Planning drawing lessons for the middle group. September

Maria Kupri (Lukinska)

Month Topic Tasks

September 1. "Fairytale Tree" (subject drawing; gouache) 1. Create desire draw an imaginary tree; learn draw a tree(to convey the structure of a tree, and everything fabulous and extraordinary that can grow on it).

2. Continue teaching children to use paints carefully (pick up the entire pile of paint, remove an extra drop on the edge of the jar, rinse the brush well in water).

3. Cultivate the ability to experience surprise and joy.

2. Fruit (subject drawing; wax crayons) 1. Teach children to imitate fruits (convey their shape, color).

2. Continue to teach children how to hold a wax crayon correctly. (three fingers).

4. Foster independence.

3. Vegetables (subject drawing; wax crayons) 1. Teach children to pretend to be vegetables (convey their shape, color).

2. Continue teaching children to paint over an object without gaps.

3. Cultivate interest in classes drawing.

4. "Checkered Shawl" (decorative drawing; gouache) 1. Teach children draw a pattern, consisting of vertical and horizontal lines on square shaped paper.

2. Continue to teach children to draw a line without lifting the brush from the sheet (top to bottom and left to right); develop the habit of rinsing your brush well and drying it on a napkin.

3. Develop eye, taste, fine motor skills.

4. Cultivate neatness and a sense of color harmony.

October 1. « Little hedgehog walks in the forest" (plot drawing; gouache) 1. Teach children to convey in drawing characteristics appearance hedgehog: oval body covered with spines, sharp muzzle.

2. Improve children’s ability to paint an object in one direction according to the shape, draw needles on a hedgehog.

3. Develop fine motor skills, attention, sense of rhythm.

4. Cultivate diligence, respect and a caring attitude towards all living things on earth.

2. « Autumn tree With yellow leaves» (subject drawing; gouache)

1. Teach children to draw a tree (demonstrate its structure in the drawing - trunk, branches, leaves).

2. Learn to depict leaves using the technique "dipping".

3. Develop a sense of color, shape, fine motor skills of the fingers.

3. "Let's decorate a flower pot" (decorative drawing; gouache) 1. Teach children paint pattern on the silhouette of the pot with straight horizontal lines, decorate with dots.

2. Strengthen the ability to draw a line with a brush quickly and boldly; be able to rinse the brush well and dry it on a napkin.

3. Develop fine motor skills, senses, and colors in children.

4. Foster neatness and independence in choosing contrasting colors.

4. "Fairytale house" (subject drawing; colour pencils) 1. Teach children paint fairytale house with one window using different lines (vertical, horizontal, inclined).

2. Continue to teach children to combine quadrangular and triangular shapes in a drawing, to paint over an object without gaps.

3. Develop creative imagination, the ability to fantasize.

4. Cultivate interest in fairy tales.

November 1. "Fish swim in an aquarium" (plot drawing; gouache) 1. Teach children to create a simple plot composition - depict several fish that swim in different directions.

2. Practice drawing oval shapes; paint an object according to its shape, depict details.

3. Cultivate intelligence and a caring attitude towards fish.

2. "Colorful balls" (subject drawing; gouache) 1. Teach children draw balls, different in shape and color.

2. Improve children’s ability to paint an object according to shape, pick up paint over the entire pile, and rinse the brush well in water.

3. Develop a sense of color and fine motor skills of the fingers.

3. “The bird is not big” (subject drawing; colour pencils) 1. Teach children draw a bird, betraying its features (body structure, tail, etc.).

2. Continue to teach children to paint over an object without gaps, to hold the pencil correctly, without squeezing it too hard.

3. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards our smaller brothers.

4. Drawing by Design 1. Teach children to think about the content of their drawing.

3. Foster independence.

December 1. "Snow Maiden" (subject drawing; gouache) 1. Teach children paint Snow Maiden in a certain sequence (head, shoulders, fur coat widened downwards, arms from shoulders).

2. Strengthen technical skills in drawing with all the pile, paint over an image of an object wide lines without going beyond the contour.

3. Develop imagination and fine motor skills of the fingers.

4. Foster independence, interest in drawing.

2. "Gloves and Kittens" (subject drawing; wax crayons) 1. Teach children to pretend to be gloves (circle your palms - right and left).

2. Continue to teach children to create an ornament on their own - by idea or by design; paint over an object without gaps.

3. Develop imagination and creative activity.

4. Cultivate intelligence.

3. "My doll"

(wax crayons) 1. Continue teaching children paint a person in long clothes - a sundress, decorate the doll's sundress with a pattern.

2. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

3. Cultivate accuracy when painting.

4. “On the small Christmas tree, gifts for the little bunny” (subject drawing; gouache) 1. Exercise children in drawing a Christmas tree, decorated with gifts for the bunny.

2. Continue teaching children to draw round, pointed shapes (apple, carrot).

3. Cultivate sympathy for wintering animals and a desire to help.

January 1. "Snowman in a Hat" (subject drawing; gouache) 1. Continue teaching children draw a snowman consisting of three circles.

2. Improve technical skills in drawing: pick up paint onto the entire pile, rinse the brush well in water, and dry it on a napkin.

3. Cultivate confidence and accuracy.

2. “Like pink apples on bullfinch branches” (subject drawing; colour pencils) 1. Teach children paint bullfinches on snow-covered branches, showing the peculiarities of their appearance - structure, coloring.

2. Strengthen the ability to hold a pencil correctly - with three fingers, without squeezing it too much.

3. Educate careful attitude to the birds.

3. "Dymkovo patterns" (decorative drawing; gouache) 1. Continue to introduce children to the Dymkovo toy (teach draw a pattern, consisting of horizontal and vertical lines, rings.

2. Strengthen children’s ability to use paints carefully.

3. Instill in children a desire to learn draw Dymkovo patterns.

February 1. Introduction to architecture. 1. Introduce children to a form of fine art - architecture.

2. To form the idea that the architecture of each building depends on its purpose.

3. Teach children to portray one-story houses and multi-storey.

4. Develop a sense of form and composition.

2. "Kolobok" (subject drawing; wax crayons) 1. Arouse children’s interest in the image of a kolobok.

2. Strengthen the ability to hold a wax crayon correctly and paint over an object without gaps.

3. Cultivate interest in Russian folk tales.

3. "Tank" (subject drawing; wax crayons) 1. Teach children draw a tank(convey shape, color).

2. Improve children’s ability to hold a wax crayon correctly (with three fingers, without squeezing it too hard, to paint over an object without gaps.

3. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

4. Foster a patriotic attitude towards the Motherland.

4. Drawing by Design 1. Continue to teach children to think about the content of their drawing.

2. Develop imagination and creative activity.

3. Cultivate intelligence.

March 1. "Funny nesting dolls" (decorative drawing; gouache) 1. Continue to introduce children to the matryoshka doll as a type of folk toy.

2. Teach children to make a pattern using the silhouette of a matryoshka doll, holding the brush perpendicular to the sheet.

3. Develop attention.

4. Cultivate interest in decorative drawing.

2. "Teddy Bear" (subject drawing; colour pencils) 1. Continue teaching children draw a bear cub(to convey its characteristic features - color, shape).

