Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov Don Stories (collection). G

The work of the famous Don writer Mikhail Sholokhov began with his writing short stories that reflected everything that the writer saw or experienced himself. His first collections were “Azure Steppe” and “ Don stories" In these stories, Sholokhov depicts everything that happened in his era, when tragic and terrible events post-revolutionary period: people could not find themselves, there was a lot of death and violence.

History of the collection

"Don Stories" Sholokhov ( summary chapters will be presented in this article) began writing in 1923. Then he was still a young and inexperienced writer. It is known that initially all the stories were published separately, and only in 1926 they were published as a separate book.

Sholokhov republished his collection in 1931. During this time, the number of stories in it changed: initially there were nineteen, but in the second edition there were already twenty-seven. After this, the book was no longer published for twenty-five years.

Collection structure

The collection “Don Stories” by Sholokhov (a brief summary will be presented below) consists of nineteen works. This collection begins with the story “Birthmark,” which is the epigraph to the entire work. The second author placed his work “The Shepherd”, where he shows how helpless a person can be. A world of cows struck by plague. The shepherd and those who come to help are unable to stop the epidemic.

The third story is “Food Commissar”, which is usually the one that readers most often choose to read. Subsequent works are usually known to readers: “Shibalkovo Seed”, “Alyoshka’s Heart”, “Melon Plant”, “The Path is a Little Road”, “Nakhalenok” and others. In the story "Kolovert" the author shows how complex and difficult the fate of the peasants is.

The collection “Don Stories” by Sholokhov (a summary of chapters and parts will be presented below) also includes the following works: “Family Man”, “Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic”, “Crooked Stitch”, “Resentment”, “Mortal Enemy”, “ Foal", "Galoshes", "Wormhole" and "Azure Steppe". The last story in this Sholokhov cycle was the story “The Farmhands.” It tells about the fate of Fyodor, who at first was a farm laborer, and then decided to leave his owner.

Theme and idea of ​​the collection

Main and probably the only topic The entire collection of “Don Stories” by Sholokhov, a brief summary of which will be presented in this article, is a description of the life of the Don Cossacks. Before Mikhail Alexandrovich, there were already writers in classical literature who tried to imagine the life and way of life of the Don Cossacks. But Sholokhov did it truthfully and honestly, because he himself grew up and lived among them. Therefore, he did not need to study their life, he knew it perfectly.

In each of his stories in the collection, the author tries to show the main idea: there is nothing more important than education younger generation on the traditions of the elder. One has only to destroy old world blood and death, then it will be difficult to rise and wash yourself from it.

Characteristics of the heroes of “Don Stories”

The heroes of the collection of “Don Stories” by Sholokhov, a brief summary of which will be of interest to both schoolchildren and adults, are most often people who really existed. These real characters, about whom Mikhail Aleksandrovich wrote, lived in the Kargin farmstead near the village of Veshenskaya, Rostov region. But, undoubtedly, the author also uses fiction, and means of expression to create a more complete feeling for the reader of the story he is telling.

Sholokhov's heroes have to go through the trials of death, blood and hunger, so most often it is strong personalities. In Sholokhov’s stories, all Cossacks can be divided into two types. The first one is older generation, which is completely steeped in tradition. They think about family well-being. There are a majority of such Cossacks in Sholokhov’s stories. The second, shown by Mikhail Sholokhov in “Don Stories,” a summary of which is in this article, is represented by young and active Cossacks. They are trying to destroy the structure that has developed over the years.

M.A. Sholokhov “Don Stories”: a summary of the chapter “Aleshkin’s Heart”

Main character story - a small boy who was barely fourteen years old. But in my own way physical development he is weak and does not look his age at all. And all this because his family has been starving for a long time. His close relatives died from malnutrition: his mother and sister. Alexey is trying to fight for life, but it is difficult for him, since his sister was simply killed because of the stew. Alexey saw how people ceased to be humane and humane, and this scared him.

The story of the death of Alyosha’s sister is monstrous. The Polish woman was so hungry that she decided to break into someone else’s house to find at least some food. Makarchika, the owner of the hut, did not tolerate the thief and, swinging, hit him on the head with an iron. Because of this, Polka died. But this woman once bought a house from these children for just a mug of milk and a few handfuls of flour.

After the death of his sister, Leshka had been on hunger strike for five months. But he still tried to withstand the test and survive. He had nowhere to go: the house was sold, and the boy suffered from the cold. Then he went to work as a hired worker, but here he received nothing except beatings. Leshka died saving a child, whom the bandits wanted to hide behind.

The main character of this story in Sholokhov’s collection “Don Stories” (the contents of the chapters are presented in the article) is Minka, who is already eight years old. He lives with his mother and grandfather. Because of his restless and restless character, everyone around him calls him not by his name, but by Nakhalenko. There is another meaning in the nickname: all the residents of the village know that he was born without a father, and that his mother was never married.

Soon the boy's father returns from the war. Before the war, Thomas was a local shepherd. Very quickly father and son become close. Soon Foma becomes the collective farm chairman. People from the food detachment appear in their village and demand that they give up the wheat. Minkin’s grandfather voluntarily gave the grain, but the pop neighbor did not want to do this. But Nakhalenok showed where the cache was. After this incident, the priest harbored a grudge against him, and all the village children stopped communicating with him.

