Anniversaries of writers and poets January. –2022 - International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures

Every year in Russian Federation noted a whole series holiday dates that in any way influenced the formation of our culture. These days, every citizen of our country remembers the significant events that shaped the appearance of the state as it is now.

Everyone knows that it was born on Russian territory large number world-famous writers, writers, poets and other cultural figures who directly influenced the formation of the worldview of all mankind. Thanks to their talent, such people became real idols of entire generations and forever went down in history as unique bearers of original ideas.

To honor the memory best representatives of its people, in our country every year a list of anniversary dates is formed for which special events. Thus, every iconic person receives the recognition they deserve on their birthday.

What do anniversaries and memorable dates mean?

In order to speak affirmatively about the significance of any date, you first need to understand why it is called that way. It is necessary to understand the difference between anniversaries, . Many people classify all these events under the general category of holidays, although each such event carries its own idea.

Jubilee days in the generally accepted concept and application in practice often differ from the classical formulation this term. As a rule, when talking about some event or a specific person, everyone considers the calendar date and the time periods associated with it, while a round date is usually considered an anniversary.

The wording of the definition of a memorable date is more clear to the common man. Such days are those time periods that had a direct impact on the history of the country, or made significant changes in the cultural, political and social life states.

Domestic and foreign anniversaries in 2018

The world-famous cultural figures we will honor in 2018 created their creations in different periods of time and on different continents. However, their masterpieces are appreciated and loved in all corners of the globe.

Domestic writers and poets

In winter, fans of the talent of outstanding personalities will celebrate the anniversaries of several Russian figures culture. February 25 will mark eighty years since the birth of the famous Soviet singer and composer Vladimir Vysotsky.

The master of rhyme, on whose songs entire generations of our citizens grew up, is known for hundreds of masterpiece creations that have not lost their relevance to this day. On this day, fans of the genius will be able to visit the grave of their idol and take part in the opening new exhibition works of the creator in the “Vysotsky House”.

January 3, 2018, fans of high literary thought, will celebrate the 115th anniversary of the famous writer Alexander Bek, who in his works managed to convey the unique flavor of Soviet reality. Admirers of the “master of the pen” will be able to pay tribute to the prose writer at a thematic meeting of cultural figures, which will take place early in the new year.

The spring and summer of 2018 will be an equally busy period in cultural life Russian society. March 16, 2018 will mark the 150th anniversary of Maxim Gorky, one of the most iconic personalities of the early twentieth century.

The opening is planned for this day unique museum dedicated to the life and work of the world famous writer. In July fans literary genre will celebrate the anniversaries of N. Chernyshevsky and V. Korolenko, thanks to whose creations domestic culture received a new impetus for development.

During the autumn period one of the most significant events in the cultural sphere of our state. On November 11, the whole country will celebrate the 200th anniversary of the birth of the famous meter verbal art Russia - Ivan Turgenev.

By this date, all cities are scheduled holiday events, dedicated to the memory of the brilliant creator. In addition, in November, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation promises to publish a “Turgenev” encyclopedia, which promises to give new “breath” creative heritage writer.

Foreign artists

Our compatriots are not limited to studying cultural achievements Russian writers and poets, they also love and honor the works of foreign writers.

In 2018, among the representatives cultural sphere round dates will be celebrated since the birth of such artists as: D. G. Brown, Stendhal, Jules Verne, G. James, F. Kafka and G. Hoffmann. These are real “giants” of world literature, whose names are known to absolutely every person in our country, so the planned festive events will be held at the highest level.

Celebrating anniversaries of the birth of great personalities is an integral part of the national cultural tradition. At such events, the work of brilliant writers is remembered, the influence of their legacy on the development of society is studied, and the blessed memory of the creators is invariably honored.

2018 promises to be very eventful in the field of cultural relations. It will give many pleasant moments to those people for whom creativity occupies a very important place in life.


  • Once again the hero of the day is magnificent children's writer - Tim Sobakin(A.V. Ivanov), he turns 60 years old January 2.
  • January 8 105 years since the birth of the poet Y. V. Smelyakova (1913 - 1972).
  • A 10 th - anniversary A. N. Tolstoy, known to both children (“The Adventures of Pinocchio”) and adults (“Walking through Torment,” “Peter the Great,” etc.); The famous writer turns 135 years old.
  • Fans of creativity V. S. Vysotsky(1938-1980) will celebrate the 80th anniversary of the birth of this outstanding poet, actor and bard January 25.