2. Improve children’s ability to paint over an object without gaps.

3. Develop imagination.

4. Cultivate perseverance and accuracy when painting.

3.“Rook on the mountain - spring is in the yard” (subject drawing; wax crayons) 1. Teach children draw a bird(rook, using a round shape to convey the shape of the body and head.

2. Develop attention and creativity.

3. Cultivate interest in the world around us.

4. "Owl - big head" (subject drawing; wax crayons) 1. Teach children draw an owl, conveying its characteristic signs: (large head, eyes like headlights, oval-shaped body, wings, etc.)

2. Develop a sense of form and composition.

3. Cultivate interest in depicting birds.

April 1. "Spring has come - it's red" (plot drawing; gouache) 1. Teach children to portray spring landscape (grass, flowers, birds, etc.) 2. Strengthen children’s ability to paint objects according to shape, pick up paint to cover the entire pile, rinse the brush well in water, and dry it on a napkin.

3. Develop a sense of beauty.

2. “I’ll fly on a rocket to the distant stars”

(subject drawing; gouache) 1. Teach children to pretend to be a rocket (convey shape, color).

2. Develop compositional skills.

3. Cultivate interest in visual arts.

3. Easter Egg» (decorative drawing; gouache) 1. Continue teaching children to make a pattern on the silhouette of an egg.

2. Develop a sense of color.

3. Cultivate interest in Orthodox holidays.

4. "Rainbow - Arc" (subject drawing; wax crayons) 1. Continue to teach children to independently and creatively reflect their ideas about beautiful natural phenomena.

2. Develop a sense of color, sequence, attention.

3. Cultivate aesthetic taste.

May 1. "Ducklings are swimming on the lake" (plot drawing; gouache) 1. Learn to create a simple plot composition by placing objects on the entire sheet (ducklings swim on the lake).

2. Teach draw ducklings, based on an oval.

3. Develop creativity.

2. "Two Girlfriends" (plot drawing; wax crayons) 1. Teach children to depict a human figure in a drawing (two girlfriends).

2. Continue to strengthen children's skills paint human figure in sequence (head, shoulders, sundress, then arms from shoulders, legs).

3. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards your friends.

3. "Filimonovsky motives" (decorative drawing; gouache) 1. Introduce children to the Filimonovskaya toy; learn paint elements of painting on the silhouette of a pig in a certain sequence (stripes - red, yellow, green).

2. Develop a sense of color and fine motor skills.

4. Game "Pick up patterns" 1. Teach children to select cards with patterns for a specific painting (Dymkovskaya and Filimonovskaya).

2. Develop attention and aesthetic taste.

3. Cultivate interest in decorative and applied arts.

Children develop an interest in drawing early age. Kids enjoy running a brush over paper, smearing paint, making dots and blots. At the age of 2–3 years, a child begins to distinguish the outlines of some objects in his scribbles, and by the age of 4 he has a desire to consciously depict something. Drawing with pencils, felt-tip pens, brushes and paints requires confident use of tools to obtain an accurate rendering of the contours and details of objects. Children of younger and middle ages before school age form and develop the ability to draw, practice techniques in simple tasks. Non-traditional drawing techniques allow you to create visual image on paper simple movements and quickly, which delivers to the child positive emotions and satisfaction with the result of creative activity.

Non-traditional drawing techniques in classes in the middle group

Children 4–5 years old often experience uncertainty, sometimes even fear, before drawing classes. The skill of using a pencil and brush is still developing; form-building movements are rarely accurate. In basic drawing classes, middle group students learn to carry out vertical and horizontal lines pencil, continuous stripe with a brush, draw simple figures and practice the skill of painting within the contour. Children's attention is unstable, they get tired quickly, monotonous activities reduce interest in the work being done. Drawing in unconventional ways surprises children and activates their attention to creating images on paper using unusual objects and tools. Watching the teacher draw with a fork or toothbrush, the children experience delight and a desire to draw as well.

During drawing classes using non-traditional techniques, developmental and educational tasks must be performed that are appropriate age characteristics middle group children:

  • Development of fine motor skills of the hands. Performing actions with various instruments develops the child’s hand; on the tips of the fingers and the surface of the palms, nerve endings are excited, which send an impulse to the cerebral cortex - the thinking and speech centers are activated.
  • Development spatial thinking And visual perception items. The child learns to find individual details and shapes in the image of an object, which he can convey in the process of drawing on paper. By making blots, drawing with wax, and making prints, the children consolidate the ability to determine the center of the sheet and develop a sense of composition and rhythm.
  • Training in working with a variety of materials. During the classes, children will learn that images can be created not only with the usual paints and pencils on a white sheet of paper. IN creative work are involved household items, natural and waste material, cardboard and colored paper.
  • Activation of imagination and the formation of interest in independently thinking through a plan. If drawing classes in non-traditional ways are carried out as part of the functioning of the circle additional education, it is recommended to arrange a rack with signed boxes in the room where students study. As you master the skills various techniques children get access to a variety of materials. Students in the middle group can be given a choice of tools with which they want to draw a picture on the topic of the lesson. You can allow children to take turns choosing an object that has not previously been studied as part of non-traditional drawing: at the beginning of the lesson, the student chooses an object, the teacher tells how to create an image with it.
  • Creation Have a good mood, developing self-confidence, relieving tension and fears. Drawing in unconventional ways with children of the middle group contains at its core game elements: actions are accompanied by sentences (“Rain-rain, drip-drip-drip!” - dots are made with a cotton swab. “One - apple, two - apple, then there will be compote!” - imprints are made with an apple slice, etc.) , creating drawings is the solution problematic situation(on a poster with a picture of a lawn, dandelions do not bloom, and children draw flowers on it with a poke), etc.
  • Formation of interest in collective activities. Children 4–5 years old do not yet know how to work harmoniously in pairs or groups. IN middle group The children learn to think through an individual plan. But simple tasks Pupils enjoy doing things together. The teacher announces the task, the children will perform the same actions on a common sheet of paper (whatman paper or half-whatman paper). For example, in the lesson " Autumn forest“The task is given to draw the crowns of trees with a piece of foam rubber. The guys sit down common table, on which lies whatman paper depicting bare trunks and branches of trees. Everyone chooses a tree, takes a piece of foam rubber and paints the leaves with yellow, orange, brown and red paints. At the end of such classes, the teacher must draw the children’s attention to the fact that such a complete and beautiful picture It turned out because everyone did a good job.
  • Development aesthetic taste. The technique of non-traditional drawing teaches children to create texture of an object, imitation of animal fur or bird plumage using non-classical techniques. Children develop the ability to see beauty in the unusual. Shapeless prints of a foam sponge or a poke with a hard brush look organic in the finished work. In the process of drawing, children develop the ability to combine colors in pattern elements and begin to select solutions for creating an image on a colored background.

In drawing classes using non-traditional techniques, it is necessary to observe the principle of continuity of knowledge. By creating images with unusual objects or non-classical techniques, the children in their works consolidate and improve the skills acquired in regular classes: they outline the outline of an object with a brush or pencil for further drawing in an unconventional way; decorate the picture with appliqué elements (paper or plasticine); complete the elements of the subject as usual; learn to paint the background.