Sholokhov “Don Stories”: a summary of the chapter “Family Man”

The main character of the story is Mikishara. He married early, and his wife gave him nine sons, but she soon died of fever. When Soviet power was established, the two eldest sons went to fight. And when Mikishara was forced to go to the front, he found his son Danila among the prisoners. And the first one hit him. And he died from the sergeant’s second blow. For the death of his son, Mikishara was promoted in rank.

In the spring, the captive Ivan was also brought. The Cossacks beat him for a long time, and then the father was ordered to take his son to headquarters. On the way, the son asked to escape. At first Mikishara let him go, but when the young man ran, his father shot him in the back and killed him.

The main content of the story “Alien Blood”

An elderly couple once picked up a soldier who was seriously wounded. Before this, a tragedy happened in their family - their son died. Therefore, while nursing the wounded man, they became attached to him as if he were their son. But when the soldier recovered and became a little stronger, despite his affection, he still returned to the city. Grandfather Gabriel worried for a long time, but still Peter turned out to be a stranger.

Then the comrade sends the young man a letter from the Urals, where Peter himself once lived. He invites him to come and together restore the enterprise where they once worked together. Final scene separation is tragic. The old man asks young man tell the old woman that he will return. But after Peter left, the road along which he left simply collapsed. And this is symbolic. The author tried to show the reader that the wounded soldier would never return to their farm again.

Analysis of stories

“Don Stories” by Sholokhov, a summary of which can be found in this article, is quite realistic. In them, the author tries to talk about the war, but does it truthfully. There is no romance in what is happening on Grazhdanskaya, and Sholokhov openly states this. But the Don writer sees beauty in something else, showing how beautiful the Cossack people are, their speech, life and way of life.

Mikhail Alexandrovich created his stories so that the reader could think about the meaning of life, what war brings and what every person does to ensure that it does not happen again. Therefore, these Sholokhov works are also relevant for modern society.

It is worth reading them, since Sholokhov in “Don Stories,” a summary of which is presented in this article, demonstrates the main and important lesson that we must not forget the history that was created by death and blood. The author constantly reminds the reader that in any situation it is necessary to remain human.

Material represents detailed plan literature lesson on the cycle of stories by M.A. Sholokhov "Don Stories", reference materials for the lesson, presentation. The lesson is conducted in 11th grade according to V. Korovin’s program.



Lesson topic “We are all ours, we are all people, we are all baptized, we are all Russian. And God knows what we are fighting. They invented some reds and whites and fight” (V. Zazubrin “Two Worlds”) (Depiction of the civil war in “Don Stories” by M.A. Sholokhov)

sl. No. 1 sl. No. 2

Russia is crucified by enemies
On the old biblical cross,
Which we ourselves built
In your spiritual simplicity...
R.P.Kumov (Don Cossack)

Civil war is a disaster for both warring parties, because it is disastrous for the victors and the vanquished.
The pages of Sholokhov's stories are thickly stained with blood.
F.G. Biryukov


Subject: in the process of analyzing works, leading students to understand that the civil war is a tragedy, a fratricidal war, contrary to moral standards.

Personal: fostering a sense of responsibility for one’s actions, an objective understanding of the history of one’s country.

Meta-subject: developing the ability to work with information, developing the ability to work in a small group.


  1. Learn to think logically, scientifically, creatively.
  2. Develop basic search and research skills.
  3. Form and develop positive attitude, interest, as in this academic subject, and to teaching in general
  1. Summarize and systematize students’ knowledge about the meaning of October Revolution and the civil war in the destinies and works of Russian writers and poets;
  2. To develop the ability of high school students to work with additional literature, select required material in accordance with the topic;
  3. To develop students’ ability to conduct a discussion and defend their point of view with reason;
  4. Practice skills comprehensive analysis text;

Lesson type: integrated, problem-based and developmental lesson.

Technology: problem-based learning using ICT

Form of organization of cognitive activity:group, collective


  1. verbal, visual, practical,
  2. research, creation problematic situation
  3. inductive.

Equipment : texts of stories (M.A. Sholokhov “Don Stories”), presentation, computer with projector, questionnaires

UMK: Program "Literature 5-11 grades"//V.Ya.Korovina. Approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. 9th edition, revised and expanded. - Moscow, “Enlightenment”, 2009

Russian literature of the 20th century: Textbook. for 11th grade: In 2 hours / Ed. V. P. Zhuravleva. - M.: Education, 2006.

Lesson Plan

  1. Preparing to perceive the problem. Teacher's opening speech. Updating students' knowledge. Determining lesson objectives.
  2. Creating a problematic situation. Identification of reader perception, identification of features of “Don Stories” by M. Sholokhov.
  3. Formulating the problem. Work planning.
  4. Problem solving process. Work in groups. Analysis of the stories “Birthmark”, “Shibalkovo’s Seed”, “Alyosha’s Heart”, “Alien Blood”. At this stage of the lesson, such techniques as associations are used, heuristic conversation, during which the teacher asks reproductive, problematic, analytical questions; the following forms of work: group and individual.
  5. Proof of the correctness of the chosen solution. Summing up the lesson. Final word teachers. Reflection.
  6. Homework (Unfinished Sentence Technique).

lesson progress:

Lesson steps


Teacher activities

Student activities


The teacher's goal for each stage of the lesson

1. Organizational

5 min.

Sl. No. 3 Greetings.
Brief introductory remarks, staging educational task to the lesson.

Look at the topic of the lesson, oh how will there be a speech today? Which what is the goal we will set for ourselves? For what needs to be analyzed work of art? Try to determinethe purpose of our work in the lesson. Pick up associations with the word “war”.

