage, one cannot bypass the previous one).
  • The principle of dynamism (from the simplest to the most complex).
  • The principle of comparisons (variety of options given topic, methods and methods of depiction, variety of material).
  • The principle of selection (decisions on the topic, materials).
  • The principle of continuity (taking into account the tasks and new developments of the next age period).
  • The principle of cooperation (working together, working with parents).
  • The principle of integrativeness (synthesis of arts).

Program implementation period:

The program lasts 1 year.

Age characteristics of children participating in the program:

Child 3 - 4 years old:

IN At the age of 3-4 years, the child gradually leaves the family circle. Hiscommunication becomes extra-situational.An adult becomes for a child not only a family member, but also a bearer of a certain social function. The child’s desire to perform the same function leads to a contradiction with his real capabilities. This contradiction is resolved through developmentgames, which become the leading activity V preschool age.

The main feature of the game is its convention: performing certain actions with certain objects presupposes their attribution to other actions with other objects. The main content of the play of younger preschoolers is actions with toys and substitute objects. The game duration is short. Younger preschoolers are limited to playing with one or two roles and simple, undeveloped plots. Games with rules at this age are just beginning to take shape.

A child’s visual activity depends on his ideas about the subject.At this age they are just beginning to form. Graphic images are poor. Some children's images lack detail, while others' drawings may be more detailed. Children can already use color.

Modeling is of great importance for the development of fine motor skills.Younger preschoolers are able to sculpt simple objects under the guidance of an adult.

It is known that the application has positive influence on the development of perception. At this age, children have access to the simplest types of appliqué.

Constructive activity in early preschool age is limited to the construction of simple buildings according to a model and design. - In early preschool age, perceptual activity develops. Children move from using prestandards - individual units of perception - to sensory standards - culturally developed means of perception. By the end of primary preschool age, children can perceive up to 5 or more shapes of objects and up to 7 or more colors, are able to differentiate objects by size, orient themselves in the space of a kindergarten group, and with a certain organization of the educational process, in the premises of the entire preschool institution.

Memory and attention. ByAt the request of an adult, children can remember 3-4 words and 5-6 names of objects. By the end of primary preschool age, they are able to remember significant passages from their favorite works.

Visual and effective thinking continues to develop. At the same time, transformations of situations in a number of cases are carried out on the basis of targeted tests, taking into account the desired result.Preschoolers are able to establish some hidden connections and relationships between objects.

In early preschool age, imagination begins to develop, which is especially clearly manifested in play, when some objects act as substitutes for others.

The relationships between children are determined by norms and rules. As a result of targeted influence, they can learn a relatively large number of norms, which serve as the basis for evaluating their own actions and the actions of other children.

Children's relationships are clearly manifested in play activities. They are more likelyThey play nearby and actively interact.However, already at this age stable selective relationships can be observed. Conflicts between children arise mainly over toys.The child's position in the peer group is largely determined by the opinion of the teacher.

In early preschool age, one can observe a subordination of motives for behavior in relatively simple situations. Conscious control of behavior is just beginning to emerge; in many ways The child’s behavior is still situational. At the same time, one can also observe cases of the child himself limiting his own motives, accompanied by verbal instructions. Self-esteem begins to develop, and children are largely guided by the teacher’s assessment. Their gender identification also continues to develop, which is manifested in the nature of the toys and stories they choose.

During operation it is ensured integration all educational areas:

  • “Social and communicative development” (solution problem situations, fostering friendly relationships, fostering a desire to participate in joint labor activity, careful attitude to materials and tools).
  • “Cognitive development” (games on artistic creativity, games - modeling compositions).
  • “Speech development” (reading poems and stories about nature, developing the ability to maintain a conversation, generalize, draw conclusions, express your point of view).
  • “Physical development” (physical education sessions, outdoor games).
  • “Artistic and aesthetic development” (listening to musical works).

Main types of organized educational activities:

The educational process consists of the following activities:

  • Practical work with different types of materials and tools.
  • Walks in the park different times year.
  • Looking at illustrations.
  • Reading fiction.

Mode of educational activities:

The program is designed for children 3-4 years old. Designed for 1 academic year. Includes 37 lessons. Classes are held in the afternoon with a subgroup of children once a week. The duration of the lessons is 15 minutes.

2. Planned results as a product of educational activities.

Planned results of mastering the program:

Children will learn create images using various visual materials and techniques, be creative, and be self-confident. They have will be formed visual skills and abilities in accordance with age characteristics. Will be developed fine motor skills of fingers, imagination, independence.

Specification of requirements for planned results, taking into account age capabilities:

Many types of non-traditional drawing help to increase the level of development of visual-motor coordination and coordination of fine motor skills of the fingers.

Starting from the age of 2, children already draw with their fingers and palms.