Finger painting (fingergraphy)

Until school age (7 years), the leading processes through which a child studies objects and phenomena of the surrounding world remain visual and tactile sensations. In younger groups, finger painting was both a game and transitional stages to classical technique drawing, the children mostly filled in printed pictures with multi-colored dots. In the middle group, students form and develop the skill of drawing various elements with their fingers: dots, spots, strokes, lines. It's fun to intentionally get dirty in paint; smearing paint with your fingers is fun. special sensations, create an image with strokes, and not just paint - satisfaction with the result. During classes, special finger paints can be used: they are hypoallergenic and safe if they get into the mouth, and have a light consistency. Traditionally, in the middle group they paint with gouache, but it is possible to paint with their fingers using watercolor paints: they are not as thick as gouache, but you need to dip your finger in a glass of water before picking up paint, or pre-drip it clean water with a brush in cells with watercolors.

With students in the middle group, you can try finger painting using diagrams. Attached to the board step-by-step instruction, how to use prints and add pencil squiggles to draw an image of a person or animal. The teacher voices each stage, demonstrates its implementation, and the children repeat. Maps of step-by-step drawing pictures with fingers are presented in numerous manuals for parents and teachers. preschool education(for example, in the book “Print, dot, stroke. Drawing with fingers” by Ilona Molnar).

Finger painting in the middle group

Fingertip drawing technique:

  1. The child dips his finger into a jar or bowl of gouache paint.
  2. Each finger is painted with a different color.
  3. The child draws with his fingertips on a sheet of paper, re-painting the desired color if necessary.
  4. At the end of the work, wash your fingers with soap, the gouache is easily washed off.


Putting green paint on your finger
Drawing lines on paper
Flower stems
Paint of a different color is applied
Flowers are drawn with dots
New color
Second flower
Drawing a flower with brush strokes
Mixing paints (yellow+red)
The process of drawing flowers
A butterfly is drawn with lines
The butterfly shape uses straight and curved lines
The final stage of work
The drawing is ready

Drawing with palms

Painting with palms, like with fingertips, involves imprinting and smearing paint. Drawing options in this technique for middle school students: “Make a palm print and complete the drawing to make a bird, octopus, fish, etc.” (paint additional elements guys can use a brush or a finger), “Complete the picture with handprints to make it…” (handprints become leaves on tree branches, flowers in a vase, hedgehog needles).

Collective drawing with palms in the middle group

Palm painting technique:

  1. The child puts his hand in a saucer of paint. In the middle group, children should learn to apply paint to their palm using a brush held with the other hand; this skill is practiced in classes on the topics “Bullfinch”, “Titmouse”, “Butterfly”, when the palm print should be multi-colored.
  2. The palm and fingers are pressed tightly onto a sheet of paper to make an impression. You can make circular, vertical or horizontal movements with your palm according to your design.
  3. At the end of work, wash your hands with soap.


Applying yellow paint to the palm (titmouse breast)
Applying paint of a different color (in this work the child mixed blue/and black paint)
The palm is placed tightly on a sheet of paper
A child paints a bird's head with a brush
Draws a paw
Draws a second paw
Finishes drawing the beak
Draws a titmouse's eye
The drawing is ready

Combination of fingerprinting techniques with palm painting

For pupils of the middle group, tasks are offered on drawing an object composition or a complex image using palms and fingers. First, handprints are made to indicate large details or the basis of the design, then additional elements are drawn with the fingers. A combination of finger painting and palm painting techniques is used in tasks on the topics “Fairytale Tree”, “Swans”, “Funny Octopuses”, “Fishes”. In these tasks, children develop the ability to find the center of a composition, combine various finger painting techniques, colors and shades of paint to accurately convey the image.

"Fairytale Tree"

Applying paint to the palm
Pressing your palm onto a piece of paper
Palm print - tree trunk and branches
Paint gets on your finger
Drawing strokes with your finger
Finger painting process
Combination of shades of green
Paints of other colors are collected
Tree leaves are drawn with dots
The fairy tree is ready

Poking drawing

The poking method is great for simulating fluffy and prickly objects or objects. During the lesson you will need sheets of paper of any color or shaped blanks in the form of animals, brushes with stiff bristles, gouache, a glass of water, and napkins. Poke drawing classes are held on the topics “Cat”, “Christmas tree”, “Hedgehog”, “Dandelions”, “Bunny in winter”.

Poking technique:

  • A dry brush is placed in a jar of gouache and paint is drawn up.
  • Holding the brush vertically, hit the paper with it - you get a poke.
  • Before picking up paint of a different color, the brush should be rinsed in a glass and blotted well with a napkin. The poke is made only with a semi-dry brush.
  • The outline of the depicted item or object is filled with pokes; the details necessary according to the plan can be drawn with an ordinary brush.

"Fluffy kitten"

The guys pick up gouache with a hard brush and draw with a poke on paper. The process of drawing with a poke. The guys draw a muzzle, paws of a kitten, a bowl with a simple brush. Examples of work


Monotype is a drawing technique by imprinting part of an image. This method of drawing is considered simple, but is suitable for classes in every group; older preschoolers draw landscape monotypes using various colors and shades in one work. Drawing with monotype improves the ability to find the middle of an object and develops a sense of symmetry.

Monotype technique:

  1. A sheet of paper is folded in the middle.
  2. Paint spots are drawn on one part of the paper different colors.
  3. The sheet is folded and ironed with the palm of your hand.
  4. The sheet opens and the resulting image can be decorated using a brush and paints.


Spots are applied to one part of the sheet with the middle marked. The process of drawing spots. different colors A sheet of paper is folded along the fold line and unfolded. The abdomen and antennae are completed with a brush.

Using the monotype technique, you can create not only a symmetrical image, but also a drawing with two identical objects. In this case, the entire object is drawn on one half of the paper and imprinted on the other half of the sheet in a mirror image.

Drawing with a toothbrush

The technique of drawing with a toothbrush is simple: the guys put paint on the bristles and draw lines on a sheet of paper in accordance with the design. It is recommended to combine drawing classes in this way in the middle group with other non-traditional drawing techniques (finger, cotton swabs) or applique elements.


A triangle of colored paper is glued onto a sheet - a trunk. We pick up paint with a toothbrush. We draw pine needles with straight lines. Finished work decorate with sequins


Children become familiar with the spraying technique in younger groups: they pick up paint with a toothbrush or comb, direct it onto a sheet of paper and, by running a pencil over the bristles/teeth, they get colored splashes. In the middle group, the ability to create drawings using multi-layer spraying is developed.

Multi-layer spray technique:

  1. Stencils are used to create an image. In classes to introduce this technique, stencils are attached to a sheet of paper with paper clips.
  2. Paint is drawn onto the brush and splashed on top of a sheet of paper.
  3. The next stencil according to the plan is applied, splashes of a different shade are made.
  4. The stencils are removed to create a complex image that imitates the volume of an object or a composition with foreground and background.

"Winter forest"

Stencils: snowdrifts, tree trunks and crowns, snowflakes Tools for creating spray paints and paints diluted with water First layer Second layer Third layer View of the design after removing the stencils

Drawing with a sponge or piece of foam rubber

The technique of painting with a sponge or foam rubber is based on the formation of the skill of printing with paint. Foam rubber prints create the texture of an object; they are used to draw animal fur, fluffy bunches of flowers, clouds, tree crowns, etc. For classes, you can purchase sponges for drawing in this technique, or together with your children you can make a simple and easy-to-print tool: a piece The foam is grabbed with a clothespin, which will act as a handle.