The very first evil that strikes a person is war (in the soul, in the family, between nations and peoples). War forces some peoples to exterminate others. The most terrible war- civil war. The remark of Democritus is absolutely correct: “Civil war is a disaster for both the warring parties, for it is disastrous for the victors and the vanquished.” We already know that writers who did not accept the consequences of the revolution emigrated. The remaining dissenters new policy gradually destroyed. The reader saw only one side of events - the glorification of the revolution and civil war. An example of this is the works of A. Fadeev, A. Serafimovich, and others.Today we have to find out, by analyzing 4 stories by M. Sholokhov (“Mole”, “Alyoshkin’s Heart”, “Shibalkovo’s Seed”, “Alien Blood”), why M. A. Sholokhov, who fought on the side of the Reds, was so consistent throughout the entire cycle "Don Stories" proves the meaninglessness of the fratricidal war, which is main idea“Don Stories”, what becomes the center of the ideological clash in M. Sholokhov’s “Don Stories”?

Greetings from the teachers.

They listen and accept the learning task.

Set up for the lesson.

Motivation for activity.

Ensure the attention of each student and motivate them to participate in this lesson.

Create conditions for the spiritual and moral education of students.

2. Updating basic knowledge

10 min

sl. No. 4

Sl. No. 5

Activity planning

We will structure the work as follows:

Each group analyzes the received story according to the questions on the reference sheet, using reference material, the text of the story. As work progresses, the sheet is filled in.

A representative from the group summarizes the results of the work. The rest of the groups have the right to complement or review what they heard.

The performance is assessed by the teacher. The work of the rest of the group members is assessed by the speaker.

At the end of the lesson we summarize.

Two students realize creativity homework, made on the basis of textbook material and additional sources: messages “M.A. Sholokhov during the Civil War”, “The history of the creation of “Don Stories””

Knowledge and emotional relationships with text, new information received.

Students are motivated to further independent work to study the work.

Update knowledge about creative history work, its theme.

Motivate for further independent work on studying stories. Create conditions for the development of speech, creative, communication abilities, and the ability to compare new and known information.

3. Formation of new knowledge and skills based on known information.

22 min.

Listens to the results of the groups’ work, asks questions if necessary, and guides the students’ work

Sl. No. 6

Possible questions

1) Analysis of the story “Birthmark”.

1. Explain the meaning of the name. (A mole is not only a sign by which the ataman recognizes the son he killed, it is also a sign of former unity, kinship of people who have become irreconcilable enemies.)

2. Why is a “mole” a blessing? Choose words with the same root.What unites these concepts? (Mole, clan, relatives, kinship, homeland, people)

3. How did you determine the main theme. (The class struggle divided not only the Don, the village, the farm, but also Cossack families.)

4 What is common in state of mind Ataman and Nikolka? (Tired of what they are doing, desire to change everything)

6. What are the innermost thoughts of the characters (Nikolka - to study, ataman - longing for what was lost)

8. Do you agree that the conflict between reds and whites is giving way to another, more important one - between norms human life and the inhumanity of a fratricidal war?

Sl. 7.

Possible questions

2) Analysis of the story “Shibalkovo Seed”.

1. What do you think is the meaning of the name? “This is my son, my seed...”

2. Choose related words for the word “seed”. (Family - family man)

3. Main theme. (Loss Christian ideas about the unconditional value of every human life.)

5. What, in your opinion, is the fate of the child? (The child’s fate is not love, peace and happiness for himself: “... the son will defend the Soviet power.”)

Sl. No. 8

3) Analysis of the story “Alyosha’s Heart”.

Possible questions

2. Who is portrayed negatively in the story and who is the bearer of good?
3.What is the main character of the story? How does he feel about the cruelty around him?
4. Is it possible to talk about Alyosha’s high spirituality? His fate?

sl. No. 9

4) analysis of the story “Alien Blood”

Possible questions

1.Explain the meaning of the title of the story.

2. How does Grandfather Gavril behave under the new government?

3. What happens at the climax? How it changes psychological state Gavrila?

4. What is the hero's path now? What will become the meaning of life?

5.Can the story have a happy, “fairytale” ending?

Present the results of the work, listen, answer the teacher’s questions.

Fill out the questionnaires (received in advance).

Create a diagram using handout, explain their opinion, formalize short notes in notebooks.

Gained new knowledge about techniques for creating images based on known information, independent work With literary text and the text of the textbook.

We were instructed to complete one of our homework assignments.

We discovered for ourselves the logic of ordering the stories in the cycle.

Develop new knowledge and skills based on known information. Create conditions for speech development.

Give instructions for filling out questionnaires

Reveal to students the logic of ordering the stories in the cycle;

outline other aspects (for further activities).

4. Summing up. Reflection


“Mole” begins, and “Alien Blood” completes Sholokhov’s cycle dedicated to the Civil War on the Don. Why exactly mole does the author use as a symbol? What is lost in internecine carnage? Is it possible, according to Sholokhov, “in a time of unrest and debauchery” for reconciliation between the warring parties? ROOT / KIN - HOMELAND - KIN - SEED / FUTURE - FAMILY - HEART / FEELING - PEOPLE

Let us turn to the poem by R.P. Kumov ( Don Cossack). Using the cross as a symbol of Russia crucified in the civil war and the series we selected keywords, let's try to explain the location of the names of the stories on the cross - symbol.

Sl. No. 10.