At 3 years old, children are introduced to other drawing techniques: cork imprinting, potato stamps (also foam rubber and polystyrene foam).

At 4 years old, you can use an impression with crumpled paper, wax crayons+ watercolor, candle + watercolor.

Monitoring the achievement of planned results:

Diagnostic card

according to the method of “Diagnostics of visual activity” by G.A. Uruntaeva


F.I. child

Technical skills

Precision of movements

Means of expression

details (color, shape, etc.)

Having a plan

Demonstration of independence

Attitude to drawing

Speech in the process of drawing


N. - beginning of the year

K. - end of the year

  1. Content section.

Types of activities

Number of classes

Finger painting

Drawing with palms

Drawing with cereals

Poking with a hard brush

Signet imprint


By design


  • Finger painting: the child dips his finger in the finger paint and puts dots and specks on the paper. Each finger is painted with a different color. After work, wipe your fingers with a napkin, then the paint is washed off.
  • Palm painting: the child dips his palm in finger paint or paints it with a brush (from 5 years old) and makes an imprint on paper. Draw with both right and left hands, painted different colors. After work, wipe your hands with a napkin, then the paint is washed off.
  • Poke with a hard, semi-dry brush: the child dips the brush into the gouache and hits the paper with it, holding it vertically. When working, the brush does not fall into the water. Thus, the entire sheet, outline or template is filled. The result is an imitation of the texture of a fluffy or prickly surface.
  • Imprinting with potato signets: the child presses the signet onto a stamp pad with paint and makes an impression on the paper. To obtain a different color, both the bowl and the signet are changed.
  • Drawing with semolina: the child draws with glue according to a pre-applied pattern. Without letting the glue dry, sprinkle semolina on the glue (according to the picture).
  • Tamponing: the child presses the foam rubber onto a stamp pad with paint and makes an impression on the paper. To change the color, use another bowl and foam rubber.

Children master artistic techniques and interesting means of understanding the world around them through unobtrusive involvement in the drawing process. The lesson turns into a creative creative process for the teacher and children with the help of a variety of visual materials.

Interaction of participants in educational relations:

The successful implementation of the assigned tasks is facilitated by joint work with parents: placing consultations in the parent corner, holding “Days open doors", holding parent meetings on the topic: "Development of fine motor skills through non-traditional drawing techniques", joint work with parents on the production of equipment and various materials for drawing in the classroom, designing an exhibition of drawings by children attending the circle.

Description of variable techniques, methods, methods and means of program implementation:

Techniques and methods:

Practical (exercises, practical activities).

Verbal (stories, conversations, artistic expression, explanation, clarification, analysis of the work performed).

Visual (observations, examination, showing a sample, showing methods of implementation).

Gaming (different types of games).

Methods used

  • allow you to develop special skills that prepare the child’s hand for writing;
  • make it possible to feel the multi-colored image of objects, which affects the completeness of perception of the surrounding world;
  • form an emotionally positive attitude towards the drawing process itself;
  • contribute to more effective development of imagination, perception and, as a result, cognitive abilities.

Forms of work: individual, group, collective.

III.Organizational section.

One of the important conditions for the implementation of this program is the creation of the necessary material base and developmental environment for the formation of the child’s creative personality. In the formation of creative activity great value has a comprehensive use of artistic expression, music, and visual arts. Having set a goal, objectives, choosing forms, methods and techniques of teaching, selected the appropriate material, designed the “Finger Gymnastics” toy library, developed a program of non-traditional drawing techniques for conducting classes in the “Magic Paints” program, designed an art corner with various didactic games , objects and materials for drawing (templates, felt-tip pens, tubes, gouache, signets, bowls, foam rubber, crayons and much more), posters on the distribution of colors in the spectrum, a magazine with images of nature by different artists, where children can independently express themselves in creativity.

Material and technical equipment:

  1. Sheets of paper.
  2. Gouache
  3. Short bristled brush (poke).
  4. Tampon
  5. Groats.
  6. Trays.
  7. Markers.
  8. Signets, stamps (material at hand, plants, leaves).
  9. Napkins
  10. Cups for gouache.
  11. Brush holders.
  12. Glasses for water.
  13. PVA glue

IV. Calendar - thematic planning


Lesson topic

Unconventional techniques

Program content



A mischievous cloud came running


Introduce a new drawing technique - padding.

Learn to pick up paint carefully.

Continue introducing color.

Develop aesthetic taste.