A piece of foam rubber is cut from the sponge
We grab the foam rubber with a clothespin (the guys perform this action independently)
We put paint on the foam rubber and print in a vertical motion
Draw a chicken
Add details with a brush

Printing with natural materials

Drawing with prints is in a simple way drawing: paint is drawn or applied with a brush onto the imprinted surface of the object, and with a vertical movement we place the imprint on a sheet of paper. For students in the middle group, tasks on creating a composition from prints using classical drawing techniques are suitable. For example, for the task “Cooking compote,” the children use a brush to draw the outlines of a pan, within which they will place multi-colored prints of half an apple. Natural printing material options: leaves, flat flowers (daisies, daisies), shells, cut cucumbers, apples, lemons.

"Vegetable salad"

For printing you will need onions and cucumbers
Paint a salad bowl with a brush
We collect paint with an onion and apply it to the sheet.
Onion prints
Printing with cucumber
Salad ready

Drawing with cotton swabs

In the younger groups, the guys tried to draw with cotton swabs: they picked up paint and decorated paper blanks or an image on a sheet of paper with dots (a Christmas tree, a sundress, a teapot). For students in the middle group, the task becomes more complicated: they develop the ability to create an image with a cotton swab on clean slate paper. The children draw with dots, spots, strokes, various lines and simple geometric shapes (rings, circles). Drawing with dots using cotton swabs will be of particular importance when introducing the pointillism technique in older groups.

"Rowan Branch"

To work you need several cotton swabs, watercolor or gouache
The branch is drawn with lines
Berries are drawn in spots
Bunches of rowan berries are drawn
Leaves are drawn with strokes
The cores of the berries are drawn with dots
Rowan branch is ready

Drawing with cotton pads

Cotton pads in classes unconventional drawing can be used as a tool for working with gouache, or can be used as unusual material for the basis of the drawing. Draw with cotton pads, applying them to a sheet of paper with the entire surface, folded in half or into a quarter.


The cotton pad is folded to obtain the desired shape of the part, paint is collected. Prints are made with a cotton pad according to plan. Elements are drawn with a brush.


Creating a picture background - sky
Cotton pads - balls are glued
Drawing on cotton pads
Patterns on cotton pads
The threads of the balls are finished with a brush

Drawing with a fork

Another option for printing with an unusual object is drawing with a fork (metal or plastic). The gouache is poured into a flat plate, the flat surface of a fork is used to scoop up paint and make prints on the paper.


Putting paint on a fork
Place a fork against a sheet of paper
Draw stems and leaves with a brush
Tulips are ready

Drawing with crumpled paper

You can make paint prints using a crumpled piece of paper. Drawing tasks using this technique are made more difficult for middle school students by combining elements of classical drawing or appliqué.

"Leaves Are Falling"

The guys make an applique from strips of paper - a trunk and branches. A crumpled piece of paper makes gouache prints - leaves. Examples of work


Blotography is a way of creating an image using spots and blots. To practice this technique you will need watercolors, a glass of water, a brush and a plastic tube. Blots can be supplemented with a design in the classical way; you can initially create a design on paper that will be decorated with blots as intended.

Blot painting technique:

  1. Apply watercolor paint with a brush well soaked in water.
  2. A spot is made on a sheet of paper or a drop is placed.
  3. Blowing air out of the tube, draw a blot with paint.

"Cherry Blossom"

Place a drop on a sheet of paper Blow through the tubes onto the paint Blow up the blot - the trunk Place drops of paint on the tree trunk and blow the branches Place the drops green paint We blow up the grass We put drops of white paint We add paint Pink colour Blowing up the drops - cherry blossoms


Drawing with wool thread in the middle group consists of putting paint on the thread, applying it to a sheet of paper and creating a pattern by imprinting with the movement of the thread. The wool thread creates a fancy pattern that is suitable for depicting a cloud or a cloud, a dog or a sheep.


The thread with the collected paint is placed on a sheet of paper. The thread is covered with another sheet on top, the child moves the thread in different directions, creating a pattern. Use a brush to draw drops. The cloud is ready.

Drawing with semolina

In fact, children draw with glue (usually PVA). A layer of glue is applied to the marked outline of the image with a brush, semolina is poured in and a sheet of paper is firmly placed on top. Then the excess semolina is shaken off from the drawing and the next detail is created in the same way. In the middle group, children develop the ability to carefully trace a stencil and apply glue within the outline. Since semolina is white, colored paper or cardboard is used as a basis for drawing in this technique.

"Gift for Mom"

We trace the stencil. Apply a layer of glue to the outline of the flower with a brush. Sprinkle semolina. Place a sheet of paper on top. Shake off excess grain. Do it this way. next element- stem with leaves A gift for mom is ready

Drawing with a candle

Children develop skills in drawing lines, spots, simple geometric shapes an unusual tool - a candle. For this lesson you will need a thick sheet of white paper as a basis, simple candle(a piece of candle), watercolor paints and a brush.

Candle painting technique:

  1. On a sheet of paper with a candle, the children draw details according to plan.
  2. Use a brush to paint the sheet with watercolor paint.
  3. Wax images appear through watercolors.

"Winter landscape"

Using a candle, draw a Christmas tree at the bottom of the sheet, and snowflakes at the top.
Paint the sheet with watercolors of blue, cyan and black
Winter landscape is ready

Drawing with wax crayons

In drawing classes using this technique, children develop two classic skills at once - drawing with a pencil (wax crayons, as a rule, have the shape of pencils) and filling the background with one or more watercolor colors using a brush. The results are unusual and vibrant works.

"Summer Meadow"

On a sheet of white paper we draw flowers, butterflies, the sun
Fill the leaf with blue and green watercolors
Finished work

Scratch (waxography)

With students in the middle group, you can try grattage - drawing by scratching lines on paper filled with ink or paint. Children at home with their parents can prepare the basis for painting using this technique for the lesson; you can do this part of the work in kindergarten (but keep in mind that drying the paint will take a certain period of time). To create the base, you need wax crayons, black gouache and a wide brush; for scratching, you need a pointed stick (you can use a wooden skewer for frying meat).

Waxography technique:

  1. Color the surface of the sheet wax crayons.
  2. Paint the sheet with black gouache.
  3. Let the paint dry completely.
  4. Scratch the paint to create a pattern with lines.


Paint the sheet with wax crayons of different colors
Apply black gouache over the wax
Let the paint dry
Scratching the drawing
Finished work

Drawing through wet gauze

In non-traditional drawing classes, children will learn that they can make a drawing using unusual instruments, or you can paint with your usual brush and paints, but using additional unexpected materials. Thus, using wet gauze to work allows you to create an original work.

Technique for drawing through gauze:

  1. Using cotton swabs, draw water from a glass and wet the entire surface of the sheet well.
  2. Apply a layer of gauze to the wet sheet and straighten it. The gauze should stick and be motionless on the paper.
  3. Draw on top of the gauze watercolor paints using a brush as usual. Leave the drawing until completely dry.
  4. We remove the gauze from the dried work - a pattern remains on the paper in the form of an imprint of the texture of the gauze fabric.