Sholokhov is one of those who spoke about the Civil War as a greatest tragedy which had dire consequences. For Sholokhov, the civil war is a catastrophe in which human connections collapse. There are no right and wrong here, which means there can be no winners. A mole is not only a sign by which the ataman recognizes the son he killed, it is also a sign of former unity, kinship of people who have become irreconcilable enemies. Family, relatives, kinship, homeland, people - all this turned out to be split, destroyed by the Civil War. Where is the exit? There was no definite answer, and there couldn’t be one. The writer pinned his hopes primarily on the instinct of self-preservation.

Towards understanding what problems did we take a step in today's lesson?
- Which pages of “Don Stories” do you like?
would you like to re-read?

What Was today’s lesson a revelation for each of you?

Which Was the task difficult to complete?

How would you appreciated your contribution to the topic of the lesson and which one Would you rate your classmates? (Orally, with possible explanations)

They answer the question. Fill out the diagram showing the location of the names of the stories on the cross.

We analyzed the logic of lesson development to understand the author's intention.

They expressed their “I-position”.

Get feedback about mindfulness educational activities students, work results.

5. Information about homework

3 min.

Sl. No. 11

Reflect on the topic “Civil War in “Don Stories” by M. Sholokhov” by writing a mini-essay

Write down homework and ask questions

Homework accepted.

Explain homework.


Reference materials

1. Characteristics of the Cossacks as a special service class

Etymology of the word “Cossack”:Many versions. One of them: the word “Cossack” Turkic origin, it means “free man.” Another version - the word “Cossack” originates in the Mongolian language, where the word “ko” means “armor”, “armor”, and the word “zakh” means “boundary”, “border”. Thus the word “goat” means “defender of the border.” There are other versions.

The first mention was in 1444, but the actual history of the free Cossacks begins in the 16th century.

WITH late XVIII– beginning XIX centuries the government established control over the Cossacks, and by end of the 19th century V. Cossacks become the support of autocratic power. But the Cossacks were not homogeneous. So revolutionary events at the beginning XX century in Russia they found support among the Cossack poor. However, most Cossacks remained faithful to the principle:“Grandfather served faithfully, father served and I will serve.”

After the October armed uprising, it was the Don that became the center of the formation of the Volunteer Army. It was to the Don that all the dissatisfied flocked Soviet power and the power of the Bolsheviks.

3. Curriculum Vitae

Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov was born in 1905 (?) in the village of Veshenskaya, which is located on the banks of the Don.

The years of study (1914-1918) fell on the first world war. Then he returns home and sees that “the Don region has become the scene of a fierce civil war.”

In 1920 Mikhail volunteered to join the food brigade. “I had to be in different bindings,” he would later write in his autobiography. He will remember himself, sixteen years old, during the interrogation conducted by Nestor Makhno himself, and how, when releasing the teenager, the “father” threatened him with cruel reprisals in the future. He will remember how he, the commander of a food detachment, was sentenced to death for abuse of power.

The events of that time were factual material, which formed the basis of his first stories.

Later, in 1922, in Moscow, M. Sholokhov met young poets and prose writers A. Bezymensky, M. Svetlov, A. Fadeev, who made up the “Young Guard” group, who helped the young writer publish his first stories about the civil war in the “Journal” peasant youth" and on the pages of the newspaper "Young Leninist". Subsequently, M. Sholokhov combined these stories into the collections “Don Stories” and “Azure Steppe”. The first stories included in the collection “Don Stories” were published in 1924, when the author was about 19 years old.

In 1924 M.A. Sholokhov returns to Veshenskaya, where he lives permanently.

Literary critic V.A. Chalmaev in a literature textbook for the 11th grade, he defined Sholokhov’s position in “Don Stories” as “a silent conscience blessing bloodshed.” Contrasting “Don Stories” with “Quiet Don”, he called the only exception the story “Shibalkovo Seed”, where the hero, after personally executing his mother, begs to save the life of his child.

American explorer E. Simmons in his work about Sholokhov “He Chose His Path,” he noted that “attention to best sides human nature at the moment of a brutal fratricidal fight” gives many stories a “humanistic sound”.

Philologist L.G. Satarova in the article “Brother against brother, son against father...” she defined the features of “Don Stories” as follows: “U Don writers Before Sholokhov, this soul-shattering senselessness and sinfulness of fratricide did not exist. Very early on, the idea matures in him that both sides are wrong in this war. Main topic“Don Stories” can be defined as follows: the dehumanization of both Reds and Whites during the war and rare moments of triumph of a very difficult reverse process - humanization. Sholokhov assessed the Civil War as a national catastrophe in which there were and could not be victors.”

Authors of the book “History of Russian Literature of the 20th Century. Soviet classics. New look" L.P. Egorova and P.K. Chekalov write about the book by M.A. Sholokhov: “In “Don Stories” there is no overt poeticization of the feat, no romantic colors... The contrasts in his stories recreate real life conflicts through which the social divide in the environment is recognized Don Cossacks. Sholokhov’s form of expression for the social often becomes intra-family conflict. Sholokhov's stories are directly dedicated to the front, which passed through almost every family, regardless of its actual beliefs, and then the logic of struggle came into force, sometimes not to the death. Showing the nightmare of fratricidal struggle through the objective development of action was already a manifestation of humanism. However, from the mid-20s to today the humanistic content of these works is underestimated.

Nowadays, the most popular publication introducing the reader to “Don Stories” is an essay by Viktor Chalmaev. The author of “Don Stories” is accused of “hate psychosis”, “romance of executions”, moral “deafness”, elevation to a cult of violence, idealization of methods of violence “in the name of the highest truth”.