  • February 4 all lovers of books about nature will celebrate the anniversary M. M. Prishvina(1873-1954): The author of The Sun's Pantry and The Diaries turns 145 years old.
  • 235 years have passed since the birth of the greatest Russian romantic poet V. A. Zhukovsky(1703 - 1852); he was born 9 February.
  • Born on the same day in 1938 Yu. I. Koval, author of “Undersand” and “The Adventures of Vasya Kurolesov” - he would have turned 80 years old.


  • 13 March would have been the 130th anniversary of the writer and teacher A. S. Makarenko(1888-1939).
  • 17 March - anniversary B. N. Polevoy(1908-1981), famous for his "Tale of a Real Man", he is 110 years old.
  • A March 28 again a major anniversary - 150th anniversary M. Gorky(A. M. Peshkova) - writer, publicist, public figure (1868-1936).


  • In April 12 The 195th anniversary of his birth A. N. Ostrovsky, an outstanding playwright, author of dramas from the life of the merchants.
  • 15 April would have been 85 years old B. N. Strugatsky, one of the great Russian science fiction writers.


  • May 2018 brings us many anniversaries of 20th century writers:
  • 7 May - 115th birthday N. A. Zabolotsky, poet, translator (1903-1958).
  • 12 May would have been the poet's 85th birthday A. A. Voznesensky(1933-2010).
  • 26 May - 110th birthday of the playwright A. N. Arbuzova (1908-1986).
  • And on the same day he accepts congratulations on his 80th birthday L. S. Petrushevskaya.
  • 27 May we celebrate the 115th anniversary of the birth of the children's writer E. A. Blaginina(1903-1989).
  • A May 28- 140th birthday M. A. Voloshina, poet, critic, painter (1878-1932).

Foreign writers

We do not study foreign literature to the same extent as domestic literature. Nevertheless, a number of names of writers known throughout the world are worth remembering for every schoolchild. Event, dedicated to the anniversary such a writer will help introduce children to his work. Which anniversaries are worth paying attention to? Let's consider only the most noticeable of them.


  • 11 September marks the 155th anniversary of his birth O. Henry(William Sidney Porter) American writer (1862-1910).
  • 25 120th birthday W. Faulkner, American writer (1897-1962).


  • 9 October the whole world will celebrate the 470th anniversary of the birth of the creator of Don Quixote - Miguel de Cervantes, Spanish writer (1547-1616).


  • 14 November children will eagerly celebrate the 110th anniversary of the birth of the creator of Carlson, Pippi Longstocking and others famous heroes - Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren (1907-2002).
  • 26 November marks the 455th anniversary of the Spanish playwright Lope de Vega (1562-1635).
  • November 29- anniversary of 215 years since birth V. Gaufa, a German writer and storyteller (1802-1827), among whose books there are also many celebrants of this year.
  • 30 November marks the 350th anniversary of his birth J. Swift, English writer (1667-1745).


  • The month was marked by an anniversary C. Perrault(1628-1703), author of many anniversaries; he turns 390 years old 12 numbers.
  • January 22- 230 years since the birth of the English romantic poet, enormously popular in Russia early XIX centuries, J. G. Byron (1788-1824).
  • 23 235th birthday - 235th birthday Stendhal, French writer (1783-1842).


  • 10 the date is worth remembering the 120th anniversary of the German writer B. Brecht (1898-1956).


  • 13th marks the 180th anniversary of the birth of the writer from Italy R. Giovagnoli(1838-1915).
  • March 20- anniversary of the outstanding Norwegian playwright G. Ibsen(1828-1906), he turns 190 years old.


  • 1 - 150th birthday E. Rostand, French poet and playwright, creator of the image of Cyrano de Bergerac (1868-1918).
  • April 4- 200th anniversary of the classic adventure literature T. Maina Rida (1818-1883).
  • April 30 one can remember the 135th anniversary of the creator of the image of the good soldier Švejk, the Czech writer J. Hasek(1883-1923).

2018: anniversaries of writers and poets of the 20th century

150 years since his birth - Semyon Solomonovich Yushkevich (1868) - emigrant writer, engaged in drama, representative of “Russian-Jewish literature”.