Drawing using the technique of unconventional drawing through wet gauze

Drawing up notes for a lesson on drawing in non-traditional techniques

The lesson notes should indicate the goals and objectives set by the teacher. Should be described preliminary work on the topic of the lesson: observing animals and birds, natural phenomena during a walk, reading poems and fairy tales, looking at illustrations in books. The use of motivating material in the lesson is noted (studying pictures and posters, using small forms of oral folk art, holding a conversation, creating a surprise moment or game situation), carrying out mobile and didactic games, physical education and finger gymnastics.

In accordance with hygienic standards, a drawing lesson in the middle group lasts no more than 20 minutes and consists of the following stages:

  1. Organizational moment 1 minute.
  2. Motivating start of the lesson 4-6 minutes.
  3. Practical part: direct demonstration of actions by the teacher and drawing by children for 10 minutes.
  4. Demonstration and discussion of drawings for 2–3 minutes.
  5. Summing up 1 minute.

Summary of a lesson on non-traditional drawing in the middle group “Russian folk toy matryoshka.”
Organizational moment and greeting.
The teacher asks the children a riddle about a nesting doll.
The children are shown pictures of nesting dolls and wooden toys. The teacher reminds the children the story of the nesting doll.
Reading a poem about a nesting doll.
Conducting a conversation: are all nesting dolls the same, what are the differences between these toys.
Physical education lesson “We, nesting dolls, are such little ones.”
Carrying out finger exercises.
Practical part: the teacher shows the method of drawing with monotype, children draw an apron and scarf using this technique; demonstration of drawing with a poke using a cotton swab, the children decorate the clothes of the nesting dolls with dots and spots.
Demonstration and discussion of works.
The teacher sums up the lesson and thanks the children for their interest and effort.

Long-term planning for non-traditional drawing in the middle group

Before development work program on unconventional drawing, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with methodological manuals on working with preschoolers in this area:

  • Borodkina N.V. Visual activities in kindergarten. Lesson notes for children aged 3 to 7 years. - Development Academy, 2012.
  • Doronova T. N. Nature, art and visual activities of children. - Enlightenment, 2007.
  • Nikitina A.V. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. - Karo, 2010.
  • Lykova I. A. Visual activities in kindergarten. Middle group. - Publishing House Tsvetnoy Mir, 2016

A non-traditional drawing program should contain:

  • Goals and objectives of the educational course.
  • Methods and techniques of the teacher’s work (visual, verbal, games) used in the classroom.
  • Calendar-thematic planning: topics of classes and program content of each.
  • Forms of analysis of children's artistic activity: analysis of works, exhibition of drawings in the kindergarten hall, conducting demonstration classes for pupils of younger groups.

Video on the topic of non-traditional creativity in kindergarten

Fragment of a lesson on drawing with a fingertip in the middle group “Winter Forest”

Summary of an open lesson on drawing in the middle group using an unconventional method - poking

Non-traditional drawing technique - drawing through wet gauze (lesson)

Unconventional painting techniques - spray painting

Lesson in the middle group on non-traditional drawing techniques - finger painting on glass

Sponge painting class in the middle group

Webinar “Non-traditional drawing techniques with preschool children”

Non-traditional drawing classes provide wide scope for children's imagination. Every time is a joy, a game and an opportunity to believe in own strength. The fear of drawing with a brush and pencil gradually goes away, because by drawing with wax, printing with a foam sponge and leaves, poking with cotton swabs and splashing with a toothbrush, the child discovers his creative abilities. The bright and unusual result is pleasant for little artists; they want to continue drawing and improve their skills in working with various materials and tools.

MBDOU kindergarten 26

Educator: N.N. Shishkina

Korolev urban district

Moscow region


Fine art is one of the essential means knowledge of the world and development aesthetic education related to independent practical and creative activity child. The child in the drawing lives and feels, expresses his desires and interests. Subject drawing on a topic proposed by the teacher is a creative reflection of the impressions of reality, at the same time it summarizes the knowledge acquired in subject drawing.

Drawing according to children’s own ideas provides an outlet for the child’s need to depict everything, including what was not included in subject and subject drawing classes.

To a greater extent than subject and plot drawing, drawing according to one’s own plan develops children’s independence and initiative, and contributes to the manifestation of their individuality.

Drawings according to the child’s own ideas show that teaching children to depict objects helps them to relatively fully and convincingly express their impressions and thoughts about the environment in drawings. Most often, pencils and paints are used in kindergarten practice. Each of the materials has its own advantages, features and capabilities, and educators should consider which of them should be offered when making a particular drawing, which material will help achieve the greatest expressiveness of the image.

Children in the fifth year of life are inquisitive, their interests go beyond the family and kindergarten, the world attracts them. When working with children, one must rely on the skills and knowledge they acquired in the previous year.

If, when examining objects with three-year-old children, teachers identified two or three signs - the ball is round, red, blue ribbons, long and short, then the attention of four-year-old children can be drawn to more signs. This increases interest in viewing, the image of the object becomes brighter and fuller. The words with which the teacher describes the characteristics of an object are remembered and gradually enter the children’s active vocabulary.

Learning Objectives plot drawing in the middle group.

To develop in children the ability to draw individual objects and create story compositions, repeating the image of the same objects (trees in winter, houses on our street, etc.).

Expand the topics of children's work; maintain the desire to depict familiar objects: dishes, vegetables, fruits, flowers, trees, transport, animals. Natural phenomena: rain, snow. Learn to independently find simple plots in the surrounding life and fiction.

Encourage children to embody their ideas, experiences, feelings, thoughts in artistic form; support personal creativity.

Create conditions for independent artistic creativity.

Familiarize yourself with the color scheme, composition options and different positions of the image on a sheet of paper.

Teach to notice general outlines and individual details, contour, color, pattern; show what parts are made up multi-figure compositions how different it looks with different sides the same object.

Subject of classes.

“Draw a picture about summer.”
teach to reflect received impressions using accessible means.
“Multi-colored balls are flying across the sky.”
continue to introduce techniques for depicting oval and round objects.

“The apples are ripe on the apple tree.”
Learn to draw a tree, conveying its characteristic features. Convey the image of a fruit tree in the drawing.

Drawing based on the performance of “The Brave Cockerel”
drawing a cockerel in gouache. Improving brush technique: move the brush freely and confidently along the pile, repeating the general outline of the silhouette.

“The chicken went out for a walk.”
Learn to draw a chicken, conveying the shape of the body (oval). Develop figurative perception and imagination.


Drawing “Hedgehog with Apple”
Target: learn to draw a hedgehog advanced characteristic features. Strengthen the ability to draw round objects.

"Autumn, leaves are flying from the tree"
learn to convey the picture of autumn. Continue learning to draw a tree.
"Fairytale tree"
Learn to create a fairy-tale image in a drawing. Exercise in conveying the correct structure of a tree.


Drawing by design.
learn, independently choose the theme of your drawing, bring your plans to the end, hold a pencil correctly, paint over small parts of the drawing.
Drawing based on literary work "The Mouse and the Sparrow"
creating simple graphic plots based on fairy tales. Understanding the generalized way of depicting different animals (mouse and sparrow).