Researcher V.V. Gura , author of the book “How it was created” Quiet Don“,” believes that “the author of “Don Stories” argues with a simplified idea of ​​​​the paths of the people in the revolution and the Civil War. He brings life-tragic situations into literature and human destinies, tells about the bloody battles of the past, about the difficult and contradictory paths of the people to a new life. The protest against the falsely romantic depiction of the revolutionary battle of socially polar worlds forced Sholokhov to sharpen the conflicts of his stories, fill them with the smells of blood and gunpowder, dramatic clashes that captured the depths of people’s life.”

Read excerpts from M.A.’s dictations. Sholokhov youngest son given in the book by V.O. Osipov’s “Grey Stream”, and reflections on Sholokhov’s position in the novel by the American Slavist E. Simmons.

“Before his death, [Sholokhov] entrusted a lot to his youngest son, even something forbidden at that time:

“The civil war, brother, among other things, is nasty because there is no victory or winner in it... My aunt, your cousin grandmother, Olga Mikhailovna, has four sons: Ivan, Valentin, Alexander and Vladimir . Three are soldiers of the Volunteer Army, and Valentin is a Red... The Reds will knock the whites out of the farm, Valentin pops home, drinks water without undressing: “It’s okay, mother, don’t worry! Now let’s add this contraption, let’s live in a new way!” On horseback and go! And the mother is in tears - tearing her hair out... And a day later Ivan flies in in the same way. “Was there Valka, the bastard? Well, I'll get it! Nothing, just wait a little bit, mother, let’s knock this bastard out of our Don, let’s live as before!” And the mother is already banging her head on the stove... And this happens more than once, not twice. According to your textbooks, when did the civil war end there? In the 20th? No, my dear, she is still walking. The means are just different. Because we still have every event, no matter the command, no matter what the command, people are, to put it mildly, offended…. This is to put it mildly.We are lousy, mediocre students of history - that’s what’s bad. And she has one, funny rule. Everything that was right for our ancestors most often turns out to be wrong for our descendants. And you don't have to go far. Everything that was dear to our fathers and grandfathers, we raised with bayonets. But everything that we admire now, and everyone who admires it, will most likely be cursed by our grandchildren. And we still continue to think that this cup will pass away from us...”

When starting to study a writer’s work, pay attention to the works that are at the top of this rating. Feel free to click on the up and down arrows if you think that a certain work should be higher or lower in the list. As a result of common efforts, including based on your ratings, we will receive the most adequate rating of Mikhail Sholokhov’s books.

    The audiobook offered to your attention includes several stories by Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov from the Don cycle, masterfully read by his fellow countryman Igor Georgievich Taradaikin. Mikhail Sholokhov was a witness and participant in the bloody events of the civil war, swept our country at the beginning of the twentieth century. The attitude of the Cossacks to the revolution, the severity of choice right side and the need to take up arms against the brothers - all this was experienced by the writer himself. The stories included in the collection - “Birthmark”, “Kolovert”, “Family Man”, “Alien Blood” - are dry, unemotional and therefore incredibly reliable stories of the lives of different people who fell under the merciless wheels of revolutionary changes. Even death is depicted with extreme ordinariness, in which one feels the incredible tragedy of the time, where death is familiar and unremarkable....Next

  • The audiobook offered to your attention includes most stories from the Don cycle of Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov performed by the Honored Artist Russian Federation Vladimir Levashev. Mikhail Sholokhov was a witness and participant in the bloody events of the civil war that swept our country at the beginning of the twentieth century. The attitude of the Cossacks to the revolution, the difficulty of choosing the right side and the need to take up arms against their brothers - all this was experienced by the writer himself. Alyoshka's heart Bakhchevnik Two-husband's Foal Crooked stitch Azure steppe Nakhalyonok About the Don Food Committee and the misadventures of Deputy Don Food Commissar Comrade Ptitsyn About Kolchak, nettles and other things Shepherd Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic Food Commissar Path-road Mortal enemy Wormhole Shibalkov's seed...Next

  • The audiobook includes two stories by Mikhail Sholokhov related to the Great Patriotic War. "The Science of Hate" was written in 1942 and published on June 22 - the first anniversary of the start of the war. The plot of the story "The Fate of Man" is based on real events. In the spring of 1946 at While hunting, Sholokhov met a man who told him his sad story. In 1959, the story was filmed by director Sergei Bondarchuk, who played main role. ...Next

  • Many generations of readers know Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov primarily as the author of the popularly beloved novel “Quiet Don” and such works as “Don Stories”, “They Fought for the Motherland”, “The Fate of a Man”. In 1965, the writer was awarded the Nobel Prize literature prize for artistic power and the integrity of the epic about the Don Cossacks at a turning point for Russia.” Sholokhov's novel "Virgin Soil Upturned" is one of the most famous works Soviet literature. The communist Davydov comes to the village of Gremyachiy Log on instructions from the party. He is ready to begin collectivization, and he is supported by the chairman of the village council, Razmetnov, and the secretary of the party cell, Nagulnov, but all three encounter resistance from local residents. Sholokhov created a book that leaves a far from clear impression: the main characters of his novel are people who are absolutely honest and respectful, but at the same time obsessed with the idea of ​​collectivization (“the second Bolshevik revolution”), which for many turned out to be cruel and destructive....Next