140 - Mikhail Petrovich Artsybashev (11/05/1878) - prose writer and playwright, wrote articles for magazines and scripts for films.

130 - Leonid Grossman (01/24/1888) - famous literary critic, writer, who created books about Pushkin and Dostoevsky in the “ZhZL” series.

130 - Mikhail Osorgin (Ilyin) (10/19/1878) belongs to the emigrant writers, wrote prose, essays, and articles for magazines.

120 - Vasily Ivanovich Lebedev-Kumach (07/24/1898) among the writers and poets of 2018 stands out in that his poems were set to music. He is the author of poems for “The Holy War” and songs for Soviet films.

110 - Nikolai Nikolaevich Vorobyov (Bogaevsky, November 21, 1908) - writer and artist, wrote poems about the Don Cossacks.

110 - Boris Gorbatov (1908) belongs to the galaxy of Soviet prose writers, wrote scripts. 110 - Ivan Efremov (1908) - science fiction writer who was interested in space.

110 - Vitaly Zakrutkin (1908) - Russian prose writer, author of the story “Mother of Man.”

110 - Nikolai Nosov (1908) - classic of children's prose, wrote stories about Dunno.

110 - Boris Polevoy (Kampov, 03/17/1908) - prose writer Soviet era, wrote “The Tale of a Real Man.”

100 - Boris Zakhoder (09.09 1918) - children's writer, created scripts for films, and did translations.

100/10 - Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn - realist writer, dissident, author of works: “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”, “Matryonin’s Yard”, “The Gulag Archipelago”, etc. Nobel laureate(1970).

In 2018, 11.12. marks the 100th anniversary of his birth (1918), and 03.09. — 10 years from the date of death (2008). 90 - Pyotr Lukich Proskurin (01/22/1928) - wrote prose, known as the author of works on moral themes, about the relationships of people with each other.

90 - Boris Ivanov (02/25/1928) - journalist and writer, was part of the group that established the A. Bely Prize. 90 - Valentin Pikul (07/13/1928) - Russian writer, author of historical novels.

90 - Chingiz Aitmatov (12/12/1928) - Kyrgyz and Russian prose writer, author of stories and novels about the lives of ordinary people.

80 - Vladimir Kazakov (1938) - follower of Russian avant-garde (futurism) in poetry.

80 - Vladimir Vysotsky (01/25/1938) - poet, musician, actor, performer own songs. Among the writers and poets whose anniversaries are celebrated in 2018, he is distinguished by the fact that, in addition to the poetic field, he became famous as an actor.

80 - Georgy Weiner (02/10/1938) - one of the brothers famous duet, who created several detective novels, was involved in writing film scripts and journalism. 80 - Lyudmila Petrushevskaya (05/26/1938) is engaged in literature, drama, and sings excellently.

AND computer games. Young and middle-aged people prefer foreign and domestic TV series, books about love and science fiction films. But people of the older generation continue to respect the creative work of the “sharks of the pen”, who convey all spheres of life in their wonderful works. Fans literary creativity know which anniversaries of 2018 will celebrate their special dates. It is important to note that everyone is united in the creative path, therefore the birthdays of writers are celebrated by the entire creative “circle”.