"Fishes swim in an aquarium."
learn to depict fish swimming in different directions; correctly convey their shape, tail, fins.


“The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.”
Learn to convey a simple plot in a drawing.

"Our decorated Christmas tree."
Drawing Christmas tree gouache, conveying the features of its structure and placement in space.


Drawing "We made snowmen."
consolidate the ability to depict round objects of different sizes.
Drawing with paints (by presentation)

"snowman in a hat and scarf"
: drawing elegant snowmen in a hat and scarf. Development of the eye, sense of color, shape and proportions.

Drawing "mouse and bear"
independent selection of the content of the drawing, solution of a creative problem: depiction of images of contrasting sizes (mouse and bear) with the transfer of the relationship between them. Getting a gray color for drawing a mouse.


Drawing “an owl sitting on a branch.”
creating a simple composition. Transferring the features of the appearance of a particular bird - an owl - body structure and coloring.

"Houses on our street."
Learn to create images of objects consisting of rectangular, square shapes, rows of windows.


"A beautiful bouquet for mom."
Learn to draw beautiful flowers.
Drawing " Beautiful doll for Mom".
teach children to convey the image of a toy, depict a human figure and its main parts. Develop fantasy and imagination.

"My beloved sunshine».
develop figurative representation and imagination.


"Fairytale house - teremok."
Learn to convey the image of a fairy tale in a drawing.
Drawing “across the seas, along the waves”
Learn to create a basic plot with advanced characteristic features of the sea and the boat.

"Planes fly through the clouds."
Goal: learn to draw airplanes flying through the clouds using different pressure on the pencil. Develop figurative perception, figurative ideas.

Drawing "chickens in the meadow"
Drawing simple stories, free choice visual and expressive means to convey the mood of the character.

“Draw a picture about spring.”
Target: Learn to convey impressions of spring in a drawing.

Educational field: "Creativity"

Chapter: Drawing 1 – 36 hours

Lexical topic

Topic, objectives of the lesson

Number of hours

Autumn fair. Garden

Topic: Delicious apples.

Tasks: Learn to depict round objects, placing them on the entire sheet and conveying the main color of the object. Develop the ability to paint over apples without going beyond the contours. Cultivate neatness.

The forest is our wealth

Theme: Autumn.

Objectives: Learn to depict the features of an autumn forest in a drawing.Strengthen the ability to hold a brush correctly and paint with gouache. Develop hand motor skills.

Golden autumn

Theme: Golden autumn.

Tasks: Teach children to depict autumn. Practice drawing a tree, trunk, thin branches, autumn foliage. Foster independence and creativity.

People's work in autumn

Topic: Big and small carrots.

Objectives: Teach draw oval-shaped objects of different sizes, choosing the color to depict the object. Strengthen the ability to paint over carrots by shading in one direction. Develop attention.

Topic: Kolobok.

Tasks: Continueteach children to draw round objects. Strengthen the ability to paint with gouache, hold the brush correctly. Cultivate neatness.

Poultry and chicks

Topic: Decorating a plate.

Tasks: Introduce children to the elements of the Kazakh “bird wings” ornament. Learn to decorate a plate with ornamental elements according to the pattern. Develop your eye.

Migratory birds and chicks

Topic: Beautiful bird.

Tasks: Teach children to draw a bird, conveying the shape of the body (oval), parts, beautiful plumage. Practice drawing with pencils. Develop figurative perception and imagination.

Pets and their babies

Topic: My cat.

Tasks: Learn to draw an animal on four legs, correctly conveying the horizontal position of the body and structure. Strengthen the ability to paint with watercolors, hold the brush correctly. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Wild animals and their babies

Topic: Decorating an apron.

Tasks: Teach children to make a simple pattern of elements on a strip of paper folk ornament. Develop color perception, figurative ideas, creativity, imagination.

My family

Topic: Drawing a house.

Tasks: Teach children to draw big house, convey the rectangular shape of the walls, rows of windows. Strengthen the ability to paint with watercolors, hold the brush correctly. Develop accuracy.

When you live together, what could be better?

Theme: Multi-colored balls.

Objectives: Learn to convey in drawing distinctive features round and oval shape. Strengthen your painting skills. Practice your ability to paint by lightly touching the pencil to the paper. Cultivate the desire to achieve good results.


Topic: What objects are shaped like a square?

Tasks: Continuelearn to draw an animal on four legs, correctly conveying the horizontal position of the body and the characteristic features of the structure.

Topic: Tablecloth decoration.

Objectives: Learn to decorate the square silhouette of a tablecloth with elements of the Kazakh ornament “bird wings”, “wave”. Strengthen the ability to paint with watercolors, hold the brush correctly. Develop accuracy in work.

Winter crystal

Topic: Winter landscape.

Tasks: Learn to convey impressions of winter nature. Strengthen your ability to draw with gouache. Develop creativity.

How animals and birds winter

Topic: Chanterelle.

Objectives: Learn to draw an animal on four legs, correctly conveying the horizontal position of the body and structure. Strengthen the ability to paint with watercolors, hold the brush correctly. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Independence Day

Topic: Decorating the torso.

Tasks: Teach children to decorate the silhouette of dishes with elements of Kazakh ornament. Strengthen your ability to paint with watercolors. Develop color perception.

Winter fun

Theme: Funny snowmen.

Objectives: Teach children to convey the image of a snowman in a drawing. Strengthen the ability to draw circles of various sizes. Develop accuracy.

Welcome New Year!

Topic: Our elegant Christmas tree(Christmas tree and its decoration)

Tasks: Teach children to convey the image of a New Year tree in a drawing. To develop the ability to draw a Christmas tree with branches lengthening downwards. Develop a feeling of joy when perceiving the created drawings.

Human. Body parts

Topic: Decorating the national headdress.

Tasks: Teach children to decorate the silhouette of a headdress with elements of the Kazakh ornament “wave” and “trace”.

Strengthen the ability to draw wavy lines with the end of a brush. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Me and my health

Topic: Snowflakes.

Tasks: Teach children to draw snowflakes using short, straight lines. Strengthen your ability to draw with pencils. Develop your eye.

Topic: Sleigh.

Tasks: Learn to convey the image of a sled using long and short lines. Strengthen your ability to paint with watercolors. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.


Subject: I'll draw what I want.

Tasks: Teach children to choose an object to draw. Strengthen the ability to draw round and oval shapes. Develop imagination.

My favorite kindergarten

Topic: Let's decorate syrmak.

Objectives: Continue to teach children to decorate household items with elements of Kazakh ornament using geometric shapes and rectangles. Strengthen the ability to hold a brush correctly. Develop accuracy.

My toys

Topic: Teddy bear.

Objectives: Learn to convey the image of your favorite toy in a drawing, conveying the characteristic features: oval body, round head. Strengthen your ability to draw with pencils. Cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.

All professions are important - all professions are needed

Topic: Grandma's camisole.

Objectives: Learn to decorate the silhouette of clothing with elements of Kazakh ornament. Strengthen the ability to paint with watercolors, hold the brush correctly. Cultivate neatness.

Man-made world

Topic: Fishes swim in an aquarium.

Target: Teach children to depict fish swimming in different directions; correctly convey their shape, tail, fins. Strengthen the ability to draw with a brush and paints using strokes of different nature. Foster independence and creativity.