Sheet of paper white;

Gray paint in a cup;



My favorite rain

Finger painting

Introduce the non-traditional fine art technique of finger painting. Show techniques for obtaining points and short lines. Learn to draw rain from clouds, conveying its character (small, droplets, heavy rain), using the point and line as a means of expression. Cultivate neatness

Two A4 sheets of light gray color with clouds of different sizes pasted on, blue gouache in bowls, napkins, an umbrella for playing, illustrations and sketches

Merry fly agarics (first


Finger painting

Continue to introduce non-traditional fine art techniques of finger painting. Learn to apply dots rhythmically and evenly over the entire surface of the paper. Strengthen the ability to evenly paint the mushroom cap, dip the brush into paint as needed, and rinse it well

Templates of fly agarics of various shapes cut out of white paper, scarlet, crimson and orange gouache, brushes, bowls with white gouache, napkins, dummies or illustrations of fly agarics

Funny fly agarics (second lesson)

Finger painting

Strengthen gluing skills. Learn to draw grass with your fingers (or brushes on whatman paper). Learn to decorate your work with dry leaves (creating a basic collage)

A4 sheets of blue and gray color or Whatman paper, green gouache in bowls, brushes, dry leaves, napkins

By design


All in stock


Berries and apples

Imprint with cork, potato signet (circles of different sizes)

Introduce the technique of printing with cork, foam pads, and potato stamps. Show the technique of receiving a fingerprint. Learn to draw berries and apples scattered on a plate, using contrast in size and color. If desired, you can use finger painting. Develop a sense of composition

A circle of tinted paper, gouache in bowls of yellow, red, purple, green colors, various signets, napkins, natural berries and apples or dummies


Finger painting

Learn to draw berries (with your fingers) and leaves (by dipping) on ​​a branch. Reinforce these drawing techniques. Develop color perception and sense of composition

A square sheet of colored paper with a painted twig, green and yellow gouache, brushes, orange and red gouache in bowls, napkins, rowan branch

We draw what we want


Improve skills in free experimentation with materials necessary for working in non-traditional visual techniques

All in stock

Birds peck berries

Finger painting, cork imprinting

Learn to draw twigs, decorate using finger painting and cork printing techniques (making berries of different sizes and colors). Strengthen your drawing skills. Develop a sense of composition. Cultivate neatness

Half an A4 sheet of different colors, brown gouache, brush, gouache in red, orange and burgundy colors in bowls, corks cut from old books and magazines, drawings of birds, glue, oilcloth, napkins


My favorites



Introduce the technique of poking with a semi-dry hard brush - learn to imitate animal fur, i.e. using the texture created by the poke as a means of expression. Learn to apply a design over the entire surface of the paper

Paper cut out figures of pets (kitten, puppy, rabbit), hard brush, black, brown gouache, gray colors, illustrations and images of pets

Radiant sun, why do you start hiding more often?

Imprint with potato stamps (circles of different sizes)

Practice typing techniques. Reinforce the concept of “beam”. Learn to draw rays using typing techniques. Develop color perception

Individual sheet (or Whatman paper) with a yellow circle in the middle, yellow, orange, red, crimson gouache in bowls, drawings with the image of the sun

We draw what we want


Improve skills in free experimentation with materials necessary for working in non-traditional visual techniques

All in stock


My favorite cup

Imprinting with cork, potato signet (circles of different sizes), finger painting

Strengthen the ability to decorate simple-shaped objects by applying the design as evenly as possible over the entire surface of the paper. Decorate using printing technique. Encourage the use of finger painting as well. Cultivate neatness

Cups of different shapes and sizes cut out of paper, multi-colored gouache in bowls, various signets, napkins, an exhibition of dishes

The little Christmas tree is cold in winter

Finger painting, signet printing

Strengthen your finger painting skills. Learn to make prints over the entire surface of the sheet (snowflakes, snowballs). Learn to draw a Christmas tree (or strengthen gluing skills if applique is used). Cultivate neatness

Tinted sheet of paper (blue, purple), green gouache, brush, white gouache in a bowl, napkins, one or two Christmas trees made of green paper, glue (if applique is used)


Drawing with cereals

Introduce the technique of drawing with cereals. Develop children's creativity. Cultivate accuracy and the ability to complete the work started. Develop fine motor skills.

Sheets of paper with painted blue snowflakes, PVA glue, brushes, semolina.

My mittens

Printing with potato stamps, cork, finger painting

Practice typing techniques. Strengthen the ability to decorate an object of simple shape, applying the design as evenly as possible over the entire surface. Cultivate neatness

Mittens cut out of paper of various shapes and sizes, signets, gouache in bowls, an exhibition of mittens, napkins

We draw what we want


Improve skills in free experimentation with materials necessary for working in non-traditional visual techniques

All in stock


Fluffy, elegant Christmas tree

Poking with a hard semi-dry brush, painting with fingers

Practice the technique of poking with a semi-dry, hard brush. Continue to learn how to use such a means of expression as texture. Strengthen the ability to decorate a picture using finger painting. Cultivate neatness

Small Christmas tree cut from thick paper, green gouache, hard brush, red or orange color in a bowl, napkin

We draw what we want


Improve skills in free experimentation with materials necessary for working in non-traditional visual techniques

All in stock

Cheerful snowman

Poking with a hard semi-dry brush

A snowman cut out of paper (two circles of different sizes) in gray or blue, white gouache, hard brush, red and black markers, whatman paper, tinted in a dark color


Funny octopuses (collective)

Drawing with palms

Introduce palm typing techniques. Strengthen the ability to complement the image with details. Develop color perception, fine motor skills, thinking, memory, speech. Create a desire to do collective work, to draw everyone together.