  • On January 3, A. Beck celebrates his 115th birthday. Beck's work is a whole novella of stories dedicated to the Soviet era. Such months are marked in a circle creative people. Almost every year, literary “parties” are held, where the most best works anniversary
  • On January 25, all of Russia will remember creativity famous singer, writer and actor - V. Vysotsky. The popular person would have turned 80 years old. Vysotsky’s work is a real asset of Russia; fans remember all his works with pleasure and now unique person. In honor of Vysotsky’s anniversary, a gala meeting with fans is being organized. In addition, next year a new hall will be opened in the Vysotsky House, where you can get a closer look at the life of the Russian genius.
  • February 8 marks the 190th birthday of the world-famous traveler-writer J. Verne. The 2018 Libraries' Celebratory Writers have their own meaning. In honor of the writer’s anniversary, they are sure to organize creative evenings, where both fans and simply people who are interested in the works of famous publicists are invited.
  • On February 10, G. Weiner would have celebrated his 80th birthday. The writer can safely be called a master detective genre, his works “dispersed” throughout the vast world and found hundreds of thousands of fans.
  • March 28 marks the 150th anniversary of M. Gorky. All special dates and anniversary writers of 2018 for schoolchildren are included by month in general education program. The works of Maxim Gorky ( real name which - Peshkov) helps schoolchildren learn the truth modern people, study centuries-old traditions and understand the main problems of the modern world.
  • April 15 marks the 175th anniversary of the writer G. James. James's writings include 20 novels, 12 plays and 112 exciting and entertaining short stories.
  • June 10 marks 170 years since the birth of V. Istomin. The man established himself as a creative naturalist; he was the publisher of the magazine “ Children's holiday”, to which the works of L. Tolstoy, as well as I. Zabelin, were published.
  • On July 12, the anniversary event (190 years) is celebrated at N. Chernyshevsky. His novel, famous throughout Russia, “What is to be done?” intrigued the creative nature of every Russian.
  • September 8 marks the 310th anniversary of the birth of A. Cantemir. The creative person is known almost throughout the world; his works, which have satirical notes in nature, were published in all civilized countries of the world.
  • September 9 marks the 190th anniversary of the birth of L. Tolstoy. The most famous works writer are “Anna Karenina” and “War and Peace”. These works became the thematic basis for the creation of films.
  • November 6 marks the 200th anniversary of the famous writer P. Melnikov. IN in this case The anniversaries of writers and poets in 2018 are celebrated by both lovers and fans geographical sciences. Pavel Melnikov was fond of traveling, participated in various kinds of expeditions, and then published his books, which thoroughly and clearly described all the beauties of the Earth.
  • November 9 marks the 200th anniversary of the all-time famous writer I. Turgenev. Famous works Turgenev were published in many countries of the world, his works are necessarily included in school curriculum For educational institutions. In the coming year, the anniversary of the famous writer will be combined with a unique event - the presentation of the Turgenev Encyclopedia, as well as the opening of a museum, which will have 6 branches throughout Russia. Fans of Turgenev’s works will definitely read the best works of the great master on this holiday.
  • December 5 marks the 205th anniversary of the famous creative person F. Tyutchev. The poems written by Tyutchev have a special meaning; in them you can “see” the freshness of thoughts, the beauty of nature, and the feelings of people. Tyutchev’s works are necessarily included in the school curriculum, and students enjoy studying poetry true master of your business.

Anniversaries of children's writers

The works of children's writers deserve special attention. They are the ones who open the “door” for children fairy world, filled with kindness and respect. In any fairy tale, good always triumphs over evil, brave heroes They enter into unequal battles with their enemies, but always win. and psychologists assure that fairy tales are very important for children of any age; they help them perceive the world more realistically and become more self-confident. Which children's writers-anniversaries are celebrating their holidays in 2018?

Among the 2018 anniversary writers there are many big names. These are people who have left a bright mark on history and literature.

Antioch Dmitrievich Kantemir - one of the first diplomats, poets, and satirists. September 8 he's turning 10 310th birthday ( 1708) . In literature he is known for developing the syllabic system of versification.

Vasily Kirillovich Trediakovsky (Tredyakovsky)– outstanding poet XVIII century, became famous for his translations and improvement of the Russian language, the syllabic-tonic system of adding poetry. March 5 – 305 years.

Mikhail Matveevich Kheraskov – 10/09/2018 marks 285 years studied poetry and drama. Glorified the Age of Enlightenment in Russia. He finished the period of classicism and moved on to sentimentalism.

Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin (07/14/1743 - 275 ) – outstanding statesman and public figure, writer and poet.

Writers-anniversaries of 2018 who lived in the 19th century.

Vladimir Konstantinovich Istomin06/18/2018 – 170 years old (born 1848). Writer and publisher of the magazine "Children's Holidays", where the works of L. Tolstoy and I. Zabelin were published.

Pavel Ivanovich Melnikov (Pechersky)– date of birth – November 6, 1818, anniversary – 200 years . He took part in ethnographic expeditions and left highly artistic fictional notes.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev - 09.11.1818 - 200th birthday - a classic of Russian prose, created literary masterpieces unsurpassed in skill. Died in 1883 03.09. - 135 years since his death .

Evgeniy Mikhailovich Feoklistov (date of birth - 04/26/1828 - 190 l.) - prose writer, journalist who worked in N. Nekrasov’s Sovremennik.

outstanding realist prose writer, philosopher, educator - born 09.09.1828 - 190 -anniversary In 2018, the anniversary of the writer and the most notable things in his work:

  • 155 years since the beginning of the creation of “War and Peace”;
  • 165 years - “Anna Karenina”.

Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky (07/12/1828 – 190 years) - one of the greatest materialist philosophers, writer, encyclopedist, literary critic, author of the novel “What is to be done?”

Maxim Gorky (Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov) included in the list of anniversaries writers 2017-2018 academic year. Was born 03/28/1868 - 150th anniversary. He wrote stories (“Old Woman Izergil”, “Makar Chudra”, etc.), a/b trilogy, novels (“The Life of Klim Samgin”, “Mother”), essays and articles.

Nadezhda Andreevna Durova(pseudonym Alexander Andreevich Alexandrov) - September 28, 2018 – 235 years old (born 1783). Participant Patriotic War 1812 Author of the memoirs “Cavalry Maiden”, highly appreciated by A. S. Pushkin.

Kozma Petrovich Prutkov - collective pseudonym under which A. Tolstoy, br. Zhemchuzhnikovs, authors satirical stories. Birthday - 04/11/1803 In 2018 - 215 years.

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev - famous poet, philosopher, diplomat. Was born 12/05/1803 – 205 years.

Vladimir Aleksandrovich Sollogub- an official who wrote prose, poetry and plays for the theater, and the creator of family memoirs. Was born 08/20/1813. 2018 marks 205 years .

Nikolai Vladimirovich Stankevich (born 10/09/1813) – 205 years old. Organized a circle of like-minded people own name, which included prominent writers, poets, and critics.

Konstantin Mikhailovich Stanyukovich (30.03.1843 – 175 years) – wrote fascinating stories about the life of military sailors.

Gleb Ivanovich Uspensky (10/25/1843 - 175 l.) - writer who worked closely with L. N. Tolstoy.

Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko (born July 27, 1853) – 165 years old. Known for short stories, magazine articles, and journalism.

Fedor Sologub (F. K. Teternikov)- Symbolist poet, prose writer, playwright, author of articles on literature - born 01.03.1863 155 years .

Alexander Serafimovich (Popov) – 01/19/1863 – 155 l. representative of the Soviet era, author of the famous story about Civil War"Iron Stream"

(born December 13, 1873 - 145 l.) – wrote poetry and prose. He stood at the origins of symbolism and was its leader.

Arnold Hesse (04/16/1878 – 140 years) – journalist, researcher of the work of A. S. Pushkin.

2018: anniversaries of writers and poets of the 20th century

150th birthday - Semyon Solomonovich Yushkevich (1868)- emigrant writer, engaged in drama, representative of “Russian-Jewish literature.”

140 – Mikhail Petrovich Artsybashev (05.11. 1878)– prose writer and playwright, wrote articles for magazines and scripts for films.

130 – Leonid Grossman (01/24/1888)- a famous literary critic, writer who created books about Pushkin and Dostoevsky in the “ZhZL” series.

130 – Mikhail Osorgin (Ilyin) (10/19/1878) refers to emigrant writers, wrote prose, essays, and articles for magazines.

120 - Vasily Ivanovich Lebedev-Kumach (07/24/1898) Among the writers and poets of 2018, he stands out because his poems were set to music. He is the author of poems for “The Holy War” and songs for Soviet films.

110 – Nikolai Nikolaevich Vorobyov (Bogaevsky, November 21, 1908)- writer and artist, wrote poems about the Don Cossacks.

110 – Boris Gorbatov (1908) belongs to the galaxy of Soviet prose writers, wrote scripts.

110 – Ivan Efremov (1908)- science fiction writer with a passion for space.

110 – Vitaly Zakrutkin (1908)- Russian prose writer, author of the story “Mother of Man.”

110 – Nikolai Nosov (1908)- classic of children's prose, wrote stories about Dunno.

110 – Boris Polevoy (Kampov, 03/17/1908) – Soviet-era prose writer, wrote “The Tale of a Real Man.”

100 – Boris Zakhoder (09.09 1918)– children's writer, created scripts for films, and did translations.

100/10 - Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn - realist writer, dissident, author of works: “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”, “Matryonin’s Dvor”, “The Gulag Archipelago”, etc. Nobel laureate (1970). In 2018, 11.12. performed 100th birthday (1918), and 03.09. - 10 years from the date of death (2008).