Spring. Changes in nature

Topic: Draw a picture about spring.

Objectives: To teach children to convey impressions of spring in drawings. Practice painting with paints (rinse the brush well, dry it, put paint on the brush as needed). Develop the ability to successfully position an image on a sheet of paper.

My affectionate mommy

Topic: Mimosa sprig.

Tasks: Learn to use the characteristic features of an object in conveying unconventional way drawing (with cotton swabs). Strengthen the ability to work accurately. Develop creativity.

Spring cares of animals and birds

Topic: Animal I like.

Objectives: Learn to draw a pet, conveying its characteristic features. Strengthen your ability to draw with gouache. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Nauryz - time for renewal

Topic: Grandfather's skullcap.

Objectives: Learn to decorate the silhouette of a skullcap with elements of the Kazakh ornament “bird wings”, “wave”.Strengthen the ability to paint with watercolors, hold the brush correctly. Foster love for the traditions of the Kazakh people.

Topic: Flowers.

Tasks: Learn to depict parts of a plant in a drawing. Strengthen the ability to paint with a brush and paints, hold the brush correctly, rinse it well and dry it. Improve your ability to look at pictures and choose the best ones. Develop aesthetic perception. Induce a feeling of pleasure and joy from the created image.

Walk down the street wisely

Topic: Truck.

Objectives: Learn to convey the image of a truck in a drawing using geometric shapes. Strengthen the ability to draw with colored pencils. Develop the ability to hatch in one direction.

This mysterious space

Theme: Multi-colored triangles(by design)

Tasks: Teach children to depict space objects using triangles. Strengthen the ability to apply moderate pressure on the pencil and continuously paint over the drawing without going beyond the outline. Develop creative abilities.


Topic: Airplanes are flying.

Tasks: Learn to depict airplanes by passing characteristic features. Reinforce the techniques of coloring with pencils. Develop imaginative perception.

Agricultural work

Topic: Apple trees have blossomed.

Objectives: Continue learning to draw a tree, passing on the trunk and thin branches. Strengthen the ability to draw flowers with dots. Develop accuracy.

My city Pavlodar

Topic: Houses on our street.

Objectives: Learn to convey in a drawing impressions of what you see on the street. Strengthen the ability to draw houses of different sizes.To develop aesthetic perception in children.


36 lessons

Long-term work plan for visual activities and development creativity in the middle group

Description of material: I offer long-term plan works on visual arts. This material will be useful for secondary school teachers and specialists leading art classes. The plan is aimed at developing creative abilities.


"Autumn Tree"
Objectives: To introduce signet printing techniques. Develop a sense of composition and rhythm.
"Mushrooms in a basket"
Objectives: Practice drawing oval-shaped objects and typing with signets. Strengthen the ability to decorate objects simple pattern(a strip of dots) using finger painting. Develop a sense of composition.

Didactic game “What went wrong?”
Objectives: To develop children's observation skills, to teach them to identify color properties by comparing one object image with others in terms of presentation.

Didactic game “Let’s decorate the scarf”
Objectives: To develop the ability to understand the laws of composition, to select various combinations of colors, using them in decorative appliqué. Bring children to understand that the beauty of a pattern depends on the repetition of the same elements of the same color.

Involve children in decorating the bedroom for the Masha doll (drawing carpets on the wall, rugs on the floor, beautiful napkins on the table). Develop spatial imagination. Provide different options with the right to choose the implementation technique.

Working with parents
Conduct a survey of parents on the topic: “What does your child draw?”
Folder “The role of drawing in a child’s life”


Direct educational activities
“Autumn Forest” (team work)
Objectives: To introduce I. Levitan’s painting “Golden Autumn” and how the artist conveys beauty autumn nature; consolidate the ability to draw trees, convey the beauty of autumn nature, color; develop the ability to draw on one sheet of paper, creating teamwork.

Objectives: Practice finger painting. To develop the ability to draw the stem and leaves of a sunflower. Strengthen gouache drawing skills. Develop a sense of composition.

Joint activities of the teacher with children
Didactic game “Find the same one”
Objectives: To consolidate the ability to recognize and correctly name the color blue, to distinguish between four shades blue color. Reinforce the concept of “color”, “shade”. To develop the ability to consistently select shades of blue in descending order of lightness.

Thematic leisure: "Fairy Forest"
Objectives: To arouse children’s interest in fairy tales and develop their imagination. Bring joy from meeting friends fairy-tale characters. Develop the ability to use acquired skills and abilities.

Independent activities of children
Encourage children to create scenery for the play based on the fairy tale “Caprizka” by author. T.N. Karamanenko and Yu. G. Karamanenko.

Working with parents
Consultation on the topic: “Introduction to non-traditional drawing techniques”


Direct educational activities
"My favorite fish"
Objectives: Practice drawing oval-shaped objects. Introduce the technique of combining wax crayons and watercolors. Develop the ability to tint a sheet with different watercolor colors. Develop color perception.

"Edible Kingdom"
(phytodesign using applique technique)
Objectives: Develop a holistic perception of the subject. To develop the ability to identify different types of cereals by touch. Learn to compose a composition from different types croup

Joint activities of the teacher with children
Didactic game “Magic colors”
Objectives: To consolidate children's knowledge about the color green. Develop the ability to receive green color, mixing two primary colors on the palette: blue and yellow colors. Practice differentiating blue, yellow and green colors.

Didactic game “Find the extra square”
Objectives: Practice solving problems based on the ability to establish similarities and differences between visually perceived color images. Continue to develop the ability to exclude a dark-colored object from a variety of light ones.

Independent activities of children
Support children's desire to engage in phytodesign. To do this, create the conditions: prepare grains and seeds from different plants and trees.

Working with parents
Conversation on the topic: “The art of Russian clay toys” (magazine “ Preschool education"No. 9, 1989 P. 43)


Direct educational activities
"Christmas decorations"
Objectives: Practice drawing Christmas tree decorations with wax crayons. Strengthen the ability to tint a drawing with watercolors and print with cork.

“Two cockerels are fighting” (palm drawing)
Objectives: Improve the ability to make palm prints and draw them to a certain image (cockerel). Develop imagination and creativity.

Joint activities of the teacher with children
Didactic game “Make a pattern”
Objectives: To develop the ability to create ornamental patterns using cold and warm colors. Practice differentiating warm and cold colors when creating ornamental patterns from elements of four shades, choosing the desired shades from several offered.

Didactic game "Mosaic"
Objectives: Achieve beautiful combination elements by color while playing with mosaics. To promote the development of children's artistic taste.
Independent activities of children
By design
Objectives: To create conditions for improving skills and abilities in free experimentation with materials necessary for working in various non-traditional techniques. Promote the development of imagination and creativity.

Working with parents
Conversation on the topic: “The nature of color and the color of nature”
(magazine “Preschool Education” No. 10, 2002, p. 72)


Direct educational activities
"Christmas tree"
Objectives: To expand the ability to convey in a drawing the image of an elegant New Year tree, to evenly distribute decorations throughout the tree; consolidate the ability to draw garlands of oval beads alternating in color and location; see the beauty in the combination of the dark green color of spruce with bright and light colors.