  • Mikhail Sholokhov’s epic novel “Quiet Don” is one of the most significant, large-scale and talented works of Russian-language literature that brought the author Nobel Prize. The novel takes place against the background major events in the history of Russia in the first half of the twentieth century - revolution and the Civil War, which changed not only the ancient way of life of the Don Cossacks, to which the main character Grigory Melekhov belongs, but also the fate and appearance of the entire country. In this grandiose work there was room for almost all the most fascinating things that can offer the reader fiction: here are great historical realities, love affairs, and descriptions of long-vanished ways of life, numerous heroic and tragic events created with great care artistic power and skill, all the more astonishing because Mikhail Sholokhov was just over twenty years old at the time of creating the first part of the novel....Next

  • In this book you will read the short story “The Fate of Man” and “Don Stories”. “The Fate of Man” (1956–1957) is a poignant story about the times of the Great Patriotic War. One of the first works of Soviet literature in which the war is shown truthfully and clearly. Captivity, German concentration camps, escape, return to the front, loss of loved ones, difficult post-war times, attempt to find kindred spirit, escape from loneliness. The story was filmed by Sergei Bondarchuk, who also played the main role in it - the film by the novice director received main prize Moscow Film Festival in 1959. “Don Stories” (1924–1926) is a collection of six stories describing the events of the Civil War. Although the scene of action remains the Don, with its special flavor and specific Cossack spirit, it is obvious that the events in these short stories can be projected onto the whole of Russia - the war reveals feelings, it is in such a bloody time, when the boundaries of what is permissible are erased, that it becomes clearer who was able to save dignity and to remain Human and who is not....Next

Mikhail Sholokhov in his works reveals the fate of the Russian people. The story “The Fate of Man” is one of the masterpieces of his work. Sholokhov himself assessed “The Fate of Man” as a step towards creating a book about the war.
This book is the first to tell about a man who went through a concentration camp. During the war, everyone who ended up in the camps was considered traitors. Using the example of Andrei Sokolov, we see that life circumstances stronger than us and different people could fall into the hands of the Nazis.
The main character of the book, Andrei Sokolov, is a typical representative of the people in life behavior and character. He goes along with his country civil war, devastation, industrialization and a new war.
Andrey Sokolov was born in one thousand nine hundred. In his story, Sholokhov focuses on the roots of mass heroism, which go back to national traditions. Sokolov has “his own, Russian dignity”: “So that I, a Russian soldier, would drink German weapons for the victory?!”
The life of Andrei Sokolov required strong-willed efforts from him. He fought and really wanted to survive, not for himself, but for the sake of his family. This is how the camp episode is described: “I said goodbye to my comrades, they all knew that I was going to death, I sighed and went. I’m walking through the camp yard, looking at the stars, saying goodbye to them, thinking: “So you’ve suffered, Andrei Sokolov, and in the camp, number three hundred and thirty-one.” I somehow felt sorry for Irinka and the kids, and then this sadness subsided, and I began to gather my courage to look into the hole of the pistol fearlessly, as befits a soldier, so that the enemies would not see at my last minute that I had to give up my life after all. it’s difficult...” He didn’t know at that moment that his family was no longer there, and instead of a house there was a crater from an exploding bomb. He was left alone when the whole family died of hunger.
Against the background of describing the fate of one person, Sholokhov shows other people. He draws attention to solidarity when the Germans took away “people harmful to them” from the church. Out of two hundred superfluous person no one betrayed the commanders and communists. When Sokolov brings the lard that the Germans gave him to the barracks, no one attacked him greedily, they divided it equally.
The main character is captured not of his own free will, he was shell-shocked. When meeting the Germans, he does not lose his composure. Morally he is stronger than the enemy: with mockery he hands the marauder his boots and footcloth. Sholokhov portrays Sokolov as an extraordinary person, noble and humane. Sokolov’s humanity was also evident in the adoption of the orphan Vanyusha.
M. Sholokhov’s story highlights two aspects of the war: the grief of a soldier who lost his home and family, and the soldier’s courage in German captivity. The trials did not break Sokolov. The optimism of the hero of the work leaves a deep imprint on the reader’s soul for life and serves as a moral example.


  • Learn to analyze a work of art, work with text, read expressively, and construct a monologue.
  • Develop analytical thinking, creative imagination, oral speech.
  • To cultivate patriotic feelings, mutual respect, understanding, and the ability to defend one’s point of view.

Equipment: presentation, portrait of M. Sholokhov, illustrations for the story “The Fate of a Man,” video files from the film “The Fate of a Man” 1959, directed by S. Bondarchuk.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

Guys, today in class we will continue to work on a piece that takes us back to one of the most important and tragic events in the history of our Motherland - to the Great Patriotic War. In those years, only the faith of every person allowed our people to win. Today in class we will look at this war through the eyes of M.A. Sholokhov, and his story “The Fate of Man” will help us in this.

And I would like to start our lesson with these words: “If you really want to understand why Soviet Russia won great victory in the Second World War, read the story “The Fate of Man,” as one English newspaper wrote.

Guys, what do you think we will talk about in class today?

(About the main characters of the story, about the war, about the strength of the Russian people, why they responded to the story in this way in the newspaper).

II. Learning new material.

1. The teacher's word. Today we will also try to find the answer to this and other questions. And we will begin, according to tradition, with a story about the author of the work. But before we start talking about the life of M.A. Sholokhova, I would like to play a game with you “True - not true.” I tell you facts from the writer’s life, and you answer me whether they were in his biography or not.

He was illegitimate son the daughter of the serf peasant Anastasia Chernikova and the not-poor commoner Alexander Sholokhov.