90 – Pyotr Lukich Proskurin (01/22/1928)– wrote prose, known as the author of works on moral themes, about the relationships of people with each other.

90 – Boris Ivanov (02/25/1928)– journalist and writer, was part of the group that established the A. Bely Prize.

90 – Valentin Pikul (07/13/1928) – Russian writer, author of historical novels.

90 – Chingiz Aitmatov(12/12/1928) - Kyrgyz and Russian prose writer, author of stories and novels about the life of ordinary people.

80 – Vladimir Kazakov (1938)– follower of Russian avant-garde (futurism) in poetry.

80 - Vladimir Vysotsky (01/25/1938) - poet, musician, actor, performer of his own songs. Among the writers and poets whose anniversaries are celebrated in 2018, he is distinguished by the fact that, in addition to the poetic field, he became famous as an actor.

80 – Georgy Weiner (02/10/1938)- one of the brothers of the famous duo, who created several detective novels, was involved in writing scripts for films, and journalism.

80 – Lyudmila Petrushevskaya (05/26/1938) is engaged in literature, drama, and sings excellently.

80 – Venedikt Erofeev (24.10.1938)- poet, famous for his poem “Moscow-Petushki”.

80 – Arkady Khait (12/25/1938)– Russian satirist, wrote theater plays and film scripts.

70 – Mikhail Zadornov (07/21/1948)- an outstanding satirist, humorist, playwright of our time, author of essays, travel notes, humoresques, plays.

Intermediate anniversaries

145 Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin (1873) - famous Russian prose writer, ethnographer, created several works for children (“Pantry of the Sun”), wrote a lot about the nature of the Russian North.

135 – Fyodor Gladkov (1883) – Soviet prose writer, adherent of classical social science. realism.

135 – Demyan Bedny (Efim Alekseevich Pridvorov, 04/13/1883)Soviet poet, revolutionary, publicist.

115 - Alexander Alfredovich Beck (01/03/1903)Soviet writer, who created the novel “New Assignment.”

115 – Tamara Gabbe (1903)– prose writer, translator, collector of folklore, etc. She wrote a lot for children.

105 – Sergei Mikhalkov (03/13/1913)children's poet, author of the Russian Anthem.

105 – Viktor Sergeevich Rozov (08/21/1913)famous playwright Soviet period, author of 20 plays and film scripts (“The Cranes Are Flying”).

105 – Victor Dragunsky (01.12.1913) classic of children's literature, author of Deniska's Stories.

95 – Grigory Baklanov (Friedman) was born in 1923. - representative of “lieutenant prose”, wrote prose and film scripts.

95 – Rasul Gamzatov (09/08/1923) – famous Russian, Dagestan poet, publicist and public figure.

95/5 - Yuri Danilovich Goncharov (1923-2013)- writer, entered literature as an author military prose, then became a villager.

55 – Alexey Varlamov (06/23/1963)– writes prose and journalism, explores the history of literature in Russia in the 20th century.

Foreign writers-anniversaries of 2018

230 – Lord George Gordon Byron (01/22/1788)- English romantic poet, famous in Europe for his “dark selfishness.” Inspired by A.S. Pushkin, who wrote his first works in a romantic spirit.

200/170 – Emily Bronte (07/30/1818)- poetess and writer from Foggy Albion, representative of the famous literary kind Brontë, became famous thanks to the novel " Wuthering Heights" She died at the age of 30 on December 19, 1848.

190 – Jules Verne (02/08/1828)- traveler, navigator, French writer, creator of classic adventure novels (“The Children of Captain Grant”).

170 – Hans Hoffmann (07/27/1848)- writer, poet, teacher from Germany, creator of many short stories and novels (“Little Tsakhes”), had a wide range of interests.

120 – Erich Maria Remarque (06/22/1898)- German prose writer of the 20th century, author of the novel “On Western Front Without Change", which is considered the best among the works of writers of the "lost generation".

235 – Stendhal (01/23/1783)- famous French prose writer, author of several psychological novels(“Red and Black”), was engaged in fiction, wrote books about the architecture of Italy.

215 – Prosper Merimee (28.09.1803)- Frenchman, wrote prose and translated, including from Russian, was a master of the short story (“Matteo de Falcone”), and was interested in history.

195 – Maurice Sand (06/30/1823)- son of a famous French writer Aurore Dudevant (George Sand), poet, painter.