“Snowman” (paper rolling)
Objectives: To consolidate the skills of drawing with gouache, the ability to combine rolling, crumpling paper and drawing in work. Develop the ability to complete a picture with a snowman (broom, Christmas tree). Develop a sense of composition.

Joint activities of the teacher with children
Didactic game “Dress up the dolls”
Objectives: To develop the ability to establish correspondences between several objects, focusing on the attribute of the object. Develop the ability to use the simplest techniques for establishing the color identity of homogeneous objects.

Objectives: Continue to learn to determine the pattern in which the colored elements are located in a row, completing it using all the proposed elements.

Independent activities of children
"Drawing according to your mood"
Objectives: Create conditions for the development of optical-spatial perception and imagination. Promote the development of fine motor skills of the hands and sensorimotor skills. Reinforce knowledge about the winter palette.

Working with parents
Consultation on the topic: “How to keep a child busy” (magazine “Preschool Education” No. 2, 1992, p. 68 and No. 5, 1992, p. 47)


Direct educational activities
"Portrait of Winter"
Objectives: To consolidate the ability to draw with wax crayons, decorate with details, and tint a sheet in the colors of winter (blue, indigo, violet). Develop color perception.

“Ships at Sea” (familiar form - new image)
Objectives: To develop the ability to draw boats, using the foot as a template for tracing. Strengthen the ability to paint a picture with watercolors. Cultivate neatness. Develop imagination.

Joint activities of the teacher with children
Didactic game “Let’s put things in order”
Objectives: To develop the ability to determine the pattern of arrangement of colored elements in a row, completing it using the proposed set, which contains unnecessary elements.

Entertainment "Journey over the Rainbow"
Objectives: To introduce children to the sequential arrangement of colors in the spectrum. Practice laying out the colors of the rainbow from memory. Develop the ability to identify the missing color of the spectrum.

Independent activities of children
Encourage children's desire to independently engage in modeling, applying previously acquired knowledge and skills in practice.

Working with parents
Consultation on the topic: “Use of various materials in art activities”
“Drawing with preschool children” under. ed. T. Kazakova


Direct educational activities
“Spring sun” (palm drawing)
Objectives: To consolidate the ability to draw using the palm typing technique, and the skills of collective activity. Develop mixing skills different colors brush directly on the palm.

"Postcard for Mom"
Objectives: Improve stencil printing and finger painting skills. Develop a sense of composition and rhythm.

Joint activities of the teacher with children
Leisure “Gzhel fairy tale”
Objectives: To create a need for beauty; cultivate a sense of pride in the talent of your people; respect for the masters and the desire to create collective work with one’s own hands (decoration of the costume of the Gzhel beauty)

Didactic game “Coloring water”
Objectives: To consolidate the ability to recognize and correctly name three shades Brown. Enrich your speech with phrases: “brown object”, dark (light) shade of brown. Develop the ability to obtain shades of brown using the method of coloring water.

Independent activities of children
Encourage children to return to their works again and improve them, decorating them with patterns and drawing details.

Working with parents
Individual conversation on the topic: “We sculpt and paint in Gzhel”
(magazine “Preschool Education” No. 1, 1997 p. 22)


Direct educational activities
“Spring in the sounds of tender, fragile” (drawing on wet)
Objectives: To develop the ability to see the beauty of nature, to highlight its main distinctive features. Develop the ability to draw according to your own design to music, reflecting your feelings in the spring tones of watercolor. Improve work skills in watercolor technique.

"Beautiful flowers"
Objectives: Continue to learn how to draw flowers using different techniques: brushing in different directions, drawing round and oval shapes. Develop observation and the ability to perceive the beauty of the surrounding world.

Joint activities of the teacher with children
Didactic game “Which circle is not suitable”
Objectives: Practice solving problems based on the ability to establish similarities and differences between visually perceived color images. Continue to develop the ability to exclude a light-colored object from a variety of dark ones.

Didactic game “Who will see more”
Objectives: To develop the ability to operate with ideas about color in real actions. Expand knowledge about objects, their parts that have the characteristics of white and black. To develop the ability to notice color, the desire to detect as many objects of a given color as possible.

Independent activities of children
Support children's desire to decorate the scenery for the fairy tale "Kolobok". Create the necessary conditions for this.

Working with parents
Conversation on the topic: “On the relationship between play and visual activity” (magazine “Preschool Education” No. 6, 1997, p. 25)
Direct educational activities
Objectives: To strengthen children’s ability to work with wax crayons and watercolors, and to print with signets. Learn to create expressive image dandelions Develop a sense of composition.

“Birch trees in a clearing” (collective work on fabric)
Objectives: To evoke a feeling of joy from the perception of works of art; cultivate a love of nature; create joyful, bright collective work on fabric. Develop the ability to depict birch trees using different brush painting techniques: an even trunk - with the entire pile, thin branches - with the end of a brush, foliage - by dipping.

Joint activities of the teacher with children
Didactic game "Who is faster"
Objectives: Improve knowledge about white, black and gray color. Develop visual differentiation in the perception of achromatic colors and their shades in large space. Practice determining the color of distant objects.

Didactic game “Find and bring”
Objectives: To consolidate knowledge about cold and warm tones. Develop the ability to group objects based on independently found common features and designation of an educated group with a generalizing word: “warm tones”, “cold tones”.

Independent activities of children
Encourage children to create illustrations for the fairy tale “The Three Bears”

Working with parents
Consultation on the topic: “Familiarization of preschoolers landscape painting. How
part of the aesthetic and artistic
perception" (d/v No. 9, 1999 p. 69)


1. T. G. Kazakova “Classes with preschoolers in visual arts”
2. M.V. Trofimova “Study, play and visual activity”
3. S. Korotkikh “Introducing preschoolers to landscape painting as part of aesthetic and artistic education"(Preschool education No. 9/99, p. 69)
4. L. Veselina, M. Fedyashina “Learning to draw with strokes” (Preschool education No. 10/97, p. 71)
5. T.O. Komarova “On the relationship between didactic games and visual activities”
6. T.N. Doronova “Nature, art and visual activities of children”
7. N. Aleksakhin “We sculpt and paint in Gzhel”
8. O. Khrenova “Gorodets painting makes our soul happy”
9. G. Grigorieva “The use of gaming techniques in the management of visual activities”
10. T. Komarova “Teaching methods of representation” (Preschool education No. 3/91, p. 51)
11. M. Shklyarova “Draw in an unconventional technique” (Preschool education No. 11/95, p. 14)
12. L. Panteleeva “Decorative and applied art of Russia” (Preschool education No. 7/89, p. 39)
13. L.A. Remezova “Playing with colors”
14. A.A. Gribovskaya “Collective creativity of preschool children”
15. S. Ashikova “The Nature of Color and the Color of Nature” (Preschool education No. 10/02, p. 72)
16. A. Listopad “Teaching the perception of color” (Preschool education No. 5/91, p. 5)
17. L. Fokina “Lesson notes on introducing preschoolers to fine arts"(Preschool education No. 3/90 p. 26)
18. S.M. Vainerman, A.S. Bolynev et al. “Sensorimotor development of preschool children in fine arts classes”
19. A.A. Gribovskaya " Folk art and children's creativity"
20. “Drawing with preschool children ( unconventional techniques)" edited by R.T. Kazakova.