A sheet of blue Whatman paper, multi-colored gouache in cups, napkins.

We draw what we want


Improve skills in free experimentation with materials necessary for working in non-traditional visual techniques

All in stock

Flower for dad

Imprint with potato stamps (flower)

Practice typing using signets. Strengthen the ability to complete drawing stems and leaves on half-blooming flowers. Develop a sense of composition

Postcard for dad: on the front side there is an applique, on the spread there is a place for a drawing, stamps in the shape of flowers, gouache green, blue, orange, red, etc., gouache in bowls, brushes, napkins

My favorite animals from fairy tales

Poking with a hard semi-dry brush

Practice the poking technique with a semi-dry hard brush. Continue to teach how to use such a means of expression as texture

Silhouettes of animals cut out of paper (bear, fox, hare, etc.), gouache of different colors, hard brush, illustrations, whatman paper with a painted forest


Mimosa for mom

Finger painting

Practice finger painting and rolling balls from napkins. Develop a sense of composition. Strengthen gluing skills

Cards made of colored paper with a painted twig, cut out mimosa leaves, napkins (4x4 cm), yellow gouache in bowls, glue, brushes, whole napkins, mimosas

We draw what we want


Improve skills in free experimentation with materials necessary for working in non-traditional visual techniques

All in stock


Drawing with palms

Introduce palm typing techniques. Learning how to quickly apply paint to your palm and make prints is like rays of sunshine. Develop color perception

Whatman paper with a yellow circle drawn in the middle, gouache in scarlet, yellow, orange, crimson colors, brushes, plastic saucers for paint

Ladybugs on the lawn

Finger painting

Practice finger painting techniques. Strengthen the ability to apply dots evenly over the entire surface of an object, draw grass various shades (individual activity) or tear paper to obtain strips of different shades (collective activity)

  • th option

Cut out and painted ladybugs without dots on the backs, whatman paper, napkins and light and dark green paper, black gouache in bowls, glue for the teacher.

  • th option

A4 sheets, red, black, light and dark green gouache, brushes, black gouache in bowls, napkins

We draw what we want


Improve skills in free experimentation with materials necessary for working in non-traditional visual techniques

All in stock


We draw what we want


Improve skills in free experimentation with materials necessary for working in non-traditional visual techniques

All in stock


Drawing with cereals

Continue to introduce children to the technique of drawing with cereals. Develop creativity. Cultivate accuracy and the ability to finish what you start

White sheets with the silhouette of the sun, brushes, PVA glue, semolina, napkins.

We draw what we want


Improve skills in free experimentation with materials necessary for working in non-traditional visual techniques

All in stock



Palm drawing

Practice palm typing techniques. Strengthen the ability to fill the entire surface of a sheet with prints. Develop color perception

Whatman paper, dark and light green gouache (can be poured into a saucer), brushes, napkins

We draw what we want


Improve skills in free experimentation with materials necessary for working in non-traditional visual techniques

All in stock

The flower rejoices in the sun

Printing with potato signets (flower-shaped)

Practice the technique of typing with signets. Learn to draw a flower in the center of a leaf, complement the drawing with a stem, leaves, and grass around. Strengthen the dipping technique. Develop a sense of composition

A sheet of light green paper, flower-shaped seals, gouache of various colors in bowls, dark and light green gouache, brush, illustrations and sketches


Finger painting

Practice finger painting techniques. Strengthen the ability to apply dots evenly over the entire surface of an object. Develop fine motor skills, attention, thinking, speech. Cultivate interest in drawing using unconventional methods.

Silhouettes of fish cut out of white paper, “mother fish” (sample), gouache yellow, Cups for paint, napkins.

Exhibition of drawings by children of this group

Learn to look at pictures. Encourage emotional expressions and expressions. Practice choosing (liked and disliked drawings) Children’s drawings for the year (select several best drawings for every child)

V. Literature.

  1. Kazakova R.G., Sayganova T.I., Sedova E.M. “Drawing with preschool children. Non-traditional techniques, planning, lesson notes", 2006.
  2. Davydova N.G. “Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten” (Part I, II) - M. 2007.
  3. Averyanova A.P. “Art activities in kindergarten” - M., 2004.
  4. Lykova I.A. Visual activities in kindergarten.-M., Karapuz-Didaktika, 2007.