175 – Henry James (04/15/1843)- American novelist, most of lived in Britain, author of 20 novels, 112 stories, 12 plays.

135 – Franz Kafka (07/03/1883)- an outstanding German writer of Austro-Hungarian origin, widely known throughout the world thanks to unusual works, saturated with fear, absurdity, causing the reader a feeling of anxiety.

115 – George Orwell (06/25/1903)– British, writer, publicist, creator of cult dystopian novels (“1984”). Author of the term "Cold War".

Every year in Russia a number of dates are celebrated that are marked by special events in the life of our country and the people who live or once lived on its territory. Everyone knows how many cultural figures, great politicians, writers, scientists and others famous people was born in Russia. In addition, our country does not forget about those events that affected the course of history in the most dramatic way. And so that we all remember and honor all these dates and events, we should familiarize ourselves with the list of anniversaries, memorable and significant dates for 2018.

What dates are called anniversary, memorable and significant?

You cannot start talking about any significant date without understanding why it is called that way. Let's find out why dates are called memorable, anniversary or significant, and what this is connected with.

The concept " anniversary date", oddly enough, is quite intuitive and often in the generally accepted view differs from the application of such a formulation in practice. Most often, when talking about a specific person or event, we mention the anniversary date, counting the period from his birth or the day of the occurrence of this event. Also sometimes anniversary dates counted from the date of death or special life event - publication scientific work or the publication of a book. There is no rule about which date should be called an anniversary date, but most often a round date is celebrated, that is, ending in 0, or a half date, having a 5 at the end.

Definition memorable dates more specific. Memorable dates are those that in a special way influenced the course historical events or somehow affected the political, cultural or other sphere. In Russia there is a whole list of memorable dates, which was compiled by the Ministry of Culture and noted in legislation.

Significant dates represent those dates on which less outstanding, but especially memorable events took place in the country or the world.

Literary observances of 2018

Anniversaries in 2018: writers, poets, scientists, cultural and artistic figures

January 6 – one of the most charismatic actors Adriano Celentano will celebrate his anniversary at the very beginning of the first month of 2018. He will turn 80 years old.
January 25 - on this date, Vladimir Vysotsky would celebrate his eightieth anniversary - a man who became a classic of his generation, whose poems and songs are remembered and loved not only by his contemporaries, but also by their grandchildren.
February 8 – on this date Russia will remember Soviet actor V. Tikhonov, who would have turned 90 years old.
On February 14, physicist and educator of Soviet science Sergei Kapitsa would celebrate his 90th anniversary.
On March 20, actress and TV presenter E. Strizhenova will celebrate her 50th anniversary.
March 22 – Musician, singer and Honored Artist of Russia Valery Syutkin will celebrate his 60th anniversary.
March 31 – Vladimir Vinokur is 70 years old.
April 4 is the 80th anniversary of the birth of Ilya Reznik.
April 13 is Mikhail Shifutinsky’s 70th birthday.
May 5 – 200 years since the birth of Karl Marx.
May 25 is the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vera Orlova.
June 13 is the 70th anniversary of Sergei Bodrov.
August 16 – singer Madonna will turn 60 years old.
October 16 – 50 years since the birth of Ilya Lagutenko.
November 9 is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Turgenev.
November 24 is the 80th anniversary of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Natalya Krachkovskaya.
December 10 is the 100th anniversary of the birth of the famous Russian tenor Anatoly Tarasov.
December 11 – centenary anniversary from a world-famous Russian writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

Works and books-anniversaries of 2018

Composers' anniversaries in 2018

Historical events, international memorable and significant dates in 2018

January 27 is International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
February 4 – World date fight against cancer.
February 20 is World Day of Social Justice.
March 3 is World Wildlife Day.
March 20 is World Happiness Day.
March 21 is World Poetry Day.
April 7 is World Health Day.
April 26 is the international date of remembrance of the Chernobyl disaster.
May 8-9 – Days of remembrance and reconciliation dedicated to those killed in World War II.
May 31 is World No Tobacco Day.
June 4 is World Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression.
August 12 is International Youth Day.
September 21 is International Day of Peace.
October 5 is World Teachers' Day.
November 17 is World Philosophy Day.
December 1 is International AIDS Day.
December 20 is International Human Solidarity Day.