He was captured by Father Makhno.

Was accused of plagiarism. Many did not believe that a 23-year-old poorly educated person who did not have sufficient life experience, could create the first book of "Quiet Don"

Wooed to younger sister, and married, on the advice of her father, the eldest.

He will intercede with Stalin on behalf of Akhmatova, and after 15 years of oblivion, her book will be published.

Became one of the few Soviet writers who received the Nobel Prize.

(Students put forward their versions about these facts).

We will find out the truth or falsity of these facts during the lesson. So let's begin.

2. Student message. Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov. Life and work of the writer.

A trained student talks about the biography of M.A. Sholokhov, accompanying his message with a presentation. At the same time, talking about the episode in Akhmatova and the Nobel Prize.

He will intercede with Stalin on behalf of Akhmatova, and after 15 years of oblivion, her book will be published. Sholokhov will be the only one to receive the Nobel Prize in 1965 with the approval of the Soviet government.

3. Updating knowledge about biography.

Rarely does anyone famous figures culture manages to achieve world recognition and world fame during his lifetime. Creative life Mikhail Sholokhov is a happy exception. The writer was not only treated kindly by the authorities, but also received a truly people's love and recognition of his talent.

Above the Don lies the village of Veshenskaya. Here for many years The wonderful writer Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov lived and worked. He really was illegitimate child. His mother married against her will, and then went to his father. Until the age of 12, Mikhail Alexandrovich bore the surname Kuznetsov, and only after the death of his mother’s husband was adopted by his own father and received the surname Sholokhov.

Studied at the Vyoshenskaya gymnasium future writer, and then went to Moscow and became close to young writers, joining literary group magazine "Young Guard". “Don Stories” was published in Moscow, bringing literary fame to M.A. Sholokhov.
In 1926, the writer returned to his native place, where he “breathed the wonderful steppe air over the endless expanse, and the Quiet Don was reflected in his heart.” In the 20s, Sholokhov was the “commissar” at the head of the food detachment. The entire detachment was captured by Makhno. Sholokhov expected to be shot, but after a conversation with his father he was released. Returning home, he marries Maria Gromoslavskaya. True, initially Mikhail Alexandrovich allegedly wooed her younger sister, Lydia. But the girls’ father, a former Cossack ataman, advised the groom to take a closer look at the eldest and promised to make a man out of Sholokhov. Having heeded the urgent “recommendation”, Mikhail married the eldest. The marriage “by order” will turn out to be happy - Sholokhov will become the father of four children and will live with Maria Petrovna for 60 years.

At the end of 1926 he began writing the novel “Quiet Don”. This is about plagiarism. In the same year, “Don Stories” and “Azure Steppe” were published. In 1932, Virgin Soil Upturned was published. But the writer’s life was not quiet, calm and happy. And while participating in food appropriation, he was caught for exceeding his authority and sentenced to a suspended sentence, and he had to fight in the war.

4. About the history of the creation of the work.

As for the history of the creation of this work, M. Sholokhov heard this story for the first time post-war year on a hunt near the Mokhovsky farm. Sholokhov was sitting near the fence at the river crossing, resting. A man with a boy approached him and mistook him by his clothes and hands covered in fuel oil for “ his brother the driver", told his story about painful fate. She excited Sholokhov. Then he decided to write a story. But only 10 years later I turned to that plot and wrote the story in a week.

The story appeared at the end of 1956. Our literature has not known such an amazing phenomenon for a long time, when comparatively small piece became an event. Reader letters poured in to the editor, to the radio, and to the village of Vyoshenskaya.

5. Analysis of the work.

The genre of our work is short story. What do you know about the story?

The story tells about several episodes from the hero's life. The writer placed a lot of material about this life - from birth to adulthood, which would be enough for a novel, within the framework of a story.

Why do you think the composition of this work is called a story within a story?

Students' answer options.

At the beginning of the story, a description of the first post-war spring is given: “The first post-war spring on the Upper Don was extremely friendly and assertive.”

Then the author talks about meeting with unknown person, who talks about his fate. The main part of this work is a story within a story. The narration is in the first person. Andrei Sokolov chooses the most important episodes of his life. He often interrupts his story because he worries about everything he has lived through. This creates emotionality, persuasiveness and authenticity of the narrative.

At the end, the parting with his new acquaintance, who was “a stranger, but became a close person,” is described, and the author thinks about future fate heroes. Here the feelings and emotions of the author himself are revealed.

Let's read the beginning of the work.

From the words “The first post-war spring...” to “With heavy sadness...”.

What is the point of constructing the story this way?

Why did the writer introduce the image of a narrator into the work?

The impression of special authenticity and documentation is created.

What do you see as the advantages of this particular narrative?

1) Allows you to give a portrait description of Andrei Sokolov. We read aloud the portrait of the main character. From the words “He put...”.

Portrait of a hero.

Andrey was a “tall, stooped man.” Portrait description We don't see Sokolov right away. Sholokhov gives it in detail. First, he highlights “a large, callous hand,” then “eyes, as if sprinkled with ashes, filled with such an inescapable mortal melancholy.” The image of Andrei Sokolov is complemented speech characteristics. In the hero’s speech you can often hear professional words: “steering wheel”, “blow on all the hardware”, “last stage”, “went at first speed”, “brother”. Sokolov is the embodiment of the national Russian character, therefore his speech is figurative, close to folk, colloquial. Andrey uses proverbs: “pickled tobacco is like a cured horse.” He uses comparisons and sayings: “like a horse and a turtle,” “how much is a pound worth.”

2) The first-person narrative creates the impression of extraordinary authenticity and documentary accuracy.

3) The narrator turns out to be an intermediary between the hero and the reader. Andrei's point of view is refracted in the author's perception, thus objectivity is born from the totality of views on the reality of individual individuals.

Where does the story begin?

The beginning of the story is a description of nature.

How does the motive of the struggle between winter and spring, life and death relate to the events and destinies of the heroes of the story, with the author’s attitude to life?

The broad picture of a friendly, energetic spring is symbolic - this is the first post-war spring - the awakening of the earth and the awakening of the human soul, freed from the fascist yoke.

So, the story begins with the scene of the author meeting at a river crossing with a man who told him about his fate. Thus, it was determined genre form narratives - tales. Andrey is no longer young. He is a private both at the front and after the war. Everything that fell to the common man in hard times, he experienced it himself. And that is why the fate of the people is so palpable in his fate. He, Andrei admits, was “lucky” in life: every day for 2 years, being close to death, he remained alive.

Episode analysis.

We analyze the episodes in groups that received the task in advance.

A. The hero’s life path.

How many parts can it be divided into? life path hero?

(into 3 parts: before the war, war, after the war)

What kind of life did the hero live before the war?

What does Sokolov see as his happiness in pre-war life?

This question will be answered for us 1 group.

(Pre-war life is uneventful: hungry youth, marriage to an orphan, children. The hero speaks with enthusiasm about his wife and children, condemns himself for rudeness, addiction to drinking)

What is happening to Andrei Sokolov at the front? (They are the same)

(In May 1942, he delivers shells. He is blown up in a minefield. Shell-shocked, he is captured).

B. The episode in the church.

(Showing a film clip).

2nd group analyzes the episode in the church.

What types of human behavior does Sholokhov depict in this scene (soldier - Christian, Kryzhnev, platoon commander, doctor)?

Which position is closer to Sokolov?

In the episode in the church, Sholokhov reveals possible types of human behavior in inhumane circumstances. Various characters here they embody different life positions. But only the position of the doctor, “who did his great work both in captivity and in the dark,” evokes Sokolov’s sincere respect and admiration. In any conditions, remain yourself, do not betray your duty - this is the position of Sokolov himself.

The hero does not accept either submission or the opposition of his life to others.That’s why he decides to kill Kryzhnev in order to save the platoon commander. Murder is not easy for Sokolov, especially killing one of his own. His soul is heavy. But he cannot allow one person to save his life at the cost of another’s death, for he sees salvation only in the unity of people.

B. Duel with Muller.

We will hear an analysis of the episode of the fight between Andrei Sokolov and Lagerführer Müller in the performance 3 groups.

- What does Sokolov think about as he prepares for death?

In what physical condition is the hero located? Why does he agree to drink but refuse a snack?

“I’m hungry like a wolf, I’m unaccustomed to human food, and here there’s so much goodness in front of you... Somehow I suppressed the nausea, but took my eyes off the table through great power

“I took the glass and the snack from his hands, but as soon as I heard these words, it was as if I was burned by fire! I think to myself: “So that I, a Russian soldier, would drink German weapons for the victory?!” Damn it, I’m dying, so you’ll go to hell with your vodka!”

“I wanted to show them, the damned one, that although I’m dying of hunger, I’m not going to choke on their handouts, that I have my own, Russian dignity and pride, and that they didn’t turn me into a beast, no matter how hard they tried.”

Why did Mueller personally execute a Russian soldier during a gala dinner?

Why, before shooting a prisoner, does he arrange a ritual with drinking?

What place does this episode occupy in the composition of the story?

Who wins this fight and at what moment? What is the meaning of this victory?

The dialogue with Muller is not an armed fight between two enemies, but a psychological duel from which Sokolov emerges victorious, which Muller himself is forced to admit.

So ordinary person becomes Sholokhov's embodiment folk character. The hero opposes fascism with the great power of patience, so characteristic of the Russian people. The willingness to endure, to “endure” becomes Sokolov’s life credo.

D. After escaping from captivity.

4th group will answer the questions:

What did Sokolov have to endure after escaping from captivity?

The worst thing for Sokolov was the loss of loved ones.Twice he interrupts his story, and both times - when he remembers his deceased wife and children. It is in these places that Sholokhov gives expressive portrait details and remarks: “I looked sideways at the narrator, but I didn’t see a single tear in him, as if in the dead, dull eyes."

The most striking thing in the story is the combination of high tragedy and humanity. The war, the loss of his family, the loss of his son, the torment that he had to endure in German captivity - the tragic filling of the life of the main character Andrei Sokolov - did not kill the “man” in him.

D. Meeting of Sokolov with Vanyushka.

5th group will tell us:

Why does Sokolov decide to adopt Vanyushka?

What do their fates have in common?

What role do descriptions of nature, the image of the road, portrait descriptions?

- After meeting with a boy whose “little eyes are like stars after the rain,” Sokolov’s “heart goes away, becomes softer,” “my soul became light and somehow bright.” As you can see, Vanya warmed the heart of Andrei Sokolov, his life regained meaning.

E. Group 6 will help us summarize.

What is the meaning of the title and ending of the story “The Fate of Man”?

How do you understand the word DESTINY?

Why does A. Sokolov see his guilt in the way his fate turned out?

Not “life” of a person – Sholokhov called the story, but chose other words “fate”. The most beautiful thing in life (and it is indestructible) is a person, a worker, a people.